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The best service announcements of articles to increase attendance. Where to place an articles announcements where to announce articles

Want to do external content marketing, but do not yet know what media will be able to place your brilliant articles? We in the primary selection for you. The best media opened to publish guest materials - in our selection.

Many, with the word "media", consciously pop up the image of traditional media, from which ordinary mortals separates the abyss, and in which, as it is believed, it is difficult to get to the publication. Actually, so think - it means deeply mistaken, but now it's not about that.

Let's talk better that it is time to expand the horizons and pay attention to the so-called new media, which form the market today: niche media, corporate blogs. All this is the resources where you could post your articles, and completely free.

Just keep in mind - if the paper erased everything, then the external content marketing is not. You will have to prepare really high-quality content. But the result is worth it.

We strongly recommend before you apply to the editorial board with your, definitely outstanding ideas and articles, familiarize yourself with the rules of publications and text requirements. In one or another, they are all. Save time and nerves, and you will understand in advance what they are waiting for you, and you can evaluate whether you have to offer exactly this resource.

So, let's go.

Media where you can place an article yourself


The former site "Zuckerberg will call", enters the Committee's ID, as well as the second resource from our selection. As they write about themselves - "The largest platform in the rune for entrepreneurs of a new generation. We write about startups, growing businesses, new models of earnings, extraordinary heroes from all over the world and growth technologies. "

Since last year, actively uses UGC. There is a section "Blogs", where every wishes can make your blog and publish materials. The best of these, the VC editorial is to the main page of the resource. The most resonant publications are collected by thousands of views and hundreds of comments.

Instruction From the editor-in-chief of the site Konstantin Panfilov to help you.

Competitions of publications are held periodically, which makes sense to follow. For example, it is now a competition for the best interview with an entrepreneur who will last until June 15. You take an interview with any entrepreneur, place in blogs, receive a publication and, perhaps, also a prize if you win the competition.

2. Tjournal

Attendance - 8.9 million.

Technological publication about Internet heroes, social networks, blogs and gadgets.

Just like on VC, there is a section "Blogs". Access to it is paid, but the sum is symbolic - 75 rubles per month. Create a blog, place publications. Last Visitors, comments depend on whether you fell into the nerve of the audience. Everything is as usual.

3. Spark.

Attendance - 845 thousand

Blog platform for communicating small business from the technological segment.

At one time, the site somewhat "blurted out" - no one was engaged in his promotion, as a result, the authors who led their blogs here, gradually they were abandoned. But in November 2018, the Committee's ID sold the resource to developer the software "Intellectual Cloud Solutions". The project took a new team, and now Spark is slowly reborn, the authors are returned. We are in PressFeed, for example, also launched your blog here.

Media who are looking for authors experts

5. RusBase.

Attendance - 2.9 million

This is what they write about yourself: "Our audience is entrepreneurs who develop a business with the help of new technologies or only think about the launch of the project, as well as those who are looking for the potential for their growth within the company."

Content needs to be sent to the UGC editor Polina Konstantinova. For a start, you can and you need to get acquainted with the rules for columnists, as well as see the examples of the copyright column in terms of the editorship.


Attendance - 865 thousand

Industry publication about marketing and communications in the field of Digital.

Separately, take an excerpt from the article, since everything here is said here can be applied to the publication almost on any resource:

"COSSA can be used to promote your company and not pay for this money. We can publish an interesting article with the mention of your company, and this article will read a lot of people.

Bad news: most of the PR will do not work.

You need to perform only two conditions. But it is precisely that the majority of prachics.

Condition first: The article should be useful. Contain useful information And / or wake thought, push to reflections.

Condition Second: The article should be written in a simple, understandable and light language. "

7. Executive.

Attendance - 760 thousand.

The publication, which was originally focused on those who are interested in education, career growth, the HR industry. Now this is a community of managers who communicate on various topics related to management, marketing, finance, business education, personnel management, etc.

To publish an article, you must first join the community. Requirements for publication - in the article of the Chief of Andrei Semerkin "How to prepare publications for". There is also a business case format when you describe the problem with which your company faced, and offer it to the discussion to the community. That is, refer to the help of collective mind. RULES OF PUBLICATION OF BUSINESS CASES -.


Attendance - 530 thousand

Industry edition dedicated to search promotion and earnings on the Internet.

10. "Business Peace"

Attendance - 340 thousand

Edition about management, marketing, finance, personnel management, career.

Rules of publication and many potential ideas for articles -.

11. Invest-Forsight

Attendance - 280 thousand

Magazine on investments, innovation and finance. They write about themselves: "the publication covers promising areas of investment," advanced "startups, financial technologies and the latest trends of the financial market."


Attendance - 220 thousand.

As the name follows - all about the retail and for retail.

You can register on the site and independently post press releases in the hope that someone reads them. But it is better to contact the editors and offer an interesting article on the subject of the resource. You can do it.

13. BIZ360.

Attendance - 180 thousand.

Business portal about small business belonging to the company "1C".

As they talk about themselves, "we see our mission to create high-quality content about effective business and management practices for entrepreneurs and managers of small businesses, about know-how and promising business ideas, about additional points of growth and new technologies; Also important objectives of the project, we consider the popularization of entrepreneurship as an important public institution and creating a platform for the exchange of experience and communication to important themes for the community. "

17. Unisender.

Attendance - 800 thousand (data on the main site).

Email and SMS-marketing service blog, so the topic, in general, is understandable.

Among the authors are email marketers, copywriters, journalists, businessmen. If you also want to join them - write to the Blog Holder Alexander Sarayev.


Attendance - 70 thousand

Well, where without the cozy blog of our service journalistic queries PressFeed.

We are interested in all about communications in general and piano in particular, content marketing and journalism. If you can promote your company, and you have something to say to people, - Welcome. In addition to us, by the way, niche media focusing on the PR industry, in RuNet almost not. And in the size of the audience, we are the first in this segment.

As for the rules of publication, they are simple - less than the opinions of A la "Active", more "Keesyness" and the benefits of the "take and do". That is, the practice, which can be read and then apply here and now.

Using announcements, you can increase the number of views of your resource ten times. In the article, we denoted the 11 most successful sites for this purpose.

The topic of writing and publishing announcements for successful promotion has long been not new, but at the same time its usefulness does not deteriorate in time. Today we will talk about what resources are best publishing your announcements. Thanks to the latter, direct transitions to potential customers to your domain will be able to increase immediately.

How to make a steep announcement?

Announcement Article is a notification of the publishing of the latter on thematic services. It allows you to attract the attention of the target audience and increase the attendance of the site, which published a new article.

It consists of the following parts:

  • the title has a traditional size up to 60-70 characters, and contains a highlight to attract the attention of people. It should be catchy, intriguing and tasty;
  • the text itself has a small volume (up to 800 characters, depending on the placement resource), and is also designed to attract the audience. It briefly describes what a published article is dedicated. He must chain so that the person wants to follow the link and get acquainted with the full article.

Sometimes the image is added to the text part: it dilutes the cloth and immediately rushes into the readers.

  • indexing is the best option for getting external Link on your domain;
  • redirect is a kind of corridor from the announcement to your site, but does not affect the number of reference weight. It is less productive, but search sites still read such links by raising you the site in the top;
  • closed to indexation is intended solely for readers transitions, and also does not affect the reference mass, but increases the popularity of the resource in the search engine.

Services Announcements Articles

  1. Service Announcements

Here we meet all the necessary data for the successful promotion of your announcement. To start working with the service, you need to register, to fill in the page to the maximum, and then start to lay out posts. Here you can be limited exclusively by references, or publish detailed texts within the framework of the specified characters. By the way, links from here are direct, it is best to affect your domain.


  • how to get to the site, we indicated above;
  • attendance of this service is quite high - at least 100 thousand people per day, but to stand out in the total mass of posts, it is necessary to try;
  • indicators TIC-2300 PR -5;
  • free registration + simple profile interface.

Undoubtedly, this resource occupies an honorable first place, since there are no special errors, and if you make enough effort, the number of visits to your site will go to an increase.

  1. Large-scale portal

Here, in addition to the announcements, you can talk and find target audience On the forum, read or publish topical news and much more.

General information:

  • you can proceed by reference;
  • the number of visits per day with Liventernet reaches 400 people;
  • tIC indicators - 60 PR-3;
  • you can register for free, site advertising inside the profile is permitted.

Overall - on the site available interface, good attendance and favorable conditions for the development of your domain. For example, for a certain amount can be published on main page For as many as 14 days.

  1. Social Network for Web Masters Grabr

Common data:

  • you can proceed by reference;
  • a day with Liventernet comes up to 400 people;
  • indicators of TIC -100 PR -2;
  • free registration + placement of direct links to your own resource inside the profile.

Big plus - published announcements also contain direct links. True, initially they are hidden by the tag, but when the announcement of the announcement is rehabilitated, the link "is rehabilitated". Convenient to use, simple and efficient service, on which you can unleash perfectly.

  1. Service COSSA.

Here you can be posted in the section Articles, and be confident in high quantities of daily views.

Common data:

  • you can proceed by reference;
  • 1000-1500 people comes per day with Liventernet;
  • titz -800 PR -4 indicators;
  • you can register for free and place a link to your site in the completed profile.
  1. Service Announcements

The readable site, there is one nuance - you can only register on invites. In principle, a necessary problem, if you go out on a proven and long-term resource member.

Common data:

  • you can go on the link;
  • up to 200 people passes with Liventernet per day;
  • tIC -40 PR -1 indicators;
  • published announcements are located on a resource with a direct link, without tags and other nuances.

Of course, this resource is less demanded than the previous ones, but to try it here is worth it - some positive result will be unambiguously.

  1. Social network for bloggers and webcers webce

Accommodation here also requires an invite from already registered users, but it is worth it.

Common data:

  • you can proceed by reference;
  • on average, up to 200 people with liventinenet looks at a day;
  • indicators TIC -0 AGS PR -2;
  • you can register by invitation;
  • a direct link remains in the published announcements.

We add that this service was very popular for a long time, but now it is noted by the sanction and less in demand. However, it is still worth accommodating here - you at least do not lose anything.

  1. Service of Announcements Pikabu.

He does not need a submission - everything is known about him, so profitability and demand will be unambiguously.

Common data:

  • you can proceed by reference;
  • on a day, up to 3,000 people come here to 3000 people;
  • indicators of TIC -1700 PR -5;
  • you can register for free, without inviting and invitations.

Unfortunately, here in posts can not be placed links and animgers, but one time risk is still worth it. The main thing is to take it beautifully to drill it so that the administrators are not too angry and did not send the Web-Master's ear in a long bathhouse.

  1. HUGE SUBSCRIBE: Excellent tool for promotion

Here it is really worthy of attention, only you have to spend some time to sort out the trifles and nuances. If you correctly place delicious announcements, you can increase the flow of the target audience several times, which will immediately have a positive effect on the numbers of daily traffic. Here you can start your news channel, collect hundreds of subscribers and without the branch of conscience to fill with the advertisement of your domain.

Common data:

  • you can proceed by reference;
  • up to 3000 people look at the liventinenet;
  • indicators of TIC-8400 PR -6;
  • you can register for free, without invitations.

Here freedom of your action will be not limited. You can safely publish any announcements and articles, place references in them and earn popularity with a completely legal way.

  1. Service for bloggers

A small resource, the stream of which is not too impressive, but the reference can well be left, without losing a penny at the same time.

Common data:

  • you can go on the link;
  • on a day, 100-150 people come from the Liventernet;
  • titz -275 PR -1 indicators;
  • free registration without invites;
  • you can place links in announcements, participating in the discussions on the forum.
  1. Media

There is a strict requirement for the uniqueness of the published material. If the text is less than 90% unique, it will not miss moderation. Running the announcement is necessary in Advego. It is still necessary to try: the target clients come from the site.

Common data:

  • you can proceed by reference;
  • with liventinenet per day looks up to 750 people;
  • tIC-475 PR -2 indicators;
  • publish direct links at the very end of the announcement, after the main text.
  1. Articles, Announcements for Web Masters on Ugrade and Materials UCoz

Recently opened domain, which is great for reference promotion. There you have a publication of unique articles, and the placement of commercial announcements for Web-masters, and the use of your material with references to various hosting. The service has a lot of prospects and rapidly growing attendance. You can publish free and leave the link in the material you need.

Common data:

  • you can proceed at;
  • on a day with Liventernet comes about 100-150 people;
  • tIC-20 PR -1 indicators;
  • you can register for free, as well as place a link to your domain in the profile.

And so, where to place an announcement of the article, and where to take visitors to the site. Today I will share with you five sources (although they really are more, but this is a secret 🙂).

  1. Soc. Network. Basic social. Networks, where you can fack your announcement - 4. VKontakte, classmates, tweeter, Facebook. Each society has its pros and cons. Personally, I use only Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. Not because the last two are not good, but simply because they are blocked with us (here is such a picker). Therefore, you have to buy tweets and posts in Facebook. But, as more than 90% of the readers of my blog Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, then with such a problem you will not come up.

Social networks do not give weight to the article, but you can take a simple traffic to the site. So, with one group of 10,000 people, only one of the announcement in classmates passes about 30 people. And such groups can be as much as you find. With VKontakte everything is much sad. Under the same conditions, there are no transitions at all, or does not exceed 10. But, but, the links of VKontakte are taken into account in Yandex blogs.

You can also find urban social. network. As a rule, such socialks are made on Instant CMS (and the like), and in it open links. So, you will receive not only living visitors, but also weight for your article. Yes, and you can.

Well, and at the end I want to say that publication in social networks, direct call for search engines to take into account the so-called social signals.

  1. Wonderful thing with open references by transmitting weight. Not only is Subscribe possesses open links, it also has a frantic TIC that grows with each APP.

The principle of the site is very simple:

  • registered
  • from hundreds of existing groups choose a group on your article
  • you enter into a group (carefully reading the rules. They are almost everywhere - not to call for racism, do not insult, do not post more than 1 links to the article ...)
  • Place an announcement to your article in which you put the link. Announcement is better to write for each group new. I do not think it will be difficult to write 500 signs of unique text.

According to statistics, from one group, with all the same numbers of 10,000 people, there will be about 20-40 transitions, sometimes more.

  1. Another social network for webmasters on which he lives highlighted. Unfortunately, the choice of the theme on it is limited, but it does not stop anyone. In Grabr, you can find the announcements of culinary sites, IT, esoteric, marketing and a lot of more than anything else. Another distinct feature of Subscribe is that there are no groups in GRUB, and all announcements are located in a common tape .

The announcement is limited to 400 characters. But, even such a small number of characters is enough to catch up to the traffic on the site, even if it is not big, but still (a drop around the drop - the sea is going). By personal experience I can say that the number of visitors' transitions to the site varies in the area of \u200b\u200b15-25 from one announcement.

  1. I can not say that it is straight good network, but she makes her 5 kopecks. There are practically no transitions from PostPr, I had the most maximum, something about 30 people. Usually, around 5-7 from one announcement. But the site helps for a faster indexation of a new article.

A feature of the resource is that you can publish no more than 1 announcement per day. The number of signs in one message should be from 400 to 800.

  1. This is the last announcement in my list. And he is the most sucking. But there is a direct reference and TIC 60 😉. By its organization - a full copy of PostPr, although the owners are completely different . But, the chip is that you can only publish your announcement after leaving 2 comments to other announcements. Plus, the text of your announcement should be completely unique, modests are strictly lifted. And plus to the text, there must be a photo, and also unique. In general, while you publish, we think ten times, and whether it is necessary for you. There are few transitions from the resource. I do not use it actively, so I will not give statistics to do not lie.

Summarizing the post, I will say again that if you think where to take visitors to the site, then use the first three points. Here you will get the greatest traffic on your resource. If you want to lay out an announcement of an article for a faster indexation, then use the first four resources. If you want to get a free link, then 2 and 5 points specifically for you. For Sim I say goodbye to new meetings!

Hello, dear friends. I was not going to write this article today, but I noticed that exactly today my blog was 4 months old. I could not miss such an event, and therefore I decided to celebrate it, and at the same time to please you with a new article on the blog.

In this article, I will tell you about what an announcement of articles is, how and where to announce articles and in general, why do it all do. The article is really useful, to promote the blog, and even if you know what it is and why make announcements, I still recommend to read this article, because it is very useful, and most likely will open you a lot of new things.

A couple of months ago, I did not make an announcement of articles, I thought, oh well, some kind of temporary traffic on the blog, after a week I do not remember about him. What to engage in useless work, time and so little. I thought and did not do, but now I do and watch the position of my blog grow in a rather wrong pace. Do not believe? I would not believe either, but it happens in my eyes, and I don't believe it already for madness some.

Why make the announcement of articles and how does it affect the blog?

Now the network is simply the darkness of young blogs and sites, which very much want to become big and famous. In order for them to become famous, their owners are trying to attract more traffic to their blog, and preferably targeted, so that someone from visitors stayed on the blog and became a regular reader. For this, the owners of blogs make the announcements of their articles on popular playgrounds for bloggers, the so-called social. network. And from there, in turn, the decent amount of "humanof" is running, which is interesting about what this blogger wrote.

Man 100-200 per day to attract no problem in this way. Posted by an article, made a couple of announcements in the most popular social. Networks and forgot, and the attendance counter is growing on this day. Everything is good, but after 3-4 days, this announcement will be forgotten, and all, it's time to do a new one.

So I think many novice bloggers, and moreover, I myself thought so for a long time, until I was late with the announcements of one of my article. , Pro how to increase text relevance. I can say lucky that the article immediately hit the 94 position in the Yandex PS, because if this had not happened, and if I were not, but would not notice the benefit of the announcement.

The fact is that I remember, at what position there is an article, and only after, made the announcement to the popular social. Network for bloggers - Subsribe. In the announcement, I used to use a couple of times keywordTo which the blog was on a distant position + left a link to the progressive article.

The first thing I received is, of course, traffic. Nearly 130 people more than usual gone to my blog on that day. But after, I, checking the position of my blog, noticed that the article is already located, no longer at 94 positions, and at 55. Given the fact that I did not do anything at all in terms of promoting the article, it is rather bad growth.

Now, on the traffic that was on my blog I have already forgotten. Well, 200 people went over for the day and what? Nothing has changed. The most important thing is that I jump over 40 positions with one announcement, and it's just a couple of days. And what will happen if I am another 3-4 announcement to other social. I will do the network, this is generally the first place :).

Well, okay, the first place may not be, but the result from the announcement is still on the face. Although why the first will not be. Guys, remember all these words forever: You can not be sure of anything until you do not try. And I will add from myself: If you did not work, it does not mean that something is impossible. Stand up, try again and again.

You know, to make it more convenient to take the announcements of your articles and learn more about this topic, I began to search for information on this information on this account and came across a very cool article. So far, I will not tell you anything, but it will further increase the chance to occupy the first positions in the PS, only an announcement of articles. In the meantime, I will tell you about the announcements that every blogger should be able to do.

How to make an announcements of articles in social. Networks for bloggers?

For myself, I highlighted 3 social sieves for bloggers in which I do announcements and one, I do not know how to call it, the equivalent of social network. Here's actually they:,, + Announcements I only do in the first three social networks, but if you have a blog of entertainment topics, then you may be useful and "Pikabu" too.

P.S. About "VKontakte", "Facebook", "Odnoklassniki" and others real social. Networks, too, do not forget. There is also helpful about the announcement.

Especially at this expense I propose not to "steam". In most cases, 3 hundred. Networks are enough to put forward the article on a normal position. Of course, it depends on the announcements themselves, your overclocking, and from much more. But now we are not talking about how to promote an article, so I smoothly finishing the introduction and start talking about how to make announcements in social. network.

Announcement to SUBSCRIBE.RU social network.

First of all airplanes .... A, not that. First of all, we go to the site and register there. To do this, we find the "Register" button, which is located in the upper left corner, right under the logo of the service. It is not difficult to find, but just in case you have a picture to help.

On the page that opens, choose a convenient way of registration for you. You may be more convenient to enter e-mail, etc. I am completely quick through "Vkontakte" and forgot.

After you go through the registration process, you need to enter your account. For this, in the same upper corner, but already opposite the logo, click on the "Login for the author" link. In the page that opens, we introduce your data that you have managed to leave when registering, and we enter the account.

After you enter, a page will open, which we do not need at all. The only thing we do here is pressing the system logo. And after, on the link "Group", located at the top, in the center, and leave this page.

Now, one of the important points - begin to choose groups to publish announcements. (First, make sure that you are on this page: and are in your account). I recommend finding 3-5 groups. You can and more, I entered 7 at all, but I only use 2-3.

On an open page, on the left side you are offered sections of groups that exist in the system. Clicking one of them, a list of subsections will open. The subsections are located the groups themselves. That is, when clicking on the subsection, the list of groups in it is relevant.

The higher the list in the list, the more popular, that is, from it you will get more visitors and a little more significance in issuing. Or maybe the issuance of it does not even depend. In general, the more popular group, the better.

As I already said, your task is to get out 3-5 most popular groups, your subject.

Now, your task becomes most difficult, and accordingly, the most important. It is necessary to write an announcement into each group in which you entered. To do this, open any text editor And write an announcement article. If you are not too lazy, then write for each group and each social. networks, your unique announcement, but I think it is too hard and long, so for everyone social networks I am writing one but unique (new) Announcement.

In the announcement, you need to briefly write something about what is said in your article. For example, if I did an announcement for this article, I would write like this: before I thought that the announcements of articles only bring the fleeting visitors to the blog, but now I know that the announcements can withdraw my articles on the first place in search engines.

Announcement a couple of times you need to use the keyword for which the article is moving. Next, just begin to deploy this topic, and again, in short, we tell about the contents of the article. The main thing is that it is really about the article and interesting, so that there is a desire to read entirely.

After the announcement is ready, write another line, like: Read the entire article, you can on my blog, here. On the word here, put the link to your article, the announcement of which we did. Now, it is advisable to come up with a good headline and say a colorful picture so that your announcement is more noticeable.

Go to the SUBSCRIBE service, and in the top menu, select the "My Groups" item, and in the unfolded window "write to the group".

On the page that opens, in the first section, choose the group in which we will publish the announcement, then write the title insert the announcement, attach the picture and send it to moderation. In the picture below, everything is visible in more detail. (Picture clickable)

The same, we do with all other groups. In short, you will need to change only the first item.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that many groups wakes up publish announcements if you have their own button on the blog. It is worth taking care of the announcement of the announcement to publish. Usually, if all rules are observed, moderators publish your announcement during the day.


Hi, dear friends!

In the previous article I wrote about. And we considered many options how to do it. And if you can't get a lot of visitors to your site using search engines, today I will just share with you another way to increase traffic, namely the announcement of articles.

And in this article I will tell you where to leave the announcements of articles, how to place them correct to attract the first free traffic On your website (blog) and in general for what it is all needed. This post will certainly be useful to you if you want to do free blog promotion, which must be done especially at the initial stage of its maintenance and of course an increase in the number of visitors.

Why and why do you need to leave an announcements of articles and how do they affect the blog? Well, first, you will get the first good traffic on your resource, secondly backlinks leading from authoritative resources, which will increase the reference mass, search engine trust and therefore increase the blog trust. And the positions of your articles, the announcements of which you did will grow.

And you will accelerate the indexation of new articles and attract the target audience to your blog, which may further turn into your subscribers. That's how much useful! Of course, everything will depend on the quality of the content and on what kind of site you have.

On the this moment Plates for this exists more than abuse.

Now I want to give you several services, the so-called social networks for bloggers, with which you can publish an announcements of articles and attract initial traffic to your blog. And this list of services will suit almost any blog.

Before we consider services where you can leave the announcements, I want to say that one common rule announcement is to leave the announcements only on thematic resources, groups and social networks and place no more than one announcement per day. Otherwise, the admins may not be angry and send you to the ban.

Procedure for adding announcements on sites everywhere similar:

- Writing the Announcement

- Publication itself

Where to publish an announcements of articles? Sites for announcements!

This, in my opinion, is the best place for the free receipt of the first traffic of the young blog. Here you can increase the attendance of your site and promote it. You can get visitors from this popular service in three ways:

one). Leave the announcements of articles in other people's groups

2). Create your group

To begin with, you will need to register in this service And the maximum fill the profile. Next, find the group that comes up on your site and join it and become its member. Wait moderation if it is. The more popular the group, the more traffic from there traffic. Next, we get acquainted with the rules of publishing this group and if everything suits, then we begin to place the announcements of your articles. Go to the selected group and click to create a topic and add your unique announcement.

If there is a desire to create your group, it will be necessary to fill it with interesting content. But in order to get a good attendance with this group, you must first promote it, adding unique articles without reference to your resource. And after after subscribers, a large number will be thrown into your group, then you will already leave the announcements with reference to your blog. The most important thing to gain a large number of subscribers, otherwise it will not be any sense.

And be sure to download images to the announcement. From how good you will pick a picture to your material, the number of its views directly depends directly. - This social network for webmasters. Free registration. True, she is recently buggy and it does not happen in it, but maybe you will be lucky. Still free traffic and indexed links to your site I get, and this is a huge plus. Here, one of them can be observed in Yandex Webmaster, look at the screenshot. The first placed announcements will be sent to moderation, the rest of the publications will be placed automatically. - A good new announcement, gaining popularity, the link is also indexed from it and in addition there is still tools for adding the URL to Yandex and Google. For the activity you will be charged Piaras that you can spend on the promotion of your blog. Here, as usual, we leave an announcements of articles with reference. - Socializer allows you to get a good free traffic to the site. After writing a blog article, go to this social network and add an announcement with reference to your resource. And here you get the indexed link :). The truth here for registration will require an invite (invitation). Unfortunately, they ended with me, but you can search for them on our own on the Internet. - Portal for bloggers, where you can leave the announcement of your entries with reference to your resource with the anchor you need, but not more than 1 per day. Register, in the profile in the URL column, specify a link to your blog. But before adding an announcement there, you will need to leave a message on the forum. Those. The following scheme, one message on the forum is one announcement. - like the WebICE service, traffic at least goes and small, but still. There is an opportunity to insert an additional link in the announcement. In the profile, insert a link to the blog and begin to annon the articles. - Registration open, leaving there, you will ensure a good traffic influx.

And others:,,, etc.

But another way to attract visitors to your blog. This is Google - Questions and Answers. All you need to do is respond to people's questions. If there is an article on the topic of the issue on your site, you can answer briefly on it and insert a link to this article. IN google service Questions and answers to search Drive a keyword or phrase. And look for the question you need. Just do not spam, a few questions per day will be enough.

And one more - [email protected].. And this service will be useful for adding visitors. The scheme is the same as in the previous version. Give a clear answer to the question and in addition to put a link to your article.
But forums where you can get free traffic.

Forums: - Forum for webmasters. All the same. - From here there is a good traffic, you can get a minimum of 50 unique visits per day.
I gave you the most such forums that give decent attendance.
In general, their many. In which there is a "Digest Blogosphere" or "Announcements of the Blogosphere", there, too, can leave the announcement of the article with reference and the necessary Anchor to your blog. True, they are on the subject of SEO, promotion, earnings. But maybe someone will come., etc.

By the way, on some forums, you can make yourself a signature and add a link to your blog. And when you leave messages, people will see your signature and go on the link. And it will be great altogether if the link will be open for indexation.

How to make an announcement article

First very important moment - It is a chain, intriguing header. Namely, it is in such a way that the visitor must be interested in and wanted to click on the link by clicking on your site and read the rest of the article on your site. And do not fit the title that is in your article.

Your task is to attract the attention of readers! This is a very important point, since if you are really a shocking, interesting header, then the traffic will be provided to you, otherwise it will not be a sense of articles. So, well, we figured out, moving on. Announcement of the article should consist of 2-3 sentences as the most interesting and intriguing. If in the first seconds you managed to cause interest and hook the reader, then consider the thing in the hat.

Many people also have questions "Is it possible to make an announcement of a non-negotiated article." I answer - of course, it is possible, but only make unique announcements, and not passages from your articles. But if the announcement contains a copy-paste (), then search engines will be regarded as spam, down to your blog in the extradition or the ban will be imposition and how you have already understood that it will not lead to anything good.

The second important point is the presence of a picture in the announcement. It is also important and will affect whether the visitor will turn on the link to your site or not. The image enhances interest and creates some additional curiosity to the article.

Well, now you know where to add the announcement. In the future, when you figure out how to do it, you will have it time to take time, 10-20 minutes and at the same time attendance will increase, and very quickly.

Accommodation of the announcements of articles is a free promotion of your resource, so it's not worth it from it.
Similar "social" traffic search engines Love, and this will definitely positively affect your site!
So after writing the next article, we turn to an important procedure - the announcement of articles, thanks to which not only people, but also search engines learn about it. With such indexed references, additional weight and additional traffic are underway.

Now you know where to leave the announcement of the new article, and I repeat, write the unique announcements and invent different headlines in each of them.

To be faster, you can do with the help of a special service.

But do not forget that in many social skiing the first announcement is moderated, so try to write a really high-quality announcement, without spam keywords.

Well, actually everything is today. But it is worth paying their attention to the fact that each of the listed social networks There are pluses and cons. But the main thing is that all these services will help attract the first free traffic to their website and what is the most important - permanent readers and subscribers. If anyone has something to write in the comments and do not forget to subscribe to the latest news on the blog.

Good luck and quality target traffic!

Yours faithfully, Anna Fyodorova