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Android writes the service Google Play stopped. Eliminate the error "Google Play Services Stopped

Owners of mobile devices on Android OS perfectly know that for downloading any official content you need to go to the service Google Play.. Here are posted different applicationshelping to speed up the work of the system, antiviruses for every taste, games and others useful tools For work and entertainment.

Sometimes it is simply impossible not only to download, but even open this most important service for mobile gadgets on Android. A message appears on the screen that in the application google services Play occurred error. Usually, along with this sad message, its code is specified, and on it can be determined by the reason why the service cannot work. Let's deal with what errors are and how to solve them yourself.

This is a very common reason that may arise due to a conflict version of the Google Play service with the version of the device itself, or due to the resulting malfunction in the work of the market.

If your phone or tablet warned about unknown error, that is, without specifying the code, you can try to eliminate it yourself, having done the following steps:

In most cases, this method eliminates the troubleshooting problems, but if this does not happen, you can solve the problem simple removal Its from the system, and then you need to download and install last version Market.

You can freeize your cache records from the service, it is located in the system settings menu at the program item installed by default developers of your smartphone or tablet. Select it, and scrolling the menu, find the cleaning functionality.

An unknown error very often arises due to invalid installation date and time. Eliminate the discrepancy can also be from the system settings in the graph of the same name - you can select synchronization with the Internet, in automatic mode Or set the desired values \u200b\u200bmanually.

Also, the cause of the Internet may also be the cause, and if you use wireless networks, check the login password and your username, it is likely that after fixing you can enter the Google Play service page.

Numerous errors

If on the screen of your device you see the error number of Google Play services, it will help the user identify the problem that occurred and quickly correct it.

We give a list of the most frequent mistakes and give specific advice, what to do in one way or another:

№ 24

This problem can be provoked to incorrectly installing the service, when the user decided to delete first, and then set the market again. The fact is that in this case there are many traces in the system, not deleted folderswho don't give to do proper installation, that is, cause conflict.

How to fix:

  1. Pre-from a third-party site download to your phone or tablet any program with which you can easily get unlimited access to system settings, that is, root rights. Such a program can be, for example, Kingo Android root.
  2. After receiving access to system folders, locate the path to the SDCard / Android / Data / folder, in which you left not remote old google files Play. Click on them and calmly remove from the system.
  3. After these actions new installation Services must pass without errors.

№ 101

Actually, it is impossible to name this for a problem, just the system, therefore, reports the insufficiency of the place in the memory of your device. Google Play - system application, And it must be installed in the memory of the device itself, and if there is not enough space, the message about this error pops up.

To work without failures, do the following:

  1. Go to the system settings menu.
  2. Find "Application Manager"Open it.
  3. Select the most voluminous programs and components, and transfer them to the device tools to the memory card.
  4. Check out the main menu sufficiency in the "Memory" section: the green released place should be marked.

A lot of space is also occupied by cache records, and it would be good from them to free yourself how to clean the device we told on the example above.

№ 403

This problem may appear due to the presence of several Google accounts at once, and on the device itself, and in services. To solve the problem, log in to settings from the main account, and delete the service, and then re-install it. There should be no problems.

There may also be malfunctions due to connecting to the proxy server (used to open sites prohibited in Russia), when redirected to another country, it is impossible to receive updates, so the number pops out the number of this particular problem. To get rid of the problem, you must first stop the work of Google's houses, and then clear all the data.

№ 481

This problem appears during the wrong definition of the created account, and in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to remove incorrect accountAnd then re-create it on your device. After deletion, do not forget to restart your device to make the changes to take effect!

№ 491

This Google Play service error is associated with the lack of deleting and reinstalling the application from a specific account.

For solutions:

  1. First, delete the cache records on Google Play, run a reboot.
  2. After starting the system, go to the settings menu, select "Accounts and Synchronization".
  3. Find your account and click "Delete".
  4. Repeat the restart of the device, set the new account value or restore the previous one. The service must earn.

№ 492

In this case, failed virtual machine Dalvik, which uses software running Java. And in this case, in principle, as the first action in all others, you need to clear all the records of the created cache in the Google Play service services and Play Market. From the main settings menu. Alternately sweep and restart.

If these actions have not led to success, you can reset all device settings to factory values, from the main settings menu. If there valuable information, Move it to a memory card or computer, and only then make a reset.

Error with RH-01 code

Recently, this is a fairly common problem. Resolved in several ways. We wrote about this in the article ".


These and other types of errors in most cases are corrected by stripping cache records. Well, this kind of as number 911 is associated with an unsuccessful attempt to enter the Internet through wireless network Wi-Fi, here you only need to check all settings, and set new values \u200b\u200bfor the entrance.

Operational android system Successfully develops and improving without a small ten years. However, problems still appear from time to time, even taking into account the fact that hundreds, and even thousands of people work on getting rid of them. As you understood, today we will tell you what to do with the message "In the Google Play service" error has occurred. " To be honest, the problem solving options is abuse, but in this article we will analyze only the basic, with which you have to face most often.

What to do if the Google Play Services application crashes

Immediately I would like to note that with this error, not only this application can be departed, but anything else, if it is somehow connected with the "Google Play services". In general, such problems are divided into two types:

  • Without error number;
  • And with that.

    In case the error is specified, it facilitates our task - it is significantly easier to identify it. Consequently, the elimination takes less time. But first, we want to tell you how to deal with the problem in the event that there is no error code. So, proceed:

    Next should be checked if it appears this error Again or from her managed to get rid of. If nothing happens, go to the plan "B":
    This time the problem should decide. Most likely, when entering Google Play, the aforementioned application will ask for an update permission - this is normal, because we have just been replaced with you. For correct work in the future, we recommend that you update it.

    Error 403: how to fix

    You are lucky if you have exactly this kind of mistake. The fact is that it is solved as simple as possible. This occurs when buying applications from those users who use two or more google accounts.
    Solution Banal: Tap the "Buy" button again and the error will disappear. Perhaps you have to repeat the procedure for a couple of times.

    As you can see, nothing is complicated. A little more difficult to have to those who have 901 errors.

    Get rid of error at number 901

    It is often faced with it when working in the browser or during downloading applications from the official store - Google Play. The problem lies in a sharp end of authentication Wi-Fi network. There are several ways to solve it:
    1. Clean the Google Play Services application cache. How to do this, you already know from the first instruction described in this article.
    2. Repeated connection to this or other Wi-Fi network.
    3. Use to open a browser page or download mobile data application.
    In case you have chosen the last option, we remind you of rational use of Internet traffic - without the presence of a concomitory tariff plan It is better not to experiment, it can do it too expensive.

    If you have a message "In the Google Play service application, an error has occurred" with the number unfinished in our article, it means that it is solved in exactly also - by cleaning the cache, delete updates or re-connecting to a Wi-Fi network, as written above.

  • The problem of the inoperability of the playing market (today it is Google Play) is quite unpleasant and thousands of android devices are faced every day. If this problem has not bypassed you, then in this material you can learn a little knowledge and quickly bring your smartphone or tablet in order.

    Different errors and malfunctions, because of which the Google Play store may not work, are caused by several reasons, carefully examining which you can quickly solve your problem and do everything in order not to encounter her in the future.

    Why doesn't your playmark work work? Main reasons

    We will analyze the reasons in more detail:

    1. The service does not work. This case is a very rare phenomenon. But if they still happen, you just need to wait until his work is resumed.
    2. On the device, the date and time was shot. As a rule, this reason in most cases causes an error with the "Connection No" notification.
    3. There are problems with the network. Make sure the Internet works and the connection is installed correctly. If using mobile InternetWe advise you to look at us.
    4. Freedom program. It always blocks access to Google Services.
    5. Changed hosts file. As a result of the installation and use of certain applications, as the above Freedom mentioned, some changes occur in the Android system section, in particular in the HOSTS file. In this case, the user needs to make a small editing of the file, returning it to the original state. How to do this, look for below in this article, where we are considered to eliminate this problem.

    Methods, how to resume the functioning of the play market

    Consider ways to solve the problem depending on the reasons. If you know the cause of the problem, you can immediately select a solution to solutions from the list below. If not, you will have to try all the ways.

    1. Restart the device. Such a simple action helps approximately 50% of cases. By the way, we recommend to make the system reboot if errors occur when working and any other programs.
    2. Make sure that software Google Accounts are enabled. This can be done by clicking on the "Settings" menu, then in the "Applications" section, and then select the "All" tab. Source to the bottom where there are disabled programs. If you find "Google Accounts" here, then you just select and turn on and everything should earn. Otherwise, read the other ways.
    3. Reset google Settings Play Market and Google Play services. To make this simple operation, you need to go to the settings menu and select the section responsible for managing applications. Next, find these applications in the list and to each of them apply "erase the data" and "Clear cache". Also separately to Google Plat, the market must be applied to "Delete Updates".
    4. Reinstall Google Play. First delete the installed version Google Play (in the old versions of the android is Play Market), and then download the latest relevant on this moment version. Install the program and reboot the device.
    5. Make sure the system has the correct time. There are such cases in which the date and time are knocked down. As a result, after trying to open the store, users often see the error "Connection is missing". To solve the problem you need to go to the "Settings" menu, hereinafter - "Date and Time", and set real time, date and your time zone.
    6. Check the availability of the Internet connection. Make sure the Internet is turned on and running on your device. Open the browser and try to go to any site.
    7. Configure Hosts correctly. Many of us use programs that imperceptibly contribute to some changes in system file. Hosts. One of the most common programs - Freedom, with which you can make free in-game purchases for the so-called "linden data". If you use this utility or similar to it, you must first stop her work by clicking on "Settings" -\u003e "Applications", then find the necessary program And click on it. Now choose to "stop". Then completely removed.

      To edit the HOSTS file, you must have root rights. To search and edit, we recommend using file manager Root Explorer or ES Explorer.

      It has a content of approximately this type:

      And should be like this:

      All rubbish automatically created in this file must be deleted. To do this, follow the instructions (on the example of the ES Explorer application):

      - Run the file manager and go to the root of the system ( upper level) By pressing the "/" application window at the very top.

      - Find and open the folder called "ETC".

      - In this folder there is a HOSTS file you need. Open it as text and delete everything unnecessary in it. Then save and make sure that there is now only one line with the text localhost.

      After this procedure, try whether the playing market works.

    8. Reset settings to factory. This method is recommended to be applied only as a last resort, when no other actions have led to the desired result. The fact is that as a result of this procedure with internal memory The devices are deleted all the information and it would be nice to have a backup to resume your data.

      To reset, go to "Settings" and select "Restore and Reset", and in it "Data Reset" (in early versions Android: "Privacy" -\u003e "Data Reset").

    Plain Platter Market is a very powerful service of applications and other content for mobile platform Android, which is serviced by Google. If it does not work on your smartphone or tablet, then, most likely, you have had some of the above problems, since hundreds of specialists are responsible for the technical condition of this service.

    If nothing happens or maybe know other ways to solve this problem, please communicate in the comments, helping other users.

    If on android screen The devices appear a message that the Google Play service application is stopped, then you need to clean the cache to eliminate the fault. google Account Or reinstall Google Play services. One of the listed methods will necessarily help correct the error if you do everything right.

    Cleaning cache

    The method that will advise the first on any forum is to clean the cache Google Play. You can do this through Android settings:

    1. Open the settings, go to the "Applications" section (on some phones samsung may be called "Application Manager").
    2. Click the "All" tab to see a list of all programs, including built-in OS.
    3. Find Google Play app and click on it to open additional settings.
    4. Click "Clear Cache" to delete temporary files.

    To apply the configuration, be sure to restart the device (you can simply turn it off and turn it on). If it did not help get rid of the google stop, clean the cache of another application - Google Services Framework. The correctness of the operation of Google Play services depends on its work, as Framework is responsible for sharing data with Google servers and information synchronization. The procedure for performing the operation will be similar:

    1. Open the "Applications" section in the settings (Application Manager on Samsung).
    2. On the "All Find" Google Services Framework tab.
    3. Open Advanced Settings and Clean Cache.

    Restart the device again and check whether you managed to troubleshoot the on-line Android application.

    Adding Account

    So you have cleaned the cache, but the problem remains. An error "Google Play Services application has been stopped", what to do next? Try delete and add a new Google account. Custom profile performs great amount Functions, so its reinstallation can positively affect the operation of the built-in Android applications.

    1. Open the "Accounts" section in the settings (on some firmware you just need to find the "Accounts" field).
    2. Find Google Account.
    3. Click it to open the synchronization settings. Open the Advanced Menu and select "Delete Account".

    Please note: Removing the account will result in loss of data related. Therefore, it is recommended to make their backup.

    After deleting the profile, go to the settings again and click "Add Account". Select Google, enter mail and password to activate an existing account. After re-authorization, check whether it was possible to get rid of an error with Google's service stop.

    Reinstalling applications

    How to correct an error if the cache cleaning the built-in programs and the re-adding of the Google account did not help? There is another 1 proven method that consists in reinstalling the application. The method works equally well on all devices, whether it is a flagship from Samsung or a Chinese budget smartphone.

    Reinstalling implies that you first delete the built-in programs. However, this will not work: you can only erase and re-update Google services. This will allow you to get actual version Applications without errors. To get the ability to erase updates, you need to disable the "Device Administrator" function.

    1. Open the Safety section in the settings.
    2. Sign up the screen to the "Device Administrators" item. Click on it to open Advanced Settings.
    3. Remove the mark from the point " Remote control" A window appears, which explains which operations will be inaccessible as a result of deactivation of the function. Click "Disable".

    After deactivating the "Administrator" you can manually delete and install the updates of Google services. By completing the task, you can re-enable "administrator", as it is enough useful feature Android.

    To delete application updates:

    1. Open "Applications" in the settings. Click the "All" tab.
    2. Select Google Services.
    3. The Delete Update button will be active. Click on it and wait for the operation.