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Installing the Russian language on windows 10 home. Installing the downloaded language pack

It's about how to Russify Windows 10 Pro using the English system as an example. Similarly, you can russify the professional top ten of any localization: German, Chinese, etc.

First of all, make sure your computer is connected to the Internet. to complete the Russification procedure, you need to connect to Microsoft servers.

1. Right-click on the button Start and select Control Panel:

2. From the control panel, select Language:

3. Click Add a language:

4. Select Russian and press Add:

After that, Russian will appear in the list of languages.
5. Click Options next to the Russian language:

This will open a new window. At the top of it, you can see the area Windows display language... Wait while the system checks for availability language pack.

7. In the window asking for elevation, click Yes:

After that, the download of the Russian language pack for Windows 10 will begin, and then - its installation:

8. When the language is installed, you need to click again Options near the Russian language.

In the case when on personal computer, for whatever reason, version is installed operating system not in Russian, it can be downloaded and installed quite simply. The article will tell you several ways how to do this.

Installation via control panel

The first step is to install russian for the systemincluding all system menususing standard means control panel.

Further actions will be given for the English-language operating system, for other systems the procedure is exactly the same, only the names of the menu items will differ. In case Russian available for input from the keyboard and it must be set as the main one, then this can be done through the parameters, by going directly to point # 3.

Enabling the language in applications

Despite the fact that the main windows language the required one is installed, some applications may still be on the other. To check it is worth going to control Panel and go to the " Tongue", Here you should make sure that the desired one is at the top of the list, otherwise, you must click" Up"Next to him.

Next, you need to go to Control Panel — « Location» — « Regional standards", And then on the tab" Main location" select " Russia". Then you need to go to the store, select the desired utility, click on it and click "Downloads and Updates", and then search.

Installing the downloaded language pack

This method involves pre-downloading a package that is suitable for the bitness of the OS.

First you need to enter command line as administratorby going to search and typing cmd.

IN command line introduce lpksetup, and in the window that opens, click Install display languages... Then you need to specify the path to the file with the .cab extension, which you want to install. Now all that remains is to read the license agreement and accept it. Then the installation of the language will begin, after its completion it will need to be selected as the main one, for this you need to do the following:

  • First you need to go to " Setting» — « Region & language» — « Languages"Here click on the button" Add a language"And choose Russian.
  • Then you should go back to " Region & language", Here you need to click on" Russian "in the menu, and then click" Set as default". After that, all that remains is to restart the computer.

Several months have passed since the release of the test version new windows 10, in Russian, which we would like to download immediately. Recall that the software giant Microsoft provided a package for free download on its official website for free, honestly warning that you should not expect stable work from it yet.

Russian windows 10 was not posted on the above resource. At the same time, users were given the opportunity to participate in the process of creating and improving the final product.

Despite the possibility of some incorrect moments in the work of the Technical Preview, to try the new long-awaited product in practice expressed great amount Russian-speaking users. And, judging by the numerous, many quite successfully work with the test version, installed as the main one on various technical means.

Russian localization windows 10

During the operation, some instabilities in its operation have already been identified, but they did not constitute a special global problem for the operation process. Our consumers are much more concerned about Russian windows localization 10 Technical Preview. As a reminder, it can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website in English, Chinese and Portuguese versions.

Even for users who know English at a high level, but are accustomed to working with Russian versions of Windows, the use of "tens" on english language causes significant inconvenience, but what to say about those who own it on school level or does not own at all?

The situation in this matter is complicated by somewhat pessimistic assumptions that russian Windows 10 is a big question at all. According to rumors, a Consumer Preview will be presented in the Russian version, which should be released in early 2015, however, this information has not yet been officially confirmed.

But, to the delight of our users, domestic developers took care of the small details that were not taken into account by Microsoft, creating unofficial russifiersalready successfully applied in practice.

Download crack windows 10

One of the most effective products is a crack from Tihiy and PainteR. But when using it, you need to take into account the fact that it is suitable only for assemblies build 9879 and 9841. If you are using build 9879, a prerequisite for Russification of windows 10 is to install the update KB3016725.

Russifier for windows 10 from Tihiy and PainteR is a regular language pack that does not replace existing language in system. Its installation and removal is very simple and is carried out according to the common scheme of conventional programs. At the final stage of the installation, do not forget to just restart your computer. You can download the windows 10 crack from Yandex Disk at this link: download.

How to Russify windows 10

Now let's take a look at some of the details that can be encountered in the process of using the product. So, a variant is possible when instead of the usual Cyrillic alphabet you will find a set of "krakozyabr" in the interface of the localization. This situation is not a significant problem. You just need to add the Russian language to the windows 10 system and change the necessary regional settings.

The program does not threaten to change and delete system files. You should take into account only one small nuance, which later may annoy you. The developer has integrated some third-party programs into it, which, after installation, will be integrated into your browser and detect themselves. If you want to avoid their annoying presence, just uncheck the necessary checkboxes during the installation process.

Be sure to accept the request of the program to restart the computer. Then you can enjoy the new Windows 10 in Russian.

By the way, attentive users, installing the package, will definitely notice the presence of several themes here. Nothing particularly remarkable was noticed in them, therefore - feel free to uncheck the necessary boxes when choosing components for installation.

There is also a small fly in the ointment in this whole, by and large, pleasant situation for us: unfortunately, 10% of the system will still not be translated into Russian, at least that's what the developers of the Russifier say. According to them, this will show up in Modern UI applications and some minor elements.

We checked the situation in practice: indeed, the calendar and other Modern UI applications remained in English. But, if the situation is very annoying to you, there is a way out in this case. You just need to remove the calendar application from the system, and then reinstall it using windows Store... You need to do the same with other applications that have not received a translation into Russian. For example, you will not be able to view news in your native language until you complete the process of uninstalling and then installing from the store as “News” with the News application.

You will not find applications such as Search or Windows Feedback in the store, so it is not possible to update them.

How to remove Russian language on windows 10

If you do not know how to remove the Russian language on windows 10 - we inform you that to remove the crack, you just need to go to the "Programs and Features" window and simply delete it. At the same time, all updated applications will not change the language, remaining in the Russian version.

Its creators do not promise updates of the localization with the appearance of new assemblies of the system, but they assure that its localization, nevertheless, is assumed as far as possible.

If you are interested in the product, then you can download it absolutely free of charge on the official website of the project before the release of Windows 10 in Russian.

There is not much time left before the release in the final version. The developers have assured us that their main task is to this moment - improving the product with full consideration of the wishes and requirements of users. Let's hope that the wish of the Russian-speaking consumers of the product about the availability of a version of windows 10 in Russian will also find a response in the final implementation!

Hi admin! I installed Windows 10 according to your article, naturally, the management interface of the new operating system from Microsoft in English. I downloaded the crack on the Internet, but Windows does not allow it to start and stupidly displays a message about third-party software that is suspicious from the point of view of the system, I press OK and everything ends. I checked Rusik with two antiviruses and there are no viruses in it. What to do? This crack is one on the network, everyone downloads and russifies it, but for some reason I can't!

How to Russify Windows 10

Since the beginning of October, a distribution kit of preliminary technical windows versions 10 (Windows Technical Preview) is a test version of the evolutionary continuation of Windows 8.1. Recall that Windows 10 is preparing for the official release in the spring of 2015. Anyone can install and test a preliminary technical version of the new operating system for free. Read our step-by-step articles and! True, Windows 10 is available only in English, Chinese and Portuguese, and there is no support for the Russian language.

As always, those small details that the software giant forgets are implemented by third-party developers. So, a crack for Windows 10 Technical Preview is already available on the Internet. Small software package RussianLP build 9841 does not modify or remove system files... With its help, the system will be translated into Russian according to the official Microsoft terminology. Despite the fact that RussianLP build 9841 is a third-party product, Windows 10 will perceive it as the original language pack from Microsoft.

The crack is downloaded in the archive, right-click on the archive and select Extract All ...

A folder appears next to the archive, go into it and run the installation file for the RussianLP_build_9841_v0.9.exe

In this window, click More info

After installing the crack, the system will ask you to restart it. Click “Finish” and the system will reboot itself.

After the reboot, we will see that the login to the system is already Russified.

The Windows 10 Start menu has been Russified - both system tools and applications are already visible in Russian.

Windows Explorer is Russified.

The Metro system application for configuring computer settings is now also in Russian. The settings of the regular internet browser Explorer.

In any case, we will still receive a full-fledged product, including with standard support for the Russian language, only after the official presentation of the new operating system. A complete product? It is possible that we will get a full-fledged product a little later - when Windows 10 in the first six months after the release will be "tested" and Microsoft, with our help, will eliminate the shortcomings discovered during this time.

There is nothing complicated in the Russification of operating systems from Microsoft, as it seems at first glance. Crank this operation it is possible with both English, Chinese and any other international version. In this article, you will learn how to Russify Windows 10 in several ways.

You can change the main language pack to Russian in absolutely any international version of Windows 10. The only exception is the Chinese home edition and the Home Single Language version. In the first case, you will either have to buy separately access to language packs, or reinstall the top ten completely. So if you purchased chinese tablet on AliExpress or other similar site, please make sure the OS version is international.

In full Pro editions, it is enough to change the language in the system parameters. In Home Single Language and Enterprise LTSB, you need to additionally download a crack (also using the standard "dozens" functionality). The methods presented in the article work with all editions of Windows 10 x32 / x64-bit. Let's take a closer look at them.

Through OS settings

Below is a guide with which you can change the language to Russian:

  1. Right-click on the "Start" icon and select the "Settings" line in the menu that opens.

  1. Open the subsection "Time & Language".

  1. In the "Region & Language" tab, click on the "Add a language" button.

  1. Using the search box, find "Russian" (1) and click on the corresponding item (2).

  1. Now Russian language pack is available for installation. Click on the marked line to open three settings buttons. Choose "Options".

  1. In the window that opens, click on the "Download" button to start downloading the language pack. It will take some time.

  1. After clicking on the button, you will see a download status bar. Wait for the complete download. The duration depends on the speed of your internet connection.

  1. To change the interface language completely, click on the "Russian" line again and click on "Set as default".

  1. It remains only to restart the computer and check the functionality of this method.

We have analyzed the official way of Russification of Windows 10 from Microsoft. The interface language pack is completely free. Now you just need to configure the time, time zone and geolocation.

After Russification, most likely everything installed applications from the store Microsoft Store will remain in the same language. They can be translated as follows:

  1. Open "Control Panel".

  1. Go to the "Language" section.

  1. The marked line must be in the first place in the list. If it is not, you need to select it and click on the "Up" button.

  1. Now in the "Control Panel" open the "Regional Standards" window.

  1. In the "Location" tab, select Russia and save your changes.

  1. The operating system will be able to switch the language the next time you restart your computer / laptop. If this does not happen, then you will have to manually update each program from the Microsoft Store.

It remains to put Russian text instead of English for the welcome screen and change account user. You can do it like this:

  1. Open the Regional Standards window again.

  1. Go to the "Advanced" tab and click on the "Copy parameters" button.

  1. Check the boxes next to the marked parameters and close the settings by clicking on "OK".

We figured out how to completely change the language pack. In some cases this way may not work, so consider alternatives.

By installing a language pack

In this case, we need a separate installpack and a built-in windows application... First download the language pack in .cab format. Its version must fully correspond to the installed OS - the same assembly, bitness, edition. Otherwise, a conflict may arise, so it is best to follow this recommendation.

Run the required application and follow the instructions:

  1. Hold the Win + R keys to launch the Run window. Enter the command "lpksetup" in it.

  1. In the window that appears, select the "Install display languages" item.

  1. Now select the path to the cab image using the "Browse" button.

  1. Click on "Next" to start the installation. After that, restart your computer and open "Settings".

  1. Go to the "Time & Language" section.

  1. In the subsection "Region & Language" click on "Russian" and select "Set as default". Then restart your computer again.

Now you know everything official ways Russification of the operating room windows systems 10. This instruction you may find it useful when using almost any OS version and edition, except for the official Chinese one. You can even translate the interface from Polish to Russian or any other language.

Possible problems with Russification

It can be difficult to install a language pack. The most common problems are presented below.

Language pack cannot be downloaded via "Settings". In this case, check the stability of the Internet connection on your tablet or PC. Try restarting the device and reloading the pack. If this does not help, then see if updates for the operating system itself are downloaded through Windows Update.

The cab-image with the language pack is not suitable. Everything is simple here: you need to try installing another pack, which will exactly match the current version. You can view the OS build as follows:

  1. IN search bar on the taskbar, enter the query "About computer" and open the application of the same name. In the English version, you need to enter About your PC.

  1. In the About tab, pay attention to the Windows Features subsection. It contains all the information you need.


The developers of Windows 10 made sure that changing the language pack was as simple and convenient as possible, even for a novice user. All described methods are fully working.


If you have difficulties with Russification, then watch this video with step by step description all actions from the article.