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Use Windows driver verification tool. How to find a faulty driver on a computer? Driver Check Manager How to Check Driver Conflict

Utility Driver. Verifier It is part of all versions of Windows, starting with Windows XP, and allows you to check for drivers, identify problem drivers that cause blue Screen of death (Bsod. - Blue Screen of Death) and record detailed information About the problem driver in memory dump for further analysis. The utility exposes verifiable drivers in various " stress tests", Imitating various extremal conditions: shortage of memory, I / O, IRQL control, interlocking, checks for DMA, IRP, etc., i.e. The situations that are infrequently influenced by productive systems, and monitors the behavior of the driver in them. The goal of the utility is to identify situations in which the driver can lead to an emergency completion of the system with BSOD.

The executable file of the DRIVER Verifier utility is called Verifier.eXE And is located in the catalog% windir% \\ system32. There are two options for using the utility: from the string command or with graphic interface.

To enable driver verification mode in Windows 8, run the Driver Verifier utility by typing


In the task list, select CREATE CUSTOM SETTINGS (for code developers)and press Next.

Make sure the options are selected. Standard settings, Force Pending I / O Requests and IRP Logging.. Click Next.

Next, select.

Sort the table content by clicking the "Provider" column header and select those that need to be tested in the driver list. In our example, we will run the check for all drivers, the developer of which is not Microsoft.Corporation. We have chosen drivers: E1G6032E.SYS (Intel) and lsi_sas.sys (LSI).

Note. The presence of a digital signature driver Microsoft testifies that the driver is tested in a certain way to stability and its code has not been modified after that. That is why it is not recommended or use.

It remains to click FINISHand the window will appear that it is necessary to reboot the system to entry into force.

Council. Checking mode for driver can be enabled from command line. For example, to launch Driver Verifier with standard settings For the MYPCDRIVER.SYS driver, the team will look like this:

Verifier / Standard / Driver Mypcdriver.sys

After rebooting, the system is loaded in drivers check mode. Driver Verifier works in the background, performing various types of testing selected drivers to identify errors. Use the computer as usual and wait for BSOD. If you know what actions brought earlier to the emergency completion of the system, repeat them. If the BSOD appears, you must copy the memory dump file (the default is saved in the C: \\ Windows \\ miniDUMP directory \\ *. DMP) and or analog.

Important! After activating the drivers' debug mode using Driver Verifier, this mode will work until it is turned off forcibly.

In the event that, if 1-2 days, the problem was not repeated, then with a certain degree of accuracy, it can be concluded that the driver checked is not the cause of the system fall and the check mode can be turned off for them.

Council. Using the inspection tool windows drivers Significantly slows down windows work, Therefore, it is not recommended to continuously work in this mode.

You can disable Driver Verifier check from the command line:

Verifier / Reset.

Or from the graphical interface by selecting the item DELETE EXISTING SETTINGS..

In the event that in normal mode, it is not possible to log in to the system, it is possible to disable the debug mode from a secure mode.

In the event that in safe mode the system is not loaded, try removing the following keys In the registry, booting from the boot disk:


Check the current status of the DRIVER Verifier utility.

Indicates on system Driverwhich is unlikely to cause a problem (for example, win32k.sys.). In this case, it will take a serious analysis of dump, requiring very deep knowledge and experience in this area. However, you can independently check the drivers using the inspection tool built into the operating system Verifier.exe.. Although it is described in detail in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article Using the driver checking tool for troubleshooting Windows Drivers, presented there material is set forth on a rather complex technical level. Below is given short description Actions that need to be executed for verifying drivers.

On this page

Getting Started with Drivers Test

On the menu StartPerform (or StartSearch) Enter verifier and press Enter. The driver check will be launched. Select Create non-standard parameters (for program code) and click Further.

Select individual parameters from full list and click Further.

In the next step, place all flags except Imitation of lack of resourcesand click Further.

In the next step, select Automatically choose unsigned driversand click Further. If unsigned drivers are not detected, proceed to.

Unsigned drivers

If the unsigned drivers are detected, you will see their list.

Drivers can belong both devices and applications. Do not close the driver for checking the drivers and do not press the button. Further now.

Search for updated drivers

You need to check if there are updated drivers.

  1. If you see the application driver list, visit the site of its manufacturer - the application is updated. If there is no updated version, you can try to delete the application (you can always set it back later). If critical errors stop, it was the cause.
  2. If you see in the device driver list and work in Windows Vista. Take advantage of the center windows updates To search for new drivers. This method is well suited for Windows Vista, since many device manufacturers collaborate with Microsoft, providing their download drivers. windows tools Update. In the control panel, select Windows Update Center and check for updates for driver driver. If the driver is found, install it.
  3. If Windows Update does not offer you new drivers, visit the device manufacturer's website. Perhaps new drivers are available there. If you have trouble search for drivers, contact the driver for the search for drivers, firmware and manuals on

After updating the application or driver, close the driver checks. press the button Cancel (but not Further) . Restart the computer and continue to work in the operating system. If the critical error does not occur anymore, you have eliminated it to update the driver.

Removing drivers

If you cannot detect new drivers, try removing the driver.

Attention! Deleting drivers leads to the inoperability of devices. After restarting at best, the operating system will install appropriate driver From the accommodated storage of drivers. If you are not sure whether you need to delete one or another driver, do not remove it.

In the device manager ( StartSearch / executedevmgmt.msc.OK) Find the device, right-click on it and select from context menu paragraph Properties. Then go to the tab Driver and click Delete.

Checking unsigned drivers

Attention! After checking unsigned drivers, the system may not boot (it is described below how to act in such a situation).

If you do not want to delete the driver and / or want to check the unsigned drivers, in the Driver Check Tools window, click Further. You will be prompted to choose a physical disk.

Ready, after which you restart the computer. If after rebooting you will see a blue screen with an error, the problem driver is defined - its name will be enabled in an error message. Enter secure mode and reset all driver check options by entering into StartSearch / execute Team verifier.exe / reset..

If the system booted into as usual modeThe inspection of unsigned drivers ended successfully - they are not a source of problems. You can see a list of verified drivers, running verifier.exe. .

Since unsigned drivers are not the cause of a critical error, you need to check other drivers.

Selective driver check

If the unsigned drivers are not detected or their verification did not reveal problems, you will have to selectly check the drivers. In this case, in the window shown below, select Select the driver name from the list.

In the next step, you will be prompted to choose drivers for checking. Do not choose all drivers immediatelySince their check will take a lot of time and resources of the system.

Therefore, the check may have to be produced in several stages. The phased sequence of driver selection may be like this:

  1. Recently updated drivers or those that typically cause problems (drivers antivirus software, network screens, virtual disks).
  2. Drivers whose supplier is not Microsoft.
  3. A group of 10 - 15 drivers at a time.

Select the disk on which the operating system is installed, and click the button. Ready, after which you restart the computer.

Attention! After checking the drivers, the system may not boot (below described how to act in such a situation).

If after rebooting you will see a blue screen with an error, the problem driver is defined - its name will be enabled in an error message. Restart the computer and log in to the safe mode by clicking F8. while loading. After logging into the system, reset all drivers check options by entering into StartSearch / execute Team verifier.exe / reset..

If the system loaded in normal mode, checking the selected drivers ended successfully - they are not a source of problems. You can see a list of verified drivers, running verifier.exe. and choosing an item in the first step Display information about current verified drivers.

Now select the next group of drivers and repeat the check.

All drivers are checked - what's next?

If the test of all drivers ended successfully, I have to remove the hat before your patience and perseverance. Most likely, the drivers are not the cause of a critical error occurring in your system. It is possible that the problem lies in the hardware of your computer - for example, in a faulty hard disk or random access memoryor the power supply has insufficient power To ensure the work of all devices. Other hardware problems that are also possible to check the drivers are also impossible.

If you assume that any of the drivers does not work correctly or, after analyzing the memory dump, you have identified the driver that caused the error, then for a more thorough check of the driver operation, you can independently check the drivers using the validation tool in the operating system Verifier.exe..

Checking unsigned drivers.

verifier And press ENTER.
2) Select and click Further.
and click Further.
Imitation of lack of resources and click Further.
Automatically choose unsigned drivers and click Further.

If the unsigned drivers are detected, the system will display you their list in which drivers and their description will be indicated. Moreover, the drivers found can belong to both devices and applications. Do not close while the Drawer Checking Tools window and do not press any buttons.

Option 1. Update the program or driver.

6) Visit the manufacturer's website of the device or author of the program and download a newer version.
7) Reinstall the program or update the driver.
8) After updating the application or driver, close the driver checks tool. Cancel.
9) Restart the computer and continue to work in the operating system.
If the system does not arise errors associated with this driver, it means that the driver update or the program eliminated it.

Option 2. Delete a program or driver.

6.1) Delete the program that belongs to this driver.
6.1.1) Open Control Panel Control Panels Controls and Components And delete the application to which the driver belongs.
Before deleting the program, make sure you have it installation disk Or its installation is saved on your disk.

6.2) Delete the driver in the Device Manager.
6.2.1) in the menu Start Right-click on A computer and select Properties.
6.2.2) Click on the list on the left to Device Manager.
6.2.3) B. Device Manager Find the device, right-click on it and select the item from the context menu. Properties.
6.2.4) Click the tab Driver and click Delete.

7) After you delete an application or driver, close the driver checkup window by pressing the button. Cancel.
8) Restart the computer and continue to work in the operating system.

If the system does not arise errors associated with this driver, it means that the driver delete or the program eliminates it.

Option 3. Check unsigned drivers.

Attention! After checking unsigned drivers, the system may not boot (before switching to further actionsRead. this option to end).

6) Press the button Ready And restart the computer.

7) Restart the computer
8) before the start windows startup Press the F8 key. When the disk selection window appears: select the disk on which you have installed Windows, press ENTER, and then immediately F8.
9) select item Safe mode
10) Open dialog menu Perform: Start -\u003e
11) Enter the command verifier.exe / reset. And press ENTER.

If the system booted in normal mode, the check of unsigned drivers ended successfully - they are not a source of problems.

Check signed drivers.

1) In the Start menu search string, enter verifier And press ENTER.
2) select item Create non-standard parameters (for program code) and click Further.
3) Set the switch to the value Select individual parameters from the full list and click Further.
4) Check all flags except checkbox Imitation of lack of resources and click Further.
5) Set the switch to the value Select the driver name from the list and click Further.
6) Click on the column header Provider For sorting drivers by their supplier.
7) Select the first 10-15 drivers by installing the flags in the column opposite them Check.
Do not choose all drivers immediately, as their check will take a lot of time and resources of the system.
8) Press the button Ready And restart the computer. If the system loaded in normal mode, checking the selected drivers ended successfully - they are not a source of problems. In this case, repeat the steps described above by selecting the following 10-15 drivers.

If after rebooting a blue screen appeared with an error, the problem driver is defined - its name will be included in the error message. In this case:

1) Restart the computer
2) Before starting Windows, press the F8 key. When the disk selection window appears: select the disk on which you have installed Windows, press ENTER, and then immediately F8.
3) Select Safe mode
4) Open the dialog menu Perform: Start -\u003e Perform or press the Win + R combination
5) Enter the command verifier.exe / reset. And press ENTER. If the test of all drivers ended successfully, then most likely the drivers are not the cause of a critical error occurring in your system.

For such cases, to verify how correctly drivers are running in Windows XP, there is special utility verifier.exe.. Utility Driver. Verifier, creates for drivers the most severe conditions in which the probability of refusal is very large, and the name of the fail-to-the driver is determined with the highest accuracy. Therefore, in the case of not systematic failures, it is useful to start the utility Driver. Verifier.eXE.Download Verifier is not necessary, since the utility is part of Windows and is in the catalog Windows \\ System32.

1 job S. Verifier.eXE

1.1. Start Verifier.exe.Start - Run - Verifier.eXE:

1.3. Utility Driver. Verifier.eXE Asked the reboot:

1.4. Two new parameters will appear in the registry:



Registry parameters associated with Driver. Verifier.eXE

2 Results inspections

2.1. If in the first window utility Driver. Verifier.eXEchoose "Display information about current verified drivers",that will appear window, like this. It shows which drivers are checked, which are not. Press "Further"You can see other information about verified drivers:

2.2. As a result of checking the driver utility Driver. Verifier.eXEit is possible to loss of the system in. When an error occurs when checking the drivers, the appearance is caused system errors and. Typical error codes and decryption are shown below.

· 0xc1: Special_Pool_Detected_Memory_corruption
· 0xc4: Driver_Verifier_Detected_Violation
· 0xc6: Driver_caught_Modifying_Freed_Pool
· 0xc9: Driver_Verifier_Iomanager_violation
· 0xd6: driver_page_fault_beyond_end_of_allocation
· 0xe6: Driver_Verifier_DMA_VIOLATION

2.3. Examples of Dump Decoding Program :

3. Useful links

Sometimes the DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION_VIOLATION error type "Blue Screen" associated with hardware can be caused by RAM damage (RAM). If you encounter random computer reboots, sound signals When loading or other computer malfunctions (in addition to bsod 0xc4 errors), it is very likely that there are damage to memory. In fact, almost 10% of applications drops in Windows are caused by memory damage.

If you recently added a new memory to the computer, we recommend temporarily removing it to make sure that it is not the cause of the driver_verifier_detected_violation error. If this action eliminated BSOD, it is a source of problem, and, therefore, the new memory is either incompatible with some kind of equipment, or damaged. In this case, you will need to replace new memory modules.

If you did not add new memory, in the next step it is necessary to make a diagnostic test of the available computer memory. The memory test allows you to scan for serious memory failures and periodic errors that may be the cause of your blue screen of 0xc4 death.

Although latest versions Windows contain a utility to check RAM, I extremely recommend using Memtest86 instead of it. MemTest86 is a testing software Based on the BIOS, unlike other test programs launched in windows Environment. The advantage of this approach is that the utility allows you to check all the operational memory for errors DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, while other programs cannot check the memory areas involved in the program, operating system and other running programs.