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What is FID in Google. How to start smart banners with universal Yandex Fida

Yandex.Direct offers a number of tools that will help automate the creation. contextual advertising. In particular, the online stores will be useful to create commodity feeds - peculiar bases of goods, which, with certain manipulations, can be shown in the directory ads without additional vigorous handmade.

What is fids in the director

Fids are used, first of all, to create and. That is, such types of ads in which there is a certain template where you can simply substitute the names of the goods, the price, some other data, and for a couple of clicks, create ads for hundreds or thousands of goods.

Commodity feed is a file in one of the following formats:

  • YML (Yandex Market Language) - Format created specifically for

It is very convenient to use FID, because it allows you to easily update information on the availability of goods, prices, shares, add product characteristics, group ads depending on the product category.

How to create a feed for direct

As mentioned, fids work for dynamic ads and smart banners, where there are restrictions on the subject of goods. Perhaps the number of topics over time to expand.

We will analyze the creation of FIDA for retail.

FID for retailers should be in YML format (for other subjects CSV or XML). He, like a document in XML format, uses one element: . The list of all commercial offers is in the element. , and element Contains information about one product. To be clearer how it looks like:

Methods for creating a YML file are several. We recommend trying out automated, using the service you will need to go to the section YML generator.

As can be seen in the example above, there are a number parameterswhich can be made to the XML file (or YML). For retailers, for example, the list is as follows.

As you can see, settings are set. There is my own list with your features for each topic, and the full set of parameters can be viewed in the help of Yandex.

Creating dynamic ads with FIDO

Loading the feed, select its type and specify the name.

WordPress comes with built-in standard RSS feeds. You can customize standard fids by adding arbitrary content, include thumbnails in FID, etc. Standard RSS and ATOM feeds are quite enough for most users, however, you may have a desire to create an arbitrary RSS feed for any specific type of content. In this article we will show you how to create your own RSS feeds in WordPress.

Suppose you want to create a new RSS feed, which will display the following information:

  • Title
  • Link
  • Publication date
  • Author
  • Quote

The first thing you need to do is to create a new RSS feed in the Functions.php theme file:

Add_action ("init", "customrss"); FUNCTION CUSTOMRSS () (Add_feed ("FeedName", "CustomRSSFUNC");)

The above code initiates the CUSTOMRSS function, which adds the FID. The add_feed feature has two arguments - the name FeedName FIDA, as well as a callback function. FID with the name FeedName will be available at Callback function is required for the FIDA Creation Procedure.

Once you will initialize FIDA, you will need to create a callback function to generate the required FIDDA, which is done using the following code in the Functions.php theme file:


The code above uses the GET_TEMPLATE_PART function to communicate with a separate template, however, you can also place the RSS code directly into the function. Using Get_Template_Part, we can separate the functionality from the markup. The Get_Template_Part function has two arguments - moisture and name that are looking for a template with the name in the following format, starting from the first file itself (and following, if the first file is not found):

  1. wP-CONTENT / THEMES / CHILD / RSS-FeedName.php

In our manual, the helm will be asked as a type of FIDA, which we will create (in this case: RSS). The name of our FIDD will be FeedName.

After you inform WordPress that you need to find the FIDA template, you will need to create it. The following code will provide the markup for the FIDA with the information listed earlier. We save this file as Slug-name.php in a folder with our topic.

"; ?> > <?php bloginfo_rss("name"); ?> - Feed <?php the_title_rss(); ?>

The template code above will generate RSS feed, following the specified markup. The Postcount variable will allow us to control the number of records displayed in FIDE. The template can be corrected depending on which information you want to display (image records, comments, etc.).

The_excerpt_RSS feature displays the quote of each record. For records that are not set quotes, the function will display the first 120 words of the content.

Finally, to bring out the FID, you will need to first clear your rules overwrite. The easiest way to do this is to go to the WordPress admin and click on the Parameters item - permanent links. Just click on the Save Changes button, which will clean up the rewriting rules.

Now you can access your new FIDU at, where FeedName is the name of the FIDA, which you have previously installed in the add_feed function.

W3C offers FIDDA validation service that allows you to check the correctness of the created FIDA.

Solution of problems

When attempting to view my FIDA, 404 error gets out!

  • Make sure you use the correct FIDA name in your URL. It is set in the add_feed function.
  • If you use the correct name of the FIDD, update your rewriting rules. You can do it by reapping your permanent links.
  • If you crossed your permanent links, you can reset the rules of overwriting through the file of your topic Functions.php. Add the following code to the CustomRSS function created earlier. Make sure you add the code after the Add_Feed function: Global $ WP_REWRITE; $ WP_Rewrite-\u003e Flush_rules ();
  • As soon as you add this code, restart your WP site. Note: This code will need to be removed immediately after use. One time is enough to reset the rules.

My FID did not pass the validity test!

W3C FIDA Validator must give certain information in which it will be indicated why the FID has not passed the test. Edit the FIDD template to get rid of these problems.

I encountered S. Error validation!

This is a popular error that gets out if the RSS language is not specified in your WordPress assembly. To fix it, add the following code to your Functions.php theme file:

FUNCTION RSSLANGUAGE () (UPDATE_OPTION ("RSS_LANGUAGE", "EN");) Add_action ("admin_init", "rsslanguage");

Edit the second argument of the UPDATE_OPTION function to set the required language.

Once the code presented above will be added to your Functions.php file, go to WordPress admin. After this action, the code must be removed from the functions file. One-time load will be enough to configure the RSS_Language parameter.

You can also do this through the database, finding the RSS_Language option in the WP_Options table.

We have released new book "Content marketing in social networks: How to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand. "

XML FID is a structured real estate base presented in XML format. This is a text file that allows Yandex to process and structure information. Its use saves time and facilitates the work of real estate professionals, eliminating them from the need to add and edit information in the ads.

What is XML FID

In the process of work, companies that provide intermediary services between the seller and the buyer are needed to connect the site to popular System Integrator Information - Yandex. Appliance. The integrator is designed to publish and search for ads for the sale / rental of apartments, houses, land plots and commercial territories.

XML feed must be created in the case of a large number of objects. It allows you to work with a lot of ads, a marked simplifying task to employees. Today, almost every agency uses this tool. It is generated directly from the site of the real estate agency or offline base in XML format, after which the announcement enters the real estate board. Fide can be formulated in several ways:

  1. Create a web resource with a built-in XML unloading module. It is the most reliable and quick type data transmission. When creating, we recommend using the CMS SiteBill Real Estate Designer Script. It offers users a few fida format modules in format XML Yandex. Real Estate, Cyan, AFY.
  2. Use of external services. There is an applied software CRM, it allows you to generate XLM fids from ads. The most famous services are RECRM and JCAT.

These services allow you to save time and contain the optimal ratio of the necessary functions. However, the use of them requires investment. money, In order to publish ads on popular online boards, you need to transfer them from the site base to the service base.

How to create a fit

There are several ways to create an XML feed. The first, and the easiest - to find a specialist. For independent work On the Internet there are special generators services. They allow B. automatic mode To generate XML files for Yandex. Applyingness. The work process in them is extremely simple: you must specify a link to the web resource, set individual parameters and start generation.

Another way to create FIDA - manual setting. To facilitate the process, it is recommended to use the ready-made examples from Yandex and, applying them, create files for your own site. Here you will need an excel or another free text editor that provides the ability to edit text and automatic creation backup Saved files. Upon completion, it is necessary to save fids in CSV format and download the finished result in Yandex.

There are a number of rules that must be observed when filling the FIDA. In particular, it must contain only current ads present on the web resource. At the same time, each class of ads must contain a separate set of parameters. If you do not execute these rules (incorrectly display accuracy and number of parameters), semantic compliance with the search query decreases, and they will take low positions in search results.

The ad text should not contain HTML-code elements, and the Feed indicates the parameters marked by the advertiser for Yandex. Applyingness. It is important to exclude all the web resource settings associated with geographic coordinates so that this information is not displayed in the ads.

How to edit and check XML feed

Export XML files are checked using an XML fida validator from Yandex. The tool simplifies debugging of export files and significantly reduces the time of hitting the database affiliate programs. The validator allows you to check the file structure, but not its contents.

After the files are downloaded, the user can see detailed information All announcements, find out which errors arose and what needs to be taken. But on this check of XML feeds does not end. There are types of errors that can not recognize the validator or the loader.

First of all, you need to get a NotePad ++ free text editor program, since the usual electronic excel Table It will not be able to correctly display the data. NotePad ++ has a lot of advantages, most importantly of which is the opportunity to see FID as it will be presented in Yandex. Here you need to check:

  1. The completeness of the downloaded data. To do this, select a random announcement from the site, find it on IP in the unloaded file in text editor And check how much the contents of the site correspond to the data presented in the file itself.
  2. Correctness of data format. It is necessary to check whether the existing format complies with the basic requirements for XML Fidu on Yandex. Real estate: the correctness of the writing of numbers, units of measurement, textual filling, etc.

If the site database contains a large number of ads (from several thousand to dozen, hundreds of thousands of ads) and therefore the XML file has too large size, we advise you to use compression and recovery utilities gzip files. This will give the speed to the download process and protect from the network failure.

In which countries it is available and how to configure it. In this post, I will show one of the ways to create and download the data of the data. This is an important step of preparation for the launch of Google Shopping.

How to choose FIDD file format

Data FID - information about the goods you want to sell, composed in a format understandable for Google. Google scans your feed and determines whether goods or goods are suitable for a specific search query. It is necessary to structure the various elements of your FIDDA, otherwise Google does not consider it relevant.

There are two main ways to create FIDA:

TXT - text format (spreadsheet) or a format with a separator-tab.

You can create it in Microsoft Excel. Or Google Tables. A simple and understandable FIDA format, in the first row of which the attribute names separated by tabs should be specified. In the second - the values \u200b\u200bof these attributes.

XML - text Document With the expansion of XML.

A more complex way that requires technical knowledge. Wherein xML file You can create directly on your site. Another plus of the format: it is easier to specify several values \u200b\u200bfor one attribute, which means to give more accurate information about the product.

Important:Google does not support fids in XLS and CSV format. Before adding such a file, convert it to a text format.

If you have several products, you can create your own feed manually using Google tables. Hundreds or thousands of products? Manually - not an option. In my case, the goods are a bit, so I made a FID in text format.
In the topic: create FID with Netpeak Spider.

Required FIDA fields

Regardless of how you create a feed: Using an application or manually, follow the rules of field fillings (attributes). It is important to comply with the sequence and meet the requirements for feeding. If you persist - Google will reject the FID or, in the future, your clicks will greatly rise in price.



iD [identifier]

unique product identifier (no more than 50 characters)

title [title]

product Name (no more than 150 characters)

description [Description]

product description (no more than 5000 characters)

availability [Availability]

availability of goods in the store

Valid values

  • iN_STOCK [V_ NOTE]
  • pREORDER [Pre-ordered]

price [Price

product price (syntax - number, registration in accordance with ISO 4217)

condition [Condition]

product condition

I note ID [identifier] andlink [link] -attributes that are exhibited by default. With the filling of other mandatory attributes will have to be tinted, but our efforts will be rewarded.

The name of the goods should be informative and accurate, otherwise Google will be difficult to understand when showing an advertisement. Here is a good example:

Use six tips to create an understandable product name:

  • add keywords. By which keyword want to show your product to the user? Take it in the title;
  • use the product name. Obviously? Nevertheless, not everyone do;
  • use color, brand, size for differentiation. Long requests usually indicate a desire to buy. He who scores in the search string " Apple iPhone. 8 Plus 64GB Gold "is more interested in buying than the one who dials the" phone ". Create a detailed header to appear as relevant as possible;
  • first important. Place the main thing at the beginning. For example, sell baby food, users are looking for a similar request. Call your product "baby food from the first days of life. Only quality goods", Not" only high-quality goods for kids. Baby food from the first days of life ";
  • model number and other product description elements. Perhaps you yourself are often looking for the right product, indicating the model year or publication. Your potential customers do that too;
  • use up to 150 characters. I do not know the perfect length of the product name, but I know for sure - the better, the better.

Product Description.

To determine which keywords will run advertising announcementsGoogle carefully studies product descriptions. To compile a description incorrectly - skip valuable clicks. Take care to be informative.

Product Description Lodge Cast-Iron:

Five simple Soviets To create a correct description:

  • imagine yourself on the site of the client. Think what you need to know the buyer to make a purchase;
  • briefly and for sure. Concisely describe all useful for potential buyer information;
  • turn on the most relevant attributes. It can be the size of the product, the estimated age of the buyer, special functions of goods, technical specifications;
  • the most important information about the product is to top. And you would like to look for the necessary characteristics in the text?;
  • follow the grammar. It is difficult to focus on reading when your eyes constantly stumble about errors in the text.

Google Product Category

Google uses this attribute to recognize your product as accurately as possible. Select categories - mandatory step of creating correct search queries.

Example:"Electronics" - "Audio Systems" - "Accessories for Audio Systems" - "Accessories for MP3 Players".

If you find it difficult to find a suitable category of Google products, then your own typing becomes especially important. And although this is not a mandatory part of the FIDA, I recommend using it at the maximum. Why? The more details indicate, the easier it is to get visibility and adjust the rates at the level of detail.

Use the taxonomy of your site or category. Look at the product page, there are such layers of categories:

This may be an excellent type of product. Just copy and paste the layers in the field of your product type in FIDE.

If the site taxonomy is not described, you do not find it useful, add your own layers. Remember only that in the product type, the main thing is visibility.


The image is the most important reason for clicking on your ad. If images of poor quality or blurred, it can push potential buyers.

Make sure you have three and more photos good quality For all goods.

  • each image must provide the client additional information About Product: relative size, how to use the product, its target buyer;
  • clothes and accessories People love consider. Give them this opportunity;
  • The main image of the product should include a clear view of the product on a white background;
  • Visible in miniature. If buyers cannot consider your goods, do not wait a lot of clicks.


Usually it is precisely the price affects the click of the goods. When you have a unique product and it has obvious advantages over competitors - a higher price will attract the desired clicks.


Regardless of whether you sell your own or resell someone's branded goods, the brand needs to be specified. Why? Most often they buy those people who are looking for goods by brand name.


Make sure that this information corresponds to what is indicated on the site. Not only the potential bought will be disappointed, finding that the claimed "In Stock" is missing, your product will simply not be shown in the results google search Shoping.


The condition of the product may be new (new), used (Used), restored (refurbished). Consider selling recovered (repaired) goods not in all countries. More about the attribute "Condition", examples of filling can be found in the Merchant Center Help.

To improve the efficiency of the ads, I advise you to apply additional attributes. Of course, your ads can already be shown and competed with others, but with additional elements they will become more informative and attractive:

  • addressal_image_link [Additional_linka_Name];
  • mobile_Link [Mobile_link];
  • availability_date [Date_name];
  • expiration_date [deadline);
  • sale_Price [price_skidka];
  • sale_price_effective_date [_ ________d
  • uNIT_PRICING_MEASURE [quantity];
  • product_Type [Type_Teer];
  • iDENTFIER_EXISTS [has_dentifier];
  • energy_efficiency_class [Energy Effective Class];
  • material [Material];
  • pattern [Pattern];
  • item_Group_ID [Identifier_Groups_ders];
  • adWords_Redirect [Forwarding_adwords];
  • included_destination [ON LEADS];
  • custom_Label [label_seller].

To add an optional feed, go to the Merchant Center to the "Products" section and select the Fids tab. Data Enter by analogy with the main feed.

Google tables are an easy way to create a FID when the goods are always in stock and practically does not change the range. Configure data download schedule depending on the periodicity of updating information about goods on your site.

You can also set the Google Merchant Center extension. With it, create, check and send fids. The extension must be tied to FIDU from the Merchant Center so that the information goes to the table and on the contrary, went to the system. Supplement allows:

  • check the entire table or selected lines on demand;
  • use microdata for automatic update values;
  • check attributes in the spreadsheet;
  • view processing and warning errors;
  • download FID to Merchant Center;
  • view Merchant Center processing results.

(on schedule) - the most convenient wayBut only if you have a proper XML. If the feed is not recognized, you can translate it into Excel and go on the first path.

. In this case, at least once a month will have to download the FID manually. I recommend first to download the FID as a test - all identified errors will not affect the operation of the account. To do this, in the first step of the FIDA loading, put a tick near the type "Test". FIDD processing time is usually 5-10 minutes, depending on the number of goods. To view FIDE information after downloading, click on its name. If errors occur when adding and processing, they will appear on the Diagnostics tab.

How to check product data

You can check the data on the product in the main FIDE:

  1. Select the main feed that you want to check.
  2. Click on the icon with three points on the right on the tab "Treatment".
  3. In the drop-down menu, select "Upload File".

  1. Check the box in the field "Download File in Test Mode".
  2. Check if errors or warnings will appear.

As you can see, creating fids is not difficult. You only need time to figure out. I hope I helped you.

Use Google Shopping and get more conversions.


  1. To create a basic feed, select the file format.
  2. Fill in the required fields: Title, Description, Link, Image_Link, Availability, Price, Condition.
  3. Recommended FIDDA fields are needed to increase the performance of ads. With additional elements, they will become more informative and attractive.
  4. Additional fids are not independent data sources and are needed to add compulsory and additional attributes to the main feed.
  5. To create an additional FID, use Google Tables, google Expansion Merchant Center, autoload from the site or upload data manually.

This article describes how to create a dataset feed with a tab. If you are more convenient to work in a text editor, skip the steps described below, but check if your feed matches the requirements listed below the page.

FID can also create with use Google Tables. How to do it is written. To create an XML FID, learn the specification or.

Examples of data feeds
You can see examples of feeds in TXT and XLS formats. Please note that the XLS file is given only as an example. The system does not support fids in such a format.

How to create a dataset

Step 1. Open the program to work with spreadsheets

In programs for working with spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Excel, you can easily create a dataset and convert it to the desired format.

Step 2. Create a title string

In the first line of the spreadsheet, specify the names of the attributes describing the goods (one in each column). So that your goods appear in Google purchases, you must provide information about them in a strictly structured form. Two types of attributes will be helped with you:

  1. compulsory;
  2. recommended.

Products for which mandatory attributes are not specified, will not be processed. Recommended attributes can not be added. However, we advise you to make it that your goods are more likely to appear in the search results. Check out the example of the header string below and find out the necessary attributes for the selected target country.

Step 3. Specify product information

In the heading lines, specify product information in accordance with the selected attributes. Please note that a separate line should be given to each product, and information about it should be distributed across the corresponding columns. For example, a description of the goods should be in the column with the title "Description". If the attribute value for this product is missing, do not fill the cell.

Step 4. Convert the spreadsheet

Most programs for working with spreadsheets allow you to export the data to a text file with a separator. This file should be sent to Google Merchant Center. You can create it in several ways. Below are two of them.

  • If you are using Microsoft Excel., Save the spreadsheet as a text file with a tab-tab (.txt). To do this click Save as On the tab File. In the drop-down menu File type Choose Text files (with tab dividers) (* .txt).
  • Using Google Tables You can download any of your table or configure to Merchant Center. In addition, you can download the table by following the following: in the menu File click Download as, and then - TSV (current sheet). To save the table as a file with the TXT extension, select Save as… on the menu File Your browser.

If you have already registered FID in google account MERCHANT CENTER, use the same name as the specified file.

Step 5. Send Data Data

Make sure that the file created meets the requirements for the format below and.

Requirements for format

  • The file must contain normal text with a separator.
  • The first string in the file should be a title consisting of attribute names separated by the tab symbol.
  • Each product should be located in separate string, and attribute values \u200b\u200bmust be separated by tab.
  • At the end of the rows should not stand the tab symbol.
  • Attributes should not be tabs and lines.
  • For group attributes, such as TAX [Tax] and Shipping [Shipping], attributes should be added via colon.
  • If the attribute takes several values, specify them through the comma, such as blue, green, red. If the comma enters the attribute value and cannot be used for separation, enter into each value in quotes.

    Please note that for some attributes, such as ID [ID] or Description [Description], you can only specify one value.

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