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How to find out your phone number on Lenovo. How to know your phone number

May happen that you forgot your number mobile phone. Of course, most people know their number. But, first of all, you could change the number and are not used to it. Secondly, it can be a number from the router or a backup phone, and to remember it to you. In this article I will tell you how to find out my number for subscribers of all mobile operators.

Your number is listed in the connection contract, as well as it can be seen in official Annex Operator on yours mobile device (If it was installed earlier). But it is much easier to find out your number with special teams. As usual, the teams for all operators are different, no common standard.

Need to dial the command in your phone dialer *111*0887# and press the call send key:

After a few seconds, you will receive an SMS message in which your number will be indicated:

How to find out your boulder number

Type a combination *110*10# , Press the call promise key, and you will receive the requested information in SMS. Or send the application by calling 067410.

  • Forwarding to another number - instructions for all operators
  • How to find out your number megaphone

    The team has this operator - *205# , Type it and press the call promise key.

    How to find out your television number2

    Dial *201# And press the "Call" key. Wait for SMS with your room.

    This service is free for subscribers of all operators.

    If you have any questions -, our experts are always ready to come to the rescue!

    So today we will talk to you about how to find out the subscriber's phone number. In fact, there are a lot of diverse approaches that will help you cope with the task. True, not all of them guarantee 100% success. Sometimes the situation may come out of control, and therefore you will not be able to implement the idea. Nevertheless, let's try to understand how to find out the phone number (MTS, MegaFon, Beeline and other cellular operators) of a person. Let's start with the most simple and right ways.


    The first version of the development of events is an independent dialogue with the owner of the phone. It is a conversation that will help you enough to get all the necessary data. Try to get acquainted with a person, and then learn from him.

    Honestly, this is not the most successful method if you want to stay anonymous. Yes, and the conversation with people does not always make up well. For this reason, you have to look for other options that will help you understand how to find out the human phone number. In fact, there are quite a lot of different approaches that will help you. Only necessary to meet them. And this is what we will now go.


    For example, the appeal to cellular operator Subscriber. True, you will have to know the name of the service provider of the service itself. It is this step that suspicions do not cause people. After you get the necessary information, you can come to the salon cellular communication User and request its data.

    Honestly, this move does not always work. If you want to understand how to find out the user's phone number, with 100% warranty, then you can leave this option Event development. After all, the provision of contact information is not quite honest and legal. Not every employee of the company will agree to this. But there are exceptions. If everything happened, you should not worry about the decision of today's issue - you always cope with it. But in the case when this method I did not work, you have to think again and again about how to find out the phone number (MegaFon, MTS and so on). Let us try to figure out whether it is possible to undertake anything else to solve the task of us once and forever.

    Buying a base

    You can try to buy a special database of subscribers. This service, as a rule, is offered in the radio markets. It is here for some fee (usually high) you will be given a catalog of all working phones of a particular operator with user data.

    It will only be necessary to find by name / surname and some data (for example, address and date of birth) of the subscriber and read it cell number. Nothing hard or supernatural. In addition, this method is well suited and then when you already have the initials of a person, but there is no number. And you need him. I.e this scheme Works in both directions.

    If you think, how to find out the phone number (MTS, "Megfon" and other operators), you can easily use this version of the development of events. It is only worth it to immediately note that this method is not honest, as well as often famous for its high cost and risks. After all, you may simply do not provide the working database of subscribers. And to go to law enforcement agencies with statements about fraud in this case will be useless. Thus, you have to think that it can still help you solve the question registered before us. Fortunately, we have a few more pretty interesting approaches that will help you.


    You can resort to the help of the Internet, because now in the World Wide Web, a variety of specialized sites are distributed, which offer the search for a subscriber according to data. The initials and the mobile number can be used here. You enter the data, and you are issued full informationwhich can only be associated with the number.

    All that will be required of you is to dial the initials of the person, then enter a special security code (will send it to your phone), after which you will get access to the data. It would seem anything difficult or special. Yes, that's just a special success, this version of the development of events does not use, because the bulk of specialized sites offers paid services. And few people want to pay from 50 rubles for 1 request unknown to whom. Maybe some fraudsters are some.

    WITH free hosting things are a little bit better. It is their preference that a person wants to understand how to find out the subscriber's phone number. True, there are also their risks. We will talk about them a little later. In the meantime, let's learn another rather interesting approach to solving our today's task. In truth, he does not give us 100% guarantees of success, but it is quite safe. Let's get acquainted with him as soon as possible.

    Search engine to help

    Well, if you want to get a phone number of the subscriber, but you know only some of his personal data, then you should not despair. You can always contact the help of the Internet. But now it is not about special hosting, but about the most common search engines. They will help you cope with the question of us today.

    If you want to understand how to find out the user's mobile phone number, simply open any search engine and enter its data there. Now look at the query processing results. Special attention is paid social networks. It is there that, very often you can detect the number of user phone numbers.

    Honestly, this approach is the most secure. If you consider the fact that modern users almost always leave the phone numbers in their questionnaires, it is quite possible to hope for success. In principle, this is all possible options Event development. But we have forgotten with you about one an important moment. And these are risks from the operations.


    Well, that's time it's time to finish our today's conversation. It remains only to note what exactly you agree, trying to find out someone else's phone number.

    The first version of the development of events was already announced - you can stumble upon fraudsters. They only take a fee with you for unwordified services. Not the most pleasant outcome.

    The second option is to infect your own phone with viruses. Very common problem that appears after we have used free Servicesoffering subscriber information information services.

    In addition, you may have a sense of guilt. After all, almost all the options that we listed are not honest. Try to get all the information only by legal paths, although it happens and not so simple.

    There are situations when you need to quickly call or specify your phone number in the documents. However, not all users know a numeric number of their mobile phone. How to find out your number fast? Different mobile operators have many ways through which this question can be solved.

    Call to friend

    This definition method is available to subscribers of any cellular networks. Method, how to find out your mobile number through a friend, simple. It is enough to gain your opponent, and, on his gadget, the cherished combination is highlighted.

    However, it must be said that this method is suitable in the case when your interlocutor is near or can quickly respond to your call. And also if your account has money for calling.

    In addition, the digital mobility range can be found on the package from SIM cards, or in a paper contract signed by the television system. However, such verification options are suitable only if you are at home and the specified papers are saved.

    You can also find a cherished combination in your own book of contacts, in the column "My number".

    You can see your number on MTS as follows:

    • call MTS subscribers support service at 0890. For television system customers, calls are free. After the connection, let us know the operator about the purpose of your appeal, and wait for the result. Operator those. The center can request personal information (passport data, a codeword), you must be prepared to provide it;
    • dial the combination on your phone * 111 * 0887 #, and press the call button. Immediately after sending USSD, the necessary data will go to your gadget;
    • send a message with the text (0887) to 111. Next, a response message will come to the device, with a cherished numeric value;
    • if you can go straight from the gadget to your Personal Area, You will be able to view a numeric number of mobile on the main page of the site.

    Here is how you can find out the mobile phone number MegaFon:

    • you can find out the megaphone number through the settings of the mobile gadget. However, this method will only suit the holders of modern cellular devices. To detect a combination, go to the gadget settings, select "Menu SIM", and in the corresponding column, view the necessary data;
    • but how to identify your megaphone number to users who do not have the above-described function on the phone? In this case, you can use a special system query. By the way, the USSD code will differ, depending on the region in which the subscriber lives:
    1. Central regions - * 105 * 2 * 0 #.
    2. Siberia - * 105 * 1 * 6 #.
    3. Southern regions - * 105 * 1 * 2 #.
    4. North-Western directions of Russia - * 127 #.
    5. Moscow and the area - * 205 #.
    • also quickly, find out the number series Mobile MegaFon, it is possible by sending a message with the text "1003" to 000105;
    • you can clarify the combination of your mobile in the technical support megaphone. To do this, you need to call 0500, and after the connection, ask the operator to help you;
    • if you have managed to register in the television system's personal account and have free access to web networks, you can find the cherished combination on the main page of the site.

    Discover telephone number Beeline, you can in several ways:

    • send a USSD command * 110 * 10 #. After sending the code, a response SMS will receive on the phone, with the data you need;
    • you can find out your number Beeline and by call to service phone 067410. The television systems autoinformer will record the received call, and show you a digital series of sims;
    • call Beeline technical support at 0611. After the connection, tell the operator about the purpose of your appeal. In this case, you may need passport data, so keep necessary document at hand.

    To find out your telephone number2 number, do the following:

    • type a combination of characters in USSD format: * 201 #, and press the call key. Immediately after that, the device will receive a response SMS with the necessary data;
    • call the TV Support Service for 611, and ask you to provide you with the necessary data;
    • you can find a numeric number of the mobile phone in its own LC television systems. To do this, log in on the page, and view the data through the tab of the same name.

    Smarts subscribers

    Find out your number cell phone Smarts, you can in several ways:

    • skip from the USSD smartphone command * 130 #;
    • call the operator's support service by 121, and after the connection, report the goal of your appeal. Remember that in this case, the company employee may request passport data.

    Find out a numeric number of Yota SIM cards, as follows:

    • skip USSD request * 103 #. A few seconds, a notification will be switched on the phone, with specified number phone;
    • if you have already managed to register in LK Yota, or installed a similar application to mobile, then with ease you can check your no. The desired combination can be found on main page Site. By the way, in addition to checking, through the LK IOT, you can produce other mobile operations. For example, such as account replenishment, connection and shutdown of services, etc.
    • certain numerical series will help television systems operators. For a connection with technical support, call 8-800-550-0007, and, waiting for an expert response, tell him about the purpose of my appeal.

    Tip! To no longer encounter a similar problem, save the box from the SIM card and a paper contract (if any) in a package with other important documents.

    In order not to forget your number, and do not reborn reference books in search of a solution to the problem, bring a numeric number of mobile phone to the list of your contacts. After that, you will fold to view a mobile combination at any time, without the help of third-party resources.

    Each user may encounter a problem when it is urgent to dictate its phone number, but he does not remember him. Most often, people who recently moved to the tariff of the new operator are in such a situation. What to do in this case? Each cellular operator offers its subscribers to find out the data using simple USSD commands. Such a service is also developing mobile operator Tele 2. So, how to find out your tele2 number2? In this publication, we will consider all available ways.

    Using a USSD team

    Find out or check your SIM card data each tele2 subscriber can use a special USSD command. To do this, enter a simple combination on the phone. *201# . After that, on the screen of your device, an informational message will appear with the following text: "Your federal number is +71200000000". Such a service is quite convenient. You will not need to remember a complex 11-digit combination of numbers, it is enough just to remember the simple combination *201# .

    You can use this option in any corner of the country. In addition, for sending a request to the operator cash From the personal account is not charged.

    In addition to the specified option, there are other ways to see your phone number. They are more complex, but can also help the subscriber to get out of an awkward situation. Let's talk about other ways in more detail.

    Call to friend

    One of the most simple ways Learn your phone number is to call a friend. When the interlocutor calls, your data will have, which you can write or remember. However, it is worth noting that this option may be useless if you previously connected the "Anti-Priodlector" service ("Antiaon"). When activating such a function, your data is not displayed when the outgoing call.

    Free Message

    If you have connected the "Antiaon" service and cannot find out your data, then use the service "Call me" ("Lighthouse"). To send a free message, type the following combination *118* subscriber number #. After that, the following format will come to your interlocutor: "You urgently asks to call the subscriber." Also in the message text will be specified your phone number.

    Call to the Contact Center

    If necessary, you can also refine information about your SIM card in the support service of tele2 subscribers. To do this, enter a combination of 611 in the phone and press the call key. After the connection with the television center, the telephone should be explained to the representative of the operator its problem. After that, you will communicate all the necessary information.

    It is worth noting that the mobile phone number is always indicated on the SIM card packaging.

    In Google, you can find anything. Only not your phone number on the SIM card.

    How to find out - quickly and from any operator?

    Collected all the methods in one material.

    Universal methods

    • Look at the contract with the operator or on the start package;
    • Call the operator and ask;
    • Call the number of a person, in whose phone book you are not. The number will be displayed on the screen;
    • Call the number of a person who have in the phone book. After that, he will be able to know your number by clicking on your name in the call list.


    • team * 111 * 0887 #;
    • call to number 0887;
    • in the application "My MTS" (version for iOS, Android).


    • team * 110 * 10 #;
    • call to number 067410;
    • in the application "My Beeline" (for iOS, Android);
    • for a USB modem: in the Usb-modem application Beeline, go to the "Account Management" section and select the "My Number" item, then click "find out the number".


    • team * 205 #;
    • enable data transmission (mobile Internet) and go to the site (or to the regional subsidence). The number will be displayed in the Personal Account, and on the other pages - at the top of the screen;
    • in the Megaphone Personal Account application (for iOS, Android).


    • team * 201 #;
    • in the application "My Tele2" (for iOS, Android).


    Methods for iphone

    • "Settings" - "phone" - "My number" (at the top);
    • Home Menu - "Phone" - "Contacts" (at the top);
    • In iTunes: "Devices" - "Summary" - "phone number".

    Method for iPad (3G / 4G)

    • "Settings" - "Cell data number".

    Method for Android

    • "Settings" - "On the phone" - "Status" - "SIM status" - "My phone number".

    If you have a shell for Android, items name may differ.

    It happens that the number is not shown. It happens when you have rebuffed or changed the SIM card in the cabin of the operator.

    Employees copy with an old card on new keys Encryption and other important information. But the cell "Your Number" fill forget.


    • Whatsapp: Press three points in the upper right corner - "Settings" - touch your nickname. The room is the latest line.
    • Viber: Press "More" (button in the lower right corner). The number will be displayed under the avatar and nickname.
    • Telegram: Basic menu (three strips in the upper left corner). The room will be visible at the top.

    Why is it important to know your number

    When you buy a beautiful number from hand, a completely different value can be recorded in the SIM card memory. It is stored in the memory cell "NOTE".

    If a fraudster has changed "his number", then a beautiful number will be displayed in the smartphone settings. And on the network - a real, issued by the operator.

    The call to another number or verification of the methods that the operator offers will help not be disappointed in the purchase.

    And in general, buying rooms from hands is unsafe. If you then give such a number to the bank card, the real owner of the room will be able to get a duplicate SIM card and leave you without money.

    How to change the number right on the SIM card

    Find the old button Siemens A50 or its "colleagues", insert a SIM card into it, in contacts find "your number" and write everything you like, then save. You can even comply with the format.

    Another option is an ancient smartphone with Android 4.1 and below.

    • Come in the "Settings" - "SIM Card Management" and turn off the desired card (or switch to flight mode).
    • Click on the name of the SIM card and go to the "Information about SIM card" section.
    • Choose the "Enter Phone Number" item and enter the desired number.

    The same works in some shells for Android (for example, in MIUI).

    But in any case, your number online will change from this. And then everything would go with beautiful numbers.