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home  /  Advice/ Why are the found Yandex search pages immediately collapsed. Why is the search result in Yandex different in different browsers and computers? What is Kaliningrad

Why are the found Yandex search pages immediately collapsed. Why is the search result in Yandex different in different browsers and computers? What is Kaliningrad


Using the Internet may not always be safe. By downloading or opening dubious files, you can get various viruses and a lot of advertisements, which can not only interfere with the correct operation of your computer, but can also steal your data. Ads, unsafe search engines and websites are one of the most common problems faced by users.

Causes of problems with involuntary opening of Yandex Browser

Most often, the browser does not open with empty tabs, these can be various start pages and sites with advertisements. You can also notice the substitution of advertising from the same Google on various sites. Users can catch this kind of viruses in several ways:

Eliminating the problem

Step 1: Check and fix the file "Hosts"

This file can only be accessed with administrator rights. It can be easily corrected and checked with notepad. This requires:

Step 2: Clean up the redundant task scheduler

This is exactly the reason that Yandex Browser opens windows with ads through certain time, there is a task scheduler. To prevent tabs from opening, they must be disabled in the scheduler. You can do it like this:

Step 3: Clean up excess from startup

It is quite possible to clean up unnecessary and malicious tasks from startup. in a simple way... To do this, you only need the CCleaner program, which we already wrote about:

Step 4: Remove Malware

The task manager can contain active processes that interfere with the normal operation of the computer and are malicious. Their name can change every time and it makes no sense to demonstrate them, but their detection and removal should be mandatory. You can do all the actions without the help of software, but it will be more difficult and longer in time, so it is better to use convenient free programs.

Download the free Adwcleaner software and make easy installation... Launch the program and start scanning. After the scan is complete, just press the button "Clear".

You can also use one more free program to clean your computer from viruses. Download Malwarebytes and follow the easy installation. Free version the program for a period of 14 days is enough for you to completely clean your computer of malware. Scan and then click on "Move selected objects to quarantine".

Step 5: remove extensions and change the home page

If there were viruses on your computer that are associated with the browser, then most likely you have changed Homepage and unnecessary extensions are installed. Putting everything back in its place can be quite simple:

After that, restart your browser and use it safely, quickly and conveniently.

All five steps in the article will help you thoroughly clean your computer from malicious programs that make Yandex Browser open with various advertisements. Also, timely detection of malware will help you save your personal data.

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Comments 13

    • Kait.15

      Do I understand correctly that when open browser, does your web browser start automatically opening the last web pages you visited? Naturally, viral activity immediately comes to mind, but given that you reinstalled the OS, it is difficult to say what the problem is. I can only advise you to reset your browser settings, and then delete it from your computer using Revo programs Uninstaller and then execute new installation(be sure to download the fresh distribution from the official website of the developer). Additionally, check your computer for viruses using your anti-virus or the Dr.Web CureIt curing utility.

It is extremely actual topic... Many people use Yandex.String in Windows or form Yandex search in browser... Traditionally, answers to popular queries and search suggestions are displayed in the input field itself as a live search. This is very convenient, but ... search engines, including Yandex, collect information about your interests on the Internet, then try to guess your preferences, taking these interests into account. Those. it is worth looking for a recipe for buns in Yandex once, and the next time, as soon as you enter the letter "P", a bunch of tips with the word "bun" will pop up. This indirectly indicates your past search history and interests on the web. Sometimes a computer is used by several people and you don't always want another person to see your search history. How to delete queries in the Yandex search bar if you don't want to share your interests read on with other people.

We will look at what to do when using the search bar. in the browser and for search in Yandex on the taskbar Windows.

To prevent hints from popping up in the browser

First thing... We delete the search history in the browser itself. This does not apply to Yandex search, but what's the point of hiding your past queries if you can easily find a list of all visited sites in the browser.

You can see how to clear the browser history in the pictures. Or find more details on the Internet if your browser is not presented below.

Clearing browsing history in Mozilla FireFox
Clearing your browsing history in Google Chrome
Clearing your browsing history in Opera
You can also clear cookies after each use of the search... In this case, the information about the search history will no longer be associated with your browser. After clearing the cookies, the search hints will not carry any information about you.

However, it is easiest to configure " Personal search"in such a way that the clues do not carry information about your search history.

The algorithm is as follows:

To delete requests in Yandex Line

In Windows 10, Yandex.String is located on the taskbar, default. Yandex.String makes it possible to carry out search query to the Internet directly from the taskbar without directly launching the browser. Another line searches for folders on your computer. And can respond to voice commands. Quite convenient and safe if only you use the computer.

Where does Yandex.Stroka get search suggestions from?

The string draws information from several sources
  • list of links on request from Yandex search
  • links to sections of the selected site
  • answers to popular Yandex queries
  • results of indexing computer media (HDD, SSD, etc.)

If you are looking for a site, you may have noticed that in one browser the site is in the first place, in the second - in the third, somewhere it is not in the TOP10 at all.
In this article, we'll explain why this happens.
There are actually several reasons, but they are divided into two groups: personal and non-personal (in other words, even in a "clean" browser of an anonymous visitor, the results can also be different).
Let's consider them in turn.

1. Personal issue

Using a search engine, be it Yandex or Google? you can be logged in to Yandex.mail or Gmail. Thus, the system is unambiguously familiar with the visitor, his search history and preferences. Moreover, the username is additional help system, the principle works even if you are not authorized in the search engine service - some data is already known about you, if you did not clear the COOKIE and did not delete your browser.

If you visited a site more often than others, search system may give it higher than other results. There is a similar system in Vkontakte - in the list of friends on request "Alexander" will be released the one Alexander whose page you recently viewed. Another user will have a completely different Alexander.

The search platform from Yandex - Kaliningrad is described in more detail below.

2. Delivery settings and regions

In addition to classic preferences, search engines take into account a number of other factors:

  • Search region determined by your IP address
    If in Nizhny Novgorod you are in the first place, then in Moscow it may be impossible to find you at all.
  • Safe search
    If safe search is enabled, then some of the sites may disappear from the search results - and this also affects the results
  • The number of results per page.
    Some people set up Yandex so that they see 50 results instead of 10 results per page. This also affects the search results.

All of this greatly affects the search results. However, even on clean systems with default settings, the output may also vary. Here are the reasons for this:

3. Yandex experiments

There is information that Yandex regularly conducts experiments in order to improve the quality of search and make Direct (Yandex contextual advertising) more profitable. 5-10 experiments are carried out regularly at the same time, each of which affects about 4% of the audience. Users for experiments are selected either regionally (say, Moscow), or randomly.
On one computer, the site is in 5th place, and on the second, you can accidentally run into an experiment.
Experiments can be as follows, for example:

  • Demote an interesting site in positions in order to increase the click-through rate of ads
  • Activate new algorithm
  • Activate new design(for example, right now a number of people are seeing Yandex's new design - islands).
  • Show or hide information results(e.g. Wikipedia)

Experimenting on small snippets of your audience to improve search quality is a good thing. However, the results of the issue are different.

4. Competitors from contextual advertising

All search engines exist by earning from contextual advertising. This is their main bread. It is clear that the more of this bread, the better.

Search engines may downgrade a site that competes with contextual advertising... Let's say you are in 5th position on one computer.
You open the second computer - bam, someone posted an ad in an ad (or it's the turn to show an ad). That's it, the site is understated in positions. Or, on the contrary, the position of one of your competitors in search results is understated, or vice versa, the ad has disappeared - the positions have increased.

As a result - even on a clean system and clean anonymous browser the issue may vary.

5. Internal architecture of the search engine

Yandex uses the Apache Hadoop system. Search requires a lot of resources, and one or two servers (parent) store information that is spread over hundreds of other computers. Thus, all search users connect to the machines that search. All updates of the index are constantly "uploaded" to these machines. If someone goes to a machine with outdated data, or too new, then the search results will be outdated or new. Another visitor, who by chance was connected to another machine, will receive different data. Again, even on a clean system and a clean anonymous browser, the output may differ.

6. Fast index and news

Search engines use multiple indexes. The first, large and clumsy, contains data on the overwhelming number of web pages. The fast index, in turn, contains latest news(hours, minutes, seconds). These are posts from blogs, twitter, hot news. Such news can appear at any time, and when viewed in a second browser, it can shift the search results, or disappear as outdated.

Some information about Kaliningrad (Yandex search platform)

Its purpose is to personalize search suggestions and search results.
The main goal set by Yandex specialists is to provide users with correct, tailored answers to ambiguous queries. If a person uses the services of a search engine for the first time, suboptimal results will be shown to him. But for people who have already used the search several times, Yandex will offer a personalized result, which will be compiled taking into account its history of behavior.

The search platform Kaliningrad works for all users about whom it is possible to collect information. The adaptive mechanism is activated as soon as there is enough data. Information is checked once a day. To start receiving personal results, 20 clicks and about a dozen requests are enough.

Custom metrics are used to measure ranking personalization. The calculation takes into account the click-through rate of the first positions, the number of responses for which there were no clicks. Andrey Strelkovsky, responsible for developing Yandex's ranking system, says results are personalized in more than half of the cases. On average, 75% of requests from users of TOP-10 sites change due to this algorithm... Their number is 114 million per day.

Last year, the list of search suggestions was not much different for different users... In fact, only the country and city of residence were taken into account. The first step in personalizing prompts was to add to the list of prompts those that were recently entered by the user (they are highlighted in purple). Now users will be shown individual search suggestions in accordance with the interests of each person.

Personal search is enabled by default for all users who frequently use Yandex. Obviously, the more questions a person asks, the better the search engine will understand him. If there are few clicks on the found answers, then personal search is disabled. As soon as the user starts asking a large number of questions again, the system turns on again. Of course, personal search can be disabled at any time through the settings.

What is Kaliningrad?

The Kaliningrad search platform includes a number of products that are part of a personal search. So this includes:

  • Personal selection. Yandex will offer the user only those answers that suit him. For this purpose, a ranking formula is applied. It takes into account the language of communication - so far only Russian or English (the Reykjavik search platform), as well as the search history.
  • Personalized tips. In the search bar, the user will see among the prompts those queries that were entered by people with similar interests. According to the developers, 400 thousand user groups have been allocated who are interested in the same topics.
  • Lilac hints. According to statistics, users repeat about 24% of their requests. That is why Yandex adds phrases that the user has recently entered into the tooltips. These tips are highlighted in lilac. With their help, the user can instantly repeat the request entered earlier.
  • Favorite sites in tips. Very often, users use search engines to search for resources whose URLs they cannot remember. Now Yandex remembers the sites to which users go from the search results, and includes them in the tips. According to representatives of the search engine, users click on personal navigation tips every day 3.3 million times. This feature is used by 18 million people every week.
  • Instant tips. Yandex not only takes into account search history, but also analyzes queries that are characteristic of a particular search session. After entering the next question, the search engine determines what else the user may be interested in on this topic, and adds suitable options to the set of prompts. Every day Yandex offers similar hints taking into account the previous request 53 million times.

Personal search will save the user up to 14% of time. This will be about 8 minutes per week. Quite enough to have a cup of tea or call friends.