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FTP clients in Linux. FileZilla FTP Client - Free FTP Client for Linux and Windows

File Manager Nautilus - like FTP and WebDAV client.

In the last release Ubuntu. 13.04, as a default file manager, used a new version Nautilus. As we know, it is this version of "Nautilus" caused ambiguous opinions, and in essence, most users were unpleasantly surprised at how "underdeveloped" was this release, and even used in the default system. Many, immediately rushed to seek any alternative, one of which was Nemo. - Analogue "Nautilus" in the distribution Linux Mint. , working environment Cinnamon. Nemo. certainly good in everything, but its installation on Ubuntu., pulled the whole working shell Cinnamon.

CrossFtp. - another FTP. client written on Java.using a fully familiar type of conductor interface and quite good common characteristicsrelative to its functionality and opportunities. Basic I. the main version Programs is Crossftp pro., purely commercial plan, which has a full set of characteristics. CrossFTP is a free client option, with a slightly trimmed potential, but quite sufficient for standard tasks, when working on this type of protocol. In general, according to the overall rating, the program takes good position, especially true full version, but honestly, it repels somewhat, if you can put it, implementing using Java..

JFtp. - Another representative from the class of client FTP.-News created using the programming language Java. and is an analogue of his commercial "fellow" JFTP 4.0. from jmethods.. The program has its own, individual interface, not similar to any other used in such programs. I must say that initially, JFtp. does not make a special impression, a few "dull" some kind appearanceYes, even the absence of Russian, also does not attach inspiration. In fact, the power and functionality of the program, very and very significant and only a little inferior, in terms of its capabilities, such a magnificent customer as FileZilla..

Kftpgrabber. - Powerful enough FTP. client Ubuntu., with the presence of a wide range of existing functionalitydesigned to work on this protocol, with support for traffic encryption TLS / SSL.. The program is equipped with a modern two-poy interface, each of which, as if divided into two more, forming the shared navigation area. This is somewhat unusual and at first, a feeling of some kind of existing in the presence of existing windows is created, instead of the usual tree-like orientation structure, which is used in most FTP. clients.

Gnome Commander. - one more, very high quality file managerbilitation GTK.+ and having in his arsenal module for work on the protocol FTP.. The name itself already says that this application most preferable to use in the medium Gnome.But absolutely does not mean, its impossibility of application and in other working shells. If you draw an analogy, then in the environment Kde.His opponent is about which he was spent somewhat earlier.

FTP. - Yes, yes, this is exactly the name of the program, simple and simple, but the name itself is still far from the crown of this creation. The vertex of designer art (in quotes) can be called, and more or rather call, the appearance of the program. Such a superformation, especially if you want, you will not find it or, you will have to be pregnant, in search of this kind of raritet. Well, to top it all, for completeness, so to speak with all the configuration, it is worth noting the maximum inconvenience when using the program.

As it is clear from the very name, the main purpose of the program is a file manager, and very cool in all respects. The most powerful, multifunctional, convenient file manager, comparable by analogy with Total Commander. of OS WindowsBut maybe even more abruptly. There is a truth one small "but", this application is developed within the project Kde.And therefore, and is intended mainly to use it in this work environment.

Very good, quite acceptable FTP.-clin, according to his likeness, just as it has an external similarity, with all the well-known client FileZilla.. The same two-fledged, fairly simple and convenient, without excesses interface, plus it can be added, cross-platform, multithreading, safe and reliable file sharing, graphic and console control option, multilancefulness (including and Russian), well, and much more .

The FTP program is available on most systems (even Win32 comes with the FTP program).

There are a large number of other Console FTP customers. The list given here is far from complete, but includes the most popular of them. Look for them on Freshmeat to find more.


NCFTP is a well-known FTP client for UNIX users. It comes with most Linux distributions, and has advanced features, such as TAB and creating bookmarks. Version 2 NCFTP programs had problems when working in full screen mode. This is fixed in version 3 (now in beta).

It is not 100% compatible according to the standard fTP teams. For example, GET and PUT in NCFTP are similar to MGET and MPUT in standard FTP. So, if you want to save a remote file under a different name on local diskYou must enter Get -z Remotename LocalName. NCFTP has excellent help that will help learn the teams to you.

The latest version of NCFTP is available at


lukemFTP has advanced possibilities that include: Editing the command line, select in command line FTP and HTTP addresses, context-sensitive completion of the string, process promotion line, IPv6 support, changing the save time, page viewing local and remote files, Support for passive mode (with a minor to active mode), SOCKS support and transmission speed adjustment.

The latest version of LukemFTP is located at


the LFTP client is an extended command line based on the FTP client. Like Bash, it has task management. Uses the readline GNU library to enter. You have the ability to edit on the command line and the auto-selection of input. LFTP also has bookmark support, using site mirrors, and send multiple files at the same time.

You can get last version LFTP at


Comfortable FTP client working in full screen mode. He doesn't have a lot of opportunities, but this is filled with ease of work. View directories is carried out using the cursor and ENTER control keys.

You can get the latest version of CFTP at


YAFC is very nice to use the FTP client, with features that include caching directories, automatization when entering the remote file name, Elias (Aliases), coloring files, recursive execution GET / PUT / LS / RM, organization of the queue, multiple connections, Proxy support and other .

Sooner or later, many of us comes to try yourself in a new direction. For example, in creating your site or server, and maybe he already has it and you just switched to Linux. No matter. The main thing is that in all these cases we need to somehow download files to the server. In case the site is located on hosting, you can use the online services of your hosting (which, by the way, is not always so comfortable as I would like), and if we have a server? In this situation we need. Today I present to your Ferris three FTP client: Filezilla, GFTP and for console lovers - MC.

So, I think that in the case of the site you have decided and will use some of Linux hosting, because often hosting on Linux is cheaper than on Windows. And in the case of your own server, we assume that you have already configured FTP on it.

I propose to install everything and choose the one that you like.

Ubuntu / Debian / Mint:

Sudo APT-Get Install Filezilla MC GFTP

Sudo Yum Install Filezilla MC GFTP

Sudo Pacman -s Filezilla MC GFTP

Here you go. Now you can start the review itself. Let's start with the MC. This console file manager is small, but removed. Except how to perform files with files on a local machine, it can also be connected to the FTP server, install a shell connection and SMB connection. Today, he is only interested in the FTP client. You choose the right or left panel on top, as you like more, no difference, -\u003e FTP connection ... -\u003e A window appears, in it enter the server address in the form of an IP address or URL (if you want to set an anonymous connection to the server) or as [Email Protected]address_server (if you want to enter the server under your login). After that, click ENTER, one more window appears, in it enter the password, ready.

Further we will analyze GFTP. However, it is the easiest of graphic FTP clients. Simplicity, undepair to resources, freeness. Supports SSL. The bottom is located the console in which all events are displayed, and on top of the panel for data entry.

And the third client - FileZilla. He has no special differences, except that the console is on top, and not from the bottom. Especially pleased the presence of a catalog tree. Yes, and the buttons with different functions, it has more, for example, synchronized viewing, or recursive file search, as well as a comparison of directories and others. Can download more than two gigabytes files.

P.S. In this selection, only free and free FTP clients. There are, of course, and other no less attractive customers for connecting fTP ProtocolBut about them in the following articles. Do not forget to vote for the article.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - File Transfer Protocol. The FTP protocol allows you to transmit and download files from the server. To date, this protocol is not particularly popular, as it does not support data encryption. Instead of FTP, use SFTP protocol (SSH data transmission), as well as SCP protocol. This article discusses the configuration of the usual FTP server based on Ubuntu.

The FTP protocol operates in the client-server mode. The server constantly listens to requests from remote customers on 21 port. When you receive a query, it controls the input and establishes the connection. During the session, the server performs any commands sent by the FTP client. As a protocol transport level Used TCP. For FTP data transfer uses two types of connections:

  1. Managing Connection (Port 21)
  2. Data connection (in active port 20, in passive any port more than 1024)

Separation to the control connection and data transfer connection is effective. This allows you to transmit commands and files independently of each other.

FTP supports two types of authentication:

  1. Anonymous (Login FTP or Anonymous, Password - Email)
  2. Authorized (login and password each user's own)

When working on the FTP protocol between the client and the server, two modes can be installed: active and passive. The control compound is equally for active and passive mode. The client initiates a TCP connection from a dynamic port (1024 - 65535) to port number 21 on the FTP server, after which authentication occurs. Next steps depend on what mode is selected.

In active mode, after authentication, the client tells the server also the number of his port (from dynamic range 1024 - 65535) In order for the server to connect to the client to set the data connection. The FTP server connects to the specified port port number using the TCP port number 20 for its part for data transmission.

In passive mode, after authentication, the server reports the client the TCP port number (from the dynamic range of 1024 - 65535) to which you can connect to set the data transfer connection.

Thus, in the active mode, the connection is initiated by the server, as it connects to the client. In passive mode, the connection is the client.

The active mode is "harmful" for the client in the sense that when the server is connected to it by random port, this connection will most likely be blocked by a firewall on the client side. Thus, it is necessary to open ports on the client side, which leads to "holes" in safety. On the other hand, for the server, this mode will be useful, since a well-known port 20 is used for data transmission.

Passive mode "harmful" in turn for server, but beneficial for the client. The client will make both connections to the server, but one of them will be to a random high port, such a connection will block the firewall on the server side.

Passive mode is used, as a rule, when a firewall is between the client and the server.

The most popular FTP commands:

Team Description
User. Specify username
Pass Specify the password
List View the contents of the catalog
CWD. Change current catalog
Retr. Transfer file from server to client
Stop. Pass the file from the client to the server
Type Set the transmission mode
DELE Delete a file
MDK. Create catalog
RMD. Delete catalog
Pasv. Use passive mode
Quit. Exit and rupture

FTP has three transmission modes:

  1. Power - Continuous data transmission in the form of a stream (without processing, TCP processing is performed)
  2. Block - FTP divides data to blocks (title, data field, file size in bytes) and transfers to TCP
  3. Compression mode with a single algorithm

FTP server - "Library" files on hosting, used to store files different formats. The most popular FTP servers are VSFTPD and PROFTPD. The FTP server is needed in order to place on them for public and private downloading large amounts of data. Often servers are used for an anonymous (guest) access to posted in open video Distributions by, music and photos. Access to Anonymous allows us to just view directories and download the necessary information, but on some servers, on the contrary, there are special scatsties, where any user can download a file for sharing.

With non-anonymous access, more, but they are limited to the directory where access is provided.

Let us turn to the server setting. We will work with such a scheme.

Access to the FTP server will have both the administrator and the user. The administrator and the user have authorized access. At the same time, it is necessary to configure access rights in such a way that the administrator has unlimited access, and the user has access only to its home directory. You also need to configure anonymous access.

In Ubuntu for the DHCP server, the VSFTPD daemon is available. Install the DHCP server, it is executed by the command:

testServer $ sudo APT-Get Install VSFTPD

By default, anonymous load is prohibited. You must change the configuration in the /etc/vsftpd.conf file.

testServer $ sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf

We find there a string "anonymous_enable" and assign the meaning of "yes". This string is responsible for accessing the FTP server for anonymous users.

It is also necessary to revalue two lines: "write_enable" and "chroot_local_user". The first line is responsible for the ability to record on the server, the second line blocks the ability to climb the directory higher than their home folder.

At the end of the configuration file, add two settings:

Settings These set home folders for anonymous and local users.

Keep the file configuration with a combination keys Ctrl. + X (upon proposal to replace current file. Choose yes). Next you need to reboot fTP server Team

testServer $ Sudo Service VSFTPD Restart

The next step is to create users.

Create a superuser command:

testServer $ sudo AddUser SuperUser

We ask him a password:

testServer $ Sudo Passwd Superuser

Give him unlimited rights:

testServer $ sudo AddUser Superuser Sudo

Create regular user:

testServer $ sudo AddUser User

We ask him a password:

testServer $ Sudo Passwd User


Create a group of users to manage folders:

testServer $ Sudo AddGroup Groupl

testServer $ Sudo Nano / etc / group

We find the line "groupl" with Ctrl + W.

This line add our users SuperUser and User.

Create folders for users:

testServer $ Sudo MKDIR / SRV / FTP / Upload

testServer $ Sudo MKDIR / SRV / FTP / SuperUser

testServer $ Sudo MKDIR / SRV / FTP / User

Specify access rights for folders:

testServer $ Sudo Chmod 700 / SRV / FTP / SuperUser

testServer $ Sudo Chmod 770 / SRV / FTP / User

testServer $ Sudo Chmod 575 / SRV / FTP / UPLOAD

We change the owners of the folders:

testServer $ sudo Chown SuperUser: / SRV / FTP / SuperUser

testServer $ Sudo Chown User: GroupL / SRV / FTP / User

testServer $ Sudo Chown: GroupL / SRV / FTP / Upload

Thus, we turn out the following picture:

  1. Only SuperUser user has access to the SuperUser folder, it is the owner of this folder.
  2. The user folder has access to both USER and SuperUser. This is due to the fact that we put the rights 7 7 0. The second seven establishes full rights for the GroupL user group in which we added SuperUser.
  3. To folder Upload full access have both User and SuperUser. For all other rights are installed only reading and execution 5 75 . 5 \u003d 101 (in binary system). 101 ~ R-x. That is, the rest of users (and they are anonymous) cannot be recorded in the Upload folder.

Check access rights and owners team:

testServer $ LS -L / SRV / FTP

In order to check access to the FTP server, it is necessary in any browser in address line dial

fTP: //

In this case, we fall as an anonymous user, since we do not enter the name and password.

We see three folders superUser /, Upload /, User /.Since we went under an anonymous user access only to the folder upload /.

In order to enter the name of the superuser, we enter:

fTP: // [Email Protected]

We enter the username: superUser.Password: 12345 . Under SuperUser we get access to all folders.

Check out the usual user. In order not to enter the name and password every time you enter, you can write the following in the address bar:

fTP: // User: [Email Protected]

Under USER We can only fall in folders uPLOAD / and user /. To the folder superUser / Access closed.

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