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IRBIS Library Automation System: Overview of corporate interaction tools. Irbis as a means of creating an electronic resource library download program IRBIS for libraries

IRBIS 64. - For Windows 2000 / XP and higher in the client-server architecture - for medium and large libraries - an integrated automation system as part of a TCP / IP server database and seven Arm

Database of classification systems on the CD-ROM in the environment of the universal automated system of systematizer

UDC tables database

Databases are presented in the search interface of the IRBIS library automation system.

Each database entry contains an index, name of the heading, links and methodical instructions. The records of the abbreviated version have representative expansions of the heading.

The search for databases can be carried out both by the graph at full depth and by indexes of individual tables and keywords. The full database introduced a search on excluded indexes with the presentation of information on replacing indexes.

Full Table Database UDC

The database is complete electronic edition Tables UDC, corresponding to the full 4th printed edition of Tables UDC - Universal Decimal Classification / Viniti RAS. - Full 4th ed. to rus. Yaz. - M., 2001-2009, including changes and additions. Vol. 1-6 - M., 2001-2013, as well as a universal decimal classification. - 4th ed. to rus. Jaz. and add. Volume 1. - M., 2011.

Database of Abbreviated Tables UDC

The database is an abbreviated electronic edition of the UDC tables corresponding to the abbreviated printing of the UDC tables - a universal decimal classification. Work tables for books. - M., 2002, updated in accordance with the full Tables of UDC, issued after 2002 tables are equipped with comments and references a reduced version of UDC and are designed to provide a unified approach to systematization of publications as an intelligent product in publishing houses, libraries and book-moving enterprises and facilitate the process Systematization, causing difficulties due to a large amount of full UDC tables. Compared with complete version UDCs are simplified main and auxiliary tables, a methodical and reference apparatus, an emphasis is focused on comments that reveal the content of divisions and their terminological filling.

BBK tables

Databases are presented in the search interface of the IRBIS library automation system.

Each database entry contains an index, heading, references, and guidelines.

The search for databases can be carried out both by the graph at full depth and by indexes of individual tables and by keywords.
The interface is equipped with convenient tools for selecting table indexes and constructing an index for publication with subsequent transfer of it to a bibliographic record created by any automated library information system.

Middle Table BBK Database

The database is an electronic publication of the Middle Tables of BBC, corresponding to the following print editions of the specified tables: Library-Bibliographic Classification: Middle Tables: Practical Guide / Ros. State B-ka, Ros. nat. B-ka, b-ka grew Acad. science Vol. 1. 60/63 s / t Social sciences in general. Social science. History. Historical sciences. - M.: Liberey, 2001. Extras. Vol. Tables of typical fission divisions. - M.: Liberey, 2003. Vol. 2. 65/68 U / C Economy. Economic sciences. Politics. Political science. Right. Legal sciences. Warfare. Military science. - M.: Liberey-Bibinform, 2005. Vol. 3. 4/5 p / p rural and forestry. Agricultural and forestry sciences. Health. Medical sciences. - M.: Liberey-Bibinform, 2007. Vol. 4. 7 h Culture. The science. Education. - M.: Pashkov House, 2011. 50/84 ° C Philological science. Fiction. 85 sh art. Artificiality. 86 E Religion. 87 y0 / 8 philosophy. 88 y9 Psychology. - M.: Pashkov House, 2012. IM.6. 3 w / o technique. Technical science. - M.: Pashkov House, 2013.

BBC Abbreviated Tables Database

The database is an electronic edition of the abbreviated BBC tables, the corresponding print edition of these tables - library-bibliographic classification: abbreviated tables: a practical manual. - M.: Pashkov House, 2015.

BBK tables database for children's and school libraries

The database is an electronic publishing of BBK tables for children's and school libraries, the corresponding print edition of these tables - library-bibliographic classification: tables for children's and school libraries. - 4th ed., Act. and add. - M.: Liberey-Bibinform, 2008.

Oko database (all-Russian classifier specialty for education)

The database is prepared on the basis of OK 009-2003. All-Russian classifier of specialties for education (oxo). Adopted by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of September 30, 2003 No. 276-art. Entered into force 01.01.2004. Editors of 1/2005 changes, approved by Rostechregulation and Introduced on 01.10.2005, Changes 2/2010 OCO, approved by order of Rostechregulation from 03/31/2010 No. 48-art and introduced 10.06.2010 The All-Russian Specialties Classifier for Education (Okloch) covers a higher and secondary vocational education and is based on the statements of the areas of training and specialties of higher and secondary vocational education approved by the Ministry of Education.

Objects of classification in oxo are specialties of higher and secondary vocational education. Three levels of hierarchical classification of objects allocate: enlarged groups of specialties and preparation directions; Directions of preparation; specialties. A block of additional classification features contains information on qualification assigned in the direction of preparation and / or specialty.

Database Unty

The database is a complete electronic edition of the state handover. scientific and Technical Information (Unty).

Each database entry contains the category of category, heading, links, references index UDC and Code of WA, corresponding to the Unthty heading.

The search in the database can be carried out according to the graph at the full depth of Unthi, as well as on the codes headings, UDC indexes, CVC codes and keywords. The interface is equipped with a convenient tool of selection of codes Runting heads with subsequent transfer of them to a bibliographic description created by any automated library information system.

Special software - Connector IRBIS64 - Xerox Docushare

MBUK CBS G. Divnogorsk

Central City Library

Informational Bibliography

Workshop on work in the IRBIS-64 program

AWP "Catalogtor"

Analytical painting of articles

from periodicals

Practical guide

Divnogorsk 2013.


Solovyova Elena Sergeevna,

Schvets Olga Vladimirovna


Bondarchuk Margarita Henrikhovna

Responsible for the release:

Gridin Lyudmila Kuzmovna

From compiler

IRBIS is a modern library automation system designed for use in libraries of any type and profile. Allows you to describe all types of publications. The system interfaces are as close as possible to the needs of the user and are easily mastered. The AWP "Catalogtor" is an automated workplace of the library employee performing functions on the formation and maintenance of databases.

This practical guide is intended to organize work in the AWP "Catalogtor" of the IRBIS Library Automation Systems 64.

The purpose of the manual is to familiarize themselves with the basic principles of creating an analytical bibliographic entry in the "Catalogtor" module.

The manual is designed for specialists who are just beginning to work in this program, librarian specialists, bibliographs already working in the AWP "Catalog" of the IRBIS 64 library automation systems.

Registration of periodicals in the IRBIS-64 program

1. Before creating an analytical bibliographic record, you must register a periodic edition. To do this, you need to select the database of "newspapers and magazines". (Register only if the publication is new and has not yet been registered)

2. Then choose the work sheet "OQ51 a description of the magazine and enter information about the first arrival."

3. Then, on the left, open the dictionary and choose the position "Title-magazines".

Open "Setting parameters" The "Install Personal Parameters" window appears. In the column "Stage of work", press the button

And choose RJ - registration of logs. Click "Apply".

5. In the dictionary "Key" introduce the title of the magazine, for example: "Technique -Molodezh".

We draw your attention to the obligation to check the periodic edition!

Check the registration of the previous number of the periodic edition in the window
, Press the "Numbers" button, and opens a window with registered numbers, then make sure that the log is not registered with the "Cancel" button and start registration.

7. In the window, click the "Registration" button, the window opens and in the "936: number, part" field enter the log number.

8. Then in the "910: Information about instances" field, press the button, the "Element: 910: Information about copies" appears. We put the status "0", in the "No" field in the "Date" field - holding the Alt button and press the letter D on the keyboard. In the Storage Place field, we specify where the copy is stored. Press the input and button "Save"! Check the bibliographic record and other description elements.

Creation of analytical

bibliographic record

1. Open AWP "Catalogtor". Select the database (database) to which records will be saved.

2. Then choose the RL (working list) ASP42 - Analytical description of the article (complete), the format is optimized.

3. The "Dubble" page is designed to check the newly entering a duplicate document. Therefore, if you need to enter another entry to the place discovered double, you need:

    delete or change the value of the data in the field on which the cursor stands (at the same time, of course, the message about the doubleness is removed);

    "Devastate" the document;

    enter new data. After checking on sticking, on the same page, fill the following fields:

ole is intended to introduce information about the author, if the article is written in one author. For articles written by two or three authors, in field 700. The first of these authors is given. Information about the second and third authors are reflected in field 701.

In the subfield700 Press the button, after which the window opens.

5. In the window that opens, fill in the surname, initials, expansion of initials, additions to names, except dates (ranks, epithets, positions), etc.

6. Field 200: title

The field is mandatory. Enter the main title of articles. The main title is provided in full as it is given in publication. Fill out the subfield "Information relating to the title" - this information explains the content of the article.

If the title of the article does not understand what the article formulate the content of the article for themselves and conclude into square brackets.

For example: [About the method of bibliographic search]

The first information about responsibility - the subfield is automatically filled from the field. 700 and 701.

Since we initially registered the publication, then all the necessary information about the magazine or newspaper is transferred automatically.

In this field we introduce only pageswhere the article is printed, fit without the letter "C". There are no gaps between the numbers in the page designation.

The digital designation of the magazine is given by Arabic numbers.

Page "Basic Bo"

At the end of the field there is a small button
When the window appears, where the required fields are filled. Unit, opposite the field, means that the field is repeated if necessary.

Page "Technology"

Fill fields 907 - Catalog Plant, Date and 902 - Document Holder. IN 907 Field The dates of the phased processing of the document and FIO of the Contractor are indicated. These data are an important element of accounting for the work of catalogs, both in terms of assessing the number and quality of work performed.

On the Technology page in Field 905 - Setup. Circulation KK ... You can specify how many basic and / or additional QCs (Circulation) should be formed for batch printing QC. It is indicated in the form of two numbers separated by the "/" symbol (without spaces). For example, 6/2 (in the package there may be a circulation of no more than 10 main QC and no more than 5 additional).

Page "Systematization"

We consistently fill in the fields you need.

The field is mandatory. If necessary, repeats. Only one BBC index is entered into one field. BBC indexes separated by the "+" sign are written to the re-created fields, by pressing 1.

Field 606 - Subject

The field is mandatory. If necessary, repeats. Optionally, geographical, chronological, thematic subtitles can be added.

Field 610 - Keywords

The field is strictly mandatory. For each keyword repeats field 610. Keywords are formed by a bibliographer. Used to expand search capabilities.

Field 600 - Face name as subject heading (Personalia)

The field is repeated. The field is mandatory. The field includes information about persons when they are subject to consideration in the article. The initials are entered by B. field 600A. Over commas and space after the last name. If the personalities are somewhat, a new one is added to make information about each person. field 600.

Field 331 - abstract

The field is made abstract on the article.

After completing the recording formation in the right corner, you will see a catalog card. You need to check the correct sequence of bibliographic description elements. If necessary, edit. Save the recording by clicking on the "Save" icon in the upper left corner

Mode "Print QC"

Upon completion of working with the document, you can remove the catalog cards of all types (in the desired amount of instances) to print. Previously, before switching to "Printing QC" mode, it is recommended to see the document in the format of the Catalog Card Sets in order to determine whether additional and / or reference cards are formed.

To work with the formed original-mockups of catalog cards, use Microsoft Word, which must be installed on the user's computer - otherwise this mode is not available. The cataloger can adjust the layout (text, font, style), change the physical dimensions of the QC in width and height, as well as horizontal and vertical fields.

Russia, Kirov Vyatsky State Humanitarian University Scientific Library Head of Scientific Reference References Vorobiev Maria Anatolyevna Irbis As a means of creating an electronic resource library The purpose of any library is to ensure the availability of information resources. Information technologies are largely expanding the activities of libraries. Library automation information technologies Accompanied by creating electronic information resources, support and maintenance of which is possible only in automated modes. Indigenous changes in the structure, the structure and operation of the SBA makes automation. On the bibliographic field, automation usually begins with the formation of an electronic catalog based on the full processing of new arrivals of all types of non-periodic publications. The electronic catalog is a representative of the basic information resource of the library. Having mastered the technology and possessing sufficient material and technical resources, the library gradually form a full ek as a retrospective bibliographic source. In the Scientific Library of VyatGGU, EC new income has been conducted since 1998. The program in which the work on creating an electronic catalog has begun to meet the needs of the library for a number of reasons. Therefore, it was decided to buy a new AIBS. Requirements for AIBS for the most comfortable and fruitful work: support for an arbitrary amount of databases; Technology of automatic formation of dictionaries based on which is implemented quick search According to any elements of the description; Printing technology support. Currently, the VyatGGU library uses the version of the IBIS library automation system. IRBIS is an integrated expandable library information system. Supports UNIMARK formats, USMARK and Russian communicative format. Causes of the choice of IRBIS: 1) This is a system of comprehensive automation, covering all library technologies - picking, systematization, cataloging, reader search, bookstock and administration, based on the functioning of five types of automated jobs: "Combat", "Catalogtor", "Reader", "Knikovydach", "Administrator"; 2) IRBIS has the ability to maintain a traditional (paper) model of document management in the library; 3) supports work on a local network, which makes it possible to expand the use of the system; The system allows you to create and maintain any number of databases that make up EC or representing problem-oriented bibliographic databases. Currently, the main AWP "Knittar", "Catalogtor", "Reader", "Administrator" introduced into operation. One of the main information resources of the library - ek, so it was important to keep the information that was in old system. By the time of transition to the IRBIS system, more than 25 thousand entries were contained. Programmers were converted to records from this base to IRBIS, working groupCreated from library specialists conducted an adjustment and editing of bibliographic records. At the same time, two library departments are a scientific processing department and a reference and bibliographic and information department directly related to the conduct of ECs - began to create a database of new books and analytical descriptions of articles from periodicals and books (on this moment Ec contains more than 59 thousand records with regard to converted Bz on books and articles from old program). When creating a combined database on books and articles from periodicals and other types of documents, we were guided by the fact that our readers prefer to conduct thematic search in catalogs and card files at the same time and the fact that the library exists the local network, uniting the recruitment departments, scientific reference and reference and bibliographic and information department. The presence of all elements in the database allows you to combine the functions of all types of catalogs (alphabetical, systematic and subject) and card files (SCS, thematic, personality cards, etc.). AWP "Catal Fit" provides maximum full description All species and types of documents are one-volume, multi-volume, serial, periodicals, or articles from any of the following types of documents. Detailed detailing of Bo elements makes it possible with a single administration to be repeatedly used to obtain various output and view forms, search scripts. When you enter, it is automatically implemented formally logical control of the data of the data and reconciliation on the doublet of the newly input documents in EC, which helps to avoid duplication of the bibliographic description to the documents already available in the Library Foundation and add information about newly received instances in the records created earlier. The IRBIS contains such a convenient tool for correcting input errors, as an adjustment by the dictionary, when simultaneously with the correction of the erroneous search term, all documents are corrected associated with this term. Getting Started in Irbis, we tried to study as much as possible the possibility of the system. Almost immediately a question arose about the formation of authoritative files of subject headings, individual authors (to carry out thematic search for personalities), descriptors. The Created Thesaurus is replenished centrally (when new topics and requests appear). It was necessary to decide what fields to fill out, what no, formulate the designations of the storage places of the document (K. No. 1, to. No. 2, D, etc.). In addition to the enhancing of new arrivals, the retrovers of old records are gradually carried out, parts of such departments as regional studies, science, fiction, are introduced. Speaking about the availability of information resources, and in particular the availability of EC for the user, it should be noted that the AWP "Reader" is presented for readers in the information resources hall of our library. So that readers can use EC through the Internet, it was transferred to the site of our university. The AWP "Reader" repeats the database of the AWP "Catalogtor" with another level of access and the exception of the possibility of adjusting the elements of the bibliographic record. The "reader" provides for two types of search. Search "for teapots" (mode implements a simplified search, oriented to an unprepared user, provides the possibility of searching according to the words from the entire bibliographic description of the document); Search "for Melnikov" (mode includes special types of search, which are based on the use of such information and linvistic resources, as authoritative files, thesaurus, and allows you to use the search logic "and" - "or", which significantly reduces the level of information noise ). In addition to working independently to work with the EC of our library, readers can handle information requests to the reference bibliographic and information department. Bibliographers search in AWP "Catalogtor" and print search results. On the "Search" plane provided the possibility of introducing and using permanent requests, in order to use them in the future. In the transitional period (with the introduction of information technologies), the catalogs are conducted in parallel. This is due to the need for a detailed development of electronic technology and a shortage of automated jobs for readers. A complete refusal in such conditions from card directories means creating additional queues and a sharp deterioration in the quality of service. The essential point is to understand that, while maintaining the main ideology, the automated technology can differ significantly from the traditional. Bright example - "paperless technology", i.e. such a technology in which there are no traditional catalog cards and many other output forms. However, it is clear that not every library will be able to quickly abandon catalog cards and traditional card files, and this means that in the system functions there should be an opportunity to print the entire existing set of catalog cards. IRBIS supports traditional paper technologies, providing opportunities for a wide range of output forms: starting from the order sheets and the books of total accounting and ending with pointers and all types of catalog cards. For users AWP "Catalogtor" developed technology for obtaining catalog cards and formulas for books and logs in batch mode. To specify the print options, a special form that occurs after pressing the Print button. Currently, we create an electronic record for new arrivals. And from it we make a printed card for catalogs (alphabetical general, alphabetical reader and systematic). AWP "CATALOGRATOR" There are two main types of printing on search results: lists (simple roll printing) and tables (complex printing, providing origin-layouts of pointers and table forms), which gives real prerequisites for creating their own unique information products. Our library has traditionally produces a signpost of the works of teachers of VyatGGU, in 2006 its release will be carried out using IRBIS - the application of the search by the "Author-employee" field, which is filled with the description of books and articles of teachers. The bulletin of new arrivals, published quarterly in our library since 2002, is now created in the IRBIS system, while the integrated search for the subject headings and the entry date is used. These editions are created based on the EC base. In addition, on the IRBIS system this year, thematic bibliographic pointers are created (on ecology and life safety). It is planned to issue them in in electronic format With reference to full-text databases. Currently, the information and technical support of IRBIS is one of the most dynamically developing library systems in Russia. IRBIS supports new technologies for creating full-text knowledge warehouses based on ek library, for this, the field "Link to an external object - text" on the "Technology" page is taken as a basis. One of the main characteristics of the IRBIS program is the ability to create an arbitrary number of databases. Using this feature, in our library are created, in addition to the main EC, and other databases. Database on rare books. Work has begun in the sector of a rare book to create a separate database on the Rare Book Foundation for the WaintGGU Scientific Library. On the work sheet of the description of books allocated the page "Rare Books", which makes it possible to describe old-line books and their features. For example, the following descriptions of the description are highlighted here: mark the owner of the collection, autographs, preservation of the document, exlebris, the marks of the author, etc. The abstract base is created. One of the important functions of AIBS in educational institutions is to have the opportunity to conduct a multidimensional analysis of the security of the educational process with literature and promptly inform the departments about the book-related disciplines, to form the necessary reporting documents. To solve this problem in IRBIS, the subsystem "Booksperature" is developed in the AWP "Catalogtor". The multiple destination of textbooks for students of different faculties (basic, additional, methodical), semesters, specialties, as well as the possible use of the same textbook for different disciplines is taken into account. Since the same discipline can be read at different faculties, the concept of a unique discipline number has been introduced, this number is determined by a set of related data "Discipline - Faculty - Direction - Specialty - Type of training - Form of study." The use of the subsystem book equipment is especially relevant on the eve of the university's certification. It is planned to work on the maintenance and use of the bookcondition base. The original solution is the technology of processing periodic publications, it is planned to work on the creation of the DB "Card Self-Edition". The database introduces a record containing Bo publications and information about the receipts of its issues for different years. When registering newly received instances, information about admission is automatically cumulative, and information on issues of release can be entered. Go to new system IRBIS passed quite comfortably, mastering input technology, we created technological instructions on different work processes. Among other things, the program provides contextual assistance according to the instructions (the ability to cause reference information in the data entry process - a fragment of the instruction belongs to the data entry element). The development of the IRBIS system is associated with constant improvement of service products. IRBIS fully justifies its name - integrated expandable library information system. In fact, it can successfully automate all the traditional technologies of the Special Scientific Library, and the presence of a significant number of auxiliary reference books, the ability to check for the absorbency of information entered, detailed instructions For the user, it allows you to successfully master the initial creation skills electronic records For catalogs library workers. 2.

Irbis Library Automation System: Corporate Interaction Tools Overview

Presented funds providing corporate interaction that exist today in the IBIS system.

Keywords: IRBIS library automation system, library technologies, automation, corporate interaction, communicative formats, borrowing technology, consolidated electronic catalogs, distributed catalogs.

IRBIS is a family software productsDesigned to automate library technologies. Among these products, we allocate basic and additional. Main are, first of all, three generations of the library automation system - IRBIS32, IRBIS64 and IRBIS128. Oriented to the automation of traditional technologies related to the creation and maintenance of electronic directory libraries.

IRBIS32 is addressed to small libraries, IRBIS64 - medium and large, and IRBIS 128 is designed to create corporate systems, i.e. such associations in which groups of libraries or branches and branches of one library participate.

The main products also include IRBIS64-full-text databases - a system designed to create no longer bibliographic databases (which are electronic catalogs), and full-text. This product can be viewed as a tool for creating an electronic library.

Extra products of the IRBIS family include software solutions that are a specialized "superstructure" to major products. This is, for example, an IRBIS-image directory. Designed for retroconvers of large card catalogs, i.e., to create EC based on scanned images of catalog cards and their texts recognizable automatically.

As additional products, IRBIS also offers databases of library classification systems (BBK, UDC, Untils) on CDs.

The IBIS system is typical, universal - designed to be applied in any libraries, regardless of their scale and profile. Among the hundreds of users IRBIS (more than 3 thousand - national libraries, federal, regional, district, city CBS, inter-selection and settlement) on the recruitment profile There are universal and specialized (medical, pedagogical, for visually impaired, children's, spiritual, etc.). The essential part of IBIS users make up libraries of universities, schools and other educational institutions.

With all its versatility, the IRBIS system offers and solutions focused on specific types of libraries: for example, a solution to the task of bookcase for university libraries.

You can talk a lot about the individual system modules, their characteristics and functional opportunitiesBut in the context of the topic under consideration should be stopped only on the capabilities of the IRBIS that are associated with its ability to integrate into corporate systems and technologies, that is, it allows you to interact with other library systems and resources.

Corporate capabilities of IRBIS are based on two main characteristics - this is:

support for communicative formats, including RUSMARC based on bilateral data conversion;

support for web technology and protocol Z39.50.

We will reveal a little more specific corporate opportunities IRBIS.

The simplest of them is the file sharing of bibliographic data in the communicative format. This is an elementary opportunity, and it does not make sense to speak in detail - it should only be noted that in Irbis, in addition to export / import modes in Rusmarc format, it is possible to upload and unload bibliographic data in UNIMARC and MARC21 formats. Also ensured the possibility of importing data from specific library systems, such as the library 2 and Mark (those versions of these systems where the unloading in the RUSMARC format was not implemented).

The most important, primarily from the point of view of everyday library work, corporate technology in IRBIS is a borrowing technology: it allows you to carry out directly in the cataloging process - borrowing ready-made bibliographic descriptions from external Internet resources.

In the IRBIS system, various borrowing technologies are offered: first of all - borrowing from electronic catalogs available on the Z39.50 protocol (these are the catalogs of all the largest libraries of Russia and the world); Extensive opportunities Opens the Borrowing Mode from IRBIS Corporation (this is a virtual association into a single information resource of electronic catalogs of all libraries operating on the IRBIS system and not opposing such an association) and, finally, this is an opportunity to borrow from resources of Libnet (contractual relations are assumed to ).

The IRBIS system has been implemented in reverse borrowing - it is online transmission of ready-made bibliographic descriptions in external corporate resources, they may be databases available through the IRBIS web gateway or via the Z39.50 protocol. In particular, on the basis of this technology, consolidated catalogs can be conducted.

The corporate capabilities of the IRBIS can be attributed to work in local system modules ("Catalogtor", "Comboter", etc.) with "other people's" database. Under the "strangers" are databases that are on servers of other libraries using the IRBIS system: the cataloger in a specific library can work with the database of other libraries in the same way as with its own.

The IRBIS system offers funds for creating consolidated and distributed catalogs that are the essence of many corporate systems. It was the possibilities of IRBIS that were used when creating a prototype of the consolidated catalog of university libraries on the project "Development of an information system for accessing electronic catalogs of libraries of education and science in the framework of a single Internet resource."

The possibilities of building distributed catalogs are implemented, in particular, when creating an IRBIS Corporation. According to the same scheme, distributed catalogs can be built, which combine any groups of libraries operating on the IRBIS system. The presence of a z server that provides access to the IRBIS database via the Z39.50 protocol allows Irbis libraries to participate in the creation of distributed directories in a heterogeneous environment, i.e. in the associations of libraries that use various automation systems. An example of such an association is a public library corporation in Moscow, among which, in addition to Irbis users, there are libraries using Lieber and Mapk-SQL.

Completely new possibilities of corporate interaction open in the last generation of IRBIS - IRBIS128, which has already been said, oriented primarily on corporate technologies. In addition to building consolidated and distributed electronic catalogs in IRBIS 128, such an interesting opportunity is provided to as the union of various databases - both "Irbisovsky" and any other, available on the Protocol Z39.50, on the logical level, when "on the fly" are united not only Data, and indexes, and at the same time a single information resource is created for the search and for data entry. That is, the end user, such as a cataloging of data entry, can work with a database, which actually has the result of the addition of its own database of IRBIS and several databases of other libraries available on the Z39.50 protocol. IRBIS128 has opportunities for writing providers to databases available on other protocols.

Speaking about the corporate capabilities of IRBIS, it should be mentioned about the recently implemented opportunity to support access to the IRBIS database through the portals of the State Service.

These are briefly to ensure corporate interaction that exist today in the IRBIS system.

// NTB. - 2-12. - № 11. - P. 57-60.