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System integrator. CentOS system integrator 6 Installation and configuration

Original: Install Centos / Rhel / Scientifc Linux 6.5 in Text Mode
Posted by: Senthilkumar
Publication date: January 30, 2014
Translation: A. Krivoshi
Translation Date: February 2014

As you probably already know, RHEL and its clones, such as CentOS and Scientific Linux, support the installation both in text and in graphical mode. In this manual, we will look at the installation of CentOS 6.5 in text mode. This mode may be more complex for novice users. It is best suited for servers that often do not have enough memory and disk space for installation in graphical mode.

The installation of CentOS 6.5 will be described below on a local machine, as well as with a remote system using Telnet.

Method 1 - Installing CentOS 6.5 from the server itself

Load a computer from the installation DVD CentOS 6.5. You will see the following picture:

Select in the "Install" or "Upgrade An Existing System" menu and press TAB. Next, enter "Linux Text", as shown in the screenshot below, and press ENTER.

Press the ESC key and enter "Linux Text" in the download string.

Method 2 - Remote installation CentOS 6.5 Using Telnet

You hardly want to sit before each server and install the system. This can be done from your workplace or from home. Very simple.
Download your server from the CENTOS 6.5 installation disk. You will see the following picture:

Select in the "Install" or "Upgrade An Existing System" menu and press TAB. Now enter the following command, as shown in the screenshot below:

Linux Text Telnet IP \u003d Give-IP-Address NetMask \u003d Give-Netmask

Press the ESC key and enter the following command in the boot line, as shown in the screenshot below.

$ Linux Text Telnet IP \u003d Give-IP-Address NetMask \u003d Give-NetMask

Enter your IP address, network mask and gateway. Check your server ping from customers.

The installer will save the settings and will wait for a Telnet connection from client systems.

Now go to the client system, open the terminal and enter the following command:

$ Telnet IP-Address-OF-Your-Centos-Server

Here, is the IP address of my CentOS 6.5 server.
After entering the above command, you connect to the installer and can continue the installation from your client system.

As can be seen on the above screenshot, I install CentOS 6.5 on the server from its laptop. Now you can continue the installation as usual.

The other day, it was necessary for the requirements for software versions to install the operating system CENTOS 6.6 on the server, although CentOS 7 was already released because I decided to make the installation instructions with detailed screenshots of 6.6.

CentOS. - Linux distribution, based on Red Hat Commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux and compatible with it. Red Hat Enterprise Linux consists of free software open sourcebut accessible in the form of disks with binary packages only for paid subscribers. As required in the GPL license and others, Red Hat provides all source codes. CENTOS developers use this source To create a final product, very close to Red Hat Enterprise Linux and available for download. There are other Red Hat Enterprise Linux clones created on the basis of this code.

Download CentOS 6.6 on the official website for architecture AMD64:

We will take a little break and see how girls ride on skates from a slide, the spirit captures:

x86_64 /.

We see that the CentOS is distributed as follows:

  • 7 CD - it does not fit us, so many disks need to cut, and then they are more
  • 1 DVD is already better, but still, weighs a lot - you have to download for a long time.
  • LiveCD - This Braz for familiarizes the CentOS without its installation on the hard disk.
  • netInstall - But it is more interesting, weighs only 9.4MB, the OS will be installed on the network, i.e. Nothing to download should not come. Her and choose.

netInstall CentOS:

Kacham CentOS-5.4-x86_64-NetInstall.iso.
We cut it on the disk, load from it. In order not to use the graphic mode when installing the bootloader offer, I write "Linux Text", click.

A window appears with a language selection. Select the language - "russian" and the type of keyboard - "RU".
Next, we throw the installation of the installation method, I choose HTTP:

Now we need to configure the network, although I have a DHCP server in the network, but I still configure it manually:

Drive the IP-shnik. The gateway is also with me and the name server:

The next step will indicate the path to the mirror where the files are stored for sets Centos. 5.4

Click "OK", the installer loads the desired fools for further installation.

A welcome window appears. Followed by the markup window hard disk:

I choose the splitting manually, the default partition is not satisfied with it, TC. LVM I do not need.

After setting up the bootloader, a window appears with a proposal to configure the network interface in the system, we say "yes" and configure similarly as we did before.

A window appears with a selection of watch-clicking, choose which one that is our.

Now we need to choose packages that will be installed:

Cleaning graphic interfacesI leave Server, and I put the checkbox "Specify the selection of software" by the smoke of a more detailed selection of packages.

Before starting the installation, a window appears where it is written that the complete installation protocol will be in /root/install.log.

After the installation is completed, it will be said that the system is installed.

Reboot. When you first start the CentOS, a window will appear where you can configure some system parameters.

On this cENTOS installation ends. Installation of this operating system No more difficult to install Windows.

Uploaded with Torrent CentOS. Installation instructions CENTOS 6.5 SERVER is illustrated in detail.

Write the ISO image of the CENTOS 6.5 distribution on the CD disc or on boot USB Disk, B. virtual Machine Oracle VM VirtualBox CentOS 6.5 Server can be installed directly from ISO Image Distribution. IN BIOS Computer Determine the order of boot from the CENTOS disk.

Start of loading CentOS 6.5 Server:

CENTOS 6.5 Distribution Verification You can skip:


Select a language for the installation process:

Select the keyboard layout:

Select the type of hard disk to install CentOS 6.5 Server:

In the next screen do not rush. Enter the computer name, through the domain point. Switching the keyboard layout two - shift -a. Next, configure the network, it is easier to do now. Click the Configure Network button. In the window Network connections Select ETH0 and click Edit ...

Select the time zone:

Enter the password for account Root User:

Determine how to use a hard drive:

Save all previously entered parameters for CentOS 6.5 on the hard disk:

Installing CENTOS Packets 6.5 Server:

At the end of the set of CentOS 6.5 Server, you must restart the computer:

Remove the disk with the CENTOS 6.5 distribution and restart the computer.

CentOS 6.5 Server is ready to work.

So, no matter how you coped with the first task of directly fill systems, we assume that everything happened to you. And here it is before us - an empty, naked console, from which it is now necessary to raise a decent server with a bunch virtual hosts, Database and all other buns.

So, let's begin.

First of all, let's decide on security. I NOT I recommend turning off Selinux and IPTables, but it will be difficult for beginners to immediately delve into all the subtleties of the work of these systems. These two services need to be enabled and configured later, but still turn off.

First you will deal with IPTables.

If you want to turn it off, it will have to be removed from the startup and do not forget about IPv6:

Chkconfig --del iptables chkconfig --del ip6tables

If you just disable the next reboot or before independent inclusion, then:
/ etc / init.d / iptables stop

Next, we need to find and change the Selinux configuration file. BUT! From editors, only terrible vi \u003d) But nothing. While going to do it.
So, we find and change the line Selinux \u003d Enforcing on the Selinux \u003d disabled.. Actually, everything is written in the file. How to do it?
Further click the following:
Rights right
SHIFT + Z + Z (twice z)

So that Selinux turns off, will have to reboot:
Shutdown. -R NOW.

Everything. Now let's turn to the most important thing - setting up the network and the Internet.

We enter iFconfig And we see something like this:

Spoiler: Highlight To View

IFCONFIG LOPBACK INET ADDR: Local Loopback Inet Addr: Mask: inet6 ADDR ::: 1/128 Scope: Host Up Loopback Running MTU: 16436 METRIC: 1 RX Packets: 0 Erros: 0 Dropped: 0 Overruns: 0 Frame: 0 TX Packets: 0 Errors: 0 Dropped: 0 Overruns: 0 Carrier: 0 Collisions: 0 TXQueuelen: 0 RX Bytes: 0 (0.0 b) TX Bytes: 0 (0.0 b)

There is information only about lO. The fact is that network cards Not included.
We go to the folder:
cD / ETC / Sysconfig / Network-scripts /
The files you are interested in in this daddy are called iFCFG- *. Under the "*" name of your interfes and its number. I have, for example, the name is iFCFG-EM1. Maybe such - iFCFG-ETH0. - etc.
Count in advance how many interfaces you need. Me, for example, two - for external network (Selected IP) and for internal (local IP).
Turn them on, change the line in each of the necessary files ONBOOT \u003d "NO" on, respectively, ONBOOT \u003d "YES" and specifying the receipt of IP from DHCP. You can do so, of course I did not forget to change the name of the interface to your:

Sed -i -es # no # yes # g ofcfg-em1 sed -i -es # no # yes # g ifcfg-em2 echo "bootproto \u003d" dhcp "" \u003e\u003e iFCFG-EM1 ECHO "BOOTPROTO \u003d" DHCP ""\u003e \u003e IFCFG-EM2

If you use the static, then instead dHCP. need to write static. and add more inscriptions Ipaddr \u003d. - IP address of the computer and NetMask \u003d. - Subnet mask. It is better to use the editor. The file should look something like this:

Device \u003d "Em1" Hwaddr \u003d "E0: DB: 55: 01: C2: 40" nm_controlled \u003d "yes" onboot \u003d "yes" bootproto \u003d "static" iPaddr \u003d netmask \u003d

That's not all. Now you need to specify the gateway
echo "Gateway \u003d" \u003e\u003e / etc / sysconfig / network
and DNS.
echo "NameServer" \u003e\u003e / etc / resolv.conf
Do not forget to interfere with the IP, if your DHCP server has a different address!

It remains to restart the network:
Service Network Restart.

Spoiler: Highlight To View

The EM1 interface is deactivated: [OK] is deactivated by the interface-loop: [OK] The Loopback interface is activated: [OK] The EM1 interface is activated: [OK]


EM1 Link Encap: Ethernet Hwaddr E0: DB: 55: 01: C2: 40 Inet Addr: BCast: Mask: INET6 ADDR: FE80 :: XXXX: XXXX: XXXX: C240 \u200b\u200b/ 64 SCOPE: Link Up Broadcast Running Multicast MTU: 1500 METRIC: 1 RX Packets: 0 Errors: 0 Dropped: 0 Overruns: 0 Frame: 0 TX Packets: 0 Errors: 0 Dropped: 0 Overruns: 0 Carrier: 0 Collisions: 0 Txqueuelen: 1000 Rx Bytes: 0 (0.0 b) TX Bytes: 0 (0.0 b) Interrupt: 35 Lo Link Encap: Local Loopback Inet Addr: Mask: INET6 ADDR ::: 1/128 Scope: Host Up Loopback Running MTU : 16436 METRIC: 1 RX Packets: 0 Erros: 0 Dropped: 0 Overruns: 0 Frame: 0 TX Packets: 0 Errors: 0 Dropped: 0 Overruns: 0 Carrier: 0 Collisions: 0 Txqueuelen: 0 RX Bytes: 0 (0.0 b ) TX Bytes: 0 (0.0 b)

Let's start with the system update. At this stage we will use only standard repositories. In general, it is not necessary to update something for reliability from third-party repository, for no reason. Well, let's miss the morality and to the case:
yum Update.

Base: * Extras: * Updates: Setting Up Update Process Resolving Dependencies -\u003e Running Transaction Check ...

Install 5 Package (s) Upgrade 113 Package (s) Total Download Size: 124 M IS This OK [Y / N]: Y

In general, everything is downloaded, it will be installed and old \u003d) Most likely, you will be updated with the kernel. Pair kernel. To "entered into force," you need to restart the system. Will not say it:
Shutdown. -R NOW.

Now. We will put additional repositories to download the necessary packages recent versions. But for the beginning, we need a couple of standard components. Put them:
yum Install Wget Nano

  • nano. - Console text editor (;
  • wGET. - console program To download files over the network. Supports HTTP, FTP and HTTPS protocols, and also supports work via HTTP proxy server (