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How to give Mut on Twice. Rules Chat control or how to be a moderator on a channel

However, our Western colleagues also believe that, among this, at first glance, the incoherent thoughts can be identified a certain meaning, or at least catch general Direction dialogue. Today about this and talk.

How to read chat on twitch

Some allow a fatal error, trying to have time to read absolutely all posts in the Twitch chat. In the case of especially popular channels, it is not possible at all, because the messages "run away" up almost instantly.

You don't need to be upset, just release this situation, and do not even try to read the chat entirely on popular channels. It is important to remember that the emphasis in most cases is not done on the chat, but to Stream himself. In chat, users usually respond to those events that occur during the broadcast, and the lion's share of messages constitute banal emotions expressed in a kind of way.

After especially bright moments, the stream chat often covers a real wave of various emoji, short phrases and abbreviations condensed even faster than usual. It makes no sense to read out of them, just give emotions to calm down, and over time (if you continue to watch the channel, you will read this text to the end, and read another couple of materials similar to the end) you can define the mood of the chat from one glance.

What do Emodzi mean

As many of you, for sure, have already guessed, Emoji has a sense. Approximately like pictograms with fire, which means "hot" or "fiery" content. I hope that it is not necessary to explain. But do all these faces mean? Who is it?


The history of this icon stretches from those times when Twitch was called This is the face of the developer named Josh Desino. Over time, a disgusting smile Josh began to be used as graphic image Trolling, irony or sarcasm.


The face of Midchel "Trihex" Jefferson, famous speedrine, denotes happiness, excitement and admiration. It is easy to guess if you look at the pictogram.


This is a screenshot with the image of the Oddler strider, which fell asleep during the marathon in the series of games Resident Evil. Denotes boredom.


The face of the amateur of the Fighting of Ryan "Gootecks" Guteierreza denotes surprise and Haip.


A distorted photo of the face of Stremer by Hearthstone Sebastian "Forsen" Force His fans use, as a rule, for spam in chat rooms at other streamers, thereby drawing attention to their pet.


This badge, for sure, many learned, because the image came straight from The Binding Of Isaac. Indicates sadness.


The face of Alex Jebalei, another person from the fires world, the founder of Ceo Gaming. Until now, it is not fully understood why, but this pictogram is used when the striking someone beats, hits a trap.


This is the face of the famous gaming critic and striking John "TotalBiscuit" Bane. At first, his viewers used this emoji to indicate the branded "cynical laughter" in the Bayne chat, but then the pictogram came out far beyond the same channel, and now it is simply used in ridiculous moments on the strife.

Chat teams

Among other things, many streamers use bots to respond to popular questions from the audience. By gaining special commands, like "! Keyboard", "! Wins" or "! UPTIME", you can get information about the keyboard that the streamer uses, find out the number of victories or the time during which it goes stream. FROM full list Twitch commands you can read.

What else can be seen in the chat

In addition to the common abbreviations, like Lol, GG, GLHF and all this, sometimes in the chat surround unfamiliar words. For example, the word "gril" (in this case, a typo in the word "girl" is deliberately allowed, translated from the English. - Girl) means that the surprise surprise appeared in the frame. And the short phrases "400 IQ" and "400-IQ Play" spam at the time when the streamer shows a magnificent game, or the opposite "merges", and the chat responds to it sarcastically.

Chat commands are entered into the chat message string. A set of commands available to the user depends on the rights in the chat, as well as from the chat settings. Administrators and moderators are available for managing users. List of commands available to you in this chat, you can see by entering the command / Help..

General teams

/ Help. - Displays information about the commands available to you in the chat.

/ ME - Sends a message from a third party. For example: / ME happy.

/ Clean. - Cleans its chat window. This command is only valid on your chat window without affecting other users in the chat. If you are a chat moderator, use the command to clean the chat.

Sending pictures, video and audio

To send a link to the video, an audio or picture, simply place the file address to the message. The link will be displayed in chat depending on the type: video and audio will be opened in a special pop-up window, and the pictures will be inserted directly into the chat.

This feature allows you to use smiley pictures in messages, even if the required smile is not in the list available for this chat.

The possibility of sending to chat media files can be disabled in the chat settings.

The following media files are currently supported:

  • pictures: URL with JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP extension, BMP.
  • video in format.flv
  • video YouTube. In the YouTube page address format (for example,\u003dN5VoeE5Ueais)
  • audio in format.mp3

In addition to inserting the address of the file directly to the message text, the command is supported. / Media.Working similarly:

/ Media.


Bbcode commands are available in the chat, which are entered into the text of the general:

  • [b]fatty
  • [i]italics
  • [U]effected
  • [s]crazed
  • arbitrary text - The text between the tags will not be interpreted as BBCode.

Commands for administrators and moderators

Chat administrators and moderators are available to some possibilities that are missing from ordinary users.

Please pay attention to: on administrators and moderators there is no ban, as well as the filter Mata. Gently distribute the powers of moderators, because they carry not only additional features, but also increased responsibility!

Bank users in chat

Ban is valid only on ordinary users: If the administrator is banning himself or another administrator / moderator, it will not affect the ability of the "banned" administrator / moderator to send messages to the chat. To ban user, click on the button with a red cross on the user's message or on the same button in the list of users. This opens the Ban dialog box and delete messages, where you can not only put the ban on the violator, but also to erase its recent messages.

The ban command can be called from the message string (only administrators and moderators can do it).

/ ban. minutes username. - To ban the user userName. on the specified number of minutes ( minutes.). The user will not be able to write to the chat until the banner expires. You can call this command easier by clicking on the user's name and clicking on the "BUY" button:

The ban on the IP address is superimposed if the parameter is specified in the command " iP"In this case, instead of the username, you can specify an IP address:
/ Ban IP 10 Badguy
/ Ban IP 10

If the parameter " iP"None, the ban will be superimposed by the user by his name.

To ban the user on IP by specifying his name, you can only when he is this moment Located in the chat.

In order to remove the ban ahead of time, you need to execute the same command, but with a number of minutes equal to zero. For example:
/ Ban IP 0

Cleaning Chata

Administrators and moderators can erase individual chat messages by pressing the eraser button:

The clique on the eraser will erase this message from the chat, both in the chat of users and those that will come later.

In order to delete several of the last messages of any user, click on the cross button. A dialog box of the Ban and removal of messages will open, where you can quickly and conveniently ban the intruder, and at the same time erase the latest messages.

/ DelmSG. - Cleaning chat. All user messages are instantly deleted: both in the chat of users and those that will come later. Use this command with caution.

Deleting a user from chat (KIC)

/ Kick. userName.

Administrators and chat moderators can drive out the user from the chat team / Kick.At the same time, the user still has the ability to go into chat again (to drive out without returns, you should additionally use the team / ban.). Team / Kick. It is convenient to call through the button with the boot in the list of users:

User information

/ WHOIS userName.

Administrators and Moderators Chat using the command / WHOIS Can get information about how the IP address is connected by the user, as well as from which site he went into chat. Another user information is displayed here. Quick challenge This command is also available through the list of users.

"Nightbot" - Your Chat Management Assistant

Now, any streamer must be their own bot, which will help him in moderation, filtering and managing chat. Without such bots, just do not do, because it will fulfill the main job for you and simplifies your streamer activity. One of these assistants consider - "Nightbot".

NightBot - bot properties and installation

This bot can be found on the official website Going to the site, we immediately set up and install the bot on TV. Account:

  • We go to the site and log in through the Tvech Account.
  • Select the "Join Channel" function and add a bot to your channel.

IN open window A function appears - make a bot moderator on your channel. To do this, you need to register in the chat on your channel in the Twitch command - "/ mod Nightbot".

Now the bot is installed as a moderator. It performs various functions in your chat. He is tuned by B. automatic modeBut all settings and its functions can be changed.

Nightbot - detailed setting

After installing "Nightbot", it is necessary to configure it correctly under your twich channel. For this we will analyze its settings:

The first menu in which you want to go is "Commands" → "Custom".

Here you can configure different commands for the bot to control the chat, to add commands, press the "Add Command" button. Any name of the team is best to start with exclamation mark. Example -! YouTube. After the command, you can configure the message that will issue a bot for the chat participant. All commands and messages can be changed, delete and edit.

The second tab that will need to be configured - "Timers".

She is responsible for the messages that will appear in the chat with a certain frequency. Here you can set the time, the frequency of messages and the text itself.

The next menu is "Spam Protection".

This menu is responsible for protection against spam. If you have a little subscribers, then you can first not include the sliders, but if you have a big stream of viewers, then you should configure this menu. Here you can put the ban for spam, the spam category and much more. The menu is divided into several blocks: BlackList, Excess Caps, Excess Emoties, Links, Excess Symbols, Repetitions. Each unit is responsible for certain spam filters that can be configured.

  • Menu - "Help Docs".

It contains all the documentation on the bot and all the commands that go by default. Here you can go to the menu where you will be presented to the list of commands, see what one or another command means and later to set everything under yourself in "Commands" → "Default". Bot will issue those commands that you yourself. It can be games, entertainment and other all possible options.

Another useful menu is "Song Requests".

It is responsible for various music and sound effects In your chat. If the commands for the bot are configured manually, then in this menu you can choose to order melodies. You can also configure the answers of the bot in Russian or a friend who will enjoy and will delight your audience.

These are the basic settings "Nightbot" for your tVich Canal. There are still many additional, with which you have to figure it out already during the work of the bot.

NightBot - Good Bot for Streaming

"Nightbot" is convenient programthat will help the strife to simplify your life. Full chat control will fall on the shoulders of this program, which in automatic mode will follow it. Also in the chat you will appear great amount New features and interesting entertainment. You can not exclude the fact of program errors. But every day, developers produce new updates that improve the program and make it more comfortable.

"Nightbot" is considered one of the best bots for TWICH chat. Without it, your chat will be boring and monotonous.

How to give moderator and some useful functions

Good day, to all readers. Today I would like to tell you a little about the moderators on twice. Honestly, the occupation is rather dull, but without moderators now no longer will cope. And all because trolls, scumbags, spammers, flooders and inadequate in our virtual society have always been enough. They are everywhere!

If you think you can easily handle your channel alone, then you are very mistaken. Especially if your channel is rather popular and at least thirty people present on each broadcast. There will always be any lungee, which will write that I was resting with your mother or will spam the link to your channel. I think that during the gameplay and communicating with the audience, you will not have the opportunity to block or give Mut to the violator. In addition, if you react to them, then your viewers will take you to an aggressive schoolboy and join this troll, or will leave your channel.

I think neither one nor another option will arrange you. That is why moderators are needed. You can physically be able to keep track of everything.

There are two ways to give a moderator on twice.

The first, through the command in the chat: / mod nickname (SCR.1). The second, through the list of viewers, it is located under the chat window (SCR.2). You need to select the user, click on it and click on the zipper icon (SCR.3). There is no difference between the first and second way.

Team "/ MOD" (SCR.1)

Button: "Spectators List"(SCR.2)

Lightning icon(SCR.3)

What authority is the moderator?

First, he can ban a person in the chat, so that he did not write any heresy, it was done in two ways, either on the icon of the crossed circle next to its nickname in the chat (SCR.4), or by the same icon through the audience list (screenshot above to the left of the zipper icon).

Ban button(SCR.4)

Secondly, he can give Mut to a person for 600 seconds, clicking on the clock icon to the left of Nick in the chat or through the list of viewers (screenshots above). If you mistakenly gave Ban or Mut not to that man, then do not worry, just press again on the corresponding icon, and the person can again write in the chat.

But in order to simplify the work of our moderators, the Tweicha administration added two useful functions: Automatic locking of hyperlinks and automatic blocking of prohibited words. With the second function, it uses the default and remove it itself, if necessary. To enable the first enough to go to the profile settings (SCR.5), select the tab: "Channel and video" (SCR.6), and put a tick in the point: Block hyperlinks (SCr.7). You can also add your prohibited words that will be blocked on your channel (SCR.8).

Profile Settings(SCr.5)

Tab: "Channel and video materials"(SCr.6)

Window for entering words forbidden on your channel(SCR.8)

The Bot of Our JackyFoxBot chat is not only following the order - it is capable of a lot.

Inboard currency

For every 5 minutes Viewing Streamy Viewer gets one septim - the coin of our internal currency. Also on the screen every 10 minutes the chest appears, clicking on which you can get more 20 Septimov.

Earned septima can be spent in the menu of a nailed widget with a fox banner, which appears in the lower right corner, if you hover the mouse on the video. Now available:

  • Send a message to Stream with alert on the screen - 200 Septim;
  • Private mailbox on the domain @ site - 1000 Septimov;

Ranks of spectators

The chat runs the rank system for viewers based on the time they spent on the stream. The names of the ranks we loosely took from the titles of the Guild of the Vorov Morrowuvinda.

You can check the rank commands: ! Rank or !rank

Requirement of time ranks (in hours):

  • 005 frog;
  • 020 wet;
  • 050 Topotun;
  • 075 Blackshaws;
  • 100 brigadier;
  • 200 gangster;
  • 500 busy;
  • 750 refrain;
  • 1000 Mature;
  • 1500 Master of Business.

Special ranks

If you do not want to belong to the thieves guild, you can set an arbitrary rank team:

! Rank set. Cool Rank

To do this, you need to spend in a chat on a stream as minimum 20 hours.

You can remove a special rank by the command:

! Rank Del.


The music order system sometimes becomes available during the stream. Music machine responds to the following commands:

  • ADSONG Add your favorite song to the music pause playlist on the Youtube link. No more than 2 songs in a row for one viewer;
  • ADSONG khovanian Bath in the building - similar to the previous team, the Bot will add the first composition to the playlist, found at the title you specified;
  • ! Song Shows the name of the current composition on the air and will give it a link to YouTube;
  • ! prevsong. will show the name of the previous composition on the air and will give it a link to YouTube;
  • ! Skipsong vote. Begins a vote for skipping among the audience. When typing the desired number of votes, the song will be missing.


  • !oracle will give advice in a difficult situation;
  • ! UPTIME. will show how much time has passed since the beginning of Stream;
  • ! Followage. knows exactly how much you are signed on the channel;
  • ! Lastseen Jackyfox. report when a specific person last appeared in the channel chat;
  • !quote From the database from the database, one of the sayings of Zhekefox and will bring it into chat;
  • ! Kill Jackyfox. Make a terrible massacre above the specified nickname. You will not be anything for it. If you do not specify a nickname, the russeau will happen over you;
  • ! Love. Express your indescribable feelings of love and tenderness of the specified nickname or a random person from the chat, if you did not specify nickname.


  • ! Allow Nick or ! permit nic will give the opportunity to send a reference to the chat link to the Bota prohibition;
  • ! Timeout Nick 1 Cleans the chat from all the messages of the specified viewer (timeout for 1 second);
  • ! Addquote. Save in the centuries of the "brilliant" prayer phrase;
  • ! Skipsong. misses the current song;
  • ! Game Set Dota 2 will change the current game in the description of the striming;
  • ! Highlight Descriptionor ! HL Description Save the current time from the beginning of a stream for convenient creation Healight with your comment