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How to change the owner of the Windows 10 folder. Gray business schemes

How to become the owner of a folder or file in Windows 7? In order to make adjustments to system folders, you need to be their owner, logical. But, the snag is that in operating windows systems 7 and the following owner of all system folders is herself operating system. It is impossible to change anything from the go, even if you enter the administrator account. It is possible to solve the problem.

How to become the owner of a file or folder in Windows 7?

To solve this problem there are three ways:

1 standard method;
2 through the command line;
3 using the program;

1 How to change the owner of the folder or file with the standard way;

The standard method implies a change in settings and receiving access rights. On the the desired folder Or the file should be right-clicking, select the properties subparagraph. Next, you will see "Security", from it, select "Advanced".

In the "Owner" paragraph, click "Change".

Through the search for the search, select the desired group or the name of the owner and save the change.

That's all, I became the owner of the folder or file. But, making changes in the system folder or file, you should be aware of the actions.

2 How to change the owner of the folder or file through the command line;

There is another way to change the owner, with command line. It is somewhat more complicated and longer, but also works. To do this, you can use the TAKEOWN or ICACLS command.

In the team introduce the following

TAKEOWN / F "Full way to file" - This is a command to change the owner of the file

TAKEOWN / F "Path to a folder or disk" / R / D Y - This is a command to change the owner of the folder

If something does not work, then enter the TAKEOWN command /? And get full help.

Approximately you can also do with another command - icacls. The scheme is the same, but at the end you need to register the name of the owner and close the tag.

ICACLS "Path to the file or folder" / SETOWNER "user_name" / T / C

If you need access for everyone, then you will simply register " Administrators.».

3 Changing the owner of the folder or file using the program;

Change the right to access through the program. All of the above suggest you do with special Program - Takeownershipex. The program is free and works on several languages, including Russian. Download, remove from the archive and install. Now choose the desired file. or folder and click right-click - change / restore access rights. In the window that opens, choose the desired owner or group, everything is ready.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. All three ways work are guaranteed trouble-free and free. The easiest way to change access rights using a program or standard way. But by changing anything in the system folders, feel carefully.

This article shows actions with which you can become the owner of the Registry section and get full access rights, as well as how to return the source rights and restore the original owner.

Some sections are systemic windows registry not available for editing, even if your account refers to the group "Administrators". This usually occurs due to the fact that the group "Administrators" There are no appropriate permissions (Rights) to write to this section of the Registry. There are several reasons why you cannot edit the registry key:
■ Group "Administrators" It is the owner of the section, but does not have complete rights to him. In this case, it is enough just to issue a group "Administrators" Full rights.
■ the owner of the section is system service TrustedInstaller. In this case, you must first become the owner of the section, and then give out full rights to your group, just in this article and this example will be considered.

■ The partition owner is a system account "System" TrustedInstaller.

Further, the article will describe how to make changes to the registry in the absence of appropriate permits, as well as how to restore the initial permits, and why it should be done. Before editing system registryrecommended

If you change any parameter in the registry, if you are not right enough, you will receive an error message.

Consider first exampleWhen group "Administrators" It is the owner of the section, but does not have full rights to it:
1 Permissions ...
2 . Highlight the group "Administrators":

If you are available Full accessInstall it and click OK. This may be enough if the group is the owner of the section.

If the checkbox is not available or you see an error message as in the screenshot below, then go to the second example.

The second examplewhen the partition owner is the system service TrustedInstaller

In the window Permissions for group Press the button Additionally

In the next window, click the link. Change Enter the name of the local account or address email Accounting microsoft recordsCheck the name and click OK

Check the box Replace the owner of subspeters and objects At the top of the window and click OK

Highlight the group "Administrators", Check the box Full accessClick the button OK.

Now you have full access To the registry key and you can edit all its parameters.

Third exampleWhen the partition holder is a system account "System". In this case, the actions will be the same as with TrustedInstaller.

Return of the original rights and restore the owner

For the security of the system, after editing the necessary parameters of the registry partition, you need to return the source access rights and restore the System Account section as the owner TrustedInstaller.
1 . Right-click on the Registry section and select from the Menu item Permissions ...

2 . In the window Permissions for group Press the button Additionally

3 . In the next window Extra options Security Click the link Change at the top of the window and in the dialog box that appears Choice: "User" or "Group" Enter the account name:

Press the button OK.

5 . In the window Permissions for group Highlight the group "Administrators", uncheck the checkbox Full accessClick the button OK.

The source rights and owner of the registry entry are restored.

■ If the partition holder was an account System (in the English version System.), then instead
NT Service \\ TrustedInstaller Enter System (in the English version System.).

Sometimes, when opening data, the user is shown a warning that there is no access to them or that you need to request permission from the owner. In this case, access to information can be available after obtaining rights. Several ways to do this will be described in this article. But to take advantage of the user account must have administrator rights. However, it is not necessary to change the owner at once in the entire HDD on which the system is installed, it can lead to failures.

We use the TakeOwn command

The first option of obtaining rights is associated with the use of the console. To get started, you need to run a console with administrator rights, it is done through the start. After startup, you will need to enter a command. tAKEOWN / F "NOTE WAY" / R / D Y.

Examples of execution of the command are shown in the image. After that, the user will be able to access information.

Change the owner using the ICACLS command

The second way also assumes the commissioning of the command through the console. It is worth turning it on and enter ICACLS "Specifying data" / setOWNER "User" / T / C. Ways are prescribed exactly by the same principle as in the previous section. Instead of a user, you need to substitute the name of the account that data is available.

An example of the input of the operator and its execution can be seen in the image.

Using security settings

The following method is not related to the use of the console and the input of commands, it uses only standard means Systems. To start work it is necessary find a file or folderTo which you want to access. After that, it will be necessary to put on it by PCM and choose " Properties", Go to the Security section, and then choose the item Additionally.

In the window that opens, you should find the owner and click next to him on the link " Change" After that, another window will be opened, in which they will again have to go to additional parameters, and already search for them.

As a result, a list of accounts on the device will be issued. It is worth choosing the one that will get right rights. After that, it is necessary press OK.

If the user changes the owner of the folder or local diskIt is required to put a check mark marked with an image, and then apply changes.

Other ways to get the rights of the owner

You can download one of the free utilities that will allow access to data from context menu. For example, Takeownershippro., free utilitywhich will help get access. It is only possible to clap the PCM on the data and select the desired item.

However, such actions are required not so often, so the user should think if it is necessary to clog the system of another program that will constantly work in the background.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation may apply for someone else's real estate on legal basis. How exactly to do this, explained the Supreme Court.

Reviewed the decisions of regional authorities that refused the city of Mine in satisfaction of the petition for obtaining ownership of the share of dwellings decorated on another owner. The structure is divided into two halves, one of which was owned by the above mentioned. From the owner of the second half for many years there was no news. The house was not interested in and did not show attention to property.

This is known to little, but according to Russian laws, any citizen can take possession of someone else's real estate according to "acquisitive limitation". This is relevant in the presence of a large number of incomplete buildings - for example, in small villages.

Without a person, the house quickly becomes red and destroyed: the lack of repair and regular heating affects the structure of the construction. However, the abandoned house can be easily "bring to mind," if one who claims to be called the new owner will settle. To enter into legal ownership, some norms voiced by the decision of the judicial board on civil courts should be observed.

The story begins in a small town of Mine, located in the Rostov region. A resident served for the city authorities and to the second owner of a controversial building. According to the applicant, it is the legal owner of half houses in mines. From co-owned construction was not West for thirty years. The hostess is registered and constantly lives in the house since 1965. Attempts to find the second person, which never appeared during this period, did not succeed with success.

The object that has become the subject of judicial debate has a rich history. Since 1945, someone N. has dwell on the second half of the 50s, which won equal shares of the construction of a legitimate wife and his niece. Unhappy with such division, the wife challenged him and received ¾ buildings according to the court decision. The niece did not give a counterclaim to permanent in Magadan.

The widow died in the early 90s, and the object moved to a new mistress, family member. The construction itself was repeatedly changed: after redevelopment it became more. However, the owner of the quarter of the house still lists the niece of the deceased N., with which a new mistress is not familiar.

All this period, it is uniquely engaged in building, performs repair, pay taxes with communal payments. For this reason, the hostess is confident in the right of full possession of the construction according to the right of "acquisitive limitation".

The Shakhtinsky City Court was not agreed with its requirements, which was confirmed in the regional court. The citizen had to challenge the decisions of instances in the Supreme Court. During the study of the case, lawyers came to the conclusion about the incorrect solutions of local judicial bodies. The college shows the following arguments:

According to Art. 218 Civil Code can be applied for real estate, which has no owner or is unknown. In art. 225 It is indicated: such an object is considered inconsolable. Real estate corresponding to this criterion, which has not been transmitted to the ownership of the municipality, can be transferred to the previous or new owner of "acquisitive limitation".

There are no documents in the case files according to which co-owner challenged the action of the plaintiff residing in the house. From the Migration Service of the Magadan region received a certificate that the residence of this citizen in the region is not registered. According to the alignments of the neighbors, for the last time it appeared here about 30 years ago. The Supreme Court considers: these facts refute the withdrawal of local authorities that the hostess of the house did not provide evidence to the refusal of co-owner from their half of the property. It was decided to revise the case.




When opening, deleting or other manipulations with files and folders, you may encounter file access error. I will tell you how to deal with it and why it happens.

How to get full access to files and folders

First, instructions on how to get full access to folders and files. The next chapter will have an explanation for curious.

Open the folder where there is a problem file or folder. To get full access to their content, you need to configure access to files:

1. Press the right mouse button on a locked file (or folder) without access - Properties -select the tab Safety:

2. Press the button Optional -select the tab Owner:

3. Press the button Change and choose the name of your user (in my case it Dima, You will have another), also put a daw on Replace the owner of subspeters and objects:

4. If the text window appears with the text "You do not have permission to read the contents of the folder. Want to replace permissions for this folder so as to have full access rights? ", I answer Yes:

5. After changing the owner of the folder, a window will appear with the text "You just became the owner of this object. You need to close and re-open the properties window of this object to see or change permissions. " Press OK., then press again OK. (in the window Additional security settings).

6. In the window Properties - Safety Press again Additionally, Only now we look at the first tab of the opening window - Permissions.Need to click the button Change permissions:

7. Press the button Add:

(If you work with properties folders, not the file, mark the check box "Replace all permits subsidiary on permissions inherited from this object. ")

8. In the window that opens, "Select: Users or Groups" You will need to enter your username (you can watch it in the Start menu - the name will be the most upper line), click the button Check names, then OK.:

If you need a folder (or file) opened without restrictions absolutely all users. not only yours, then press again Add and enter the name " Everything"No quotes (" All "in English-speaking windows version), then click Check names and OK..

9. On the tab Permissions Press twice on line with usernames twice and put a checkbox to the "Full Access" item:

This will automatically deliver the tank at the points below.

10. Then press OK, In the next window, answer the warning Yes, again OKTo close all windows.

Ready! Full access to files and folders received! You can safely open them, change and produce other actions with them.

Output: You need to take two steps: become the "owner" of a file or folder (p. 3), then assign yourself an access rights (clause 6). In many instructions on how to get full access to files and folders, only the first step is mentioned, forgetting about the second. This is not entirely right, because the security settings of the file / folder can be different, it is necessary to bring them to a normal form, and not just becoming the "owner".

Why do you need rights to files and folders

The disarming mechanism of access to files and folders is necessary for many reasons. For example:

1. Restricting access to information by different users.

If on one computer or in shared network It works several (more than one) users, logically limit access to information - one users are available all information (most often these are administrators), others - only their own files and folders (regular users).

For example, at home you can make the right limit of the rights of one user so as to protect important files and folders from removal (so that the child cannot delete important documents by ignorance), while from another (parent profile) could do anything.

In the first chapter, I showed how allow Access to specific users. Similarly, you can and limit access - steps the same, only in paragraph 9 It is necessary to put other ticks.

2. Safety of the operating system.

In Windows XP, all arranged quite primitive - users with administrator rights can change (and delete) any folders and files on the hard disk, including systemic, i.e. Windows owned. In fact, any program running in the administrator profile could do with content. hard disk anything. For example, delete the boot.ini file, because of which Windows will stop loading.

Under the rights of a limited user, where thanks to the configurations of insoles, it was impossible to delete important system files, few people sat preferring the administrator account. Thus, an account with administrator rights in Windows XP creates the most favorable conditions for viruses.

IN Windows Vista.The Windows 7 and Windows 8 runs "User Account Control" (short UAC): When working in the administrator account, the program launched by the user work with limited rights. That is, delete or change system files of the program can not. Programs are able to get more complete access by requesting it from the user using the UAC window, about which I already:

If file access rights are configured correctly and the UAC is included, the viruses running in the Vista / 7/8 administrator account cannot seriously harm the system without the permission of a person sitting at the computer.

UAC useless In cases:

1. If a user is sitting at the computer, mindlessly pressing buttons "Yes" and "OK"

2. If you run the programs "on behalf of the administrator" (right-click on the program shortcut - run on behalf of the administrator).

3. UAC is disabled.

4. for system files And folders on the hard disk allowed full access to all users.

Programs running in a limited account windows User. Vista / 7/8 (Type "Normal Access") cannot call the UAC window and work with administrator rights, which is quite logical.

I repeat again: when there is no possibility to increase your rights to administrator, it is impossible to harm the operational system files protected by limiting the rights of access rights.

Causes and solving problems with access to files

The problem is that you are trying to access files and folders created under another account. Solutions two: either allow all Users access, or allow only those who need to list them. Both solutions are easily implemented according to the instructions above. The only difference is that you will be entered in paragraph 8 - the word "all" or listed users.

By the way, you can allow access to everyone, but to prohibit one (several) users, while the prohibition setting will be a priority for the listed users.

The causes of problems with access to files are set. Most often they appear if you have several accounts, several operating systems or computers - everywhere accounts Different, when creating files and folders, the right is also assigned different.

That with the rights of files and folders can not be done

In no case do not assign full access files and folders on the entire hard disk with the operating system installed!

There is a myth that the operating system limits the user's access to its files, so you need to assign access rights to all files on the disk. It is not true and change the rights of all files it is impossible! In the system in which they did not "pick up", did not appoint the rights of access manually, everything is appointed correctly!

Use my instruction only in the case of rebeling problems, not to prevent far-finished.

I explain: resolving access to system files, Windows will still work, that's just any virus or incorrectly working program can make very bad things. You are unlikely to need problems.

Your security settings have folders "C: \\ Windows", "C: \\ Program Files", "C: \\ Program Files (x86)", "C: \\ Users", "C: \\ System Volume Information", "C: \\ ProgramData, "C: \\ Recovery" and many others. It is impossible to change them, with the exception of cases, if you need to make any manipulations with files (for example, to change windows theme), And you need to return the settings back.

Do not change the security settings "just so", making the system defenseless in front of viruses and failures! After windows installations The rights of access to system folders are set correctly, you do not need to change them!

Tip: If the program works cruel only if it is running "on behalf of the administrator", with normal starting, issuing errors - try assigning full rights to change the folder with it in "C: \\ Program Files" or "C: \\ Program Files (x86) "(Not the Program Files folder itself, and the folder with the desired program inside her!).

Very often it helps run old games on Windows Vista / 7/8/10, which store the settings files, save inside your folder. Being running without rights to change your own files, such games at best can not save game progress, at worst - close or do not start at all. With old programs the same.


1. Assign access rights is relatively easy.

2. The access rights to change without reasonable goal is impossible.

3. Change the rights of system files - change them back. To change rights systemic Folders and files on the previous one, you can use this instruction (Method for Windows Vista must come to Windows 7, Windows 8, 10).

4. Changing security settings - the case is subtle and the author of the article is not responsible for your actions.Like