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Virtual machine Windows 7 64 Bit. Advantages of a virtual machine

Virtual machine (VM) is another computer running on your desktop. Those, in the window it starts as if the second (virtual) monitor, and which is loaded another computer.

This computer has its own virtual equipment and you can install any true operating system (OS), such as virtual Windows. On such a computer, you can fully work and I really like this topic.

What can I use "Virtuals"

  • for tests or learning in other operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.)
  • development of programs for other OS
  • work in different places with the same software environment
  • for anonymity

I think you can still come up with ways to use, this is the first thing that came to my mind. For example, in the former work, I could not put the programs you need to the computer, although I was admin. It was associated with security and license issues. Then I installed myself a virtual car, put Windows on it and all the programs you need, and worked in it. In the evening I wrote down the image on the outer hard drive and carried home with me.

In addition, the working Internet was strongly trimmed in speed, but there was access to another provider. I put the second network card And set up it in a virtual machine. Those., In the "ordinary" Windows, they did not even have the drivers, and in a virtual environment, a quick Internet worked through it.

A virtual hard disk is stored in the same file and its data can be encrypted. Those, if someone comes to you without demand, you can simply close the virtual operating system and except the browser and Excel on your computer will not find anything

What are the virtual machines for Windows

The most popular and used:

  • Oracle VM VirtualBox - free, can almost everything that is needed by an ordinary user
  • Hyper-V - free, built in Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 versions of Pro and Enterprise
  • - paid, maximum functionality, for professional developers

VMware is a rather massive software package, it costs a lot, and is designed for commercial use. For the purposes described by me, the first two are enough. But who can download from torrents, you can put it. The principle of operation and setting plus / minus is the same everywhere.

How to install a virtual machine on VirtualBox

The whole process takes place in several simple stages:

  • Download and install VirtualBox
  • Create a VM with the help of a wizard
  • Connect the installation image with the operating system
  • Install OS as an ordinary computer

Actually, I took a video:

To download the program you need to click here:

During installation, windows will pop up with a request to install additional drivers of virtual devices, you need to agree to everything.

In the main window of the program, click the "Create" button and fall into the master of virtual machines. To see all options you need to click on the "Expert Mode" button:

Name: Any name

A type: Select the future operating system (Windows, Linux, BSD, etc.)

Version: accurate version of the installed OS (seed, ten,).

The list may not be selected x64 versions if there is no hardware virtualization, but it will be lower.


The amount of memory is the RAM that will be available in virtual Windows. For example, if the computer installed 8 GB random access memory, You can take to 4 GB for VM. And after launching the VM, these 4 gigabytes will take away from your Windows, because Virtual OS will be used. Therefore, you need to choose this volume, based on such considerations:

  • For Windows 7/8/10 x86, you need at least 1 GB of memory, and for more or less normal operations from 2 GB
  • For Windows X64, it will be necessary from 2 GB of memory, and so that everything is somewhere moved - at least 3 GB

Accordingly, we choose this volume virtual memorySo that the Virtual Windows installed is enough, and your Windows is also left. In general, if you have 4 gigabytes of memory, then we set 10,24mb, and if you have from 8GB, then we choose 3000-4000 megabytes here.


I suspect that you don't have a virtual hard disk, therefore we go to its creation in the next step:

First important - " Location" Change the folder on the disk where more space. For example, many disk C: not very large, and is designed for one operating system, and a D: for other files. Now, if you, too, then, choose and create some folder on the disk D:

The size - For the Windows family, put from 40 GB.

A type - Leave the default "VDI". You are unlikely to be needed to connect this "disk" to other virtual systems.

Storage format - "dynamic". In this case, the size of the file of such a disk will grow as it is filling. If you put "fixed", then all 40 GB will immediately take place on a D:, for example.

On this, the creation of a virtual machine is completed.

Setting up VM VirtualBox

Now you can run a virtual about, but it is empty, without operating system. Need to insert B. virtual diskhead "disk". As an installation "DVD", an ISO image is, the one that we write to the real DVD or flash drive.

We go to the settings of our VM to the "Media" tab:

Click on the "drive" with the "empty" value, then on the DvD-disk icon and select the "Select image" optical disk... ", where you specify the path to the ISO image. And if there is a physical disk with the installation, then simply insert it into the drive and check the "live CD / DVD" checkbox. It is important that you need to install the version that you have chosen at the machine creation phase, especially at the expense of the bill.

Now everything is ready to start a virtual machine. Press the "Run" button

The virtual computer is started and the same process will begin. windows installationsAs if you were done on your computer or laptop. After installing Windows, you will run VM and your virtual Windows will be boosted.

Host key

Important detail - host key. When you click on the virtual machine window, then all the "Attention" from clicking on the keyboard and mouse moving buttons will switch to a virtual machine (Guest Operation). To "free up" clave and mouse, i.e. Return them to your native Windows, you need to click right Ctrl. This button can be changed in the settings. By the way, the clipboard of the exchange of your system and virtual, as it were, common. Those. If you copy the text to the buffer on the real computer, you can insert it in virtual, very convenient.

Hardware virtualization

To work faster and better, and so that you can install 64-bit (x64) versions of operating systems you want to enable hardware virtualization. This support itself is built into processors and all modern processors it is (maybe not only in ancient two-core and older).

Called intel technology VT-X and VT-D (in expensive processors) and AMD-V. Its meaning is that the commands are submitted directly to the processor, bypassing the operating system drivers. The hardware virtualization in the VM settings on the tab " System -\u003e Acceleration»

But you may not earn it, because this default option is disabled in the BIOS for security. An error "VT-X / AMD-V hardware virtualization functions can be turned on, but not function." Therefore, we need to restart the computer and.

If you do not know how, and too lazy to read the article, then in a nutshell: immediately after turning on the computer for 10 seconds, press the F1, F2, DELETE buttons, or if it is written on the screen, then you read which button to click. We look at what kind of bios you have on pictures and looking for similar settings:

With a graphical interface

Click additionally, we enter the advanced mode, then "CPU configuration"

We are looking for the "Intel Virtualization Technology" configuration and change to the "On" (ON)

If you have a processor from AMD, the configuration will be called "Secure Virtual Machines". We save the changes with the "F10" button.

With text interface:

We go to "Security -\u003e Virtualization"

Turn on the hardware virtualization technology to the "Enabled" position

Save the F10 settings, a reboot will be rebooted. If not using virtual machines, for security purposes, virtualization is better turned off, because Viruses can create their own spaces.

The second reason why hardware virtualization may not work in Windows 8/10 - this is the included built-in Hyper-V virtual machine.

Network and server administrators are often encountered with the need to test equipment, software and specific parameters and settings on real servers. But testing of something on a running server is extremely dangerous, as it can lead to data loss and malfunctions.

To the rescue in this situation comes specialized software. Capable to emulate a real computer and produce all necessary actions with it. The most popular program in this case is VirtualBox from Oracle.

How to use VirtualBox?

virtualBox 32/64 BIT for Windows 7 and 8 must be installed on the operating computer operating computer windows systems. In the future, VirtualBox allows you to create any number of virtual machines with selected parameters, and install any operating systems for testing on them. In this case, the real physical computer will be a host, and the operating system on it is a host.

When installing the operating system on the virtual machine, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it must be configured properly and match minimum requirements. In this case, the operating system installed on a virtual computer is called a guest.

Through the use of virtual machines, equipment testing, software and required settings. With all this, virtual and physical vehicles communicate with each other through network connection. In addition, the virtual machine can capture control over any equipment installed on a physical computer.

The program is also available for operating systems such as MacOS and Linux (popular for Ubuntu and Mint).

The topic of virtualization is very popular. There is discussions on the Internet on this issue, articles are written and books are published. This problem entered into training courses Computer specialties of universities, and gaining more and more development in practical applications. What is a virtual machine (VM), and which virtual machine for Windows 7 is better to prefer the rest to solve specific tasks User.

The virtual machine is a program that imitates the behavior of some other machine on this machine and allows you to operate the software written for another system in one system. The depth of imitation can be different, so there is a whole classification of virtual machines, which takes into account the level of modeling details.

  • VM can be programmed in such a way that it repeats the behavior of the processor and the bus and tires of the system. This is the most profound level of software emulation.
  • You can emulate only the API of the operating system of the imitated computer.
  • And you can simply rewrite the entire package of the source system of programs under the target system. With this approach, the features of the architecture of the imitated object are not taken into account at all.

Another question that matters in the context of the VM discussion for Windows 7: Do we want to launch a "seven" to another OS or, on the contrary, our task is to recreate the work of another OS on "seven"? All these nuances we will consider in our short note.

What virtual machines exist?

If you look at Wikipedia, you can find page there with a rather detailed explanation of the principle of working VM and technologies for their programming. These are these pages:,, machine /. On the same pages, you can get the first idea of \u200b\u200bthe diverse applications of such programs in practice. Ordinary user home Computer Such qualities of VM, which will simplify its daily work or provide a non-standard gaming environment will be useful. It is important to the educational aspect of the VM, which increases the general consuming level of the owner of the computer. Here is a list of interesting features:

  • Creating a medium to run retro games and retro programs. Sometimes a comparison of the super-modern three-dimensional toys and the games of the 80s, 90s of the last century allows you to take a fresh look at the results of progress in this direction. Another example: in training schoolchildren, the programming is often used by packages like "LogoMir" and to it. You can do otherwise - to launch the emulator of the Soviet "agate" and get the same thing in a simple and controlled environment of an 8-bit household computer.
  • The need for regular retelling with Windows to Linux is not uncommon today. Instead of installing both systems on a PC, you can use virtualization.
  • Try to install the Xerox Alto first personal machine simulator on your computer - and your ideas about how far the computer interfaces stepped out - change. Or run the CHIP-08 simulator.

8. Installing Windows 7 to VirtualBox virtual machine.

VirtualBox. - special program To create PC in memory virtual computers. Each virtual computer may contain an arbitrary set of virtual devices and a separate operating system. The scope of virtual computers is very wide - from performing functions for testing software before creating entire networks that are easy to scale, distribute the load and protect. VirtualBox. Applicated for free, open source.

1) Download last version programs VirtualBox. From the official website:

2) Install it on your computer.

2.1) Start the installer; In the first window, click Next

2.2) Select I Accept the Terms in the License Agreement and press Next.

2.3) click Next, then again Next

2.4) Click on the button Yes. ATTENTION: In the next step after pressing the Install button there will be a rupture of communication with the network (both local and the Internet)

2.5) click Install To continue the installation

2.6) in appearing windows Install software for this device? Click on the button Set

2.7) In the last window, leave the check box to start creating a virtual machine immediately or remove the checkbox to create a virtual machine later. Press the button FINISH.. If you removed the checkbox, use the icon on the desktop to start the program.

3) In the main program window, click on the button Create. Opens New Virtual Machine Creation Wizard. Press the button Further.

4) Enter the name of the virtual machine, in the OS Type section, set the values:

Operating system: Microsoft Windows

Version: Windows 7.

5) Enter the size of the RAM allocated for the virtual machine.

ATTENTION: Memory will stand out from the physical memory installed in your computer. Do not install the memory below 512 megabytes and above 50% of the size of the installed physical memory. Press the button Further.

6) Select the bootable virtual hDD. Set the switch to the value: Create new hard disk. Press the button Further.

7) opens Wizard create a new virtual disk. Press the button Further.

8) Select the type of virtual hard disk. The dynamic image will initially take a little space, and will expand gradually. Fixed image will immediately create a disk of the specified size - it may take long time. Press the button Further.

9) Select the name and location for the file of your virtual disk. By default, the file name corresponds to the virtual machine name, and the file itself is located on the same hard disk where the real Windows 7 is installed, in the C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ .VirtualBox folder.

Select Size virtual hard disk. (By default 20 gigabytes). Press the button Further.

10) Click on the button Ready And you will return to the previous window, where the parameters of the virtual machine you create are specified. Click on the button Ready in the window OutcomeAnd you create a new virtual machine.

A virtual machine for installing Windows 7 is created.

11) Before starting installing Windows 7, you need to configure it on your virtual machine. To configure your virtual machine, click on the button. Properties.

12) In the settings section from the list on the left, select Display. Set the video memory size available for a virtual machine of at least 26 megabytes. Check flags for settings items Turn on 3D acceleration and Enable 2D video acceleration.

13) In the settings section from the left list, select Carriers.

14) in the settings tree Information carriers Select the DVD disc icon.

If you have an installation windows disk 7 recorded on a DVD, then insert it into a DVD drive and in the column Attributes Opposite the element Drive unit Select it from the drop-down list. Also check the box for Allow direct access.

If you have a Windows 7 installation disk, in the form of an ISO image, then in the column Attributes Click on the folder icon to open

15) in the window Virtual Media Manager Press the button Add. Select the image file and click Open. Click on the button Choose

16) Your image will add a tree settings Information carriersfollowing the virtual hard disk file. Press the button OK..

17) You will find yourself in the main program window. Click on the button Start

18) If the information windows appear, then click on the button OK.

19) Click the mouse button inside the virtual machine screen, and in the information window, click on the button. Capture

20) Install Windows 7. Installing Windows 7 on a virtual machine is no different from the usual installation on the real machine.

21) After completing the Windows 7 installation to the virtual machine, VirtualBox. Immediately launch you Windows 7 inside the virtual machine.

22) The use of a mouse and keyboard in a virtual machine blocks them for use in a real (host) Windows. To switch between the virtual machine window and the main Windows window, you have to use the Right Control host.

So that the virtual machine does not capture the mouse cursor and keyboard, and you could calmly move the mouse cursor between the guest (virtual) and host (main) systems, as well as the clipboard would become common, you need to install Additions of the guest OS.. To install them, do the following: in the menu of the started virtual machine, select Devices -> Install the additions of the guest OS

23) in the pop-up window Autostat Press the vboxwindowsadditions.exe and install the program.

24) To turn off the virtual machine, in the menu of the started virtual machine, select A car -> Close -> Turn off the car.

25) to run installed Windows 7 In the main program window, click on the button. Start.

At the time of release of Windows 7 the main mass of it potential buyers Enjoyed Windows XP. Among them, it turned out very little to those who decided immediately and unconditionally proceed to a novelty. Most did not hurry to send an old woman xp "retirement" because it turned out that great amount software simply can not work under new system. What remained to do Microsoft? Losing potential buyers is not an option, so this solution was found: to release an update for Windows 7, which carries a virtualization package - a system function that allows you to run XP directly inside the "seven".

Update under the name "Virtual PC" and the KB958599 number saw the light in 2008. It is a virtual machine - an application that emulates hardware Computer and creates inside the operating system insulated Wednesday where you can install another OS, including other than Windows type.

Virtual PC from Microsoft is included in the package windows updates 7 editions of Ultimate, Professional and Enterprise. This virtual machine is specifically designed to install Windows XP Service Pack 3 and solving problems with incompatible software.

How to install Virtual PC?

Checking hardware virtualization support

If your PC is installed "seven" Ultimate, Enterprise or Professional and the function is enabled automatic update, Virtual PC you already have. Before you start using it, you must make sure that your processor supports hardware virtualization. To check this Microsoft created the Hardware-Assisted Virtualization Detection Tool utility, which is just enough to download and run.

If the utility displays a message as the screenshot below, it means that the hardware virtualization is supported and you can use Virtual PC without additional settings.

In the absence of such support (the message in the window below), you need to make some more changes to the system.

Note: The hardware virtualization is turned on and turned off in the BIOS, so if it does not work on your PC, try activating it in bIOS settings SETUP. The option may be called Intel_Virtualization Technology (for intel processors), AMD-V (respectively, for AMD), Virtualization Extensions, etc.

In this example, the Intel_Virtualization Technology option is disabled (disabled). To enable it, you need to change the value disabled on Enabled.

If you cannot use hardware virtualization, Microsoft offers to install a patch that will still allow you to run Virtual PC on Windows 7. On the download page you need to select a file version according to your system's discharge.

Installing Virtual PC manually

Manual installation of the virtual machine in Windows 7 includes installation of 2 components:

  • Windows Virtual PC;
  • windows XP Mode virtual disk;

The first install Virtual PC. For this:

  • download from the official site to update the KB958599, the corresponding bit of your Windows 7, and start it;

  • accept the license agreement;

  • wait until the installation is completed;

  • close the installer window and restart the PC.

Next, you need to put the Windows XP Mode virtual disk:

  • run the installation program downloaded from the official Microsoft website;

  • select location for a virtual disk;

  • wait until the installation is completed;

  • check the "Run Windows XP Mode" checkbox and click "Finish".

The first launch of Windows XP Mode

After installing Windows XP MODE "Seven" will make it further configuration and create a virtual disk.

The first in front of you will open the window where you will have to take a license agreement to use the program and click "Next".

You will be asked to specify the folder where the virtual disk is installed, and create the first user.

Then - include protective functions created system (optional).

After clicking on the "Start Installation" button, the process of installing a virtual machine with Windows XP will start. It remains to wait for his ending.

Creating a new virtual machine on Windows 7

  • Through a start or conductor, open the location of the XP MODE virtual disk.

  • Click the "Create Virtual Machine" button in the top folder menu.

  • After that, the wizard will start and starts to create your new virtual machine. In the next window, specify its name and location.

  • Configure network settings and RAM size ( virtual Windows XP can be content with 512 megabytes of RAM, but can be allocated more).

  • Create a virtual hard disk (or use existing). Specify its type (dynamically expandable or fixed volume) and location. Click "Create".

  • After that, the newly created newly created in the list of virtual machines will appear. Click on the "right mouse" and select from the "Open" menu.

  • In the list of options, click on the "DVD Drive" and specify the path to the physical laser drive where the disk with Windows XP is inserted. If you are going to put a system from the image, find its installation ISO file in the directory - format images iSO virtual The car considers "optical drives".

After that, the usual installation process of installing Windows XP starts.

Use alternative virtual machines

In addition to its own component, Virtual PC, Windows 7 supports third-party virtualization systems. Among them are the most famous and distributed two - Oracle VM VirtualBox and VMware Workstation. Let's consider the principles of working with them on the example of any one. Take VirtualBox from Oracle and create a new virtual machine on it to install the same "seven".

After installing VirtualBox, open it the main window - the virtual machine manager. Click in the upper horizontal menu button "Create".

In the next window, write the name of the virtual machine and select its version and bit from the list. In our example, it is WiBDows 7 32 Bit.

Configure the amount of RAM that will use a virtual (guest) system.

Create a hard drive (or select one of the previously created).

Specify the type of disk. If you do not know what they differ, leave this default (VDI) parameter.

Specify the data storage format is a dynamically expandable virtual disk or a fixed volume disk.

Moving the slider, set the size of the disk, and also specify its name (if you want it different from the name "virtuals").

After clicking "Create" a new virtual machine will be displayed in the list of the main window. FROM right side There are its settings.

To start installing the operating system, click on the machine icon and click the "Run" button from the top panel.

After this, another window will open - then in which you will observe the installation of the OS and continue to work. The window of the Virtual Machine Manager (main thing) can still be collapsed.

Here as when creating a virtual machine on Virtual PC, you need to specify the path to installation disk "Sevenki" or the image of ISO.

After completing the installation of the OS, the virtual machine is ready for operation. You need to run it click on the corresponding icon in the left vertical list of the main VirtualBox window. As you can see, create "virtuals" is not at all difficult.

Creating a virtual machine on VMware Workstation is also intuitive and largely reminds just the procedure considered.