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When visiting different web pages, browsers save different images and content for the subsequent faster loading of the visited page. The folder in which the entire "archive" is saved is called the word "cache". In this article, we will look at how to clear the cache in a well-known browser in several ways.

Clearing the cache through Mozila's settings

Launch the browser Mozilla Firefox... To clear the cache, go to the "Tools - Options" menu item.

The settings window has opened. Select the "Additional" tab, the "Network" sub-tab. We see that in the sub-item "Cached Web Content" it is written how much the cache takes on the hard disk (in the example in the figure, 6.7 megabytes of disk space). Next to it is the "Clear Now" button, by clicking on which all cached content will be deleted.

Clearing the cache with CCleaner

This method requires installed program Ccleaner. you can from our website. We launch the program. It's simple - you need to press the "Analysis" button, wait until the system is examined, and then press the "Cleanup" button. Everything, the cache of Mozilla Firefox is cleared (and with it the cache of other programs and browsers, as well as unnecessary system files and many other useless files).

In the figure, the Applications tab is open for example. You can mark the necessary items. The "check marks" shown in the example are set by the program by default.

Clearing Mozila's cache manually

This method is best used if you need to leave the cache almost intact, deleting only a few files from it, well, or if you simply do not trust Mozilla or auxiliary programs.

Open My Computer, go to Mozilla folder- C: \ Documents and Settings \ * System username * \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles \ * system-dependent \ and delete the Cache, Mozilla-media-cache and OfflineCache folders. Everything, the folders are deleted and the cache is cleared. I will repeat once again that this method is not the best one.

Today it is difficult to find a person who would not use the opportunities provided by the Global Network. Almost everyone who uses personal computer or a laptop, they understand that the capabilities of their modern assistants are used by only a third if they do not have access to the Internet. It doesn't matter what the Internet is used for - for work or for entertainment - the principles and its use, the tools necessary for working on the Global Network, as well as the knowledge that allows you to ensure the smooth functioning of the computer and programs for working with web resources, do not depend on the tasks. One aspect of the Internet that every user should know will be discussed below.

It is known that the main tool for viewing resources hosted in Global network, is an internet browser. Each user should know that during its work any browser caches data - that is, it writes them to a specific file on disk, called the browser cache. This gives a lot of opportunities, in particular, accelerating the loading of web pages, no delays during playback. streaming video and audio, etc. With all the advantages that browser caching provides, this process also has some negative aspects. In particular, information stored in the cache takes up space on the computer's hard drive. In most cases, the browser saves its data on the system partition, which can lead to a significant decrease in free space on it, and in some cases to its overflow. In this case, slowdown of the browser, other programs and the operating system as a whole is inevitable. In other words, the browser cache must be cleaned periodically.

One of the most popular Internet browsers today is Mozilla Firefox, so let's figure out how to clear the cache in a moss. It is worth noting that knowing in a mockery, the user can easily figure out this issue in other browsers - the procedure for various representatives of this software is similar.

It should be noted that access to the files in which the browser stores its data is limited in most cases, but all browsers have built-in tools that allow you to clear them.

So, to clear the cache in firefox, you can do two things:

Method 1. In order to understand in the smear, you need to launch the browser and find the "Tools" item among the menu items located on the top panel of the browser. By clicking on this menu, you can see several sub-items, among which there is "Settings" - this sub-item must be selected. Next, a window will open containing browser settings. This window contains the "Advanced" section, which in turn contains the "Network" tab. Next, you need to find the "Offline storage" section, which will answer the question of how to clear the cache in the moss - here you just need to click on the "Clear now" button. After that, the settings window must be closed by clicking on the "OK" button. That's the whole procedure - the cache is cleared!

Method 2. The second method, which allows you to answer the question of how to clear the cache in the browser, makes it possible, in addition to clearing the browser cache. As in the first method, you need to call the "Tools" menu. Next, click on the item called "Erase Recent History". There is a check mark located next to the "Details" signature, after clicking on which a list of items that are saved in history and can be deleted becomes available. It is necessary to put a tick in front of the "Cash" item, and then click on the "Clear now" button.

With intensive use of the Internet browser, it is advisable to clean the cache at least once a day.

Any browser cache is repository temporary files on the hard disk of the computer, where they are placed for the purpose of acceleration loading internet sites. Opening sites from the cache can lead to incorrect display data. Plus, from temporary files, as well as other developments of the web browser - history, cookies - recommended to get rid of periodically in order to improve the performance of the program. True, the effect of such cleaning will be noticeable only on low-power devices.

Manual cleaning

Open the Mozilla Firefox menu, select “ Settings».

Then we go to the section " Additional"And open the tab" Network". In the column " Cached web content"Press the button" Clear now».

To delete the browser history, go up to the section " Privacy", Click on the link, as shown in the screenshot below. In the window that opens, select the deleted period and press “ Delete now».

You can also use keyboard shortcuts to clear history in Mozilla Firefox Ctrl + Shift + Del.

You can get rid of cookies here, in the section " Privacy". Click on the link indicated in the screenshot below, and in the window that opens delete cookies- either manually for individual sites, or automatically for all visited web resources by clicking the button " delete everything».

Automatic cleaning

Working with the Internet on someone else's or temporarily entrusted device, cleaning the cache, cookies and history can be completely avoided if you accustom yourself to constantly work in private mode browser. In Mozilla Firefox, you don't even need to launch a separate window in private mode each time. To work in private mode, you can tune and the main web browser window. In the settings section " Privacy"You need to set the special parameter" will not remember history».

In this case, neither cache, nor history, nor cookies will be written to HDD computer. Once you close the web browser window, they will disappear forever.

Mozilla Firefox's more gentle private mode can be tune, choosing another type of work with history - storing it using custom settings ... In this case, with the default settings will be kept cookies, history of visits, downloads and search queries the data entered in the authorization forms on the sites. But saving any of this data can be canceled by unchecking or checking the corresponding checkbox.

Cleaners for Windows

Comprehensively get rid of unnecessary data in all installed in Windows system browsers can be done using special cleaning programs. The most famous of these is Ccleaner.

To clean up system garbage, you must go to the program section " Cleaning". Mozilla Firefox data cleansing options are presented in the subsection “ Applications". CCleaner provides an optimal set of cleaning settings by default, which includes cache, history, and cookies. To identify the data to be cleared, click " Analysis", Then click" Cleaning»To delete this data.

Many Internet users, in particular those who use the Mozilla browser, have questions about how to clean the cache without harming the browser itself. But before deleting, you need to figure out what it is.

A cache is a place where copies of previously visited pages are stored, as well as pictures and other multimedia that are necessary for comfortable web browsing.

Why clean Cache in Mozile

Firstly, if you often visit the Internet, visit various sites and have never cleared the cache, then the hard disk has accumulated great amount temporary files that take up a lot of space. The number occupied by the cache memory can even reach several gigabytes!

Secondly, not a remote cache can interfere with the normal operation of the site, since the design of the pages may change, but you will not see it due to the fact that the browser will open the saved old design.

Clearing the cache

You can clear the cache in the following way:

  • Go to the Mozilla menu, select "Settings" there.
  • We find the "Additional" tab there.
  • There is a subheading "Cached Web Content" and opposite it is a "Clear" button, click on it and the entire cache will be instantly deleted from your computer.

After deleting, the pages will load a little longer, all this is due to the fact that the browser will create a new cache and over time the loading speed will recover.

Method number 2

There is another easy way to clear the cache in a moss.

Clear cache using CCleaner

CCleaner is a program that allows Windows user clean and optimize 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems without unnecessary hassle and effort.

This program is completely free. She intuitively clear interface, so it's easy enough to figure it out. In fairness, it is worth noting that it not only deletes the cache in browsers, but also clears the trash, frees up hard disk space, thereby allowing operating system Windows run faster.

This is how the interface of the CCleaner program looks like.

To remove all unnecessary cache using this utility, you need to download it first. You can do this on the official website of the developer.

  • Next, open it and find the "Cleaning" tab (it is always located on the left).
  • We click on "Application" and put a check mark only on what we want to remove.
  • At the bottom of the window, click on "Analysis".
  • After the analysis, the "Cleanup" button will appear, click on it and wait for the end of the process.
  • After cleaning, close the program, all unnecessary cache was deleted automatically.

Automatically clear cache in Mozile

This browser can be configured so that it cleans the cache itself. For this you just need:

The last cleaning method is more relevant for latest versions Mozilla browser Firefox, it may not work on others. It is also important to remember that you need to clear the cache 2-3 times a week, or less often, but it all depends on the load of your browser.

If you need a reliable browser that will not let you down while working, then Mozilla Firefox is ideal for this role. Despite all its advantages, if you do not clear the cache of unnecessary information, Firefox will load much slower.

Clearing the browser cache

All information that a browser remembers about images ever loaded on sites is called a cache. If you need to visit a site again, then it will start much faster, since the cache for it has already been saved on your PC.

You can clear the cache in different ways, or use the browser settings or not even open it. The second option will be required in the event that the web browser slows down or does not work correctly.

Method 1: use browser settings

Clearing the cache in this way is the most common among users. To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps:

Your cache was cleared and its new size was displayed. Now you can close the settings and work further.

Method 2: Additional programs

You can clear the cache without opening a browser using many programs. Next, we will consider the most popular of them - CCleaner. To start, close your browser and follow these steps:

After the done actions, you can open the browser and work in it further.

That's all, the cache in Mozilla Firefox has been cleared. Repeat this process at least every six months and your browser performance will always be high.