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How to change the place of saving files on Android. Changing the path to the download folder in the registry editor

Hello, readers of our site for beginners. The Internet opens us a lot of useful features. This is the search for information, people, communicating with them through, besides, we can share with our own knowledge, skills through our own website (blog) or using social networks. But in one way or another, we constantly download anything from various resources: programs, music, files, movies, etc. All these downloads are loaded by default into a special folder. Many newcomers do not know where these downloads are. In addition, this folder can be changed, i.e. Specify another folder elsewhere of your computer or laptop.

Today we will look at how to change the folder for downloads in various browsers. Let's start, as always, Google Chrome.

How to change the download folder in chrome

So, in order to find out where the files are loaded or simply change the folder location, go to the browser settings by entering into address line chrome: // settings/ And at the bottom, click on the link " Show Advanced Settings»

Go down to the settings section " Downloaded files" Here we see the current path to the downloads folder. To change it, click on the "Edit" button. If you are comfortable to choose a place to download, then install a tick " Always specify a place to download" Now before downloading the file, archive, etc. A window will open to select the download location.

Let's just change the download path. To do this, click " Change».

This window will open, where we sufficiently specify the desired section hard disk and folder. It can be pre-created or right in this window by clicking on the button " Create a folder" After indicated the desired folder For downloads, click " OK" Now all downloadable files will automatically boot into this folder.

Changing the download folder in Mozilla Firefox

This browser also invites us to change the folder to download files. To do this, go to browser settings

Before us familiar settings. To change the folder for downloads click on " Overview…»

How to change the download folder to Yandex browser

Now let's change the folder to download to the Yandex browser. Standard procedure, very similar to the one that we did in Google Chrome: We go to the browser settings

And in the group " Downloads", As before in other browsers, press the button" Change" Then install new folder To download files.

How to change the download folder in Opera

And finally, we will replace the folder in the Opera browser. To do this, go to the settings through the main menu

Or by pressing the keyboard key Alt + P.

Here we have a familiar panel in the settings tab " Maintenance" I think further you do not make it difficult to change the folder using the above methods.

That's so simple and easy to change the folder for downloading files through various browsers. And today, all. To new meetings.

In honor of the New Year, learn decorations from fir trees, to amuse children, roll on sleds from the mountains. And adults of the people of drunkenness and Mordoboy do not teach - for that other days there is enough.

Apparently, many novice users faced the fact that from the Internet often have to load fairly large amounts of information and save them for further use on the hard disk or removable media. However, in all the latest modifications of Windows, even when using web browsers, neither the system nor the browser itself is usually requested confirmation to specify the folder to which the downloadable materials need to be placed. About how to change the location of the downloadable files with the simplest methods, then we are talking. Also briefly focus on some specific decisions applicable to thin setting Windows themselves, which will help better understand the mechanisms of their functioning.

Standard place in the latest Windows systems

Probably beginners drawn attention that after the first installation of the seventh windows version And above in the usual "Explorer" several folders appear for quick access to a specific type of content. One of the directories is the download folder, or downloads. It is in it that the default is downloaded to all that users are trying to save on the computer in the process of downloading files.

It is quite obvious that such a directory of profit is created, and for the convenience of finding the loaded content, and this does not suit many. In such a situation, some try to change the main boot directory, but how to change the location of the downloaded files, not everyone knows. Meanwhile, nothing particularly difficult here. And for a start, we give a few simplest options for action.

How to change the location of the downloadable files for web browsers?

Despite the fact that Internet browsers installed in Windows have a lot of their own settings, in any case they are subject to the exclusively the directives that establish for them operating system. Actually, the folder for saving downloaded files after installing browsers does not change. How to change the location of the downloadable files using for this standard means? In this case, there is no need to order the OS tool.

In any browser, you just need to go to the settings and find the folder settings item for downloading (downloads). There will be a standard directory. The review button simply select the desired directory, and then save the changes. If you use multiple browsers at the same time, such actions will need to be performed for each of them. In addition, for example, in the same "opera" to configure, you can activate the request point for the request before saving. In this case, the browser will not download Internet content to the specified directory, and will provide you with the right to choose.

How to change the location of the new content in boot applications?

As for frequently used specialized loaders software, it is best to bring to an example a popular application to work with torrents UTorrent. How to change the location of the downloaded files in this program? Actions from what was described for browsers are not particularly different.

However, the "chip" of the application is that it is in this utility that you can set several folders in which different content will be placed. So, you can choose a separate directory to save torrent files (objects with extension .torrent), as well as specify the main directory to load the contents of torrent distribution after starting the file. AT recent versions This application is available another feature. The fact is that the default user needs to confirm the loading of selected items that are contained in the distribution.

On the one hand, in can be changed the main folder, on the other, select the check box on the subfolder item so that downloaded files are not scattered in the main directory, and were combined in one directory. The name of the catalog can also be changed or left automatically assigned name.

Changing ways in environment variables

If you have questions about how to change the location of applications, you can, of course, use the above methods, but manually start their basic executable files, for example, through the Console command or Menu "Run", will not work (if it May be needed). The problem here is that the path the operating system is looking for and distributes executable files in strictly defined places (usually either the root folder Systems or Directory System32).

To configure the launch of some application from the console, through the properties of the system you need to go to extra options, Press the settings button of the environment variables and change the path specified there to the folder containing the desired applet. Please note that you should specify the folder with the file, and not the absolute path to it. You can also change the location of temporary files, but it's just not recommended to do such things. Such actions are necessary only if you are trying to transfer the TEMP folder from their location installed by the system itself, to another place (it is necessary even in cases where there are problems with the functioning of the "update center").

Brief results

These are simple actions and settings that allow you to quickly solve problems regarding how to change the location of the files when downloading and contribute or used to download your own changes. As already understandable, with variables It is necessary to act extremely carefully and without need to change the default parameters, because as a result, it is possible to encounter enough serious problems, to eliminate which will not be so simple (although it is possible).

: Documents, photo and video files. Just click on the download link, and the file is saved somewhere. And often do not notice exactly where it is located after that, which causes a long and painful search for its location. Consider how to find and how to change the download folder in Windows.

To solve this task, you can use the settings of the Internet viewer you use. But it does not always work, for example, in Windows 10, Microsoft Edge browser does not imply such changes. Therefore, we also describe the options for changing the parameter directly in the system.

Instructions, how to change the download folder in Yandex.Browser, quite simple:

Now all files will be loaded into the selected location. To find them, you can go along the way in the explorer or can be opened in the program itself: in the download menu next to the file click "Show".

Google Chrome.

In the chrome algorithm, changes are practically no different:

Similar to Yandex, here you can open the place of saving item "Show" next to the downloaded file in the download list.

Internet Explorer.

If you feel about the rare number of people who still use Internet Explorer, here are the instructions, how to change the place of saving downloads:

Now all files will be saved here. There is another universal way to change for all users - it directly through the system settings.

Changing, Move and Restore Directory in Windows

If you are using different programs For surfing on the Internet, it is easier to simply change the location of the system folder where the default is downloaded. Such a need arises when the system disk is overflowing, and you download large amounts of information from the network, which leads to hangs and braking in work. First you need to know how you can find this folder in any Windows computer:

  1. In the Explorer window on the left in the menu next to the "Desktop" and "Favorites" items will be the "Download" directory with a blue arrow.
  2. You can go to the system disk (usually a C drive), go to Users (users), then click on the icon with your username and open "downloads" (downloads).

This directory is systemic, so it is not so easy to change the settings. There is no way to simply change the folder in the system designed to download. But you can move it:

The restoration of the previous state is possible in the same way. Just specify the previous path.

It happens that users accidentally delete this directory or it may disappear, for example, when infecting a computer with a virus. In this case, the first thing you have to do is check the computer with antivirus and neutralize the threat.

Consider how to restore the save space in the system if this folder suddenly disappeared, and each browser places downloads in different places at its discretion.

  1. Go to "Start" and select "Run".
  2. Call the command prompt by printing CMD and clicking ENTER.
  3. Dial B. command line Such an entry:

aTTRIB -S -H C: \\ Users \\ User \\ Downloads

where "user" is the name of the computer user.

After that, the system must restore the folder.

We looked at how to open system folder To download, change its location, how to change the default folder where the Yandex browser is loaded and some others. All this is necessary for convenience and

Operational windows system By default, provides users with special folders to save their data, such as Documents, Music, Video, Images and so on. Most programs are configured to save user data in these directories. By default, all these folders are on the disk from: in section Users. However, if your operating system cares and the only method of its treatment will be a complete reinstall with disk formatting, then all your data will be permanently disappeared. Therefore, I want to remind, especially novice users, a simple way to avoid these troubles.

So, to safely store your data, even if Windows fails, you must first take care of the transfer of them to another disk. It is best if two physical disks are installed in your computer, but another section of one disk is also suitable.

First of all, you need to open your home directory, which is located at

C: \\ Users \\ username

Then select the folder that we want to transfer, click on it right mouse button and choose in context menu paragraph Properties. In the window that appears, go to the tab Location.

Here we see three buttons, we are interested in average - Move. After pressing it, a folder selection window appears in which we must specify the new location of the standard directory. It remains only to confirm your choice by pressing OK, and then allow the transfer of files to a new location in the pop-up dialog box.

Such. simple setupapplied to all the folders you need with your data can save great amount nerves and time in the event of a sudden way out of Windows. You just reinstall the system, then again specify the path to your folders with data on another disk and get back all your photos, movies, music, documents, and even desktop. I recommend that you make this simple maneuver immediately after installing the system.

Apparently, many novice users faced the fact that from the Internet often have to load fairly large amounts of information and save them for further use on the hard disk or removable media. However, in all the latest modifications of Windows, even when using web browsers, neither the system nor the browser itself is usually requested confirmation to specify the folder to which the downloadable materials need to be placed. About how to change the location of the downloadable files with the simplest methods, then we are talking. Also briefly focus on some specific solutions applicable to the fine configuration of the Windows OS themselves, which will help to better understand the mechanisms of their functioning.

Standard location of files in the latest Windows-systems

Probably, newbies paid attention to that after the first installation of the seventh version of Windows and above in the usual "conductor" several folders appear for quick access to a specific type of content. One of the directories is the download folder, or downloads. It is in it that the default is downloaded to all that users are trying to save on the computer in the process of downloading files.

It is quite obvious that such a directory of profit is created, and for the convenience of finding the loaded content, and this does not suit many. In such a situation, some try to change the main boot directory, but how to change the location of the downloaded files, not everyone knows. Meanwhile, nothing particularly difficult here. And for a start, we give a few simplest options for action.

How to change the location of the downloadable files for web browsers?

Despite the fact that Internet browsers installed in Windows have a lot of their own settings, in any case they are subject to the exclusively the directives that the operating system is installed for them. Actually, the folder for saving downloaded files after installing browsers does not change. How to change the location of the downloadable files using standard tools for this? In this case, there is no need to order the OS tool.

In any browser, you just need to go to the settings and find the folder settings item for downloading (downloads). There will be a standard directory. The review button simply select the desired directory, and then save the changes. If you use multiple browsers at the same time, such actions will need to be performed for each of them. In addition, for example, in the same "opera" to configure, you can activate the request point for the request before saving. In this case, the browser will not download Internet content to the specified directory, and will provide you with the right to choose.

How to change the location of the new content in boot applications?

As for frequently used specialized loaders software, it is best to bring to an example a popular application to work with torrents UTorrent. How to change the location of the downloaded files in this program? Actions from what was described for browsers are not particularly different.

However, the "chip" of the application is that it is in this utility that you can set several folders in which different content will be placed. So, you can choose a separate directory to save torrent files (objects with extension .torrent), as well as specify the main directory to load the contents of torrent distribution after starting the file. In the latest versions of this application, another feature is available. The fact is that the default user needs to confirm the loading of selected items that are contained in the distribution.

On the one hand, in the top box, you can change the main folder, on the other, select the check box at the subfolder item so that the downloaded files are not scattered in the main directory, and were combined in one directory. The name of the catalog can also be changed or left automatically assigned name.

Changing ways in environment variables

If you have questions about how to change the location of applications, you can, of course, use the above methods, but manually start their basic executable files, for example, through the Console command or Menu "Run", will not work (if it is May be needed). The problem here is that the path the operating system is looking for and distributes executable files in strictly defined places (usually it is either the root system folder, or the System32 directory).

To configure the start of some application from the console, through the system properties, you need to enter additional parameters, click the Settings button of the variables of the media and change the path specified there to the folder containing the desired applet. Please note that you should specify the folder with the file, and not the absolute path to it. You can also change the location of temporary files, but it's just not recommended to do such things. Such actions are necessary only if you are trying to transfer the TEMP folder from their location installed by the system itself, to another place (it is necessary even in cases where there are problems with the functioning of the "update center").

Brief results

These are simple actions and settings that allow you to quickly solve problems regarding how to change the location of the files when downloading and contribute or used to download your own changes. As already understandable, with variable environments you need to act extremely carefully and without need to change the default parameters, since as a result, it is possible to face enough problems with sufficiently serious problems, which will not be so simple (although it is possible).