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The essence of the Bitcoin technology. What is Bitcoin - Full Guide

Bitcoin is global cryptocurrency and digital payment system. This unit is the first decentralized digital currency. This system Works without a central repository or a single administrator. Where it appeared was invented by an unknown person or a group of people under the name of Satosha Doboto and was released as software with open source code in 2009.

The system is peer-to-peer, and transactions are carried out between users directly, without an intermediary. All operations are checked with network nodes and are recorded in a publicly accessible distributed register, called a chain block.

Where do bitcoins come from? They are created as a remuneration for the process known as mining. They can be exchanged for other currencies, products and services. As of February 2015, more than 100,000 companies all over the world took bitcoins as payment. This cryptocurrency can also be considered as an investment. According to the research conducted by the University of Cambridge in 2017, there are 2.9-5.8 million unique users using code encryption, most of which use Bitcoin.


The word "Bitcoin" was first mentioned in the official document published on October 31, 2008. The name of the term happened from the English words "bit" (Bit) and coin (Coin). There is no single agreement on the correct writing of this name. In some sources it is written from the capital letter, according to other data - with the line.


A unit of accounting for a cryptocurrency system is Bitcoin. Starting from 2014, the tickers used to designate this unit are defined as BTC and XBT. At the same time, the components of the Bitcoin, used as alternative units, is MILLIBIC (MBTC) and Satoshi. Satoshi cryptocurrencies named after the Creator is the smallest amount in Bitcoin, representing 0.00000001 or one velomillion BTC. Millist is 0.001, or the thousandth part of the Bitcoin.

How did bitcoin arose?

The history of some events will help to figure out what the Bitcoin currency and where every Satoshi comes from.

On August 18, 2008, the domain name was registered. In November of the same year, reference to a document, signed by Satoshi Dzamoto, called "Bitcoin: The electronic monetary system of a peer-to-peer network" was sent to the list of cryptography mailing. Nakamoto implemented bitcoins software as he released it in January 2009. The reality of the inventor remains unknown, although many argue that they know this person personally. Where do bitcoins come from from this moment?

In January 2009, the Bitcoin network appeared after Satoshi Dzamoto mined the first block in the chain, known as the genesis block, for remuneration of 50 bitcoins. One of the first supporters and miners of this cryptocurrency was the programmer Hal Finni. He downloaded the software on the same day when it was released, and received 10 bitcoins from the first transaction in the world.

In the first days, there was 1 million bitcoins in the first days of experts. Before you leave the mining cryptocurrency, the creator of the system conveyed the management of Gavin Andresien, which later became the leading developer in the Bitcoin Fund.

First difficulties

From that moment on, it became well known how Bitcoin is mined than the attackers used. On August 6, 2010, a serious vulnerability was discovered in the cryptocurrency protocol. Transactions were not properly checked before they were included in the block chain, which allowed users to bypass economic restrictions and create an indefinite amount of bitcoins. On August 15, this vulnerability was used: in one transaction more than 184 billion BTC were created and sent to two addresses on the network. For several hours, this operation was detected and erased from the log after correcting the error, and the network is branched to the updated version of the cryptocurrency protocol.

On August 1, 2017, Bitcoin was divided into two derivative digital currency - classical (BTC) and cash (BCH). This made it possible to solve the problem how to bring bitcoins into physical form.

How does it work now?

A block chain is a public register that records transactions. New system solution Performs this without any trusted central organ: the service of the blockchain is performed by a network of communication nodes working with software. Where does Bitcoin come from?

Simple words, this can be explained so. Transactions of the Form X-form transaction send Y bitcoins to the Z recipient, which are broadcast to this network using available software applications. Network nodes can check operations, add them to their copy of the book and then broadcast these records to other nodes. A block chain is a distributed database - each network node stores its own copy of the block chain.

Approximately six times an hour a new group of received transactions is created - a block that is added to the chain and is quickly published for all nodes. This allows cryptocurrency software to determine when a certain part of Bitcoin was spent, and what is needed to prevent dual spending in the medium without centralized control. Taking into account that in the usual book, transfers of actual resources that exist separately from it are recorded, a block chain is the only place that seems to have bitcoins in the form of unspent transaction outputs. This is based on the Mynig Bitcoins. Where do money come from? They are reconstructed in a block chain as a result of the above operations.


Transactions consist of one or more inputs and outputs. When the user sends bitcoins, it assigns each address and the number of currency units sent to this output address. To prevent dual costs, each input should refer to the previous unspent exit in the block chain. The use of several inputs corresponds to the use of several "coins" in cash transactions. Since operations can have several outputs, users can send bitcoins to several recipients in one command. As in cash transactions, the amount of deposits (cryptocurrency units used to pay) may exceed the estimated amount of payments. In this case, an additional output is used that returns a change in the payer back. Any input data that is not taken into account in the transaction is becoming a commission for it.

Operating costs

The transaction fee is optional. Mainers can choose which operations to process, and establish priorities for those who pay a higher amount. Tariffs are based on the storage of the generated transaction, which, in turn, depends on the number of inputs used to create it. In addition, priority is given to the old unspent inputs.


In block chain of bitcoins are recorded to addresses. Creating a BTC address is nothing more than choosing a random actual closed key and calculating the corresponding address. This calculation can be performed for a second. But the reverse action (calculating the private key of the specified Bitcoin address) is mathematically impossible, and therefore users can communicate to others and publish the address without prejudice to its appropriate closed code. Moreover, the number of the above keys is so great that it is extremely unlikely that someone will calculate their pair, which is already used and has funds.

To be able to spend bitcoins, the owner should know the appropriate closed code and sign a digital transaction. The network checks the signature using the open key.

If the personal key is lost, the Bitcoins network does not recognize any other evidence of owning them. Then money becomes unsuitable and simply lose. For example, in 2013, one user claimed that he lost 7,500 BTC (at that time $ 7.5 million), when accidentally threw hDDcontaining its closed key. Perhaps the backup of his data could prevent this.

Where do money come from?

The bitcoins mining is the accounting service performed using computing power. Mainers retain the blockchain consecutive, complete and unchanged, repeatedly checking and collecting newly translated transactions into a new group called the block. Each block contains cryptographic hash of the previous one using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm that binds them among themselves. This allows you to answer the question where bitcoins come from, for "teapots".

To be accepted by the rest of the network, new block Must contain the so-called proof of work. It requires miners to find a number called NONCE, and when the contents of the block is caught with it, the result is rather less than the target level of network complexity. This proof is easily accessible to check from any network node, but at the same time extremely laborious for generation.

The system of evidence of health, along with the block chain, makes an extremely complex modification of the block chain, since the attacker must change all subsequent blocks so that the changes of one of them are taken. Even having a complete understanding of where bitcoins come from, it is impossible to fake them.

Since miners work continuously and their number is growing, the complexity of the block modification increases over time.

Bitcoins in circulation

As a matter of bitcoins? Successful Mainer in a new block receives rewards for recently created Bitcoin and transactional fees. As of July 9, 2016, mining was 12.5 newly created BTC for each block added to the chain. To get a remuneration, a special transaction must be included in the treated payments. Where do bitcoins come from? All existing BTCs were created precisely in such operations.

The protocol indicates that the remuneration for adding a block will be reduced by half every 210,000 blocks (approximately every four years). In the end, it will decrease to zero, and the limit of 21 million bitcoins will be achieved. From this point on, each Mainer will be rewarded only for transactional fees. This will significantly complicate the task,

In other words, the inventor of Bitcoins Dzamoto established a monetary policy based on artificial deficit at the very beginning, limiting the possible number of cryptocurrency units in 21 million. Their specific number is produced approximately every ten minutes, and the speed with which they are generated will dry up every four years until everyone is in circulation. After that, the most relevant will be the question of how to bring bitcoins and how to use them as a means of means.

Storage online

The cryptocurrency wallet stores the information necessary for the transaction of bitcoins. They can be represented as a place to storing BTC, but due to the specific nature of the system, they are inseparable from the chain of the transaction block. Therefore, the cryptocurrency wallet can be represented as a functionality that stores digital credentials for the mined bitcoins and allows the user to receive and spend them. BTC uses two cryptographic code in which two cryptographic code is generated - open and private. In essence, such a wallet is a set of these keys.

There are several types of cryptocurrency wallets. Software connects to the network and allow you to spend bitcoins in addition to accounting data confirming the right of ownership. Such wallets can be divided into two categories: full and lightweight clients.

The first check the transactions directly on the local copy of the block circuit (more than 136 GB as of October 2017) or its subset (about 2 GB). Due to its size and complexity, it is not suitable for all computing devices. If you are interested in such a task like a matter of bitcoins, you need such a wallet.

Lightweight customers, on the other hand, consulted with full-fledged to send and receive transactions, without requiring a local copy of the entire chain. It simplifies work and allows them to use them on low-capacity low-capacity devices (for example, smartphones). However, when using a light wallet, the user must trust the server to a certain extent. When using such a client, the server cannot steal bitcoins, but may report to faulty values. When using both types of software wallets, users are responsible for saving secret keys in a safe place.

Online services

In addition to software, there are Internet services, called online wallet, which offer similar functionality, but may be easier to use. In this case, credentials for access to funds are stored at the online client provider, and not on the user hardware. In this case, the server security violation can lead to theft of BTC.


Bitcoin is a pseudonym, and this means that funds are not tied to the objects of the real world, but rather to cryptocurrency addresses. Their owners are not identified, but all transactions on the block chain are publicly available. In addition, the operations can be associated with individuals and companies through "idioms of use" (BTC from several sources indicating that the inputs can have a common owner).

To increase financial privacy, a new Bitcoin address can be generated for each transaction. For example, hierarchical deterministic wallets generate pseudo-random "sliding addresses" for each operation from one cycle, while only one key phrase is required to restore all relevant closed keys. This is especially true in cases where cryptocurrencies are outlawed. So, the news constantly states that Bitcoin in Russia will continue to be prohibited. Currently, the sites dedicated to BTC are regularly blocked.

Financial studies have also shown that with the help of BTC exchange various subjects can prove their assets, commitments and solvency, without discovering the addresses. According to experts, this cryptocurrency reminds funds on

However, electronic exchangers, where BTC can be exchanged for other traditional currencies, may require some user data.


Wallets and similar software technically processed all bitcoins as equivalent by setting the basic level of interchangeability. Researchers noted that the history of each BTC is registered and publicly available in block book, and some users can refuse to receive cryptocurrency units outgoing from unreliable operations that may damage compatibility.

Blocks in block chains are limited to one megabyte size, which creates problems for processing such transactions as an increase in fees and delayed processing that cannot be placed in it. On August 24, 2017, the maximum bandwidth of the block was increased, and the identifiers of operations remained unchanged. This has become available with the implementation of the Segwit service, which also allows you to implement the Lightning network intended for scalability with instantaneous transactions.

Classification today

Bitcoin is a digital asset designed for use as a currency. The question of whether it is currency or not, still disputes. Where does it come from as in the case of classical generally accepted rates, it is associated with supply and suggestion, as well as with accessibility. As more and more people consider cryptocurrency viable, and even consider them as a substitute for physical money, their cost will grow. And in conditions of artificially created deficit, the rise in price will be observed as all BTC is mined.

According to The Economist magazine, bitcoins have three main qualities that have real money units: they are difficult to earn, they are limited in deliveries and are easily checked. Economists determine the money as value, exchange environment and an invoice unit, and at the same time agree that Bitcoin has compliance with all these criteria. However, it is best used as a means of exchange.

According to the research conducted by the University of Cambridge, 2.9 million BTC were spent and exchanged and exchanged, and 5.8 million unique users who use a cryptocurrency wallet were registered.

If mining is not effective, is it possible to do something?

How to earn bitcoins without resorting to the mining? The most obvious way is trade on stock exchanges, which is similar to the well-known currency trading. Since the rate of BTC constantly fluctuates, due to the difference in courses, you can get a significant profit. You can buy and sell Bitcoin in Russia on various international exchanges both independently and through financial brokers.

You can bring bitcoins through the same exchangers by purchasing any currency or electronic money for them.

Where to take virtual money? What programs are used for earnings electronic money in the Internet? Is it possible to earn bitcoins using a computer on the machine?

There is an opinion that in the future cryptocurrency will be the main and only payment facility on the planet. But so far, serious investments in bitcoins and other digital money are considered to be highly discharged, albeit a potentially highly profitable way. If you are ready to risk, then this article is for you.

In touch Denis Kudarin - Financial Expert of the Journal of Khitirbobor. I will tell, how to earn bitcoins using a computerwhich methods of prey of virtual money do not require investments, and cloud Mining Differs from the usual.

Sit comfortably and read to the end - in the final you will learn what services for the earnings of bitcoins are now the most popular, and how to get a lot of cryptocurrencies by putting at least one's own funds.

1. Bitcoins - earn virtual money online

Bitcoins (Bitcoins, BTC, BTK) are the most popular e-currency. It pays for goods and services, both dollars, rubles and euros, buy and sell on stock exchanges, change in electronic exchange offices.

However, Bitcoin has a significant difference from other currencies. These electronic money not controlling no institution in the world. They cannot be cash in an ATM. They represent a self-sufficient system and exist only within the network. At the same time, bitcoins are not provided with neither gold, nor silver, but only by the source code (script).

The number of bitcoins is limited: It is known in advance how many will be released before 2140. In part, therefore, this cryptocurrency is so valuable.

Emission currency is ensured by the work of millions of computers throughout the world. It, like gold, is produced by industrial and handicraft.

The whole chip is that bitcins are distributed relatively by chance - Among those who use special equipment For computing. The more powerful equipment for the creation of mathematical algorithms, the higher the probability of obtaining bitcoins.

What are the benefits of bitcoins:

  • they are transmitted directly from one person to another over the network - use the services of banks and other settlement institutions is not necessary;
  • bitcoins - International Currency: it can be used in any country of the world;
  • the score can not be frozen - no centralized institution does not control the currency;
  • no restrictions on the amounts and time of transaction time - in contrast to bank transfer;
  • low Commissions for Transfers- at instant speed.

Since this is a purely digital currency, 1 BTC is divided almost to infinity. The smallest coin is called " satosha"(In honor of the program developer) and is equal to 10 -8 Bitcoin.

The whole story of Bitcoin transactions, which ever occurred, is stored in the network and is a chain of blocks ( blockchain).

Bitcoins mining with a computer called " mining" A few years ago, Maine Cryptovaya was extremely simple - no additional equipment was required.

Now everything is much more difficult - we need solid costs of iron and programswhich pays off only for 6-24 months.

First of all, the mining ensures the Bitcoin infrastructure itself, and profit is an additional encouragement. Mining on ordinary video cards and processors is a finally outdated way of earning.

Only specialized iron has prospects, but a lot of people with big money and relevant equipment are already involved in this area.

Mining - not the only way to earn bitcoins. What other options have an ordinary user - read further.

A small video libez on the topic of cryptocurrencies.

August 1, 2017 There was a division of Bitcoin into two cryptocurrency: Bitcoin. and Bitcoin Cash..

2. 5 proven ways to earn bitcoins

Experts and analysts warned from large investments in mining equipment. And generally advised to refer to cryptocurrency as an additional, but not the main, source of income.

Iron morally becomes over a couple of months after its purchase, and bitcoins courses - an unworthy thing. They affect the mass of speculative factors. The high cost of Bitcoin is not guaranteed by the future of the future, who has many cryptocurrency.

Everywhere they write that bitcoin's course grows and not going to fall. It seems that everyone around is earned on bitcoins heaps of money, and you lose profits. But I do not advise risks and spend all savings on cryptocurrency.

This is still an experimental project with an unpredictable future. . If risk, then exceptionally free moneywho are not sorry to lose.

Cryptocurrency - only technologies for transactions. Bitcoins themselves are not needed by themselves. Want to make money on cryptocurrentes really much - become a manufacturer of equipment for mining. That's then your revenue will really be real.

However, available methods for earning bitcoins exist. And I will tell about them in detail.

Method 1. Myning

Specialized equipment for mining costs serious money. Mainers are done in a generally useful for the Bitcoin-system work - ensure its livelihood and reproduction of new cryptocurrency units. This is a foundation on which everything keeps.

What equipment is required for traditional mining:

  1. powerful modern video cards - not as installed in your home computer;
  2. no less powerful power supplies;
  3. ventilation and cooling systems;
  4. recent generation processors.

Modern miners create whole farm. For bitcoin production - several computers that are engaged in 24/7. The "farmer" is spent not only to equipment, but also to pay for electricity, which is consumed in reinforced mode.

In addition, specialized programs are needed - CGMINER, Diablominer, Bfgminer, Phoenix or others: the software for mining is continuously developing, like the technologies themselves. About, read a separate publication.

It is alarming the fact that some major players, some time ago opened their farms, are now selling equipment. Does this mean that the Bitcoins market is waiting for a turn? It is impossible to say unequivocally. Until 1 BTC stands 2.5 thousand dollars . And it is more precious than gold.

Attention! While we prepared this article to publish the Bitcoin course rose again! On August 8, 2017, one unit of this cryptocurrency exceeded the mark for the first time. 3500 dollars!

Small farm for bitcoins

There is another, much less expensive variety of BTK production - cloud Mining. Its essence is that you use rented equipment, which is located somewhere else. You pay for the use of the program, renting it on the time you need.

Cloud mining is industrial enterprise for the extraction of bitcoins. You no longer get cryptocurrency as a single miner, but use the services of a whole "mining company". The bitcoins mined by this company are distributed between the tenants of the cloud server.

The algorithm is simple:

  • choose the site of cloud mining;
  • register and make cryptocurrency at the expense;
  • purchase power as much money;
  • mining is carried out automatically or semi-automatic mode.

You need to choose the site carefully - in this area, as well as any other related to finance, are full of fraudsters wishing to be engaged in your account. And some popular services are typical Haipes - financial pyramids with limited lifespan.

Method 2. Passing Caps on the cranes

Cranes - these are sites that offer everyone satosha As payment of simple tasks - Click on the banner, enter the captcha, view the video or web page for a fixed time. Money is credited to your bitcoin-wallet.

The average remuneration is small - 100-300 Satoshi, but some sites constantly play and larger prizes. Conclusion Cryptovaya Available after accumulating a certain amount of Satoshi. Most cranes have a system of referral deductions.

The advantage is that no attachments from users are required. Initially, the taps were created to popularize cryptocurrencies, gradually became a full way of its earnings.

METHOD 3. Gambling

In essence, these are ordinary online games, only winnings here not in rubles and dollars, but in cryptocurrency.

There are two ways to make money on such bitcoin games - to play or attract referrals. The first option involves a well-known risk - there are not only winnings in the game, but also loss. The second option is more reliable, and earnings depend only on your ability to attract referrals.

Method 4. Affiliate Programs

A quite promising and high-order method. You post on your site, page in the social network, blog in the LiveJournal partner link and get a remuneration for this. Money drip every time on your link the partner site passes a new user.

Where to look for users who go to your link? At the immense expanses of the worldwide network. Post a partner everywhere where you can, including in communities, on thematic forums, in the comments on sites where it is allowed.

Method 5. Trading

Cryptovaluoy Might and main trades on stock exchanges as dollars and rubles. Those who acquired a decent number of bitcoins about 5-7 years ago, now millionaires. But this does not mean that the lifting will last further.


One Finnish student acquired bitcoins in 2009 on 27 $ And safely forgot about his purchase. When he remembered this a few years later, his accumulations were already worth 886,000 dollars .

Earnings on the fluctuations of the course - the topic of a separate article. Here I will say one thing - engaged in trading on forex or special without initial preparation risky.

3. How to earn bitcoins using a computer on a machine - 5 simple steps for newbies

Let's turn to practice. Consider step by step how to earn bitcoins using mining programsI wrote about above.

To begin with, you need to start bitcoin-wallet. It stores a secret key to access bitcoin address. Because bitcoins themselves are intangible, key - the only way to access the means.

There are official wallets and "lungs", hardware and online wallets, as well as for PCs and mobile devices. The choice is yours. Next, follow the expert leadership.

Step 1. Select the service

Select a service for automatic earnings. Plus this method is that you do not need to spend time on installing and debugging equipment.. All that is required from you is to run a program that will work for you.

The problem is that services are many and many of them do not mined bitcoins themselvesAnd just intermediaries. In the next section, you are waiting for a review of proven sites that trust thousands of users.

Step 2. Register

Registration on the service is extremely simple and takes a few minutes. You need the address email, country, login, password and date of birth. In some systems there are other fields, but in any case, there are few of them.

Step 3. Download the program and go to your personal account.

Further everything is simple - you need to download the program and install on your computer. Just for the program and pays the user. The most appropriate version of the program will advise you by the service itself depending on the base you use.

Different service tariffs are available. - From the most inexpensive to expensive, involving the conclusion with the service of a long contract.

Want to learn more - read our article "As Maja with a Video Card".

Step 4. Run the program

Now the program needs to be launched. There are no difficulties there are no difficulties in the interface and functions with a minimum level of preparation.

Of course, the rules for the use and program and services of the service itself must be studied in advance. It will save from unnecessary questions. But if they still arise - boldly write or call site support service.

Step 5.

We get bitcoins on your wallet. Parallel attract new users And we have a percentage of their income.

On Bitcoins you can earn, but there are no guarantees for earnings

How much do you earn, depends on the earnings no

How much you earn, depends on the capacities that you purchased, and the Cryptovalum Course. Those who engaged cloudy mining a couple of years ago performed well. But no guarantees of profit in the future does not give it.

A separate question is the exchange of bitcoins on another currency. Online hundreds of exchange points of the most different level of reliability. How to find the most profitable course?

- I recommend using professional service - monitoring of exchangers. Here are the best currency rates at the moment in all working exchanger. At the same time, unreliable and compromised sites from the list are excluded.

I repeatedly used this resource and I still use it when I need to exchange money on the Internet or withdraw them from payment systems. For miners cryptocurrency exchangers - the fastest and most safe method Translate digital money into real. And the search for the most favorable course using Bestchange monitoring gives real savings.

4. Where to earn bitcoins - Overview Top 3 services for earnings

I propose an overview of the most popular services for the earnings of bitcoins. These are international platforms available to everyone.

Thousands mainers have already displayed money from them and bring out nowSo - no deception, only program code.

1) Hashflare.

Cloud Mining Hashflare - new generation service equipment created specifically for cryptocurrency mining. The platform connects users to pools - special web services that allow you to more evenly and predictably get bitcoins. Suizer has the right to choose several to reduce risks.

Hashflare is a division of a larger Hashcoins company engaged in the development of professional software for mining. So that the service uses its products, and not third-party equipment..

The service guarantees customers low risks, minimal entry threshold and small costs of support and maintenance of programs. The company's head office is located in Tallinn.

2) Kryptex.

"Cryptex" is the name of the server and special Program. You download it to the computer, it begins to generate cryptocurrency. Profit goes both in Bitcoins and dollars, rubles and another currency that you exchange virtual money.

The application makes special calculations using the power of your device. The algorithm of work is most simple: installed the program, registered, left Cryptex to work, received a profit.

Earnings small - to 9 000 in rubles On medium power computers, but do not forget - you get this money, without applying any effort.


Mining platform for mining the most popular cryptocurrency. Supporting earnings - 2-3% per day from investment invested. 100 GH / S (power units for bitcoins) as a gift.

Using partner programs, get an additional 5-12% of the power acquired by your referrals.

Services Comparison Table:

5. How to earn a lot of bitcoins, putting a little - 5 gold councils

Earnings of bitcoins are not limited. More precisely, there is only one limit - the amount in 21 million Bitcoinsand it is established by the System code itself. However, the ordinary user is enough for a comfortable life and several thousand BTK, or even hundreds.

Read our articles and use expert advice.

Tip 1. Invest funds to mining

Buying equipment and software is expensive and not always profitable. Where simple earn for rent and cloud services . But do not invest money in one program - try different options. Bitcoins are extraction - the process is unpredictable.

Tip 2. Take advantage of brokers

Council for traders earning the fluctuations in the cryptocurrency course. The most reliable and professional broker on the Forex stock exchange. Professional support and profitability guarantee need - register alpari, choose an intermediary and make a profit.

If you are a sociable person and know how to convince, then the partnership programs are your cup of tea. There are people who earn bitcoins exclusively on referralswithout putting nor satoshi of their own funds.

Tip 4 Studies on cryptocurrency

Like any activity earnings cryptocurrency can be learned. There are those who can not only earn bitcoins, but also teach others.

The network is full of information and video lessons from professional cryptocurrency miners. There are also paid courses - the truth will not be predicted in advance.

Tip 5. Competently collect a farm for mining

If your option is your own farm for mining, then pay the main attention to the quality and functionality of the equipment.

Newcomers often forget about important little things - For example, save on the cooling system of the processor and other computer nodes. But for the full mining of the farm should work around the clock.

Refer to the help of experienced "farmers" - look for them on the network in special forums and sites.

6. Conclusion

Now you know how to earn bitcoins using a computer. The topic cryptocurrency is extensive and multifaceted, and our magazine is preparing a whole package of interesting and informative articles on this topic.

Question to readers

What do you think, what method of earning bitcoins is most promising?

Friends, if you are interested in finding out what other bitcoins are popular today, be sure to read our review article.

The journal "Khitirbobur" wishes you success in any endeavors! We are waiting for comments, additions, questions. Share an article with friends in social networks and put marks. To new meetings!

Bitcoin, virtual electronic currency, caused quite a lot of contradictory discussions, including among our circle of webmasters.

However, in a pair of things you can be sure for sure - this is an interesting economic experiment, and today some people use this cryptocurrency for real purchases.

Out of independence from whether you are planning to just learn more about Bitcoins or take advantage of this currency, today I would like to present to your attention a comprehensive guide dedicated to this term.

Cash is great! No need to contact banks. There are no commissions, no credit cards, and also do not need to be afraid for the fact that the attacker will kidnap your sensitive information or that the bank will freeze your account. Maybe you will not get additional incomeHowever, you will always have instant access to your money, and you may know for sure how much money you have in stock.

It would be nice to be able to take advantage of cash on the Internet, isn't it? And if you could store cash in the computer? Do shopping on the Internet without having to communicate with banks or intermediaries? It is here on the scene comes Bitcoin - Especially liked "Fighters with the System", which do not want to depend on state institutions and be attached to the courses of national currencies.

By the way, Yandek knows how to show the actual rate of Bitcoin:

1. Introduction

Cash is great!

In addition to all of the above, these cash are very convenient when you need to transfer to someone's money. There are no questionnaires, there are no long account numbers. You do not need to contact the intermediaries, you do not need to pay any commissions. You just give money, and that's all.

Once the Internet appeared in our lives. There were various magnificent services like Ozon or any online store, which allowed compare products and shopping without even leaving the threshold of their own home. Everything is good, but the purchases performed somehow need to pay, and it is quite difficult to pass money to someone who is located a few thousand kilometers from you. How would it be convenient to use cash on the Internet? Today I want to tell you exactly about such a phenomenon!

2. Bitcoin: Virtual currency

2.1 What is Bitcoin? Simple words ..

Bitcoin is a new, fully digital P2P currency, which can be used as a replacement of old cash paper when buying goods and services via the Internet. Unlike most of the types of electronic money on the Internet, which are stored in banks and are transmitted through various gateways like Yandex Money, Webmoney, Kiwi or PayPal, Bitcoin is transmitted directly between users, and you do not have to get involved with intermediaries.

2.2 Why should you take advantage of Bitcoin?

In order to use Bitcoin as a replacement of familiar cash, there are several advantages.

First of all, Bitcoin is a global, decentralized currency. This means that today there is no separate country that belongs to the Bitcoin currencyTherefore, this currency can be used worldwide. It greatly simplifies international transactions. Now you can not argue about what currency you need to make a payment - in the currency of the buyer or seller. It also makes no sense and difference in quotations.

Another huge advantage of the decentralized currency is that neither the federal reserve or the National Bank is controlled by the value of this currency. This means that the currency retains its value, regardless of the movement of the global economy, similar to the value of rare metals and oil. Bitcoin has no prerequisites for collapse, unless you have to turn off the Internet around the world.

Secondly, since transactions are produced directly between people, there are no intermediaries here, and therefore there is no commission. In the next few years, it is planned to enter a minor rate for each translation, but it will definitely not exceed the commission of alternative methods for transferring money.

Thirdly, since the bitcoins you own are located in the "Wallet" on your computer, you will have full control over finance. Due to the fact that bitcoins are not stored on any account, it cannot be "freeze", and therefore you will never stay with "empty pockets". Moreover, there are no important devices in the rules that you may not notice, there are no restrictions on transactions, no forms and other restrictions that can be found when working with banks.

Finally, although there is a small commission on the exchange of ordinary money on Bitcoin (and in the opposite direction), it is completely absent when receiving and sending Bitcoin as payment, which means that this currency is very convenient to use to pay for purchases on the Internet.

2.3 Some Bitcoin Disadvantages

Of course, like everything in our world, Bitcoin also has certain disadvantages that can be the main reason why you will not use this currency. Before taking any decisions, it is advisable to get acquainted with all aspects.

First of all, since you keep money with you, and not in a bank, you will not get the percentage from the money that is stored in the form of Bitcoin. Although for most people it is not a problem (since usually Bitcoin is used only to pay for goods or services), if you appear as a seller who takes bitcoins, and at the same time your store will do big salesFor you, a percentage of money storage can be of great importance.

Reliability can also be attributed to one of the most important problems. Although the theory of distribution throughout the Internet should make this currency stable, there is still a potential risk of serious reliance of support and circulation. It is important to remember that Bitcoin is still gaining momentum, and there is only a couple of years, and at the same time represents something completely new in your form, so today it is quite difficult to run at least for a year ahead.

Moreover, due to the fact that this is a decentralized currency, with probable undesirable outcome of the events should not be waiting for any support from banks or government.

Simply put: One day, Bitcoin can fully depreciate

Another problem is that money is sent from the "holder to the holder." Although it is possible to develop a more complex translation system for Bitcoin, so far most of them remain unprotected. To speak more precisely, then each transaction is considered completed, and there are no return systems here.What makes the system just a golden residential for attackers. If the money was sent, you will no longer have the opportunity to get them back if the addressee does not freeze back them at your own. And there are no banks or arbitration where you can seek help.

In short, click on infographics below to understand all the details ...

Other significant shortcomings of something similar to physical currencies - you can lose them or expose the steal. Since Bitcoin is stored in a wallet file on your computer, they may be subject to hackers and viruses attacks.. However, there is a rather simple and understandable way to protect your money, but we will talk about it a little later.

Although you are unlikely to lose the wallet file in the same way, as real wallets are usually lost, it can be lost at the crash of the file system on the hard disk, when the flash drive is loss or accidentally deleting files. Since the only fact that you have Bitcoin has this is a wallet file, if you lose it, consider that all bitcoins have lost right away.

Again, there is very simple ways Musture yourself and I will tell you about them a little later. So, now you are aware of risks. There are some more, however, they are insignificant and they can be avoided without effort.

3. How to use Bitcoin

3.1 Registration Bitcoin Wallet

The first stage in working with Bitcoin implies the establishment of its own wallet. As in the usual wallet, your bitcoins will be stored in this wallet. This wallet is more noting than money that is stored on your bank account, since the wallet file is created and stored as well as any other file on your computer. You can store it on devices, in closed folders. You can even make a few copies of it (of course it will not exaggerate your money!).

Your Bitcoin Wallet consists of two parts: A wallet file in which bitcoins are stored, and the purse application (which is also called the Bitcoin client), - it opens the wallets files. This means that you can store a wallet file on a USB media (for example), and open it on any computer where the client is installed. Since the version of the application is almost for all OS, you will not have any problems with this.

The official client can be downloaded from the Bitcoin website ( It will only be necessary to choose the appropriate version of the client.

IN Windows and OS X. The process of installing the application is the same as with any other application or program. I am sure that you already know how to do it. Opening an application will generate a wallet file and give you your first receipt address (here you can learn more about it more).

What concerns Ubuntu, then when downloading a client, you will be available to file.tar.gz, which contains different versions The main application and server without windows both in 32 and 64-bit versions. You can put this folder anywhere, and then click on Bitcoin to run the program.

Take a look at the Bitcoin client window. This is a MAC version, but the version on all platforms is about the same.

On this issue all the information. Pretty simple, isn't it?

3.2 Where to get bitcoins?

Now it's time to fill our wallet "coins". There are three basic methods to add bitcoins in a wallet: donations and free bitcoins, currency exchange and trade with bitcoins. Each method explains himself, but let's go deep into this topic.

However, before this, let me familiarize you with some new terminology. Bitcoins go to your wallet through addresses of receipt (Receiving Address), which is a long string of randomly generated characters that indicate your wallet. The process is similar to that procedure when the sender fills the check for a certain amount, despite the fact that everything happens automatically, and the check does not need to be copied manually.

Interestingly, you do not need to use one separate address of receipt. On the contrary, it is recommended to periodically create new addresses for the receipt for each expected intake, it will be easier to track individual payments. All previous addresses of obtaining remain working and active, so you will have the opportunity to reuse one or another address.

You can also fill the Bitcoin wallet through mining, "we will talk about it later.

3.3 Donations / Free Bitcoin'a

It is easiest to get your first free Bitcoin - to register on Bitcoin Faucet resources, which distribute new users about 0.001btc bonuses. You will need some account in google services (Usually suitable Google Mail or Google+), although you can also register a new free account with another email address. Bitcoin-Distributes are quite a lot of such sites, I spent my time and selected the best, please click on the buttons social networksTo download a file in which more than 40 resources, where you will give free bitcoins!

Another way to obtain bitcoins - donations work on the same principle. You can use the receipt address, in principle, anywhere: on the page on Facebook, Google+, on forums, in email signatures or even in real life. Thus, if someone has free coins, they can thank you for anything, or just to give.

A typical example of placement addresses in the signature on the forum:

3.4 Currency exchange

Although free Bitcoin is cool, you can hardly achieve a lot with their help. The simplest solution is to exchange real currency on bitcoins. There are several websites that allow you to do this, despite the fact that you will first need to make sure that the site selected to you takes the currency that you have).

There are two main types of currency exchange: in real time and at fixed rates. Trade in real time is when the buyer represents the list of the maximum bet that they are willing to pay for each bitcoin, while the selling offers minimal bets by which they are willing to sell their bitcoins. Trade is instantly when that, and the other bet intersect. Despite the fact that this approach requires a lot of patience, here you can achieve the most favorable bet.

On the other hand, the exchange for a fixed rate is maximally attached to world quotations: the company offers a fixed rate for a specific period, and exchanges any amount of undeveloped money on bitcoins at a standard rate. Maybe you will not be able to achieve such benefits as in real-time trading, the exchange for fixed rates is more reliable and instantaneous.

The most popular Russian-speaking sites for buying / selling bitcoins:

3.5 receipt of payment Bitcoin

Another way to obtain bitcoins implies earnings on the sale of goods and services with the reception of Bitcoin as payment. From obvious orders for web design and to a banal order of pizza over the Internet, - for all this you can receive payment in Bitcoin currency. If you want to sell physical goods, then for this you can use such sites like BitPay, OkPay, which will allow you to accept payment both in Bitcoin and in other currencies.

But, if we talk about Russia, then officially bitcoins are prohibited and most shops do not accept them to pay, so we have this market for now in the "underground"

On the other hand, if you already own the business on the Internet, you can easily take bitcoins. You can read more about this in the article "". Finally, if you want to sell something in a single instance or offer some services, then you do not need to go further for the site for Bitcoin, which will allow you to approximately describe what you are willing to do for a certain number of bitcoins.

3.6 We spend Bitcoin.

It's funny that search for goods that can be purchased for bitcoins, you need to earn the same resources on which you earn them. It is best to start from the page on which is a list of all well-known websites that accept Bitcoin for the proposed products and services.

All transactions with bitcoins imply the expulsion of the departure and receipt addresses. When you earn Bitcoin'ov, you need to give someone to get the receipt, and to spend bitcoins, you will be presented to the receipt address.

Send bitcoins are very simple. Just click on the Send Coins button in the client window. Then, in the window that appears, enter the receipt address to which you want to send coins, specify the number and click the Send button. That's all!

4. Safe sync Bitcoin

Since you yourself must follow your money, and there is no built-in reserve copy In case something goes wrong and you lose your money or steal them. Therefore, it is important to take care of the safety and backup of your wallet. To do this, we will use two separate, free cross-platform programs, which are a lot of information on the Internet: TrueCrypt and Dropbox.

The process is approximately the same on all platforms, despite the fact that the Bitcoin storage location is different. We will quickly go through each program so that you can know what to do with TrueCrypt and Dropbox after installation. If you have not come across them before, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the manuals.

However, keep in mind that some steps require preliminary training. If you do not have the appropriate skills in working with a computer, then you better not do anything yourself. As a rule, if you are not familiar to the word console or you do not know what to do with it, then it is better for you to use these programs.

4.1 Windows

First of all, you will need to create a Virtual Encrypted Disk (virtual encrypted disk) with TrueCrypt. Use standard settings, And do not worry about creating a dynamic disk - there will be no problems with this. Theoretically, you will be enough 100 MB of a virtual disk for storing a file with a margin. Save the VED file on Dropbox, and so you will be organized automatic system Reserve copy.

Before we start working with files, run Bitcoin and make data about the recipient's address. You can use this data for reconciliation in the future.

As soon as everything is done, it will only be found to find the folder in which the Bitcoin client stores all the necessary files (including the wallet file). You can do this by opening Start\u003e Perform (or by pressing the Win + R keys, and entering the following:

explorer% AppData% \\ Bitcoin

Standard data location with Bitcoin:

C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ YourUSERNAME \\ APPLICATION DATA \\ BITCOIN (XP)
C: \\ Users \\ YourUSERNAME \\ APPDATA \\ ROAMING \\ BITCOIN (Vista and 7)

As soon as you find the folder you need, copy the entire folder in the VED, which you created earlier. Pay attention to the VED disc letter that you specify: later you will need to use it to search for the relevant data. For example, let's assume that the display of the letter E is your chosen.

After copying files, create a temporary backup file, then delete original file of folders appdata.. It will force the Bitcoin client to use Ved as a source if you did everything right. Otherwise he will just create new folderwhich will replace just remote.

Now that you have finished this from files, you can create new label To start the BitcoN application. Find Bitcoin in your Start menu, right-click on the label and select Send To\u003e Desktop (Create Shortcut) "Send to\u003e Desktop (Create Label)". Then right-click the shortcut button that you just created and select Properties, and enter the following line in the Target field:

C: \\ Program Files \\ Bitcoin \\ Bitcoin.exe -Datadir \u003d E: \\ Bitcoin.

Do not forget to change E: on the letter of the disk you used in VED. Also, if you use a 64-bit version of Windows, you will need to change

C: \\ Program Files \\ on C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\

The first part of the Target string (ranging from C: \\ Program Files \\) is the location of the Bitcoin client application, but not a wallet file. Changing DataDir reports Bitcoin about the need to download all files from E: \\ Bitcoins instead of a standard location in the AppData folder.

When everything is done, you will only need to click on the label twice to open the Bitcoin from the secure virtual disk. Before you run the Bitcoin client, make sure that you start assembled virtual diskAnd that he took the right letter.

On the this moment We can run a Bitcoin client and check whether we use this address. If everything is so, then the setting has passed successfully. If not, do not worry! Just recheck all the steps.

4.2 Mac OS X

If you use OS X 10.6 or 10.7 (Snow Leopard or Lion), then you will need to install a free system utility called MacFuse, which will present you the software you need to create VED using TrueCrypt. It uses the standard installation process. PKG, so it is unlikely that any problems may occur here. When everything is installed, you can start work.

Create Virtual Encrypted Disk (Ved) using TrueCrypt. Use standard settings, enter a secure password and save the disc in the Dropbox folder. You will need to store about 100 MB on VED, so set about this volume of the disk.

After creating VED, mount it using TrueCrypt. This action mounches the volume that will be similar to the mounted DMG file to install the application. By default, it will be called No Name. Click on it in the Finder right-click and rename into anything more intuitive, like Bitcoin (FAT - used file system For VED requires that the names of the volumes are in the upper case).

Before any manipulations with Bitcoin files, open Bitcoin and pay attention to the receipt address. We can use it in order to determine whether a symbolic binding is set correctly.

By default, the files that are needed for the Bitcoin client are stored in the following folder:

~ / Library / Application Support / Bitcoin

~ Means root folder Your user, not the root folder Library - these are two different folders that contain different data. Make sure you refer to the correct. When you find it, copy the entire Bitcoin folder in Ved, and then delete the folder in the Application Support. You may want to copy it to your desktop as a backup.

Now it's time to create a character binding that we need to inform OS X, forcing the system to think that the folder is still in the Application Support, even if it is now in VED. To do this, we will need to run the terminal, and enter the following line:

lN -S / VOLUMES / BITCOIN / BITCOIN ~ / LIBRARY / Application Support / Bitcoin

where Bitcoin is the name you set Ved when mounting.

It was the last stage! Now you can run a Bitcoin-client that will remove data from VED. Do not forget to mount Ved before starting the Bitcoin client. If you start the client before mounting the disk, it will create a new Bitcoin folder in Application Support and deletes the symbolic binding. If this happens, simply delete the folder in the Application Support, lock the VED and re-create the symbolic binding using the same command.

At the moment we can run the Bitcoin client and check if we use the receipt address. If everything is so, then the setting has passed successfully.

4.3 Ubuntu.

First of all, create a VED using TrueCrypt. Use all the standard settings, security password, and save it in the Dropbox folder. You will need about 100mb space.

After you created VED, use TrueCrypt to mount it. When selecting the VED mount slot, it will be mounted in / media / TrueCrypt, where is the number of the selected slot. For this example, we assume that you have chosen slot 1, and in this case the mount point will be / media / TrueCrypt1.

Before doing something with Bitcoin files, open Bitcoin and read the receipt address. We can use it in order to check whether a symbolic binding is set correctly.

By default, Bitcoin files are placed in the ~ / .bitcoin folder, where ~ is the root of the user folder in the system. Since file names begin with. "", In Ubuntu, they are hidden by default, and therefore you need to display the folder by pressing Ctrl + H. Then move (Ctrl + X\u003e Ctrl + V) the entire folder .Bitcoin in VED, which serves as a memory card.

Once the files are moved, we need to create a symbolic binding to send the Bitcoin client to VED when it starts the search for files. We implement this by the terminal (Applications\u003e accessories\u003e Terminal) by entering it the following line:

lN -S /Media/TrueCrypt1/.Bitcoin ~ / .bitcoin

Ready! If you start the Bitcoin client again, then notice that your address has remained the same. This means that you did everything right!

Do not forget to mount the Ved before starting the Bitcoin client (if you start the client without mounted VED, it will create a new folder .Bitcoin in the root folder of the system user folder. If this happens, simply delete the new folder .Bitcoin, mounted VED and re-create symbolic binding when The team assistance that we used earlier.

5. How to make money on Bitcoin

Before talking about it, it is worth noting the fact that very few people earn bitcoins in this way. You do not need to engage in mining to use Bitcoin. People who are engaged in mining usually do it for the sake of entertainment or ready for any risks.

5.1 What is bitcoins mining?

Despite the fact that Bitcoin is positioned as a separate, peer-to-peer currency, it also has a certain predisposition to preserve its own value. For this reason, each should be strictly controlled. new Bitcoin., which is introduced into the turn, so that the surveillance of the market does not happen, and instead there must be a systematic receipt during, say, the next 100 years. It is here that the mining comes into the game.

Mining Bitcoins - This is the process of using a computer to generate special blocks that are used to process and confirm transactions occurring during the period between the generation of two blocks. Blocks contain data from previous blocks that have already been generated, and thus creates a chain with information about each transaction on the network.

To create a block, a lot of work, time and computing power of computers are required. So, as a promotion, every person who successfully creates a block receives a remuneration (at the moment 50BTC, which is about $ 500), as well as all commissions obtained for transactions stored in the block.

Clicking on the picture below, you will see in the new tab Large and visual instructions by mining.

The total number of bitcoins for all time:

However, there are some tricks here. The network is designed in such a way that each new unit is created every 10 minutes (or 6 blocks per hour). The more people begin to engage in mining using more powerful computers, the complexity increases, and more time is required to create each block (which is noticeably complicated by the process of creating a block for each individual).

Another trap lies in the fact that the remuneration for each generated block is divided between 210 thousand blocks. At the moment there are about 142 thousand blocks, so after a while it is worth waiting for a decrease in remuneration. When the amount reaches 210 thousand blocks, the remuneration will decrease to 25BTC. When a volume of 420 thousand blocks is reached, the remuneration will be reduced to 12.5BTC and so on.

When the volume reaches 21 million bitcoins, there will no longer be any remuneration, although the block manufacturers will still receive income for the commission (which will at that time be even more than a reward now).

5.2 What is needed for Mineland Bitcoins?

In the simplest version, everything you need is a computer with an application for earning bitcoins and an internet connection. Applications used for Mineland Bitcoins use the capacity of graphic cards that are capable of producing much more calculations simultaneously (much more than even processors). Simply put, a more powerful graphics card can produce more simultaneous calculations.

The performance of the Mineland of Bitcoins will change in hashies per second (hash / s), or in the amount of re-converting data that is capable of implementing a graphic card. When the hash is generated with the correct value, a block is created. So, the higher the Hash / S value at the graphics card, the faster the new unit can be created.

  • Most medium graphic desktop cards are capable of producing about 170 (megashes per second) - this is 170 million hash / second.

On the other hand, some people collect servers specially intended for mining bitcoins. They are equipped with several most powerful graphics cards that work together at the same time and produce 3GHash / S (gigah spent per second), and this is more than 4 billion hasles per second.

Given all the above, we can say that you can earn bitcoins using a home computer, although its upgrade will allow you to improve performance and increase income. To engage in mining on Mac, you will need Snow Leopard or higher - earlier versions of OS X cannot use graphic card capabilities, and slow so much that it is not worth your effort.

5.3 How is the mining process?

The bitcoinine mining process is very simple - you just need to configure the system and leave it alone. First you need to determine how you want to earn. There are two options: independent mining or as part of a common pool (this is when your computer works with other participants and divides remuneration in the production of blocks).

If you earn alone, then 100% earnings will go to you. However, note that it is impossible to know for sure when you produce one block, and whether it will be happened at all. On the other hand, work in the team guarantees more steady income (since the pool is more likely to produce blocks than you realize it alone), but it will have to share the income between all participants.

In this guide, I want to tell you how to start earning yourself, as well as how to start mining in the BTC Guild bullet. If you are using Windows or Ubuntu, Danny Stieben offers excellent guide on how to start.

As for OS X, here we will use the Diablominer.App application - Bitcoin Mainer interfaces in the form of the Diablominer command line. You can download last version From this topic on the Bitcoin Talk forum. Do not forget to select the version of Diablominer, and not rpcminer (which instead of the GPU uses the computer processor, and gives the worst result).

5.4 mining alone

Customize Bitcoin-client

Before you can earn, we need to configure the client to act as a server that interacts with the Bitcoin network. This process includes file editing called bitcoin.conf (or creating it in absent). It is stored in the Application Support folder, along with other Bitcoin files.

First of all, find the Application Support folder and check the bitcoin.conf file in it. If it is there, open it using Textedit. If it is not there, we still open TexTedit to create the file you need.

When Textedit opened, make sure you work in Plain Text mode (simple text), as formatting plays a role. To switch modes, a combination of CMD + SHIFT + T is used. Then enter the following text to the document:

Rpcuser \u003d username rpcpassword \u003d password rpcport \u003d 8332 server \u003d 1

rpcuser \u003d username rpcpassword \u003d password rpcport \u003d 8332 server \u003d 1

If you wish, you can change the username and password. For individual mining, it does not matter. RPCPORT is a port that Bitcoin uses for downloading and downloading information of the new block, and Server \u003d 1 allows Bitcoin to connect server functions that allow us to earn without connecting to the pool. Save the file; If you create it from scratch, do not forget to disable IF NO Extension Is Provided, Use .txt.

Now you can run Bitcoin, and it will automatically launch the server on the background. When this happens, the application will start downloading all the previous blocks that will only find, and it can take a very long time. This will affect Diablominer, so you have to wait a bit.

Customize Diablominer

When you run Diablominer for the first time, you will be presented a wizard. I offer you settings: which you need to use:

Server Host Name OR IP Address: Localhost Server Port Number: 8332 Miner Username: Username (any username to choose from) Miner Password: Password (any password to choose from) Start Mining Automatically On Log-in? No (this option can be changed) all! Diablominer will take care of everything else. However, if you encounter an error type: Error: CAN't Connect to Bitcoin: Bitcoin Returned Error Message: Bitcoin Is Downloading Blocks ... (Error: Unable to connect to Bitcoin: Bitcoin answered error: Bitcoin downloads block ...)

This may occur because the Bitcoin client has not yet completed necessary setting. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be so easy to report when everything is ready, so you have to wait and try again.

5.5 Mining in Pole (BTC Guild)

Create a BTC Guild account

The first stage on the path of earnings in the pool is to create an account in the pool. This is usually done through the websites of the pools - in this case via

Here, the process of creating an account does not differ from registration on other sites. On the left side of the page there is a reference to creating an account, right under the authorization unit. Just select a login and password, and then click "Register". You will immediately be authorized; You do not have to wait for anyone confirmation.

  • Creating a Work Account (Worker)

The next step implies creating a working account (worker) - a separate login (which allows you to use multiple computers under one login to the computer.

If you do not have accounts, then a red text will appear at the top of the screen, reporting the need to create a new working account. This is a link. Click on it, after which you will go to the Worker page on which you can create a new working account.

You will need to simply enter a name (in your ForuerName_WorkerName format, where YourUSERNAME is a username in the BTC Guild) and a password for a specific work account (Worker_Password).

  • Customize Diablominer

When you first start, Diablominer will be asked for a setup wizard. You will need to use the following settings:

Server Host Name OR IP Address: Server Port Number: 8332 Miner Username: YourUSERNAME_WORKERNAME MINER PASSWORD: WORKER_PASSWORD START MINING AUTOMATICALLY ON LOG-IN? No (So You Can Change Settings) All Done! You right See Text to the effect of: Started Connecting to: added ATI Radeon. HD 6750M (# 1) (5 Cu, Local Work Size of 256) Waiting ... 59005/62050 Khash / S

Server Host Name OR IP Address: Server Port Number: 8332 Miner Username: YourUSERNAME_WORKERNAME MINER PASSWORD: WORKER_PASSWORD START MINING AUTOMATICALLY ON LOG-IN? No (So You Can Change Settings) All Done! You Should See Text To The Effect of: Started Connecting To: Added ATI Radeon HD 6750m (# 1) (5 Cu, Local Work of 256) Waiting ... 59005/62050 Khash / S.

As you will see the last number, you can be sure that you have connected to the network and started the mining process.

So that you can take at least some earnings, you will have to wait a bit. Maybe a day or two, maybe a couple of months. At that stage, you can enter your address on the site on the site, and the earned funds will be transferred to your wallet! All simple!

6. Completion

Bitcoin is cool!

As already mentioned above, Bitcoin is convenient from the point of view that you do not have to work with banks or intermediaries, your money can not be stolen or lost.

Today online stores allow visitors to consider products, compare products according to the characteristics and prices. After the choice is made, you can pay the virtual cryptocurrency without any commissions or cash payments to the courier.

Even if you do not sell anything, you still have the opportunity to earn bitcoins using the capacity of your home computer, it remains to be easily embedded in the network of information blocks.

Bitcoin - What is it?

Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency in the world. This currency is fundamentally different from all previously created electronic currencies and payment systems. It is not attached to any physical assets or "official" currency, and the price of a digital coin - bitcoine is regulated exclusively by market demand and proposal.

Bitcoin is also a global payment system through which operations can be carried out with this currency. Its main difference from traditional payment systems is that the Bitcoin system has no manager and processing center - all operations occur exclusively in the network of equal clients.

Features of the Bitcoin system

  • No concept of "registration", anyone can participate in the network
  • The wallet is not tied to the identity of the user, everyone can create an unlimited number of wallets and details
  • Cheap, anonymous and unlimited money transfers worldwide
  • There are no intermediaries, digital money is directly sent between users
  • It is impossible to block the translation, freeze money in the user's wallet or "roll back" perfect transactions
  • Bitcoins can be stored on their computer, on the smartphone, in the online wallet, on or in
  • There is no controlling organization, the price of bitcoins is determined only by market demand and proposal
  • The release of bitcoins is rigidly limited and predictable, it is impossible to "run the printed machine" and create a lot of bitcoins

Thus, Bitcoin simultaneously has the properties of ordinary cash, electronic currencies, remittances and digital gold systems.

How does bitcoin work?

A series of articles on our portal explains various aspects of bitcoin technology if possible without complex technical jargon:

  • Mathematics Bitcohn: and

Also, for those who want to figure out the technical aspects of the system thoroughly, we published the translation of the original article of Satoshi Dzamoto.

Well, or you can understand the basic principles of network functioning, looking this video:

Or, in detail to deal with all the details of the Bitcoin Protocol work, spending 20 minutes to view a more complete technical description of the network operation:

On our YouTube Channel there are other educational videos, subscribe.

How to store Bitcoins?

If you are already a happy owner of several coins, the question of their reliable and safe storage is very relevant. In this series of articles, we describe all the best practices for ensuring Bitcoins:

And how to: Bitcoin or Bitcoin?

From the point of view of Russian rules, it is more correct to write and say exactly Bitcoin. Writing "Bitcoin", which sometimes meets - technical jargonism, from the same opera that "Point", "Tsiska", "Windows", "Uzver" and "Hardwar". And that's why:

  1. For those who are with an English sign "not obstacle": the original sounds difthong [ɔɪ] , that is, "oh" - " bitcoin", No mythical" bitcoine "is there and not close.
  2. Rules for transcribing foreign words in Russian. Worcester in Russian Worcester, and not "Torar", Southwell is a Sazl, not "Southhuel." The same rules are valid for direct borrowing: Action, not "Aktion", image and not "Imagi", etc.
  3. Transliteration rules with Wikipedia: Oi, Oy, -Oid [ɔɪ] Oh, with the exception of suffix - one Point Point, Android android.
  4. Transcription rules from English into Russian, according to the reference book R.S. Gilarhevsky and B.A. Starostina: Diftong. [ɔɪ] Writing as "oh".
  5. All similar borrowing from English in Russian, as well as the transcription of names / titles, use it that "oh" - boiler, spoiler, joystick, Pointer., West Point, Zoydberg.
  6. Similar localization in other languages \u200b\u200bwith Cyrillic writing (Mongolian, Bulgarian, Macedonian) - all as one use " bitcoin».
  7. For those who still doubt there is a test word " bitcoger". Bitcoger, Bitcoish economy, Bitcoin - Single words, logical?

Among other things, the correctness of writing Bitcoin Confirm authoritative sources:

Why, despite all this, some, even quite competent people, still use the Bitcoin jargon? The fact is that it was he initially used in the Russian localization of the first Bitcoin client (Bitcoin-Qt). It is clear that from early translators - Gicks-enthusiasts, promoting the use of cryptocurrency at the very beginning of its path (for which they honor and praise!) It is difficult to demand deep knowledge in phonetics and linguistics - well, they were translated as well. And in the end, many early bitkeners are used to using this irregular tracing, because they saw her first. And from them, the other - as a result, this jargon was learned from both - in the end, this jargonism is still quite common, although correct writing He actively displaces.

Hello! In this article we will tell about cryptocurrency and try to give about it all the most important information.

Today you will learn:

  1. What are cryptocurrencies exist.
  2. Why they are so popular.
  3. How can you earn.

What is cryptocurrent

We'll figure it out that it is hidden under the term "cryptocompany", which is simple wordsAnd why it is called this way. The name of Crypto Currensy, meaning "cryptocurrency", appeared in the Journal of Forbes in 2011. And from the same time the name is firmly in use.

Cryptovaluoy Call a special type of electronic payment. Strictly speaking, it is a mathematical code. It is called so due to the fact that when the circulation of these digital money is used cryptographic elements, namely electronic signature.

The unit of measurement in this system is considered "Koins" (literally "coins"). Cryptocurrency has no real expression of type metal coins or paper banknotes. This money exists exclusively in digital form.

The fundamental feature that distinguishes cryptogenics from the present is the method of their occurrence in digital space. Thus, real payments are required at the beginning to make a certain account or electronic wallet, and cryptocurrency units appear in electronic form.

"Release" of digital money occurs different ways: This is ICO (primary placement of coins, system), and mining (maintaining a special platform for creating new cryptodeneg), and Foring (the formation of new blocks in already existing cryptocurrencies). That is, cryptocurrency arises literally "from the Internet."

Another important difference from the usual currency is to decentralize release. The e-currency release is generating a mathematical code with a subsequent electronic signature.

Elimine real money has the right exclusively central bank, but to produce cryptogenics - any person. In order to perform operations with cryptocurrency, you do not need to contact any third-party organizations (banks).

Payments with digital money are performed exactly the same way as conventional electronic transfers over the non-cash calculation system. The exceptions are perhaps the stock exchanges, through which cryptogenics can be monetized, that is, to translate into ordinary payment resources.

The appeal of such a currency occurs through the block-chainter system (literally "closed chain" in translation from English). This system is distributed over millions of personal computers throughout the world database. At the same time, the storage and record of information when contacting the cryptodeneg occurs on all devices immediately, which guarantees the absolute transparency and openness of manufactured transactions.

Why cryptocurrency is so popular

The popularity of cryptocurrency is due to the requirements of time. The century of the widespread distribution of information technologies is extremely demanded by universal payment resources that could be calculated in electronic space Without binding to a specific country or institution. Such a means and became cryptocurrency.

For calculations, virtual money uses only their number, so cryptocurrency and does not need real terms. Digital payments are protected by a cryptographic code, which makes them more reliable in comparison with the "real" money. And due to the absolute decentralization of the issue of virtual coins, they cannot be faked or prohibit.

Another feature that promotes the popularization of cryptics is complete anonymity. When carrying out transactions, no one will receive any information about the payer or recipient, only the number of the electronic wallet will be used from all data.

As well as the attractiveness of cryptocurrencies is that it can be obtained independently. That is, digital currency can be obtained from almost "air". But on buying and selling, as well as investment, cryptocurrencies can also be. At the same time, cryptoengi can be exchanged for traditional money, as a result of which they are able to bring quite tangible income.

Types of cryptocolut

Digital money first appeared in 2008, and by now there are already several thousand varieties. There is a large category (almost 50%) cryptodeneg, actually not secured by any content. These are the so-called soap bubbles. We will not take them into account.

The most common types of cryptocurrency:

1. (BTC, Bitcoin, at the moment one bitcoin is equivalent to $ 4,200). Bitcoin cryptocurrency with simple words - this is the very first digital currency, on the basis of which all follows were developed. Bitcoin Developer (Developer Group) - Satoshi Dunzamo. For this currency, a limit on the number of 21,000,000 is declared, however, it is still not achieved.

2. Etherium (Etherium, equal to 300 US dollars). This is the development of the Russian programmer Vitaly Biderina. This currency appeared relatively recently - in 2015. Now it is quite popular along with Bitcoins.

3. Lightcoin (Litecoin, LTC, equated to $ 40). The currency was developed by the programmer Charlie Lee and issued since 2011. Lightcoin is considered an analogue of silver among cryptocurrency (and Bitcoin - an analogue of gold). The release of lightcoins, like bitcoins, is also limited and amounts to 84,000,000 units.

4. Zi-cache (Z-Cash, 200 US dollars).

5. Dash (Dash, 210 US dollars).

6. Ripple (Ripple, 0.15 US dollars).

In addition to these items, Darcoin, Primecoin, Piroine, Dodzhkoin, Namekoin and many others are used in electronic circulation.

The most popular of all cryptocurrency is Bitcoin. Its name is made up of the words "bit" - the smallest unit of information and "coin", which is in translation from English means "coin". For BTC, or Bitcoin, not only a program, but also a special digital wallet, in which you can store this currency.

In addition, now there are even special ATMs in which you can transfer bitcoins to the usual paper money, and a number of retail chains and shops take this currency to calculate along with conventional bills and coins.

Advantages and disadvantages cryptocurrency

In its basic characteristics, digital money is largely different from the usual. It entails not only solid advantages, but also some minuses for users.


  1. Anyone who wants to get such money using specially organized activities (mining). Since there is no single emission center and any organs controlling this process, then no one may prohibit the mining of cryptoengi in the network to simply citizens.
  2. All operations with cryptocurrencies (so-called transactions) occur absolutely anonymously. The only open information in this case is the electronic wallet number. And all information about its owner is closed.
  3. Decentralized release, besides the possibility of mining money, every wishes causes and lack of control over this process.
  4. For each kind of cryptocurrency, the limit is provided. Thus, an excessive emission is impossible and, as a result, there are no inflation against this money.
  5. Cryptocurrency is protected by a unique code like, therefore it is protected from copying, and, therefore, it cannot be faked.
  6. With transactions, there are practically no commissions, because when conducting operations with the help of cryptocurrency, the role of the third part of relations - banks is excluded. Consequently, such payments are relatively cheaper than when using conventional money.

With all the variety of positive characteristics, the cryptocurrencies have flaws.


  1. If the user has lost the password from his e-wallet, it means for him the loss of all funds in it. Since there is no control over transactions with digital money, there are no guarantees of their safety.
  2. Cryptocurrency is characterized by high volatility due to the specifics of its appeal (volatility means frequent shift of its value).
  3. In relation to cryptocurrency, attempts at various negative impacts from national monetary circulation regulators can be made (for example, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).
  4. Since over time, the process of mining a cryptomet is increasingly more and more complicated, then mining with the help of equipment of individual users becomes increasingly cost-effective.

Each of the existing types of cryptocurrency has both merits and disadvantages inherent in all in conjunction.

In general, all currency cryptophones are characterized by the same features as modern money, namely:

  • They are universal;
  • Are exchangers;
  • They can be accumulated;
  • Perform a calculated function.

The cost of digital money varies depending on the demand and suggestions.

How to earn on cryptocurrency

Currently, there are a number of ways to earn money on bitcoins and other virtual currency:

1. Purchase and sale of cryptocurrency. This is done on special exchanges or electronic money exchangers. The principle of operation is to buy a currency during its reduction, and to sell - during the increase. Most often, such trade is associated with bitcoins, since their cost is higher than the remaining types of cryptocurrency.

2. Investment cryptocolut. Made by transferring a certain amount of electronic money of one person to confidential control of another. Usually, brokers are engaged in issues of trust management.

3. Electronic money mining (mining). Mining cryptocurrency with simple words is the process of mining cryptocurrencies using special software. On the usual home computer, the large volumes of cryptocurrency will not be able to produce, we need quite significant capacities, and, consequently, the purchase of additional equipment. Powerful video cards and processor are needed. In addition, special devices are used - the so-called Farm Mining, which produce cryptocurrency.

4. Minning cloud. For such production, the digital currency will not need to buy additional devices. To do this, there are special services where you can sell and acquire computing power. That is, the service generates cryptocurrency for you, and you pay the power spent.

5. Distribution cryptocurrencies. Such services are usually provided for attracting referrals or the introduction of letters from pictures (Caps), that is, in fact, for an increase in site attendance. These are so-called gateways, cranes or distributors. And there are special Bitcoin games in which electronic money can be earned. On such services, the earnings are small: in an hour a small part of Bitcoin (Satosha) is heard.


Thus, cryptocurrency is a new word in monetary circulation. Its occurrence is due to the needs of time. Despite the fact that cryptoodengi does not have a real expression, they almost along with traditional currency units can participate in various operations in the market.

Currently, there are a number of ways to make cryptocurrency, as well as options for receiving from them profit than and enjoy the most advanced users.

In general, the cryptocurrency in its characteristics is largely similar to traditional money, however, has a number of fundamental differences that allow digital money to gain popularity in modern information space.