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Download the Earth Review program from the satellite. Computer help

According to many cosmonauts, there is nothing more beautiful than our planet from the side. When the earth resembles a large balloon, on which snow-white clouds are located, gray rocks and a blue smoothness of endless ocean waters. This article will provide various online maps and 3D earth globes. So that they do not need to download additional software, as in the case of Google Earth.. Interactive cards, so you can view them online directly from these pages.

This three-dimensional model of the globe, consisting of rather detailed raster photos of the textures that are created by the NASA satellite. To rotate the globe, hold down the left mouse button. To change the scale of the card, scroll the mouse wheel - up the scale will be increased, down - reduced.

If it is very close to scale the plot on the globe, you will not get a very high-quality image. This is due to the low permission of the majority of pictures taken. This approach to the creation of the globe provides a quick loading of textures browser. If the images of good quality were used, your browser would load them for a long time due to the large size.

Virtual Sample 3D Earth Globe online

Online you can find many services offering to see and explore the map of the globe of 3D Earth in the browser online. This model is a three-dimensional globe on which we will be able to find areas of cities and states, settlements and even streets and buildings. Such an interactive globe is great for scaling. It's all about the vector textures that are used for this model, so you can scale the globe without loss of quality and see different objects on it. Some sites even see the name of the streets and houses of houses.

GIOVANNI MARIA CASSINI GLOBUS displays a historic world map

Very interesting copy - historical globe. He shows us a glance on the planet Earth, how watched people who lived at the end of the 18th century. The author of this globe consider Jovani Maria Cassini, who created him back in 1790. The globe is interactive as the previous ones. With him, you can also twist the globe, closer and remove. Here you can even find the routes of Expeditions James Cook. They are marked on a globe of various colors.

Google Maps - cartographic service providing satellite interactive land cards online

Today, Google maps are one of the most detailed digital cards in the world. Wherever you are, having a smartphone, tablet or laptop with you, you can find a route to any object on the map, find the nearest cafe, library, bank branch, etc. The card is very reminded of any online earth globe in 3D.

To create a route at any point of the card, open Google Maps :

In order to find any place, country, city, village, open Google maps again. Enter the desired object in the search string and press "ENTER" or the magnifying glass icon.

The map immediately displays the place you entered. On the left in the block you can familiarize yourself with the main information on the found location on the map. Here is the current temperature, local time and other interesting facts.

Yandex Maps - Earth Satellite Maps in 3D online

The most famous in Russia search system Yandex has its own interactive card service - Yandex Maps. They allow you to find the right place, build routes with any points on the map, print any plot, watching panorama of the streets, provide API cards and much more. There is an interesting section - folk maps, where you can independently edit any objects, houses, gardens, streets, wells, etc., passing moderation they will be on the Yandex card service.

To find any point on the planet:

With the help of Yandex Map you can like 3D globe model online Find any point on our planet Earth. To do this, enter the name settlement In the search bar or specify the mouse right on the map.

On our site, every wisp has the opportunity to watch in live air Online broadcast from the ISS (International Space Station) is absolutely free. The high-quality webcam allows you to enjoy the amazing beauty of the planet Earth in HD format, which has been broadcasting video from orbit in real time for many years.

The shooting is conducted from the board of the ISS, which is constantly in motion, carrying out flight in orbit. NASA employees, together with representatives of the Space Industry of other countries, are observed daily from the window, studying the features of space.

The ISS is an artificial satellite of the Earth, which takes off from time to time with other spacecraft and stations to transfer research materials and replace personnel. With the help of the NASA webcam you can see amazing space landscapes in space at this moment.

View of Earth from Space in Real Time

Every day there are various natural events on our planet, so you can see from the ISS online: lightning strikes and hurricanes, the northern lights, the process of occurrence of the tsunami and its movement, amazing night landscapes of large megacities, sunset and sunrise, emission of lava volcanoes, Fall of heavenly bodies.

In addition, you can observe the fascinating picture of the work of the cosmonauts in the open space, to feel through the screen those extraordinary emotions that they test. Almost every of us in childhood dreamed of becoming a cosmonaut, but life presented to us another way. Perhaps this is why for all residents of the Earth created the opportunity to fulfill their small dream through the Internet - travel online together with the International Space Station in Orbit.

Would you like to go to an exciting journey through different parts of our immense planet? Enjoy the colors of many colorful places. To admire the beauties of Lateran Basilica in Rome or walk along the green carpet of Tanzania National Park. Feeling the burning breath of Bondi Beach in Sydney or enjoy the greatness of Versailles. All this and much more offers you service Google Planet Earth, since April 2017 has become available to the browser " Google Chrome." In this article, I will tell you how to use Google Planet Earth, I will describe its characteristic features and functionality.

We study the possibilities of the service "Google Planet Earth"

Service "Google Planet Earth", which previously existed only in the form of stationary and mobile applicationnow became available in online mode Million users of the browser chrome (also works well on other browsers on the chromium kernel). The service offers its users to enjoy the beauties of our planet, make exciting travels to the scenic locations randomly chosen by the service, see them in 3D angles, penetrate the entire charming atmosphere of those places. In order to make the image visualization, a three-dimensional special model of the globe is used.

For the development of a network service, according to the creators, it took more than two years, and the resulting result really amazes. Let's see.

Work with the Google Planet Earth

To start working with this application, go to the site And click on the "Run Google Planet Earth" button.

Go to this serviceand run it using clicking on the "Run Google Planet Earth" button

Service boot, and the service field will appear before you, in the center of which you will see our planet in 3D mode.

To manage the service, you can use the standard mouse (wheel of the mouse allows you to increase-reduce image view), and to switch to the desired location on the map it is enough to click on it. Also at the bottom of the right are the following keys:

Additional Google Functions Planet Earth

In addition, the service "Google Planet Earth" received several wonderful functions, activate which you can use the appropriate buttons to the left.

  • "Menu" - allow you to configure the service for yourself;
  • "Search" will allow you to find the place you need on the map, simply by sending it to the name in the search string, and by pressing the input;
  • "Researcher" is new feature Service "Google Planet Earth", created in collaboration with BBS Earth. After clicking on this button, you will be offered to go to one of the tens of tours in our planet.
  • All tours available on the service are divided into 6 main categories: "Choice Google", "Travel", "Nature", "Culture", "History", "Education". In each of these tours you will visit several colorful places (from 5 to 20 locations), with their brief description. On the this moment The "Researcher" interface is English, but I have no doubt that in a short time we will get a quality Russian-speaking analogue.

    The "Researcher" option will allow you to transfer to many colorful places of our planet, and enjoy their description from BBS Earth

  • "I'm lucky" - this option invites you to go to the randomly chosen colorful point of our planet, with the automatic opening of the 3D-angle of the specified place, and its description. Many sites were drawn by Google at a very high level, allowing you to fully enjoy the charming beauties of the selected places. What is important, the interface of the option "I am lucky" Russian-speaking;

Despite the fact that this service only works with browsers on the chromimum kernel, we also expect in the future support of the service with other browsers. You can also download a mobile application-analogue on the playing market.


The Google Planet Earth service will allow you online and in real time to go to an exciting trip in many places of our immense planet. Now there is no need to install any external software on your computer. To make a fascinating journey, your desire, browser chrome and good Internet. Run the "Google Planet Earth" service, and give yourself an unforgettable voyage into any bright and memorable place. After all, it is worth it.

In contact with

The evolution of cards, navigation and orientation on the ground occurs in our time. Now! The first travelers and pioneers used paper cards, cards drawn on stones, wooden planks, skin and other objects. Currently, few people represent themselves without electronic navigation, satellite cards, cellular ... New technologies are coming.

Let's analyze some of the features that provide us with technology in the field of observation and navigation at present. Look at the story.

Creating the first artificial satellites of the Earth

The idea to use satellites as repeaters arose long before they were launched into orbit first satellite.

For the first time to remove the aircraft in the upper layers of the atmosphere, engineers of fascist Germany tried, creating a managed rocket "Retribution Weapon".

Hitler's goals did not achieve their goals, but attracted the attention of many specialists to the development of missile weapons. People began to think about the possibilities of using managed missiles for scientific purposes.

One of the officers of the British army, the science fiction writer Arthur Clark, in 1945 published an article in the magazine "Wireless World", where he proposed the principle satellite communications and the possibility of transforming such missiles into "unearthly repeaters".

On June 26, 1954, Korolev presented to the Minister of Defense Industry Dmitry Ustinov's memo " About the artificial satellite of the earth».

Work began on the project "ISS".

October 4, 1957 at 22 h 28 min. Moscow time "Satellite-1" was led into orbit. He began to feed the first signals from the space after separation from the last stage of the rocket. It was a metal ball with a diameter of a half-meter with the simplest radio transmitter.

In 1967, the system of Russian satellite TV "Orbit" began to operate. She allowed the Earth through an artificial satellite to transfer one central television program: "Channel One".

Satellite Cards in Real Time
The opening of the cosmos began with interactive cards - photographs of land received from the satellite. This significant event occurred on August 17, 1959, thanks to the American artificial satellite "Explorer 6". The era of satellite photography began.
Let us dwell on the services that have open access.
Such services have appeared as Google maps, which remains the most affordable resource for the usual alignment.

(To move around the map, zoom, reduce the map, image angle changes Use the navigation in the form of arrows and characters + and - at the top of the card. Try also, manage the card, holding the right mouse button)

View world map and photo from the satellite, determine the coordinates of any point of the planet, measure the distances between objects, calculate the area and pave the route using new satellite cards.

(Map can be increased or decreased)

If Google's cards provide static information, that is, snapshots from the satellite are not shown in real time, that is, devices that provide such an opportunity.
For example, with the help of a satellite receiver "Baikal" can be obtained photos I. satellite maps in real time.

Satellite weather receiver Baikal is designed for receiving images of the earth's surface with meteorological vehicles located in low-bit and geostationary orbits operating in the frequency range of 137-138 MHz with frequency modulation of the signal in APT modes (NOAA15, NOAA17, NOAA18, NOAA19) and WEFAX (METEOSAT7, Goes). The receiver can be installed both in stationary and mobile objects, such as a boat, yacht, sea or river vessel, icebreaker or car. Reception of the picture is possible even while driving.

Services, Services, Opening ...

FROM use Google Maps and other platforms enthusiasts invent more and more new services:

The development of services similar to Google projects is engaged in several startups. One of them, the American company SKYBOX, launching satellites into space. The goal is to make observation of real-time land more affordable. The company has demonstrated its vision of the future project, which shows the Chinese International Airport Suddu, shot by the SKYBOX satellite.

At the moment one satellite works in orbit. Total is planned to start 24 satellites, to cover the entire planet. The satellite weighs only 120 kilograms, and its size is 60 * 60 * 90 centimeters. Shot details - up to 90 centimeters per pixel.

If someone is content with satellite cards in real time, they found those who seemed a little. Employees of the studio of interactive systems from "Georgia Institute of Technology" went on and offered real-time planet surveillance project In a three-dimensional review.

To develop this system, navigation systems, satellite repeaters, webcams, services such as Google Earth and Microsoft Virtual Earth will be used.

Remember the film "People in Black", where the agent Kay through the orbital camera looked at his beloved, watering flowers in the courtyard at home? The opportunity to look at how our land looks from a satellite in real time, attracts people from around the world. Today we will tell - and show you! - The best fruit modern technologies By observation of land.

Attention! If you see a dark screen, it means that the chambers are in the shade. Screensaver or gray screen - no signal.

Usually we get only static satellite cards, frozen in time - the details are not updated for years, and on the street the eternal flight day reigns. Isn't it interesting to look at how beautiful the earth from the satellite online in winter or at night? In addition, the quality of the pictures of some regions of Russia and the CIS leaves much to be desired. But now all this is solved in one fell swoop - thanks to the land online from a real-time satellite now is not fiction. Right on this page you can join thousands of people who are now watching the planet.

At an altitude of 400 kilometers above the planet, where the station is constantly located, NASA has installed, developed by private companies. Cosmonauts themselves or by teams of the flight control center are sent cameras from which data is being transferred. Thanks to the manual control, we can see how the earth looks from the satellite online from all sides - its atmosphere, mountains, cities and oceans. And the mobility of the station allows for an hour to consider half of the globe.

How is the broadcast?

Due to the fact that the cameras are at the international station, we are noticeable even minor details that are commented by scientists, astronauts and professional journalists. However, our land online from a real-time satellite is visible by the work of a whole complex of people and machines - except for the already mentioned astronauts and the control center, in the process involved satellite communications technologies, solar panels Nutrition and technical specialists engaged in data translation and decoding. Accordingly, there are nuances in the broadcast - their knowledge will help you see more and better understand what is happening on the screen.

Our observation point, the orbital station, moves with a huge speed - almost 28 thousand kilometers per hour, and takes plenty of land for 90-92 minutes. Half of this time, 45 minutes, the station hangs on the night side. And although on the amount of solar cells cameras can feed the sunset light, in depth, electricity disappears - therefore it is not always available from the satellite. At such moments, the broadcast screen becomes gray; It is worth a little wait, and you will meet dawn along with astronauts.

In order to find best time For observations, our special map of the Earth from the satellite will come in handy - it is not only not only the time of passing the space station, but also its exact position. So you can find out when you see your city from cosmic height, or find a station in the sky with binoculars or a telescope!

We have already mentioned that astronauts and ground management can change the filing of the cameras - they perform not only entertaining, but also scientific function. At such moments of the planet, the Earth from the satellite in real time is not available - a black or blue screen saver appears on the screen, or the already captured moments are repeated. If there are no satellite interruptions, the station is on the day side of the planet, and the background suddenly changed, then the chambers remove zones inaccessible to the public in connection with international treaties. Secret objects and prohibited areas are closed and on static maps, skillfully hidden by photo edits or just lured. It remains only to wait for the moment when the situation in the world will relax, and there will be no secrets from ordinary citizens.

Hidden opportunities

But do not be upset if the camera does not function right now! When the planet Earth online from the satellite cannot be shown, astronauts and NASA find other entertainment for the audience. You will see life inside the International Space Station, astronauts in weightlessness, which tell about their work and what kind of land from the satellite will be shown as follows. Let me look even in an impressively large flight management center. The only minus - even the speech of Russian astronauts to translate into English, in order to be understood by American staff, who manage the center. Turn off the translation is currently impossible. It is also not worthwhile to be surprised in silence - the comments are not always appropriate, and there is no continuous sound.

For those who predict the route of the cameras using the opportunities, which gives a map of Earth from a real-time satellite, we have a tip - check the settings of the date and time on your computer. The server that updates the card uses the specified formula of the international station movement and the time belt of your IP address to predict the position of orbital chambers. What the earth looks like a satellite, the online map judges solely by device time. If your watch is lagging behind or rush relative to the temporary belt, the station will move to the East or West, respectively. The use of proxy servers and anonymizers will also affect the result.

You are a member of the scientific program

Surely you noticed that the quality of the picture of the planet Earth from the space Live broadcast from the satellite often changes - the image is covered with squares or lags behind the sound track. In most cases, it is enough to check the connection speed with the Internet, disable other videos and programs for downloading files or click on the HD button in the broadcast window. However, if there are interruptions, it is worth remembering - the planet is visible alive only due to a large-scale scientific experiment.

Yes, yes - the video on this page is not just so. Cameras installed at the International Space Station are part of the High Definition Earth Viewing program (from English: Earth View from High Resolution Satellite), which is still improving and developing. Cameras installed by astronauts in isolated from cold and dust conditions, however, they are subjected to hard radiation from the side. Scientists experiment with the difficulties of incomprehensible data transmission in space, achieving the earth map from the satellite in good quality There was not only fixed, but also alive, dynamic. The results obtained will help improve existing channels and create new ones - even in the orbit of Mars in the foreseeable future.

So we stay in touch - in the world of space a new one appears every day!