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You need permission from this operation. Permission from the system for performing this operation

When performing certain actions from the operating system, a notification can come that you need to access the task in the form of a system message "You need permission to perform this operation." Separately, it is worth considering if the request was produced with simple user, and separately - the administrator of the computer. But what happens that the administrator needs to be accessed if he is the most important?

What is access to the file?

In order to be able to somehow affect the specific file, you must first get access. As a rule, access is established simultaneously with the entry into the system as a user with certain rights. But there may be exceptions when accessing the file or group of files was consciously limited using additional software. In essence, access to the file indicates the ability to conduct certain manipulations. If the computer says that permission is necessary for performing an operation on its launch, this means that for certain reasons you have been limited to use. And if you tried to run something, what you do not have permission and see for the first time, most likely it is software fileAnd you do not need to touch him.

Why is it installed?

The fact is that there is a rather significant amount malicious files, as well as files that are important for the full functioning of the operating system. And in order for the user to accidentally disabled electronics, and the restriction is applied. There are many opportunities to harm enough, it's like installation of programs downloaded from the Internet and change or delete important for the file system. So, when trying to edit system files You will see a message. "You need permission to perform this operation." System32, Windows or Program Files are those folders when trying to start the files in which you could see such a message. And believe me, the defense is not in vain here if it were not for it, no matter how much people would be forced to contact the repair services or electronics stores to purchase new personal computers.

Different types of users in operating systems

Before talking, 3 main types of the user should be highlighted with which modern standard universal personal computers: These are administrators, ordinary users and guests. The difference between them is this:

  1. Administrators. Users with the highest level of access. Can easily install various programs, make changes to their functioning and delete. Among them allocate the most important administrator and others. The presence of the chief administrator is necessary for the commission of individual actions, although otherwise they are equivalent. The confirmation is the situation when the "ordinary" administrator can delete the main one. Separately, it is worth talking about system files - to access them, even the administrator should initially do a number of actions, but people with sufficient qualifications know what to do, and those who do not know better not to report, it is fraught with negative consequences up to the vehicle failure. But if you do not take into account the system files, then for such users to see the message "You need permission to perform this operation, Windows 7 has limited your access" - Event is rare.
  2. Private users. They support the creation additional files Inside individual programs, but they cannot be installed and delete the programs themselves. An example can be called office software and creating software individual files Under your needs.
  3. Guests. Limited users who basically have very little rights (but they can be extended or still trimmed). Category is used to provide access to people who need a computer for a time or for a narrow spectrum of action.

How to access?

The easiest option is to change the type of user. Separate programs require startup with administrator rights. In such cases, it is necessary to log in with the corresponding basis, click on the icon of the right mouse button and select "Running with administrator rights".

But there is a limitation with special programs. If they are not closed using a password, but simply limit access, then you can solve such a problem. It is necessary to find a program with which access was closed, and open it. Access to information closed with a password is difficult, not knowing its meanings.

How to access system files? Attention! If you do not know what and how, do not climb into them, it is fraught with problems in computer performance and financial spending for recovery. To display system files, select the folder properties of the folder in the toolbar, find the list on the View tab and put a check mark on the "Display system files" lines. They will become available for editing and removing. But repeat again - if you do not understand and does not have information support of a professional, do not touch anything.

Restriction for launch

A little more detailed to stay on restrictions on the launch of programs. The fact is that some programs require access to a computer software register or may have potentially unsafe components. In the case of the first option, to avoid clogging of registers and, accordingly, the performance of the computer and this restriction is introduced. Also a message "You need permission to perform this operation" can serve as an indicator of the importance of the program and its actions, therefore, it is necessary to control the experienced person (by which the administrator is considered by default). The second option is possible in cases where everything is done to avoid user installation. software Suspicious content under which it falls through everything downloaded from the Internet.

Restriction for removal

Now about messages "You need permission to perform this operation when deleting." Why was such a mechanism installed? This is done for the impossibility of removing the programs recorded in the computer. To fully delete software components may exclusively with administrator rights. A simple move to the basket and clean it is not guarantees that the object is no longer. With the help of special software, remote information can be restored (here, however, there are a number of nuances, but this is already the topic for a separate article).


So, the article discusses what to do when there is no access to certain files, which may be causes for this. Next, you just need to send your efforts to a certain direction and do everything you need.

ATTENTION, only today!

After trying to perform certain actions from the operating system, it may be notified that it is necessary to access the task. Usually, when this problem occurs, the user receives a message "You must obtain permission to perform this operation."

It is also worth considering what user a request was made: from a simple user or from the administrator. How can it be that the administrator needs to receive access to perform a particular action? After all, it seems to be the most important ... What is access to the file? To be able to somehow affect a specific file, you must first get access to it. Access is usually set at one time together with the entry into the system as a user with those or other rights.

However, there may be certain exceptions when with the help of additional software tools, access to the file or file group has been limited. Access to the file in essence means the ability to perform certain operations. If the computer says that to fulfill a particular operation you need to get permission, it means that for some reason you are limited in actions. If you tried to run some file, and it does not open, then most likely he is programmed and it is better not to touch it. Why is it installed?

The thing is that there is great amount malicious files, as well as a huge number of system files that are necessary for the operation of the operating system. This limitation is used to ensure that the user does not accidentally remove the electronics. After all, there are plenty of opportunities to harm the device.

This is the installation of programs downloaded from the Internet, and changing or deleting system files. When you try to edit the system files, you will most likely come across the message that permission is needed to perform this operation. Program Files, Windows and System 32 are those folders in which files are stored when you start which you could encounter a similar message. Believe me, such protection is not in vain, because if it were not, then many users would have to contact special services to acquire a new personal computer.

Different types of users in operating systems

You can allocate only three main types of users with which all standard modern personal computers work: these are guests, ordinary users and administrators. The difference between them is as follows.

- Administrators: These are users with the highest level of access. They can easily install various programs, make changes to the list of their functions, as well as delete. Among the categories of administrators are allocated by the chief administrator and others. The presence of the chief administrator is required to make all individual operations. In general, administrators are equivalent. The situation that may be a confirmation of this fact is that regular admin Can delete the main one. It is worth a separately talk about system files. To access them, even the administrator needs to perform a complete sequence of actions. However, people with sufficient qualifications know perfectly well that this can lead to negative consequences, including the exit of equipment. If you do not accept system files into account, then for such users to see a message about the need for permission to perform this or that operation is greatly rare.

- ordinary users. These users can create additional files among individual programs. However, they cannot install and delete programs. An example can be called the availability of office software, as well as the creation of individual files for their needs.

- Guests. These are users who are limited in their capabilities. They have very little rights. They can be extended or trimmed by the administrator. As a rule, this category is used to provide access to those people who need a computer only for a narrow spectrum of actions or for a short time.

How to access?

The simplest option in this case will be a change of user type. Separate programs may be required to launch with administrator rights. In such cases, it is necessary to log in, right-click on the corresponding icon and select the "Launch with Administrator Rights" item. However, there are certain restrictions using special programs. If it is not closed using a password, and simply limited in access, then this problem It is quite possible to solve. To do this, you need to find a program, with which access has been closed, and try to open it. Get access to the information that is closed by a password is quite difficult if you do not know its values.

We get access to system files

If you do not understand the system files, it is better not to climb them. This can lead to problems associated with financial spending or loss of computer performance. To display system files, you must select the folder properties on the "View" tab and put a tick about the "Display system files" lines. They will be available to delete and edit. But it is necessary to repeat once again if you do not understand and you do not have the opportunity to refer to a professional support professional, it's better to touch anything.

Launch restriction

Let us dwell a little more on restrictions related to the launch of programs. The thing is that some programs need access to computer software register or they may have unsafe components. In the first embodiment, to avoid clogging registers and reduce the performance of the computer, a similar limitation is introduced. The message that you need permission to perform this operation may indicate that the program is important, therefore intervention is required to make any changes. experienced user. By default, they are considered an administrator. The second option is possible in the case when everything is possible, so as not to give the user to install suspicious software. Under this definition hits all the software downloaded from the Internet.

Removal restriction

Now let's talk about messages about the need for permission to perform a particular operation when deleting. Why can such a mechanism be used? Is usually done to do not possible removal programs recorded on the computer. To fully remove the software components, the user must have administrator rights. Even deleting the movement of files in the basket does not guarantee that these objects are no longer on your computer. With special software tools, you can restore remote information. However, there is a bunch of features.


IN this review There was a detailed description of the problem of lack of access to certain files, as well as the reasons that could lead to it. To fix the current situation, it is enough just to direct all your efforts to the right channel and make everything you need to solve this problem.

You can always count on windows with annoying errors that massively rush to you when trying to make the simplest things. For example, deleting a folder! I tried to delete a folder on Windows 7 and eventually I received the following error message:

I can not delete the folder. You need permission to perform this operation.

So the computer administrator needs permission to delete a folder created by the administrator? Thanks to Windows. Obviously, my first thought was a problem with permissions, but knowing how Windows works, you can never trust error messages. Unfortunately, when you deal with "You have no permission," or the actual question of permission is because the file or folder is blocked by the process.

In this post, I will tell you various methods that can help fix this problem, starting with the lung.

Method 1 - Restart the computer in safe mode

The easiest way is first you need to try to restart Windows in safe mode and try to delete the folder from there. You can read my previous post about how. For windows 8 otherwise than in previous versions Windows, so read my previous post about how.

If you can delete the folder in safe mode, it means that a process has been running holding a folder and do not allow Windows to delete it. If you still can't delete it and leaves the permission error, continue reading below.

Method 2 - Changing permissions

Usually this error is related to relevant problem Permissions. Go forward and right-click on the folder and select properties.

Now you need to click on the button. change permissions Down to the left.

And now the fun. This is definitely it looks difficult and that's why you have to do this section, otherwise you will think that you set permits right when, in fact, it will not be so.

First, go ahead and check on the replace all permissions subsidiary Permissions inherited from this object window. Then forward I. take a tick from add permissions inherited from parental objects. When you uncheck the checkbox, you will receive a warning window where you will need to choose addor delete. Go further and click on the button Add.

Now a normal folder, deleted should look higher with the system, administrators and users (ASEEM) having full controlfrom A typevalue allow. At this point, you should see what is different and get permissions to see how to add, edit and delete buttons.

If you see any permissions, refuse in type, go ahead and remove them. Next, do not forget to add your username and group of administrators and give them complete control. Just press the button Add and enter the username for account windows recordsand then click check names. My name windows User. It was Aseem, I scored, and pressed the button and it automatically changed it on WindowsMac \\ ASEEM.

Do the same for administrators, just enter the word and click Check Names. If there are no systems, go ahead and add, which is also just to be on the safe side. When you did, and the permissions are correct, go ahead and click OK. It may take some time if the folder is large and has many nested folders. After completing it, go ahead and try to delete the folder!

Method 3 - Try Unlocker Utility

Utility Unlocker is free programwhich does big work, telling about what programs or processes currently put locks to the folder. Please note that when you install it, you must make sure that you do not install special software. The program is not a malicious program or spyware, but it will ask you to install other programs, so you have to click on skip a couple of times.

After installation, it will add the option to your right mouse button. context menu. Go to the folder in the explorer, right-click and select the command unlocking.

Now you will receive a pop-up window claiming currently no locks, or you will receive a list of processes and programs that have locks on the folder:

The reasons may be many listed processes and therefore you have several options at the bottom. You can either kill the process, unlock or unlock everything.

Unlock will allow you to choose one specific product and unlock it. If you want to free all locks to the folder, simply click the Unlock All button. This is very effective tool And as a rule will solve your problem. If none of the above methods worked, your last choice is below.

Method 4 - MoveonBoot

If nothing helps, then you can try several other things. One to try and delete the file before Windows fully boots. In order to do this, you can use the program called MoveonBoot. It is free and does not work since the program for unlocking.

After installing this program, tells it, files or folders that you want to delete that you cannot delete, and then let it restart the computer. This will allow you to know if you can delete the folder in the program or not.

Method 5 - use boot disk

This program works in Windows and occasion when it cannot work. In this regard, the only correct way to delete the folder regardless of permits or it is locked or not, use the boot disk. This is definitely more difficult, but using this method, you can delete anything.

In principle, the boot disk is bootable CD / DVD drive that downloads the OS or DOS interface, which will allow you to run commands, like deleting partitions, delete files, restore the main boot record and much more.

I am not going to go into details on how to use the boot disk, because most of these sites have their own documents, but it is not too difficult if you spend some time. Here is a list of free boot disks image you can download:

If you have any problems with one of the above methods, do not hesitate, and write a comment and we will try to help you. Method 5 may be a bit complicated, so if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Enjoy!

Fix "Unable to delete a folder. You need permission to perform this operation. "

When performing certain actions from the operating system, a notification may come that you need to access the task in the form of a system message "You need permission to perform this operation." Separately, it is worth considering if the request was made from a simple user, and separately - the administrator of the computer. But what happens that the administrator needs to be accessed if he is the most important?

What is access to the file?

In order to be able to somehow affect the specific file, you must first get access. As a rule, access is established simultaneously with the entry into the system as a user with certain rights. But there may be exceptions when accessing a file or file group was consciously limited using additional software. In essence, access to the file indicates the ability to conduct certain manipulations. If the computer says that permission is necessary for performing an operation on its launch, this means that for certain reasons you have been limited to use. And if you tried to run something, you do not have any idea and see for the first time, most likely, this is a software file, and you do not need to touch it.

Why is it installed?

The fact is that there is a fairly significant number of malicious files, as well as files that are important for the full functioning of the operating system. And in order for the user to accidentally disabled electronics, and the restriction is applied. There are many opportunities to harm enough, it's like installation of programs downloaded from the Internet and change or delete important for the file system. So, when you try to edit the system files, you will see a message "You need permission to perform this operation." System32, Windows or Program Files are those folders when trying to start the files in which you could see such a message. And believe me, the defense is not in vain here if it were not for it, no matter how much people would be forced to contact the repair services or electronics stores to purchase new personal computers.

Different types of users in operating systems

Before talking, 3 main types of the user should be highlighted with which modern standard universal personal computers work: these are administrators, ordinary users and guests. The difference between them is this:

  1. Administrators. Users with the highest level of access. Can easily install various programs, make changes to their functioning and delete. Among them allocate the most important administrator and others. The presence of the chief administrator is necessary for the commission of individual actions, although otherwise they are equivalent. The confirmation is the situation when the "ordinary" administrator can remove the main one. Separately, it is worth talking about system files - to access them, even the administrator should initially do a number of actions, but people with sufficient qualifications know what to do, and those who do not know better not to report, it is fraught with negative consequences up to the vehicle failure. But if you do not take into account the system files, then for such users to see the message "You need permission to perform this operation, Windows 7 restricted your access" - Event is rare.
  2. Private users. They support the creation of additional files within individual programs, but they cannot be installed and delete the programs themselves. An example can be called the availability of office software and create separate files for their needs.
  3. Guests. Limited users who basically have very little rights (but they can be extended or still trimmed). Category is used to provide access to people who need a computer for a time or for a narrow spectrum of action.

How to access?

The easiest option is to change the type of user. Separate programs require startup with administrator rights. In such cases, it is necessary to log in with the relevant rations, click on the right mouse button and select "Running with administrator rights".

But there is a restriction with the help of special programs. If they are not closed using a password, but simply limit access, then you can solve such a problem. It is necessary to find a program with which access was closed, and open it. Access to information closed with a password is difficult, not knowing its meanings.

How to access system files? Attention! If you do not know what and how, do not climb into them, it is fraught with problems in computer performance and financial spending for recovery. To display system files, select the folder properties in the toolbar, to find the list on the View tab and put the list opposite the line "Display system files". They will become available for editing and removing. But repeat again - if you do not understand and does not have information support of a professional, do not touch anything.

Restriction for launch

A little more detailed to stay on restrictions on the launch of programs. The fact is that some programs require access to a computer software register or may have potentially unsafe components. In the case of the first option, to avoid clogging of registers and, accordingly, the performance of the computer and this restriction is introduced. Also, the message "You need permission to perform this operation" can serve as an indicator of the importance of the program and its actions, therefore, it is necessary to control an experimental person (which the administrator is considered by default). The second option is possible in cases where everything is done to avoid the possibility of installing the user of a suspicious content software, which drops through everything downloaded from the Internet.

Restriction for removal

Now about messages "You need permission to perform this operation when deleting." Why was such a mechanism installed? This is done for the impossibility of removing the programs recorded in the computer. To fully delete software components may exclusively with administrator rights. A simple move to the basket and clean it is not guarantees that the object is no longer. With the help of special software, remote information can be restored (here, however, there are a number of nuances, but this is already the topic for a separate article).


So, the article discusses what to do when there is no access to certain files, which may be causes for this. Next, you just need to send your efforts to a certain direction and do everything you need.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to learn how to request the permission of the administrator to delete the folder. This is because when trying to delete or change some folder or file an error appears.

It says that "You need permission to perform this operation"And you can request it from the administrator or the group is.

Accordingly, nothing cannot be done with this folder or file. Therefore, it makes sense to figure it out for an error and how can you get rid of it.

Standard method

Operating system Windows Allows you to get rid of this error with your own means. The solution to the problem consists of two steps - you first need to become the owner of the folder, and then give yourself the right rights.

Android emulator on Windows PC in Russian: Overview of the 5 best programs

In some cases, only the first step helps. In general, in the event of problems with the lack of rights, follow these simple steps:

1. On the folder that does not want to be deleted and it is impossible to perform other operations with it, right-click. In the drop-down menu, click on the item "Properties".

2. In the properties, go to the Safety tab (it is at the top). Next click on the button "Additionally". As we see, in this window there are only two users - the system and "Administrators". And we work from under another user (Lenovo / Admin, in your case the user will have another name), so it is not surprising that we have no rights to change properties. For the same reason, we cannot delete or do something else with this folder.

Fig. 1. Folder properties window

3. After that, you must click on the owner's change button. IN Windows 7. To do this, there is a special tab on top, and in 8.1 and 10 near the inscription "Owner" there is a "Change" item.

Fig. 2. Additional features of the folder in Windows 8.1, 10 and 7

4. In the seventh version in the next window, you will also need to click on the "Edit" button. And in the next window you will need to click on the button. "Other users or groups ...". After that, it will be redirected to the user selection window. In newer versions, redirection occurs immediately.

Fig. 3. Access to the user selection window in Windows 7

5. In the next window, click on the button. "Additionally…" (down below). Findly click on "Search". The system will find absolutely all users who have ever worked in this operating system. Find there from which you work from under which you will choose it and click "OK".

Fig. 4. User Selection Windows

6. Now in the first user selection window (in Figure 5, the selected user will appear in the list. Click "OK" to continue. In the next window, select the added user added (as mentioned above, in our example it is Lenovo / Admin) and click the "Apply" button in the lower right corner. A message appears in which it will be said that for further changes, the properties should be closed and re-open them. Therefore, we close everything that discovered earlier.

Fig. 5. The user appears in the user selection windows

7. It is possible that after these actions it will be possible to delete the folder for which it was previously impossible. If it is not so, open the properties again and go to the Safety tab. Under the block "Groups and users" Click on the "Edit ..." button. In the next window, in the block with the same name, click on the user who was added earlier.

8. Further in the block "Permissions for the Group" [Name added on past user steps] "" (in our case it "Permissions for the group" admin "") Pay attention to the checkmarks. Everything should be there as shown in Figure 7 (right) - under the inscription "Allow" stands all marks, and under the inscription "ban" there are no. To use these changes, click on the "Apply" button, then "OK" and close all windows.

Fig. 6. Properties and permissions for certain users

Now everything should earn the way - the folder will be deleted, it can be changed so on.

It is worth saying that it is quite possible, you will not be able to perform step 8 of the previous list due to the fact that open window nothing can be changed. Then you have to bypass this window and give the user permission in the other. In this case, you need to do this:

1. On the Security tab of the folder properties, click on the button. "Additionally".

In the next window in the block "Elements of permits" Select the added user and click on the button. "Change permissions ...".

Fig. 7. Window changes in permission

2. In the next window, do the same - select the user and click on the "Edit ..." button. The permissions will now open. There do the same as in the steps of the past list. IN Windows 10. This window will look somewhat different than in Windows 7.. There in the bottom unit will simply need to put the ticks everywhere, and choose the "Allow" option near the inscription.

Fig. 8. Permissions for the selected folder

Most likely, after that everything will work. If not, you will need to use additional software.


A very convenient and small program called Unlocker allows you to delete, rename and move files and folders that are not deleted in any other way. In most cases, this utility allows you to bypass all kinds of system prohibitions. To use it, you need to do the following:

  1. Download and install Unlocker (here is the link to the official website).
  2. On the folder with which it is impossible to do, right-click. In the drop-down menu, select the "Unlocker" option.

Fig. 9. Option "Unlocker" in the drop-down menu on a folder that cannot be edited

  1. Then the two options for opening the Unlocker window are possible. The first (which is shown to the right in Figure 11) will open if with this folder on this moment There are some two processes. And the second - if one. In the first case, you can try to click on the "Unlock" button, then close the program and try to do with the folder what you tried to do before. If it does not help, click on the button "Unlock all" And do the same. In the end, click on the inscription "No action" to the left at the bottom and select the action you want to delete, move or rename. And in the second case, only the option of selecting action options will be available, so you will only be left to click on the inscription "No action" and choose an action.

Fig. 10. Two options for opening Unlocker Program

We enter under the administrator

In the end, it is not possible to go out of the user who use usually, but from under the administrator. Then you will automatically receive those rights that now there are no. To do this, you should perform a few simple steps:

  1. Open the "Start" menu and on the "Computer" point to click on the right mouse button. Select "Management".
  2. On the panel on the left follower, go to such sections: "Computer Management (LAN)", then "Service Programs", "Local users and groups" And finally, "users".
  3. On the user "Administrator" Right-click and click on the "Properties" item.

Fig. 11. Transition to user management

  1. Remove the checkbox from the point "Disable account» . Click "OK" and close all windows.
  2. Now open the "Start" menu, then on the arrow near the completion button and select the drop-down menu "Change user".

Fig. 12. User Property Window and Jouser Change Button

  1. Next can be easily selecting the administrator and execute with the desired folder or all actions file.

In Windows 8.1 and 10, everything happens somewhat differentbut all actions are practically the same.

If it does not help, try entering through safe mode And perform all actions with the desired folder or file. How to do it, shown in the video below.