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Registration of the domain zone. Creating a domain zone top-level

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As many already know, in the summer of 2011, the organization ICANN. On the Internet, thereby predetermining the most significant changes in global Network Over the past decades. The results forced the Internet public and specialists to actively discuss on the topic "Good or bad" and how new changes will affect the appearance of the entire network in the future.

Meanwhile, "Caravan goes" and, according to the plan, very soon (from January 12, 2012) can be served your applications for the registration of new top-level domains (NEWTLD) for consideration in ICANN. One of the largest national domain recorders The company is ready to fully submit your application, up to the registration of the new zone "Total" for 20.460.000 rubles.

Moreover, this price of a standard application passage. In some cases (counter applications, etc.) additional costs are possible. Reg.Ru Offers the package "All Inclusive" to maintain your application from beginning to end and carries out the whole process yourself. What is included:

  1. Consultation
  2. Filing an application
  3. Payments in ICANN.
  4. Implementation of the domain zone

As the registrar notes, - the only company today in Russia, which is ready to provide full of your application by program "NEW GTLD" In ICANN.

Alexey Koroluk, cEO, said literally the following: "New GTLD program is a breakthrough in the development of modern Internet. It is safe to say that the Russian Internet community is ready for new domain zones, which proved the incredible popularity of domain.rf and active attention to the project. This. New GTLD is solutions that meet individual queries that open up unique opportunities for business development on the network. intends to actively contribute to the process of introducing this innovation in Russia. "

Want your domain zone .Brend? After all, first of all, this proposal will be interested in large businesses (.microsoft ,.apple, .bmw), funds and organizations (), cities (.Moscow, .nyc, .berlin), geographic territories (.scot), VIP clients and etc. Administrators will have the authority to establish their own regulations for registration in their domain zone. It can be done public or closed, set prices and sell domain names ...

What is the further plan? Until April 12, 2012, applications will be accepted, after which ICANN will consider them and assert. By November 2012, a decision should be made and declared on the approved domain zones. It is assumed that the first new top-level domains will earn already in 2013.

Today there are already more than a thousand new thematic domains in the network - .canon, .yandex ,.Moscow, .london, .blog, .online ,.rus, etc. RU-CENTER provides comprehensive support for projects to create top-level domains - corporate, geographical Coinciding with commonwriters or abbreviations.

The next stage acceptance of applications for thematic domains is scheduled, approximately, for 2020 - in currently Rules are being developed for it. If you are interested in creating top-level domain, contact us at the address email.

What include RU-CENTER services?

  1. Preparation of an application for a domain zone and its maintenance in the International Corporation ICANN, who oversees the introduction of new domains
  2. Creating the necessary technological infrastructure
  3. Coordination of operating activities to maintain the stable functioning of the domain after launch


The cost of projects to implement top-level domains can vary significantly and is determined individually for each case. Among other things, the size of contributions in ICANN affects, the domain use strategy and the expected number of registrations in it, as well as the volume technical supportwhich will be required to ensure its work.

Competence RU-CENTER

RU-CENTER is the largest Russian registrar serving more than 3 million domains. Specialists of the company have many years of experience in developing domain name registration systems in accordance with the requirements and procedures ICANN. Experts of RU-CENTER, in particular, successfully implemented the project implementation of Domains.Moscow I. Moskva, and also participated in the preparation of rules and infrastructure for Russian domain, .su I.Rf.

»One of our bloggers ( vasily86.) I wrote the following article, which I present to you with some of my additions.

On the Internet there are many domains of the first level, everyone knows them perfectly, these are domains of countries, organizations, educational institutions, etc.

  • .com.
  • .edu.

Full list of first-level domains I have seen.

To register there your second level domain you need to pay a small money (for example, the registrar and you, subject to unauthority, will give it, for example

The first level domains belong to the ICANN organization, which is watching them.
Our goal is to create a first level domain in our local network And at the same time configure the DNS server.
So proceed! Create a root zone " .vrn.«.

IN unix systems The most popular DNS server. Is Named (Bind).

The Named.conf file is responsible for its operation, which is located in the / Var / Named / etc / N AMEDB folder (or symbolic link / etc / namedb).

options (Directory "/ etc / namedb"; pid-file "/ var / run / named / pid"; dump-file "/var/dump/named_dump.db"; statistics-file "/var/stats/named.stats "; Forwarders (;;); Listen-ON (;;);); Zone "." (Type Hint; File "Named.Root";); zone "VRN" (Type Master; file "";); zone "" (Type Master; file "";);

In chapter options. The main program settings, here you need to change the ip opposite forwarders.enter the DNS provider and listen-ON. - Here the IP you want to listen.

From admin:

forwarders. You can not specify, in this case it is not necessary if this server has access to a full-fledged Internet, he will be able to engage in the resolute of the rest of the zones.

The most important zone is a zone point (.), this file Already created and change it is not necessary.

But we create the next zone for the local network, here it is called vRN.and described in the file VRN.ZONEbelow:

$ TTL 86400 VRN. In SOA NS1.VRN. N2.VRN. (2009121101 86400 7200 8640000 86400) IN NS NS1.VRN. NS1 IN A NS2 IN A Server in A KIL IN A Roma In A Nikita In A Katya In A Pasha In A Dima in A

Here is the list of name and IP conformity.

On this configuration, you can finish, but in order to set the opposite, we created another zone (i.e., the IP should then calculate in the opposite direction 192.168.0. And the last number is prescribed in the zone file with the domain name)

$ TTL 3600 @ in SOA NS1.VRN. NS2.VRN. (2009121102 3600 900 3600000 3600) IN NS NS1.VRN. In NS NS2.VRN. 10 in ptr pasha.vrn. 50 in ptr dima.vrn. 90 in ptr katya.vrn. 101 in Ptr Server.VRN. 100 in ptr kil.vrn. 109 in ptr nikita.vrn. 114 in ptr roma.vrn.

Pay attention to the names of the domains with a point !!! roma.vrn. Otherwise, nothing will work.

/etc/rc.d/Named ONESTART.

if the console did not fall out errors, it means everything is fine, correct the file /etc/resolv.conf

domain VRN.

where is the IP of this machine. And test teams


ping Server.vrn.

If Ping has passed successfully, I will add our named to autoload /etc/rc.conf

named_enable \u003d "yes"

and set the DNS (specifying the IP of this server) in machines that are located on the local network.=)

If you run business and want to make it profitable, without a high-quality selling web resource you just do not do. After you have come up with an excellent domain name for your site, and it came to check-in in the domain zone, you need to choose a suitable of dozens of proposed. In the event that you do not know what the difference between, cOM.KZ. and is better for your web resource - .ru., BlIb or .com., Is there any distinction between all domain zones in general, this article will be extremely useful for you.

1. What does the "domain zone" and the domain of the first, second and third level "mean?

Surely you have repeatedly come across the concept of the "domain of the first (second, third) level." To make it easier to explain what it means, consider an example: - This is a second level domain, where the domain of the first level (and this is the domain zone) is the ending after the point - com.. When adding another word (for example, The third level domain (subdomain) is obtained. By the same principle, the fourth level domains are formed (for example,, however, they are extremely rare.

2. What are domain zones?

The domain zone determines the ownership of the second (third, fourth) level to the country or the nature of the site. In this regard, allocate:

International domain zones (.info, .com, .com, .biz, etc.)

  • .com. - General Domain (COMMON). Was originally intended for commercial (commercial) organizations, but did not have appropriate restrictions and eventually lost its purpose;
  • .net - As a rule, it is chosen by organizations providing network services;
  • BlIb - Previously, its analogue was a (before the purpose has lost its purpose). Today, the Sitetes of Bizz choose any commercial organizations;
  • .info. - suitable for reference and information portals, blogs and home pages;
  • .org. - Designed for sites of non-profit organizations.

Thematic domain zones (.tv, .fm, etc.)

Their choice is due to the thematic orientation of the web resource:

  • .tv - Designed for television channels, television broadcasts, etc.;
  • .fm. - in this zone it is customary to register the web resources of radio stations;
  • .travel. - Designed for companies working in the field of tourism.

Stick a simple rule: Register the domain in its appropriate appointment with the thematic zone. For example, if you create an information portal, choose zone .info., and for the site of the commercial organization will be an excellent option BlIb.

Regional and subregional domain zones (.ru, .by, .de, etc. - indicate belonging to the country,, - to the region) :

  • .ru, .rf - Russia;
  • .ua.- Ukraine;
  • .by. - Belarus;
  • .kz.- Kazakhstan;
  • .de - Germany;
  • .fr. - France;
  • .su. - (Soviet Union) - the countries of the former USSR (today it is mainly used by the CIS and Baltic States).
  • .eu.- European Union;
  • Moscow;
  • - St. Petersburg.

If the site is mostly visited by people from Belarus or the organization leads activities in this country, the best option For the address of the web resource there will be a Want to emphasize the belonging to a specific city, for example, St. Petersburg - register in For a company whose activities are focused on people from Russia, the zone is an excellent choice. Doubt whether to register in the domain zone. RF? Be sure to read our article on this topic.

Regional thematic domain zones

  • can be used when creating sites of educational institutions in Russia;
  • - ("PP" - "Private Person" or "Private Page") - Great for personal pages and blogs;
  • - It is an analogue of the Ukrainian, refers to the general purpose category and is not limited to special requirements.

3. Is it possible to choose any domain zone?

In general, yes. However, when choosing it is worth considering that one level domains are required to register compliance with the stated topics, others are available for everyone. Therefore, register the site is better in the zone that will help users understand what the resource is about.

4. International or regional domain of the first level?

To solve this issue, follow a simple rule: if the audience or the activities of your company are not limited to one country, you can register a domain in the international zone, for example. In the event that you want to submit a project to the population of your state, it is better to use the zone of your country, for

5. How to choose a domain for the site of a narrow-controlled subject?

When creating a site of a narrow-directional subject, for example, in gardening, you can search for a suitable domain zone on the Internet. Make it very simple. Dial in search engine keywords ("Gardening") and see which first level domains have sites on the first two pages.

We hope that in this article you found all the answers to your questions on this topic. If you are the owner of the free site on the site and it has the kind vashsite.Syt. We recommend that you buy a second-level domain that will make your resource in the eyes of potential customers more representative.

Create a website on a 5-minute website, select a suitable domain and promote your business online!