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What is the fire in VK. How does the smart tape of VKontakte and the intelligent algorithm for the search for Prometheus? How the Prometheus Algorithm works

The Algorithm "Prometheus" VK has developed relatively recently. He is in automatic mode Looksides thousands of users' pages and chooses creative and unique projects for further promotion. By what parameters the communities and pages are analyzed, what advantages gives the "Prometheus" mark in VK and whether she has weaknesses, find out from us!

What it is?

At the end of 2017, VKontakte developers presented to the attention of users a new algorithm called "Prometheus". The "Prometheus" system in VK is an artificial search engine intelligence, trained not just to view profiles, but also to look for pages among them with a unique and interesting content. The most creative of them for a whole week receive a special mark in the form of fire and shows in the block "" to all users whose interests are similar to the theme of your creativity. Provided that daily in VK viewed up to 9 billion records, you can imagine how many people can see your profile! With such support or personal page It will not be difficult at all.

After a week, your page will again be considered by artificial intelligence and it is possible that you will again be marked. After all, the number of marks is not regulated, you can get it at least every week.

Historical reference. Prometheus is the hero of the myths of ancient Greece, who gave people fire. The phrase "Prometheus Fire" in everyday life means the desire for high and noble goals.

  1. at the speed of a set of likes. It is believed that truly good material is quickly becoming popular;
  2. based on the interests of friends. Your friends viewed some records and rated them like. The robot considered and decided that it could also be interested in you.

But since the fire of Prometheus in VK appeared, the principle of work of recommendations has changed. Now the tape depends only on the interests of a particular user.

Before moving to the question, how to get the fire Prometheus in VK, let's figure it out for which it is given to what it is needed and how it works.

What is it needed for?

Please note that the profile theme does not matter (if it is not recorded on the topic 18+, they will not fall into the recommendations ever). Among the authors marked with a light, there is even a school teacher.

How to get a fire flask icon in VK?

Since this service began its work, the question is: "How to get" Prometheus "in VC," does not give rest to hundreds of pages / group owners. Who will refuse free promotion and extra on the page? But they did not leave any clear recommendations for receiving the developers. It remains only to rely on the experience of pioneers and recommendations from the authors of the social network. Here are the main points that will need to be taken into account:

  • Interesting, and the main unique content. This applies not only to the text, but also to the pictures. So if you professional user Keys Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, about the icon you should forget. It's not gonna go.
  • The use of words that will notify the subject of your entry, the so-called keywords. You do not need to track the density of keys and in direct entries they are inscribed. It is necessary that they are just!
  • Use with the mind! Remember that this is not just a set of characters! He must display the meaning of your text and comply with the subject.
  • Choose photos / video competently. They must correspond to the topic, be clear and y-ni-cal -ms.
  • Do not use selling commercial words and expressions (type, "buy", "Promotion", etc.)
  • Records with an announcements of a full-fledged article do not promote you to the "lighting" elite. Therefore, forget about them.
  • Choose an interesting topic for you and write to it. No need to jump from the topic of partnerships before choosing the brake pads to Lada Kalina.
  • Remember about prohibited topics: sex, violence, cruelty, smoking, alcohol, politics and religion. If you usually write on them, then you have to forget.
  • Communicate with the reader, make it "hang" on your page longer. The algorithm will appreciate the total time spent on your page and willingly promote you forward.
  • Try to portray the users who are parallel to Yandex Zen, often think that the principle of the light in the VK is the same and there is a time of peak accommodation activity. That is, roughly speaking, putting text from 13.00 to 13.17 and you will be happy! Will not be. The algorithm acts differently. He doesn't care what time you posted your records, he is interested in the fact itself.

    "Prometheus" club

    For those who figured out in the question, how to get a sign of Prometheus in VC and "broke out" in the elite of the authors, created their "Prometheus" -Club in VK. it standard application social networks and find it can be through the search engine. Just enter the request "Pantheon of the authors", and need app It turns out before your eyes.

    Navigating there is simple to impossibility. 16 total topics. Choose what interests you and see the latest publishing marked by the icon.

    Thus, the label Fire Prometheus in VK is excellent possible for the authors to move, and for readers read an interesting and delicious material. So go ahead to new achievements!

VKontakte owners seem to flirt with SMM specialists, offering independently finding hooks that would help to understand exactly how the ranking of posts in the ribbon and recommendations are working. Such an approach, in principle, has the right to life, because if we will thoroughly know all the features of the algorithm, we can easily manipulate them. So you have to monitor the media space, trying to assemble a puzzle from the scattered statements. Well even sometimes large-scale leaks occur, like the one that served as a reason to create this material. Today's article is based on an interview with the director of the growth and research of VK Andrei Law and the Director of the Media Ecosystem of the social network Sergey Paranto.

How does the smart tape VKontakte work?

First, let's figure it out on the basis of which the recommendations are formed for a particular user. The first thing to be realized is the system puts the interests of the ordinary consumer of content at the head of the corner. You will say: "There is nothing new here, so they make search engines, such a context targeting." However, VK went further, seeking to take into account the factors changing dynamically.

Example 1.The man went to the country and follows the updates through the ancient, brake tablet with mobile Internetwhose speed also leaves much to be desired. Society sees it and sends records with bulky video and GIF animations at the bottom of the tape, even if publications are characterized by 100% relevance for a particular individual.

Example 2. As a rule, during the working day, people prefer short and receiving publications (for example, news, memes, etc.), and in the evening they can afford to read Longrides. It is also taken into account and the posts are displayed in the top that the user will most likely read "here and now."

In other words, the algorithm of the smart tape VKontakte takes into account not only the quality of the post, but also how concrete user It will interact with it. This significantly complicates the work of SMM specialists, because now you need to easily understand preferences. target audience, not just segment the subscribers on the floor, age, profession and other socio-demographic signs, as before. Now this measure seems excessive, but, given the rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies, it is better to prepare!

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Separately, it is worth commenting Example No. 1. Yes, quality network connection And the productivity of the client device play a role, but do not think that adding to the post engaged JPG and small permission will help increase coverage and demonstrate content even to the owners of the Calculators. As before, in its work, the smart tape VKontakte prefers images with a width of at least 510 pixels and rollers in HD and higher. Thus, lowering the quality of multimedia you, on the contrary, reduce coverage.

It is also worth dispelled by the myth concerning text content: no restrictions on the size of the articles do not exist. If you wish to convey to the audience, fresh news, write Cotton and briefly, but when it comes to something large-scale, the main thing is to reveal the topic. The only nuance: for longrides it is best to use your own HTML editor Vkontakte, added on January 23, 2018. To use them, it is enough to click on an inconspicuous icon in the post's creation menu.

This tool significantly simplifies the text with the text due to the fact that:

● Chernoviki are saved automatically - you will never lose valuable information;
● Formatting is also automated (for example, the editor picks up optimal indents for paragraphs and helps create a beautiful preview);
● Articles meet the requirements search engines (The hierarchy of headers H1, H2 is observed, etc.) - they are indexed also well as the pages of ordinary sites.

Another an important nuance Requests Wiki markup: this format It is considered a purely desktop, so the materials created with its help are in principle not displayed in the "Recommendations" of the Mobile Application VC. This must be taken into account if the overwhelming majority of your CA uses portable gadgets.

In addition, the algorithm of the smart tape Vkontakte does not impose a penalty for the content of "special" content (for example, erotic) - all the same rules apply to it as, for example, to pictures with cats. Prereveration also does not exist: you are free to post any information in a group or public, not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation or the Custom Agreement of the social network. However, do not forget that any reader may complain to the post, including if it contains unreliable information ("Fake News"). Statements are considered by B. manual mode, no critical mass of complaints, upon reaching which the record is removed, also does not exist.

How to get the fire Prometheus VKontakte?

At the beginning of the year, VK launched the algorithm, designed to help find fame to authors of the original content. It works as follows: neural network Looking for and analyzes publications, evaluating both their quality and the reaction of readers. Classifying found, artificial intelligence adds posts in the recommendation to users who can be potentially interesting. At the same time, even mediated contact with the primary source is optional: a person may not at all be aware of the existence of a group and not to have friends in it.

The marked material gets a priority in the extradition, which helps increase coverage. After a week, the label can be assigned a re-(but another post), and so indefinitely. That's what you need to know about the new algorithm:

1. The popularity of the community in absolute values \u200b\u200bdoes not matter

The main thing is the involvement of users. If an entry is published in a 100,000 thousand community, which is interesting from the strength of a hundred people, the system will not pay attention to it. At the same time, a small group with an audience of about 1500 may qualify for a cherished light, if a new post enjoy 90% of subscribers. This is proved by practice: in different time, along with such popular projects, like Duran and Duran, the Shedda Folk ensemble group (just over 2,000 participants), publish Canceled, dedicated to canceled games (the number of subscribers recently exceeded 6000) and even a personal account of photographer-extremal Alexander Fedorova ( About 2000 subscribers).

2. The popularity of the subject does not matter

There is a myth that AI gives preference only to niches, an interesting wide circle of users. The same aforementioned Canceled refers to the gaming industry and amenable to classification, while something out of the rank will not be seen by the robot: he simply cannot determine who to recommend finding.

It is also a delusion: Algorithm Vkontakte "Prometheus" is trying to build associative chains, predicting that it can potentially interest the regulatory platform. Thanks to this, these posts appeared in the tapes of many people.

The author of the community, as follows from the name, is engaged in what is trying on the trams of hairstyles of heroes anime. Artificial intelligence estimated an extraordinary idea, which is difficult to attribute to any genre of art, ensuring the project free advertising.

3. Prometheus takes into account only native content

In the context of VKontakte, this means the material created specifically for social network And loaded into public or group. Announcements of two-three sentences, accompanied by embedded inserts algorithm, naturally does not take into account. The system is fully automated and it can only access the content that is loaded on the VK server. Therefore, if you want to get fire, you need:

● write original materials using the VK editor;
● Use community albums to load pictures;
● add video and audio to your own social network player;
● Conduct streams on the Live platform VK.

4. Unlike the Algorithm of the Smart Tape VKontakte, for Prometheus there are unacceptable subjects

There are two of them two: Adalt (not only pornography, but also erotica) and shock content of any nature, able to cause rejection by most people (for example, surgical operations). In addition, the system will mark the deliberately "trash" communities, created exclusively for the sale of advertising places, so it is not worth abuse of placement of promotions.

5. Prometheus helps to attract new subscribers

Another common misconception concerns that the algorithm, although it helps to increase coverage (such an average increases 10 times), but attracts an inert audience without helping to increase the subscription base. Sergey Parasto refutes it with the following numbers.

As you can see, positive dynamics on the face, but much depends on the themes, the quality of other posts and frequencies of their publications. Obviously, no one will subscribe to the semi-middle-term public, and the community, where exclusive photos from space are laid out, will interest more people than a group dedicated to the pre-revolutionary interiors of Peter. Therefore, having received the cherished Prometheus VKontakte, be prepared to start working tightly with a new audience like the artist-illustrator Anton Andreev made it.

Being noticed by AI, he was not too lazy to create a welcome comic that served site page For all newcomers, and also increased the frequency of publications. The result is over 25 thousand subscribers as of July 2018, which is an excellent result for a private group, the owner of which did not involve commercial methods of promotion (targeted advertising or custom posts in thematic communities).


Now you know about the Prometheus algorithm and smart tape VKontakte almost everything is required to successfully promote communities. In any case, everything that can be found in open sources. Of course, no one will publish a list of factors that neurosette takes into account when calculating the relevance of posts: in this case, the targeted advertising would lose any meaning, and it is at the expense of her who lives social networks. But in addition, they live with the work of users: without articles, memes and video VK would be just another messenger, besides, not most convenient. In turn, the content makers need an audience, which would be able to evaluate the fruits of their labor, preferably - in a freely convertible equivalent. And so far such mutual need exists, we will not definitely stay without work.

Prometheus VKontakte is available for individual authors and entire communities. But only the page on which high activity is already noted can receive it. How to create it, if we are talking about a very new start or statistics is not so good, as I would like? Of course, the cheating of likes, comments, reposts VK!

Prometheus VK - alternative way Promotions of the community from the administration of the social network. The most interesting is that the free audience of the VC is not to get, without using the community or pages for the "revival".

On the scope World Wide Web There are many tips on how to get so welcomed by many users fire Prometheus Vkontakte. "Prometheus" is invented for the search and promotion of active communities and talented personalities. This is an algorithm that allows you to search for unique accounts and track their development.

Why do this label need?

  • The cherished light is assigned to the user for 7 days. This is an unprecedented opportunity to get a huge coverage of users of the social network VK. This is the case when the usual post can enter the number of the most popular publications. And all this is absolutely free;
  • User uses mobile app VKontakte, will be familiarized with this community in the "Recommendations" section;
  • The community will fall into the cherished list of the Pantheon authors.

After receiving the fire Prometheus, you can increase community coverage in many times, without paying for it a penny. You can use fire during the week, but an unlimited number of times. And here is a logical question: "How to get a label?".

Who more often gets "Prometheus" VKontakte?

  • Creative personalities

If you are engaged in popular or unusual creativity, you have every chance to get Fire Vkontakte. The community owner does not even need to worry about the number of subscribers. That is, a public can be absolutely not promoted. Most important moment It is the uniqueness of the posted content. Do you have something to show people? The algorithm will not pass by the party. Artificial intelligence encourages various non-profit ideas.

Prometheus is a real chopstick for those who do not represent their lives without beloved creativity, but does not have the opportunity to do PR. Even if such an occupation brings additional earnings, it is not always advisable to spend on promotion. Vkontakte's social network goes towards creative personalities. VC helps to break through the young and unknown talents absolutely free.

To increase the chances of getting a fire, you must regularly update content. And, of course, put the soul in what you are doing.

  • Travelers

It is impossible to bypass the face of such popular activity as Travel-blogging. The avoy traveler will not be difficult to get a light. If you like this case and know how to beautifully present people "fruits" of their efforts, "Prometheus" in your pocket. The quality of the content must be at the level. Photos are only the best. Video - with interesting installation. Records - meaningful and informative.

  • Commercial projects

To interest the electoral algorithm, you will have to make a lot of effort. But it is quite possible! You have the right to try, because you are the breadwinner of the social network. VK exists at the expense of advertisers who are ready to pay for certain services. But why not claim free advertising?

SMM is a complex and multi-step activity. Community maintains have ceased to be a padded fun, restricting the posting of cute pictures. Now everything is much more complicated. This is painstaking work, sometimes ungrateful. But if you do this with the mind, the results will not make themselves waiting for a long time.

The number of social networks is growing. For 2018, there are several hundreds of hundreds in the world, and the number of registered and active users exceeded 3 billion. In a huge amount of information, it is easy to get lost. And if a couple of years ago, one hour spent in the service, gave a really interesting information, now and for several hours will not always be spent with benefit. There were not very pleasant things - the dominance of business and sales, which was expressed in increasing the advertising orientation of the content. Let it not be in the form of sale "in the forehead", but in the form of selling posts and publications. It begins to affect the activity of people and the desire to spend free time in social networks.

But everything changes, and social networks also do not stand still, constantly pleased with their adherents with new tools and improvements. One of these - Prometheus algorithm Vkontakte. Consider in more detail "Prometheus" VKontakte: What it is and what opportunities opens.

What is the "Prometheus" algorithm in VKontakte

Vkontakte's social network is the most popular in Russia, and one of the 10 most common in the world. By June 2018, the number of registered accounts is approaching 492 million. Over 5 billion messages are published daily. After subscribing once to certain groups, themes, a person will receive materials from them in the form of recommendations in the news feed.

With increasing activity, the number of publications is growing, everything becomes hard to view. At the same time, reading the recommended materials (or commercial, which also fall into the tape), does not reach new case. Although there are many other, truly cool materials. A kind of "information bubble" is formed - the usual content or commercial (promoted for money) prevails.

Search and help in promoting interesting, creative and talented authors is one of the objectives of the introduction of the "Prometheus" algorithm. He was launched in September 2017 and largely turned over the usual work of this social network.

This is an artificially created intelligence that provides for the mechanics of finding interesting authors and communities with machines and neural networks. It analyzes the novelties in Content, is looking for materials that attracted the attention of the audience. Their authors or communities receive a special mark from the network on their publications - "Fire Prometheus". She looks like this:

Fire "Prometheus" VK received a name by analogy with an ancient Greek myth of Titan Promethea, who kidnapped fire from the gods and presented it with people. This sustainable phrase began to designate the desire for high achievements in a wide variety of spheres of life. Fire is a symbol of the dignity and grandeur of a person and his affairs. So the creators of the social network on the "Prometheus" algorithm of VC, mark outstanding materials and give the opportunity to get acquainted with them to their users. In essence, this is an improved function of the appearance of material on the tape, something like the most interesting thing at first.

  1. The speed of the kit (the faster, the material was considered popular).
  2. The interests of friends - in the recommendation hit the material that was read or watched friends for the service.
    Given that the speed and number of "Like" marks or the interests of friends (especially if there are many of them) have a very mediocre attitude towards what is interesting to you, the result was so-so. Mass of suggestions and content questionable values \u200b\u200bfor you.

Vkontakte with the algorithm "Prometheus" went on a completely different path. Recommendations appear in the tape, not from the usual groups and are not related to friends. It may be commercial materials and no. It is important that the updated Tape VK recommends seeing something new, based solely on the interests of a particular user.

What does lightness of VKontakte mean

Sparkle is not just a beautiful icon. First of all, it is an increase in the coverage of the shows in the section, promotion for the selected authors or groups. So, the chances of watching creativity with new people increase sharply, and not just subscribers. And that is especially important - those that it should potentially interest (based on their interests). The icon and support for the coverage of the audience is given for seven days, but you can get it an unlimited number of times (including in a row).

The flame mark indicates a high evaluation of creativity and encourages further activity. This is a great opportunity for the week (or more if the label remains) to attract attention, get new subscribers and friends. The VK network with a special bot suggests "fire" authors, how to establish interaction with the audience, apply resource tools, page statistics.

Fire "Prometheus" VK - the principle of work

So how does the system understand what and who needs? Principle of operation: pick up qualitative material For interests. There are two components for the operation of the algorithm: User and Content.

The interests of the social network participant

According to information from the developers of the algorithm, a special neural network is a kind of dossier for each user. The algorithm has many options for ranking interests. Now the system remembers the theme of viewed materials, which man stopped longer, which writes himself. It is even important to the time when the topic was most often paid. For example, if on Saturdays, in the morning you are looking for successful recipes for homemade dishes, then it is then that you will be offered materials with cooking.


For his assessment VK chose two main criteria:

  1. Quality of content - the text itself is checked - its uniqueness, including other resources. That is, the repost or copying of someone else's material no longer make sense. Photo and video materials are checked - their matching text.
  2. Audience reaction - whether they stop on the post, whether they look through once if they are lying or not, the standard time is compared to view photos, reading and other parameters. Moreover, not one material is analyzed, but the whole page. And the more good publications On it, the higher the chance to get the "Prometheus" icon.

So, the best authors and publications are found, with a high probability, the system knows who and what will appeal. It remains to combine them, which is done in the tape of recommendations, where the selected good material is displayed. I win everything: the authors receive rating, subscribers and recognition. Users - new publications in the shower.

Spark "Prometheus" VK can get both pages without a large number of subscribers or views, there are advertising, selling posts if they are written well. As for the subject with small groups, it is quite justified and does not violate the strategy. In fact, even narrow-plated materials to someone from the millions of the Army will be needed. For example, a high school teacher with a group of subscribers, a group of subscribers, can be found from a little-known earlier owners of the light.

His themes: Work on yourself, overcoming difficulties, daily small steps forward to the better found a response from many and now 652 participants signed on it. And this is just the beginning. And there are many such stories. The algorithm gives a chance to success everyone, and not only by the well-known and promoted SMM strategies accounts. And this is a real breakthrough!

"Prometheus" club

  • New authors.
  • Artists.
  • Travels.
  • All about games.
  • Photographers.
  • Music.
  • Education.
  • Theater and cinema.
  • Humor.
  • Bloggers.
  • Cosplay.
  • Sport and health.
  • House and beauty.
  • Handmade.
  • Other.

How to get a "Prometheus" icon in VK

As soon as the presentation of the "Prometheus" developers and the system began to work - this question became one of the main. Of interest is completely understandable - the social network is a business tool. And a large number of subscribers are interested in anyone who wants to promote their blog, group and find new contacts. The benefits are evident - these are potential customers. Moreover, now the information will go to the target audience, that is, those who are interested in the question. And it is cooler than targeting advertising display for the target audience.

Prior to the introduction of the algorithm for good results in Promotion, it was possible to be paid for, with the help of SMM strategies. Now Vkontakte opened the opportunity for successful free promotion.

How to get a "Prometheus" icon VKontakte? The developers do not give accurate instructions, and there are no finished solutions. But, relying on their words about the principle of operation of the algorithm and practical attempts to succeed with different methods, a number of tips were derived. The main ones are:

  1. Unique, author's content photo video and textual character. Created independently! The check takes place not only in VC, and when plagiarism is detected, the chances of "light" are negligible.
  2. Keywords for publication. Not as it is accepted in SEO-optimized texts, but so that the main theme of the material by keywords can be highlighted.
  3. Relevant hashtegi - that is, the corresponding content of the publication. For example, if for a material about a new collection of summer clothes, hashthegi type will be used: # Supermama, # has come true, # I_NEF and so on, it will not help promote. Previously, hashtegi did not give a special advantage to the content. Now they are just helping the system to understand what the material actually is to correlate with its certain circle of interest.
  4. The algorithm recognizes what is depicted in the photo. Ideally, the image must correspond to the topic of the post and keys.
  5. Material quality (photo and video). The requirement is completely logical - much better to watch the video of a good permission, and not muddy, blurry pictures.
  6. Restriction of commercial words in hashtags and headlines (type to buy cheap, action ..).
  7. Avoid post-announcements. It is better to write less, but full-fledged material.
  8. Focus on several topics, and not write about everything immediately. So, the system will be able to attribute you to a specific segment.
  9. Involve users to communication: what will allow them to somehow respond to the material, and not just read it. In "Promethea" is important not the number of likes, but the time that a person spent on the page: looked at the photo, read the text. So losing the meaning of the banal purchases of likes (for example, through the exchange of freelancing) as it was before.

An important consequence of the appearance of an algorithm is no peaks of publication activity. The system itself will choose the time when this topic is in demand. And if earlier there was a binding to the time of publication, now, when it was not done, they will show it in optimal for time. For example, on Saturday morning you will recommend watching video from "Spark", even if they went on the air day ago. To some extent it simplifies the work on the content.

There are topics that "light" will not receive, no matter how hard they try. This is all related to violence, cruelty, scenes of a sexual character, smoking, drinking alcohol and other similar means related to politics. The restriction is not broken general rules In contact with.

Summing up, we emphasize the innovation of "Prometheus", its equal opportunities for all the concerns of developers about their audience. How to get "Prometheus" VKontakte you already know, it remains to hone the surveyed skills in practice and lead like-minded people. Inspire, create and be original - now it is in fashion.

Prometheus is an algorithm of artificial intelligence of the VKontakte social network, which helps to advance the creators of unique and interesting content.

He does this by increasing the coverage of publications in the section "Recommendations" and noting your community with a special icon.

You will also get useful advice for further development Groups.

How does Prometheus work?

"Prometheus" is issued for 7 days, but it can be obtained an unlimited number of times. If your community once received it, it will be possible to find it in the "Pantheon of the authors" on the page "Vkontakte with the authors".

One of the main advantages of the algorithm is that it takes into account the actions of users very carefully. For example, if you saw an interesting post in the recommendations, then subscribed to the community, but in the future ceased to follow its news, it will hit its popularity.

Prometheus can also promote you not at the very obvious audience and will follow the way it reacts to the inertia for her. Agree, it does not always make sense to show the news in the recommendations of only one industry to a specific user. But for the most part, the algorithm exercises shows on the audience interested in similar communities.

Thus, it absolutely free replaces targeted advertising and advertising in communities.

How to get the "Prometheus" label?

1. Original content

Most of the publications should contain unique text, images and videos that are not on other sites. Rewitting and reposites are not welcome here, images should be good qualityAnd the video is loaded directly in VKontakte (and not through the link, for example from YouTube).

In this, there is even a certain plus - video in the VC is automatically reproduced when scolding, unlike loaded with YouTube.

Also, do not limit the photo and video only, create personal musical collections and gif images.

As for content from third-party sites, they can also be divided, but do not overdo and preferably add their opinions.

Attention! It's not about the number of subscribers, because "Prometheus" as once encourages the "not engaged" authors. You must have real and not twisted huskies, reposites and comments.

Even if you have few subscribers, but they are very active - this is a big plus. Vkontakte has already learned to recognize bots, so you need to fit well. Ask questions, ask for advice, raise controversial topics and respond to comments.

Prometheus will appreciate the virages of your content, i.e. How often do people share with their friends and return to the record.

3. Convenient design

Do not forget about the readability of your posts. Share text on paragraphs, follow the punctuation and check the spelling.

In addition, you need to follow the rules of the social network VKontakte. Check out the rules for posting advertising publications and the rules for holding contests and shares.