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Installing HDD to Windows 10. Installing the second Windows to another section or disk from the first Windows using WinNTSetup

We are all accustomed to the fact that Windows 10, as when it release is a year and a half ago, and when installing new major system updates, it applies to global Network The Internet. In 2015, when the release took place, many large operators Communications were sometimes noted close to maximum loads on their data transmission channels, because at once hundreds of thousands of computers began to receive update over the Internet. However, as before, it is not always possible to install the operating system over the network, sometimes it is necessary to install it on the "clean" hard disk.

Installing Windows 10 with DVD or USB

If necessary, install Windows 10 on new computer without operating system or "clean" hard disk, you need to remember how to recall the possibility of recording the boot disk, or rather a DVD, because the size of the system has become significantly more windows times XP. Also, as before, is the possibility of creating boot USB flash drives. Nothing changed except that now as a rule is no longer found a boot disk in the store and you have to download the image from the official Microsoft website and write to the media.

To install Windows 10 from the disk, you will need to record. boot diskWhat can be done in using the majority of free programs, like Ultraiso. You simply should specify the downloaded recording image and start the process. After completing you, you will need to check if the disk recorded. What should be done next so that you can download the computer from the DVD? As before, you should press F2 or DEL at the beginning of the computer, enter the BIOS and there in the BOOT section select the boot priority with DVD or USB. With usb, everything is about the same, write it down for example with Ultraiso.

Actually, then everything goes, as in the good old days, when the stores with Windows were sold at our cities in each corner. Then we did not have to download the images of the operating system and write them on the discs, everything was easier. On the other hand, now cases of violation of the normal operation of the Windows operating system have become so rare that the net installation is already particularly needed. Also, computers people stopped for the majority to collect themselves and buy ready-made blocks with a pre-installed operating system. Also, laptops and tablets are becoming increasingly popular, as well as the 2-B-1 devices, where they also do not specifically experiment.

SSD solid-state disk differs in its properties and method of working from a hard HDD disk, but the process windows installations 10 It will not be very different on it, there is only a noticeable difference in the preparation of the computer.

Preparation of disk and computer to install

Owners SSD Discoh know that in previous versions OS for correct, durable and full disk operation It was necessary to change the system settings manually: disable defragmentation, some functions, hibernation, built-in antiviruses, paging file and change some other other parameters. But in Windows 10, the developers took into account these shortcomings, all the disk settings system are now performed by itself.

It is especially necessary to stop at defragmentation: before it harmed the disk very much, but it works differently in the new OS, without damaging SSD, but optimizing it, so it is not necessary to disable automatic defragmentation. The same with the other functions - in Windows 10, you do not need to customize the operation of the disk system manually, everything is already done for you.

The only one, when breaking the disk to the sections, it is recommended to leave 10-15% of its total volume as an unallocated space. This will not increase its performance, the recording speed will remain the same, but the service life can extend a little. But remember, most likely, the disk and without additional settings will last longer than you need. You can free up free interest, both during installation of Windows 10 (during the process in the instructions below, we will dwell on this) and after it using system utilities or third-party programs.

Preliminary configuration of PC

In order to install Windows on the SSD disk, you need to switch the computer in aHCI mode and make sure that the motherboard supports sATA interface 3.0. Information on whether SATA 3.0 is supported or not, can be found on the company's official website that has developed your motherboard, or through third-party programs, such as Hwinfo (

Transition to SATA mode

  1. Turn off the computer.
  2. As soon as the power process starts, click special key On the keyboard to go to the BIOS. DELETE, F2 or other hotkeys are usually used. Which one will be used in your case will be written in a special footnote during the inclusion process.
  3. BIOS BIAS interface different models Motherboards will be different, but the principle of transition to AHCI mode on each of them is almost identical. First go to the "Settings" section. To move on blocks and items, use the mouse or arrow with the ENTER button.
  4. Switch to additional settings BIOS.
  5. Go to the "Built-in Peripheral Devices" subparagraph.
  6. In the SATA Configuration unit, find the port to which your SSD disk is connected, and press ENTER on the keyboard.
  7. Select AHCI mode. Perhaps he will be selected by default, but it was necessary to make sure. Save the settings made to the BIOS and exit from it, download the computer to proceed to the preparation of the media with the installation file.

Preparation of installation media

If you have ready installation diskYou can skip this step and immediately start installing the OS. If you do not have it, then you will need a USB flash drive, at least 4 GB of memory. The creation of the installation program will look like this:

  1. Insert the USB port flash drive and wait until the computer recognizes it. Open the conductor.
  2. First of all, it is important to format it. This is done for two reasons: the memory of the flash drive must be absolutely empty and divided into the format you need. Being on main page Explorer, click right-click on the flash drive and select "Format" in the menu that opens.
  3. Select NTFS formatting mode and start an operation that can last up to ten minutes. Note that all the data stored on the formatted carrier will be irretrievably erased.
  4. Go to official windows page 10 ( and download the installers.
  5. We run the downloaded program. We read and accept the license agreement.
  6. Select the second item "Create an installation media", since this method of installing Windows is more reliable, because at any time you can start all over first, as well as in the future, use the created installation media for installing OS to other computers.
  7. Select the language of the system, its version and bit. The version must be taken by the one that suits you more. If you normal userthen you should not download the system with extra functions that you will never be useful, install hOME windows. The bit depends on how much kernels work your processor: in one (32) or two (64). Information about the processor can be found in the properties of the computer or on the official website of the company that has developed the processor.
  8. In selecting the media, mark the USB device variant.
  9. Select a USB flash drive from which the installation media will be created.
  10. We wait until the media creation process is over.
  11. Reboot your computer without removing the media.
  12. During inclusion, we enter the BIOS.
  13. Change the procedure for downloading a computer: In the first place should be your flash drive, and not a hard disk so that when you turn on the computer, it starts to load from it and, accordingly, launched the Windows installation process.

Windows 10 installation process on SSD

  1. The installation begins with a language selection, set the Russian language in all lines.
  2. Confirm what you want to start the installation.
  3. Read and accept the license agreement.
  4. You may be asked to enter license key. If you have it, then enter it, if not, then so far skip this step, activate the system after it is installed.
  5. Go to manual installation, since this method will allow you to configure the disk partitions.
  6. The window opens with the setting of the disc partitions, click on the "Disk Settings" button.
  7. If you install the system for the first time, then all sSD memory The disk will not be distributed. Otherwise, you must select one of the sections for installation and format it. Unallocated memory or already existing discs Schedu out as follows: On the main disk on which the OS will stand, take more than 40 GB, so that in the future do not encounter the fact that it is clogged, leave 10-15% of the overall disk memory, leave unallocated (if all the memory is already distributed, delete the partitions And start forming them again), the rest of the memory is given under the additional section (usually disk D) or partitions (wheels E, F, G ...). Do not forget to format the main section given under the OS.
  8. To start the installation, select the disk and click the Next button.
  9. Wait until the system is established in automatic mode. The process can take more than ten minutes, in no case are not interrupting it. After the completion of the procedure, creating an account and setting the main system parameters will begin, follow the instructions on the screen and select the settings for yourself.

Video Tutorial: how to install windows 10 on SSD

Installing Windows 10 on SSD is no different from the same process with HDD disk. The main thing, do not forget to turn on the ACHI mode in bIOS settings. After installing the system, you should not customize the disk, the system will do it for you.

About what to expect users from the new Windows 10 operating system, we wrote. And the topic of this publication, as promised, will be a detailed answer to the many question interests - how to install Windows 10 from a flash drive on a clean hard drive? (Also already published an article ""?

System requirements for installing Windows 10

To the computer successfully worked on the Windows 10 Insider Preview system, its characteristics must be no lower than:

Processor frequency - 1 GHz and above.

RAM: 1 GB (for a 32-bit system) or 2 GB (for a 64-bit system).

Free space on hard disk at least 16 GB.

Video adapter with support: Microsoft DirectX 9 and Windows Display Driver.

Microsoft account and Internet access (if you wish to use the store, otherwise the Internet is not needed and you can use the local account.)

Downloading and writing an image

The first step to complete users is on the official website of Windows download ISO files.

Next, you should write an image on a USB flash drive or DVD. There are many programs that are capable of which are the following: Ultraiso, Daemon Tools., Burnaware, imgburn. Next, show an example of writing to a flash drive using the Ultraiso program.

1. The first thing you need to copy all the files from the flash drive to another computer or the drive, since during the recording process they will be deleted.

2. Find the Ultraiso icon on the desktop, press the right key and select the "Run on the administrator" item.

3. In the program window that opens in the top menu, select "File" - "Open" (or the Ctrl + O combination).

4. We are looking for the folder of the image file, click on it and the "Open" button.

6. You will open the window whereby the "Disk Drive" inscriptions should be selected a flash drive to which record is made. Most likely, in the title it will have a disk letter (E or F, G and TP), as well as the name of the manufacturer's company. In the figure it is "(e;, 8Gb) JetFlash Transcend 8GB 100." In the same window, near the inscription "Record Method" in the drop-down list, you need to specify "USB-HDD +". After performing all actions - press "write down".

7. Most likely, a warning will be displayed that all information on the flash drive will be deleted - agree to pressing the "Yes" button.

8. Recording an image will be made for a few minutes, after which a window will appear with the entry notification. Click "Back" and close the program - the image is recorded.

Work with bios.

Now goes to the installation of Windows 10 from the flash drive. In the computer where you wish to place a new system, a flash drive is inserted. After that, you need to run it and go to the BIOS program (more). This action is performed different waysDepending on the manufacturer of a laptop or motherboard. In most computers, only pressing the "DEL" key will need to start the BIOS when the computer is started, then the system is loaded, that is, at the time when the screen is black, before the appearance of Windows inscriptions.

If a this method Does not work - read below.

For laptops, keys are usually used: (F2) or (Ctrl + F2) - ASUS, (F1) or (F10) - HP, (F1) or (Ctrl + Alt + Esc) - Aser, (F1) (F2) or ( F3) - Dell. If these combinations have not worked, try also Ctrl + Alt + Ins. After launching a BIOS, which is usually different on different computersMost likely the download setting can be found in the "Boot" sections or Advanced Bios Features, depending on the type of BIOS program (see pictures below). Move the program is performed using the arrow keys on the keyboard. To enter the selected item, use the "ENTER" button.

BIOS (option number 1)

BIOS (option number 2)

We put the flash drive to the first place, that is, we choose it as the first disc, downloadable when the computer starts. To do this, click on the inscription "SECOND Boot Device.In the first case, or "1st boot device" - in the second. After that, select the name of the flash drive or drive for disks (usually DVDROM) - if you install from a DVD. Perform these actions - we leave from the BIOS by pressing "EXIT", we agree with the save settings and reboot the computer.

Windows 10 installation program

After launching on the screen of your computer, a window with a selection of language will appear. Most likely, the Russian language will already be chosen automatically and you will sufficiently press "Next".

In the window that opens, click "Set", after which we agree with licensing rights.

In the window that opens, we see two points, one of which is "selective installation", which implies the installation new system from scratch. In the English version, this item is called "Custom: Install Windows Only (Advanced). The usual installation means saving all settings, applications and files of the already available Windows, and transfer them to a new system installed. Since in this instruction, we consider the case with the lack of an existing operating system, you should select "selective installation".

You will display a list with disks / partitions, in any of which you can install Windows 10. It is advisable to choose a disk with a free place of at least 30 GB.

If the Next button is not highlighted and there is a notification that "cannot be installed in the selected section", you will have to delete the available sections and create new ones. Recall that this action will delete all files on removable disks.

To delete a partition / disk - highlight it by pressing the left key of the mouse, and then press "Delete" in the bottom menu. To create a section - you should click the "New" button. Please note that all the memory of your computer is divided between all sections, so when creating this you need to specify its future size near the "Size" parameter.

Some settings

After installing the Windows 10 installation from the flash drive, the program will prompt you to adjust some settings. First of all you will need to choose wireless networkTo which an automatic connection will continue. This step can be skipped by clicking on the small appropriate inscription at the bottom of the window. Next will be available two items "Use Standard Parameters" or "Set up".

In the second case, you can adjust such parameters as "Type wireless connection (Home / Public) "," Enable / Disable automatic updates"," Protection of a computer and confidentiality "," Microsoft help in improving product and services. " Select the "Use Standard Parameters" item, while the above parameters will be configured automatically.

The next step will be the creation of an account microsoft recordsIf there is no such thing yet. To do this, in the window that opens, click on the appropriate phrase.

You will open the form where you need to enter your data. Do it optional, so we will continue the installation by clicking on the inscription "Log without account Microsoft ", which is located at the bottom of the account creation menu. Possible technical glitch when this inscription disappears, in which case it is enough to return to the previous menu (arrow in the circle at the top), and again select "Create a new account".

Next, you will be transferred to the creation of your own local account, where it is enough to enter a name (preferably English symbols) and optional - password. We click "Finish." That's all you need to do to install Windows 10 from a flash drive on a clean hard drive.

Some errors

One of the errors that may arise after launch new windows- the absence of any local disk, For example, "D" or "E". To solve this problem, you should click on the "Start" menu and select "Disk Management" or "Disk Management" from the drop-down list. In the window that opens, you need to find sections that are not assigned a letter, presumably that are not displayed.

Click on such a disk with the right key and select "Change Drive Letter and Path" from the drop-down list, then you mean in the Russian version "Change the letter of the disk and the path". Further opposite the inscription "Add a New Drive Letter or Patch ..." specify any desired letter. Press "OK" and close the window.

Among other flaws and flaws trial version Systems have such:

Cortana's voice search engine works only in English, Chinese, German, French, Italian, as well as Spanish. To use it, an Insider Preview should be installed on one of the specified languages \u200b\u200band specify the installation language in the regional standards of the system;

Insider Preview does not allow you to play DVDs when windows help Media Player;

Some text fragments in the system can be translated not exactly, or not at all translated into Russian;

The preliminary version of Windows 10 Insider Preview expires on October 1, 2015, after which the user will start receiving notifications with the requirement to go to a new OS.

Thank you for your attention, we wish you comfortable work in the new operating system!

Many sophisticated computer users believe that for better speed and better operation, the operating system must be periodically put it. It is clear that such users will prefer to put a "zero" dozen, and not to put it on top of the old operating system. Leave aside the reasoning about how much such an opinion is and to what extent is justified to spend time on clean installation of Windows 10 from the official site Microsoft Instead of simply installing the "top ten" on top of the "seven" or "eight" - after all, here, as they say, how many people, so many opinions. There is no right answer, so everyone does, as it considers correct. And if someone with foam at the mouth proves that it is correct or wrong, then, for my taste, it does not mean that this person is right. If it seems to you that a clean image mounted on a formatted hard disk is faster and more stable, then why look for other ways. I will add that I think this very much. I don't have any logical evidence of the advantages of clean installation of Windows 10, as in many other users of Windows, only many years of experience, intuition and subjective feeling.

So, what to do if you do not want to update your Windows 7 or 8.1 to the "dozens", but want to clean and format your hard disk and then install clean Windows 10 on it?

In order for all users to calmly install windows 10 full, Microsoft has created a tool that allows you to record an operating system image on DVD Disc or USB drive. Download this free program may with official Site Companies.

But be careful! If you select the "Update Now" button on this page at the top, the program will boot to the computer windows updates 7 or 8.1 on Windows 10. For the same to download program for writing a clean image "Tens" We'll have to go down down and choose the blue button " Download the tool now ».

The mediacreatortool.exe file will be loaded. At the end of the download, you need to run it, like any other program and choose the item " Create an installation media for another computer. " Choose it even if we need to clean Windows 10 on the same computer. Otherwise, if you choose "Update this computer now", the new OS will be recorded on top of the old, and not completely. (In general, it would be more logical to call these items "update the operating system" and "create an image of Windows 10", but here, apparently, as it often happens to software, increasing literal translation from English into Russian).

One time when you start the MediaCreationTool utility was observed error 80072F76 0x20017. It was associated with the "jambs" solely on the side of Microsoft and arose everywhere around the world from September to December 2017. On the this moment The problem is solved, but in such cases to download the image of Windows 10 from the official site you can use the "crutch". Download the dozen can be directly by replacing the user's agent on the browser Apple Safari.. Everything is simple: Press F12 in the Edge browser - Next, go to the "Emulation" tab - change the row of the user agent on "Apple Safari (iPad)" - Download the desired images from official site micoscoft. (described in more detail here in English). If access to browser Edge. You do not have because of the cooling of Windows 10 somewhere and you decide to trust me (by the way, it is completely in vain - for you can not trust anyone on the Internet), then here I have links to ISO files in cloud storage MEGA with the latest on December 2017 versions of Windows 10: 32 bits and 64 bits. I will say right away, downloading from there is most likely to be slow. Faster to take advantage of the official site and the change agent in the browser. After downloading ISO Image With Windows 10, any of the described methods should be created blood flash drive From this installation image. This can be done with the utility Rufus..

In the Windows 10 pure image recording program, it is possible to create it both on the USB drive and on the DVD disk.

But first need to choose some parameters created image Windows 10 operating system (this must be done if the default parameters are not satisfied with the default, as you are going to install a clean image of Windows 10).

First of all, this issue (Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Professional), and then architecture (32-, 64-bit or both immediately). For the release, I will say this: Choose Windows 10 Home, if we do not understand what the difference is.

As for the 32- or 64-bit version, then you need to know the size of the computer to which you want install a clean image of Windows 10. How to determine this read in the article ". If you need a disc from which you can install different versions Windows 10 immediately to several computers, then we boldly choose the option "both". If no needs in both images are not, then you should not choose a double option, since the weight of the installation disk will increase smoothly twice and amount to about 8 GB instead of 4 GB.

After all the necessary parameters are set, you must select which carrier you want write a clean image of Windows 10. If this is a USB drive (USB flash drive), the image will be recorded immediately to it.

If you choose a DVD disk, the program will be offered first to select a place to save the program on your computer or laptop - you can make it right on the desktop. Only then you can burn the created image. clean Windows 10 to DVD disk. One of the ways exactly how to do it is discussed in detail in my article " How to burn an image on a DVD disk in Windows 10».

Setting the clean image of Windows 10

Considering the question of how further you can install clean Windows 10 on your computer makes no sense. If you generally wondered about the net installation of "dozens", then you clearly know how this process occurs when installing Windows 7 or 8. With 10 Version "Windows" there is nothing new in this process. As for the choice of individual parameters, I personally prefer to install the "dozen" with default settings, and already if necessary, something to change on the operating system.

According to comments and personal messages, I realized that many people still arise from installing Windows 10. Posted by a very detailed article "".

I foresee the question of activating Windows 10. I will not advertise pirate methods - if you wish, you can easily find their great set. I assume that you are going to install clean Windows 10, already having a license on it. If the licensed "dozen" was installed on the computer at least once, the key is already tied to it and after the clean installation of the operating system it will be activated automatically. If you do not have a license and use pirated activation methods you (absolutely correct) do not want, then I advise you to read my article " How free and legally get a licensed version of Windows 10 after July 2016».

P.S.: Just in case I will add that find item activation In parameters, via the search (magnifier on the control panel). Starting to type the word "Activation ..." in the search string, you will see the point "Activation. System Parameters. Its necessary to run, just pressing ENTER.

Windows 10 has absorbed all the best from previous versions of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. It is pretty beautiful, comfortable and fast. But it did not cost without flaws. The most significant of them are many mistakes in the work of the system, programs, games and independent removal The operating system of applications, which it considers non-license, even some free.

Nevertheless, if you have enough modern computer Or a laptop, then with time, most likely you will still have to go to Windows 10, since the old versions of operating systems are gradually deprived of support from developers as the system itself and software developers.

Is it worth a hurry to update the system of pretty mediocre on today's standards of PC? Probably no ... since you have more problems than the use of updates - selection of drivers, glitches in the operation of the system and programs, etc. Yes, and in performance you are unlikely to win.

But the owners of licensed versions of Windows 7 and 8.1 are important not to notice the moment and make a free update to Windows 10, which is available until July 29, 2016. After this date, the update will not work for free.

If you like games and your video card supports DirectX 12, available only in Windows 10, then you will have to go on it to it, as it is designed to give an additional productivity gain. Although the games on DirectX 12 are unlikely to appear earlier than the middle of 2016, and even closer to its end.

But if you have a modern computer or laptop with not very successful Windows 8.1 and you want to plunge into the world of a more modern operating system, then why not? Make on external disk And forward to new technologies! In extreme cases, you can easily and quickly restore the previous system.
HDD Transcend StoreJet 25m TS500GSJ25M 500 GB

2. How to download Windows 10

Using the "Media Creation Tool" utility, you can not only load the original image of Windows 10, but also create a boot disk or flash drive. You can download the utility in the "" section.

The utility allows you to download the version you need to download. recent updates. It works on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 of any bit. Start the program on Windows XP and Vista will not work.

After the launch of the utility and acceptance of the license agreement you will be asked what you want to do.

The "Update this computer now" item is designed to update the Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 operating system already installed. But it is always better to produce a clean installation from a disk or flash drive. To do this, select the "Create installation media for another computer" item.

To download the image from which you can install both the version "Windows 10 home" and "Windows 10 Professional" leave just Windows 10.

If the licensed "Windows 10 home for one language for one language" was installed on your computer or laptop and you just want to reinstall it without losing the license, then choose this option.

In the Architecture field, select the discharge of the operating system.

General recommendations are as follows. If you have 3 GB random access memory Or less, choose a 32-bit version. If 4 GB RAM and more, then - 64-bit. If you select the option "both", the universal image is played from which you can install both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows version. But the size of the image will be more than 5 GB, so it will require a two-layer DVD or a flash drive of at least 8 GB to record.

In the next window, it is proposed to select media for Windows 10.

If you install Windows C flash drives, you can leave a "USB flash memory device", this option will be the easiest and most reliable. Insert the scope of at least 4 GB and click "Next". At the end of the image download, the loading flash drive will be created automatically.

Note that all files on the flash drive are destroyed, so copy them in advance in a safe place (for example, to disk "D").

If you select the "ISO file", then it will be downloaded to the folder you specified and you can make a boot disk or flash drive at any time. Installing Windows from the boot disk is easier and more reliable than from the flash drive. Therefore, if you have a DVD drive and it works well, it is preferable to use this option.

At the end of the download you will be prompted to burn an image on a DVD. If you are planning to install Windows from a DVD, then insert a clean disk and click on the appropriate link.

Thus, using the "Media Creation Tool" utility you download the desired version Windows 10 and prepare a disk or flash drive from which you can install the system.

3. Creating bootable media

To install Windows 10 from the downloaded operating system, you need to make a boot disk or flash drive.

3.1. Creating an installation disk Windows 10

The easiest way to create an installation windows disk 10 Using the Astroburn program, which you can download in the "" section.

Run the program, go to the "Image" tab and click on the icon next to the "path to the image file" field.

Be sure to check the "Check" checkbox and click the Start Record button.

As a result, you will receive the Windows 10 installation DVD.

3.2. Creating a Windows 10 boot flash drive

Make boot uSB flash drive 10 can be using one of best programs "RUFUS" you can download in the "" section.

Connect the flash drive to the computer with a volume of at least 4 GB.
SanDisk Cruzer

Run the "RUFUS" program and click on the DVD drive icon.

Select the Windows 10 image and click Open.

Now it is enough to press the "Start" button and the creation of the loading flash drive will begin.

If you have on your flash drive valuable files, Copy them in advance in a safe place.

As a result, you will receive a bootable flash drive from which you can install Windows 10.

4. Download from installation disk or flash drive

To start installing Windows 10, insert the boot disk or flash drive and turn on or restart the computer.

The USB flash drive is better inserted into the rear USB connector on motherboard Without using a USB extension.

Immediately after turning on the computer, clamp and hold the call key " Boot Menu."(Download menu). It is usually indicated in the prompts on the initial screen download screen. On different computers and laptops, this can key from "F8" to "F12".

After the appearance of "Boot Menu", use the "down" and "up" arrows to the DVD drive or flash drive and press "ENTER".

If your computer does not even try to start booting from a disk or flash drive, then read our article. If the computer sees a flash drive and tries to boot from it, but it hangs or displays an error message, then read and make the loading flash drive in another mode.

5. Starting installation and selection of bit

Immediately after downloading from the installation disk or flash drive, you must see the offer to press any key to start installing Windows.

It must be done within a few seconds, otherwise the installation will not begin and the computer will need to reboot again. I usually click "Space".

In the installation process Windows Computer It will be rebooted several times, but no longer needed to press the key on the key, otherwise the installation will start first.

If you downloaded an image that allows you to install both a 32-bit and 64-bit version of Windows 10, then a screen with a choice of discharge appears.

Select the desired version with the Up, Up Arrows and press "ENTER".

Wait until the blue window "Install Windows" appears.

6. Configure language parameters

On the this stage It is proposed to select languages.

In the next window, click the "Set" button below the "Windows" logo.

7. Enter the key and select Windows 10 version

If this computer or windows laptop 10 is set for the first time and you have an unused key or used on this PC key from Windows 7, 8 or 10, then enter it and click the Next button.

If on this computer Or the laptop has already been installed Windows 10 (for example, by updating Windows 7 or 8.1) or you do not have a licensed key, you do not enter anything and click on the link "I do not have a product key".

Windows 10 has no binding a license key to the discharge of the operating system, as it was in the previous windows versions. You can, for example, update 32-bit Windows 7 or 8.1 to 32-bit Windows 10, and then perform a clean 64-bit Windows 10 setting and the license will be saved. But Windows 7 or 8.1 "home" cannot be updated to Windows 10 "Professional".

In the next window, you need to select the version of the operating system - "Windows 10 Professional" or "Windows 10 Home".

If you do not know why you are a "professional" version, then choose "homemade", as it contains less unnecessary components and will work faster. You can download the comparative table "Professional", "home" and other versions of Windows 10 in the section "".

In the next window, we put a tick "I accept the license terms" and click "Next".

We offer two types of installation of Windows 10.

"Update" - Selecting this type of installation will display a message about the inability to update when loading from the media (disk or flash drive).

Update Windows 7 or 8.1 to Windows 10 while saving files and installed programs (Or without saving) You can only running the installation program from under Windows. Now we will not consider this option.

"Selective" - \u200b\u200bsetting a clean Windows 10 to a new or existing section hard disk. This type of installation we will consider in this article.

9. Disc setup

After selecting the installation type, a disk setup window will appear. If you have already installed some version of Windows, then there will be partitions on the disk old system.

Delete all sections except the largest on which your personal files are located (Disk "D").

In advance, take care of the safety of your files that were on the desktop and in the user folders like "My Documents", as they will be deleted with the old system. It is best to copy them to an external disk.

Then select "Unoccupied Space ..." to install and click the Next button.

If the disk of your computer or laptop is clean and there are no partitions on it, then create a section for the system of about 100 GB (102,400 MB) using the "Create" button.

SSD disk is better not to divide into several partitions, but to completely give under the "C" disk to install Windows, programs and games. Then you will receive an unsurpassed computer speed!

Hard Drive A-Data Ultimate SU650 120GB

If the partition table of your disk has a MBR format, then the service section of 500 MB will automatically be automatically created in front of the Windows 10 installation.

If the partition table of your disk has a GPT format, then in the section for installing Windows 10, 3 official partitions of 450, 100 and 16 MB will be created.

Downstairs will still be "unoccupied space ...". Create another partition on it for custom files On the remaining place, select it and click the "Format" button.

Select for installation Windows section 2 or 4, which has a capacity of slightly less than 100 GB, and click "Next".

Create and delete sections are quite simple, but if you have doubts, refer to our article on installing Windows 8.1, it is described in detail. If Windows 10 is not installed on the disk and inform about the error, then try.

At this stage, the files from the installation disk or flash drives are copied to the hard disk of the computer and then the installation will already take place from the hard disk.

Sometimes this process can dwell on 0% or in any other place for a while, and then quickly end. Show patience and do not touch the computer. If, after 30 minutes of waiting, nothing happens, then most likely the computer is hung or the installation disk is poorly read. We will have to start everything first and when repeated hangs, it is possible to replace the installation disk.

After copying files, the computer will restart several times and the installation process will continue, requiring the user's participation. In the process of rebooting, each time a proposal can appear to press any key, but it is no longer necessary to press anything, otherwise the installation will begin first.

If you have not pressed anything, but the installation still starts from the very beginning, then remove the installation disk or flash drive, restart the computer and the installation will continue from the hard disk.

11. Setting parameters

At this stage, you can configure some windows settings 10 concerning the maintenance of the user.

If you do not want to bother, then click the "Use Standard Parameters" button, nothing terrible will happen. To view and change the settings, click on the "Settings" link.

It is advisable to disable all the options for connecting to the unknown Wi-Fi networks And sending error reports, it will increase safety.

Protection of the browser and the acceleration of his work is better left. But use your computer to download system files Other users are better forbidden to not load the disk and the Internet.

After that, the computer will reboot and the installation will continue.

12. Log in or Create an account

In the next window, you are invited to enter a login and password from your Microsoft account.

If you do not have such an account, it is proposed to use the link "Create it!". This account is attached to the Microsoft server and is needed primarily to synchronize the parameters of the system between multiple computers.

Personally, I do not like to bind an account to the Internet, since sometimes it causes various problems and slowing the computer. To create a local account, as in former versions Windows, click on the link "Skip this step".

Now simply enter your name, preferably in English, and click "Next."

Password at this stage is better not to enter, but if necessary, set it later in Windows, after full setting Computer.

13. Completing installation and login in Windows

At the last stage installation program Ends up setting up the system and shows various messages on a brightness of the background.

It can take from 5 to 30 minutes. Take patience and do not touch the computer.

When you first enter the desktop, a proposal may appear to allow access to the computer from the local network.

If you have another computer or laptop and you want to share between them, allow access. If you do not have other computers, it is better to ban access, it will increase safety.

14. Activation and follow-up

If during the installation process you entered the right licensed key or Windows 10 once has already been activated on your PC, the system is activated automatically when you first access the Internet.

In order to check the activation status, enter or change the product key, click on windows icon In the lower left corner and go to the "Parameters - Update and Security - Activation" section.

Here there is a "Go to Store" button to buy a license and legalization of Windows 10 on your computer.

If not to produce activation of Windows 10, the desktop will appear a reminder of the need to activate, it is impossible to change the color settings, and you can only install wallpapers using the "Photos" application.

15. Links

Below you can download all the necessary files for downloading and installing Windows 10, which I mentioned in this article.

Wait until Windows 10 is loaded and install, and.

Hard Drive A-Data Ultimate SU650 240GB
SanDisk Cruzer