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How to demolish the system on a computer. We delete the old Windows and install a new

If you purchased a laptop on which the "seven" is installed, and for some reason it does not suit you, you want to install XP, I will now tell you how to carry Windows 7 from a laptop.

What does that require?

In the case when you have not previously had experience in this matter, it is better to seek help to a professional. As for demolishing Windows 7 independently, you will need your laptop on which the "seven" is installed; USB flash drive with a USB connector, the volume of which should be no less than four gigabytes; Installation laser disk with the OS Operation that you are going to install on a computer (in our case it is XP) and, of course, access to the Internet. The only thing that you want to warn is from the formatting of the hard drive. You will need a working computer in order to prepare files for installation. new system, so do not do it.

Before demolishing Windows

First take care of you required drivers for your hard disk. It is necessary in order to avoid possible problems Recognition of the hard drive system. As a rule, the required software is on the disk included or on the official website. Write down the downloaded firewood on the USB flash drive. Next, download the image of the desired disc with the operating system, write it down on the blank. This is done with Nero or Daimon. When the burn will be completed, insert our USB flash drive with drivers and reboot the device.

Start the drive and installation of drivers

If you are still interested in how to demolish Windows 7, we continue. When the launch of the laptop is executed, click and hold the F8 button. A change menu should appear to download. Choose a DVD-ROM and start loading from it. Focusing on the menu prompts, install drivers hard disk. It is done when the system will not report the absence of a device. You will need to simply specify the path to the flash drive. After your hDD Will be detected, look for a section in which your "seven" is installed. You must format it in file System NTFS.

Finishing installation

Consider that you received an answer to your question about how to demolish Windows 7. While your Khryusha will be installed, the device will repeatedly perform the reboot process. Let it not frighten you and does not confuse. You should not pay special attention to it and try to prevent the computer in this. When everything is completed, your laptop will perform an independent download of the new operating system from the standard hard drive. And at least the system will already be installed, it's not all.

Recognition of all equipment

So that all devices that are available on the computer have become operational, they must determine the system. To do this, visit the manufacturer's website of your device and download drivers for each indefinite object. Do not forget that now you are interested in a section intended for XP. That's all. Now you know how to carry Windows 7. But I still recommend to make friends with a "seven", because this system is more modern and functional.

How to demolish Windows?

It often happens that when entering the next version of the operating system from Microsoft users It is not installed instead of the previous one, and next to it. Such a step is justified as an experiment. It allows you to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the new OS without removing old.

When everything was tested on their own experience, it is desirable to get rid of one of Windows, as it will significantly increase the free HDD space. Slow out Windows on a laptop or an octacious computer is easy. Any user will cope with it.


Before proceeding directly to the demolition of Windows, it is necessary to remove it from the bootloader. If you skip this step, when you turn on the computer, it will be how to arise the system selection menu to download. To this not happened, you should:

  1. download Tu operating systemrequired to leave;
  2. log in to the "Start" menu;
  3. in the "Find Programs and Files" window, enter "msconfig";
  4. press the "ENTER" key on the keyboard;
  5. in the window that opens, select the Loading tab;
  6. click on a row with the system you need to leave;
  7. press the "Use By Default" button;
  8. click on the row with the system that must be demolished;
  9. press the "Delete" button;
  10. press the "Apply" button;
  11. press the "OK" button.

Now the bootloader will "see" and use only one OS.


An important stage of removal of an unwanted version of the OS is to preserve custom files On its system section. After completing the work, it will be impossible. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully view the disk for the availability of the necessary files (including in the "My Documents of All Accounts" folders). After copying all the necessary to another section, you can proceed to the final step.


This step will be directly by the removal of Windows. You can implement it both through BIOS (we wrote about this in the article) and through special programs.

Using Acronis Disk Director. ( or ). The demolition of Windows happens like this:

  1. run Acronis Disk Director on behalf of the administrator;
  2. click on a disk with the system that you need to remove;
  3. click on the left pane of the program "Format" button;
  4. i confirm the choice;
  5. click the "Apply Planned Operations" button;
  6. we agree with all the warnings.

In a situation where the computer begins to slowly work the only correct way out of the recommendations for self-configuration of the computer, you will find reinstalling the operating system, but it is not always performed correctly, so the need to remove old windows After installing a new one. Typically, the OS installation is made on a clean partition, but if it happened that you have installed the new Windows operating system there (in the same logical disk), where and old, it will automatically remove the files of the old operating system to the folder called "Windows.old". After all files We were saved, the folder with the old OS can be removed. Moreover, the place on the hard disk is never excess. This can be done in two ways.

Removal by Windows

Clearing the download menu

After you have installed a new operating system in the same section, you may have a problem in the form of a menu that when loading offers to choose which OS select. This problem is simply solved simply.

  1. Click "Start";
  2. In the search bar, type msconfig;
  3. Select this program in search results;
  4. In the next window, go to the "Load" tab;
  5. Choose an old operating system;
  6. Click the Delete button, after which the program will report need to reboot;
  7. Restart the computer.

After all the listed actions, the operating system will boot into as usual mode And the menu with the choice of the operating system will no longer appear.

In how to delete old Windows settings, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to determine the method of execution. Now you can proceed to the sound settings on your computer, and to configure drivers, networks and other things with a calm soul. Remember: In order to avoid the procedure for deleting previous versions of operating systems, it is recommended to conduct installing Windows on a pre-formatted section. Thus, you will save your new operating system from garbage in the form of programs and files. previous version Windows.

Today will be a post from how to demolish old Windows and it is fair to install a new operating system.. And I will tell you how to demolish Windows completely. For some reason, many of this do not understand.

What does it mean to demolish Windows?

Demolish Windows - it means format the disk with installed windowa And install it on a clean drive. If we talk simple wordsTo demolish Windows - it means that the old Windows is correctly removed.

Windows installers are divided into 2 species.

The first, write it to the disk. Run a disc from under the old Windows and start the installation. it Wrong decision Installations of any Windows.

For proper Installation Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 - You will need to run the disk or blood flash drive, After rebooting the computer and before downloading old windows.

First, you need to restart the computer and go to the BIOS. In some cases, you need to set uSB support Adapter B. bIOS settings (or your keyboard and mouse will not respond to pressing and disk with installing not Windows do not start)

After that, you need to set a disc boot or loading a flash drive (depending on what you do the demolition of Windows and clean installation windows)

If the key is not pressed, then you should set USB support (it is written on top)

So, the disc started to load. We are waiting for and click further. We need a moment when we can delete the C:

The demolition of Windows occurs after deleting the C: (Most likely Windows installed there)

Now, choose indisited area And install Windows.

So you delete all operating systems from your computer and install one single one. This method is suitable for any Windows XP / 7/8/10. Now you know how properly demolish Windows and install new Windows XP / 7/8/10 How I advise you to do in every manual!

P.S: This method is suitable for installing any Windows assemblies. Any Windows Assembly is advised to set this manual. Do not run disc from under Windows, download it correctly!

Personally, I am satisfied with the operating windows system 7 On my laptop, I'm already accustomed to her and corrected some glitches that were there. But the other day, communicating with the buddy, heard his opinion about this axis, and also that problems arise if you decide to remove the "seven" on my own and establish the usual XP. Indeed, if you decide to delete Windows 7, you better comply with some subtleties in this work.

What is needed to remove windows7?

I want to immediately warn if you have never previously engaged in such serious affairs as the removal of the OS, it is better, let it be done by a specialist for a certain amount of monetary signs. If you have some experience in reinstalling operating systems, then prepare the most needed:

Your laptop with Windows 7

Flash card with a USB connector, at least 4-8 GB

CD with the OR OPERATION that you want to install (for example, Windows XP)

And of course, access to the network.

For the first time by deleting Windows 7 from its laptop, do not hurry to format the hard drive. You will be very useful to quite workable computer, in order to prepare files that will be needed when installing a new OS.

How to act?
For convenience, I will state a step-by-step process windows removal 7 from a laptop, smoothly moving to installing Windows XP.

You need to start work with the search for the necessary drivers for the hard disk. Often, when trying to install Windows XP on a laptop, problems arise with the definition of a hard disk. You can avoid such troubles on the site of the laptop manufacturer the necessary drivers ("" by default "on your laptop will not be).

In the center of the downloads it is necessary to download the files you need, unzip and copy to the flash card (you can use an external hard drive with a USB connector).

You will need to download the image of the installation. windows disk and burn it to the disk (you can use iSO program File Burning). Do not remove this disk after completing the record, insert the flash card with the recorded drivers for the hard disk and reboot your laptop.

When the laptop boot starts, press and do not release the F8 key, when you appear the quick change device, use the Internal DVD-ROM point, click on any key to start loading from the disk.

Next, focus on instructions step-by-step menuWhen the download program prompts you to choose partitions, or say that the hard disk is missing. You need to select the "Install drivers" menu item, for which you write the path to the USB drive. After installing the drivers will be completed, disconnect the flash card.

When the program determines the hard drive, find the section from the Windows 7 installed. Then select "Format to NTFS", click Enter.

During installation of the XP, the laptop will reboot several times. Do not pay any attention to it and do not try to prevent it, the device itself will boot from the hard drive.

Now you will stay to enter the laptop manufacturer website and download drivers for motherboard and other devices needed for the normal functioning of the laptop. Just do not forget that you need drivers for Windows XP.

Here, in fact, all. Successful to you work on the usual XP.