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Disk Drill what program. Disk Drill For Windows for data recovery

Disk Drill - program to restore remote files on Mac OS, which has a version for work in windows Environment. The utility can work with all modern file systems, from HFS to NTFS.

Advantages of Disk Drill

The program is distinguished by the interface in the spirit of minimalism. When you first start, it is enough to press one button to start searching for files, so even novice users will cope with the restoration of files. Among other advantages of Disk Drill:

  • The presence of several recovery algorithms that allow you to return the files both after quick removal and after formatting the media.
  • Support file Systemsused in Windows and Mac OS.
  • Ability to protect files from deleting using the Recovery Vault option.
  • The function of creating a disk image to protect the physical media from careless action.

Usually creating an image is additional featureFor the use of which you need to buy a license. But Disk Drill can be downloaded for free, which is also a serious advantage. Interestingly, the Mac OS version applies for a fee, while the newly appeared essay to work in Windows Wednesday is available free license. Therefore, it is recommended to download the program now, for now they do not take money.

Appointment of the program

Disk Drill offers users of three scanning and data recovery modes:

  • Quick search for remote files after simple removal From "Basket".
  • Deep scanning of the media with a return of data after formatting and file system failure.
  • Canceling the deletion of files protected by the built-in Disk Drill option Recovery Vault.

The Disk Drill program is universal, can restore data of different types: photos, videos, audio recordings, documents, system files. Supported work with any drives. Flash drive, external disk, Winchester, HDD and SSD - utility will find information about the existence of which you managed to forget.

Order of recovery

The developers of the utility tried to simplify the interface as much as possible, but the small instruction still does not prevent, if only because the names of the buttons and partitions are not translated into Russian. When you start the program, physical drives and disk partitions are displayed. Near each media there are three buttons:

  • Recover - data recovery.
  • Protect - Enabling file protection function from deletion.
  • EXTRAS - Creating a disk image.

How to use these opportunities? First of all, create a disk image using the "EXTRAS" button. You can not do this, but if something goes wrong, the files will be lost without the possibility of recovery. Subsequent actions are best done with a way, not a physical carrier.

To start scanning, you can simply press the "Recover" button next to the disk from which the data was deleted. By default, both search methods will be used: fast and deep. If you want to return the files that have just erased from the media, then open the drop-down menu near the "Recover" button and select Quick Scan.

If the drive was formatted, or its file system is damaged, click "Deep Scan". Deep scan takes a lot of time, so the program has the ability to save the session and continue searching the next time you turn on the computer.

After the scan is complete, a list of found files will appear. They can be sorted using filters by type, date and size.

To restore files, Highlight them and click the "Recover" button by previewing the save place.

Each of us had such situations when we could not find a specific file, and then with the Hornie remembered that it was removed. And if on the PC running the OC Windows and Mac OS data recovery of the case, then not all will be copied with the recovery of data from the smartphone. But it is not so difficult if used appendix DISK. Drill.

Disk Drill is a cross-platform application for quick recovery. different types data from popular sources of information. The program exists not the first month, has already been loved by many users, and after a recent update also acquired support mobile devices. Accordingly, it allows you to restore lost information from Android and IOS gadgets. Naturally, we are interested in the first option, but also about other key capabilities of utilities we will not forget to mention.

I will say that Disk Drill is paid Application And costs from $ 49. However, on the official website of the developers there is a free version of the application. It has almost all the same functions, at least data from smartphones is restored without any problems, but the number of data recovered is limited to 500 MB.

To restore data from any Android device, we need a full-fledged computer with the Disk Drill utility installed, USB cord and patient - a mobile device with lost data. Next, the case of technology.

We launch Disk Drill, connect your mobile to the PC and scan the connected gadget. No preparation and additional programs are required. The only thing on your smartphone should be enabled by USB debugging in the settings.

In the course of the scanning process, we will see all kinds of recovery files, they will be grouped by type, such as: photo, video, documents, etc. The program allows you to restore almost all files so that you have ever been on our device and not "lost".

If Disk Drill did not find the files you need from the first time, it is recommended to use deep scanning. It will last longer, but its result should surely please you.

When recovering the file, you can first view it, in case it is a picture, as well as listen if it is an audio file. And if we need some particular file, you can use the search and various sorting options.

Similarly, you can recover files and from iPhone, and from USB media, and from other devices, which makes the utility very functional and pretty useful on everyday use. All as simple as possible, understandable and without unnecessary problems.

In the Settings of the DISK Drill Data Recovery Data Recovery, you can select certain types of scan formats. This will be necessary when searching for a specific type of file, so that it is on it that the program focuses on it.

Disk Drill is a very simple, functional and trouble-free program that allows Root right And other serious pieces restore files from Android smartphone tablets and removable data storage devices.

The utility, about which we will talk now just have to attend everyone on the computer. This amazing application is able to restore earlier randomly or specially erased files from your hard drive. Disk Drill is considered the best tool for returning the necessary data in almost two clicks.

How to return a remote file on a Mac computer?

If you for any circumstances erased the necessary files from your Mac device, you need to first install the Disk Drill utility. This program is created specifically for such cases. It is capable of identifying deleted data and with the choice of the user to return them to the initial state. The program is capable of finding remote files On MMC media, USB-Flash, HDD and other electronic information custodians. It is possible to identify previously deleted departments and return them to the previous state.
You do not need to study the program, because when you first start, you will be presented a teaching slideshow, viewing which you will understand the basic principles of work and the functionality of the Disk Drill utility, which will be enough to start fully use the application.

We will examine step by step principle of recovery of the Disk Drill utility on Mac
1. Check the latest version on the manufacturer's website. There are two options for utilities - free and pro version. If you need an additional set, select a second option if you only plan to restore remote data, enough and free.
2. If the data must be restored on removable media, connect the device before starting the utility.
3. Start Disk Drill and specify the search for the desired disc. Depending the size of the device and the number of files on it, the scan time may increase.

4. Now you can specify required foldersWhat you want to return.

This principle works the recovery of the Disk Drill utility on the Mac device.
In addition, Disk Drill has an integrated Recovery Vault technology, which increases the likelihood of recovery of previously remote data on the hard drive or removable media. When activating the Recovery Vault function, the system and service file attributes will be saved on the selected storage.

Recovery File Disk Drill Utility on OS Windows

Functions the Disk Drill application on Windows is not worse than on Mac, without any errors. To start recovering the necessary data, you must first download and perform software installation. We go. And click on a hefty green button with an intriguing name "Download".

Installing the program - nothing unusual - constantly press the "Next" button. After installing on the desktop, the program icon appears. Caps, connect removable devices, to the computer on which it is planned to return the data. Then you need to start the software (click on the icon) and the interface opens.

The prog immediately defined all the carriers. We start recovery on the flash drive. Click on the arrow to the right of the "Recover" button to the right of the USB Device inscription (USB device). Falls out context menu

You will be available multiple scanning options:

  • RUN ALL Recovery Methods (launch of all recovery methods);
  • Deep Scan (deep scanning);
  • Universal Partition Search.

Let's try Run All Recovery Methods. Scanned. Depending on the scanning mode, the size of the disks and the amount of data will depend on the operation of the software.

The utility found 176 (!) Remote files, shows the place where you can save the data (naturally the save space can be changed). Click the "Recover" button

When the scan is completed, you need to set ticks near those files that you need to return or simply restore all the data without exception. Then dISK program Drill will ask to specify the path where you need to save and eventually you will receive previously deleted data in a separate folder.

The program itself will create the necessary folders by category: pictures, videos, documents, audio and archives.

We will analyze a specific case of recovery

After the scan is complete, we look at the left side of the program and select the type of recovery data. For example, you are interested in video files. To do this, click on the left to "Video" and right by pressing a small cross (to open the video found folder)

The folder opens. Found files with AVI and MP4 extension. For example, mark the first file. By the way, pay attention to the file names are not coincide with the names of remote.

Press the Recover button (by the way, note that in the example the data will be recovered on the D disc). But, ATTENTION! Restored video file will be located at D: \\ Video \\ Avi i.e. The program will create a foldo folder on the disk (what was restored?) And in it the AVI folder (what extension was chosen?)

As you can see everything is simple enough. With the Disk Drill utility you can easily return the remote data from the MAC device or computer to OS Windows.

Even using such a proven and fairly reliable tool as Time Machine, it is impossible to be fully confident of the security of the backup copies. The external carrier on which the data backup was carried out can be "sprinkled", there may be no access to the network storage ... alas, the list can be continued for a long time. In such cases, specialized applications to restore remote data. It so happened that we practically did not tell about such programs, but today we would like to talk about the program Disk Drill Pr.which can not only restore the fact that the user has already managed to remove, but also to greatly facilitate such operations in the future.

Attention! The program developers provided us with two licenses for this application that we will play between our readers.

Competition is over, thanks to all participants!

After standard installation The user will be prompted to immediately activate the Recovery Vault system to protect system Disc Poppy, to enable diagnostics hard disks Based on S.M.A.R.T. data. and view a demonstration tour, telling about the possibilities of Disk Drill Pro. All this can be used and at any time later.

How can I understand the content of the screenshot, there is a Russian localization in Disk Drill Pro. Unfortunately, it is not entirely ideal: phrases are found on english language (Including a demonstration tour), and the translation itself often looks like the result of the work of Google Translate.

Then you will see a greeting window that contains a bunch of links to two modes of operation Disk Drill Pro (protection and recovery), as well as on various reference books and other web sites related to the program. By the way, the Russian-speaking version of the application site has a much more competent translation, rather than the application itself.

Finally, you will enter the main program window that has a visual interface and a simple structure consisting of two tabs (by the number of Disk Drill Pro operation modes).

Data protection

This tab includes / disable a unique protection algorithm. data recovery Vault, as well as system guaranteed data recovery. Recovery Vault can greatly facilitate recovery of remote data from a particular disk due to the fact that when it is turned on, the service entries of the file system and the deleted file attributes are saved in a special program storage. When the guaranteed recovery system is involved, in addition to all of the above actions, the program will make hidden copies of all remote files and save them by certain rules. For each disk, you can use both one and both technologies at once.

Note that it is not enough to include one or another system - it is still necessary to properly configure. In the Advanced Recovery Vault properties, you can set additional protected folders, as well as an exception mask, on the basis of the protection, the files of certain types will not be taken into account. When the system is disconnected, here you can clear the repository of service entries and file attributes.

In the settings of the Guaranteed Recovery System, in addition to all of the above, the storage time of copies of remote files is flexibly adjustable (from 1 day to year, and even without restrictions), as well as conditions, subject to which the base of protected files will be cleaned. Here you can also set the minimum file size for guaranteed recovery (from 16 MB to 32 GB or, as an option, without restrictions).


Data recovery mode can be called the main operating mode, since it is from it that the user will have to most often deal. How can I understand from the name, it is designed to restore remote files from various media. Disk Drill Pro supports work with any drives that the user will be able to connect and mount to mAC system OS X (internal and external hard disks SATA / SSD / USB / Firewire / Esata, hard drives Video cameras, iPod mini and iPod Classic, any types of flash drives and memory cards). Filed support for file systems HFS / HFS +, FAT16 / FAT32, NTFS, EXT3, EXT4 and others as well more than 110 file formats (full list You can see on the developer's website).

There is a minimum of three options for recovery.

  • Restore protected files

The easiest way is to cancel the removal of files from the carrier, which was pre-protected with using recovery. Vault.

  • Fast scanning

Fast scanning that allows you to identify recently deleted files. Can only be applied to individual media sections. After the scan is completed, the user will be asked to mark the following files in the list of found files that he wants to restore, set a folder / media where the recovered files will be saved (it is urged to save on the scanned section), select from the list files for recovery and, in fact, run Recovery process. If you wish, you can save the recovery session in order to subsequently be able to return to it and restore the files found during this session, and not start all over again, since the search results can be completely different.

  • Deep scan

Not only separate sections may be subject to deep scanning, but the entire carrier is entirely. The process of rude scanning is sufficiently long and therefore it is usually used only if the rapid scanning has not brought the desired results.

After the scan is completed, the procedure for recovery of files is not different from the rapid scan.

In addition to the three options for recovering files in the program there are two more sufficiently useful features.

  • Backup in DMG image

Creature backup The selected disk or partition in the DMG archive and saving the latter in the specified location.

  • Search sections

A function that allows you to find and restore the disc partition, removed by chance (or intentionally).

The found section can also be accurately scanned for the presence of remote files on it (and restore the files themselves), or save it to the DMG image, and then restore with Disc utility.

As a pleasant and no less useful addition, you can note the possibility of output indicator hard disk In the menu, which simultaneously serves as an application icon. The click on the icon will display a small context menu (when monitoring the temperature of several disks installed in the poppy, the corresponding number of icons will be displayed in the Bar menu).

The Disk Drill Pro settings menu is very simple and contains 5 tabs with a minimum settings located in them. Among options, you can note the possibility of choosing certain types of files that will search for the application during scanning, setting a master password limiting unauthorized access To important functions of the program, work from S.M.A.R.T. Disc parameters. In general, the user can even not look into this menu, since Disk Drill Pro works fine and without additional settings.

As you know, it often happens that the value of information and data stored on certain carriers is many times the value of the carrier itself or even the entire computer is entirely. It is for these considerations that allows you to restore lost data have a rather tangible cost. Disk Drill Pro also did not exception in this regard. Purchase will cost the user in 89$ but it's nice that for users living in the CIS countries acts 50% discountresulting in which the final 44,5$ It does not seem so much of the amount, especially if the restoration of the data archive has been restored on the horse, which you were within a few years. There is also a completely free version of Drill Disk Basic, which has the same functionality as the Pro version (including the Recovery Vault system), except that it disables the ability to restore files. There is also a third edition of a program that is called Disk Drill Media Recovery and distributed only through Mac App Store.. The hard requirements for Apple to applications located in the Mac App Store have forced the Disk Drill developers to abandon a number of sufficiently important functions and significantly reduce the cost of the application. The program began to cost the "total" $ 29.99, but at the same time lost opportunities to work with the sections of hard drives installed in the Mac and, respectively, Recovery Vault systems.

Today we will talk about a powerful, popular and useful utility called Disk Drill.

This application, thanks to its modules, allows you to perform a wide variety of hard disk operations, monitor its status, restore lost data, including iOS devices, perform the "smart" cleaning of the hard disk, search for duplicates of files, create backups and even recovery disk. But first things first.

Duplicate Finder - Search for Duplicates Files

The Duplicate Finder tool in Disk Drill scans the disk to duplicates and free an extra place. It is also convenient to use it for your online storages, such as Dropbox and Google Drive.. Network folders Also will work.

How to use Duplicate Finder:

  • Drag or add the area to search for duplicates.
  • Click "Skan". Wait. Look how much space can be restored.
  • Select duplicate to delete, or use the auto break. Click "Delete". Ready.

We tested this tool And his result was more than impressive. Judge for yourself:

The program has found 3404 duplicate files with a total volume of more than 30GB. Very good.

Creating a bootable recovery disk

To increase the chances of recovery or in cases where the system section is damaged, Disk Drill allows you to create boot disk Recovery.

For this tool you will need a flash drive or any other recordable carrier of at least 2 GB.

How to create a boot disk recovery:

  • Select disc - a source of recovery from operating on OS x 10.8.5+.
  • Select a disk that will be bootable.
  • Reload your poppy while holding the Option key. Select the "Diskdrill Boot" section for secure data recovery.

Creating backup

Disks fail, it is inevitable. Disk Drill can be used to create a pawy copy, and recover data from it, and not from a damaged disk.

How to make backup DMG:

  • Select a disc or section for backup.
  • Choose backup storage area. Maybe you need another hDD For backup. Click "Save".
  • Wait until Backup is created. Use the "Connect Disk" option in the Disk Drill to mount the disk image.

Cleaning a disc

The cleaning module in Disk Drill helps you see where the free space on your hard disk is. Buing a visual map of your files and folders, you can quickly remove unnecessary.

How to use a disk cleaning:

  • Select a disc for visualization. Click "Skan".
  • Wait. Look a built visual card. Choose specific folderBy clicking on "Choose".
  • Select the necessary files and folders. Click "Delete".

As can be seen from the screenshot, the program allows you to determine the most "loaded" folders, open which you can see which files with the greatest size occupy the place.

Data recovery

And of course, the main purpose of the program is to restore the data.

It is noteworthy that Disk Drill restores data not only from local disks, but also with flash drives, external hard drives and even connected to a computer mobile device IOS devices.

To begin with, we formatted our workbar in FAT32, then copied several images to it and removed one of them.

After that, the search for lost (remote) data was launched.

The program not only found a remote file, but also thousands of others, "living" on this flash drive files to formatting!

Data recovery with iOS devices

IOS recovery in Disk Drill is based on iOS backup using iTunes.. Whatever in backup, everything can be restored: photo, video, audio, etc.

Supported and iPod with installed iOS. 5 and higher.

Recovery starts from scanning the last backup device.

After scanning, the program will display all the found files that can be easily restored by clicking on the appropriate button.

How much does it cost?

Disk Drill is available in the form free version - Basic package. With them you can restore files, including protected, perform backup, view all recovery methods.

Those who seriously refer to the safety of their data and hard drives will interest Disk Drill Pro. Question price - $ 89. it full version Programs, with all modules and the possibility of installing 3 computers.

Our verdict: Disk Drill definitely deserves the attention of all users of Mac and iOS computers.

Download Disk Drill from Developer Site

For those who are already familiar with the program we inform that recent developers produced a great update of Disk Drill 3.

What's new:

  • Ability to recover data from iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
  • The ability to recover data from Android devices (ROOTED OR USB Mass Storage Mode ONLY)
  • New Free File Duplicate Function Function
  • New Free Creation File Function
  • EXFAT, EXT4 Support
  • Work with Mac OS 10.12 Sierra
  • New interface

Well, finally, the most delicious thing :)

Developers kindly provided 5 licensed keys For Disk Drill Pro!

Take, test and be sure to unsubscribe in the comments on how successfully you spent time with the program!

Keys for Disk Drill Pro



