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Virtual reality glasses for iPhone 6 s. The best virtual reality glasses for iPhone

After cEO Apple Tim Cook said that VR is a cool and not at all the niche technology headed by him the company most seriously started working in this direction. True, as usual, no one tells anything about projects, only individual rumors are searched in the press. Most likely it will be a full-fledged helmet virtual realityPC connected.

But, for some reason, it seems that Apple developers, sooner or later, will definitely pay attention to the simpler device - VR glasses intended for smartphones. This will happen because the helmet is a complex and long. And simple masks are already working in might and main, bringing a considerable profit to its manufacturers. Yes I. software Developed by seven-mile steps. Especially in the direction of 3D games - after all, gamers still remain (and, for sure, will still be long) by the main consumers of VR devices. There are new exciting rollers in 360 degrees. Created application programs. Virtual reality well showed itself in medicine and business, learning and art.

And what glasses of virtual reality for iphone7 buy now? Somehow I do not want to wait until Apple gathered some beta version, but a model ready for serial production. What brand to choose?

Dear. The most most expensive. So that the soul warmed - no one, and I have! And money? Well, actually, yes, a couple of tens of thousands will have to lay out. So but with frills! Are they hard? Not to mention the fact that it often happens and so - no cheap headset is bought, the first month is so interesting, all of each other from the hands do away. And then it comes, dust somewhere in the closet, it takes only when guests come.

Then cheap. Ruled out! It is necessary that it was a decent quality and a stylish look.

Then Homido. And this is what? If in a nutshell - then "Golden Middle". For the price - in the area of \u200b\u200b4 thousand, quite inexpensive, as for such a thing. By appearance - The most. French Development, Elegant, Stylish, With Futuristic Design. Made decently, no uneven seams, cracks or inconsistencies. Durable compact and very light (only 240 g) plastic housing, with a soft lining for the face. On my head keeps well, the forehead does not slip. The climate for the smartphone is also at the level - does not drop the device, even with sharp movements.

In the middle - two plastic lenses with a diameter of 35 mm. The headset provides an angle of view of 100 degrees. Samsung, for example, 96, so here is the order. But especially please settings - what other cheap models can boast. Here you can change the inter-vial distance from 57 to 65 mm. Therefore, Homido is suitable for the whole family, including children. Features of people with problem vision are also taken into account. With the help of special cones, the focal length is adjusted so that you can work without glasses (from - 5 to + 5 DPTR).

VR increasingly conquering peace. It remains only to figure out which VR glasses should be bought in each concrete case. Like what better suitable for iOS? After all, Apple specialists still work on the creation of a "their" virtual reality helmet. To understand this, you must first see what this OS represents.

iOS is operating system Apple. Issued in 2007. Developed on the Unix core, is derived from OS X. The main feature is that it is established exclusively on developer's company products: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch., Apple TV. It is impossible to apply it to other devices, due to the management policy. The system is regularly updated. Last, tenth, iOS version Was presented 13.06.2016. The final is available from 09/13/2016, from 09/23/2016 - IOS 10.02, with the elimination of some problems, in October - iOS 10.01, with the correction of systemic flaws.

Features iOS.

Of the differences, IOS can be distinguished by 2 main: it has already been said, applied only on Apple devices, and in its development, deep continuity is observed with all OS of this company released earlier. The interface is based on the concept of direct manipulation. In the control system, the sensitive screen is the main element, and the user's finger is the main body. Of these features, the following are important:

  • iOS does not slow down, the system is loaded in a short time and works fast.
  • The interface is colorful, intuitive.
  • The file system is convenient. To perform almost any action, it is enough to make 2 clicks.
  • OS is regularly updated, it becomes more and more functional and comfortable.
  • OS is well protected from viruses and extraneous penetration.
  • There is an AppStore store, with huge number programs, many of which are free or inexpensive.
  • To work on the Internet there is a built-in Safari browser.

Among devices last modelsYou can call iOS, iPhone 5S, iPhone SE, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. The diagonals of the listed devices listed are 4.0, 4.7 or 5.5 inches.

VR glasses for iOS (iOS) for the above phones can be different. True, it is difficult to imagine that the owner cool smartphone He wants to constantly use the carton of Google, after all, the status obliges. Although, put 1 time in order to see what VR is, about which you say so much - you can (however, in this case, it is better to take Homido Cardboard - this is the same, only with the fasteners on the head and times 3 cheaper).

Choose the most expensive virtual reality glasses? It is possible if the price does not matter. They will be stylish, reliable, with many frills. In general, everything is as expected.

Price in Homido store 3990 rubles

Price in Homido store 4990 rubles

Only many iPhone owners are suitable for the acquisition of VR mask in a different way. They understand that additional options are not always needed, so there is no point in overpaying a lot of money for them (the difference in the cost can reach up to 15-18 thousand rubles). And then, let it not always, but often it happens that the purchased VR headset is first used often (well, like, such an interesting toy!). And then the excitement subsides, the device hides in the closet and gets on holidays when guests come.

And it turns out the situation when, on the one hand, is it worth giveing \u200b\u200btoo much? And on the other, you want to have a high-quality device. What to do? Choose "Golden Mid"! This is French Vr. homido glasses.

Homido is suitable for any smartphone with a diagonal of 4.0 to 5.7 inches. So, if you squeeze a thin tablet with a 7 inches screen, it will be a bust (although, they say, some succeed!). But now the existing Apple mobile cells are stacked without problems. The headset is made in a stylish, comfortable plastic case, with a soft lining for the face. 35 mm lenses provide an angle of view of 100 degrees. There are settings of the interpatrum (57-65 mm) and the focal (from -5 to +5 DPTR) distance, so the device is suitable for children and adults, you can work with it without glasses.

And all this charm - at a very low price, about 4 thousand rubles. Just what is needed!

One of the most popular and purchased phones in many countries is the iPhone. Since the appearance of Apple products in the global market, its products are only improved every year, and it becomes more popular, not to say that all changes went to bang, but the current iPhone is only branded smartphones. Since virtual reality technologies are now diligently, many would like to know what the best virtual reality glasses for the iPhone can be found now.

Since the dimensions and diagonal of the screen, these version of the iPhone are practically no different, the glasses are suitable among the same.

If you are not sure if you need virtual reality glasses, or think that you will try and throw them into a box with unnecessary thingsYou will fit google cardboard glasses. You can buy at a small price in various Internet stores. There are their improved version, the same glasses, with a rubber band, for fastening them on the head. .

Homido Mini.

If for some reason you don't like cardboard glasses, there is another option. Homido Mini.- Unique thing in his own kind, competitors are not in a hurry to release copies of these glasses. They look like ordinary glasses, except missing handle. Special fastenings they are attached to the phone. But no other immersion in virtual reality and speech, as the glasses do not have a box.

Homido Grab.

If you are confident that the virtual reality you will enjoy seriously and for a long time, you should take care of the purchase of good VR glasses. For these iPhone models most of all, according to customer reviews, glasses are suitable. Homido Grab.

Benefits this deviceBefore the rest:

  • Thanks to the lightweight material from which the housing is made, the weight of the points is only 240 grams;
  • The overview angle of 100 degrees will provide a good picture;
  • High-quality assembly and beautiful VR glasses;
  • Setting up each user personally: interpatrum distance, distance between the screen and lenses - All this changes in large limits, for the convenience of the user.
  • Long immersion, thanks to weight and adjustment of points.
  • Long term, due to quality materials and assembly

VR glasses for iPhone 6

Google cardboard glasses like Homido Mini are suitable for the sixth iPhon, however Homido Grab is no longer suitable for the maximum screen diagonal. Diagonal iPhone 6 - 4.7 inches.

In addition to the glasses described above, good option For the sixth iPhona, the glasses of the average price segment 3D VR glasses. Points are a budget copy of fairly expensive Google Cardboard points. Combining a pleasant eye design, good characteristicsAnd the best price / quality ratio is one of the sales leaders in their category.


  • Screen diagonal from 3.5 to 6 inches;
  • The maximum viewing angle of 90 degrees, less than the same Homido, but this is enough, for example, at top glasses from Samsung, the viewing angle is equal to the same 90 degrees;
  • High-quality materials, strap fastening points on the head made of nylon;
  • The ability to custom setting distances.

Diagonal from the iPhone 7 the same 4.7 inches, so all previous points, excluding Homido Grab, are suitable for seventh iPhone. Nevertheless, I would like to consider another example of wonderful VR glasses of the average price segment.

3D VR glasses

Not to say that this model is a sales leader, but she has a lot of fans who are confident that these glasses are the best of all those represented in the market. In fact, no remarkable glasses, 90 degrees review, screen diagonal from 3.5 to 5.5 inches. The assembly is good, but not to say that excellent. Custom settings In the big range.

Perhaps the only thing that allocates these glasses from the mass of the rest is that it is necessary to go with glasses Bluetooth remote , To make various actions in applications when it is fixed with glasses.

For eighthhhone, the iPhone is suitable as a cardboard from Google or Homido Mini and 3D VR.

Bobovr Z4.

Consider our Bobovr Z4, as more suitable for iPhone 8. With its 4.7 inches, the diagonal of the screen, this is the minimum for which Bobovr Z4 glasses are created. The diagonal for these glasses should be from 4.7 to 6.2 inches. The viewing angle of the glasses is more than 120 degrees. Adjustment of distances, high-quality assembly, qualitative materials, for the manufacture and small price, what else needs top VR points.

We will tell about the 4 most interesting and beautiful VR games on the iPhone, which will show you the maximum depth of full immersion in virtual reality.

End Space Vr.

The essence of the game is simple, you are a pilot of the spacecraft and now fight with the aliens. Management in the game is carried out with both a special gamepad and a look (new developments). Very clear and illuminated objects, and in general, the graphics are quite good.

You are the same pilot, but not a spacecraft, and the fighter aircraft. Managing a joystick or look, configures control in the game settings. Many options for improving the aircraft.

Virtual reality glasses for iPhone are very popular in a circle. apple owners. For 2018, many games and VR applications for smartphones have been developed. Below in detail the samples of the budget and secondary classes are considered, and the best virtual reality glasses are presented for iPhone.

Top 7 virtual reality budget points

Budget options are not distinguished by the quality of work. Only some models can be noted by good functionality. In most samples are characterized by:

  • Material chlipness
  • Lack of management
  • Limited compatibility

Homido Cardboard.

The sample is made of cardboard, and fastened with belts. The case is fragile, the size of the lenses is 25mm. Works only with 4 versions of iPhone. The cost varies within 450r.

Homido Mini.

The representative does not boast of full-fledged work. Immersion in virtuality is poor quality due to the attachment of the smartphone. Points have no case, unlike other models. Works with 4 and 6 iPhones. The price does not exceed 900r.

See also:

Glasses-headphones BP Avegrant Glyph - Differences from competitors


The model works with 4 to 6 version of the iPhone. We can use glasses with problem vision. The main feature of the sample is the screen adjustment and lenses. The cost of the device is 1300r.

Ritech 3D.

The model is distinguished by possible work with non-standard displays. It is carried out thanks to a special adjustment that allows you to adjust the points for the parameters of the phone. Another plus is a comfortable location on your head. Price - about 1500r.

Google Cardboard 2.0.

Case materials - cardboard and plastic. High-quality sample operation depends on the phone power. Suitable for iphone 7. The main minus is the head office. Approximate price - from 500 to 2000r (depends on the version).

Color Cross.

Sample multifunctional. The main minus is a fragile building. Suitable only for iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S. The price varies within 2000r.


The gadget is made of high-quality plastic and attached on the head belts. Lens size - 35mm. Office is missing. The design attracts a combination of colors - black and yellow. Compatible with iPhone 6 and below. Price - 2500r.

Virtual reality glasses at average price

The functioning of the average category of VR points is an order of magnitude higher than the previous one, but not every representative is synchronized with all versions of Epplah iPhones. This class provides the user:

  • Strength of case materials
  • Improved image
  • High-quality immersion in the virtual world
  • Synchronization with Full-HD screen (not all samples)

VR Box 3D

Among users is the most popular sample. Cost - about 3000r (or $ 40). It is capable of synchronized with iPhone and Android. Especially good gadget works with Apple.

See also:

Mask for managing dreams Remee: Your dream - Your Rules

Unicorn Vr.

Points are characterized by individual lenses setting. Suitable for Apple, work with different versions iPhone. approximate cost - 3000r.

VR Smart Veiw.

Developer - Phenomec. This is a representative of Australian production. Differs the strength of the case. It costs about 3500r.


This is a Swedish model for iPhone 6 or iPhone 6S, the developer is Evomade. On the head holds hard, the image is good. Price - from 3000 to 4000r.

Yay 3D Viewer.

The model is distinguished by two features - unusual design and support for Full-HD screen, i.e. You can use the glasses from the tablet. The average price is 3500r.

Baofeng Mojing.

This is a Chinese representative, the main feature Which are two modes - virtual and supplemented. The model is popular, with Apple iPhones works well. Cost - from 4000r.

5 best virtual reality glasses

This is a class of expensive devices. The cost meets the functionality. Below is 5 best samples. Among the features of this group can be noted:

  • Impeccable image
  • Complete compatibility with specialized games
  • Ability to adjust the range of the screen
  • Increased viewing angle
  • Dual system of modes, etc.


Developed a sample company RAZOR is one of the world market leaders. it best model VR. It is compatible with all special-designed 3D games for Apple smartphones. IN standard set Included needed additional controllers. The cost of points fluctuates within 35000r (or $ 500).


The model is equipped with an unusual function - printing of VR elements for iPhone SE (or other versions) on a 3D printer. The cost of the gadget is about 10000 rubles.

In this article, I will tell you in detail how to watch 3D movies on the iPhone in VR Box virtual reality glasses.

To do this, you will need:
- VR Box virtual reality glasses;
- iPhone preferably 6, 6 plus;
- iOS application to watch 3D films in virtual reality glasses;
- film in any 3D format;

Where to get a movie in 3D format?

You can download 3D movie from any torrent tracker Using the program uTorrent . To do this, you will need to install UTorrent and register on the desired torrent tracker, after which you search for the desired movie on request (for example: 3D transformers) and start downloading the movie in the UTorrent program.

What is the application for viewing a 3D format in virtual reality glasses and where to download it?

I recommend using free app VR Cinema. , you can install it on a smartphone through the AppStore by clicking on link .

How to transfer the downloaded movie on the iPhone?

After you downloaded the movie and installed the VR Cinema application on the iPhone, connect the smartphone to the computer through USB cable, Launch iTunes. if iTunes is not installed, download And install it. After iTunes saw your iPhone, click on the iPhone icon in the top menu and select "Programs".

Scroll down the window below and you will see a list of some programs installed on your iPhone, select the VR Cinema application and drag the movie file to the "Documents" window of the VR Cinema application.

After the film is copied, it will be visible in the VR Cinema application on the iPhone.

Before copying the movie Make sure it is in MP4 format. If your movie has a format for example, MKV or the other, then before copying to the iPhone it needs to be converted to MP4 format. For this, use the program for example: Allok Video to MP4 Converter . You can download it on this link . Before conversion, select the desired format and image size that does not exceed the resolution of the screen of your iPhone and press Convert.

How to run a 3D movie on the iPhone in VR Box virtual reality glasses.

And so, we downloaded the desired film, installed the application on the smartphone and copied the movie file in MP4 format on the iPhone in the VR Cinema application. Now run the VR Cinema application on your smartphone and select a movie, you may need to change the video mode switches it using the icons on the left above.

Insert your smartphone into a smartphone tray, align in the center and insert into the VR Box helmet. Enjoy the film! 🙂

Note: For a larger immersion effect, see the film in the headphones by connecting them to the smartphone. Pre-remove the headphones into the connector on the VR Box virtual reality helmet.