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How to change the label of the basket on Windows 7. Setting the basket icon and not only

We will continue to get acquainted with the special folder of the basket and stay now on setting up basket.
After installing on the desktop, the only icon is displayed - the basket. In Windows XP SP3, Windows 7, for example, it can be renamed, in the context menu, select the appropriate command, come up with the name and OK. Previously, it was possible to make only via the registry editing using Tweaker's programs or manually.
Can change appearance Basket icon. For this, click on the PCM on a free place, press the line "Properties", in Windows 7 the command is called "personalization", and the line "Changing the desktop icons" in the form of the links we find the left in the window panel.
At the top of the Properties: Screen dialog box there are tabs, we need the second left "desktop", open it with a click on the LCD and press the button at the bottom of the Desktop Setup window.
In the tab with elements, select the basket icon, it should be isolated a color rectangle (2 of them 2, we change in turn or at your discretion) and press the "Change to K" button.

Before you, the set, standard Windows collection, moving the scroll bar at the bottom, look through everything and choose what you like. I note that there is no alternative icon for the basket. You can choose any icon at all that will designate the basket.

If you want the basket to be beautiful-pretty, go to search. First we look at your computer. If you have a certain number of various designations (see the first tab in OK not "Properties: Screen").

As a rule, there are topics that the basket icon looks different.I found here such badges on your disk C: \\ in the Windows \\ Resources \\ Themes folder, opening all the folders with downloaded themes. If you installed topics, remember or write down the address, it may be needed.

I think you have a natural question. And why there are no such topics on my computer? First, it depends on which operating system is installed, and secondly, some topics I specifically searched on the Internet, downloaded and installed. At any search engine Enter the query "Quality themes of Windows XP" (or Windows 7) and find no less interesting. You can also search for the collection of icons on requests - "icons for folders", "Icons for folders".

I have a collection of icons in the icon folder, from it and take the icon for the basket.
noteTo replace the standard icon on the third partner, when downloading, you need to choose the * .ico format, otherwise it will not change the icon.

Everyone knows what the basket icon looks like in Windows. Whatever version we have taken, it is very similar and developers in each version brought some minor changes. In this material we find out how to change basket icon on windows 10Since many users love to change the appearance of their desktop and deal in small options.

In the tenth Windows family, there is a significant number of parameters capable of transforming the appearance of the system. Although for more thin setting, including changing basket icon, can be used special utilities. The usual change method of the appearance of the icon through the properties will not help, since there are no necessary options, and therefore we will use other methods.

By the way, in the early editions of Windows, there is also the ability to change several elements of the desktop. These options are located in the section "Personalization".

How to change basket icon through system parameters

To change the label of the basket in the top ten, we use the following simple actions:

  1. Press the Win + I keys combination to go to Windows settings.
  2. Click on the "Personalization" section.
  3. On the left, go to the "Topics" subsection.
  4. In the right area, go down and find the option "Desktop icon parameters".

  5. Choose a basket icon, then click "change the icon".
  6. Choose from the list you like. Click on the ok button.

Thus, you can change the "Computer" icon, "Network". By the way, to completely remove these shortcuts from the desktop, remove the checkboxes in the "Desktop Icons" field.

If you did not find a suitable icon in the list, then try downloading sets from the Internet. They are supplied with the extension ".ico".

How to change basket icon using the registry

There is another method that allows you to replace the basket icon using the registry editor. The option is to edit the text parameter, in particular, specifying the location to the desired object. The first method implements exactly the same idea, but suddenly you did not work, then there is a second option.

Before changing the registry, it is best to make a copy of it or create a system recovery point.

It should be borne in mind that the path to the icon after the direction of the path should not change, so placing it somewhere on system Disk.

How to make the default basket icon

If you have been bored by the appearance of the basket, which was installed, then everything back is just as easy.

  • We go into the system parameters, then personalization, themes, parameters of the desktop icons.
  • Select the basket icon and click on the button "Normal Icon".
  • Ready.

In this article, we figured out how to change the basket icon on Windows 10. Practically similar to eight or seven.

Hello. Today I want to tell you all I know about the basket on the worker table Windows 7.

At first, planned to write a small article-advice, how to remove \\ restore the basket with \\ on the desktop, but according to the "Rule of the Brascover" screwed into the topic on the most ... ears. This rule, or rather the phenomenon, the motorists know well - you start with the little things, and it turns out full repair of the whole car.

(I once changed the brake pads - I got a replacement, in addition to the pads and caliper, hose, tubes to the main ... In short, I cried everything in the world, it would be better to contact the service, it would be cheaper, saved, saved, damn!)

So, that I will describe today - how to remove or restore the basket, how to rename it how to remove the signature at the basket, how to fix the basket in the Start menu or in the taskbar, how to replace the basket icon ... Of course, all this is stepdown in detail and in pictures.

How to remove the basket from the desktop and how to restore the remote basket

I have repeatedly said that both hands for minimalism on the desktop. I have an absolutely clean desk - neither shortcuts (instead there is start menu and nexus panel ) Nor any baskets (below described how to remove it), it is fixed in my taskbar. Wallpapers prefer Light, air and soft. Beauty and harmony, in one word.

It is very easy to remove from the desktop or restore the basket is very easy to climb the right mouse button anywhere in the desktop and go to "Personalization" to go to ...

And there you can already remove or return a tick near the "basket" (do not forget to "apply") ...

How to change the basket icon on the desktop

Also, nothing complicated - in the same window (which is shown above in the screenshot), we highlight the type of basket (empty or complete) and clicking "change the icon" indicate your icon, for example, from the archive that I give you below - there is already 92 paired icon! For every taste and color.

This archive unpack and place the resulting folder with the basket icons right away in the place where you will not move it more - it is very important!

Download basket icons set: 9MB

Do not forget to "apply" to press.

One nuance! When replacing the basket icon in this way - it will stop updating automatically. Now it will only be necessary to update the desktop handles to see the filled or empty basket (the F5 key on the keyboard). Maybe for someone it is critical, but I absolutely pink. I have B. CCleaner Configured automatic cleaning of the basket when the computer is turned off.

Half the day spent on solving this problem (I wanted to tell you), but I did not find a clear and working recipe. Can anyone know - share with us in the comments.

It is for this reason that at all I don't see the meaning of the booming of the desktop with some baskets, urns, garbage containers ... And if something accidentally deleted, how to restore the file? How to open a basket if we removed her? The next chapter of the article will answer these questions ...

How to fix the basket in the "Start" menu or in the taskbar

There is more difficult, but also does not require two higher education. Tick \u200b\u200banywhere in the desktop right mouse button and "Create" - "Label" ...

In the window that appears, we enter ...

explorer.exe Shell: RecycleBinfolder

(you can copy and paste)

And so, a label appears on the desktop ...

But he looks somewhat not in the basket, right? We go to its properties (right-click on the shortcut) and "change the icon". Again, specify the icon from the downloaded archive, for example. Or in the "Search Icons in next File»Enter or better insert pre-copying this line ...

% Systemroot% \\ System32 \\ imageres.dll

Now beautiful! It remains the last time to poke the basket icon with the right mouse button and ...

Congratulations, we moved the cart on the taskbar and the Start button menu. But we are now not available such a convenient basket menu! From which, by the way, it was possible to rename the basket.

In order to make this menu, it is necessary to drag the basket icon to drag on the panel. quickly launch. No such panel? Let's do…

Return a quick launch panel in Windows 7

Click on the right mouse on the free area of \u200b\u200bthe taskbar and select the panel command. Create toolbar. Before that, it makes sense to pre-remove in the pop-up menu checkbox "Secure Taskbar" - this will be needed.

And enter in the string (or inserting coping below) ...

% APPDATA% \\ Microsoft \\ Internet Explorer \\ Quick Launch

Get a quick launch panel ...

If you want, dragging this panel from the katsiks to the right to the "Start" button, because we removed the daw with the "secure the panel" in the properties of the taskbar, remember?

Right-click on the name of the quick launch panel and remove the daws (only below) ...

Now we are with you and got a full-fledged basket in the taskbar ...

Observing a new operating room windows system 10, Microsoft gave her many new features and significantly reworked the system design. Changes also underwent desktop icons. Many users got used to the old icons that were present on Windows 7. Therefore, not standard icons After the transition to a new Windows 10 did not like many PC users. IN new Windows 10 They can be easily changed for any shortcut on the desktop. In this material we describe all ways to change the icons in Windows 10. In addition, we will describe the process of creating new icons.

Change the icons of the main desktop labels

The main labels of the desktop include such links as " This computer», « Control Panel», « Basket" To change these icons, you need to go to the panel " Parameters»On links" Personalization / theme».

Now let's try to change the shortcut " Basket" To do this, choose the basket and click on the button to change the icon.

In the shortcuts list that appears, we will choose your favor and confirm your solution to the Apply button. Below is a basket with another image.

Also users can use icons not from standard libraries Windows 10, and from third-party sources. One of these sources is a package of free icons " Open Icon Library" You can download this package on its official website After downloading and unpacking the archive, about 10 thousand icons of various formats will be available. To use them from "Open Icon Library" by clicking on the same button to change the icon for a label of the basket. In the window that appears, click the Browse button. . . . After that, choose one of the "Open Icon Library" labels. Below is a basket using pictures from Open Icon Library.

What shortcuts on the desktop Windows 10 can be changed

The main elements of the desktop for which you can change the icons are shortcuts (links to programs, files and folders) and folders. We describe an example of changing the icon in Google Chrome.. To do this, proceed to the properties of the browser label.

Now if we click on the button Change icon. . ., We will have four options for choosing a badge.

From the example it is clear that when we get to the window of the icon selection list, then the same window appears in front of us as in the first example. The only difference is that all icons are not taken from the system library, but from the executable file "chrome.exe". In this window, as in the first example, you can choose an icon from " Open Icon Library"Or any other.

Now consider shifting icons for folders on the desktop. For example, we will create a folder named "Icon" on the desktop. After its creation, we turn to its properties to the " Setting».

On this tab, click on the familiar button already Change icon. . .. After this, the actions appear before us will appear the window, as in previous examples.

The principle of replacing the folder icons on the third party, and not from the "shell32.dll" library, the same as in previous examples.

Create icons yourself

For this example, we will use the program ICOFX.. This program can easy to create various icons from raster images . For this example, we will take free photo From On this site you can find thousands of free images.

We also download and install the program ICOFX.. After that, I will open the ICOFX program, as well as open our image in it.

When opening an image, the utility offers us a choice. We will focus on the option " Create An icon from the image" This option will open our image in the reduced resolution, which can be saved to use as an icon.

After selecting the right size of the icon, it can be saved. In our case, the size is 256 × 256. It is saved in the "* ICO" file format. Below is an example of the Shortcut user label with our icon.

Using ICOFX, you can create various icons from raster and vector images that are located on the desktop.

Setting the size of shortcuts

Amend the size of the shortcuts on the desktop is quite easy. To do this, go to the active desktop and click on it with the right mouse button. After this action will open context menuin which you need to go to the string " View».

The image above shows that you can make the size large, usual and small. This setting allows you to configure the size for monitors with different resolution and diagonal. For example, for large monitors, you can reduce the size of the shortcuts, and for small diagonals to make them large. It should also be noted that in the "View" paragraph, you can consolidate the grid labels and secure them automatically on the desktop.


After reading this article, you will find out how easily you can change the icons in Windows 10. In addition, the article shows how you can create icons from raster images yourself. We hope the material will help our readers to change the icons in Windows 10, as well as create new ones.

Video on the topic

To make a stuffing Windows 7 more original, you can change not only theme and design, but also icons standard folders, baskets, start and files. The easiest way is to take advantage of the capabilities of the system itself, but if you wish, you can install programs and unique icons from the Internet.

How to change the start icon on windows 7?

For the sake of diversity sometimes I want to change the start icon in Windows, because to see standard image From day to day boring. How to do it for seven?

Use the start button to change windows program 7 Start Button Changer. It can be downloaded in free access.

The easiest option

If you downloaded a program to your computer, it is enough to run it. But be sure to do this on behalf of the administrator. And then it will be enough to choose the icon you like, replace it and enjoy the new button.

If everything worked for you, you can stop. However, sometimes there are difficulties, so it takes a little more steps and work with the file called explorer.exe.

EXPLORER.EXE file change option

Go to System Disk S. Find windows folder, Open it and find the file you need there. It will be called - explorer.exe.

Click the mouse (its right-click) to fall a list with items. We choose "Properties".

Open the "Properties" clause, tabs will appear there. We need "Security". A list of users will appear in the window. Select a group with the name "Administrators" and click on the "Change" button.

In the next window in permissions for the group, you need to put the checkboxes of the vertical column "Allow" opposite all items in the window. Do not forget to apply the changes and agree to new permissions.

Now we return to the "Security" tab, we need to additionally set permissions to change. The button is called "Advanced" and changing this parameter will include special permissions for the admin group.

In the open tab, we allocate the "Administrators" string with one click of the mouse. Press the function of changing permissions.

If you did everything right, in the "Resolution" column opposite the Administrators group you will have the rights " Full access" IN as usual mode By default, the rights are displayed at the "read and execution" level.

In the window that appears, you will need to change the resolution details and for this you need to click on the "Change" button. The next window will be called "Permissions". In the "Allow" column, tick all points. We agree with the changes.

Please note that the "Owner" tab should display your name. account or admin name.

Now we have all the right to make changes at the system level. We run Windows 7 Start Button Changer, first download and install it. Click on the right mouse icon and run on behalf of the administrator.

You need to select the item called "Change Start Button". We will need a "Sample ORBS" folder. This is a special archive with a set of buttons. Choose what more like it, click "Open".

To cancel the changes, it is enough to click on the button called "Restore Original Explorer Backup" and the start icon will return to its original appearance.

How to change the file icon in Windows 7?

For those who want to change the personal configuration of the computer for themselves and make file icons by others, this step-by-step instruction - The most accurate.

Having done all the steps, you can now always change the icons at your discretion. And you will not need third-party applications or additional programs, as in the case of replacing the start icon, you can do here standard means Seven.

The icons themselves can be downloaded from the Internet or even to order at the designer if you want to truly unique.

Do not forget to save data after the changes made by clicking "Apply" and "OK".

How to change icons for folders in Windows 7

Changing the folder icon will allow you to unique it, allocating from the general range. Steps are simple enough, therefore, even if you are a novice, easily figure out the procedure.


If for some reason you did not like the result, then you can return everything by opening the same path: Properties - Setup - change the icon. On the last tab, there is a "Restore default" function. By clicking on it, you restore the icons that are present in the default system.

Installing icons using iconpackager

There is another way to change the folder pictograms to any others. To do this, you can use the convenient IconPackager utility.

If there were no icons in your collection for certain types of files or programs, the pictograms of these objects will remain the same - unchanged.

It happens that you need to return the icons back. In this case, in the same program, click on "Windows Default Icons By: Microsoft" at the bottom of the screen from available icons and apply the rule by clicking on "Apply Icon Package".

Other programs for changing icons

To install the icons, it does not always have enough tools proposed above. For example, you liked the icon, and it is represented only in the PNG extension, while the ICO extension is required to establish new icons. In this case, two programs will be useful:
  • Aveicon 2 is a small program that can convert files of icons from PNG and ICO.
  • IrfanView is a utility that is useful if you need to convert the entire icon collection at once.
Another program is iconto. Its capabilities are to assign specific picrograms to individual system objects. For example, you replaced the folder icons, but for one very important you want to use a unique icon. It is in this case that Iconto will help.

How to change the basket icon in Windows 7?

In order to change the basket icon, other operations are required. Go through "Properties" will not work.

Video to replace standard pictogrom in seven

See visual video instructions, how to change standard icons on your own:

Thus, wanting to change the icons of folders, files and other objects in Windows 7, you can use the capabilities of the most operating system. Pictograms are enough to download separate icons from the Internet or a collection. Installing icons takes only a few minutes, even if you use third-party programs.