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Change the password on Instagram if you forgot the old one. Instructions: if you forgot your Instagram password, what to do in this case

How to change your password on Instagram in a minute? We have prepared a simple step by step instructions and tell you how to change your Instagram password!

Many situations can lead to such an unpleasant moment as the loss of authorization data.

Possible options

You can change your Instagram password in the following ways:

Let's take a closer look at both methods.

Through the app

The easiest way to change your password is if you are already logged in. This is done literally in 3 clicks and does not require any extra steps. Here's how to do it:

Ready! It will take no more than a couple of minutes.

But what if you forgot your password and cannot log in? Open Instagram and follow these steps:

  1. On the screen with the authorization window, click on the "Forgot your login details" button, or on a similar button in Russian "Forgot?" (it all depends on the version of the application);
  2. Next, select a recovery method. Select the option to which your account is linked: email, mobile phone or Facebook page;
  3. After selecting, enter the number, mail address or the address of the Facebook page, enter the login from your profile so that the system will check the binding;
  4. After that, an activation link will be sent to your entered address or number;
  5. Follow it from your phone. When you open the link, you will be prompted to select an application. Click on Instagram;
  6. In the window that opens, enter the new password and repeat it in the second field;
  7. Now log in again on the main page of the application.

You can read more about how to change the code on Instagram if you forgot it on our portal.

From PC

How to change your Instagram password from a computer? You can also change or restore authorization data from a computer. If you are already signed in to your profile, then:

Did you manage to change the data? A couple of clicks and you're done! But what if you forgot your Instagram credentials and can't log in? How do I change my password and access my profile? To do this, strictly follow our algorithm:

  1. On the page with the authorization window, click on the "Forgot?" Link;
  2. Enter your username or address here Email to which the profile is registered;
  3. Click on the "Send Login Link" button;
  4. On email address you will receive a letter with a link with which you can change your password on Instagram from your computer. Follow it in your browser;
  5. On new page enter password twice.

Now you know how to change your password on Instagram through a computer and you can use this method if you don't have a mobile device at hand.

See also the video tutorial on how to change the data on Instagram.

Find out how to temporarily block Instagram if you need to do so for some reason.

According to statistics for August 2013, true Instagram fans devote an average of 257 minutes a day to it. Surely, thanks to these users, over 8500 likes appear on the service every second.

But what happens to these same users when they lose access to their accounts on the most popular social network? To say "get upset" is practically nothing to say. There is no limit to their chagrin. And in most cases they have troubles of this kind due to the fact that they lose their cherished password for Instagram. Or simply forgotten, or accidentally deleted text file where it was stored, or become victims of hackers (they steal authorization data from the account - login and password for Instagram).

Fortunately, Instagram has all kinds of tools that allow you to protect your profile from hacking and quickly restore access to it - change or reset your password via e-mail, by phone (without mail), etc. ...

How do I change my account password?

1. Go to your profile (type your login and key in the login panel).

2. Click on the "avatar" icon in the top panel.

3. On the page that opens, click "Edit Profile".

4. In the list of options, click Change Password.

5. In the form, enter the current password for Instagram and a new one twice.

6. Click Change Profile. If the operation is completed successfully, the message “Password changed” will appear.

Restoring access to a profile

If you cannot remember the password, you will not be able to look at it, find it out on the service. In this case, you need to reset the key (that is, in fact, you will not recover your password on Instagram, but create a new one).

This is done like this:
1. On the main page, in the field for entering the key, click the "Forgot?" Link.

2. Enter your username or e-mail.

3. Print the captcha (numbers from the photo).

4. Click "Reset Password".

5. If the data is correct, the display will show the message “To your address…. link sent. "

6. Go to the specified mailbox... In the email from Instagram, click on the Change Password link.

7. On the opened tab, type a new key 2 times.

8. Click the "Reset ..." command.

Advice! Attach your phone number to your profile. It will help you reset your password if you lose access to both the social network page and your e-mail. To add a mobile phone, click on the "avatar" icon → Edit profile. Enter the data in the "Phone number" field (with international code). Click Submit.

How do I reset my password without e-mail?

(instruction for mobile application)

Method number 1: via Facebook

Note. This method can be used if a Facebook account was previously connected to your Instagram page (before the password was lost).

Remembering passwords for all accounts and not forgetting any is not easy. Not all Internet users are prudent enough to maintain a database of passwords in special programs or just write them down. Below you will read about how to recover your password on Instagram and how to do it through your smartphone and computer.

Via smartphone

To restore access to the profile via a smartphone, you need to use the application. Download the program in Play Market if you have a phone on the Android platform or download the application from App Store if you are an iPhone owner.

How to restore a page on Instagram if you forgot your password:

  • Open Instagram.
  • Under the fields for entering a password and login, find the line "Help ..." and click on it.
  • Please select desired option... You can restore access using mail, nickname or SMS. If you linked to a page account Facebook - then you can restore it. In the first instruction, we will choose the option - by mail.
  • Enter your email address.
  • Click on the "Next" button.
  • Click on Send Email letter".
  • Go to your mailbox and open the received message.
  • Click on the "Login as ..." button. You will be automatically transferred to your account.
  • Go to the profile menu.
  • Click on "Change address" in the Account block.
  • Please enter a valid address.
  • In the email you received, tap "Reset Password".
  • Please enter new code access.
  • Click the checkmark in the upper right corner.

How to restore access to Instagram by phone number:

  • Repeat steps 1, 2, 3.
  • Select "Send SMS".
  • Enter country code.
  • Enter the number.
  • Open link from message.
  • Add new code.
  • Click the checkmark.

Instagram password recovery via Facebook profile:

  • Repeat steps 1, 2, 3.
  • Select "Login with ...".
  • Enter data for authorization in social. networks.
  • Click on the "Continue as ..."
  • Repeat steps 10-13 of the first instruction.

These instructions are fine if you forgot your Instagram password, but what to do when your smartphone is not at hand?

Via computer

You can restore access to your Instagram profile via a PC in two ways: in the official web version of the service or via Instagram for Windows. There is an application for Mac, but it immediately opens the web version in the browser.

If you need to restore via a computer, then it is better to choose the web version, since, unlike some applications, it is free. And when you reset the code via mail, you can get access to the mailbox faster - just open the second tab. In the case of the application, you will have to exit, open the browser, etc. It will take longer.

In general, the steps for restoring access from the phone and through the computer are not very different. Intuitively clear interface service and accompanying tips will help you change the access code, even if there is no clear instruction at hand.

How to restore your Instagram account if you forgot your password via the web version:

  • Open the official website.
  • Click on "Forgot ...".
  • Enter nickname or email. address.
  • Check the box next to the text "I am not a robot".
  • Click on the lit button.
  • Go to the mail and open the letter.
  • Click on the blue reset button.

We have considered all possible options how to find out your password on Instagram if you do not remember your password. In order not to forget access data in the future - write down passwords, or rather use special programs... They can be downloaded for free on any device. Here are a few good applications: LogMeOnce, LastPass, RoboForm.

Today we will tell you how easy and simple it is to change or change your current password on Instagram, how to do it through Facebook and how to change it if you forget your old password or username.

All people are forgetful, because it is not so easy to remember a lot of information received. Most now use Internet resources and sit on different sites that require a password. It can happen for every person that he has forgotten the password for some social network. Then the question arises, how to restore the page quickly and easily.

Now a lot of people are sitting on Instagram and it could happen for everyone that it is impossible to log in. What to do and how to change your password on Instagram if you forgot your old password? We'll find out now.

How to change your password on Instagram via your phone

If you have forgotten your old password, and you urgently need to log into your account, use the following tips:

Find the sign in Help with login on the login page and click on it.

Choose exactly the option that suits only you:

  • recover your password via email;
  • send SMS to a phone number;
  • log in with facebook. Whatever questions arise, how to change the password on instagram through facebook, unite social networks.

If you chose the option to restore access via email, then check it for a message. You will need to follow the link and enter New Password... Thus, you can easily and quickly change your password and go to Instagram.

There are times when there is no access to email. Then you can use sending SMS. You will receive a message on your phone with the specified code. Enter it in the appropriate field on Instagram and access is open.

If these options do not suit you, then there is only one way out. Login to the page using Instagram support. It will not be as fast as in the first three methods, but access can be returned.

Unfortunately, it also happens that we may have a question of how to change the password on Instagram if you do not remember the old password.

How to change your password on Instagram

It is very easy to change the password in the mobile application of instagram, you need to log in under your account and go to your profile.

  • Go to home page your profile.
  • Click on the three vertical dots and go to the options (on iPhones and Android it is the same).
  • Goes down to "change password".
  • And it's easy and simple to change the password to the desired one right there and then you can reset the current password via Facebook if you don't remember it.

As we can see, everything complex turns out to be easy and fast. Remember! When you create a new password, be sure to keep it secure. It should not be very difficult, but also not easy, because anyone can hack an account. Don't use the same passwords on different social networks. The most important thing is to write down your password in your notebook. Then you will definitely always remember him.

How to change your password on Instagram if you don't remember the old one? " - a topical issue among users of the popular application for smartphones and computers. Frequent updates and innovative innovations have contributed to the evolution of Instagram from a photo-sharing service to a full-fledged one. social network where users can communicate and exchange sensitive data. This situation makes it relevant to strengthen the protection of your profile.

In this article, we will consider:

  • features of changing the access code on iPhone and Android devices;
  • detailed instructions that will allow you to independently perform this action.

One of the most common situations among application users is the need to install a new access code. If you remember your current password and can use the Instagram functionality, the steps to change are as follows:

  1. Go to your profile and in the upper right corner click on the "Settings" icon;
  2. In the menu that appears, select "Change Password";
  3. Indicate the current and new combination with its obligatory repetition;
  4. Save your changes. The system will ask you to re-enter your account.

The above actions can be performed from both a phone and a computer. In this case, the methods of accessing the settings sections may differ slightly.

How to change your Instagram password if you forgot your old one

Considering how to change your password on Instagram, if you don't remember the old one, you can highlight a number of different ways to reset the access code and get a new one. Situations can be as follows:

The above methods in most cases guarantee the restoration of work with the service. Re-authorization must be performed on all devices through which you work with the program. Due to some peculiarities, access restoration can be difficult. We'll look at this issue in the next section.

What to do if Instagram password reset link doesn't come

Considering how to change the password on Instagram, you can identify the possibility of outside reasons, due to which the user cannot receive a reset link or a corresponding message to a mobile phone number. Basic situations:

For iPhone

Work with mobile versions The software may differ from each other. For example, iOS and Android have a different way of accessing the Settings section. This process for this operating system we have already covered in the previous section. It is also worth noting the possible activation of the "Two-factor authorization" function, which implies not only entering a password in the appropriate form, but also obtaining an access code for the linked mobile number... To resume work, in this case, you will need to provide a correct email address, or use the link to Facebook.

On Android

The process for Android is not much different from the above steps. Follow the exact instructions and you will be able to restore access to your profile. Unfortunately, if you lose your phone, email and no link to Facebook, you won't be able to set a new password. In this case, you will need to create a new profile in the popular Instagram project.