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Photoshop training for working on the Internet. Best YouTube Tutorials and Other Ways to Master Photoshop

Here is a series of lessons that teach you how to use the graphic editor Photoshop - an incredibly popular and indispensable tool in web design, with the help of which not only buttons, banners and logos are created for the site, but even entire layouts. The design of almost any site you visited was originally drawn in Photoshop, so knowledge of this program will be definitely useful for a webmaster, although the skills of image processing and creating your own drawings simple user PCs don't hurt either. Digitizing photos, retouching old pictures, creating postcards and collages are just the beginning of a long list of useful actions that the editor allows you to do, and a series of lessons will help you get comfortable with it.

Bookmark this page so as not to lose the table of contents and consistently study article after article, comprehending more and more new techniques of working in Photoshop.

But what will you learn in these tutorials?

  • 1 Getting Started in Photoshop - Quick Selection and Filling

    Here you will get acquainted with the program interface, learn what the main interface elements are for, learn how to create documents and save them, master the selection of areas on the canvas. Also from the lesson you will understand how to fill areas with color, you will understand the principles of working with the program. After mastering the information, you will learn how to perform simple actions and be able to explore other editor tools on your own.

  • 2 Layers and text

    Everything Photoshop images are built on layers. That is why editing in the program is so convenient. The lesson will tell you what layers are, why they are needed and how to work with them. In addition, it describes techniques for creating and processing labels, as well as moving objects on the canvas. After completing the lesson, processing multi-layered documents will not be a problem for you.

  • 3 Filters

    You will become familiar with a huge library of image-changing scripts. The filters of the editor can not only give the finished image this or that effect, but even create new objects and frame the photo.

  • 4 Working with images

    The article provides the basics of processing already existing graphic files. Editing several images at once, moving objects from one drawing to another, resizing and removing unnecessary parts - this is just an incomplete list of lesson topics.

  • 5 Transformation

    The lesson will teach you to scale image elements, change proportions, skew, distort and deform them

  • 6 Drawing - brush and pencil

    The first in a series of articles about tools for creating your own masterpieces. Long ago Computer techologies have evolved to the point where they can simulate drawing on paper. You will learn how to create with a virtual pencil and brush - sketches and watercolor paintings can now be easily drawn and distributed on electronic media, making an unlimited number of copies and without worrying about the safety of labor.

  • 7 Drawing - Shapes

    Freehand creation of objects is one thing, and accuracy and speed are sometimes paramount. The lesson tells about the tools with which in just a few clicks you can create perfectly flat geometric shapes of the given dimensions. From a simple square to an ellipse, a star, and even a musical note, this article covers everything.

  • 8 Drawing - paths and bitmaps

    You will remember once and for all how a vector differs from a raster, what the pros and cons are of both approaches, and you will also learn why shape outlines are needed in Photoshop and what pixel mode does.

  • 9 Drawing - Pen tool

    Continuing to work with paths, explore the tools of the Pen group. Purpose, method of application, description of parameters, and as a result you will learn how to draw atypical contours and create complex geometric objects.

  • 10 Drawing - Magnetic pen tool

    The magnetic mode of the Free Pen tool has become so popular that it is referred to as the "Magnetic Pen", although such separate instrument in Photoshop, no. What this function allows you to do, why users love it so much and how it will help you personally - read the article.

  • 11 Image Retouching Tools

    To use these editor functions for the Internet, you do not need to be a layout designer, or a designer, or a webmaster - no one at all. It is enough to be an active user social networks... How to make your face more beautiful, remove moles and freckles? How can I process an old scanned photo so that the colors become brighter, and scratches, spots and dust particles are not so noticeable? How to carefully cut an object, move it or clone it? Where is the tool that will help you get rid of the red-eye effect in a photo in just a couple of minutes? Look for answers to these and other questions in the article.

  • 12 Image correction tools

    You already know so much that mastering new tools is not a problem. All I had to do was make an overview with a description of the possibilities to improve the quality of pictures - to lighten where it is too dark, darken where it is overexposed, blur and sharpen, mix and smear colors. All in all, Additional Information how else to make the image better is waiting for you in the lesson.

    The pinnacle of creativity for the web is rendering site templates. When most of the tools are mastered, and the skills are enough to draw and dividers with shapes, and buttons for menus, and logos, and beautiful lettering, nothing stands in the way of creating a good, complex layout. The article tells what a standard template consists of, describes the principle of creation, and also teaches you how to cut a layout using tools that are previously unfamiliar to you.

  • Having paid attention to each of the lessons, disassembling practical examples and experimenting on your own, as you master the course, you will go from a beginner to an advanced user of Photoshop and you will be able to delve into it yourself by going to new level mastering, and will help you with this strong and reliable foundation laid by the cycle of our articles.

Hello dear readers. It's great when a person wants to learn something, especially when it comes to such an amazing and powerful program like Photoshop.

Only those who are not interested do not know how much hidden functions is fraught with this utility. It opens up incredible opportunities for making money online and simply for realizing your creativity. I will not be surprised that someday the knitting-loving grandmothers will be replaced by those who quietly photoshoot in the evenings, create their incredible paintings, collages or retouch something old.

Today we will talk with you about Photoshop tutorials from scratch. I will tell you everything about where to look for free lessons, what are their advantages and disadvantages, how to master the program at a professional level and learn all the intricacies of the editor step by step.

Let's start with something simple and accessible to everyone.

Where and how to find lessons

I think there is no need to explain why instructional videos are The best way understand Photoshop program... Everything is visible, accessible, understandable. The author does not have to explain everything on the fingers, and you can repeat after him and not encounter discrepancies.

For many beginners, YouTube is becoming a treasure trove of useful information. The advantages of this service are obvious:

  • Is free;
  • In Russian;
  • Lessons at different levels (from beginner to professional);
  • Access at any time of the day;
  • You can simulate the training program yourself.

There are, of course, disadvantages, but we will talk about this a little later. Let's focus on the positive. It became very convenient to work after YouTube provided the opportunity to create collections.

If you don't understand the program at all, I can advise you to start with this one.

There is everything here: where to download Photoshop and which version to give preference to, which language is better to work in (by the way, you can find information in my blog), a lot of information about the basic tools - moving, zooming in and out of a photo, brushes and much more.

After you deal with the basic, you can move on to improving your professionalism. On this topic, you can find a lot of videos, much more than in the first case.

I will suggest a few of them. I really liked the lessons of Alexey Kuzmichev on photo editing.

In this collection you will find many videos on creating interesting effects: turning summer into winter, neon glow, pencil drawing, watercolor, professional retouching of portraits, complex selection, how to cut out a person from a picture and insert into another image, and so on. If this is not enough for you, you can watch 137 more lessons from him.

The main drawback of this "course" is that, at least in the instructions that I looked at, the author does not pay due attention to the explanation of this or that moment, but simply suggests doing the same thing as he did. "Click here, click here, poke without looking back." In my opinion, this is not very cool. You are not a real student who understands what he is doing, but a monkey blindly following the leader.

Another selection that I offer you is created a little more professionally.

There are not many lessons here. The abundance of terms incomprehensible for a beginner complicates perception, and the speed of work, as if you are forced to keep the "rolls" in tension, but how nice it is to watch how a real master works. I really liked it. If you have about the same level of proficiency in the program as mine, then these lessons will not seem useless to you either.

So that you understand what I mean when I talk about ideal classes, I will offer a cool video from the channel ProPhotoshop .

The author explains everything, you really understand what you are doing and why. You get an idea of ​​colors, shadows, what photography looks like and the professional work of a Photoshop artist. In general, just beauty.

The only drawback of this channel is too few videos, about 50, most of which are not quite suitable for either a beginner or an intermediate user - something about lightroom, somewhere about logos.

It is understandable, the authors are quite busy people who earn money from their skill. They do not create a training program for beginners. They do not teach others the program at all, they are busy with real work, and this was just a temporary occupation, most likely for the sake of PR. Just one or two interesting effects are enough.

Unfortunately, the conclusions are depressing. What are the disadvantages of learning Photoshop with YouTube? a lack of quality materials leads to knowledge gaps in the learner.

It is difficult to find a full-fledged course in which you would be told about both the artistic component and the tools, and would also help you become a real professional. Well, we must not forget that a lot of time and effort is often spent looking for the next lesson. Productivity drops, and the level of knowledge remains at the same level for longer.

Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation.

How to learn to work masterfully

When we want to cook pilaf or borscht, why not open some recipe or YouTube? We have the basic knowledge, it remains only to see which ingredients to put in the pan and in what sequence. If you want to become a real chef, you need to look for a teacher. Everything is exactly the same in Photoshop.

I can offer you two courses. The first is suitable for beginners who are still poorly versed in the basics of this program. It is called “ Photoshop from scratch in video format ».

There is just a lot of information about the tools, as well as their use, basic terms and basic work with the program:, channels, filters, objects and so on. Everything a beginner needs to know.

Well, for those who are already ready to move to the next level " 100 Photoshop Tutorials to Improve Your Skills ».

Here, both the artistic component and the technical aspects. Well, that's all. Real professionals are working on the project, who strive to get money not only from their skills, but also from user training.

If you are afraid to buy a pig in a poke, you can see what the lessons look like on the website ... Those that are published no later than two weeks are free. You can get access to the rest for 100 rubles a month.

That's basically it. I can also advise you on an interesting article about or. The articles turned out to be very interesting.

You have a lot to do and think about. Choose the best paths to achieve your goal. Do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter and become a subscriber of my official group Vkontakte ... This will allow you to get helpful advice how to turn your hobby into a profitable hobby is easy and simple.

Until next time and good luck in your endeavors.

Adobe photoshop Is a program that occupies a leading position among all known graphic editors. It is a multifunctional software, which many modern users of different ages, professional activities and social status dream of mastering.

Nowadays it is already difficult to imagine the development of design layouts without using Photoshop. In addition, Photoshop is actively used in design and computer modeling.

Hundreds of programmers and specialists in the field digital technologies created a unique editor that is able to solve absolutely any graphic design problem.

Photoshop features

Powerful graphics editor makes it possible to carry out a variety of manipulations with images and photographs: from simple photo processing to complex editing and drawing. Despite the fact that the program has great functionality and is difficult to learn, you should not be afraid to start working with it. Our Photoshop for beginners courses will help you understand it with ease, as they are designed for anyone who has not yet had experience with this program or has only basic knowledge.

Upon completion of the training, you will master all the basic tools of the program. On practical examples consolidate the knowledge gained and you will be ready to master more complex functionality and techniques.

For students who already have a good knowledge of Photoshop, we have prepared a course:

Adobe Photoshop courses at Nordic IT School are:

Professional teachers,
- comfortable equipped auditoriums with a total area of ​​more than 350 sq.m.
-after graduation, a Scandinavian School certificate of successful completion of the course is issued
-master classes from leading Finnish specialists,
-the possibility of distance learning in the form of a webinar
-internship in leading universities in Finland
-training on the OpenStudy program in Finland


Good knowledge of the program opens up great prospects when applying for a job with a decent wage or career growth. Wage specialists with knowledge of Adobe Photoshop exceed 50 thousand rubles.

Teaching in groups

Group training is the most accessible and popular form of training at Nordic IT School. When teaching in groups, a fixed schedule of classes is used, focused on specific days and times of training. You can choose the most convenient schedule of classes in the evening, daytime, morning time both on weekdays and on weekends.

Adobe Photoshop course. Level 1. Raster graphics are designed for 24 academic hours.

Most of our teachers advise group learning as the most effective method learning, as it allows you to study the subject more deeply, exchange interesting and useful information on learning Photoshop.

If you have already completed the course "Adobe Photoshop. Level 1" and want to continue your studies further, for the sake of offering you a course where you can improve the skills you have already acquired, as well as learn new subtleties of working with the program ..

Remote training in the form of a webinar

If you have absolutely no time to attend classes in person, or you are in another city, we suggest you take a course in the form of a webinar. In the learning process, you, as well as the listeners face-to-face courses, you will see both the teacher and his computer desktop. In addition, you will be able to ask the teacher questions during the training.

Individual training

If you have a complicated schedule, a shift work schedule, or just a desire to study Adobe Photoshop one-on-one with a teacher, we can offer you an individual form of training. This form of training allows you to draw up a schedule of classes taking into account your wishes in terms of time and intensity of classes, and get all the attention of the teacher in the class.

Distance learning

Distance learning is new form learning dictated by today's stressful rhythm of life and modern information technology... Training takes place remotely according to a pre-agreed schedule using the Internet. This form of training is also suitable for those who live outside the capital and have an irresistible desire to learn Photoshop. With the use of appropriate programs, it is available to anyone, even if you live in another city. Distance learning at a Scandinavian school is effective, reliable and fun.

Corporate training

For employees of companies and organizations, we offer staff training both at the Scandinavian School and in the workplace. Group training possible different levels and individual employees. Our experienced trainers will test employees and offer a program tailored to the specifics of the firm's activities.

V this moment on the basis of corporate training, we conduct classes for employees of the Embassy of Finland in Moscow, JSC Nordea Bank, LLC Intego-Logistic, Moscow representative office of LLC Statoil ASA. Also, our listeners were employees of such companies as VR-GROUP LTD. (Finnish Railways), Castren & Snellman Law Firm, Lindab International Group of Companies.

More and more people are looking for free Photoshop training... This question is especially relevant for newbie Adobe Photoshop users. If you also want to learn the popular Photoshop as quickly as possible, then you are in the right place!

It's no secret that Photoshop is the most popular photo editor in the world. This program deservedly won world fame for itself. After all, the possibilities that Photoshop provides for processing photos are truly endless! The abundance of functions and various tools gives huge advantages when processing any graphic images... The possibilities of the program are limited only by your skills and flight of imagination!

But at the same time, it should be admitted that not every user can master the Adobe Photoshop program on their own. To be honest, even the developers cannot confidently declare that they know Photoshop thoroughly. Indeed, hundreds of people are working on the creation of this program.

Is Photoshop training available even for beginners from scratch?

That being said, don't think that Photoshop is difficult! Beginners can start using basic Photoshop tools right away and perform simple operations with ease. But if you want to learn how to fully use the program, you cannot do without additional training.

The portal site was just created so that any beginner user of Photoshop could easily find answers to their questions. On our site you will find simple step-by-step text and video tutorials on Adobe Photoshop. There are also great articles and tutorials on Photoshop for beginners from scratch. All training materials are presented in a simple step-by-step form, so they will be understandable even to a completely untrained person. Lessons are updated every day!

If you value your time and want to fully learn Photoshop as soon as possible, then the section "Courses in Photoshop" has been created for you. It features comprehensive, step-by-step video courses. Therefore, you have a wide choice. You can take a free training: on our site you will find thousands of text and video tutorials on Photoshop. Or you can speed up the learning process as much as possible by adopting the many years of experience of the leading authors of our site, presented in a simple and understandable form in the form of paid video courses.

You can also join the many thousands of like-minded team of our portal. the site is visited daily by tens of thousands of fans of photo and video processing. There is a large Photoshop forum where you can discuss any topic and get answers to your questions from experienced users.

Also, on our site, various Photoshop contests are constantly held. You can not only test your strength, but also win various prizes!

For those who have knowledge and great practical experience of working with Adobe Photoshop, we can offer to become one of the authors of our portal. This will give you the opportunity not only to "glorify" your name among the many thousands of Photoshop users, but also to earn money for your knowledge and work.

Join the friendly Photoshop Master team! We are always glad to new readers, subscribers and like-minded people. Together with us Photoshop training will become easy, interesting and very exciting!

Yes. This video course can be watched both in Windows and in OS X (Mac OS), and in any other systems where there is a web browser and support for MP4 video format.

Where to contact if you have any questions about the course?

After payment, you will get access to the online platform, where you can watch this training material and ask any of your questions in the comments below the lesson.

Do I need to activate the course before watching?

The course works right away. You will not need any keys or activation codes. You can watch the course on as many computers as you like.

Is there a disc version of the course?

We refused from disks in favor of flash drives, you can order a course on a flash drive with delivery by mail.

Can I place an order today and pay later?

Yes it is possible. Just start placing your order, after the basket you will see a link “Save order to personal account I'll pay for it later. " Watch the video tutorial:

Where to download and how to install Photoshop?

What's the difference between Photoshop for Dummies 57 Tutorials and Photoshop from Scratch Video 3.0?

The course "Photoshop for Dummies, 57 Practical Lessons" does not detailed description tools and teams Adobe programs Photoshop. Here are only practical lessons in various areas: restoration and retouching of pictures, creation of collages and decoration of photographs, drawing, design, creation of textures and text effects.

In which version of Photoshop are the lessons of the course recorded?

Some of the lessons are recorded using CS6, and most in the CC 2014, CC 2015 version.

I am not from Russia, can I buy a course?

Oh sure. Available payment methods for you: Visa / MasterCard / Maestro, Yandex.Money, RBK Money, WebMoney, QIWI, Money transfers, Paypal. After payment, you will receive a letter with a link to download the course to your computer, but if during registration you selected delivery on a USB flash drive, then in addition to this letter we will send you the course on a USB flash drive by air mail.

I have not found the answer to my question. How to be?

Contact our online consultant. The online consultant button is located in the lower right corner of the page. Or you can write to our support team at: