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Blah car entrance. Unpleasant story with Bla-Bla-Car (2 photos)

BlaBlaCar is a modern service that allows you to successfully use the services of not only buses, trains and minibuses, but also private cars. In each case, the opportunity to note the high level of functionality of the service is guaranteed, where you can find fellow travelers and agree on a successful move to the desired point.

Features of the BlaBlaCar service

Does BlaBlaCar provide an opportunity to find a trip without registration? Of course! The possibility of using services in three variations at once is guaranteed, each of which is aimed at maximum convenience target audience:

  • web service;
  • mobile application for the most common operating room Android systems;
  • functional program for IOS.

The main advantage lies in an intuitive and unified procedure for finding the right car for a further trip in the direction of interest. If necessary, on the BlaBlaCar service, you will be able to find a trip without registration in the shortest possible time!

Each driver must indicate the exact parameters of the route that is planned. At the same time, BlaBlaCar allows you to successfully study all the available information about the route, after which interested people report that they want to go.

Drivers, as already mentioned, must indicate detailed route parameters. At the same time, passengers indicate the points of departure and arrival in order to successfully find an interesting option for their trip.

Despite the fact that BlaBlaCar is available without registration, only the registration procedure allows you to successfully confirm personal data and guarantee a high level of security.

The BlaBlaCar system is built on a certain degree of trust, so registered customers receive privileges. To do this, it is recommended to go through a lightning-fast registration with the indication of relevant and reliable information:

  • the photo;
  • phone number;
  • address Email;
  • social profiles.

Moderation of the provided data is mandatory. Examination technical service allows you to understand what you can count on in the future and whether you can successfully plan your trip.

Attention! It is interesting to note that you can find a car without registration at BlaBlaCar, use the available services and help other people successfully organize their trip. After a car trip, the driver and fellow travelers leave feedback about each other to build the reputation of each user of the service.

Initial interaction does not provide for the obligatory contact of the driver with potential fellow travelers. If you wish, you can reject the offer of a person who initially does not inspire confidence. If, nevertheless, there is interest, you must first call and telephone conversation to discuss important nuances... Telephone numbers can be exchanged only with the mutual consent of the driver and fellow travelers.

Advice! Of course, with the help of BlaBlaCar, you can easily find travel companions without registration. At the same time, every woman understands the particular risks for herself in such trips. In this regard, the creators of the service offer special treatment“For women only”, excluding the selection of male drivers or passengers. Such a trip should provide only the most pleasant impressions of yourself.

Trip search instructions

How to find a ride in BlaBlaCar without registration? In fact, the search stage pleases with maximum ease. To do this, you need to provide the following data:

  • cities of departure and arrival;
  • route features;
  • time of departure - arrival;
  • price.

It should be noted that there are hints in the service, due to which the names of settlements can be written correctly at once. Search results, if desired, can be reduced by specifying a specific travel date and an optimal time interval.

In the BlaBlaCar system, the search for fellow travelers without registration occurs in the same way as for registered customers of the service.

BlaBlaCar mobile application

Service developers allow you to download BlaBlaCar for Android for free without registration. This mobile program, first of all, will be appreciated by those who are actively planning their trips, because it offers an opportunity to search and offer a trip. In the first case, you need to be a passenger, and in the second - a driver.

Finding fellow travelers without registering at BlaBlaCar is a reality of the 21st century, because the service is perfected to 100% and has been successfully operating for a long time, justifying the hopes of many users.

Service "Blah blah car", reviews of which are mostly positive, on this moment officially operates in 18 countries. It is used by 10 million people regularly or from time to time during the year.

About the service

The name "Blah blah car" consists of a slang word of English language bla-bla, meaning chatter, and car (car). His choice is intended to emphasize the main principle of the service - the provision of all services on the basis of agreements reached between the driver and his potential passenger-traveling companion.

This type of autotravel appeared in 2006 in France. The author of this original idea became NASA employee Frederic Mazella. One Christmas, he needed to travel from Paris to his parents in the provinces. Attempts to purchase tickets were in vain, and Frederick decided to use the Internet to find a ride. The driver was found pretty quickly. Moreover, on that day, thanks to his announcement on social networks, the problems of about a dozen other Parisians, who needed to get to different parts of the country or even to Belgium or Spain, were resolved.

This is how the history of the social service "Blah blah car" began. Over time, branches of the company appeared in many European countries, and since 2014 online search passing car began to operate in Russia, where this French ridesharing campaign began its work.

How does it work?

The popular Blah Blah Car travel companion app allows drivers to save on gas by charging passengers. At the same time, fellow travelers travel at lower fares than Russian Railways and even more so from airlines. For example, using the services of the Bla Bla Car service, you can get from Moscow to St. Petersburg for 500-600 rubles per person.

Having registered on the site, you need to leave a request or view the available offers. For the convenience of potential passengers, the resource has an option that hides flights in which all seats are occupied. Choosing the right one, you can contact the driver and discuss all the details of the trip. By the way, if you like to talk on the road, pay attention to the mark "blah blah blah". If it is absent, then with this chauffeur it is worth it to you to hit the road. Please also note that not only you have a choice, and the driver also has the right to refuse to take you as his travel companion, without explaining the reasons.

Trip abroad

Reviews of "Blah blah kara" show that this service is also suitable for organizing trips to neighboring countries and to Europe. At the same time, filing an application and all other operations are no different from those that need to be done in order to travel to a neighboring city.

How to find a travel companion?

To use the Bla Bla Car service (see reviews below), you must:

  • download the app of the same name for iPhone or Android;
  • register;
  • indicate where you are going to go, as well as set additional parameters.

In addition to the cost and route, it is indicated whether smoking is allowed during the trip, whether it is possible to take a pet with you to the car, etc.

How to leave a review on "Blah blah car"?

Do you want to thank the driver or, conversely, warn other passengers about the boorish behavior of a particular motorist? Then go to the site of the service "Blah blah blah car". It is quite easy to leave reviews about trips there. To do this, find the driver search form by phone number. After entering it, you will be redirected to personal page car owner, and you will be able to publish your opinion about the services provided to you, about the driver's behavior on the way, his punctuality, attitude towards the passenger, etc.

Mutual feedback

One of the advantages of using Internet services is the ability to find out the opinion of strangers about a particular product, service or person. That is why, before deciding to find a travel companion through the "Blah blah car" service, it is imperative to read reviews about passengers. After all, it is possible that you will come across a client who suddenly demands to change the route, will not answer calls or inadequately respond to the request not to smoke in the cabin.

What should be indicated?

On the site of the service "Blah blah car" reviews are left as follows:

After that, you can view your review in preview mode and correct it, if necessary.

The user about whom you have expressed your opinion will have two weeks to leave a response comment about the experience of the trip or communication about organizing it with you.

How do I provide feedback?

The service for finding fellow travelers via the Internet does everything to make both drivers and passengers happy. After all, this is precisely the mission of "Blah blah car". Drivers' reviews of customers allow you not to spoil your trip by inviting brawlers or bores as your travel companions. However, as experience shows, in any conflict situation, each side is confident that it is right. Therefore, "Blah blah car" also gives an opportunity to tell about the experience of a trip with a specific person.

So that the user does not remain in the dark as to how a recent fellow traveler described him, the system notifies him of the posting of a review on the site, without indicating its content. This is done so that you express your feedback as objectively as possible, and not try to respond to accusations if they are present in the note. As you can see, everything is fair!

The feedback itself is left in the same way as described above. Once published, it appears on your travel companion's page. As practice shows, 75% of users receive feedback.

Anonymous driving rating

If feedback is given to the driver, then you can also evaluate his skills. And this is done completely anonymously. As a result, the average rating is calculated and displayed in the driver's profile. This additional feedback helps the service to increase security, trust and accountability.

By leaving reviews, passengers increase their experience level and build themselves a reputation as a reliable travel companion.

"Blah blah car": negative reviews

As with the work of any other service, you can also read negative reviews about the application that allows you to find fellow travelers for car trips.

For example, those who have been using his services for quite some time note that the great idea of ​​mutual assistance has over time turned into a commonplace business for those who want to earn extra money on road transport. In other words, many car owners simply use this service as a kind of dispatching office to find passengers. At the same time, no one cares about the convenience of the latter, and sometimes a car can drive up to the specified address already chock-full. Or instead of the declared comfortable minivan, the client will be offered to hit the road in a wreck. In fairness, it should be noted that service managers try to control the behavior of drivers and limit the number of seats that they can offer.

In any case, it should be remembered that the trip is made on the basis of a mutual agreement. Therefore, and this is also evidenced by the reviews, situations are possible when the driver refuses to travel at the last moment.

Dmitry Malin reports:

Hello everyone! I urge you to rummage around this post to keep you and your friends safe, regardless of whether you are a passenger or a driver.
For the first time I decided to use the blah-blah-car as a driver on the Moscow-Sochi route. The route passed through Voronezh and Krasnodar with overnight stops in these cities. There were at least 50 who wanted to be my travel companions.

After reading the story of the disappearance of the Audi driver on blah blah car and realizing that fellow travelers could be anyone, I approached the matter like this: I photographed the first page of each passport and sent a copy to my wife by mail, and asked to send accounts in social networks. I also shared my location with her so that you can constantly track my movements. It would seem to be insured.

A little about the economy. I transported 5 carefully inspected parcels (RUR 2500), from Moscow to Voronezh I gave a lift to two fellow travelers (RUR 1500), from Voronezh to Krasnodar two more (RUR 2000). Not bad? Well, yes, overnight stays in hotels (2х1200), food (1000) and partially gasoline (it took 4х2000 in total) paid off. But, as they say, there is always a BUT ...

Two men from Krasnodar to Sochi were asked to bring them. The first is an Internet entrepreneur of about 30 years old, the second is a 45+ man, cheerful, talkative, judging by the conversation - a construction superintendent. The latter called at 5 am and asked very much to bring him to Sochi to the "construction site", in a hurry I did not have time to check it. We left Krasnodar at 7 am. He looked like an ordinary foreman, nothing suspicious. On the way, we talked about abstract topics, from the peculiarities of the construction business to the philosophical aspects of the universe.
We did not have time to discuss the essence of the Heisenberg principle, since two hours after Krasnodar we were stopped at the traffic police post for a formal check of documents. Did a cursory inspection of things. In the personal bag of the same "builder" they quickly found a certain substance in green granules, wrapped in a plastic bag. Further events developed in this way:

Until 11-00, the "builder" was searched, filmed and in the presence of attesting witnesses. Relevant questions were raised - where did the goods come from, to whom, why, under what circumstances. Scraps of phrases were heard - "they asked for a ride, who - I don't know, someone from the Internet", "yes, these are samples of cosmetics." Internet entrepreneurs and I were searched no less thoroughly, albeit without a camera. All the luggage was turned inside out, the clothes were checked, the car was completely "scanned". Perhaps only the suspension was not examined, and that was because they called the dog, which sniffed the entire "perimeter" of the car.

Since nothing was found in the car and our personal belongings, we were asked to wait in the parking lot at the checkpoint for only "a couple of hours". The documents for the car were seized from me, and my fellow traveler's passport. These "two" hours lasted no less than five. During this time, the traffic police did not answer our questions about when they would release us and what exactly we were accused of, referring to the investigators who were summoned by them from the nearest Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Closer to 18-00 we were asked to give testimony and sign explanatory notes, which essentially described the above situation and proved that we have nothing to do with the detainee, and even more so, we are not accomplices. Then, in my car, we proceeded to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where in the "reception" we waited for another couple of hours. It should be noted that we have not seen more of that "builder".

When it was already completely dark, and this was after 20:00, the operative came out and presented us with an administrative protocol, in which we were suspected of using drugs. This was followed by:
- removal of fingerprints (via a large newfangled scanner)
- photography (modern digital camera)
- and ... the most remarkable (!) trip in the lattice cell of a police UAZ, accompanied by four (!) police officers. We went to the nearest hospital to get tested for the use of prohibited drugs. Naturally, analyzes showed nothing.

Then we signed papers stating that we would come to the investigator as soon as necessary, and at 23 with kopecks in the evening we went outside the gates of the department ...
Perhaps, in this story I have no one to blame, except myself (missed the passenger check). This is exactly what it is. However, there are a lot of pluses:
- I learned a lot of new things from my fellow traveler about the event business and its promotion in social networks
- had the opportunity to work for eight hours. there was a wonderful 3G at the post
- began to understand the procedure for searching a car and searching drivers :)

So, in order to reduce the likelihood of imprisonment from 3 years (see below why), recommendations for checking a travel companion BEFORE the trip:
- ask about having a passport, make a copy of it, send a copy to friends or relatives.
- check the account of social networks - the number of friends and what kind of friends, the frequency of posts.
- ask how many co-travelers there will be, what kind of luggage and what is in it. Check each travel companion.

It is advisable to put a gps beacon in the car or use the iphone to rummage your whereabouts to relatives.

During the trip:
- it is desirable that the fellow traveler was riding in the front seat.
- the travel companion should not be left alone in the car, for example, during refueling.
- during a stop by the traffic police, watch the hands of a fellow traveler. Although I understand that in practice this is not very possible.
all these measures are needed in order to reduce the risk of a sudden "throwing off" of the product.

Recommendations for checking the cargo (if they want to transfer something through you):
- the one who transmits should inspire confidence, ask for a scan of the passport.
- ask from whom and to whom, what is inside the cargo if the box is sealed.
- be sure to open the box, envelope, etc., carefully inspect the contents, and if the sender opposes these points for any reason, refuse immediately.

Do NOT pass at all:
- cargo that is difficult to open and check, for example stuffed animals (yes, there were people who wanted to transfer a stuffed wolf in full growth, so to speak), sealed boxes of mobs / phones, a package of concentrated juice and the like.
- samples of "sea salt for a bath", "test" chemicals, tablets / drugs "for grandmother" and something like that.
- sealed envelopes with documents. demand to open them!

Neglect of these rules can threaten you with Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - up to 3 years and even if the size of the "party" is small.
Be vigilant, take care of yourself and your loved ones!

A week after the events described above, the investigator called and asked to come for interrogation. "Just 10 minutes." However, it really was 10 minutes. For which:

I learned that that "builder" is facing 15 years for transportation in especially large sizes (about 1 kg), followed by the complex name of the drug.

What if the "builder" put his bag in the seat pocket or the glove compartment, then I, as a driver, would be in big trouble, right down to an accomplice.

Signed a witness interview transcript that corroborated the story above.

And leaving the gates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I immediately imagined a situation when a fellow traveler sits down to me (even with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and an active profile in VK), who drinks tea from a small thermos all the way and for convenience puts this thermos in his pocket by the car door - nothing suspicious! At the traffic police post, the thermos remains in the car. Nothing was found in the personal belongings of the fellow traveler. But the thermos found a second bottom, in which 1 kg of the prohibited substance. The fellow traveler says that he did not see the thermos in his eyes. We are driving together in the car. It seems unrealistic to insure against such a scenario. Therefore, savings of 6 thousand rubles on gasoline in exchange for a period of 3 years (or even 15 years) are somehow incomparable. In general, think 10 times before using blah blah car.

BlaBlaCar is a unique online service that helps drivers find travel companions as safely as possible. Travelers - to get to their destination, spending money only on fuel. The benefit is simple: the driver saves on gasoline by choosing trusted companions. People without a car save money on expensive tickets for other vehicles.

Features Blah blah car

This Internet resource has gained wide popularity and many positive feedback for a reason. Its developer, Frederic Mazzel, created and developed unique system search. It provides for a safe and comfortable ride. And not only for passengers, but also for the driver.
The main advantages of BlaBlaCar are:

  • The ability to independently choose fellow travelers. Each user has a profile. She is linked to social media accounts. This allows you to get to know your fellow traveler as much as possible, his interests, hobbies even before meeting him. Also in the personal profile there are comments from other users. Ever traveled with a driver / passenger;
  • Maximum support from developers. The administration responds to complaints from users who were unhappy with the chosen travel companion. According to the BlaBlaCar team, the company strives to ensure that each of the fellow travelers has a good reputation on the site;
  • Women Only - Suitable for confident women who hit the road on their own. By applying this filter, options will be displayed without men, neither driving nor as passengers.

And further

  • Availability of notifications about upcoming trips. The service is designed to search for fellow travelers not only to a specific place, but also on specific dates. Blah blah car notifies the user that possible companions have appeared at the right time. And if there is no suitable route and dates, the site will notify you when a fellow traveler will show up in the right direction;
  • Exact pick up and arrival point. The driver offers a convenient place of departure and arrival. The passenger can agree or try to negotiate a route correction. To do this, the site has a map on which you need to indicate the route;
  • Search for travel companions through mobile applications... Blah blah car company took care of its users, developed applications for iPhone and Android. This allows you to search for fellow travelers wherever the person is. On the other hand, an internet connection is a prerequisite.

A small video from BlaBlaCar

By the way, the name BlaBlaCar exists for a reason. When registering in a personal account, a person chooses the degree of his talkativeness:

  1. "Bla" (silently looking out the window);
  2. "BlaBla" (can keep the conversation going);
  3. "BlaBlaBla" (chats endlessly).

Blah blah car find a ride

Initially, you need to go to the official website Blah blah car. In the allotted field, information about the place of boarding and arrival is entered, and also selects the date. Fill out this form. The site will offer a list of available drivers for this route at the selected time.

Before agreeing to a travel companion, it is recommended to write in private messages on the site or call the driver. Clarify important nuances:

  • The time he plans to spend on the road;
  • Deviations from the specified route and stops along the way;
  • Place of departure and arrival, and so on.

By the way, after the end of the trip, each of the participants can leave positive or negative feedback about their fellow traveler. This forms the rating among passengers and drivers.
Note! Leave a review about your travel companions after each trip. This will help other users choose their drivers (passengers) more carefully.

Finding a ride on a blah blah car

In order to find a travel companion in the right direction, follow the algorithm:

  1. Pass authorization in your personal account (if it is not available, then register);
  2. Fill in the search form for Blah blah car;
  3. Write or call the driver to clarify the nuances of the trip;
  4. Book now.

Users do not have to worry about the long-term confirmation of the application, since the driver immediately receives an SMS notification. There is also a function, using which you can specify the time of consideration of the application by the driver. If he does not respond in the near future, then the sent request will be canceled automatically. You can pay in cash upon arrival at the destination. The service does not ask for a cash advance payment online, so you should not follow the driver's request for an advance payment.

The company makes sure that the service functions fully, helping to travel and save absolutely every person. That is why the Blah blah car team advises passengers to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Book only when you have completely decided on your choice. The driver number will be displayed as soon as a request to book a trip is sent. However, you can cancel your reservation at any time without any consequences;
  • Always warn the driver about the presence of any luggage, the habit of smoking, carrying animals or other nuances that may affect the quality of the trip;
  • If you have an allergy, asthma, or a weak vestibular apparatus (motion sickness), be sure to warn the driver and prepare the necessary medications for the trip.

by the way

Observe the basic rules of etiquette and behavior on the road. Do not forget that the person behind the wheel is unfamiliar and requires a cultured attitude. You also need to wear a seat belt, since Blah blah car cannot guarantee the level of driving professionalism.

If the plans have changed dramatically and you cannot go on the reservation, then immediately cancel after Personal Area... Because, thinking for a long time about the opportunity to hit the road, you are taking away the opportunity to book a car from other passengers who may really need it.

Notify your relatives or friends. Best left to them mobile number driver and basic data about his car. Remember your safety - do not get into the car if it does not correspond to the one indicated on the website.

Blah blah car will help you find travel companions for the driver

To start searching for passengers who compensate for the cost of gasoline, you will need to register in the system. Provide information about the car and yourself. After that, click on the "Offer a ride" button in the right corner. You will need to enter data on the route and travel dates and click "Next". On the loaded page, the number of passengers that the driver wants to take on the road is indicated. In addition, the dimensions of the luggage that will fit into the car, as well as write special nuances.

To find more travel companions, choose settlements through which the path will run. Thanks to this, the offer will be displayed in the search for those who can compose a road for a certain segment of the path.
Note! It is recommended to add a photo of yourself and your car to your profile so that fellow travelers can easily recognize the driver. It will also increase the level of user confidence.

To use the services of the network platform, you first need to register in its system. Then you can start looking for a driver who plans to go on the road on a certain day. The main task of the passenger is to have time to sign up for the trip. To find a route, you just need to specify the route in search string... Most drivers try to post information about the upcoming trip 4-5 days before departure. If the direction is very popular, then the publication about it can appear in just 2-3 days.

Users offer direct and transit routes. Better to opt for the first option. In this case, the driver and passenger arrive at the same place. A transit trip involves the disembarkation of a fellow traveler along the road. After reviewing the offers, you can start choosing a trip. It is highly recommended that you carefully study your driver profile. It is best to choose users with filled information and a photo on their personal page.

Newcomers who first decided to use the services of "Bla bla car" need to learn to distinguish a good driver from a bad one:

Special attention should be paid to the reviews that are left by users of Blah blah car. The more recommendations a person has, the higher their status on the network platform. If there is an opportunity to go with an experienced driver, then it is better to opt for him.


Passengers looking for a ride should pay attention to the number of free seats in the car. Often, drivers try to take not 4, but only 3 fellow travelers. Thanks to this, they manage to comfortably fit in the car. By mistake, users study information about the cost of a trip in the first place. But it is better to leave it for later, since it is much more important to do right choice driver.

If the passenger is satisfied with the chosen option, he can proceed to booking a seat in the car, which departs in the direction he needs on the most suitable day.

Blablakar booking

It is worth starting to make a reservation after the user has finally decided on the choice of a driver. Seat reservation can be manual or automatic. In the first case, the passenger makes a request, and then the driver accepts it. In auto mode, the second stage of booking is excluded, since the application is accepted immediately. This method used extremely rarely. Usually people want to know in advance the information about the person with whom they will spend several hours on the road.

After making the reservation, they begin to discuss the main details with the driver. By the way, it is convenient to do this in messages. In personal information, you can find the user's mobile number. And over the phone, discuss with him all the nuances of the upcoming trip.

Time and place of arrival are discussed without fail. It is necessary to clarify exactly where the driver will be leaving from. If it is far away, then the passenger will have to get to the meeting point on their own. The time spent on the road must be taken into account so as not to detain anyone.

Sometimes you have to contact the Blablacar user who lives in another region. In this case, you need to clarify the rules for calculating the time. It is best to focus on Moscow, as it is convenient for residents of different regions of Russia.

Blablacar baggage

When booking a seat, you should ask a question about your baggage. If the passenger plans to take a large suitcase with him, then he should inform the driver about this in advance. You should not leave this question unresolved until you get into the car.

At this stage of registration, the passenger may inquire about the duration of the trip. It must be remembered that drivers do not always deliver a fellow traveler to the right place. In order to save fuel and personal time, passengers are often left on the side of the road or not far from the train station. In this case, it is recommended to ask your acquaintances in advance to arrange a meeting at this place.

If the driver has not arrived

There are situations when the driver does not answer calls and messages from the passenger. who managed to book himself a place in his car. In this case, you need to start looking for another car, since there is no guarantee that you will be able to contact this person by the due date.

Many users advise to have several backup options on the blablacar in order to still find a ride to the right place. But you cannot book many cars. It is necessary to resort to the registration of another trip if the driver, with whom there was an agreement, refused to travel or does not get in touch.

It's worth noting that highly rated users rarely cancel trips. After all, many value their reputation. Therefore, it is best to stop your choice on them.

Many passengers who were never picked up at the designated place still manage to find another car in the same direction. If you find yourself in such an unpleasant situation, you should not immediately despair. Instead, you need to immediately start new searches.

Finding fellow travelers for the driver

After registering on the network platform, a user who wants to offer his services needs to place information about himself in his profile. A personal photo will be a good addition. You should also give brief description the car on which the trip will be.

After completing the profile, you can start creating a trip. In the column, you need to fill in information that relates to the upcoming route. It is necessary to indicate the number of passengers. Luggage transportation. At the discretion of the driver, you can also mention other nuances.

It is recommended to add not only a personal photo and a photo of the car to the profile. So, by the way, it will be easier for fellow travelers to find their driver at the meeting point. In addition, this increases the level of confidence of passengers in the person who offers to take them to their destination.

Interested passengers will send requests for seats in the car. The driver is left to accept it manually or reject if there is a reason. Optionally, you can set up automatic reception of requests from other BlaCar users.

To increase the number of applications for the route and recruit a sufficient number of fellow travelers, you can use a little trick. Between the starting and ending point, you should indicate the intermediate place through which the path is laid. It is possible that some of the Blah blah car users will need to drive to him. In this way, the driver will be able to find the client half way.

The trip, which was organized on Blah blah car, will leave an extremely pleasant experience if everyone:

  • Will be serious about the choice of drivers and passengers;
  • Will not violate the rules of the network platform.

Where are you planning to go?

Make this trip the most budgetary of your life!

Gathered in another city? Take the opportunity to find a ride as a passenger.

Using the capabilities of the Internet, drivers heading to a specific destination on a given date can advertise vacant seats in their vehicle to potential passengers for a joint trip in the same direction. The driver benefits from the fact that he can easily find a travel companion who will bear some of the costs. A passenger, on the other hand, can get to wherever he wants cheaper, and sometimes faster than if he chose a bus, train or plane.

Shared trips search service -.

From the official site blablacar

In order for travel to be not only interesting, but also safe, it is necessary to follow only a few rules.

BlaBlaCar is a sea of ​​possibilities. With BlaBlaCar you can travel with interesting fellow travelers, leave the city at the last moment, even if there are no tickets left for trains and buses, save up to 100% on gasoline if you are a driver, go on a trip with girls only or take animals into the car ... In general, almost anything is possible! We will tell you more about how to use our service correctly. And we will list the things that are prohibited on BlaBlaCar.

Blah blah car has developed rules for joint travel. Read them carefully. Here is just a summary.

12 things that are prohibited on BlaBlaCar

For drivers:

  • Cancel trips at the last minute;
  • Indicate incorrect information in the profile;
  • Create multiple profiles;
  • Request prepayment from passengers;
  • Change the price in personal communication with passengers;
  • Search for more passengers than you have free seats;
  • Book seats with other drivers if you are not going to go;
  • Transport goods and animals to another city.

For passengers:

  • Cancel reservations at the last minute, or not show up at the meeting point;
  • Try to get there for free;
  • Consider drivers as taxi drivers;
  • Looking for fellow travelers is not for yourself.

Finding a trip to Blablakar is not difficult.

General tips for passengers how to find a trip to Blablacar:

  1. Before finalizing your booking, check baggage sizes with your potential driver and make sure everything fits;
  2. Trips are usually posted 3-5 days in advance. Although they are sometimes published earlier or at the last minute. For the opportunity the best choice set up an email alert. This will allow you to find out about each new trip on the desired date on the desired route;
  3. Requesting a ride order does not mean that you have to travel. Therefore, if it is important for you to make a trip on a specific date, it is better to send simultaneous requests to other potential drivers. After all, your candidacy may not suit someone. Submitting concurrent requests will give you more assurance that you don't end up empty-handed. If you get more than one “yes” answer, inform the drivers you will not be traveling with;
  4. Please be at the meeting point a little earlier than the scheduled time on the day of your trip. Send a message to your driver that you are there. The driver may provide additional or more specific information about where he will be looking for you. Taking the initiative is more likely to avoid problems;
  5. Talk to your driver on your trip! Of course, it may seem a little awkward at first, but in the end it is a great opportunity get some ideas and tips.

Blah blah car without registration find a ride

It’s impossible to find a trip without registration. You will either need to register via mail, or log in via a VK or Facebook account.

How to find a trip on Blah blah car:

  • In Yandex, on the request "" select the official site
  • Create account BlaBlaCar and customize your profile;
  • After filling out the profile with information and approving the account, you can search for trips.

There are several ways to filter your search in the left column. The most important filters are the desired departure date and time. Please note that the Blah blah car service has good function- Email alert for new suitable trips. Therefore, if:

  • The date of interest is too far in the future;
  • There are a few rides available, but want a little more choice;
  • The price set by the drivers for blah blah car is not satisfactory,

Subscribe to the notification, and you can find a trip to blablacar at a convenient time.

Tip: A completed profile and a photo that allows people to see your face will make it easier to find the ride on blablacar.

Blablakar find a trip from Moscow

Traveler's savings depend on how popular the road route is, but in almost all cases, using Blah blah car travel costs less than a seat on a bus or plane. For example, one of the most popular destinations in Russia is Cheboksary.

Comparison of possible travel by train, plane, bus, Blablacar

Moscow - Cheboksary

Travel time

Trip price
1. - seating.13 hours 29 minutesfrom 912 rubles
2. By plane - the cheapest (Pobeda).Total: 1 hour 20 minutes

from 2 030

3. Taxi Moscow - Cheboksary (economy) - start in 30 minutes!10 hours 30 minutesfrom 9600
4. . 12 hours 20 minutesfrom 999
5. . 10 hours 30 minutesfrom 800

The table shows that if you find a ride on blablacar, then you will spend 112 rubles less than if you went by train. You will arrive 2 hours earlier than if you took the bus. Of course, by plane on Pobeda is not very expensive, but you don't have to get to the airport and deal with check-in for the flight. But this can add a couple of hours to the estimated travel time.

On blah blah square find a ride

In order to fully use the service, you need to go through the registration process on the Bla bla car website. This can also be done after downloading and installing the app, which is available for both iOS and Android. If the registration was made on the site, then after installing the application, your account will be available to you.

The very procedure of registration for Bla bla car will not cause any difficulties.

If you are registered in social networks VK or Facebook, you can use these applications to log in. In the Blah blah car app you will get: personal profile, you can add friends, celebrate your birthday, you must specify your email address. The application does not have access to the function of publishing from your address on social networks - that is, you are completely safe.

If you do not want to start a full profile, you can register by filling out a short questionnaire. It is enough to indicate the gender, name, year of birth, e-mail, and confirm the phone number.

Confirmation email address necessary immediately after registration. The action is simple - just follow the link that will come to you by email. If you start a profile, try to fill it out completely. Submit your photo. The profile and photos will be checked by moderators, so do not put photos of public figures, animals, and so on. In order to confirm the profile, enter the number mobile operator communication. A verification code will be sent to it. Completing your profile as much as possible will increase the level of trust in you.

Search for blah blah car trips

For example, you need to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Find a driver through the app or website whose route meets your conditions.

In most cases, drivers display information about the planned trip 5-7 days in advance. For popular destinations, this period is less - 1-2 days. It can be either a direct trip or a transit trip. For example, a driver can move from Sochi, crossing Moscow, to St. Petersburg. You can meet in Moscow, at a convenient place for both of you. It can be a highway, a bypass road, a shopping center.

A driver with a high level of responsibility will reflect the trip data as fully as possible. Is it possible to smoke in the car, the duration of the journey, how many and where there will be stops, the workload of the car, and so on. If something is not clear to you, or you want to clarify some details, contact the driver before booking.

Always pay attention to the fullness of the profile, the presence of a photograph, whether the brand of the car is indicated, the rating of the driver.

Booking a trip on Blah blah car

So, you have decided on the date, time, driver - all your wishes correspond to the chosen trip. Proceed to the next step - booking. You can book a trip in two ways - automatically and with confirmation from the driver.

When you indicate the yellow icon, the booking is automatic, that is, your trip is confirmed, the place is assigned to you. If there is no such icon, wait for confirmation from the driver. He may wish to familiarize himself with your profile before confirming the reservation.

When the booking is confirmed, write to the driver and specify everything that interests you. To do this, you can use the profile, but we recommend using SMS correspondence - this is how you exchange numbers.

  • Where will you meet. Please note that you are not using a taxi service. Do not expect to be picked up from your home or waiting for a long time.
  • What time will you meet. If the driver's path is in transit, and not direct, be sure to check the time in Moscow.
  • Luggage availability. If you will be traveling with a large suitcase, check if the driver has free space to accommodate it.
  • Travel time. As a rule, this indicator is indicated in the publication - but it would not be superfluous to ask.
  • Where you will be dropped off.

We strongly recommend that you contact the driver the day before your trip. Just do not write SMS - make a call. Be persistent. Your plans depend on it. A highly responsible driver will call you on his own. First of all, he is interested in the trip - financially. On the day of your trip, contact the driver again.

How newbies to Blah blah care find a ride

The trip will take place in the presence of people you don't know. Be careful and polite. Do not forget that we are all "humans" - decent "humans". Remember safety - don't distract the driver. Do not be intrusive, noisy - not the fact that others will want to enter into dialogue with you. If, nevertheless, you cannot resist, you are guided by the situation.

A large number of offers posted on Bla bla car are made from one city to another. Is your goal a small settlement? Look at its location on the map and ask the driver where he will drop you off.

When booking, familiarize yourself with the profile of not only the driver, but also other passengers. What's wrong with you? Please select a different travel option. No fellow travelers? Only the driver? The choice is yours.

Important! Blah blah car does not check drivers. But there are passengers who, on their own initiative, book a car in full, with the exception of the driver, of course.

Completed your trip - don't forget the feedback system.

As you can see, everything is simple! Therefore - go in, register using the website or application for iPhone or Android. Fill out and confirm your profile. Don't hesitate to register - it's absolutely free. Suddenly you will soon need to go somewhere - you are welcome.

Disadvantages of Blablacar trip

  • The driver can change his plans, because the trip will be postponed or even disrupted.
  • If the driver is tired, your safety is questionable.
  • Lack of insurance for passengers and, accordingly, no payments in case of an accident, accident.
  • If the car breaks down on the way, there will be no replacement. You will have to look for a way out of the situation yourself.
  • It may happen that the driver has a criminal record. It is difficult to talk about the consequences.

Don't be alarmed. We just warned you. In order to avoid these misunderstandings - do not be lazy, find out as much as possible about the driver and other passengers. The time (prescription) of their registration, read the reviews, social media... All this data will allow you to travel in maximum comfort and safety.

Benefits of Blah Blah Car Travel

  • Naturally the material side of the issue. At the same time, both for the driver and for the passenger. The driver gets his money back for gas, you save on public transport. This was the original purpose of the project.
  • Communication. It is also a rather serious factor - it may even be more valuable than the financial component. Non-binding conversation - what could be more enjoyable on the trip.
  • New acquaintances. And these are not colleagues, relatives and so on, but people with whom you can communicate simply, easily and naturally. Nothing and everything at the same time. As on the Internet, only offline.
  • Time component. Yes, a car is not faster than air transport, but faster than a bus, train, or water transport. And time in conditions modern world- a very significant factor in everything!

Important! Blah blah car is not responsible and has no right to interfere with your relationship. You will not be able to complain to us about the driver if he violates your plans, but you can leave a corresponding review about him on the Bla bla car website.

Sometimes the service is called bablokar, ball ball, and of course, in other words.

Find a ride, passengers and fellow travelers on BlaBlaCar. Schedule and cost of trips. Instructions on how to use BlablaCar. ... Planning a trip? Find the driver along the way. Choose in any direction from thousands of offers across the country. Traveling with Blah Blah Car is easy, reliable and profitable! Find a car. Find a ride. Just indicate the cities of departure and arrival, as well as the time of departure.

In addition to Blablakar find a ride

Additionally to the article:

  • Go to the site

And if you can't find a trip for blah blah car, then try to leave:

  • Buy

We will tell you what BlaBlacar is, how to register for a driver and passengers in 2019, how to find trips, how to safely use the service. In general, how to travel is cheap and safe.

What is "BlaBlaCar"

It is a service that brings together drivers and fellow travelers. Works in 22 countries, almost all over Europe. In total, more than 35 million users are registered. 10 million people travel quarterly. "BlaBlaCar" is a slang combination of the English words bla-bla, which means conversation, chatter and car - a car.

How it works

For example, a man drives his car from Moscow to St. Petersburg. He wants to save on gas, and driving in the company is not so boring. To do this, he publishes information about his trip on the website:

  • indicates a car,
  • date and time of departure,
  • departure point,
  • route,
  • travel time,
  • number of seats in the car,
  • trip cost for 1 passenger. The price of the trip is calculated by the driver himself, the system does not add anything to this. The price is made up of the cost of the gasoline required for the trip and the depreciation of the vehicle.

Potential passengers who are looking for a trip from Moscow to St. Petersburg see this information, if everything suits them in terms of time and price, they book a seat in the car. The driver confirms the trip and they meet at the designated place.

Very often, drivers place trips not only between cities, but also around the city. For example, some people commute every morning to work from one area to another and want to save on gasoline.

Find passengers

What to do, if you have a car and you want suggest a ride and find passengers .

Driver registration

Register on the official website in the section, post your trip information. It's free. The driver pays nothing for the publication of the ride offer.

  • To do this, fill in simple form- the place of meeting and disembarkation, be sure to add intermediate points - this way you will collect more passengers, someone will go out, someone will take a seat. If traveling there and back, fill in the travel dates.
  • Add your photo and car photo. Passengers are much more willing to book seats with those drivers who have completed their profile as fully as possible. Nobody will be your travel companion if you have an empty profile.
  • If the passenger meets your conditions, he will send you an application for booking a seat. You can set it to manual confirmation or automatic if you don't care who you ride with.
  • Passengers pay money for the trip at the end of the trip.

Blablacar: find a ride

What to do, if you do not have a car and are looking for fellow travelers to make the trip .

Passenger check-in

Register on the official website in the section. Or you can install and register through them. But the site is more convenient.

Registration is very easy and takes 1 minute - just enter your email address. You will need to confirm your email address immediately after registration, just follow the link that will be sent in an email to activate your profile.

Blablakar without registration

You cannot book a trip without registration at all!

Find a ride as a passenger

Let's say we need to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg. You need to find a driver who goes in the right direction at the right day and hour.

updated 10.10.2018

Until October 10, 2018, Blablakar did not take any commissions from either the driver or the passenger. Now Blablacar has introduced paid subscription for passengers, but it's not as scary as it sounds.

The fee only applies if you are looking for a trip longer than 120 km. If less, then the trip is free. When registering bonus - 1 month of subscription and use of the Bla bla car for new passengers free of charge... If in a month you plan to use Blablacar very often, then you have to pay 199 rubles per month and use it unlimitedly, if rarely, then just buy a 1-day subscription for 149 rubles with each new booking.

1. Specify a route

Usually drivers publish most trips 5-7 days before the trip... On the most common routes in 1-2 days. The driver can go with you from the same city on a direct route, or maybe in transit. In the example above, drivers are transiting from Adler through Moscow to St. Petersburg. You will arrange a meeting in Moscow, and most likely it will be somewhere on the highway or near a large shopping center on the bypass, unless the driver needs to enter the city specifically for personal matters.

You can see all the offers from drivers at once- the date, time of departure, number of vacant seats, cost are indicated.

The place of disembarkation of passengers is appointed by the driver, if your stop is in the city along the way, then most likely he will drop you there.

Select a ride to view more detailed information about the trip.

A good driver will describe the conditions of the trip as fully as possible - they smoke, do not smoke, where they stop, how long they stop on the road, the number of passengers is only in the car. If you have any questions for the driver, before booking, you can contact him and clarify the details.

Take a look at the driver profile before booking.

Pay attention - how fully the profile is filled out, whether there is a photo, whether the car is indicated. Irina R has a good profile, a lot of reviews and a lot of positive ones. High rating.

But for Artyom S, despite the lack of reviews, the profile is not very good, it is completely empty.

Pay attention to the number of seats in the car. In a car it will be very uncomfortable for four plus the driver to drive. It is considered normal when there are two passengers in the back and one in the front.

3. Book your trip

You have chosen the date, time, found a driver who suits you completely. You can now book your trip. There are two types of reservations - automatic and with confirmation.

If a yellow lightning bolt is indicated, then the confirmation is automatic, a place in the car will be booked for you immediately. If the icon is not specified, then driver confirmation is required. Some drivers prefer to see a profile before driving with strangers.

4. Contact the driver

After the place has been booked, we recommend that you write to the driver and clarify the details of the trip. You can write through the profile, but it's still better send SMS so that your number appears on his phone immediately (you will receive contacts after booking).

Be sure to check with the driver again:

  1. Venue. It is worth remembering that this is not a taxi and the driver most likely will not pick you up from the entrance, let alone wait for a long time.
  2. Meeting time. If this is a transit trip, please check the meeting time again and it may be coming from a different time zone.
  3. Baggage. As a rule, fellow travelers travel with small bags. If you have a large suitcase, find out if the driver can accommodate it.
  4. Duration of the trip. Basically, all drivers indicate how long it takes and the number of stops. But it's better to ask again.
  5. Drop off point at destination. Let us clarify once again - this is not a taxi, most likely you will not be taken to the entrance.

On the eve of the trip, be sure (!!!) once again contact the driver... And just call him. Perhaps his plans have changed. Confirm all agreements. Feel free to be persistent. A good driver will call you several times before driving. Dial the driver again a few hours before your trip. Remember, "Blablakar" does not interfere in your relationship with the driver. You cannot call there and say that you have not met.

5. Payment for the trip

Payment for the trip is made with the driver in cash, take care of the change in advance. Transfer money only when you have reached your destination... No prepayments to the card or through e-wallets, even if the driver says that he needs to refuel the car in advance. Calculation only at the end of the trip!

The driver will not be able to write out a receipt for you, so if suddenly you are traveling as a business trip, think about what you will provide to the accounting department.

What to do if the driver has not arrived

If the day before the trip you try to contact the driver and he does not answer for a long time, we recommend looking for another option. In general, it's worth having several spare options and being ready to book another car if the driver suddenly cancels the trip on the appointed day. This is very rare for highly rated drivers, but no one is immune from car breakdown or illness.

If the driver did not come, even though you called him before, his phone is turned off or does not answer, you should not despair. On popular routes, you can find an offer for the same time or in the interval of up to 1-2 hours. Check through the application - maybe some driver has vacated a seat, some of the passengers refused to travel and are waiting for you. After that, leave an appropriate review and rating to the driver who let you down.

Rules for a safe and comfortable trip

In the car you will be with strangers. Observe basic rules of decency and do not forget about safety rules.

  1. Don't be overly intrusive and noisy. Some people like to just look out the window, someone to read.
  2. The driver should not be distracted while driving and give various advice if you are not asked. Communicate with fellow travelers only if they are inclined to do so.
  3. For many women, the thought of traveling in a company with unfamiliar fellow travelers immediately raises the question of safety. Especially among girls who use the service for the first time. Therefore, Blablacar has the option “ Only for women". Users can schedule joint trips in which both the driver and the passenger are women.
  4. Before the trip be sure to send your friends and family the driver and vehicle data, departure and arrival times. Make sure everything matches before getting in the car.
  5. If you arrived at the meeting point, and there is another car and another driver (broke down, got sick, change for a friend) - we recommend to cancel this trip and find another car.
  6. When you book a seat in the car, you can see the profile of not only the driver, but also the fellow travelers. If you don't like one of them, find another trip. If the car is not full and you are driving only with a driver, decide for yourself. By the way, sometimes some people buy all the seats to go alone.
  7. Most of the routes are offered between major cities. If you need to go to a small village, you need to choose between which cities it is located and ask the driver whether he can take you there, or drop you off on the highway at the turn, at the bus stop, etc.
  8. Don't forget to leave an honest review after your trip.

Blablacar: find a ride and fellow travelers

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