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The best linux system. Linux and other Linux - choosing a distribution kit for "escape from Windows

The first step is to decide what you will be using linux for.

Before installing the system on a hard disk, you can try to run it in an emulator (virtualbox, qemu or any other) or write it to an optical disk / usb flash drive and boot from cd / dvd-rom / usb.

If you are a beginner and have never dealt with Linux, then it makes sense to install the distribution kit that a familiar Linux user has.

Now I will try to go over the most popular distributions and describe the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Time-tested old school things



A very nice and handy distribution. Suitable for both server and desktop. Huge development team, many packages available. Debian has a very convenient APT package management system and is quite flexible in configuration. When accessing the Internet, you can choose one of five branches in the main directory tree - "oldstable" (previous stable), "stable", "testing", "unstable" (unstable, also known as "sid" ) and "experimental", which is not a full-fledged branch - it contains packages that require careful testing or which will entail major changes in the distribution.
Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that the stable version contains not the newest versions of programs (who would have thought?). is the official site.


Source-based distribution. The distribution has a convenient package and dependency management system, which cannot be said about binary distributions.

One of the drawbacks is the tedious process of compiling large packages and the non-zero probability of system breakdown after the next update with insufficient knowledge of this system.
Another drawback is the need for an Internet connection to download updates (I think this can be neglected these days).

The pluses are great amount documentation, fresh versions software, good support equipment, incredible flexibility in customization.

I recommend this distribution as a home distribution, provided that your hardware is not very weak. Also used on servers or as a distribution kit for embedded systems (thanks to the flexibility I mentioned above). In the case of low-power hardware, packages are compiled (cross-compiled) on the main system, and then simply installed on the target system. is the official site.


The oldest surviving distribution kit, the choice of Russian physicists (meme from lore). Its main differences are the complete absence of any unnecessary embellishments and graphical customization tools, a simple text installer. All settings are made through editing text configuration files. It is one of those distributions that has maintained a strict adherence to UNIX principles. Try it if you are not afraid of the command line and prefer manual editing of configs to graphical utilities.

For a long time it was only available for the x86 architecture, but now a version is also available for x86_64 is the official site.

Arch Linux

Lightweight, simple and flexible distribution. Optimized for i686 and x64, using the most recent stable versions of packages.
This is a binary distribution, but it is possible to build packages from sources.

Very similar to Slackware, but has a much more powerful package management system (pacman) and is more liberal with new versions of packages.

Among the shortcomings: fewer packages than in Debian and Gentu, the lack of such powerful customization tools, such as YaST in Suse.

On the plus side, you can add a more relaxed attitude towards non-free (non-free) packages than, for example, in debian.

This is a general purpose distribution. It is successfully used both on workstations and on servers. But, like any other distribution, it takes some getting used to.

Red-Hat / CentOS

A well tested distribution that is more suitable for a server than a desktop.
CentOS differs from Red Hat only in the lack of support.

More popular

Ubuntu Linux

Probably the most popular Linux distribution in existence. Ubuntu is based on Debian Sid (unstable branch), but with more modern packages including latest version GNOME.

One of the most interesting features is the fact that Account"root" is disabled by default; the first registered user after installation gets superuser rights via the "sudo" command.
Pros: large community of developers and users, fixed release schedule and support period, ‘user-friendliness’ in the form of additional graphical customization tools, great job"from the box".
Cons: unstable software versions are often used in stable distributions. Also disliked by some experienced users due to its clear focus on housewives.


Benefits: Professional attention to detail, easy-to-use YAST installation and setup system.
Disadvantages: As with other distributions developed in the US, out of the box multimedia support is limited.


The distribution started as a Red Hat sponsored and community oriented distribution. It contains the newest versions of packages. And since a significant part of the technologies of the Linux world is born in the depths of RedHat, the first thing they do, of course, fall into the fedora.

Pros: Extremely innovative, fresh software releases, good localization.

Cons: Unstable versions of software are prone to bugs (redhat testing ground).

ALT Linux

This distribution is developed in Russia and is traditionally considered to be focused on excellent support for the Russian language. In addition, it has a FSTEC certificate, if it is important for someone.

In the server versions of the distribution, great emphasis is placed on the security of network services. Pros: Excellent Russian language support, good community support.

Cons: Not always fresh software.



The distribution kit developed in the bowels of the sun microsystems company, which gave the world such free products as mysql, virtualbox, java. In 2010, Oracle bought Sun and went its own way.

For a desktop, it is better suited opensolaris - open version (the project was closed).

An operating system developed by Bell Labs to overcome fundamental flaws in UNIX design. All resources are presented as files and are available in a hierarchical file system.


Allows you to build your linux distribution step by step from the very beginning. After installing it, you can really say that you know how Linux works.
Sometimes it’s just useful to read the instructions for building LFS, for general development.


This is far from full list Linux distributions. Detailed description each distro can be found at or even wikipedia

But choosing a distribution kit is still worth personal preference, and not based on its rating on some site or popularity.

This question is asked by everyone windows user who wants to migrate to Linux operating system. And today I will try to help you answer this question, in other words I will list Linux distributions that are suitable for a novice Linux user, of course, with a rationale as to why these particular distributions are suitable for a beginner.

We have already reviewed a lot of Linux distributions on this site, there were also beautiful ones like Linux Deepin, popular and powerful like Ubuntu and Debian, not very popular, but at the same time simple, compact and fast like Manjaro Linux, as well as many other good distributions. And now it's time to highlight those distributions from all this that are best suited for a novice Linux user.

On a note! If you are a regular user home computer and want to get acquainted with Linux closer, I recommend reading my book - " ", In it I talk in detail about the basics operating system Linux

And first, let's define the criteria that a Linux distribution for beginners should meet, in other words, what I based on when compiling a list of distributions.

Criteria for choosing a Linux distribution for a beginner

  • Installing the distribution should be simple;
  • Intuitive, simple yet powerful desktop environment;
  • The distribution kit must be multilingual with support for the Russian language out of the box, i.e. for localization, you do not need to perform any additional actions, except for choosing the language at the stage of installing the system;
  • A sufficiently large and developed community so that in case of a problem there is always someone to turn to;
  • A good set of programs both installed by default and those that can be installed additionally;
  • Stable, reliable and safe performance;
  • The distribution kit must be actively developed so that a situation does not happen when, for example, we installed an operating system, and its support and development in general stopped after six months;
  • The distribution must be free;
  • It should be popular both in the world and here in Russia.

Speaking specifically about the desktop environment, and you should already know that there are many graphical shells in Linux, then KDE is suitable for a beginner, since it is, in principle, similar to the Windows shell and thus mastering new system it will be much easier, besides that, it is powerful and popular.

And now let me bring list of Linux distributions for newbies, there will be only three distributions in it, since I believe that giving an extended list in this case is not necessary, this will complicate the choice, and not simplify it. And, of course, I will start with the most suitable distribution kit, which is just great for novice users.

Linux Mint

This is a distribution Linux Mint which is a great option for newbies as it meets all of the above criteria. Its installation is very simple, this process we examined here, the set of programs is huge, while their installation is very simple, since the distribution includes one of best managers programs, for example, in the article about installing the Skype program, you can look at its work and interface. This distribution is based on Ubuntu, which means its stability and reliability. The distribution officially supports desktop environments: Cinnamon, MATE, KDE and Xfce. The Russian language is present, the community is large, the distribution kit is actively developing, besides, Linux Mint is the most popular Linux distribution kit according to the site's version.

Screenshots of Linux Mint 17.1 in Mate GUI

Mint desktop and menus

File manager

Program manager

Control center

Linux openSUSE

openSUSE is also a great distribution for a beginner. I put it in second place, because it seems to me that Mint is a little simpler or something, but this is my personal opinion. By itself, openSUSE is a very powerful, popular and at the same time simple distribution, which is aimed just like Mint at regular home computer users. The default desktop environment here is KDE, and the openSUSE developers are actively involved in the development of KDE, so I believe that openSUSE should only be installed with this graphical shell. We examined the installation of this distribution in the material Installing Linux openSUSE, it is also very simple and even a beginner can handle it.

Screenshots of Linux openSUSE 13.2 in KDE GUI

Desktop and main menu

File manager

YaST Control Center

Linux Mageia

Linux Mageia is another distro that will suit the novice Linux user. This distribution is also actively developing, has a good community, is very easy to install and manage ( we covered the installation process here), it also targets newbies. The default desktop environment is KDE.

Screenshots of Linux Mageia 4.1 with KDE Desktop Environment

Desktop and menu

Control center

Program management

The Linux distributions listed above are a great option for novice users. On this I propose to end the luck in mastering the Linux operating system.

When choosing a Linux distribution, users think it's best to download the latest version. They believe that this is what looks best and works without errors. However, this does not always correspond to the truth. During 2016, the company released several assemblies of this operating system. It should be noted that among them there are both good options and bad. That is why, before downloading, you need to think about which option will be the best. And only after all the pros and cons are assessed, you can install the downloaded distribution.

How to choose?

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all system that will suit every user. Each person needs their own set of features and options.

A beginner needs a simple and convenient interface, a lover of new technologies needs options that are not available in previous versions... The main thing for the administrator is security and functionality, as well as functions to support remote management.

Several Linux distributions were released in 2016. Among them, there will definitely be the option that is needed. However, no rating can make a choice for the buyer. That is why you need to independently look for the option that is most suitable. There are several criteria that are important in any Linux version.

Criterias of choice

  • Security. If there are flaws in the system, then viruses will easily get to the computer. Of course, Linux is a great example of reliability, but it still depends not only on built-in functions, but also on security settings, access logs, and so on. It is best to choose the distribution kit where there are already optimal settings and there are no loopholes for malicious systems, then the user will feel completely safe.
  • Support and community. We are talking about a team of developers and users who use this system. The fact is that it is best to choose the option that is more or less popular. After all, then you can go to any forum, ask people who use the same version how to solve this or that problem. If a person downloads an unpopular version, then he will have to deal with all the problems on his own. This criterion especially applies to highly specialized modifications. After all, which Linux to choose is a rather difficult question, so you need to look closely at this as carefully as possible.
  • Stability. It is important that the system does not crash, does not give errors, and also does not crash any applications. After all, such "advantages" are clearly not to the liking of users. A person will constantly have to look for the reasons for the errors that arise, and also solve them. At the same time, it should be noted that it does not matter at all why a particular distribution was chosen, for any work it is important that the system is stable.
  • Design. The shell of the system is not the main thing, because, in principle, it does not affect the operation of the system. However, if you are satisfied with all the other functions of the system, then you should pay attention to the appearance of the Linux operating system. It should be simple and easy to use. You need to note that each distribution can be designed in different ways. That is why during installation it is necessary to choose the theme that the person likes the most.
  • Functionality. The main thing is that the system is useful and interesting, has many options, but which do not interfere with the user's work. It is also important for many people that there is a flavor that has not been previously used in another system. It is necessary to pay attention to everything when installing a certain distribution installed applications, many Linux users note that it is quite difficult to work with the device with a large number of unnecessary utilities. This is what most often affects users who are thinking about which Linux to choose.
  • Modernity. In general, it must be said that the old systems that everyone knows are quite reliable and time-tested. However, if a person has used one before, then it will be quite difficult to get used to when switching to a modern distribution kit. If the version was released quite recently, then it should be noted that most likely it will have bugs and bugs. However, it is still better to focus on modern development. It is not necessary to download the latest version. You can choose a more reliable and successful one, released a year earlier.
  • Convenience. The last criterion that you must pay attention to. When you turn on the computer, it is advisable to start working immediately, and not wait a few minutes for the applications to be configured. Accordingly, the interface should be both practical and understandable. After all, Linux is a pretty good operating system, the main thing is to download the correct version.

When choosing which Linux modification for PC to download, you should not focus on the modern and most popular versions, because what everyone likes and is in the "number one" rating will not necessarily be liked by someone else. You can run the build in a virtual machine or using emulators. So, before installing, you can try to work in the system in order to determine whether you like it or not. Moreover, at Linux installation it should be noted that this operating system is a little unpredictable. Therefore, it is possible to understand whether it is suitable or not only on the basis of personal experience.


Answering the question about which Linux is better, it is necessary to say about Ubuntu. New versions are often released, although since the system was released 10 years ago, it is still being improved. In 2017, it is still a fairly popular version of Linux. Most often, it is the beginners who install it. Why? The fact is that it is as easy as possible to install it on a computer. She has a beautiful and user-friendly interface, there is nothing superfluous. You don't even need a terminal here, because you can work in Ubuntu without it.

The modification is slightly different from classic Linux. The fact is that you will have to work in it through command line... This is in some way both an advantage and a disadvantage. It is very easy to get used to this environment, but if a person installs another build, then he will not be able to use it without instructions. New features are constantly appearing in Ubuntu, but at the same time there are many bugs. Eliminate them as soon as they are found.

Cons of "Ubuntu"

Of the minuses, it should be noted that errors may appear that no one has encountered before.

If you then want to choose some other Linux distribution, then it will be very difficult to rebuild.

The stability of this operating system is poor. Unfortunately, there may be some failures, but when correct setting this can be avoided. In general, the errors are not critical, but they leave an unpleasant impression. This is how it works this version Linux. Reviews confirm this.

Pluses of "Ubuntu"

What should be noted of the benefits? You can put many programs on it, modifications are free to download, and this system is also distributed free of charge. The distribution kit is installed in 10 minutes.

The interface is as clear as possible and is great for beginners. It is easy to understand and understand the essence.

Viruses are practically impossible here. The fact is that the system is configured in such a way that it is simply impossible to install any program even in the background without user participation. And therefore, if the user himself does not miss the malicious software, then it will not get into the system.

Ubuntu is versatile and can be installed on top of Windows. Thus, you do not have to demolish the old system, you can use two at the same time.

Along with the assembly comes a special set of software. It should be noted that this Linux Ubuntu operating system is popular and is included in any rating of distributions. If any error occurs, you can resolve it by contacting the forum.


Another pretty clear interface... There are special modules that can be downloaded additionally if a person goes to work with Windows systems on Linux. It has a slightly similar taskbar, navigation and operating principles. There are several working tools, among which the user can choose which one to work with.

It should be noted that the Linux Mint review will not be complete without mentioning Ubuntu. The fact is that this environment is based on it. Were removed all the shortcomings that were inherent in the above-described system. It should be noted that the assembly is a bit special. It has special multimedia codecs. It also contains programs that are necessary for working on a computer. Feedback just lovely. The creators constantly listen to the opinions of users and improve the system. When talking about which Linux to choose, be sure to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages. About them below.

Cons of Mint

Among the minuses, it should be noted that the developer of this version is not a company, but ordinary users... In general, this is an advantage, since the developer communicates with users as much as possible, but on the other hand, it is also a disadvantage, since he is not a professional and can make mistakes.

Pros of Mint

Of the advantages, it should be noted that the interface is convenient, you can switch between working environments. Updates and various packs for improvements are released very often.

Free distribution. There are plugins that make it easy to install programs, as well as many others useful functions, elements on this moment are one of the most common assemblies. There are huge forums where the operation of this system is discussed and you can find answers to your questions.


You should think about which Linux to choose only when you have a thought to install a distribution kit. The fact is that there are a large number of interesting options that are worthy of the attention of users. This article describes two builds that are considered to be truly the best for beginners. They get positive feedback. You should read the above Linux overview and choose the one you like.

Linux is a class of operating systems based on the kernel of the same name, distributed free of charge and having an open source source... There are many operating system implementations that are based on the Linux kernel. Everyone is like that software package is called a Linux distribution.

Each distribution reflects a particular development group's vision of the "ideal" operating system. Therefore, the development branches of Linux differ not only in the field of application, graphical interface, a set of programs, but also an ideology, which often affects the final process of interaction with the OS.

Why Choose Linux?

The indisputable and main advantage of Linux is the official free and free distribution. Nevertheless, this licensing model also has inevitable negative aspects: the lack of a support service and any guarantees from the organization that releases the distribution kit, the difficulty of mastering, possible conflicts with applied software.

Another complication is the large number of distributions, each of which has specific features. Choosing a distribution kit is a daunting task, but if you exclude initially complex systems designed for experienced technicians from the search area, then you can only consider a few basic options.


The Linux Fedora operating system is managed by Red Hat. This distribution is used exclusively with free licenses- the developers deliberately refused to use proprietary software. These include, for example, various device drivers or well-known plugins such as Adobe Flash and mp3. Thus, interaction with the system is complicated by the original ideology, which excludes the use of proprietary developments.

Distributions - implementations of operating systems based on the Linux kernel

There is no user support, and the project itself is used by Red Hat as a testing ground for the latest technologies. Failure to use proprietary drivers may cause unstable operation of the operating system on some hardware. Thus, the distribution kit can hardly be called stable and convenient for use as the main system.


The distribution kit was initially aimed at inexperienced users, which is why it acquired a number of characteristic features:

  • comes with a set of ready-made software, which includes office suite LibreOffice and the browser Mozilla Firefox;
  • does not use the highest level of user rights by default. This is significantly the security and stability of the system;
  • ideology Ubuntu supports the presence of proprietary software (for example, Skype, Adobe Flash Player etc.) in the official repository (program repository), which makes it easier to configure the operating system.

It is Ubuntu that is one of the most optimal distributions for mastering Linux.

Linux Mint

This branch of Linux was originally based on Ubuntu, using the corresponding software repositories. Thus, Linux Mint inherits most of the advantages of Ubuntu, but also brings its own:

  • included special program facilitating migration from Windows;
  • included proprietary drivers and codecs, as well as a set of necessary plugins, including Java and Flash;
  • the graphical environment is used, which in many respects resembles the Windows interface.

Linux Mint, along with Ubuntu, can be called the most reliable and convenient version Linux for home and laptop use. According to a number of ratings, it is Linux Mint that is the most popular distribution as of 2016.


Debian is one of the oldest supported distributions. The system has proven itself to be extremely stable. Disadvantages include a huge amount of software that is difficult to understand at first, the need to customize after installation and the lack of proprietary software. Debian can be described as a stable and user-friendly system, but it is worth starting to use after familiarizing yourself with simpler distributions such as Linux Mint or Ubuntu.

Linux Ubuntu is one of the most popular distributions

How not to be mistaken with the choice?

A good practice before choosing a distribution is preliminary testing and comparison of several options - a kind of "test drive" that will help you finally make your choice. You can have a preliminary acquaintance with the system in two ways: using the so-called live CD or using a virtual machine. In both the first and second cases, you first need to download the images of the installation disks of the distributions you are interested in.

Advice. Most modern distributions come in two versions: 32-bit and 64-bit. It is recommended to choose the 64-bit version as it provides the maximum compatibility with various software. Also, the stable version and the latest version may be provided for download. Stable is preferred.

Introducing the Live CD

Most installation disks of distributions allow you not only to install the system on HDD, but also run the trial version directly from a disk or USB drive. This option is called Live CD. Starting the operating system with installation disk has a number of limitations and is not intended for daily work, but with its help you can get acquainted with the distribution kit without resorting to installation on a hard disk.

Advantages this method:

  • the ability to check the stability of the distribution kit on a real PC configuration.


  • the need to use additional hardware ( DVD discs, USB drives);
  • the need to reboot the PC between running different distributions.

Getting Started with a Virtual Machine

A virtual machine is a special software tool allowing to emulate work personal computer... For a preliminary acquaintance with various distributions, you can advise the free VirtualBox system.

Linux Mint is the optimal distro for laptop and computer

The advantages of this method:

  • no additional hardware required ( DVD discs, USB drives);
  • comfortable work with several distributions at once without the need to restart the PC;
  • the user can familiarize himself with the process of installing the operating system on the hard disk in advance.


  • high requirements for the performance of a personal computer to ensure emulation;
  • the inability to check the stability of work on a real configuration (since emulation is used).

Having familiarized yourself with the various distributions with virtual machine or Live CD, you can actually appreciate the convenience of each of them. After such a test, it will probably become easier for you to make your choice, and you can start installing Linux on your hard disk.

Attention! Running Linux using a Live CD or virtual machine does not make any changes to your computer's file system. Installing the operating system on a PC will require formatting and / or partitioning hard disk, which can lead to complete or partial loss of information. Before installation, it is strongly recommended to make backup all important data.

Which distribution should you choose?

We can say that Linux Mint is by far the best choice for a home computer and laptop. It is stable, easy to learn, targeted at novice users and well documented with a large community around it. However, Linux Mint should not be viewed as the only viable option. Testing different distributions is a useful practice that will allow you to gain experience with Linux and form your own opinion about the various branches of development of a given operating system.

Best Linux Distros - video has offered its readers its version of the best distributions of the current year. However, so far this is not a statement of fact, but only a forecast based on a noticeable increase in the popularity of open source solutions in both the corporate and consumer sectors.

1 Best Comeback: OpenSUSE

SUSE is one of the oldest Linux developers. The company was founded a year after Linus Torvalds announced creating Linux... In fact, SUSE is even older than Red Hat.

Last year, the developers of the distribution made a crucial decision for the development of the product - to bring openSUSE as close as possible to SUSE. Linux Enterprise... Thus, openSUSE Leap is directly based on the SLE SP 1 codebase.

As a result of this step, openSUSE has become much more interesting for a potential user. corporate system, since it will simplify the transition to it. But that is not all. The release of a dedicated Tumbleweed distribution with continuous updates will keep you updated with the latest software.

Thus, an openSUSE user has the option of either running the stable version or installing the always up-to-date Tumbleweed. Thus, the solution became truly universal.

2 Most Customizable Distro: Arch Linux

Arch Linux continues to outperform all other distributions in many ways. Therefore, it remains the choice of many power users.

It is the perfect choice for anyone looking to learn Linux. Since almost everything is done there manually, the user will recognize the device of each operating system file.

Arch Linux is the most customizable distribution. It does not have its own desktop and default software set. After installation, the user only gets the "basic" system, and does the rest on his own. The result is work environment, which has everything you need and nothing superfluous.

Arch Linux is the best continuous update release. The user can be sure that his system has the most current versions applied software.

This distribution is also known for its excellent documentation. ArchWiki is one of the best sites for learning about Linux.

In addition, Arch Linux is the richest repository. If the program works on Linux, then it will almost certainly be found in the Arch User Repository.

3 Most Beautiful Distro: Elementary OS

Different distributions are created for different purposes. Most often these are some technical features solutions. Appearance the desktop is a secondary matter.

The Elementary OS developers decided to try a different approach. Design is of paramount importance, and the reason for this is quite obvious - the system is created by the designers. However, this concept has led to the fact that they choose for the system only those applications that fit into the design of the original desktop. But you have to come to terms with this - the distribution kit is conceived as the most beautiful, not the most functional.

4 Best Debut: Solus

The distribution cannot complain about the lack of attention from users. Moreover, the attention is well deserved.

The system was built from scratch - not derived from Debian or Ubuntu. It is based on the Budgie desktop and features the same minimalism as in Google chrome OS.

Although, strictly speaking, this is not at all new project... However, it was in the last year that he was revived under this name.

5 Best Cloud OS: Chrome OS

Chrome OS is not your typical Linux distribution. It's just a browser based on the Linux operating system.

The solution is very convenient for daily use. It does not require maintenance, and the software is updated automatically without user intervention, since it is located on the server. A good choice for those who only need a computer to surf the Internet.

6 Best laptop OS: Ubuntu MATE

Most laptops are not particularly tall technical characteristics... Therefore, "heavy" desktop environments are contraindicated for such devices - they not only consume a lot of system resources, but also quickly consume battery power.

A good choice for a laptop is Ubuntu MATE. It is a lightweight desktop, but it has all the "embellishments" you need to enjoy your work. System resources at the same time, they are spent on application programs, and not on supporting the graphical environment itself.

7 Best distro for old hardware: Lubuntu

if you have old laptop or PC, don't throw it away. Perhaps the Lubuntu system will breathe new life into it.

So far, this distribution uses the LXDE desktop, but in future versions it is planned to use LXQt, a project resulting from the merger of LXDE and Razor Qt. So Lubuntu is - the best choice for outdated equipment.

8 Best IoT Distro: Snappy Ubuntu Core

Snappy Ubuntu Core

This solution is the best Linux system for the Internet of Things. It will allow us to turn almost all the equipment around us into smart devices: routers, coffee makers, unmanned aerial vehicles ...

The attractiveness of the distribution is added by effective management of updates and the ability to use containers to improve security. The latter feature is extremely relevant, since the very concept of IoT implies special attention to countering information threats.

9 Best desktop distro: Linux Mint Cinnamon

Linux Mint Cinnamon

Linux Mint Cinnamon - universal system perfect for both desktop computers and for powerful laptops. It is often referred to as Mac OS X in the Linux world.

For quite a long time, the use of Linux Mint has been associated with certain problems due to the instability of the Cinnamon desktop. But everything changed as soon as the decision was made to use Ubuntu LTS as the basis and focus exclusively on developing the graphical interface itself.

10 Best gaming distro: Steam OS

Games have always been the weak point of the Linux desktop. A significant part of users decided to save on Windows computer solely to be able to play.

Valve Software has decided to change this state of affairs. Steam OS allows you to run games on a variety of platforms. At the end of last year, the solution was introduced to the market.

11 Best distro for privacy: Tails

Observing user actions is a real scourge of modern life. Privacy is slowly becoming a myth. This led to the need for a system that ensures the confidentiality of information.

The best solution for this purpose: Tails. The distribution is based on Debian and offers the user tools to provide complete anonymity online. This decision is so effective that the NSA considers it a serious threat to their mission.

12 Best Multimedia Distribution: Ubuntu Studio

Along with games, support for multimedia content is a weak point of Linux. Almost all focused on professional user applications run on either Windows or Mac OS X.

Nevertheless, there are also enough decent programs for a similar purpose for Linux. And they are all collected in Ubuntu system Studio. As a desktop, the system uses lightweight Xfce, which allows you to direct maximum computer resources to support the work application programs.

13 Best Enterprise Distribution: SLE / RHEL

Debian 8 with Numix Icon Theme

If you want to deploy a server but cannot afford to pay for SLE or RHEL, then there is nothing better than Debian or CentOS. Essentially, these systems are the gold standard for community-built server.

The systems have been supported for a long time, so users do not have to worry about software upgrades. This added value makes the systems attractive not only for home users, but also for small businesses.

15 Best Mobile System: Plasma Mobile

Despite the fact that the main mobile OS today is Android, some users may want to have on mobile device a traditional Linux system with a familiar set of applications. Moreover, they believe that the distribution should be developed not by a company, but by an independent community.

The right solution for them is KDE Plasma Mobile. The corresponding decision is being prepared within the framework of the Kubuntu project.

16 Best ARM distro: Arch Linux ARM

Arch Linux ARM on Raspberry PI

Success mobile system Android has spawned a large number of ARM devices, from the Raspberry Pi to Chromebooks to the Nvidia Shield. There are also specialized distributions for ARM, but they are designed for specific hardware. Like Raspbian for the Raspberry Pi, for example.

And only Arch Linux ARM is a universal system that can be installed on any ARM device. And thanks to the Arch User Repository, there are many applications available that are not available on other distributions.

UPD. If you are a beginner and do not know which distribution kit to choose, then we have recently published a new material especially for you:.