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DNS server does not answer what to do. All ways to solve the problem

Sometimes it becomes very annoying from the fact that you can not use the Internet because of a completely trivial error "DNS server does not respond." In the overwhelming majority when it fails to find the DNS server address - the problem can be solved in minutes. In this article, we will consider in detail all the ways to solve this problem.

DNS server - utility, redirecting a network user to the site. The fact is that any Internet page is stored on the server that has its own IP address. To provide the user with access to the site, the DNS server connects its computer to the server. In other words, the DNS server is a link between the user and the site.

Errors "DNS server does not respond" or "Can't find DNS address"

Often the browser complains that he cannot find the DNS server address. This message It occurs most often in users of desktops using connections without cables (3G / LTE modem or Wi-Fi router). However, it can also appear in those who use wired Internet. This error This means that the unit from which the user comes to the site cannot find the DNS address that will redirect it to the server with the desired page.

What to do if the DNS server does not answer or unavailable

Before trying to solve this problem, I must first find out why it originated:

  1. Due to incorrect modem or router settings;
  2. Because of the wrong settings operating system (the site blocks the virus or firewall, or the DNS client Windows. gave failure);
  3. Due to the outdated driver network card.

To do this, refer to the network control panel located in the lower right corner of the Task Bar. It has a monitor icon, next to which enternet cable lies. Click on it with the left button of the manipulator. Next, click the right key of the manipulator by the field, where "connected" is written, then go to the "properties". Click on the "Network" tab and move to the "Properties" clause, after clicking the "Internet Protocol of the Fourth Version". In the DNS addresses tab, try to select the "Load DNS server on the machine" option. If it did not help, then enter the address (preferred and alternative) yourself. It is written in contractual connection certificates. DNS address can also be found from the provider by calling him.

Tip: The correct DNS address can be prescribed not only in the Windows settings, but also in the control panel of the router itself. If you are using software utilities from TP-LINK, then use the parameter fast settings Quick Setup).

Often the virus, casually loaded by the user, blocks access to other sites. To verify the system to occupying Malvars, it should be scanned with its antivirus. At the same time, the scanning is better to perform a program that does not require installation on a desktop and placed on a Live-CD or Live flash drive (Live carriers - storage facilities independent of the main system). For such purposes, you can recommend Dr. Web Cureit.! Portable anti-Malwars are good because, being posted on a Live-CD or Live flash drive, cannot be infected with viruses.

Setting up firewall

There is a chance that access to the site has blocked the native Windows Farwall or a firewall (another name of the firewall), which is included with your antivirus. Firewall closes access to sites who consider malicious. If you know that the locked page is really safe, you can turn off the firewall on the time or reset its settings to the initial (then the list of blocked pages will be reset). How to turn off the firewall from Microsoft? Click the control panel-\u003e Windows and security-\u003e Windows Firewall. In the left pane there will be an "Turning on and disable Windows Firewall. " Press it, then transfer all the "Disable Windows Firewall" to "Disable Windows Firewall". Save these settings.

Tip: Windows Firewall - Key. Turning it off, you turn off the other firewalls.

Updating network card drivers

Often the desktop refuses to enter the network due to outdated network card drivers. In order to check their status, use the DRIVER BOOSTER utility. This application It will help to find not only drivers for network controllers and install them, but also update the functionality of other components.

Tip: You can upgrade the network card drivers and standard windows utilities. Go to "Devices and Printers", then click two times the left button of the manipulator on the icon of your desktop. In the "Equipment" tab, find components marked as "network adapters" and go to their "properties". There, click on the "Driver" and select "Update".

This method It is to reset the desktop and router settings. Sequence of actions Next: You need to disable the router from the 220V network and leave it unconnected for 5 minutes. Next you need to restart the computer and connect the router back to the outlet.

Tip: Before turning off the router, it is worth entering its settings menu and reset the default parameters.

This problem can be eliminated in two ways. The first is the least painful - to register the DNS address not through the panel windows management, and through the router menu. The second is to recover the system. We go into the control panel, hereinafter - "System and Safety" - "Restoration of the previously preserved condition of the desktop". After a few minutes, when the utility gather all prescribed backup points, you need to choose one of them. Near each point is spelled out the date of its creation. Select the one when the DNS client functioned normally and confirm the system reset.

How to find out the DNS server address

The correct DNS address is registered in the device for connecting the desktop to the network. It is compiled by the provider, therefore the probability of error is excluded. If there is no access to the certificate, you can call the provider or contact it through technical service Support and ask him to once again provide an accurate DNS address.

Where can I configure the DNS server address in Windows

It can be configured via Windows utilities (path: network icon in the taskbar - "Parameters" - "Network" - "Internet V4" protocol - "Properties" - tab with DNS addresses) or through the control panel of your router or modem.

Programs for configuring DNS server

If the DNS server is not available, the DNS Jumper utility will help correct this problem. Its advantage is that it is portable and does not require installation. In the DNS Server Selection tab, you can select the DNS address manually or provide the selection of the utility itself. In this case, DNS Jumper will choose the most stable and fast server on this momentAt the same time, the malfunction "DNS server does not respond to Windows" will be removed. You can also download DOT VPN into the browser. This extension allows you to choose not only the address, but also the country from which the user will be called. That is, you can physically be in Germany, but go to the site as a resident of the Netherlands. Very useful expansion, as some pages are blocked by government governments, and DOT VPN allows you to get around this ban. Similar functionality has " VPN Setup»In Opera Explorer. It turns on this: Settings-\u003e Security-\u003e VPN (Switch the toggle switch to "Enable" and select "Optimal location").

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It is impossible to present your existence without access to sources of information that gives the Internet. The connected link of the network of computers are DNS servers. Unfortunately, sometimes in their work errors arise. In these cases, access to the Internet is limited or not at all. Therefore, the basic knowledge on the topic will not interfere with each user.

What is a DNS server, why errors may occur

If explained simple wordsYou can call the DNS server to the Internet address book. Each network connected to the network receives an IP address identifier in the form of a digital value similar to this - Each published site has domain name - The main task of the DNS server is a domain name transformation in the IP address and the reverse process.

Video: Explanation of the principles of DNS server

Unfortunately, sometimes failures occur in the chain. Errors arise. The reasons can be quite a lot, consider the most common:

  • no internet connection;
  • wrong router or modem settings;
  • incorrect firewall settings;
  • critically outdated by a network card driver;
  • computer infection with a virus;
  • work on the DNS server provider;
  • errors software Online.

Troubleshooting must be started by checking the simplest settings, and only in case of failure, carefully move to more complex actions.

General DNS errors

Consider the most common mistakes that are usually easy to eliminate own forces. As a rule, the correction does not take too much time.

DNS server does not respond, you can not find DNS server address

Probably the most common problem.

This is how the error message in the browser window looks like

When the error appears as a result of an attempt to enter a certain resource, and the rest work perfectly perfectly, the problems arise on the site. Something to fix in this case will not work. Take patience, perhaps through time everything will work in normal order.

DNS errors can appear due to faults in the router. And the Internet provider may be to blame for their occurrence. Restart or turn off the router for a while, it is possible that this action will remove the error. No changes - try to connect the Internet cable to a PC or a laptop directly, bypassing the router. If the action does not help, call your provider, probably the problem on his side.

When all devices work normally, and the error occurs on one computer, most likely, it is associated with incorrect work The device itself. Consideration of this error is worthy of a separate publication.

Windows cannot be contacted or resource

Consider this option - the main applications continue to work, the Internet is connected, but the resource you need is not available, when accessing the site a message appears on the screen: "You cannot find the DNS server address".

Browser issues an error message

To clarify the causes of the error, do network diagnostics:

Message about failure when trying to connect to DNS server

This error may have different causes of occurrence. Methods for solving the problem are selected accordingly:

  • incorrect work antivirus program - try to temporarily disable or install it;
  • perhaps the DNS will fail - the Windows client - open the "Administration" section "Administration" section "Services" tab and restart the client's DNS service, turn off and start the computer again.

If all of these actions were not crowned with success try to reset the DNS cache. Press Win + R, in the window that appears, type "IPCONFIG / FLUSHDNS", start the process.

DNS Cache is launched by the "Ipconfig / Flushdns" command

After completed action, everything should work fine.

No access to DNS server

Users are often found with the situation when all devices work normally, payment provider is listed, but access to World Wide Web absent. Cause of the error - incorrect Internet access settings. Everything can be fixed with your own.

To eliminate the error that has arisen, make such actions:

  1. In the Start menu, log in to the Control Panel, the item - "Administration", select the "Services" section.

    Choosing the Administration Service Point, Windows Control Panel

  2. Find the "DNS client" string, there must be an inscription: "Works".

    With DNS running in the DNSP client string, there is always an entry "Works"

  3. If the string is empty - Mouse over the mouse, click left buttoncall context menuBy clicking "Properties".
  4. Next, in the "Startup Type" column, specify: "Automatically".

    On the tab, specify the start type: automatic

Click "Apply" and "OK".

In a situation where the service is working, there are no access to the network, the following actions should help:

  1. Enter the control panel, go to the tab: "Network Management Center and common access».

    Open the Network and Shared Access Center tab in the Windows Control Panel

  2. In the "Changing Adapter Settings" section, call the network connection context menu.

    Select "Change Adapter Settings" in the "Network and Shared Access Center" section

  3. In the tab that appears, click on the "Properties" string.

    On the "Connection on local network", Select" Properties "

  4. In a new tab, highlight the "Internet" protocol 4 (TCP / IP 4), press "Properties" again.

    Select the item "Internet Protocol 4 (TCP / IP 4)", click "Properties"

  5. In the next dropping window, set the mark on the "Use the following DNS servers addresses".

    Set the server's IP address in manual mode.

  6. In the "Preferred DNS server" row, type "8. 8. 8. 8 ".
  7. The string "Alternative DNS server" must be filled in a similar way "8. 8. 4. 4 ".
  8. Press "OK".

If everything is done correctly, but there is no positive result, there is a high probability windows errors. Try to recover the system at the last point when everything worked correctly. To do this, log in to the "Start" menu, "Control Panel", "Restore". Select the recovery point, run the procedure, restart the computer.

If the browser continues to give an error, such actions are possible for solving the problem:

Such manipulations will help to identify an application that interferes with the normal download of sites.

Another reason for the error can be outdated drivers network adapter. Find his model. On the manufacturer's website, download new programs, install.

If nothing, from the above, did not help, then your computer is attacked by a virus, make the following:

  1. Download the trees attending utility. Web Cureit or other with similar functionality.
  2. Spend a complete computer scan.
  3. Delete infected files.

It is worth noting another error. Sometimes when you try to enter the Internet, you can see the inscription: "You cannot convert the DNS address of the server." Most often, an error is related to repair work on the DNS service providing network access services. Check the Internet connection by connecting another computer or laptop to it. If the error appears on all devices - contact the provider. In the case when an error is characterized by one device, your actions are similar to the error correction "No access to the DNS server". Your system, apparently, sends incorrect requests to the DNS server.

Software errors

Such belongs DNS failures caused by server software and individual sites.

DNS temporary error occurred

This message is caused by DNS problems in Exchange 2013. Microsoft Exchange Server - software Employee and collaboration service. It is not entirely clear that refers to the "server temporary error. Repeat attempt later. PRX 3. At the end - there are still PRX 1, PRX 3, PRX 7. Documentation, unfortunately, no.
Known different methods solutions to the problem. If you have a built-in network card on your computer, and additionally installed external, turn off the one that is not used. To do this, you need to make the following actions:

  • run the PC or restart if the computer is enabled and when you start the BIOS, press the F12 or DEL key;
  • to enter the settings, the F1, F10 keys and others are used - if you do not know which you choose, read the text "Press ... to Enter Setup", where the necessary combination will be written;
  • in the Open section by the word Integrated, where you will need a string on Board LAN or something like it;
  • change the status of the string to disabled to deactivate it;
  • do not forget to exit using the Save and Exit button to save the changes.

BIOS panel through which changes are made to the configuration of OBC

Be careful if you do not have confidence in your actions, do not experiment with the BIOS of your computer, it is better to invite a specialist.

When a network card is one or disconnection, the second did not help remove the error - try to take such actions:

Failed to allow DNS domain controller name

Specific error, rarely encountered private PC users. Characteristic of systems included in the domain windows networks running Active Directory. AD represents a set of processes and services, allows you to centrally manage the LAN infrastructure. All network computers are combined into a common domain. An error occurs when you try to enter a new server in the domain. The system issues the message "Failed to allow DNS - the name of the domain controller".
Try to take the following actions:

Could not upload the page because they did not find the site in DNS

The error basically refers to the work of webmasters. When registering a new DNS domain servers, his address is unknown. While information about it on DNS servers does not appear, site, mail, other elements will not work. The DNS server prescribed for the domain acts as "herald", due to which the address of the site will become known to other servers. First, the domain information appears on DNS hosting. If you are the owner of the site, and when you try to open it, the error "On the DNS server is not found address for the domain of this website", refer to the administration of your hosting.

A similar error may occur when the domain is transferred to another hosting. In this case, the domain name of the site is the former, and the IP address is changing. To solve the problem, you need to contact the administration of your hosting.

Other common mistakes

In addition to the already discussed, other problems associated with the DNS server may occur.

Table: Frequently occurring DNS errors and ways to eliminate them

Identifier eventsError messagePossible errors and corrective action
408 The DNS server cannot open the Socket for IP Address. Make sure this is one of the actual server's computer addresses.If the IP address is valid, check if another device or program is trying to use the DNS service port (53).
413 The DNS server will send requests to other DNS servers to the port, different from the default (TCP port 53).This problem occurs on computers with multiple network adapters (when the DNS server is configured to use only part of the available IP addresses). In addition, it may be, Answered DNS servers are trying to use the port whose use is not configured to local server DNS, which leads to problems in replicating the data of the zone through WAN connections (through firewalls). To ensure the use of a configured port for all connections, change the IP interface settings in such a way that one of the conditions is performed:
All IP addresses are used.
Used only one of the IP addresses.
414 The server of the server does not have a customized basic DNS suffix.For example, the server has the name DNS 1 instead of This configuration can lead to incorrect or unsuccessful appeals. To correct this problem, connect the DNS server to the domain or grant full dNS namewhich will be suitable for the working group.
708 The DNS server did not detect primary or secondary zones. The server is started in caching only mode and it is not authorized for any zones.If the creation of only the caching DNS server was the main goal, then nothing needs to do. Otherwise, this message implies the need to set up zones on the server.
3150 The DNS server recorded a new version of the ZoneName zone to the filename file. New version You can view by going to the tab.This event occurs when the DNS server is configured to work as a root server. If this is an unwanted result, you must remove the root zone (.) To eliminate the appearance of such messages.
6527 The zone of the ZoneName zone is expired before the successful transmission of the zone or update from the main server, which is the source of the zone. The zone was disabled.The secondary DNS server lost network connection With the main server, so it is impossible to replicate.
Solve the problem in the network.
On the secondary server, remove and re-create the zone by specifying correct address IP for the same or new primary server.
On the main server indicated incorrect configuration Zones in the SOA record. Correct it with one of the proposed actions.
Make sure that the Refresh Intervals value is less than the Expires After value.
Increase the Expires After.
Add the secondary server to the Notify List.

At first glance, the problem listed in the article seem complex and almost unresolved. But thoroughly understanding in the subject, everything can be fixed with its own. For this you need patience and time. But the main thing you need is a desire.

Sometimes users encounter a problem when the server does not respond. What to do in such a situation to return it to work as quickly as possible? First, you should try to find out the reason for the failure, and then try to eliminate it.

The reasons for which the server does not respond

Often the server does not respond due to a network problem. To eliminate it, make sure that it has a working and allowable network connection. First of all, you need to check the health of the corresponding client equipment, that is, cables and network cards. If it is all right, you should make sure that it can contact routers or other computers that are located in the same network using the Ping command.

If you can contact a DNS server via conventional network checks, but it does not respond to DNS customer requests, then you should check whether the DNS server is running and whether it can respond to customer requests and listen to connections. To do this, use the nslookup command.

It happens that the DNS server is set to limited maintenance of a certain number of configured IP addresses. And the IP address that was initially used during the verification of server responses, did not get into this number. In this case, you should repeat the server check by specifying another IP address that is among the limited interfaces. If the DNS server responded to the request from this address, add the missing IP address.

Sometimes, the reason for the fact that the server stopped responding, it may be that it uses a non-standard utility port. In this case, you should make sure that the DNS server does not use a non-standard configuration. If so, then you should find out whether the intermediate proxy server or firewall is specifically configured to block traffic passing through known service ports that are used for DNS. If not, you should add a packet filter to these settings, then traffic will be allowed to standard DNS ports. In addition, you should check the DNS server event log, you can find out if any critical event has no critical event with code 414, which will help specify why the server does not respond to requests. Now you know what to do if the server stopped responding and can eliminate the problem independently. If you did not find the cause of the failure in this article, you can ask a question about this on the official Microsoft website.

Question from the user


My Internet disappeared (a yellow exclamation mark on the Windows tray is burning), and in the browser, when you try to open any page, the error is written "Unable to find the DNS address". I do not know what to do how to fix the error and return the Internet.

I tried to start the network diagnostic wizard - but it issued an error that the DNS server does not respond. Tell me some solution ...

Thanks in advance, Andrei.

Good day!

I must say that a similar error is quite popular, and the cause of its occurrence can be, as not correct windows settingsAnd the problems of your Internet provider. In this article, the sieve is the most basic, which is why there is a mistake and give recommendations for their elimination.

As if the Banalen advice was not, and yet the first thing that would recommend - restart the laptop / computer and the router (if you have it (many providers now have it "automatically" when connected)).

To turn off the laptop - the power button for 10-15 seconds.

Note: To restart the router, it is enough to turn it off from the power supply for 15-20 seconds. Also for this case on the case of the device there are specials. button.

After rebooting, I recommend to run network troubleshooting diagnostics (often it solves many problems with Internet access). To start the diagnostics - right-click on the Internet icon in the tray and in the pop-up menu select "Troubleshoot diagnostics" (See Screen below).

The result of the diagnostics can be unpredictable: in my case, the error got out again (an example on the screenshot below). But nevertheless, not rarely after rebooting - the network begins to work in normal mode ...

Network Diagnostics in Windows 7 // Error!

Connect any other device

If you are using a router (router), try connecting other device (laptop, telephone, etc.), check whether there is any errors associated with the DNS server. If a problem with a specific PC / laptop - then on the other devices, the network will function as usual.

To check, by the way, can be connected to Wi-Fi network (Let's say) even a regular phone. You can also try to disable the router and connect the Internet cable directly to the computer network card.

Note! Settings and parameters that need to be specified for the Internet - see the contract with your Internet provider. There must be all exhaustive information.

Whether the network settings are correct. Automatic receipt DNS.

Go to the main thing!

Most often, problems and errors associated with DNS occur due to incorrect (knocked) network connection settings. Therefore, I propose to check them in the first place!

To see all network connections, click Win + R., enter in the "Open" line in the string nCPA.cpl And press ENTER (as on the screen below).

How to open network connections // NCPA.CPL

Next, you need to open the properties of the connection through which you are connected to the Internet. Most often it is either "Wireless Network Connection" (if a router is installed and created Wi-Fi connection, more often on laptops), or "LAN connection" (Ethernet) - If the PC is connected to the Internet with a network cable.

Properties of the Internet Protocol version 4

In the General tab, you must specify the IP address and DNS server. There may be two situations here:

  1. first - It is enough to put the sliders in the provisions of the IP address and DNS servers automatically (as it is in my screenshot below). By the way, most of the Internet providers - it is (do not create unnecessary problems to the user ☺). But there are exceptions, see below;
  2. second - You must specify a specific IP address and specific DNS servers. What you need to specify - you need to look at your contract with an Internet provider (or to clarify it). If this data is misunderstood (or if they have been changed) - then the Internet will not work for you!

Try installing DNS Google

It happens that the Internet providers (most often small) is buggy DNS server (which is not good). It is clear that the DNS server from Google is faster, they are free and much more stable. Therefore, speaking them in the settings - you can often quickly restore the normal operation of the Internet. You need to prescribe them in the properties of the network connection (how to open these properties - told in the previous step).

DNS server:

If you have installed Wi-Fi Router - That will correctly write like this: (or, or - the IP address of the router is prescribed);

Attempt to clean cache DNS. (and other parameters) on the command prompt

Often get rid of the error related to the DNS, cache cleaning helps. You can make it from the command line, open on behalf of the administrator.

To open command line With administrative rights, you need:

  1. run Task Manager (Button Combination Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC or Ctrl + Alt + Del);
  2. in the Task Manager click file / new task ;
  3. and in the string "Open" Enter Cmd., tick "Create a task with administrator rights" And press ENTER.

  1. ipconfig / Flushdns.
  2. ipconfig / registerdns.
  3. ipconfig / Release
  4. ipconfig / renew.

After performing these 4 commands, restart the computer / laptop.

Check the DNS client service - whether it works in windows

You also need to check whether the DNS client service works in Windows (by default - it should work, but you never know ...).

To do this, press the button combination Win + R. and enter the command services.msc. Press ENTER.

After that restart the PC.

No drivers on a network card

If you do not have drivers on a network card (through which you have a connection to the network) - then you will not have the Internet at all (and the DNS error in this case, as a rule, does not appear often ...).

To find out if you have a driver on a network card, open the Device Manager. To do this click Win + R.and enter the command devmgmt.msc..

Next, see if you have devices opposite which yellow is burning exclamation point (Most often, they are in the "Other Devices" section). If there are such devices - you need to update the driver for them.

Task Manager - no drivers on an Ethernet controller (you mean to a network card)

In general, the topic of updating drivers is quite extensive, so I suggest you familiarize yourself with my previous articles, everything is painted there! Links below.

How to install drivers on a computer, laptop -

How to find and install a driver for an unknown device -

Driver Update Programs - Best: Top 20 / Rating! -

Is antivirus and firewall correctly set up

Often the appearance of an error that the DNS servers have stopped responding, occurs after installation / reinstall anti-virus and protective programs. Also, this may be observed when the maximum possible level of protection in some antivirus products can be included.

Therefore, the recommendation here is simple - try on time to disable (or even delete) your antivirus (firewall). If the error stops appears, I think, it is worth changing the antivirus, or to set the optimal settings in it.

Contact your Internet provider support

And the last, if all of the above did not give any results, try to report on the problem of your Internet provider. It is possible that the problem is on their side ...

PS 1.: If the Internet Provider says that on his side everything "OK", as an option, try restore windows (If there are control points, on this date, when everything worked). About how to find out which points there are, and how to start recovery, you can find out in this article: (This article is relevant for Windows 7/8/10).

PS 2.: If anyone has alternative solution Similar error - Circle a couple of lines in the comments. Thank you in advance.

Some of the PC users may encounter problems when connected to the Internet, and when troubleshooting, the system gives the message "Computer settings are configured correctly, but the device or resource (DNS server) does not respond." In most cases, this error happens on computers with installed windows 7, but there are no similar problems on other OS of the WINDOVS family. In this article, I will tell you that the DNS server error does not respond, what are the reasons for its appearance, and how to fix it.

As you know, the DNS server can be referred to as an application created for answers to requests for DNS protocol and the host on which this application is running.

The same domain name system (DNS) is used to get an IP address by host name (the user enters address line The browser is the letter name of the site, and the DNS system translates this name to the IP address), for mail routing and so on.

Causes of the error "DNS server does not respond"

So, what are the causes of the error "Computer parameters are configured correctly, but the device or resource (DNS server) does not respond"? I would noted as follows:

How to fix the error "Computer Settings is configured correctly but the device or the DNS resource does not respond"

So, if you encountered dysfunction the device or resource (DNS server) does not respond, then follow these steps:

  • Restart the system. One of the most trivial solutions is often quite effective;
  • Restart your router. Remove the power cord plug from the router, wait a minute, and then insert the plug back and turn on the device. The device memory will be cleaned, and it is possible that the problem DNS server does not respond will be solved;

  • Use the automatic IP and the DNS server address from Google. Click the Start button, type the search string nCPA.cpl and press Enter. Find your Internet connection in the list of connections, click on it with right mouse button and select "Properties".

In the list of components, find the Internet protocol of the fourth version, click on it twice, and in the properties window that appears, activate the "Get IP Address automatically" option.

At the bottom, click on the "Use the following addresses of the DNS servers" option, and write the address in the first line, and in the other - Check the "Confirm options when exit" options and click on "OK" below. After try to reboot the system and go to the site you need on the network;

  • Try updating DNS parameters. Open the command prompt on the administrator name (click on the "Start", type in the search string cmd.However, the program icon appears with an identical name, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Run from the administrator"). Then, alternately, enter the following commands, not forgetting to click on "Enter" after each of them:

ipconfig / flushdns.

ipconfig / registerdns.

ipconfig / Release.

ipconfig / renew.

netsh Winsock Reset.

After you restart your system, and it is possible that the question "how to correct the error device or a resource (DNS server) does not respond" will be removed.

  • Try to set the physical address as a network in the network adapter settings.. To do this, open the command prompt with the administrator rights as described above, type IPConfig / All in it and press Enter .

The network parameters of your system will appear on the screen, pay attention to the "Physical Address" (Physical ADRESS), consisting of letters and numbers (for example, 2a-3F-8E-B9-30-C9). Rewrite it to yourself on a piece of paper.

Now click on the "Start" button, enter the search string nCPA.cpl and press Enter. Select Active Internet Connection, click on it with right mouse button and select "Properties".

After opening the properties window, click on "Configure" next to the title of your network card, in the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab, click on the " Network Addresses.", Activate the" value "option and enter the physical address that you have previously recorded (without hyphens). Confirm the changes, then open your browser and try to go to the desired website;

  • Check your PC for virus programs. (Dr.Web Cureit! Trojan Remover, Malware Anti-Malware and a number of others are suitable for Dr.Web Cureit!
  • Temporarily disconnect your firewall and antivirus, and then try to go to the network, it can help in the question, how to figh off the error device or resource (DNS server) does not respond;
  • Check the operation of the DNS client service. Click on the "Start" button, enter the search string services.msc. and press Enter. In the opened services window, find the "DNS client", click on it twice, and check that there was a start type "automatically". You can also try to restart this service.

Video solution

When parsing dysfunction "Computer settings are configured correctly, but the device or DNS resource does not respond," you should, first of all, try to restart the router, as well as update the parameters of the DNS using the appropriate commands given by me above. If these tips did not help, try the entire nomenclature of solutions from those given by me above, they will help to solve the problem described in the absolute majority of cases.

In contact with