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How to remove the division of the disk. Personal computer from a to z

Working with documents made in MS Word, you may notice that the text in some of them is divided. This is very convenient, because you can apply a separate text style to each fragment, make columns, number the pages of one part separately from the entire document, and so on. At the same time, formatting it, you do not change the text in other parts in any way. You can read more about creating sections in the Word in the article by clicking on the link.

But it also happens that it is necessary to combine two parts of the document into one. This is not at all difficult to do, and in this article we will figure out how you can remove sections in the Word. These recommendations are suitable if you have Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016 installed.

Before proceeding with the deletion, let's make it so that you can see in which parts of the document they are placed. To do this, you need to enable the display of non-printable characters. Go to the "Home" tab and in the "Paragraph" group click on the button.

You can now see various characters in the document that were not displayed before.

Let's take these two paragraphs as an example. Put italics at the end of the first one so that it blinks with right side from the paragraph character, and then press "Delete" on your keyboard.

The section break is removed. To remove extra lines between parts of the text, click with the mouse at the end of the first paragraph and press “Delete” the required number of times - in the example, 3 times.

Now let's remove another break that is on the current page. Put italics at the end of the first part and hit "Delete".

Please note that after you remove the separation, the same formatting will be applied to the first paragraph as used in the second. Consider this example: in the second fragment, the material is divided into columns, and the margins on the right and left are reduced.

After removing the page break, the first will also be divided into columns and the fields on the right and left will be the same as in the second.

If you have a certain style applied to what was written, then you can make the union so that the style of the first part is applied to the second.

Put italics at the end of the first paragraph and hit Delete as many times as necessary. In the example, I pressed it 2 times.

As a result, the break was removed, the style of the text in the second paragraph is the same as in the first, but the division of the material into columns was applied to the first.

If you need to remove this inscription so that the style of the second paragraph does not change at the same time, then in the line with the inscription, place the cursor on the right side of the character of the beginning of the paragraph and press “Delete” once.

The style of the second paragraph will not change, but the first will be split into columns.

I think you understand everything. The main thing when deleting the supplied sections do not forget that the formatting of the section that is below is applied to the one that is above.

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A section break is a non-printable and hidden sign that tells the Word text editor to end the current section of the document and move on to a new one. Typically, users insert section breaks when they need to apply different formatting to different parts of the document.

But, if you have not encountered a section break before, then it can create problems for you when editing text. In this article, we will talk about how to remove a section break in text editor Word. The material will be relevant for everyone modern versions Word editor including Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016.

If you need to remove a section break, it's very easy to do. First, you need to activate the display of non-printable characters, this will allow you to see the breaks as ordinary characters and simplify their removal.

If you are using Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then you need to go to the "Home" tab and click on the " Show all symbols". In the screenshot below, this button is marked with an arrow. You can also enable the display of non-printable characters from the keyboard; for this, use the CTRL + SHIFT + 8 key combination.

If you are using Word 2003, then the button to enable the display of nonprinting characters is simply on the toolbar, next to the page scale. In the screenshot below, this button is marked with an arrow.

After enabling this function, all non-printable characters will start showing on the page. Now you need to go to the section break you want to delete and place your cursor in front of it. The screenshot below shows roughly how it should look. After the cursor is set before the section break, simply press the DELETE button on the keyboard and thus delete it.

Also, in Word documents, page breaks can come across. If you need to, then this is done in the same way as with a section break.

First you need to enable the display of non-printing characters, then place the cursor in front of the page break and delete it using the DELETE button.

When working with a large document, sometimes you need to start a new paragraph with new page, and for this, usually, they put a page break. In the options, we can ask the Word where to automatically put page breaks, but we can only remove them manually. So on this page you will learn a couple of ways, how to remove a page break in Word.

  • Delete the break using the "Delete" button
  • Removing the gap using the Find and Replace function

Delete the break using the "Delete" button

Step 1. When in word document page breaks are used, they are not visible. In order to see them go to the Home tab - then "Show all signs" (CTRL + *), as in the screenshot

Step 2. Select the gap with the mouse, or place the cursor on the left side of the gap.

Step 3. When everything is ready, press the "Delete" key

As you can see, this is not a hard way to remove a break in a document. But what if you have not a dozen of them? Of course you can pinch cTRL key and select all the breaks in the document, and then delete them with the key, but this is a long way, because if you have a huge document, then go to.

Removing the gap using the Find and Replace function

Compared to the first method, using the Find and Replace function can save you tons of time. You don't have to select all the page breaks one by one across a huge document, but you can remove them all at once by following the steps below.

Step 1. Open the "Find and Replace" window: "Home" - "Replace".

Step 2. In open window click on the button "More \u003e\u003e".

Step 3. In the "Special" list, select "Page Break".

Step 4. In the "Find" field, type "^ m" and click on the "Replace all" button.

If you did everything right, then everything should work out for you and, now, you know how to remove a page break in Word.

In this article, you will learn how to delete a section hard disk in the Disk Management Console or using the Windows 7 built-in DiskPart utility.


In order to delete a volume, you need to enter Windows 7 under account with administrator rights.

Deleting a partition erases all data stored on it. Back up any data you want to keep before deleting.

It is impossible to delete from under Windows 7 a partition containing bootable or other system files the same windows copies 7, including the partitions on which its swap files are located. So if hDD contains only one partition, you can only delete it during the Windows installation process.

Before starting the removal, in the settings of the Disk Defragmenter service, set the startup type Manually... If this service is disabled, then when you try to delete a partition, an error message will appear: The specified service cannot be started because it is disabled or all associated devices are disabled.

Method 1. Deleting a partition via Windows 7 Disk Management

1. Open the start menu, type in search string diskmgmt.msc and press ENTER.

2. Right-click the section you want to delete and select a command.

3. Carefully read the warning that appears:

and press the button Yesto confirm the deletion.

4. The selected partition is now deleted and an unallocated area appears in its place. It appears as an unallocated partition in Disk Management and is marked in black.

In the resulting unallocated area, you can or existing on the same physical hard disk.

Method 2. Deleting a hard disk volume using DiskPart (command line)

2. Enter the command diskpart and press ENTER.

This command launches the DiskPart utility built into Windows 7, which is designed to manage hard drives, their volumes and partitions.

3. Enter the list volume command and press the ENTER key.

After that, the screen will display all existing sections with their assigned numbers.

4. Enter the select volume X command (instead of X specify the number of the chapter to be deleted) and press ENTER.

With this command you select a volume for further operations with it.

5. Enter the delete volume command and press ENTER.

Attention! After executing this command, the hard disk partition selected in step 4 of this manual will be permanently deleted. This operation cannot be undone. Only execute this command after making sure that all the previous steps were performed correctly.

If the volume is not deleted after running the previous command, enter another command: delete volume override and press ENTER.

6. Type exit and press ENTER to exit the DiskPart program. Then you can close the command prompt window.

The use of breaks is especially popular among those who often create large documents with sections, subsections, and subparagraphs in a text editor. Indeed, in this case, the use of such a Word function is very convenient and greatly simplifies the user's work. However, it often happens that page breaks are unnecessary, which is why in our article we will analyze the question of how to remove a section break in Word.

In order to understand that it is the page breaks that are placed in the document, the user needs to reflect hidden non-printable characters in the document. To do this, go to the "Home" tab, then in the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Show all characters" button. How it looks is shown in the figure below.

When working in Word, it is important to remember that gaps can be set both automatically and manually. The user will not be able to remove the gaps set by the program, but the gaps set manually can be removed. How? Read below.

How do I prevent unwanted page breaks?

To begin with, let's analyze this issue using the example of the Word 2013 program. In order to prevent page breaks, place the cursor in front of the paragraphs to which you want to apply the settings. After that, open the "Page Section" tab, open the "Paragraph" window, which we have repeatedly written about above. Then open "Line and Page Breaks". We fulfill the necessary conditions:

  1. Check the box next to “Prohibit orphaned lines” if you want the page to contain 2 lines of a paragraph.
  2. If you want to prohibit the break between paragraphs, then check the "Keep from the next."
  3. To prohibit the setting of a break in the center of a paragraph, the user must put a checkmark in front of the paragraph that says about the prohibition of paragraph breaks.

How to remove a section break in Word?

To remove manual page breaks in Word, click on the "Draft" section. Next, select the "Page Break" item, while clicking on the border next to the dotted line. After that, press the DELETE key located on the keyboard.

How do I fix gaps in a large document?

This method is especially suitable for documents containing several tens or hundreds of pages. The user is invited to use the autocorrect function available in Word. How can I do that?