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Invisible mode. How to close or disable the "incognito" mode and exit a private viewing

In this mode The browser will not save information about the actions produced in it. We are talking about history history cookies filesstored passwords, download stories, data for autofill, data of the application placed, licenses for content and other data.

Your work in the browser at it becomes completely private. All information about your network activity will be removed.

For those who care about the protection of their personal information, the regime will be especially relevant. After all, behind your actions in the network constantly observe and keep records of statistical data. For example, the provider takes into account the incoming / outgoing traffic from the PC used, the search engines on the basis of your requests are selected to show you contextual advertising. So the browser collects all sorts of data about you.

To surf the network more safe We recommend using such a mode of operation. It will not protect you from collecting data by provider, search engines and visited sites, but will allow not to save data about the user's actions in the visits log, the media files will not be saved in the cache, cookies, passwords, history - will be cleaned immediately after the end of the session. However, when authorization On any site under his account, your actions will be noticeable, it will not be "invisible".

This is a great way to conceal your activities from other users of the computer you use. Each user decides when there is a need for its use.

How to turn on incognito in yandex and chrome

In Google Chrome and a very similar to him browser from Yandex, the order of inclusion of incognito identical.

In the settings, notice " New window in incognito mode"(Either the same combination of clamped" Ctrl + SHIFT + N»).

The following window will appear.

Note, in the upper left corner appeared hat icon with glasses (spy), which symbolizes included incognito.

You can also make click right key on any link on the network and choose " Open link in incognito mode».

It should be noted, at least visiting information will not be saved in the browser, however, on the sites that you visit the presence can be registered anyway. For example, in the Google account. To eliminate the storage of history when privacy included, exit Temporarily also from your account. This can be done by clicking on the icon settings and choosing Web search history.

Click Suspend.

Private mode in opera

As for the opera, this regime is called here. Private. You can create a private tab by clicking on the menu button - Tabs and windowsCreate a private tab.

Regardless of how browser you use, the history of visits, cookies and other information remain in the memory of the Internet browser. This is not a special problem, because periodically google chrome or similar application can be cleaned. But what if the computer is under control and other users? For example, a vigilant head periodically, Google Chrome. For which you came, and it is absolutely not satisfied with you. In such situations optimal option - Use viewing in where history will not be saved. This mode is in a fairly popular browser - Google Chrome.

Incognito mode for chromium: how to use

Google developers offer incognito mode in chrome. Its essence is quite simple. Whatever pages you have visited, they do not remain in history, as well as cookies files . It is important to note that loading on the hard disk will remain even after leaving the browser. However, the fact that you downloaded them will not be visible in history.

To go to this mode, to start open Google Chrome. After that, go to the settings and control. To do this, press the corresponding button in the right corner. In evaporated context menu Select the item New Window in Incognito mode. A new tab will open on which the little man will be depicted. Now you can visit the resources that you like.

If suddenly someone surveys go to the room, then you can simply close the window. Behind him is located Google Chrome in as usual mode. All information about the visited resources is forever removed from the computer and, the history of visits and cookies you will not need to be manually. In order to go to incognito mode, you can use hot keys. After starting the browser, press SHIFT + CTRL + N and see the familiar page- "Invisible".

Features of the incognito regime

Now it should be noted several nuances of using this mode. The fact is that this function is not always ensuring the complete confidentiality of your movements by world Wide Web. In other words, the mode allows you to hide information only on your computer. At the same time, the Internet provider, if necessary, will follow all the pages that you opened.

Therefore, if you have an authority to keep traffic, then everything is in order. To do this, the network must be connected directly through the provider. If the connection passes through the service, which is practiced in most large companiesT. system Administrator Will be able to trace what resources you visit.

Cleaning the story in Google Chrome

In the case when for any reason you did not use the incognito mode, and information about the sites on which you need to delete, use the cleaning of the story. To do this, run the browser and go to the settings. Here choose history.

After that, a new tab appears before the user. You can delete it separate elements or history for a certain period of time. By the way, there is even search string. You can enter the address of that site, information about which should be deleted. Thereafter click Search and from the result obtained get rid of unnecessary data. Reboot the browser after cleaning is not necessary, here so will no longer "compromising" information you.

As you can see, the incognito mode in chrome is enough comfortable tool. It allows you to spend time on various resources, while maintaining the user's confidentiality. For those who do not want to keep the history of visits to web resources, the use of this mode is much more profitable than to clean it every time.

Before we start responding to a question set in the title of this article, for starters, we still understand what is incognito and why it is needed. Because not all newcomers and even experienced users Browser Google Chrome know about this function.

Why do you need incognito mode?

Each of us, at least once in his life, deleted the history of visits to the browser, because I did not want someone to see her. Or a slightly different situation: you want to go to your account, or a profile on any site from someone else's computer, but we fear that your data can be saved and later the owner of the computer who gave you it to use can use them. So, incognito mode in browser Chrome. gives the user the opportunity to go to any sites without fear that someone can use its data. Simple words This can be called a disposable cup. That is, you took advocate, closed and that's it. Absolutely no data in it will be saved. Passwords, accounts, tour history - all this will be deleted immediately after closing the tab with the incognito mode.

How to turn on incognito mode in Google Chrome?

Now that you already know why it is needed and what I imagine, let's talk about how to go into incognito mode. Follow simple instructions And you will succeed.

It will be convinced that you turned on incognito very simple - all the browser window will be black. The history of visits in this window will not be taken into account, and no one can restore your site visits. If you want to exit, just close the tab and all.

Which has a lot useful features. One of these functions is incognito mode. Very often you attend sites that would not like to record information on your own ?? computer.

In addition, using a friend of a friend, often we forget to clean the history of viewing and downloading. Therefore, it is this mode that makes it possible not only to hide its presence on the site, but also does not record the viewing data in. Incognito mode allows you to view web pages and save files without concerns that information about them will be saved in the browser history.

Situations when the incognito mode may be needed in Google Chrome may be the most different:
1. For example, you prepare a native surprise gift and you need to place an order in the online store.
2. You are visiting, and you need to go to the site where you want to enter personal data.
3. If for some reason on the web resource you use multiple accounts, then the incognito mode allows you to run multiple accounts simultaneously.
4. You edit your social resource page and want to see how your page for other users will look.
5. And, of course, this feature It will noticeably simplify life for lovers look "Materials for adults".

When incognito mode is on, all information about visiting web pages will not be saved in the browser history, and cookies will be removed after closing the private browser windows. In this case, all the bookmarks added in the private window and the changes made to the browser settings will be saved.

Access to the incognito mode in Chrome can be obtained through the toolbar. Click the "Settings and google management Chrome, "and then select" New Window in Incognito mode ".

Also, the launch of incognito mode can be made using a combination of hot keys on the keyboard. When you press Ctrl + Shift + N on computers with Windows, Linux and? + SHIFT + N for Mac, a new window will open, and the spy icon will say that it is already working in private mode. At the same time, opening the additional browser window, work can be continued with the preservation of history.

By default, additional plugins and extensions are not available in the incognito mode. However, some of them can be activated through the settings. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen, select the "Tools" menu, and then click on the Extension item. To activate extensions, you must put a tick opposite the "Allow use in incognito" item.

Despite the fact that information about visited sites in private mode is not saved in the browser, your visit will be displayed on the Internet resources. For example, if you are in private mode to your Google account, then all information about the requests made in search engine will be saved. In order for requests not to be saved, they can be temporarily disabled. To do this, go to the page by clicking on the link "My Account". After clicking on the gear icon, select the "Web Search History" line, and in the window that opens, click the "Suspension" item.

Also this mode allows you to automatically clean all cookies after the browser is closed. Another advantage of this mode is the ability to create bookmarks and save settings. You can open several tabs, and in the selected incorporate incognito.

The disadvantage of anonymity is that the story does not lead only your browser, and the sites that you visit, even in this mode can conduct certain records.

For iOS users, this mode almost does not work, because due to significant restrictions in this operating system All tabs have a single local memory. Therefore, mainly sites use it to save files or pages. Therefore, sites, despite the mode of operation, can, briefly survive in history. However, after complete closing of the anonymous mode tabs, this story is cleared.

In conclusion, we can say that incognito mode is an integral tool for solving the security tasks to ensure your personal information and contact data.

One of the most successful and convenient browsers. He appeared only a few years ago, at the time when in the world in might and main uses such online browsers as Opera and Mozilla Firefox.. But despite the huge competition, literally for several years chrome became one of the recognized leaders.

This is not only one of the fastest browsers for today, it is comfortable enough and has a lot of chips. For example, this is the only browser to which is built. What is this plus? And such that you do not need to constantly update it, it is updated independently, thanks to which such sites like VK or, working using flash technology, in theory should always function normally for users this browser. True, it is only the theory, in practice, problems with flush are still found. Or you have another chip - incognito mode. In fact, he is in other browsers, but I will tell you about it any other time.

So, incognito mode. What it is? This is a special mode of operation of the browser, which does not record the history of sites. In other words, it ensures the complete confidentiality of your travel via the Internet. In addition to the fact that the history of visits will not be saved, cookie files will be immediately removed after you close the browser.

You can often hear that allegedly this mode allows you to imperceptibly move between sites and stay completely unnoticed. This is not true, since all your occurrence on one or another resource is fixed in the logs of the site that you came. Logs are also stored at Internet providers, since they are obliged to store them during a certain time. That I wrote so that you would not confuse concept.

Why do you need incognito mode?

Once this mode cannot hide me on the net, then why do you need it at all, you ask? The question is very interesting and I have an answer for him. Rather, answers.

  • Imagine this situation. Close a person has a holiday, for example, a birthday. You use the same computer with it. For a holiday, you decided to give him any desired thing purchased through the online store. In this case, you can safely use the regime of incognito, since a close person will not be able to detect traces of your stay on the online store website.
  • Another variant. You are authorized in social network . In friends you have a certain person. Suppose you want to know if its pages are closed for users who are not registered in VC. Of course, you can first get out of your account and then go to a page to a friend. But it is much easier to open the browser in this mode, see the right page and close the browser.
  • Incognito mode is a convenient way to use outside the house. For example, you came to friends and you need to go to your mail. If you do it through this mode, then after closing the browser, all information, including the email address, will be removed from the browier's memory.
  • What do you say about those who love to watch "strawberries" on the network and at the same time want to remain invisible?

How to turn on incognito mode in chrome?

Now let's find out how, in fact, use this regime. And it is very simple to do it.

In the right side of the browser there is a button with three stripes. Click on it and a small menu will appear. In it you will see such an inscription "New Window in Incognito mode". Click on this item and another window will open before you. google browser Chrome, but in incognito mode.

Make sure this is very simple - you will see the spy icon in the left top of the screen.

There is another, no less easy way. You just need to click on the CTRL + SHIFT + N key combination (for all Windows and Linux) or Command + SHIFT + N for Mac.

After closing the browser, all information will be deleted.


Once again I remind you that it is imperceptible to navigate through sites in this mode it will not work - it is created only in order that the information is not saved on your computer. In addition, if in incognito mode you will go to the same search engine under your name, then all that you were looking for, will continue in the browser, do not forget about it.

Otherwise, this is a wonderful tool for concealing its activities on the Internet from relatives and loved ones. Use on health.