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How to find out your tariff plan for MTS? Tariff Smart mini MTS: description, reviews, connection of Rso alania smart mass scp.

One of the classic offers from the largest operator on the territory of Russia, is the tariff " Super MTS", The description of which we today also propose to study more closely.

"Super MTS" tariff


Even despite the abundance of modern offers from the company, many people remain faithful to the "classics" and use exactly Current Package, therefore, it is important to understand all its nuances and aspects.

Who is the "Super MTS" tariff suitable for?

This offer can be called the most rational choice for clients who prefer to communicate exclusively in one cellular network and only within the boundaries of the home region.

Using the "Super MTS" tariff of 2019, you can call home numbers within the MTS network quite profitably, while significantly saving on the monthly fee.

Current version... Tariff information updated on April 21, 2018.

Tariff "Super MTS" 2019: detailed description

There is no subscription fee for the "Super MTS" tariff, but there is one "but"(see below for a summary of the tariff).

Calls to "Super MTS" 2019

  • incoming calls in the home region - free of charge;
  • incoming in roaming within the Russian Federation - 5.00 rubles / minute;
  • outgoing to mobile and landline numbers of MTS in Moscow and M.O. with the "All Super" option enabled - free and unlimited;
  • outgoing to mobile landline numbers of MTS in Moscow and M.O. without the "All Super" option - 1.75 ₽ / min .;
  • outgoing calls within Moscow and M.O. to other operators and landline phones - 2.50 rubles / min;
  • outgoing calls to MTS in Russia - 5.50 RUB / min;
  • outgoing calls to all other numbers in Russia - RUB 14.00 / min.;
Do not forget that if you do not use the connection for 90 days, then from the 91st day of inactivity MTS will withdraw 3 rubles from your account per day until the balance runs out.

SMS cost

  • sending SMS within Moscow and the region - 2.00 ₽ / message .;
  • sending SMS within Russia - 3.80 ₽ / sms;
  • SMS worldwide - 8.00 ₽ / sms.

Internet at "Super MTS" 2019

Subscribers have access to daily free package 100 MB of Internet traffic with the "All Super" option connected, then it is automatically connected with a price of 25 rubles for every 20 MB;

This is very expensive, so you can think about connecting options such as "BIT", "Internet" or "Turbo-button", within which you can get a certain amount of traffic for use within a month for relatively little money.

Brief video review of the "Super MTS" tariff

Video: Comparison of tariffs without a monthly fee with unexpected conclusions

"All Super" option

The "All Super" option is activated automatically when switching to the "Super MTS" tariff and costs 10.00 rubles per day. Whether you need it or not - decide for yourself.

  • You can turn off "All Super" by the command *111*249*2# ;
  • You can connect "All Super" with the command *111*249*1# (when connecting, 10 ₽ will be immediately debited from the account for the first day of using the option);
The "All Super" tariff is valid throughout Russia, except for Crimea and Sevastopol.

Additional terms

How to activate the "Super MTS" tariff

  • First, new clients of the company can switch to a tariff while keeping their old number. This service is available for 100 rubles and you can use it for its implementation, or you need to contact the offices of the company.
  • Existing MTS subscribers can use the USSD-format command *111*8888*1# ;
  • Change the tariff in your personal account "My MTS" (registration instructions). For existing clients of the company, changing the package is offered completely free of charge.
However, if during the last month of using the services this is not your first procedure for changing the tariff package, you will have to pay 150 rubles for a new tariff change.

How to disable "Super MTS"

To deactivate the tariff, it is enough to switch to any other MTS tariff plan that is up-to-date and available for connection. Well, or stop using a SIM card and top up your balance.

Thank you for your attention, I ask you to ask all questions in the comments to the material, than I can - I will help. Whoever shares an article on social networks, the fellow will tell his friends about the changes in MTS.

Detailed description of the tariff "Super MTS" 2017 [closed for connection]

From 03.05.2018 old version closed for connection and renamed into the tariff "Super MTS 122014", but, due to big amount subscribers who still use it, we leave information below about its detailed conditions and the cost of calls.

The cost is indicated for subscribers of Moscow and the region

There is no subscription fee on the "Super MTS" tariff plan.

The operator's clients get the opportunity to call on the following conditions:

  • 20 minutes a day for free calls to MTS at home and to landline numbers;
  • Calls to MTS numbers at home, starting from 21 minutes: 1.50 ₽;
  • Calls to landline numbers at home from 21 minutes: 2.50 ₽;
  • Calls to MTS within the Russian Federation: 5 ₽ / minute;
  • Calls to other phones at home: RUB 2.50 / min .;
  • Domestic calls: 14 ₽ / minute.
To increase the volume of free calls up to 100 minutes per day, subscribers can activate the option;

As for text messages, they are available for sending in Moscow for 2 rubles to any destination, as well as for 3.80 rubles. you can send "sms" to any destination within the country. Abroad SMS will cost 5.25 rubles for subscribers, and multimedia messages cost 9.90 rubles / piece.

Internet in the package "Super MTS" 2017

By default, the options "Basic Internet tariffication" are activated with, to put it mildly, a rather large cost of Internet access of 20 MB. for 25 rubles and the "First Internet package" with a monthly fee of 360 rubles per month. What can they be replaced with, I wrote above in the conditions new version tariff plan.

Additional services on the tariff "Super MTS" 2017

In addition, it is possible to optimize the tariff using such services as "Call for free on MTS Russia 100". This is a great additional service, which costs 3.50 rubles. on a daily basis it allows you to receive 100 minutes of free calls. You can also diversify the package by using the "SMS Smart Package" option, which makes it possible to send free messages. All these services can be activated in the application or in the personal account on the operator's website.

Of course, the above services are offered as one of the potential options for choosing, and you can independently choose the most optimal options for your case, and connect them in your personal account, application, or the corresponding codes.

Operator cellular MTS is one of the leaders in the provision of communication services in Russia. The company treats its partners and subscribers very well and therefore provides them with a full range of services and additional services to make their use as easy as possible.

The main and distinctive feature of each personal offer is the so-called tariff plan, which includes a list of conditions and additional services, and may also have a subscription fee on a daily or monthly basis.

Now, if everything is clear with modern and young users of mobile communications, they always know what tariff plan they are on or can quickly clarify this information, then with subscribers of the elderly category of people everything is much more complicated.

Why do you need to know the MTS tariff? First of all, a tariff plan is a method of settlements with a company that provides communication services, i.e. You should know and for what money will be debited from your personal account. Knowing the tariff and its conditions will help you determine which Additional services it is possible, and which cannot be connected on your MTS tariff. Having learned the name of your tariff, on the operator's website you can find out the most full information on it - a subscription fee, services, cost of calls, SMS, Internet, roaming and other trifles.

Three ways to find out your tariff for MTS:

So, what needs to be done in order to find out your tariff for MTS? For this it is necessary with mobile phone type the following command: *111*59# + "Call". It must be said that this method is the most widespread and effective, since today the issue of saving time is especially acute. Why would you waste time on trips to the office of MTS LLC, if you can do this operation directly from your mobile phone? - It is for this reason that we recommend our users to use this service and not perform other actions.

The second solution to the problem: "How to find out what MTS tariff?" - call for absolutely toll free number a mobile phone of the "0890" type. It is noteworthy that dialing the employee on duty takes a long time and tediously, so you are advised to have a lot of nerve and patience to perform this action. As soon as the tube is removed and you reach the autoinformer, the robot will offer you to listen to a short course on the basics of the self-service system menu. Then you need to select the appropriate category, and then, if you do not find a solution, press "0". Thus, you will be connected with an operator who will help you find out what your tariff plan is.

The third option for answering the questions "How to find out the tariff on the phone?" and "How to find out the tariff on the MTS modem?" - activation of the service called "Internet Assistant". This service assumes excellent conditions for performing all the necessary actions, since the program is devoid of unnecessary functions. To do this, enter the system by entering your username and password on the official website of MTS LLC.

If you have any difficulties or questions about this material, then do not hesitate to write comments on this publication.

Are you looking for a tariff plan with a low monthly fee, unlimited calls to MTS, minute packages to other networks, SMS and Internet traffic? You should consider the Smart Mini MTS tariff. This is the cheapest plan in the world. However, despite the small monthly fee, the Smart mini MTS provides for good conditions.

Description of tariff Smart mini MTS

If you often communicate with MTS subscribers within your home region, occasionally call the numbers of other operators and use the Internet only to view sites, then the Smart Mini tariff will be the most profitable solution for you.

The tariff plan provides for a monthly fee of 300 rubles for Moscow and the Moscow region and 200 rubles per month for most regions of Russia. In some regions, the tariff fee may be 300 rubles. You can clarify the information that is relevant for your region on the official website of MTS.

MTS currently has no cheaper offers. Of course, you can consider (Per second, Super MTS, Guest), but they do not provide for packages, and therefore are not suitable for everyone.

Of course, the Smart Mini MTS tariff is not ideal and is characterized by a number of drawbacks, for example, the available packages may be too few and in a month you will spend much more than provided for by the subscription fee. To understand whether the tariff will be beneficial for you, you need to familiarize yourself with the packages included in it and the prices for communication services.

Smart mini MTS tariff includes:

  • 2 GB of internet traffic;
  • Unlimited calls to MTS in your home region;
  • 250 minutes to all networks in Russia (in some regions 200 minutes are provided);
  • 250 SMS to subscribers of the home region (in some regions the tariff provides 200 SMS per month).

This is all that the subscriber receives after switching to the Smart Mini tariff from MTS. If this is enough for you, then you can safely switch to the tariff. If you spend much more than this tariff plan, then in order to save money, you should consider others. The prices for communication services in excess of packages are not as attractive as the subscription fee for the tariff. Below you will find the prices typical of the Smart Mini tariff. Carefully read the prices in order to avoid additional costs in the future, which can significantly exceed the amount of the subscription fee.

The cost of communication services at the Smart mini tariff

Many subscribers, having familiarized themselves with the information on the amount of the monthly fee and the amount of packages available within the tariff plan, do not hesitate to switch to the Smart mini tariff plan. However, after a certain period of time, some of these subscribers are surprised that in a month their balance has gone an amount that significantly exceeds the monthly fee. The reason for additional write-offs is communication services that are not included in the Smart Mini MTS tariff. Let's figure out how much and for what exactly MTS can withdraw money from your account.

  • Attention
  • Rates may vary depending on the region. As an example, we cited information that is relevant for subscribers of Moscow and the Moscow region. Reliable data for your region can be obtained on the MTS website.

The Smart mini tariff provides the following prices:

  • After 250 minutes a month, the cost of one minute of communication with a subscriber of another network within the home region will be 2 rubles;
  • The cost of one minute of conversation with a subscriber of another operator outside home network will be 14 rubles;
  • Calls to numbers of other operators outside the home region will cost 5 rubles per minute;
  • After 250 minutes per month, calls to mobile MTS Russia costs 2 rubles;
  • Calls to CIS countries - 35 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to European countries - 49 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to other countries - 70 rubles;
  • After the Internet traffic package has been exhausted, an additional 500 MB package is connected for 75 rubles;
  • SMS to mobiles in the home region after the package is exhausted - 1, 50 rubles;
  • SMS to mobile phones in other regions of Russia at home and on trips across Russia - 3, 80 rubles;
  • SMS to mobile international operators - 5, 25 rubles;
  • MMS to mobile Russian operators- 6, 50 rubles.

Disadvantages of the Smart Mini MTS tariff

Unfortunately, there are no ideal tariffs and a number of shortcomings can always be identified. Like any other tariff plan, Smart mini has a number of disadvantages. Of course, for many subscribers they may not be significant and will not affect the decision in any way, but we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the hidden conditions before switching to a tariff, so that after a while you do not choose a tariff again.

If you do not have the desire and time to independently search in this document hidden conditions, you can use our material. We have already done everything for you and prepared a list of all the disadvantages of the tariff. Which of the above disadvantages are significant and which are not, it is up to you to decide.

The Smart mini tariff has the following disadvantages:

  1. A package of minutes for calls to other networks (250 minutes) available within the tariff plan is spent not only when making calls to numbers of other operators, but also when communicating with MTS subscribers in other regions.
  2. If during the last month you have already changed the tariff, then you will have to pay extra for switching to Smart mini.
  3. The Smart Mini tariff is not intended for use in modems. If you install a SIM card with a tariff in the modem, the speed of Internet access will be limited and you will not even be able to browse the sites.
  4. After the Internet traffic available within the Smart Mini tariff has been exhausted, MTS will automatically connect additional Internet packages within the Additional Smart Internet option until the basic package is updated at the tariff. The volume of the additional package is 500 MB and costs 75 rubles. If you do not want to receive additional traffic, disable this service in your personal account or call the operator.
  5. When in the Sakhalin Oblast, Norilsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka Krai, Magadan Oblast and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the speed within the included 2 GB volume is limited to 128 Kbps.
  6. From 20.01.2016, when connecting and switching to the Smart tariff, the "MTS Music" service is automatically connected. The service is provided free of charge for the first month.

These are all the shortcomings of the Smart Mini tariff that we were able to identify and check. However, this does not mean that the Smart mini MTS tariff does not provide for other disadvantages. Believe me, there are still many shortcomings that have not been voiced by us, as evidenced by the reviews of subscribers. By the way, if you have something to say about the Smart Mini tariff, then be sure to share your opinion in the comments.

How to connect tariff Smart mini MTS

Have you carefully studied the terms of the Smart mini tariff plan and are convinced that this tariff fully meets your requirements? If so, you can safely switch to the Smart mini tariff and check it in practice, whether it will be beneficial and convenient for you. There are several ways to switch to a tariff and we will consider all of them. You just have to choose the option that suits you and make the transition to the tariff.

You can connect the Smart Mini tariff to MTS:

  • Using the USSD command * 111 * 1023 # ;
  • Across Personal Area MTS;
  • Using the application "My MTS";
  • By calling 0890 to the customer support center (not the most quick way, since it can take a lot of time to wait for a specialist's answer);
  • By visiting the nearest MTS office or communication salon. You will be sold a new SIM card or a tariff will be connected to the old one.

How to disable Smart mini tariff

The Smart Mini tariff is good in many respects, especially for its price, but too small packages are often not enough and in order to avoid additional costs, you have to change the tariff. There are a lot of options for switching, for example, to increase the size of packages, you can switch to a tariff

If you are an active smartphone user, and also call all operators, use SMS messages, go online, then the tariff line MTS Smart exactly for you. Tariff Smart (Tariff SMART MTS) is a universal tariff plan (TP), in which everything is already included for a certain monthly fee. It is beneficial for both MTS subscribers and the company itself. The subscriber gets access to the Internet, a package of minutes, SMS, additional options that expand the TP, and the company receives a stable cash from a subscription fee. This is probably why it does not include options that then secretly become paid, for example "". I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the varieties of the line below: Smart Mini, Smart +, Smart Top, Smart NonStop.

Attention: It is worth considering that in each region of Russia such parameters of the TP may differ as:

- Subscription fee

- The number of minutes included in the package

- The number of SMS in the package

- The number of the provided Internet package.

Find out the exact cost and number of minutes on the official MTS website.

Tariff Smart Mini MTS - Description and reviews

The TP line starts with the minimum - Smart mini. Its advantage is free calls within the network to MTS. On MTS in other regions, 1000 minutes are given in 1 month, as well as 50 SMS. If you are going to call other home network operators, then a minute of such a conversation will be charged additionally. It seems that everything is there, but we forgot about the Internet package, and it is also included in the subscription fee. In Moscow, only 500MB is given, in other regions 1GB.

Smart Mini tariff only valid in the home region.

The subscription fee for Smart Mini is small, for example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg it is 200 rubles, in Izhevsk - 150 rubles.

It should be noted that after exceeding the Internet traffic quota, an additional Smart package is connected, the same happens with SMS after exceeding.

How to activate the Smart Mini MTS tariff?

You can switch to the Smart mini tariff by dialing the combination - * 111 * 1023 #

Tariff Smart MTS - Description and reviews

One of the most popular and affordable for all TPs - Smart MTS tariff... It is popular because it has an inexpensive monthly fee and provides 3 GB of Internet, 500 minutes to all operators in the region and MTS Russia, as well as 500 SMS to all operators in the home region.

Many are confused about the number of minutes, let's explain. Any call you make whether to MTS or another local operator - they are all deducted from your package of minutes. After exceeding the package, calls to MTS become unlimited. Recently, MTS Russia has made no limit too. If after exceeding the package of minutes you call other operators, you will be charged for 1 minute. Prices are approximately from 1 to 1.5 rubles. If you have exceeded the traffic package for the Internet, then you can enable the option ""

Another advantage of TPSmart MTS is valid throughout Russia. You don't need to connect additional options, just go to another region and everything continues to work on the same conditions.

The subscription fee for the Smart MTS tariff is from 300 rubles per month. In Moscow - 450 rubles.

How to activate the Smart MTS tariff?

You can connect the Smart tariff by dialing the combination - * 111 * 1024 #

Tariff Smart + MTS - Description and reviews

If you actively use communication and TP Smart is not enough for you, then there is a Smart +... Ammunition TP Smart + already contains 5 GB of Internet. The number of minutes and SMS is also more and again depends on the region, mainly 1100-1200 minutes and SMS.

The monthly fees are very different from region to region. In Moscow - 900 rubles per month, in St. Petersburg and in most other regions - 600 rubles per month.

How to connect to Smart + MTS tariff?

To switch to the Smart + tariff dial the combination - * 111 * 1025 #

Tariff Smart Top MTS - Description and reviews

For the most active subscribers, a Smart Top TP has been prepared. True, it is not available in all regions, but nevertheless it exists and has 2000 minutes and SMS and 10 gigabytes of Internet in the kit. The monthly fee is 1,500 rubles. All these data are for the city of Moscow.

How to connect to Smart Top MTS tariff?

If you suddenly decide to connect Smart Top, then the combination is - * 111 * 1026 #

Tariff Smart NonStop MTS - Description and reviews

Available for connection from August 18 new tariff MTS - Smart NonStop (Smart NonStop MTS)... It will suit Internet lovers, as this is its distinctive feature. 10 Gigabytes during the day, and full unlimited at night. And it usually costs 50 rubles more than the Smart + TP. Its most important feature is that Smart NonStop works only on smartphones. Internet stops working on any other devices.

Providing such a huge package of Internet traffic, the package of minutes and SMS suffers, there are already less of them, usually the same as in the Smart TP, but you can tolerate, because now we have even more traffic. More detailed information on TP can be read in our article -

How to activate the Smart Non Stop MTS tariff?

To switch to the Smart NonStop tariff now, dial the combination * 111 * 1027 #

How to find out the remainder of MTS Smart traffic?

In order to check the remainder of the traffic on Smart MTS tariffs, you need to dial the combination * 217 # from your phone, or execute and see the remainder of the traffic on the main page.

How to find out the balance of minutes and SMS MTS Smart?

To check the balance of the package of minutes and sms, use the combination * 100 * 1 #

How to disable Smart tariff on MTS?

Of course, our needs and desires can change, there are situations when you need to get rid of this or that TP. You cannot turn off a tariff, you can only change it. To do this, you need to choose a new tariff plan, you can do this in several ways:

  • Personal Area
  • Application on the smartphone "My MTS"
  • MTS Contact Center
  • Salon-office of MTS
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