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Digital essential television, how to adjust the antenna under different signal conditions. Symmetrical and matching device of a television antenna

If you have not yet purchased an antenna, then in the article "Antenna for Digital TV" you can read recommendations for its choice. After purchasing the antenna, you need to install it correctly to achieve maximum level of received signal. First, we need to know which frequencies are broadcasting digital channels in your region.

Frequency definition with geocervice

Frequencies where digital channels in Russia can differ even within the same province. In order to find out the frequency of broadcasting in a particular place, you can take advantage of a special interactive map. Find your search by searching and click on the green icon nearest to you. In the picture on the left red, the frequency response of the transmitter circled. TV 27 denotes that broadcasting goes on a 27-frequency channel, it corresponds to the frequency of 522 MHz. This is information about the RTRS-1 package, that is, it is the first 10 main federal channels. The characteristics of the RTRS-2 package are indicated below. We will use these parameters to set the antenna. Please note that RTRS-2 package is not broadcasting from all transmitting TVs. Therefore, if you want to watch all 20 channels, try to find the transmitting point nearby, which both multiplex have the status "broadcasts." Consider that transmitters in large cities are much more powerful than peripherals and, therefore, have a larger range.

Determination of the direction and configuration of the antenna

So, with the help of an interactive map you can find out which way the antenna should be sent. If the antenna is a room, then it is better to install it on the windowsill and send to the desired side. If you have plastic windows, an antenna should be raised above the level of the window profile. The external antenna is better to first check "on the hands" before fixing finally.

To adjust the antenna, connect it to digital console or TV and through the menu log in to mode manual search. Hand search is in all consoles, but may be absent in some models of televisions. In manual search mode, enter the frequency channel you learned using geocervice. In most cases, when the channel is selected, the broadcast frequency corresponding to this channel will also be displayed, as well as the scales of force (strength) and signal quality. Some prefixes displays only the quality of the signal. Next, focusing on the quality scale, you need to find the position and direction of the antenna, in which the value of this scale will be maximal. Quality level less than 50% or the periodic disappearance of the signal indicates an unstable reception.

To take both multiplex, the procedure should be repeated on both frequency channels. Having achieved a stable signal quality value, you can fix external antenna Or leave alone indoor.

Is it worth lifting the external antenna on a long mast? If you managed to achieve a good quality of the signal, even at a low altitude, raising an antenna to a large height does not make sense. The higher the better, but the more cable, the difficulty of servicing the antenna and just too much time, money and inconvenience.

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We are so accustomed to the flow of information that we feel uncertain without it. Therefore, the city, equipping more or less house, the first thing appears TV. And so that in the countryside he worked, a television antenna for the cottage is necessary. It is selected depending on the location of the nearest repeater - TVsvleviva and the type of television signal, which will be "catching".

Today there are several types of signals, and, accordingly, as many types of antennas:

Essential Telantenna: What to choose for giving

Say exactly what antenna to put on your dacha can only in relation to each specific case. When choosing, it is taken into account:

  • location - plain, hill, lowland;
  • the presence or absence of forests and large trees near the house;
  • distance to the nearest repeater.

The main value is the distance to the broadcaster and what. The height you can raise the antenna. Sometimes each meter matters.

Bedroom or outdoor

Room antennas can only be set if the repeater is in your direct visibility. If a telephone is visible from your country site, you can try. In order not to spend in vain money, you can make the most uncomplicated antenna with your own hands: take a piece of wire, connect it to the appropriate TV connector, and be like this "antenna" on the room, climb higher to the ceiling, closer to the window, etc. If at least some signals are caught, you can try or buy.

Outdoor antennas "Catch" in tens of kilometers from repeaters

If there are no signs of a clear signal with all movements, you need outdoor antennaBut for the zone of confident reception (with less amplification). For all other cases, when the distance to the tower is tens of kilometers, it is uniquely external antenna.

Broadband or narrow-controlled

As essential television Translated in two ranges - decimeter and meter, then there are antennas for these ranges. If the receiver "catches" the signal is only in one range, they are called narrowband. They are only for DMW or only for MV frequencies.

There are still broadband (called more allocated) - their design is designed to be able to normally receive a signal at all frequencies. They are usually more cumbersome and heavy, have a long bar. But with this, there is a broadband television antenna for giving can "catch" more channels. Because most often buy them.

Active or passive

More attention should be paid to this, the active or passive antenna is better to put. The active is called a device with an amplifier built into the case. Passive is only the glands to which the amplifier needs to be purchased separately.

Active, with a built-in amplifier, receivers are cheaper, take more channels, but they have a significant minus: the amplifier boards are often broken. Any more or less serious thunderstorm, and channels that were previously accepted clearly, begin the "snow" or in general disappear. Help the trouble can replace the board. To do this, you need to climb on the roof, remove the antenna, change the board, install it and adjust it again. This procedure may be repeated after each thunderstorm.

Even if the thunderstorms did not affect the performance of your country antenna, anyway after a year and a half the number of well-received channels decreases. Quality becomes gradually worse, and sooner or later, you notice that it is no longer possible. The reason is the oxidation of contacts and elements on the board. Receivers on the antenna are far from sealed and dust falls inside, moisture, destroying contacts and tracks. Therefore, the average life of the active antenna is about a year. Not a thunderstorm, so the oxidation will achieve it.

Best Antenna for Dacha: Inactive with a separate amplifier

With a thunderstorm, the case does not help with anything, and the oxidation can be slowed down to significantly, if immediately after buying from both sides, pour the board with silicone. It will save the contacts and elements from oxidation. Nobody will repair it anyway if the fee "flew", buy a new one and put it in place. That's all the repair. It is also useful to take a cable connection location. Here, too, due to oxidation there are large losses of the signal.

Passive antennas with separate amplifiers are good because the "piece of iron" is installed above the roof, and the amplifier is in the attic. Replacing the fee in the attic causes much less problems than on the roof. Especially in winter. They "catch" fewer channels, but the picture is "cleaner."

There is another plus: individual amplifiers have two adjustments - separately on DMV range and mV. This is useful since sometimes some signals go with a much greater level and they are "clogged" weaker. Then the sound overlap and / or the image is observed, in some cases, if some signal is very strong, generally goes with solid snow. Setting the sensitivity of the ranges can be saved. So passive antennas with separate amplifiers for summer cottages are the best choice.

In the TVs "Samsung" and "El Ji" generally there is a "weak signal" function. In this case, the amplifier cannot be needed at all. Put the passive antenna in the country, turn on the mode, and customize the channels. It should show quite well at least 5-6 channels.

Ground or not

Another problem that requires a solution - should the television antenna for the cottage should be grounded. On the one hand, it is often the highest point. On the other hand, if it is grounded, it will catch any discharge of lightning, which will be nearby. Accordingly, every time you have to change the fee, as it fails.

For this reason, "antennters" insist on the fact that they do not need to ground. Especially if the device is below the power supply wires. Lightning then will hit the highest grounded point. The main thing is that it is not your antenna.

What antennas are better

As usual, in addition to the type of equipment, you have to choose the manufacturer. And this, perhaps, is no easier. Recommendations can help. On forums of popular manufacturers, several:

  • Lokus (locus). Russian-made antennas. A wide range, low prices (from 480 rubles to 1.7 thousand rubles). There are both active - with a built-in amplifier and passive.
  • Harpoon. Also an antenna of Russian production. Takes in zones of DMB and MV range. Release only in a passive form, designed to install in the zones of uncertain reception. Retail price - harpoon-0416 - 1500 rubles, harpun-1028 - 2300 rubles.
  • Delta antennas manufactured by CJSC NPP Ost. The range is very wide here. There are both narrow-controlled for MV or only for DMW ranges and broadband. And the DMV antennas can be used to receive a DVB-T2 signal digital television. Many models are equipped with an F-connector - a device through which the cable is connected: when installing it does not need to be disassembled to connect it. Purified from insulation conductor insert into the socket. Everything. Cable connected.
  • Goldmaster (Goldmaster). There are few reviews, but according to the existing, takes reliably even in the zone of uncertain reception. Even during the rain, the signal quality almost does not fall. The picture still remains a clear, without "snow".

All other manufacturers do not use much popular.

For inactive antennas, amplifiers are needed. Here also have its own preferences:

  • LHA house amplifier;
  • Terra (Terra);
  • Powerful amplifiers with low noise breeze, Alcad (alkad).

Install antenna

Before starting all the work, all the coins, wrenches, antenna connections to miss "Movil" or "Lithol", with something similar by properties. If the active antenna is selected, the board is better to sealed with silicone. After such processing, the antenna will not last year, but much longer.

About which cable is used to connect. It is better not to try to save: there will be too big losses. Therefore, take branded SAT 50 or SAT 703. From the quality of the cable and the quality of the "Picture" connections, it depends not less than from the reception.

Television antenna for the cottage: where and how to install

The installation location is selected taking into account where you will need to direct the antenna. If the roof and wind loads allow you to fasten it on the roof. In order to raise the receiver above, the antenna is fixed on the mast. There are special clamps for this.

In some cases, you have to raise an antenna as above - in lowlands or if the trees overlap the reception. Then use telescopic rods

Mastows have metal teams, there are telescopic - folding. This view is more convenient, especially if the antenna with the receiver - periodically will need to change the fee, and dismantle the mast every time - the pleasure is still. Telescopic masts can be omitted by spilling a locking ring. The antenna attacked on the top of the tip along with the top of the rod.

If you do not need to raise, you can use a wooden timber or an open trunk of a young pine. This is a completely dacha option. You can use the steel pipe is not very large diameter or corner. Sea options. Chosen support need to fix. Fastening methods are presented in the figure.

Most often occurs the attachment of the antenna on the fronton. It is easier to be implemented, but only if the finish or material of the wall allows. So do not attach on the walls, covered with siding, and is too difficult. Then the option is to secure the bar to the pipe, to the rafters, or stretch marks to the roofing material.

When mounting to the frontton, the distance between the fastener should be at least 1.5 meters. If none of these methods for some reason cannot be implemented, you can try to establish an antenna on a growing near the powerful tree. Attach the antenna will be to the trunk, and cut branches that interfere with the reception. Sometimes it is the best way.

Cable mount

When installing an antenna, the cable is lowered down along the bar. It is fixed with clamps every 50-80 cm. After pulling down the cable to the level of the roofing material, it is on the row (so that it does not cut off the snow to the snow) firing to the bracket, with which it is descended from the roof. The bracket is attached over the window near the TV. The cable to the room is set through the hole in the window frame. With the tilt up the hole drill a hole slightly larger diameter than the diameter of the cable. So raindrops will not fall inside the frame. The cable before the frame should be slightly saved - we give freedom to temperature changes.

If the television antenna for the cottage is inactive, the amplifier is installed on the attic, the cable from the antenna is displayed to it, and from the amplifier to the TV.

One advice: when laying, you need to avoid steep bends. The minimum radius is at least 5 cable diameters. When fixing with brackets, it is not necessary to press it.

How to cut and connect the antenna cables See in the video.

Satellite television has been conquered by a confident pace of television services, and another "yesterday's" luxury - satellite antenna - became commonplace in millions of families. It is the opinion that the installation of "plates" - the lot of professionals, and that the usual person is simply not given to understand how to configure the antenna.

Below we will try to dispel this myth, showing in practice what and how to do to join the era satellite television on their own.

Select satellite

After you tanned the idea to independently purchase a satellite antenna, you need to decide on the operator of satellite television, in other words, with a satellite, the signal from which will receive an antenna.

Satellite television from being called so that uses the system orbital satelliteslocated in space. They receive a signal from television stations, and then broadcast it into extensive territories. Satellite antennas take the signal and reflect it on the collecting head (converter), which transmits it further into the receiver (tuner), from where it passes the final decoding stage and enters the TV in the form of images and sound.

It becomes clear that for the reception of the signal one satellite antenna Not enough. To do this, a whole system from satellite equipment must be installed and properly configured. We will proceed to her consideration a little later, but still come back to the selection of the satellite.

Today there are two types of satellites. The first broadcast open channels, others are encoded. It happens, equipment on satellite use various operators. In this case, you will have to acquire a map on the decoding of each channel separately.

But most often the channels are collected in packages, and it is enough to independently acquire one single card to gain access to all at once.

Russian-speaking channels are broadcast from various satellites that are over different latimes and meridians. To receive a signal from a specific source, you must accurately set the antenna to it and configure the reception frequency. If preferred satellites are close to each other, then you have every chance to receive a signal from them using only one satellite antenna.

Satellite "Yamal 201" allows you to watch 30 Russian-speaking channels in open access. In the near-earth orbit, there are also many other devices leading the broadcast of free channels. Choosing a satellite television operator, pay attention to tricolor TV. For several years of work this operator increased a solid client base, which is direct evidence high Quality Services provided by him. In addition to him, you can advise the NTV-Plus (with an extensive list of channels) and rainbow TV.

You can find a list of satellites with free broadcasting on the site, with a paid - on the official sites of the above operators.

Choosing a satellite, clarify whether you have the opportunity to send your satellite antenna on it. In the event that objects that create interference (other house, power lines, trees, etc.) are on the signal path paths, consider the option of installing "plates" on the roof. Well, if it will be impossible, you will have to draw your attention to the satellite located in the intended visibility zone of the antenna.

Acquisition of equipment

Before installing and configuring satellite equipment, it must be purchased. You need to go to a specialized store for the following elements for the assembly:

  1. "Plate" (antenna). She "will gather" the signal from the satellite will concentrate and reflect it into the converter. Recommended diameter - more than 90 cm.
  2. Converter (head). Picks up the signal in the antenna, and, after conversion, will give it to the receiver. The choice depends on the polarization (circular or linear) preferred satellite, in the description of which you can find this parameter.
  3. Receiver (TV-tuner). Specifies a signal from the converter, then it will make it decoding ("translates" to the TV language) and transfer to the destination TV. Setting this instrument does not require special knowledge.
  4. Bracket ("foot"). Provide reliable attachment of an antenna on the wall (or roof) at home. In addition, it will allow you to quickly rotate the plate in two planes (for searching the signal). Take care of a sufficient removal of a plate from home so that when rotating it does not hurt the wall. In general, the installation of an antenna without a bracket is impossible.
  5. Cable (coaxial). It serves as a signal conductor, connecting the converter with the receiver (tuner).
  6. Diseq. Masters call it just "disk". It will be necessary if you decide to receive a signal immediately from several satellites. In this case, it will help to combine the group of converters into a shared cable.
  7. "F-ki". Without them, it is impossible to connect the cable with each link of the "Antenna - Receiver" chain. It will be needed 8 pcs. (For reinsurance - 10).
  8. Cable for connecting receiver to TV. Maybe: composite (tulip), SCART, or HDMI (for the highest quality). You must check on your own, which cable is suitable in your case.

All of the above devices and devices can be purchased in a set of satellite television, which is already assembled by professionals. It can be collected and yourself - in this case you will be confident in the quality and reliability of each element of the system.

Independent installation of antenna

Before moving to this stage, you must be absolutely sure where your satellite antenna should be sent. AGSAT.COM.UA/SATDIRECT service will help make a right decision. It is enough for you to specify the place where the antenna is planned, and select the desired satellite. After that, an indication of the selection of the direction appears on the screen.

Before moving to the installation of the system, it is recommended to make sure the signal (it should reach 60-70%), keeping the antenna in the hands. In the case of a successful test, the next step will be to install the bracket.

Make sure the reliability of the place for fastening and using the perforator, make holes in the wall for anchors, the size of which should be seamless depending on the material of the wall and weight of the entire mounted design. Configuring the bracket, go to the installation of the satellite antenna (Description this process Find in the instructions for it). Remember: as long as you do not see if it is true, it makes no sense to tighten the nuts. First you need to configure the satellite antenna.

Connection and configuration

Configuring satellite antennas does not begin before they are not connected to the receiver. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a cable (turn on it F-ku) and transfer it from the converter (head) to the tune.

Preparation coaxial cable We perform according to the algorithm:

  1. Cut off the insulating layer (1.5 cm from the edge) of the cable;
  2. We drive a brilliant flap (from small aluminum lived) out;
  3. We release the cable core from the foil screen (it is necessary to get rid of about 8-9 mm screen);
  4. We clean the core (the main copper core) from the remaining enamel and put on F-ku.
  5. It remains to make sure that the core "looks out" from F-ki no more than 2mm. All unnecessary need to cut off with nippers.
  6. The same is done with the other end of the cable (in advance of yourself measuring the necessary length).
  7. We connect the cable to the converter (if there are several of them, then with the help of the disk we combine into one), and the other end pull to the receiver.

Installing the system is completed, the next step is to configure.

The antenna is appointed correctly and "looks" to the satellite (so far). We go to the receiver settings and choose, for example, Sirius satellite. For it, you need to specify the frequency "11766", the speed "2750" and the polarization "H". Two lanes will appear on the screen: the first shows that the plate caught the signal, the second is its power. If the satellite antenna is installed correctly, you should see at least 40% of the signal level. It will only remain to improve the quality that is still in the zero area. Leave the TV and go to the plate. It is desirable that you can see changes on the signal scale. But if you can't follow them yourself, leave an assistant who can adjust your actions - it will easier to configure the system.

Start with the full rotation of the satellite antenna to the right upwards. From this position, slowly, permanently observing the level of the signal from the satellite, rotate the plate to the left.

If the signal could not be caught, it is necessary to lower the antenna for a couple of millimeters (the fastener is usually labeled), and then repeat the rotation of the plate.

The satellite antenna setting independently implies a painstaking signal search by manual fit.

To begin, it is necessary to achieve at least 20% of the quality, after which you can fix the satellite dish. After that, light manipulations (literally on the degree) turn the plate to the left and right in search of 40%. But this is not enough. For good work, at least 60-80% need. Further "fit" is made due to manipulations with the converter to be rotated clockwise or against it. When the signal level is satisfactory, you can go to debug side converters (if you do not have them, skip this item).

Setting the additional heads will be much simpler, as the main antenna already catches the signal in full. It will only be left to specify its satellite for each converter (select the receiver in the settings, as well as specify the frequency, speed and polarization) and rotations, or bending the head of the head to catch an acceptable signal.

Take care carefully to the labeling of the entrances in the disk (A, B, C ...). In the same sequence they will need to specify in the tuner.

Last Step - Television Setup

It remains only to scan the satellite for the presence of channels and configure the TV (build channels in the desired sequence for easy search). If you deal with paid accessInsert the unlock card purchased in advance from the satellite television operator.


Correctly select on the TV transmitting and hover over it. Purge the antenna, which has a narrower orientation diagram, i.e. According to the DMB range, and choosing the weakest channel in it. Take with the largest central residential. Connect to the meter level to the decimeter antenna and, measuring the signal level, find it maximum: for MV1 (1-5 channel) - 74 dB, for MV2 (6-12 channel) - 60 dB, for DMV (21-69 channel) - 50 dB. If there is no meter, achieve the best. The image defect may occur due to an insufficient signal level, then "snow" appears on the screen, or due to the not enough signal / noise ratio.

Align between the bands. This procedure, unfortunately, without a measuring device is almost impossible. Traditionally, the first range is quite strongly accepted and it is often necessary to enter an attenuator into the scheme. On the second range, a powerful signal of 8 channels (Russia), and this usually requires the installation of the frame to the 8th channel, you can even adjustable. In the same diagram, align the decimeter range by level by level, in this case, the PMW preamp may take.

Connect after that all cables with prepared ranges to the multibenda (multi-axle amplifier), where signals using band controls are summed up, aligned and amplified to the required level for feeding to the network. Consider what is required from 60 dB to 90 dB, and the signal that enhances over 100 dB can create an intermodulation (rejection). As a result, the shadow appears in the picture when one second channel or "crosses" appears. When the levels are lower, the antenna should be antenna to more powerful or lift them above.


  • setting the essential antenna

Despite the active struggle for the viewer, according to the central channels of television, it is usually unlikely to choose something interesting or informative. If you are also a resident of a small town, then the channels are limited 6-7, and in some regions and 1-2. How to be? Select and install a satellite plate!


The most durable and least long-lived antennas are made, they are most beneficial with the price-quality ratio. If you can afford more pain and high-quality option - select the aluminum plate.
Mesh or plastic antennas may not resist the impact of winds, so consider the degree of openness of the satellite plates frequent in your area to the impustary air flow.

Ask the quality of the reception of the selected antenna. Here options are not so much: offset or straightfish. The first is more convenient when installing, as it does not require a strong inclination, less suffering from natural phenomena, as well as the converter on such an antenna does not create interference when receiving a signal. With a straightfonic reception, the signal quality depends on the diameter of the plate.

Select suitable for your locality. The rotary version of the antenna should be selected only if you want to watch the channels not from one, but several satellites. Such an option will affect the cost of the satellite plates.

Think about the fact that swivel mechanisms can be capricious in the cold, and that they should be protected from, which means to install an antenna under a canopy - the signal quality drops. Stop your choice on a standard metallic mount. It is enough to install several converters so that, without changing the position of the plate, receive signals from several satellites. Light on a special device that switches the converters.

Connect the satellite plate to using a conventional cable with a resistance of about 75 ohms. Between the antenna and the TV, as already mentioned above, connect the receiver, use the usual line input.

Check out the equipment and channels offered by licensed sellers. Buy a card to view channels from any of the satellite television providers. Order the installation of the plate and the connection of the equipment also from specialists, do not save on quality.

Video on the topic

For amateur sports programs and live broadcasts from various competitions tV channel "Sport" - an excellent opportunity to be aware of what is happening events in the world of sports. However, it is possible that there is still no this channel on your TV. Fix it is simple enough. All you need for this is to understand a little with the settings of your remote console Management and the capabilities of your provider.


Find the documents by which it was connected. These documents should be spelled out, provides. If you could not find a similar list in the contract, call your Provider's office and specify which s are part of your package. It is possible that "Sport" is not the only sports channel, but you should not neglect them either. If you didn't hear anything needed in the list, find out how to expand the supplied package.

Start backing the channel if it enters your custom set and is simply not configured. Explore your panel remote control. It must be present a special auto-tuning button of all available. All you need is just choosing, in which sequence to install this or that channel.

If you cannot detect such a button, configure yourself. Just go to the settings and start searching for the required channel. After it was found, straighten the picture and adjust the sound. Then you can save and enjoy the result.

Video on the topic

Without antennas, television, homemade or car radio would not work. Antennas are constantly upgraded, so when installing and configuring each specific model There may arise their difficulties. Especially if we are talking about satellite antennas.

You will need

  • antenna, TV, Bracket, Verkurefoorter, Hammer, Screwdrivers, Caid and Verification Keys of the Summary


Choose a suitable place. It should be located in the southern direction (south or south-), while it should not be obstacles - high-altitude houses, large trees. If the layout of your apartment allows you to focus exactly, then hang it on the balcony. If you do not have such an opportunity, mount antenna on the roof.

Prepare the tools - perforator, hammer, screwdriver, cape and adjustable desired size. Check what you bought antenna With all components. If any details are not, you should notice it until the installation starts, but not during it.

Collect strictly according to the instructions antenna. Follow the antenna in the mirrors mechanical damageThis will worsen the quality of the received signal. It also affects the location of the satellite converter. Act an experienced way - turn the converter around the axis until the signal becomes maximum. Secure it in this position. Tie to the rope for insurance in the case, if it falls from your hands. Hang antenna on the bracket.

Stretch the cable to the antenna. The channel for laying should be 1-2 mm wide wiring, so as not to damage the outer cable sheath when it is derived. Then, with the help of sealant, close the holes. Place the cable so that it does not interfere with movement, avoid sharp and frequent chances, place the fasteners at a distance of no more than 75 cm if the tracks are vertically, and no more than 23 cm if they are horizontally located.

According to the instructions, configure and check the operation of the antenna. If the signal is weak, it may be that you incorrectly selected the location or an antenna installation angle. Try to turn it until the signal becomes optimal. In this position, until the stop tighten all adjustable fasteners.

Video on the topic

Setting satellite but It is a complex process. First of all, it is associated with the immediate configuration of the antenna, for which special equipment is used. People who are first trying to set up satellite tuners face a number of difficulties.

You will need

  • connectors connect tuner to TV and antenna, satellite tuner, satellite antenna, TV, tuner operation manual.


The first step when setting up a satellite tuner is a challenge of a specialist who is using special equipment aims (sockets) satellite antenna for the desired one. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fulfill this action.

Satellite tuners and TVs have different connectors for connecting. You must select one through which the satellite tuner will be connected. Modern TVs Have a variety of connection connectors. Basically use a "" or HDMI type "type plug if the tuner allows you to use it.

After connecting all the connectors, proceed to the tuner setting. To do this, select any channel and the corresponding setting type. If AUTO type is selected, the setting will be held in automatic modeAnd the found will be automatically saved in the tuner's memory, their sequence number will be written as the following new programs finding. You can also choose the manual setting type - then only the channel that is selected at the time of the setting will be configured. To change the next channel, you will have to select the appropriate command to be selected. There is also an accurate setting that will easily configure a specific channel.

The basic setting is considered completed, i.e. You can operate a satellite tuner. However, in addition to the main setting, the tuner has additional settingswho make its operation more comfortable. For example, the tuner can be configured to auto-turn on and off, set the date and time. Also, some tuners allow you to automatically record on a personal computer or external medium.


  • tuner Setting on Satellite Antenna

Today, without satellite antenna, it is almost impossible to do without satellite, because there are not many "basic" channels and all of them, usually, poor quality. Installing and setting an antenna is a fairly complex process that requires not only time costs, but certain knowledge.

You will need

  • PC, Internet, Satellit Antenna Alignment utility


Write down the coordinates. To do this, press the left mouse left label. IN open windowThe latitude and longitude fields will appear the coordinates of your home. For example: Latitude 65 54 01; Longitude 50 67 94.

Run the program called Satellit Antenna Alignment. In this program you need to find out the azimuth and angle of place. The angle allows you to determine how high - low must "" satellite. To do this, enter the coordinates of the house on the right side of the window and click Analysis. Write down the data obtained. In the left part of the window, browse all available satellite, based on the angle, and select the appropriate option. At any time you can change one operator to another, but only for a certain angle.

Go again B. Google Earth. And click "Show Runt". You will open a window where you need to track the azimuth direction. The goal is satellite to be directed to the selected one. Azimuth value you know. Put a left-click runner on our house and cursor, without releasing the left mouse button, drive around the house until you stop on the desired azimuth value. Spend for yourself on the map line such a length so that you can understand the exact direction (for example, focusing on neighboring buildings).

Direct the antenna at the selected direction and secure the main bolts. But not a tight, satellite antenna must move freely down - up. Initially, adjust the powerful channel. Next, proceed to more accurate customization. Turn on the weakest channel to receive and adjust the antenna, achieving the best image quality. If everyone has done, securely fix the antenna in this position.


Poor quality signal. Revise the direction of the satellite in google service Earth and select another landmark.

Almost every Russian Meloman at least once a week, but watching clips that are broadcast on the TV channel TV. For this reason (and possibly, for a number of others), it is so important to be able to customize the broadcast of this signal.

You will need

  • instructions for TV, console.


If you have cable TV, read the instructions for setting up the channels with all attentiveness, then return the TV music to your former place (if the channel has already been configured). Set this channel or automatically, or in manual mode.

If these actions have not led to the results, call (or visit) to the service company serving your television networks. There is a chance that the cause of the disappearance (or absence) of the channel is the failures or in the system, or in your TV.

Call the serving company also if until recently the channel broadcast is absolutely normal, and in currently He does not "want" to return to the previous place. Immediately after the appeal, wait for the employee's appearance: it will have to check both the cable and the resistance of the signal passage.

Do you have the most ordinary individual antenna? In this case, it simply does not cope with the remoteness of the signal (located far from the computer). Try to catch the signal by turning the antenna on other parties or radically changing its location.

If you use a satellite plate, then read its settings. If the channel has already been configured, most likely, the parameters just moved. If you are just going to install it, follow the instructions for TV and satellite plates.

If Muz TV "left" from his place, compare the current indicators with standard. Go to the "Setup" menu (for this enter the code 0000). Immediately then select "LNB Setup". Here you need to specify the name of the satellite, the bottom and upper frequency of the channel. Compare the indicators of the missing Muz TV and one of the functioning channels, after which you will write down the data. Then set the same indicators as the valid channel.

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Installing the satellite antenna opens access to huge amount television channels, about the existence of which you before did not even imagine. But what to do if there was no one among hundreds of more channels that you need most of all? It turns out the position can be corrected.


Not the best in terms of material costs, but effective method Increase the number of TV channels - add another plate. Additional antenna will fix next to the already valid, configure it and connect the line converter with the switch (disk) to which the active antenna is connected. Thus, an additional signal after the appropriate setting will be accepted your TV.

There are other ways to increase the number of satellite channels. After you recorded a signal from the satellite, carefully scan the satellite transmitter you need (transponder) using the receiver.

After that, decide on the channel you are interested in and satellites that are broadcast. In Russia, most of the "plates" receive a signal from HotBird, Sirius AMOS. On the Internet there is a list of channels that each of them broadcasts - Tune in to you.

Then find in the list of transponders setting satellite channels. This information is also on the Internet. If the search for the channel you need or satellite was unsuccessful, enter such information in the search engine: Lingcat 4W or 5E, 53E, 75E, 40E, etc. Tables on Lingcate will present you all the necessary information to configure the channel.

Next, go to the tuner menu of your satellite antenna and select a partition where the satellite head and receiver settings are located. From the list, select the transponder you need or add the new one that you found on the Internet using the settings.

After that, you can start scanning using the remote control. In case of difficulty, you can use the prompts at the bottom of the screen. So, the menu has appeared with several scanning modes - manual, blind search, autocaning, etc. If you have never been dealing with it, turn on the auto parts and find the right channel. In case of failure, make the desired transponder settings to the Manual List and re-scan.

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After the antenna is installed, it remains to be sent to the desired side so that it clearly captivated the signal from the satellite. If you set correctly antenna, Rotate it in the right direction will be relatively easy and does not take much time.


Download the Satellite Antenna Alignmen from the Internet. Install it on your personal computer to direct antenna. Run the program. To work with it you need to know the longitude of the satellite, to which you want to orient your antenna And the coordinates of yours settlement (It is better to use the coordinates of the house). After you enter this data, the program will be given an antenna angle in relation to the horizontal plane, azimuth of the satellite, as well as the time of solar azimuth, i.e. That time of day, when the azimuth of the satellite and the sun coincide.

Select a checkpoint that will serve as a landmark to correctly set up antenna. The coordinates of this point must coincide with the azimuth of the satellite. To determine this checkpoint, measure the angle of the angle from the rail, which is oriented to the north-south. Unscrew the fixing nuts on the movable antenna mechanism. Send it to the check current and fix the nuts.

Take the rail. Attach it to the antenna on the vertical axis. Take the arrow gear, transport or plumb. With it, set the angle between the rail and the horizontal plane, which will be equal to the angle of inclination of the antenna. Connect antenna to tuner, and tuner, respectively - to your personal computer.

Do not forget to turn on the speakers and set the sufficient volume level to hear sound signal. Then slowly and smoothly start shifting antenna That in one, then in another direction. When you hear the sound of the program, it will mean that you managed to send antenna on satellite.

Fix antenna In this position, in which the quality of the incoming signal is maximum. Tighten all the antenna mounting connections tight so that it can not change its position during operation.

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To switch channels on the TV panel, a special numeric keypad is provided. Entering these switchable channels is carried out in different modes.

You will need

  • - remote control.


Carefully read the channel switching mode in your TV model in the user manual. Make sure that it is available to switch the single-simulatory and multi-mix input from the keyboard.

If the mode changes is available, and the required buttons on the remote control does not have, you can replace the remote control device to another remote control, which would approach your television model and would have a special button with the switching mode of the broadcast channel numbers. It is convenient enough for those who are available to view a large number of channels.

You can receive television programs in two ways - using a ethereal or satellite antenna. Consider order independent installation Each of them.

The essential antenna for digital television is available at cost and is easy to configure, the main condition is direct visibility for the transmitting tower, the location of which can be found on the TTV website. Next to the television (several km), the room antenna will suit, at a greater distance (10-20 km), the outer, placed as high as possible, and at a considerable distance (from 30 km) additionally need a signal amplifier. Installation is performed as follows:
  1. The antenna is fixed on the bracket towards the TV /
  2. The cable from the antenna to the TV or the digital console is paved;
  3. The power is turned on and programs are searching, according to the instruction manual;
  4. The poorly displayed channel and the rotation of the antenna in one direction or another is best quality signal;
  5. All the fasteners of the antenna and cable are reliably.
Installation of the satellite antenna begins with the definition of the direction, it is possible to roughly do this, looking at the plates from the neighbors aimed at the desired satellite. It will immediately become clear, where it is better to fix the antenna so that there are no obstacles to the signal on the signal path: trees, wires or high buildings. Now the brackets are mounted at the selected place on the plumb, the plate hangs and the converter is attached. The ends of the cable are seized and equipped with F-connectors. The antenna setting takes place by two parameters:
  • Angle horizontally - azimuth;
  • The angle vertically is a plate tilt relative to the land plane.

The necessary values \u200b\u200bfor large cities are on the site of the selected satellite television operator. For accurate calculation, there is a Satellite Antenna Alignment program, which also allows you to learn azimuth without a compass - through the sun.

According to these two numeric values, the antenna is roughly exhibited, accurate search Signals are performed using a special device - satfineder, connected between the converter and antenna cable. The receiver is turned on and the installation mode is selected, then turning the plate in the horizontal plane per 1 cm and withsting the pause 2-5 seconds, the position in which the sound signal of the device and the testimony on its scale will be maximized. Tighten the nuts fixing plates vertically. A little tilting the antenna down and up, the position of the best signal is searched, the bolts are twisted. The screens of quality and strength are displayed on the TV screen, slightly shifting the plate alternately in each plane, achieve the highest numerical indicators. After reaching the maximum values, all the fasteners are tightened, channel searches in the receiver menu. There are situations where there is a signal, and required channels No, most likely, another satellite was put up. It is necessary to check again azimuth and an antenna angle.