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What does CPU FAN ERROR mean. Error Loading Operating System what to do

And the most common messages of the POST self-test system. Now I want to continue the previously open topic.

So, after turning on the computer, the POST computer device is launched. After its successful completion, the BIOS searches for the device from which the computer will be downloaded. This device may be any information carrier - hDD, USB flash drive, CD / DVD drive, etc.

How is this search?

The fact is that the BIOS already has a list of devices with which it is possible to download the computer and search for the boot device is carried out in accordance with the sequence of devices in this list. The BIOS section in which the list of loading devices is commonly called Boot.(Loading) and the order of devices in this list can be changed if desired.

While loading computer BIOS. Scans all devices from the list in order before finding a device with boot files. On this, the search for boot devices stops and managing the download of the computer is transmitted by the program, boot files which were found (in most cases this program is operating system Windows).

Device order in the list bios downloads You can change. This is usually done like this: immediately after turning on the computer (at the POST checkup phase, you need to press the key Delete..

In this note, I am public photos of my screen netbook asus Eee PC 1000h, BIOS type in your case can be somewhat different.

Sometimes the access key to the BIOS can be different and this must be clarified in the manual to the motherboard, but in most cases it will be Delete.or, as in my case, F2..

Once in the BIOS, you need to find a section responsible for downloading from devices. Usually such a section is called Boot..

To move along the BIOS menu, the cursor keys are usually used - up, down, right and left. To log in to the menu section uses key ENTER, and for exit - ESC.

On the menu will see this list:

So, after passing a POST check, BIOS polls in order all devices on the list, until it finds the available boot device. The presence of a device in the download list does not mean its physical availability in the computer. So in the list of downloads in the first place there can be a CD / DVD disk drive, but at the time of loading the drive will not be installed and therefore the BIOS will go to the following to the device.

As soon as the boot device is found, the process of loading the computer continues from it. A special active section of the device is detected, in which the boot information (files) is located and the kernel of the operating system is loaded, which is then transmitted to all control of the computer loading process.

If such a device is not found, or there are no boot files, or the boot files are damaged, the error message is displayed and the boot process stops.

There may be several errors:

  • Non System Disk.
  • Invalid System Disk.
  • NTLDR Is Missing.

What if you saw one of these messages?

First, find out in the BIOS loading order from computer devices. It is possible that you are the first to be the CD / DVD drive drive and some kind of disc was installed during the boot.

If the message continues to appear, then there is most likely damage system files. The reasons for this may be mass - from infecting a computer with viruses, to unreasonable actions of the user itself. In this case, you can try to restore Windows, but the case is very subtle and recommended here a clear algorithm of actions that would come up with everything and in all cases is very difficult.

If the cause of the failure is viruses or malicious programs, you can try to restore the system performance using the Dr.Web LiveDisk program. it free programwith which you can download the computer not with hard disk, and from the flash drive. Then you can check the computer to viruses and eliminate problems.

There are still hundreds of programs that help restore the computer after a failure, but all of them are built on the same principle as the above.

And another advice - if on the computer, or rather on the disk with ( system disk) You did not have anything archival, then the easiest solution to the problem will be reinstalled Windows .

If important information There is, then the case is complicated. I would recommend not attempting to restore the operating system, but to withdraw a hard drive from the computer, connect it to the second disk to the working computer and move the desired information from the disk to another, for example, D. Then to return the hard drive back and reinstall the operating system with disk formatting .

Why i don't like to restore Windows? Yes, because, as my experience shows, this is an ungrateful and temporary business. As a rule, such errors happen in very "littered" operating systems and the restoration of several damaged files The problem is not solved globally - soon either the problem is repeated, or new errors appear. Therefore, I prefer, firstly, maintain my operating system clean, and secondly, I never bother with the restoration of damaged files, but reinstall the system from scratch.

Of course, reinstalling the operating system for a novice user The case is dark and without any assistance, it is unlikely that it will cost it, but still it is worth learn. My site has all the necessary information for this - a video course "How to install Windows".

Do not miss the opportunity to do a good deed:

Hello everyone, "" - the next error due to which the computer sometimes stops working. Small prehistory. Before the weekend, I was brought to me and asked to see what the user said, as the user said: "Windows is not loaded and an error appears."

Well, of course, to start the diagnosis, I connected it to myself. The computer turned on, it seems to be normal, even Bios issued one short sound, which indicated that the system is ready for work. But, as soon as the queue came to load the operating system, the very error was immediately high in front of me, which user mentioned: "Error Loading operating System.».

Immediately you can make certain conclusions that the problem is or operating system. What could provoke this error? There is no accurate answer, since the reasons for the appearance of an error could be a set, starting with the incorrect shutdown of the computer, ending with the installation of any program that could damage the system files.

As it turned out, a very large number of different tips, recommendations are described on the Internet. such as:, reinstall the system or format disk) To troubleshoot a text message with error "Error Loading Operating System". But, as it turned out, most of them were simply not effective and did not bring any benefit. So I had to look for ways to restore the system to the working state, independently. Borrowing on before I say that I managed it, so read on and you will learn a hundred percent option that will help cope with the error loading the operating system

I want to immediately notice that this message appears mainly only on Windows XP. Therefore, all next stepsI will describe below will be shown on the example of this particular operating system. But, if, if you have this error appeared on Windows 7, then write me in the comments and I will definitely try to help you.

Get rid of the error "Error Loading Operating System"

As I mentioned earlier, I found a lot of tips on the Internet, but for the mne they were useless. But, I still want to share with you ways, which in my opinion are the most adequate and can really help.

The first of the most simple solutions Is a change in some installations in the BIOS settings. My examples will be on Pheonix - AwardBIOS, but if you have another version of anything terrible, just look for similar names and points. As always, in case of issues, leave comments.

Go down on the line below and choose "".

Open additional settings Hard disk. That's right here by clicking on the item "" Select the value " Large." After that, we save the changes and exit from the bios by pressing the F10 key. Check the result, if it did not help go to the next method.

Correction of the error by checking the disk

In this embodiment, it will take the installation disk with Windows XP to get rid of the Error Loading Operating System error. Which we insert into the drive and. Starts a selection and installation required drivers, so you have to wait a few seconds. Then, the menu should appear where for the recovery string you need to press the " R.».

A black screen appears in the form command lineThe screen should have a message that first you need to select the operating system with which we will work. In my screenshot, it is alone, so accordingly I put the number 1, most likely you will also have.

A few minutes check for errors of their corrections, if such were discovered on the hard disk. At the end of the check, the "EXIT" command finish work in the recovery bar, after which the computer will start a reboot, and you will just check the result from the work done. Again, in case of failure and when reaping the error "Error Loading Operating System", we will try to get rid of it using the following way.

Get rid of the error "Error Loading Operating System" by the FixMBR command

For this option, as for the previous one will need to boot with installation disk And go to the system recovery string. Just as in the last method using the figure 1, select Windows, which we will restore and press the "ENTER" key.

Now enter the command :. A text message will appear on the screen with a warning about possible damage to the existing partition table. But, since our Windows does not load at all, you can safely press the " Y."(YES) than you confirm the start of the process.

Below, we register the command. Once again, a message will appear with the question: "Want to record a new boot sector In section C :? » As in the past version, click on "Y" and confirm the choice.

Now speaking "EXIT", go back to the BIOS and change the priority of loading from the drive to the hard disk. After the next launch of the computer, its performance will be recovered to the previous state.

- This inscription appears on the black screen at the very beginning of the computer boot. As long as you do not press the F1 key, nothing happens, but then the computer is loaded and running normally. What can this message be connected with?

If you are literally translated this error, The translation will sound like this: "Processor fan error, press F1." From the message it is clear that something is wrong with the processor fan, but how to fix it?

First of all, you need to look into the computer system block and see if the fan really does not spin. To do this, turn on the computer when the lid removed system Block And make sure that the fan on the processor earns immediately after pressing the power button on the housing. The fan must rotate freely without outsiders and jams. If this did not happen, that is, the fan after turning on the computer remained fixed, then unambiguously need to look for the cause inside the computer.

First, pay attention to the purity of the fan. It is possible that he is already so clogged with dust, which cannot rotate. It also happens that something fell into the fan and sworn. I had a similar situation when a small holder broke into the laptop inside the laptop, who got into the fan and jammed it.

If the fan is clean and does not interfere with its rotation, then check the correctness of the fan connection. Perhaps you made some manipulations inside the case and accidentally disconnected the fan power wire from the motherboard or connected it to an incorrect connector. If in this respect everything is fine, then try connecting the fan power wire to another connector on the motherboard. As a rule, there are several such connectors and more detailed information You can find about their location in the manual from your motherboard. Thus, you can exclude problems with motherboardSince for some reason it may not work the power connector itself.

The next step is to replace the processor fan. You need to carefully remove the fan and go to the computer store with it and choose an analogue.

Well, what could be the reason for the appearance of the error "CPU Fan Error Press F1" if the fan rotates when the computer is turned on? It is difficult to answer this question, but I can assume that it is possible because of the low fan revolutions, the system considers it insufficient and issues a warning. In this case, you should try to replace the fan to the new one.

There is another option to get rid of this mistake, but I don't really like it. The fact is that in some BIOS there are system monitor - That is, a section in which the computer parameters are displayed. This section is usually called Power or Hardware Monitor. It can disable the fan speed tracking and the error will immediately disappear, but this does not mean that everything will be fine, just the system will stop tracking problems with the processor cooling system. I want to emphasize once again that such settings are not in all BIOS, so for more detailed information Contact your motherboard manual.

Also still wanted to pay attention to the fact that reinstalling Windows If an error occurs, the CPU FAN ERROR Press F1 does not help. I have repeatedly faced the fact that users are trying to get rid of the error that is reinstalled by the operating system, but only in vain spend their time. This error appears before Windows starts loading and the operating system is not here.

In addition to the CPU Fan Error Press F1 error, there are other messages that also offer Press the F1 key to continue to download the computer. I talked about some such messages in the note ""

Usually, using this message, the system reports the user about the changed BIOS settings. In some cases, it is enough just to go to the BIOS and confirm the saving of settings, without changing anything. To enter the BIOS, press the Delete or F2 key if it comes to a laptop, then press F10 to save the settings and restart the computer.

2 step

If it did not help, then the problem may be in the CMOS feeding circuit breaker. The issued message is usually such CMOS Checksum Bad! Press F1 to ContinueConfirmation can be discarded system time and bIOS settings . How to replace the battery you can read.

3 Step

Another reason for the appearance of an error may be faulty or not there connected processor cooler. In this case, the error will be this - CPU Fan Error Press "F1". Check the cooler if it is broken. If not connected there, then either connect correctly, or switch to the BIOS parameter CPU FAN SPEED to IGNore mode. It will force motherboard Do not track the condition of the CPU cooler. Also, sometimes this error is connected to a triven cooler into a quadpine connector.

4 Step

If you are too lazy to dig in the settings, then you can translate the parameter Wait For 'F1' IF Error In Disabled mode. This will lead to the fact that the computer will be loaded without pressing F1, ignoring any errors. But that you do at your own risk. After all, in this way, the symptoms are only eliminated, and not the cause of the problem.

  • Do not change the parameters unknown to you in the BIOS.
  • The author of the instruction is not responsible for applying the above recommendations by non-discharged users.