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Is it possible to connect a laptop to the LG TV. How to connect a laptop to a TV with a cable and Wi-Fi

Technologies are constantly developing and opening new facets of a home holiday. For example, SMART TV, which has been widely used in modern sAMSUNG models, loved to many buyers. It gives the opportunity to connect the laptop and TV to watch movies, or sit on the Internet.

With this feature, you can access folders with video on personal Computer, Open any entry and display it on a wide format. The laptop is connected to the TV Samsung Smart TV through wi-Fi network Two main ways: via HDMI cable or via router. After connection, you can watch YouTube, rollers and movies at any time and completely free. Consider each stage in detail.

Methods of synchronization using the Internet:

  1. The main rule, without which it will not be possible to install the wireless connection between the two devices, the TV and the laptop must be connected to local network (IP addresses must be on the same subnet). For example, to the home router, distributing Wi-Fi. First of all it is necessary. You must go to the settings section through the Administration section. Read more about connecting through a common access point and computer will talk in the next section. In this case, you will also need a special software for "decaying" files.
  2. Another convenient connection option is to use the TV display, as a monitor, that is, to duplicate the screen (sometimes called mirroring). This method is implemented using WIDI technology. To run such a function, the device must support Miracast.
  3. It is noticeable to simplify the object's task designed specifically to share data and images.
  4. As an alternative to suit standard DLNA.designed to receive and transmit information between two types of equipment.
  5. And the last option to be considered under this article is a traditional method using a special cable. It is suitable for that technique, which is not equipped with a wireless adapter.

Very rarely, when moving video and images, a connection through a phone with the use of bluetooth technology is used. Such an option has long lost its relevance, therefore it will not be considered in detail.


To connect a laptop to a TV without wires, use step-by-step instructions:

If everything was done correctly, any roller, a movie or record can be included for a couple of clicks. It is done through the computer. You need to click on the file with the right mouse button, select the "Play on" option and select the "Name" TV name "from the dropping list. Image transmission will start automatically.


A program that runs the Samsung Share server is designed to view content from a laptop on the Samsung TV screen, via Wi-Fi. The utility is compatible with all Microsoft operating systems, including Windows 10.

The prerequisite is the presence of special adapters for Wi-Fi compound. This is done as follows:

  1. The first item is downloading and installing the SAMSUNG PC Share Manager utility.
  2. Make sure that the devices have IP addresses in the same subnet and are connected to the same SSID, and repeat the first three items from the previous section.
  3. After that, you need to open access to the directory using the program.
  4. To do this, it starts on the laptop and the folder is selected in which the files are launched.
  5. Click on it with the left mouse button and click on the image of the directories with a green check mark (located in the upper bar of the application). Right-click you can open the drop-down menu and do the same thing.
  6. In a new window, select the option " General access"And" Policy Installation ".
  7. Set the status "accepted" and confirm the changes.
  8. If everything was done correctly, then when you start video files, they will start automatically broadcast on the display.

Wireless network is not the only option that the program works. System unit PC can also be connected to telecom through network cable LAN.

Samsung Allshare.

Using the AllShare function, users can easily connect TV via Wai Fi to conduct broadcasts on the big screen. Thanks to this program, you can also send video, music and other media files in a couple of clicks.

And now let's consider in detail step by step instructionsHow to attach a PC to the TV and how the home server is configured:

  1. We check that both devices are attached to a common wireless Internet access point. They must also be synchronized. Otherwise, send files will fail.
  2. If the previous conditions are executed, go to the main menu, and from there in the settings.
  3. We select the "Available Devices" string and activate the Data Exchange feature.

After the previous instructions were made, you can include the AllShare application. It is pre-installed on all OS and is a standard utility for system operation. With its absence in the list of installed programs, it can be downloaded through Play Market. And free installing.

  • With the initial use of this service, you have to perform simple registration, create and activate personal account. If earlier you have already synchronized the equipment in this way, you just need to log in in the system. In empty fields, you need to enter your username and password, and then confirm the entrance.
  • The next stage is the adjustment of "smart" technology. To do this, with the help of the console in the "features" we find the application Allshare Play. You can confirm the action by pressing the red button with the letter A on the control panel. In the window that appears, repeat the same authorization procedure, which was passed on the computer, that is, go to your account.
  • In the Personal Account, the user will see possible media files that can be reproduced. You just need to select a suitable file, a song or a video, after which they are displayed on TV.

DLNA technology

The following technology for broadcasting the image from a laptop to the TV requires a router with DLNA support. All modern routers by default are equipped with this functionality.

DLNA is a special feature of instantaneous data transmission between two devices. It requires connecting to the home network for information sharing. In fact, this technology uses Samsung Allshare, so the adjustment process completely repeats the instructions of the previous subsection.

There is one an important nuancewhich will noticeably facilitate the search process for the required content. All used media are desirable to move in advance to the standard "My Documents" storage, because the server searches and comes in this directory.

When you first start, there are problems sometimes arise, since it is not always for the technique independently it turns out to find the right "ways" to the server. As a rule, the whole problem lies in incorrect software or its absence. Prevent and fix this problem will help the installation of special utilities. The best in their segment is considered Plex, Twonky and Tversity. They help correctly establish the relationship between different architectural elements, provide a quick and autonomous process of transferring, exchange and broadcast data.


The last version of the wireless connection for the Samsung brand TV is WIDI technology. Before starting work, you need to make sure that the equipment satisfies the following requirements:

  • Availability intel processor Third generation.
  • Complete set by the adapters of Wi-Fi, which support 802.11n.

The full list is constantly changing, so before you start working, it is better to study a list of compatible equipment on the official website of the manufacturer of Intel.

The main condition for the work and efficiency of technology use is the correct installed equipment:

  1. Regardless of the operating system, topical drivers for the video card, network module and chipset must be installed on the PC. Check the version and, if necessary, install the drivers using special utility Intel® Driver & Support Assistant. You can download it from the official website on the link:
  2. After that, it will be necessary to install another Intel Widi R. R. After starting, start looking for accessible devices and select the equipment name in the list by clicking on the Connect button.
  3. In case of successful synchronization, a combination of random numbers appears on the TV screen - a one-time password to be entered on a laptop.
  4. If everything was performed correctly, a duplicate image appears on the screen. Now it is enough to run a movie or video and enjoy watching.

For the latest versions of OS additional applicationsHow Intel Widi Remote is not necessary to install. They already have a duplication function (or expansion) of the display.

Alternative - via cable

For those who, for certain reasons, cannot use Wai Fame, there is an alternative connection method through the HDMI cable. This happens as follows:

  1. Disable equipment not to burn ports.
  2. The HDMI cable is inserted into the VGA connectors.
  3. After the cable is attached, both devices are turned on. If everything was done correctly, a window will appear on the TV screen loading windows. You must translate the TV to AVI mode to receive signals from a PC, and not from the antenna.
  4. You can set the display display by clicking on an empty space on the desktop, selecting the "Screen Resolution" tab and the selection of the desired option in the screens list. If this menu does not see your display via HDMI, click on "Find".

Media Center Extender

Another option, how to connect the laptop to the Wi-Fi TV to broadcast the image, suitable for those who are poorly disassembled in computers and used to use only standard functions.

Media Center Extender -Close laptop to the TV is outdated, we recommend choosing more advanced software shells.

This can be done with standard program to connect to which operating windows systemsexcept the last tenth version.

Such connection Smart will turn the TV to the Samsung home media center. Use Media Center Extender on a laptop or PC is quite simple. We run the utility through the "Start" or click on the appropriate icon, choose the "Media Planning" and the Count "Installation". After that, the instructions that will give the program and after a few seconds the image will appear in a wide format.


This is all current information on how to connect the SAMSUNG SMART TV TV to the laptop using modern methods - wireless connection and special programs. At the same time, it is necessary to use network adapters. Such methods will help synchronize information between two systems for watching video, cinema and rollers, listening to music and pastime on the Internet.


Not all modern TV models go with Smart functionality. Of course, you can "pump" the device by connecting a special console, but there is a cheaper and easiest way. It is enough to know how to connect a laptop to a TV via HDMI.

Connection of laptop and tv - maximum simple task. It is enough just to connect one end of the wire into the nest on the laptop, and the second plug into the port located on back cover or television side. What will it give? After connecting, you can watch movies, TV shows and sports broadcasts on the big screen. In fact, the TV will execute the functions of the second screen. All you run on the laptop is automatically broadcast on the TV screen.

What you need to connect a laptop to a TV via HDMI

Before proceeding to consideration of the issue, how to connect a laptop to a TV on HDMI, we will make a list necessary devices. You will need only three things:

  • hDMI cord;
  • television;
  • notebook.

Synchronization of the TV and laptop is a simple process. To buy only a cable that will allow you to duplicate the image on big screen. It is very rarely included in the basic configuration. It is inexpensive. The program for connecting to a TV laptop will not need. Therefore, any special skills will also be required. Just follow the instructions.

Some TVs and laptops are not equipped with an HDMI interface, but it is a big rarity. In such situations, you need to buy an adapter to other connectors.


Connecting a laptop to a HDMI TV according to the following scheme:

  1. Find the HDMI interface on the laptop. It is usually located on the left or right.
  1. Find the connector on TV through which we will connect the laptop. It is on the rear panel, sometimes on the side. Remember its number, it is usually written in small font next to the connector.
  1. Connect the laptop and the TV using the HDMI cable. It is the cord that acts as a binding element.

When you connected the cable, the connection is complete, proceed to the setting.

Setting up TV

When the cord is connected to the TV, take the remote control remote controlTo open the main menu. You need to switch to HDMI, that is, change the source of the signal. Each telly has a different setup menu.

Mostly the signal source is selected in the "External Input" section or using the "Source" button on the remote control. Install the HDMI connector with the number to which the cable is connected on the TV. When you do everything, the desktop of the laptop will appear on the screen.

Laptop settings

When everything is connected, you can configure image quality. This is a mandatory measure if HDMI from a laptop on a TV brings the picture for the first time. Otherwise, the image may be fuzzy, blurred.

Follow a simple step-by-step instruction:

  1. Right-click on the empty space of the desktop.
  1. From falling context menu Select the "Screen Resolution" command.
  1. By setting the screen resolution, you must select the optimal picture quality.

Change permission and see how improved or the image quality has deteriorated. Also available multiple connectivity options:

  • duplication of a laptop screen on TV;
  • expansion of the workspace;
  • TV as the second monitor - the laptop screen and TV screen work independently. You can, for example, simultaneously play the movie on the TV and sit on the Internet or work at the laptop screen. With this type of connection, the video card is created;
  • the laptop screen is disabled, only TV works.

This is completed on this. Now you can enjoy watching your favorite movies on the big screen. Connection setting on a netbook is carried out according to a similar principle.

Possible problems

What to do if the resolution setting did not give the expected result. The simplest way is to press the "Win + P" key combination. A window will open through which you can additionally configure the picture quality.

Select the option "Only the projector" or "Only 2 Screen". Wait until the Windows operating system service automatically selects the optimal resolution.

In some situations, the proposed recommendations do not help. After selecting the video source and the resolution settings, the image is still too distorted. May appear on the sides of the screen, black stripes or the picture will be cut. In this case, you need to configure the video card.

As an example, consider the optimization of the basic parameters of the NVIDIA video card:

  1. Click on the empty space of the desktop with the right mouse button. In the drop-down menu, select the command "NVIDIA Control Panel".
  1. Left will be a list of special functions, click on the section "Changing permission".
  2. In the on the right panel, select the display, and in the bottom menu click on the button "Setup". Choosing a team "Creating a custom permit".
  3. A window will appear with a detailed image setting for a large screen, which is the TV.
  4. At the top we change the number of pixels horizontally and vertical. Spend from time to time "Test"To verify the correctness of the parameters. Continue until you select the optimal screen resolution.

For laptops with a graphics processor from ATI, the setup instructions will be slightly different because different interfaces. However, the algorithm itself is approximately the same.

There is a method of wireless laptop synchronization with a TV for intel technology Widi. However, it is suitable exclusively for laptop owners with central core processor i3 and higher. These devices are equipped with a system wireless connection to TV. Interaction will be correct only with recent versions TV-technicians.


Modern smart TVs attract buyers new technologiesthat provide Internet access and view videos of any format in excellent quality.

The disadvantage of such TVs is a high price, but there is an alternative in the form of a PC connection to the TV.

All that is required is required cable, wire mini jack or streaming equipment, and you can display the image from the computer to the TV. This connection allows you to view photos, movies, as well as direct broadcasts of the TV shows.

Before connecting a computer to a TV, make sure that the connectors have equipment, and then decide on the connection method. Distinguish two methods of connection:

  1. Wired method. Connects through the HDMI, VGA, DVI, etc. cable.
  2. Wireless method. The signal is transmitted via Lan by means of WIDI, Miracast, WD TV, etc..


Connecting a TV to a computer Cable HDMI - the most accessible way, as the cable is inexpensive and provides best quality HD pictures and sound.

Only one wire is needed, since HDMI misses video and audio signals.

When connecting the TV to a computer using a HDMI cable, you must connect the PC cable to the television jack. Most often, the operating system itself will select need settingsSo that the image appears on the TV display.

Note: If there are problems with the transfer of the image through the HDMI cable, you can use the Moninfo program that will show how the computer is synchronized with the TV. Before checking, you should select Real Time mode in this program.


Another simple way to connect the PC with TV is the use of the VGA port on both devices.

This option is suitable for the device, the release date of which until 2010.

VGA drives only an analog video signal, so you have to duplicate the audio stream with a 3.5 mini-jack cable that you want to connect from the headphone jack from the PC to the audio port of the TV or external speakers. As in the case of HDMI, the system itself must take care of automatic settings.

Using USB

Connecting a PC to a TV directly via USB is not possible.

Several companies have released adapters that convert the USB port in HDMI.

But it is required software For to synchronize the flow of video from uSB ports Laptop, so you first need to check the USB compatibility to the HDMI converter.

If the devices are compatible, then the setting of this method is quite simple:

  1. You need to install software adapter driver.
  2. Connect the computer's USB cable to the adapter, and HDMI is to the TV.
  3. Synchronize equipment using the adapter instruction.

Via dvi

Are used different types DVI cables, some of which carry digital signals, some are analog signals, as well as cables bearing both signals.

If there is a DVI port on a computer and DVI port on a TV, it does not mean that any DVI cable will work. You need to determine the type of DVI ports of two devices.

It often happens when the computer has one DVI port, and the TV is a completely different port. In this case, you need a converter. The most common are conversions in VGA and HDMI.

Types of transformations:

The disadvantage of the DVI connection is that the audio signal does not pass through the cable. In a pair with a DVI cable, an audio 3.5 mini jack will be required.

It's important to know: If the connection occurs with a DVI-DVI cable, and the DVI-HDMI adapter stands before the TV and the sound is supplied through the cord 3.5, then the sound will not be on the TV. So that it appears, you need to turn off the mini jack cable.

Other types of connections

Several rare connectors are used, with which you can connect the computer with a TV:

  1. Port s video. It is rare on computers. If there is no possibility to connect via video to the TV, then the VGA adapter is used.
  2. RCA port "Tulips". Outdated connector, but it is often possible to be seen both on the TVs of the average price category, and on old kinescopic. Connecting to a computer through tulips occurs by the converter on s video or VGA.
  3. SCART port. The modern connector is often located on modern TVs, but not used on computers. For connection, adapters are used on S Video, RCA, VGA with an additional audio cord5 mm.

With Wi-Fi Wi-Fi

To connect the computer and without wires, used WiFi-based technologies.

There are several options for a computer configuration dependent on:

  1. Connection using WIDI / Miracast technology (Intel Wireless Display). Works with a compatible Push2TV receiver from NetGear. Modern computers And Smart TVs have the built-in receiver built into them, and the compound occurs as follows:
    • on TV: Menu - Network - Miracast / WIDI;
    • intel Widi program opens on the computer - Search wireless monitor. For Miracast, the Charms panel opens in the operating system - devices - projector;
    • add a wireless monitor.
  2. Connection using WESTERN DIGITAL WD TV MEDIAMER or Google Chromecast. Media streamer is a device connected to a TV capable of displaying video from the Internet or USB TV screen. The device connects to the network and TV, and receives video files from the computer. WD TV Live converts a TV in semi-smart TV with access to various applications, such as Vimeo, YouTube andMegogo..
    • WD TV Live prefix connects to a home network via a network cable or WiFi;
    • with the HDMI cable WD TV Live connects to the TV;
    • tV gets access to a video folder;
    • on the TV, the HDMI channel is selected;
    • via file Manager Selects needled folder with video.

Manual configuration of PC synchronization and TV

In any case, before purchasing a cable, adapter or media string, make sure your computer and the TV have the desired connector.

See the video in which a specialist explains the options for connecting a computer to a TV through the cable:

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We understand detail how to connect a TV to a laptop

In this article we will look at, such a question is how to connect the laptop to the TV. Let's look at first, why do you need to connect the laptop and TV?

It is usually entertaining such as: watching movies, video games, watching family videos, photos, etc. As in any way, but on the big screen, watching a movie or video game is much more impressive than just on the laptop screen.

The laptop is interesting for its mobility, with its help you can watch or play, being in any place, be something or a cafe. But already coming home, you can relax and fully enjoy a good film on the big TV screen. Need to take into account the fact that if the response time at TV is too large, to play dynamic video games can not be comfortable.

This is because, with too much response time, the picture on the screen will be lubricated, it means that the pixels will not have time to display the events taking place in the game (but especially for it should not worry, it is only in the most dynamic games).

If you decide to watch a movie through a laptop on a TV, then for such a Tv parameter, as the response time can not be worried. We continue to decide how to connect the TV through a laptop.

And so let's turn to the connection of the laptop and TV

In order to connect the laptop to the TV, you need to connect their cable through video inputs. The video inputs themselves are different. Let's look at:

  1. VGA is the most common video input for laptops, there is also almost all modern TVs. Sends only video.

He looks like this:

2. DVI is a digital video input, it is less common. Also transmits only video. Looks like that:

3. HDMI is one of the most modern video inputs. Transmits both video and sound. Also support 3D. Here is what looks like:

We will analyze the connection of the laptop to the TV on the example of VGA video output. This is a very common video input. Next, we need a cable, it is called - S-Video (VGA-VGA), that is, TV should have the same entry. He looks like this:

This cable does not go with a laptop when buying. But you can easily buy in a computer store. It should also be borne in mind that the TV may not have such an entrance (it is usually signed by S-Video-in), in general it is not a big problem will need to buy a VGA adapter. If TV has a DVI digital input, then the VGA-DVI adapter looks like this:

You can also buy a converting VGA to HDMI cable, in case the TV does not have an VGA input, but has an HDMI. He looks like this:

Now the process how to connect the TV to the laptop is maximally simplified. When connected, the operating system of the laptop is also working very well with two or more screens.

If you have only VGA or DVI outputs in your laptop, then the sound will be missing on the TV, it will only be in a laptop. It's not so problematic because it can be connected to the beech good speakers or headphones.

That is, to get the sound you can simply, not tightening listening to the sound from the laptop or connect the speakers to it, and watch video to TV. With such videos to transfer sound to the TV, you will have to purchase an additional cable.

Connection itself usually does not cause difficulties. To begin with, turn off the laptop and TV (just in case), connect the cable. Turn on both devices. If the TV is digital, then as soon as they turn on, the TV will immediately show the desktop of the laptop. If not, it means you need to duplicate the screens on the beech in the video device settings.

You can get to these settings by such a path (in Windows 7): Right-click on the desktop, press, then in the menu that appears, select "Screen Resolution", just to do it when the TV is already connected to the beech through the cable.

Problems mainly occur when setting up. Sometimes it happens that the picture is not centered, then problems may arise. All the questions arising in the image must be viewed in the laptop in the video card driver.

If you have a GeForce video card in the laptop, then you can enable the video card driver to configure the image as follows:

right-click on the desktop - the NVIDIA control panel:

All, the "Display" section contains all the necessary settings that can be easily changed without fear of breakage. If the video card is installed AMD Radeon., The display settings menu is approximately the same.

How to update or install the driver on the Radeon video card you can see the article Set the ATI Radeon driver on the video card. If you do not help changes in the video card driver settings, then it makes sense to update the video card driver.

How to install or update the drivers on the GeForce video card you can see the driver for the GeForce video cards. We reviewed with you a question of how to connect a laptop to a TV, which is needed for this and what settings are performed.

Hello everyone, dear readers! If you do not know how to connect the laptop to the TV - then you hit the address! Modern computer techologies are in continuous development. New devices appear daily, which make it possible to quickly process any data.

Laptops that can be found on sale are equipped with a considerable number of various connectors. But how to connect them to your TV?

So, connect the laptop to the TV is worth:

  • display the image to the big screen;
  • show audience presentation;
  • communicate on Skype or other services with comfort.

Now let's stay in more detail at the first paragraph. If you can connect the laptop to the TV, you can view movies and run other rollers, enjoying a large image. This is an imitation of the functionality, which has smart TV. The cable will cost much cheaper than the acquisition of such equipment.

There are several ways that will allow you to quickly connect your gadget to the TV. There is nothing difficult here, but you need to get acquainted in advance with the interfaces that are available to you. When the connectors are connected, you need to hold specific settings.

How to connect a laptop to a TV via HDMI cable

This method is considered the easiest and affordable. However, it is necessary to acquire the cord separately, since it does not go in a common set. Its cost does not exceed 150 rubles. Universal cord is suitable for various devices.

Usually users make a choice in favor this option Connecting equipment. This is due to the fact that this method makes it possible to set maximum permissions.

Advantages of such a way a lot:

  • there is such a connector on each technique model;
  • connect devices using a cord easily;
  • cable cost available;
  • the cord is responsible for sounds and by the image;

You can find the HDMI connector on each laptop. BUT B. budget models This connector may not be.

Find a similar interface, carefully reviewed your TV panel from behind. If there is no connector, you will have to purchase an adapter. You can also pay attention to other connection options.

Special instructions for connecting technology does not exist. You just need to insert the cord into the connectors. After that, you need to configure the connection. So, we will deal with these moments in more detail.

Click on the PCM on the desktop to find the screens management menu on the laptop. Select "Screen Resolution". You will see a window where different options for using the monitor are offered. These are the following points:

  1. both screens become a single space, which is accompanied by the expansion of the desktop;
  2. the TV will become the second monitor, so you can use the technique at the same time;
  3. the picture is cloned, and the same image appear on the TV and laptop screen;
  4. other functionality will depend on how powerful your video card is.

Also here you can set the resolution with which the video will be displayed on the TV. For such a cord, the maximum indicator is 1920x1080 pixels. This is enough to watch movies in high quality.

If we talk about setting up the TV, then everything is simple. Open the program menu by selecting the appropriate signal source. After that, select the HDMI with the number where you connected the cord. Now you can watch a movie or video.

Connection using a cable DVI

This method is practically no different from the previous version. The interface is a connector digital view. But this output is far from each laptop model. If it is missing on your technique, then you need to purchase an adapter adapter that allows you to connect the device.

The main advantages of the method:

  • connect the technique as simple as possible;
  • video can be viewed in high resolution.

Basic disadvantages:

  • the connector is not always there on a laptop.

If you connect a laptop with such a cable, you can watch video with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. The technique is connected in the same way as in the above version.

Modern devices can be supplemented with Dual Link DVI-I interface. It is distinguished by the fact that the video can be viewed in resolution up to 2560x1600 pixels. However, the sound you have to be connected separately.


The interface is allocated among other options with its versatility. There are similar connectors not only on new, but also on old models of laptops. With this exit you can get high-quality video and sound support.

To use such a connection, you will need a special cable, because in some laptops there may be no such connector.

The main advantages of this option are:

  • the method is considered universal;
  • the base bundle includes a cord for transmitting sound.

The deficiencies of the method are as follows:

  • it will be necessary to purchase a special adapter.

To connect a laptop to a TV, you can use VGA and SCART. The audio will go to the basic configuration, so it does not have to buy it separately. This method is usually used to connect old TV models.

VGA output

This interface is present on many laptop models, but it may not be on the TV. If you find such an input on the rear panel, you can use the ordinary cord from the PC to connect the laptop.

If you have not seen the connector, connect the laptop using a special VGA-HDMI adapter.

The compound feature is that such connectors are capable of transferring only the video signal. You will have to buy another sound cable so that the picture is accompanied by them.

This connection is suitable for viewing photos on large screens. The maximum resolution is 1600x1200 pixels.

The interface can be found even on some netbooks. That is why watch movies becomes much more convenient and more comfortable. The sound is better to conduct on television columns, as they have a high level of power.

The main advantages of the option are as follows:

  • video resolution is high;
  • connect the technique easily;
  • the interface is present on various laptops.

Disadvantages of this option:

  • you can transmit sound using a special cord;
  • not every TV is supplemented with this interface.

To speak as a whole, the HDMI connector is considered a more practical device.


These connectivity options refer to a single group because they are rarely used. Such interfaces are a remnant of the past, so apply them appropriate on the technique of old models.

Devices with similar outputs have long been not in fashion, which is why this connection method is used, if there is no other option. You need to use adapters and converters to cope with the tasks set before you.

The advantages of the option are:

  • they can be found on old models of technology.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • this technology outdated;
  • the image will not be clear and high-quality;
  • unable to find a laptop with a similar interface.

This connector is a simple tulip, with which you previously could be attached to the TV consoles for the game. If your TV is more than ten years, then you will have to use this option. The converter is inserted into the laptop, and the tulip is in the TV panel.

The cable cannot pass a high-quality picture, so it is better to use it only in a hopeless situation.

How to connect a laptop to a TV via WiFi

You can connect a laptop and without a special cord using a wireless Internet connection. It can be Wi-Fi, which makes it possible to work with files located in the computer's memory.

Dignity this method:

  • you will not interfere with numerous cords;
  • the image will be high quality;
  • sound and video will be broadcast simultaneously;
  • the option is considered as practical as possible.

The main disadvantages of the method:

TVs may not be equipped with special adapters and inputs.

If your laptop is in another room, then this is not a problem. It needs to just enable and configure access to those folders in which are located files. You can listen to music and watch the video. In particular, the connection is relevant if you are owner acoustic system.

You can transform your TV to real smart TV using a regular router. You can control the laptop using an ordinary console.

Many modern machinery manufacturers have completed their devices with special options that enable wireless connection. If such a function is not provided, you can take a regular cable for connecting the Internet, which will enjoy the high-quality image.

You can connect the router to your TV in a few minutes. To do this, select "Network Settings" in the menu and log in to your network.

Using a wireless monitor

With wireless technologies, the rules change a little. Modern models TVs support modern developments that make it possible to watch movies. However, it is not necessary to hurry, since it is still very early to use them for games.

There are several weighty flaws. Devices will be connected to the delay. The image will be squeaked and transmitted to the screen that takes a certain time. Speed \u200b\u200bwill be enough to view a photo or video. But the active games will slow down, which will bring a lot of discomfort.

Laptop and TV Settings

You need to correctly install those parameters that will affect the image display. The configuration process depends on what technique model is at your disposal.

Setting up TV

If you have connected the equipment using the cable, then configure important parameters. Open the main menu and select the input you used.

In some models, after connecting the cord, the name of the entrance is immediately displayed. It is just necessary to activate it so that the picture from the laptop is on the TV screen.

In some cases, it is necessary to customize the TV manually, but you should not have difficulties. Just enter the menu by putting a tick opposite the suitable item. To use the users convenient, the inputs are complemented by special icons, so you define unmistakably required port.

How to set up a laptop?

After connecting, you must configure the laptop so as to obtain a high level of quality. You can do this in two main ways.

Fast way to configure

On the keyboard, press the Win + P combination. You will see a menu in which the main connections are displayed. Click on the appropriate option so that the changes start to act.

You will be offered several ways to choose from. Need to pick up that of them that corresponds to specific tasks.

The second way to enable two screens

Click on the free section of the desktop right-click. Select a section called "Screen Resolution". The menu may appear "Multiple Screens", if you connected an additional screen. Choose the option that suits you to enjoy watching a movie or photo.

We reviewed the basic ways to connect a laptop to the TV. You can navigate your needs to choose the appropriate option to perform such a task. Well, do not forget to ask your questions or suggestions in the comments!