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Windows 10 blocked to graphic equipment. Internet guide - all the most interesting online

Error "application blocked access to graphic equipment" It can appear in Windows 10, 8 and 7 when you start or work various applications and games using a video card. Modern browsers use a video card to quickly draw pages using hardware acceleration. In this case, the load on the graphic equipment may be no less than when working simple games. Below I will describe possible reasons and elimination of this error. If you are interested only to eliminates, you can rush the article right away to this section.

Causes of error

Graphics card driver

This is the most common option of the error. "The application is blocked access to graphics equipment." The current version of the driver of your video card contains errors, because of them, in some situations, the video card cannot continue the normal operation, the application closes or starts working very slowly. For example, NVIDIA video card for GeForce GTX1070 series video cards and GTX1080 for a long time contained errors that does not allow the browser normally Google Chrome.If a lot of heavy graphics attended the open page of the site.

Error in the application or game

If the error appears only when working with a specific application or game, then this application can be guilty. This means that its developers were allowed and did not cease the error at the next update and it fell into the release. If in your case it is so, then you will not be able to eliminate this error yourself. It is necessary to contact the developers and provide them as much as possible. detailed information, then they will be able to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible.

What data must be transferred to developers:

  • The version and the discharge of your operating system;
  • The full name of your video card or a list of graphic equipment if the video card is not alone;
  • Version installed drivers Video card;
  • Version of the game or the program;
  • Describe in detail how and when an error appears;
  • Several screenshots or videos, a detailed error moment;

Damage to Windows system files

System files operating windows systems May be damaged after installing the pirate version of the game or program, a virus or hardware collection. This cause is eliminated as quickly as possible using the tool built into the operating system.

Troubleshooting "application blocked access to graphic equipment"

Below I describe ways to eliminate this error, starting with simple. I recommend trying them in order.

Troubleshooting a graphics driver

First of all, download the latest version of the driver for your video card from the manufacturer's website and install it over the existing one. Now on the market two main manufacturer: NVIDIA (site) and AMD (site).

If this method does not help, try completely removed completely existing driver And only after that, set it again. Delete Driver is possible windows tools or a special program. Go to "Control Panel", find the "Applications and Opportunities" section and delete all components of the driver:

If components graphic Driver There is no on the list, delete it through the "Device Manager". Click on the "Computer" icon with the right mouse button, select "Properties", Next Left "Device Manager":

Click on the name of the adapter with the right mouse button and remove it.

  • The application blocked access to graphic equipment - what does this mean?
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  • For quick I. complete removal Video drivers can use a special free program - Display Driver Uninstaller.

    Download the program, unpack the archive and run it. Most likely, the first launch will be an error and offer to restart the system. Make it and DDU Display Driver Uninstaller) will start normally. The program interface is most simple:

    Click "Delete and restart" and install the previously downloaded. new Driver Repeated immediately after loading the system. If it does not help, go to the next item.

    Troubleshooting a program in a program or game

    You need to upgrade a program or a game that causes an error "application locked access to graphic equipment" to the most latest version. This can usually be done on the developer's website or through the built-in update tools. After that, be sure to restart the computer and run the problem software. If the problem remains, you can only contact the developers and hope that they quickly fix everything and will release an update. Try in the letter to describe the problem as much as possible and enable all the necessary information in it. I wrote about them at the very beginning of the article.

    Restore Windows system files

    The latest versions of the Windows operating system have built-in recovery tools. You can try them in turn using, but start from the simplest.

    Run the command line (Win R, write "CMD") and execute the command:


    The procedure may take a few minutes, the computer will most likely restart. If this method does not help, try to roll back to the recovery point, then "Computer Return to the initial state". If it does not help, then the error causes some other reason.

    Additional Information

    In very rare cases, the error "application blocked access to graphic equipment" appears due to the fact that more than one monitor is connected to the video card. If you use two or more monitors, try to disable them and work for a while with one.

    Note: Monitors must not be turned off, but disable physically, disconnecting the wires from the graphics card connectors.

    If none of the ways helps, then your video card may be damaged. It can be trisped to repair or replace, but this is beyond the scope of this review.

    If you have questions or required clarifications, please leave a comment. I am all quickly reading and I will be glad to help.

    On Microsoft's forum and on other services, users complain about the error in which it is indicated that the application is blocked access to graphic equipment on Windows 10. At the same time, no one offers a single version of solving solid. Some users have helped the download new version Software, and some even reinstalling Windows 10 did not bring a positive result. Therefore, we suggest to consider the main methods for solving this error.

    Methods for solving problems

    An error when the application is blocked by access to graphic equipment, it may occur both when installing the game and when it is used. As noted on the forums, such a problem occurs in World of Warship, GTA SA, GTA V, FIFA17, Black Desert and Dota 2. It is possible that it meets in other games.

    On different resources, tips that helped users get rid of the problem, different. Therefore, list them:

    • Dota 2 helped get rid of the error disabling vertical synchronization. In some cases, the error has ceased to fly when limiting the number of frames per second.
    • Update video driver. If you do not have topical drivers, it is worth putting software in compatibility mode. In some cases, users noted that the driver installation was helped by automatic mode. This means that the system installed the driver herself, which she was needed.
    • Be sure to check the video card on the furmark benchmark. This is a software to determine the temperature indicators. The system can issue an error due to high thermal sensor. It does not hurt the full cleaning of the PC with the replacement of the thermal paste.
    • If your PC does not pull modern games, and you started overclocking the system and encountered such a problem, it is worth stopping all manipulations and return the factory settings in Bios.
    • We also recommend installing DirectX 12 and C ++ libraries. In the presence of these components, video games will work normally.

    Some users of Windows 10, during the operation of any program (more often than the game), there may be collided with the departure of this program, and the system message "application is blocked with graphic equipment." The cause of this dysfunction may be a number of hardware and software problemsI will list in this material, as well as I will tell you for an error when it occurs, and how to fix the error "application blocked access to graphics equipment" on your PC.

    The text of the error "application blocked access to graphic equipment" on the PC screen

    "The application blocked access to graphic equipment" - the essence and causes of dysfunction

    In most cases, this error On Windows 10 and not only occurs during the operation of any modern gaming or test program (for example, 3DMark), which actively uses the processor and the video card of the user PC.

    The causes of the error "blocked access to graphics equipment" may be as follows:

    How to fix the error "application blocked access to graphic equipment"

    1. Remove the flow of the video card driver, and install the driver selected by the system.. Go to "Device Manager" (click on the Start button, enter the search string devmgmt.msc. And press Enter), find your video card driver (Video adapter tab), click on it with the right mouse button, and select "Delete". Restart your computer, and then give the system yourself to find and install necessary driver (use the "Windows Update" functionality);

    2. Install an older video driver to your graphic map.. If the previous method does not help, look for an older driver to your video card on the video card manufacturer website (or motherboard);
    3. Change aMD settings Catalyst. (if there is any on the PC). Go to AMD Catalyst, select the "Performance" tab, activate the "Enable Graphics Overdrive" option, and lower the frequency of your video card just below the normal level (yellow area);

      Enter the GRAPHICS OVERDRIVE function

    4. Check the performance of your PC memory schedules. Check them with the "Memtest 86" level testing programs, or, inherently memory bar, check the stability of the system without seized slats (this will help identify a problem memory bar). In some cases, the problem appeared when installing an additional staple of memory from the other, rather than the base bar, the manufacturer. Installing identical to the base, the bar allowed to get rid of the "application locked access to graphics equipment" on a user PC;
    5. Disconnect overclocking settings. If you accelerate the system earlier with a special software, then I recommend returning the default system settings.
    6. Turn off the "Vertical Synchronization" function in the game program settings;
    7. Lower frequency graphic processor and memory by 5%. Download and install the MSI AfterBurner program, and then reduce the specified parameters to the required frequency;
    8. Install the stable version of AMD Catalyst on your PC. If you have on your computer graphic map. From AMD, install the AMD Catalyst stable version on your PC (according to user reviews, helped to eliminate the graphic equipment error. Installing the AMD Catalyst ™ 15.11 Beta Driver for Windows®.

      Use a well-proven version of "AMD Catalyst"


    An efficient solution of the problem "application blocked access to graphic equipment" is the change of video card driver to a more stable, as well as testing the performance of the PC memory schedules (incorrect operation of one of them was the initiator of the problem under consideration). If this did not help, use the other words given above, this will correct the problem of blocking access to graphics equipment on your Windows 10.

    In contact with

    Solving the problem when access to graphic equipment is blocked in Windows 10

    What if the application blocked access to graphic equipment in Windows 10?

    This is notification O. incorrect work The computer's graphics subsystem in Windows 10. It appears in the notification center as a text message when you start or after some time of the program related to graphic output (Photoshop, 3D MAX, Corel Draw, computer games).

    Transition to the center windows notifications 10

    Message with an error

    After displaying notifications, the application hangs, or completes the work.


    There is no unambiguous reason. But most often notification is caused by a malfunction of the hardware or software part of the graphic subsystem:

    • the driver is incorrectly installed;
    • graphic settings in the application that caused the error conflict with the settings in the device drivers utility;
    • incorrectly configured and installed drivers;
    • drivers incorrectly updated;
    • in consequence of overclocking the video card or exceeding the recommended temperature regime;
    • as a result of the lack of food on the video card (AH);
    • as a result of outdated components necessary to start the application.

    Methods of correction

    1. Reinstall the driver on the video card (you) after clean installation. Clean installation is an installation after full removal through special program From the manufacturer, for example or by a third-party utility.

    Display Driver Uninstall program window

    1. Lower the characteristics (tire frequency, memory frequency) video cards using special utility (Usually comes with a video card). Increase the amount of power supplied on the video card.

    Changing the characteristics of the video card in the GPU TWEAK utility

    1. Check that when working in applications does not exceed the permissible norm. This can be done using any tester, for example.

    If the utility displays a message about the temperature of the temperature, clean the video card cooling system.

    1. Update the following components of the operating system:
    • DirectX 12;
    • MS C ++ Redistributable 2015
    1. Spend a recovery system settings and system files with recommended parameters. To do this, the command line on behalf of the administrator. In the window that opens, type DISM / ONLINE / CLEANUP-Image / RESTOREHEALTH And press ENTER. Wait until the end of the operation. Then in the same command line Enter sFC / SCANNOW. And press ENTER. Wait until the end of the operation.

    The problem is highly dependent on the application that causes it. If this is annex computer game, Surely on the forum of the store, where you purchased it someone already faced this problem and perhaps decided.

    Below is a table with the games in which the problem arose and the ways to solve it.

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