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Beget hosting entrance to your personal account. Beget hosting review and reviews

American hosting is like a selection: a standard control panel, unlimited tariffs, and it will take a lot of time to understand how it differs from, say, from , and when you figure it out, the differences will be minimal. Russian hosting is different. Quite different - almost everyone tries to go their own way: to make their own control panel, interesting tariffs, and that's why I like to review the creations of Russians - it's like reading an interesting book, not just another manual (albeit well written, but it hurts boring). Today I came across a kind of smart guy - hosting Beget( "Shustryak", because it is gaining momentum very quickly and expanding its customer base, and, I suppose, there are reasons for this - well, let's get down to the review?

Registration in Beget
A Russian person, by nature, is always on the lookout, so he will pull out the ruble only when he is sure that it will not be stolen - this is the big difference between us and the fearless Americans. Therefore, our hosting companies have to work not according to the generally accepted scheme “paid, test, if you don’t like it, we will refund the money”, but according to the Russian “test, then pay”. Almost all Russian hostings provide a test period without payment - you just register and start using it, however, Beget decided to surpass all competitors and made a test period lasting (drum roll) one month! I don’t know that you can test for a month, but this is definitely a plus.

Registering a test account is elementary: you only need to specify your full name, email address and cellular telephone(SMS with a verification code comes to him). All credentials are sent to your e-mail immediately, you can immediately start working! It took me 7 minutes to register, create screenshots and write this section: Beget minimized the time to start, this is a plus for me - I don't like to wait. Yes, and try at least once to register with Agave hosting: they don’t ask for the name of the great-grandfather on the wife’s side. Generally, a good start- the most quick registration and the longest test period - let's see what happens next.

Control Panel
Hosting Beget, as I wrote above, went its own way, it created its own control panel so as not to buy ready-made solutions from cPanel or ISPmanager. When I entered the control panel, I got the impression that something was missing, there were too few icons, Or are they all well put together? If you go to any menu item (in the screenshot on the right, I am in the “FTP” section), then navigation is carried out through a pop-up menu. It's nice that from year to year Beget keeps up with the times and regularly refreshes the panel.

Hosting Beget cooperates with the RoboKassa payment acceptance system, which is much better than the Assist system that “stopped” in development, you should have seen their interfaces for stores, horror. By the way, it was precisely because of Assist that Aeroflot had big problems at one time - the payment acceptance system did not work for a whole week.
RoboKassa provides various payment methods (electronic payment systems and Visa / MasterCard cards), you can see them on the screenshot. My test payment via WebMoney was credited instantly, there were no problems.
Do not want to contact the RoboKassa payment aggregator? No problem - you can top up hosting through Personal Area QIWI wallet or MTS personal account.

FTP, SSH and file manager
By default, the login and password for the control panel are the same as for FTP access. If you wish, you can connect SSH (this is a terminal access to the server, novice webmasters usually do not use it, and gloomy sysadmins cannot live without it), this is done in one click (switch on the left side of the control panel). SSH access activated instantly! To connect to the server via SSH protocol, you can use any third party program(the most popular is "Putty"), or you can do it without leaving your browser - right from the hosting management page. The creators of the Beget panel have screwed up a completely working version of the web terminal (see screenshot).
When working with FTP, no problems were noticed, the speed of uploading files to the server (from St. Petersburg) occurs at the maximum speed of the Internet channel.

Concerning file manager, then it is present and its functionality should be enough for novice users. Looks simple and painfully familiar - two-panel file interface, which can be controlled from the keyboard (the arrows work to move between files, the TAB key - to move from one window to another). Here you can create archives, extract files from them, search by content, and much more. One minus, but bold - it does not always work stably, sometimes it gives such an error.

Beget work speed
Beget hard to call a speed champion PHP work, however, the stable execution time of the test script indicates a uniform distribution of server resources among the accounts located on it (as well as the absence of overselling - when clients on the same server are like herrings in a barrel). For more life-like results, I ran popular CMS (Joomla, Drupal and WordPress): Beget does a good job of standard applications, page generation time fractions of seconds. When working with self-written CMS, coupled with high site traffic, do not forget about the creation of caching systems, this helps a lot to reduce the load, especially on budget hosting.

For professionals, Beget ( offers a range of very useful tools- Memcached (data caching in random access memory), Redis (distributed data warehouse), Tarantool (NoSQL data warehouse with open source). All these services are paid (the cost of each depends on the chosen configuration), but their presence is a definite plus - you rarely find such tools anywhere on shared hosting tariffs.

Websites and Domains
Here I thought why hosting called Beget? It looks like a long baguette that I buy in a store, and I think I'm not the only one who has such an association, I'll have to ask technical support. But back to the review: when registering with Beget hosting, one site is automatically created (in the folder), and a technical address of the form is also immediately created, by which you can debug the site before how the real domain will be directed to it. It would seem a trifle, but for the vast majority of Russian and foreign "production" hosting, this technical address cannot be recognized without contacting the support service (as if they are hiding it, by God), and this is the first thing that anyone who transfers their existing site to new hosting.
Once the site is set up, you can add existing domain(section "domain management") and direct (link) it to desired folder. By the way, Beget works correctly with Russian RF domains.

For each site, you can choose PHP version(available 7 latest versions) and CGI mode.

Backup or "what if .."
The importance of a data backup system (or “backup”) only begins to be appreciated after something has happened. You don't have to look far for an example: in March 2010, a fire broke out in the largest data center in Ukraine (where the servers of many Ukrainian hostings were located) due to a faulty fire extinguishing system. After that, only some of the hostings were able to provide backups to their users, the fact is that some of the hostings did not create backups in general (although it should have been), others kept backups in the same burned-out data center, only on a different server.
As you can see, all data can disappear without a trace in one fell swoop, never rely on hosting, periodically make copies and keep them with you.
Hosting Beget stores backup copies of files and databases for up to forty days (not every day, but at certain intervals - see screenshot), the figure goes to the record, I don’t remember which hosting would have been longer. I tried to restore various copies, it works without problems (the ordered archive copy is automatically placed in the root of the account within 5 minutes). On the other hand, you don’t need to have any childish illusions that copies are stored in another data center, so always have your copy of the site data.

Update 2017: Some time ago, Beget launched a new and very interesting service - data backup from remote servers. The essence of the technology is simple: Beget ( in automatic mode makes daily backups of files located on absolutely any hosting - you just need to specify the FTP connection parameters (login, password, server address). This can be useful for everyone who uses several hostings (especially of dubious quality - such as ) for different projects. If something happens - you will always have fresh copies of the files. The sad news is that this service was not popular and was soon curtailed.

BeGet hosting technical support
So we got to an important component of any hosting, technical support service. At Beget, it is carried out in 5 ways: by phone (toll-free throughout Russia 8-800), ICQ, Skype, e-mail and using the control panel in the section " Feedback". Yes, now, support is provided in Telegram messenger. Using the phone to solve problems with hosting is, in my opinion, a neglected form of masochism, here is an example of a dialogue:

Hello, your username please
- Hello, my login is gomesHuan
- Can I spell it?
- Okay, what's the password?
- Password Fjkm8erE (2 minutes check)
- OK, what question are you calling?
- I have WordPress installed in the /public_html/coolHazker/ folder giving an error.
- Please create a ticket in the system, they will definitely help you
- OK thanks

It is much more convenient to immediately communicate through the ticket system. By the way, the answer to my question “why hosting is called Beget” has already arrived, here is what the support service answered:
"The name of the company - BeGet (translated from English. "Produce") embodies the desire to produce the best in the Internet technology market." For me, this was news (I checked it in the dictionary), because I have not seen this word, I think it is quite rare. After talking a little more with the company's employees, I left a good impression, there is no rudeness, they respond quickly and to the point.

I did not have to meet a hosting completely brought to mind, but the creators of Beget did their best by creating a service that is very convenient to use. Beget is easy to register and manage, it feels like he himself pushes you at every stage in the right direction - I'm sure that behind all this "simplicity" lies big job on usability testing, because if you do not correct the creations of programmers, you will get a control panel in the style or (quite a clinical case) .
The speed of PHP scripts is at the level of foreign hosting, but do not forget that Beget is a representative of budget hosting. Of the direct competitors in this segment, I see only, however, the server resources are very “clamped” on it, this causes automatic shutdown account when the load increases (for example, the number of site visitors has increased), the beget does not notice such problems. In general, test Beget on a test account and write to me if you have any questions!

Good day, ladies and gentlemen!

Shared hosting is very important in the work of a webmaster. You need to competently approach his choice, because if the outcome is wrong, your resource can be seriously damaged. Today I decided to tell you about hosting like Beget. This service has a fairly large popularity in Runet and has good reviews. You have probably come across this name before.

In this guide, I would like to show you how to work with this hosting. Registration, tariff selection, domain binding and CMS installation- about all this further.

Before registering an account, we definitely need to take a look at the rates that this service provides us. On the this moment Beget provides 4 regular rates and 3 VIP. The latter differ, as you might guess, in a higher price and corresponding quality.

You can see examples of these tariffs in the screenshot above, but I will describe their features in more detail.


  • 3 GB hard drive SSD,
  • 2 sites,
  • 115 rubles per month or 1,380 per year.

A good basic tariff, which is suitable for novice users. 3 GB is more than enough for the needs of a blog or a one-pager. Of course, as you develop and increase the amount of content on your site, you may need more space. In this case, you will have to upgrade your data plan or buy a VPS.


  • 10 GB SSD hard drive,
  • 5 sites,
  • unlimited number of FTP accounts and databases,
  • 150 rubles per month or 1,800 per year.

A more advanced option, which, in my opinion, has the most acceptable characteristics for everyday use of hosting for my projects. Now we have 5 sites available, 10 GB of memory, which gives a few more advanced opportunities for the development of web projects.


  • 20 GB hard drive SSD,
  • 10 sites
  • unlimited number of FTP accounts and databases,
  • 245 rubles per month or 2,940 per year.

This tariff, I think, will suit more experienced webmasters who store a large amount of different information on their sites. And although at first glance 20 GB SSD does not seem like a very large amount, it is quite possible to place a large information portal there.


  • 25 GB hard drive SSD,
  • 25 sites,
  • unlimited number of FTP accounts and databases,
  • 390 rubles per month or 4,680 per year.

The last of the usual tariffs, which differs only in the number of sites. The difference in memory size compared to the previous one is only 5 GB, which does not look very significant. Especially against the background of an additional 15 sites.


  • 30 GB SSD hard drive,
  • 50 sites,
  • unlimited number of FTP accounts and databases,
  • 820 rubles per month or 9,840 per year.

VIP option, which also does not have a significant difference in the number of GB on the hard drive. However, now, in comparison with the previous ones, you can create as many as 50 different sites. I think that this tariff is suitable for single-page or small-page sites (if you use all 50 sites).


  • 40 GB hard drive SSD,
  • 75 sites,
  • unlimited number of FTP accounts and databases,
  • 1200 rubles per month or 14400 per year.

Average among VIPs. An additional 10 GB of space is provided, the number of sites expands to 75. The price, of course, is already higher.


  • 50 GB SSD hard drive,
  • unlimited number of sites
  • unlimited number of FTP accounts and databases,
  • 2,250 rubles per month or 17,760 per year.

The maximum tariff that is available in the “Virtual Hostings” section. Now you can have 50 GB of free space, an infinite number of sites, and 17 thousand rubles. cost for annual payment.

In addition to all of the above, each tariff without exception includes additional goodies that are very standard for modern hosting. You can read about them in the image above or on the pricing page.

Free hosting

I consider free hosting to be one of the most remarkable features of Beget. Yes, there is no typo here, and I'm not talking about a 30-day trial period. The company really provides a place for all interested beginners, introducing some restrictions on free space, the number of ftp accounts and databases.

Providing a free platform for hosting young sites, the service does not require the installation of any advertising banners and other filth. Everything is extremely simple: you are given data to enter the control panel, you use hosting without paying a penny.

By the way, about restrictions. Here are the characteristics of the free plan:

  • 1 GB SSD hard drive;
  • 1 site;
  • 1 FTP account and 1 database;
  • an infinite number of domains and subdomains;
  • limiting the load on the site in 10 CP;
  • the maximum number of files is 25,000.

If you are just planning to create a site on WordPress or any other content management system, take a closer look at this option.


To register with Beget Hosting and gain access to the control panel, you must enter the appropriate page and enter your name, e-mail and phone number. At the same time, the password here is generated automatically and sent to you by email. e-mail or SMS.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. Legal entities must be registered on a separate form. But I think that there is no point in considering it, they will figure everything out without our help.

Enter your full name, phone number, where SMS will then come, and mail. After that, click the blue button “Register an account”. Next, you will need to enter the code that came to our phone. We have registered on the hosting and now we can proceed to direct operation.

This is what our control panel will look like. As you can see, there are many different beautiful buttons and sections here that you will definitely need when installing and configuring our site.

Buying a domain

Before creating a website, we definitely need to buy a domain. We do not want our project to be on the standard Beget subdomain. Of course, if we are not talking about the test creation of a site for further transfer.

Go to the "Domains and subdomains" section, then click "Register a domain".

We enter his name and domain zone, a little to the right we select the period - from 1 year to 10 years, after that we click on the "Continue" button. Pay attention to the cost of registration. Do not forget to replenish the balance, because such an amount should be in your account. After registration, it will be written off.

If the domain is not yet occupied by anyone, then you will be redirected to the next page. Otherwise, you will be shown a corresponding notification.

After the domain is successfully registered, you will be able to manage it (link, unlink, etc.) in the “List of domains and subdomains” tab.

Linking a third-party domain

If you have already purchased a domain on third party service, REG.RU or similar, you will have to link it to the hosting using the same “Domains and subdomains list” tab for this. However, before that, you must overwrite the dns-data with Beget ones. Here they are:

If you don't know how to do this, please contact technical support registrar.

Once the data is registered, you must add the domain to your account using the appropriate window.

I think by now it should be clear to you how to link a domain to Beget hosting.

How to install CMS?

How to install WordPress on Beget? You need to go to the section of the same name, select WordPress there and literally install it in two clicks.

In addition to WordPress, there is a very decent amount of various CMS on the list. Any of them can be installed on your host just by clicking on the icon. But we will not deviate from the topic and consider the installation of WP. Click on the logo.

A window like this will pop up, where we will have to enter all the relevant installation parameters. If desired, you can even configure the database, which I would not recommend doing at the initial stage.

Pay attention to the items “Site to install” and “Default domain”. Do not make a mistake with filling them out, otherwise nothing will work correctly. It is best to choose using the drop-down list, which can be activated using the checkmark on the right side of the field.

Just below you can specify the primary description of the site, the admin login and his password. Also, do not forget to add an e-mail, to which the WordPress admin will be attached (notifications will come here).

The installation will be completed within a couple of minutes, after which you can go to the address, log in to the admin panel (wp-login.php) and continue setting up the resource from there.

As I said, WordPress is far from the only CMS that can be installed just as easily in Beget. Choose any and feel free to install.

V general list presented not only free systems content management. Some of them will have to be paid, for example, now 1C-Bitrix, DLE and PHPShop and others are available from paid ones. You can buy them directly using the admin panel. To do this, however, you will have to create a ticket in those. support to guide you further.

Installing SSL

In 2018, sites without a secure connection are already bad manners. Users simply do not trust such resources, and browsers mark them as untrustworthy. In Beguet there is an opportunity absolutely free. Of course, you can also use the paid option if you wish.

So, again go to the “Domains and subdomains” section. We find near the option we need (on the right) the button “Manage SSL certificates” and click on it.

After that, a window will open for us where we can install a free or order a paid certificate. After successful installation, our site will be available via the https protocol.

After successfully establishing a secure connection to your site, do not forget to redirect. It will transfer people from an insecure protocol to a secure one.

This can be done either using the internal tools of your CMS or using the htaccess file. If you decide to use the last option, then just add following lines to the beginning of the file.

Rewrite Engine On
RewriteCond %(HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto) !=https
RewriteRule .* https://%(SERVER_NAME)%(REQUEST_URI)

If you are using WordPress, then you just need to add the updated url in the settings. Go to "Settings" - "General", where the required fields will be available. Add an "s" to the end of the http protocol and you're done. The redirect will take place automatically using WordPress scripts.

Site transfer to Beget

To transfer a resource to Beget hosting, you will need access to files, a database, and a domain.

First you will need to transfer files and database. The first ones can be easily and simply obtained using the file manager of your previous hosting. You can also use an FTP manager to speed up the process.

If your past hosting has backup tools, then you can easily get these same files and database dumps with their help. Otherwise, you will have to do everything manually, which is somewhat longer and more difficult.

To make it clearer for you, I will divide this piece of the article into steps.

Archiving files and then transferring them

Your best bet is to archive all your website files using backup tools, plugins if we're talking about WordPress, or a simple file manager.

We download the resulting archive to our PC, after which we drop it into the desired folder on Beget. Usually this is login/public_html.

Creating a database dump and transferring it

Now we need to dump the database, and then host them on the Beget hosting. It can be done different ways. In this article, we will look at creating database dumps using phpMyAdmin.

Go to the control panel of this utility. Select the desired database, then go to the export menu.

After selecting the desired parameters, click on the “Forward” button, the file will start loading with all the data of your database. It's called a dump.

Now we need to create a database already on Beget. To do this, go to the appropriate section in the control panel. Next, click the “Add” button, then enter the name, login and password from the database. Be sure to save them somewhere (in a notepad or bookmarks), we will need them soon.

After creating the database, we must go to phpMyAdmin in the same way (click on the corresponding icon), select it and import the dump.

As in the previous case, click on the “Forward” button and wait for the process to complete. Sometimes when importing a database, if the database itself is too large, errors may occur. Then I recommend contacting the hosting technical support so that they can transfer the database to their servers on their own.

Upon completion of this process, we will need to specify the same data from the database in the config. For different CMS, everything is done differently, but here is a list of files in which the name, login and password from the database should be entered.

If we are still talking about WordPress, then in order to glue the CMS with the database, we must find the following lines in the wp-config.php file:

Here we enter all the necessary information and save the file.

Domain transfer

To transfer a domain, you, as before, need to use the “Domains and subdomains” section. As soon as you fill in the dns data and complete the transfer of the domain to the Beget panel itself, you will need to link this domain to the folder where you placed your site.

Now, if everything is done correctly, when you access the domain, you will be transferred to your resource.

If for some reason you are unable to transfer your site to Beget correctly, then you can always contact technical support or freelancers.


That's what Beget hosting is. As you can see, it has some very tasty features that are inviting.

Moreover, from my own experience I can say that this hosting has excellent technical support. support. They can help you deal with this or that difficulty at any time, answering your questions as soon as possible.

Do you want to create your own blog and make money from it? Then I invite you to . It will give you all the knowledge you need to create your WordPress site. There you will also gain knowledge in the field of search promotion and optimization of your project.

Beget provides its clients with the following services:

  • Free hosting is a great solution for novice webmasters and young sites, which will allow you to test the site on a real quality hosting free and without ads. As part of free hosting, 1,000 MB of disk space will be allocated for your site, an FTP account, a database MySQL data. Free hosting has a limit on the maximum number of files and the allowed load on the processor. Registration is only required mobile phone, an account will be created instantly and you can immediately start working. After testing free hosting, you can always upgrade to any paid plan without data loss.
  • Shared hostinggood hosting on affordable price. Starting from 115 rubles per month, you can get a full-fledged hosting for your website. Modern server hardware, 24/7 health monitoring and responsive technical support make Beget hosting one of the best in Russia. When paying for hosting for a year, a discount is provided, in some tariff plans free domains are provided. Learn more about the tariffs and prices of the virtual Hosting Beget You can visit the provider's website.
  • VIP hosting– special virtual hosting tariffs designed for highly loaded sites. Increased RAM, increased CPU time limit and other parameters for reliable and fast operation of your sites. In these tariff plans, the allowed load on the processor is up to 7 times higher compared to regular shared hosting tariffs. The cost of VIP hosting tariffs starts from 820 rubles per month.
  • VPS/VDSvirtual server, which emulates the operation of a physical server. You can install any available OS, programs and libraries, customizing them to fit your needs. You are given full control over the server, just like renting a physical server. You get all the features of a dedicated server for the price of shared hosting!
  • Server rental– an optimal server configuration is assembled specifically for the tasks of the client, ensuring stable operation and high performance. In addition to highlighting server hardware Beget offers professional administration services to its clients.
  • Domain registration– domain registration in all popular domain zones at affordable prices directly from the hosting control panel. Additionally, you can order a certificate or certificate for a registered domain.
  • Sale of SSL certificates– all popular types of SSL certificates for your site, confirming data exchange with the site via a secure protocol.
  • Sale of CMS– being a partner of most popular CMS, Beget offers its customers to purchase paid content management systems: ABO.CMS, Amiro, Bitrix, HostCMS, NetCat, PHPShop, SiteEdit, UMI.CMS at affordable prices. When buying a CMS, customers are offered bonuses and gifts.

Hosting Beget tariffs

Tariffs for virtual hosting

Tariff Blog Tariff Start Tariff Noble Tariff Great
169 225 375 569
140 180 290 440
115 150 245 390
SSD disk, Mb 3 000 10 000 20 000 25 000
Sites 2 5 10 25
65 65 65 65
2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500
348 540 1 020 1 548
1 296 1 800 3 120 4 296
Bonus domains when paying for a year, pcs 1 2 5
Bonus domains when paying for 2 years, pcs 2 4 10

Allowed CPU load is 65 CP per day, allowed load for MySQL is 2,500 CP per day. On each tariff plan, unlimited traffic, unlimited number of domains, subdomains and mailboxes. For all shared hosting plans, an unlimited number of FTP accounts and databases. If any of the parameters of the tariff plan does not suit you, you can change it in the settings of the hosting control panel, for example, increase the number of sites or disk space.

Tariffs for VIP hosting

Tariff Town Tariff City Tariff Mega
Monthly price, rub. when paying per month 1 120 1 650 2 990
Monthly price, rub. when paid per year 895 1 320 2 400
Monthly price, rub. when paying for 2 years 820 1 200 2 250
SSD disk, Mb 30 000 40 000 50 000
Sites 50 75
120 200 350
5 000 5 000 5 000
Savings when paying for the year, rub. 2 700 3 960 7 080
Savings when paying for 2 years, rub. 7 200 10 800 17 760
Bonus domains when paying for a year, pcs. 5 5 5
Bonus domains when paying for 2 years, pcs. 10 10 10

Each tariff plan has unlimited traffic, unlimited number of domains, subdomains and mailboxes, unlimited number of FTP accounts and databases. If any of the parameters of the tariff plan does not suit you, you can change it in the settings of the hosting control panel, for example, increase the number of sites or disk space. Priority technical support is available for VIP hosting customers.

Attention! Tariffs and prices for Beget hosting services are subject to change, see the latest information on the official website of the hosting provider.

Beget Hosting - Key Benefits

  • 24/7 professional technical support;
  • development of own software products and additional services;
  • variety of payment methods for hosting services;
  • convenient intuitive hosting control panel;
  • powerful modern server hardware;
  • pleasant bonuses and gifts from the company;
  • good affiliate program;
  • comfortable php setup directly from the hosting panel;
  • isolating sites within one account to improve security;
  • automatic backup information on multiple servers;
  • free transfer of sites from other hosting providers by the company's specialists;
  • domain registration and domain management from the hosting panel;
  • SMS notifications.

30 days free for testing hosting

Hosting Beget provides its customers with 30 days of free hosting to test the quality of services provided. You will have access to the full range of services within a month to ensure the quality of services, efficiency and literacy of technical support.

Which tariff to choose on Beget hosting

If you need hosting for one site or a blog with relatively low traffic (up to 1-2 thousand hosts per day) - feel free to choose the cheapest Tariff Blog virtual hosting. Within the framework of this tariff, you will have access to 2 Gb of hard disk space, 2 websites and an infinite number of databases. The following Beget hosting plans are − start, Noble and Great differ only in the amount of disk space and the number of sites.

When paying for Beget hosting services for 2 years on the Blog tariff plan, you save 1,296 rubles. When you pay for 2 years of the Start plan, you will save 1,800 rubles and get 2 domains as a gift. When paying for 2 years of the Noble plan, you will receive a savings of 3,120 rubles and 4 domains as a gift. When you pay for 2 years of the Great plan, you get a savings of 4,296 rubles and 10 free domains as a gift.

By the ratio of cost to the volume of services received, hosting provider Beget recommends the Start tariff. On the Start plan, you get 10 GB of SSD space, 5 websites, unlimited subdomains, databases, and FTP accounts. For more details, see the specification of the tariff plan on the hosting site.

On all Beget virtual hosting plans, you have access to: an unlimited number of domains and subdomains, an unlimited number of mailboxes, unlimited traffic, automatic backups, an allowed server load of 65 CP per day, an allowed load of a database server of 2,500 CP per day.

Beget Hosting Plan Builder

If any parameters of the selected tariff plan do not suit you, you can change the current tariff plan at any time from the control panel. In addition, you can change the parameters of your tariff plan that you need from the control panel (service management).

In chapter Service management you can increase the number of available sites, disk quota, allowed load on the server and databases.

Beget VIP Hosting

If you have grown from standard rates, you need to host a large number of sites, an increased allowable load on the server and other parameters, switch to VIP hosting from Beguet. On these tariff plans, the amount of available RAM allocated for processes, increased script execution time, increased processor time and other parameters required for highly loaded projects have been increased.

When you pay for Beget VIP hosting for 2 years at the Town tariff, you will save 7,200 rubles and get 10 free bonus domains. When you pay for the City plan for 2 years, you will save 10,800 rubles and get 10 bonus domains. When paying for the Mega plan for 2 years, you will save 17,760 rubles and get 10 domains as a gift.

For all VIP hosting clients, the allowable load limits have been increased and priority round-the-clock technical support is available. In service management, you can also increase the necessary parameters, such as the number of sites, the allowable load on the server and database, and the amount of disk space.

Other services (cost)

For detailed information on the cost and scope of services provided, see the official Beget website.

Beget hosting reviews

If you use or have used Beget hosting or other services of this company, you can leave a review. This can help future customers in choosing hosting for their site. Read user reviews about hosting Beget and leave your own. Thanks for your feedback!

    I have been using hosting Beget for more than 3 years. Before that, I tried Masterhost, 1GB, Taymweb, but the choice was made on Beget. Technical support 5+, prices are not the lowest, but the quality of services justifies my choice. When I needed to transfer several sites from different hosting, the Beget employees transferred everything without problems and very quickly. At the moment I use it with pleasure and do not intend to go anywhere. You can try for free Beget provides 30 days for hosting testing.

    What do you think about hosting? Isn't it convenient to register a domain with a registrar and host a website there?

    • Worked with several client sites hosted by Ru-center (, there is also a terrible hosting control panel! Everything is as confusing as can be.

      If we compare tariff plans shared hosting, then Beget clearly wins. The simplest tariff from 115 rubles / month (with PHP support and MySQL) against 229 on!

      On the Beguet trial period 2 times more, an excellent affiliate program and many other goodies.

      And about the registration of domains and hosting in one place - this is a personal matter for everyone. You can also register domains on Beget.

    To host the website of my organization, I chose Beget hosting. We sit on the Start tariff for 1800 rubles a year, Domain name in the RU zone is provided free of charge when paid for a year. Value for money is quite satisfied!

    I have been developing websites and using paid hosting services for more than 5 years. As a result of searching for the best hosting at an affordable price, I chose Beget hosting. I host my websites and the website of my clients on Beget. Among the advantages of this hosting, I can note the excellent and prompt technical support, the availability of a free trial period, a convenient and understandable control panel, stable and fast site operation and an adequate price. There are practically no shortcomings, or you can close your eyes to them, given the obvious advantages.

    I would probably agree with all of the above. Of all the hostings I have checked, I chose Beget hosting. I congratulate everyone on Cosmonautics Day!

    Hello everyone! I opted for Beguete. For a long time there was a question of choosing between TimeWeb and Beget. The pricing policy and tariff plans are approximately the same, there are opportunities for gradual expansion. But at Beget I liked the hosting control panel and the responsiveness of the support service more, which is very important for resolving urgent issues remotely. I recommend hosting Beget to everyone!

    • If you choose hosting between Beget and Timeweb - definitely for Beget! Their support is friendlier and the hosting control panel is more convenient. Hosting prices are about the same everywhere now, so of these two providers I choose Beget.

    In my opinion, the most convenient, beautiful and understandable hosting control panel. Even my grandma can figure it out! And prices are about the same everywhere.

    Beget is a good hosting in every respect. I'm on the Town VIP-tariff, connected an affiliate program, attracted referrals and don't pay for my hosting at all. Hosting support is top notch, I am completely satisfied with the quality of services. Thanks guys for a really good hosting!

    I think this is the best hosting for the site. Personally, I like their approach to business and attitude towards customers. The guys keep up with the times and offer quality services at an affordable price.

    Beget is a good hosting. One of the best!!! I myself have been using it for several years and I can confidently recommend it to friends and colleagues.

    I tried Beget on the test period for free, I was satisfied. I'll try to pay for a month of hosting and I'll make a decision. Hope they don't disappoint!

Go to section Sites and give the new site a name. A directory with this name will be created on the server, a directory will be created in it public_html, in which you can automatically install the site, or download files manually.

Give the site a name and click Create

To enhance security, all sites on the account isolated from each other. If one site gets infected, the others will not be affected.

In the same section, attach one or more domains to the site. The same can be done in the section Domains.

Link domain

If you don't have a domain, you can register a new domain in the section Domains and subdomains - Register a domain, or an existing domain that is maintained by another company.

Register a new domain

Another option is to use one of the free 3rd level domains that comes with registration. Currently there are 2 domains: and

One of the requirements of Google for a higher position in the search results was access to the site using the https protocol. Sites without an SSL certificate installed by Google are marked as unsafe e.

In chapter Domains and subdomains you can order a free or paid SSL certificate.

Click on the icon next to the desired domain:

Click on the SSL icon

Order a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on the tab Free SSL certificate, or a paid Comodo certificate on the tab Order an SSL certificate.

Website looks professional, user friendly interface. Shared hosting prices are slightly higher than other companies, ranging from $2.90/mo to $21.50/mo. Although, on the other hand, these packages have an unlimited number of databases and domain names, as well as unlimited traffic. The company also offers a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate and domain, but these bonuses are only available on the Russian version of the site. For residents of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, free package hosting for testing services.

VPS and dedicated servers look even better. VPS server prices range from $5 to $30 per month. Specifications very good and worth the price. There are two types of dedicated servers: standard and turbo (powerful servers). Accordingly, prices range from $15 to $1,300 per month. Specifications can be viewed on the website, they are well painted.

Test period

The company provides a trial period of 35 days for all shared hosting packages. Also, only for this type of hosting, a refund is possible. Refunds for VPS and dedicated servers are not provided.

Billing cycle

Shared hosting can be purchased for a month or a year, VPS and dedicated servers - only for a month.

Control Panel

Beget have developed their own control panel. It is available for all virtual and VPS hosting, also for dedicated servers of type managed. The panel looks much more convenient than cPanel. On an unmanaged server, you can install any control panel yourself.


Basically the limits apply to shared hosting. Although the description of the plans states that the number of domains, mailboxes and databases is not limited, there are still some restrictions. For example, the maximum number of mailboxes is 1000, and the number of domains is limited depending on the tariff plan.

It is also forbidden to use more than 10% of the server resources. VPS and dedicated servers have standard limits on the number of processor cores, RAM and disk space.


All servers are protected from DDoS attacks. Further security measures must be taken independently.


Ubuntu is installed on the shared hosting servers. You can install Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, OpenSuse, Fedora or the Bitrix web environment on a VPS server for free. Ubuntu is pre-installed on managed servers, and any OS can be installed on other servers.

Technical support

The company provides round-the-clock support in tickets and chats (Telegram, facebook messenger, Skype). Phone support is available only for residents of Ukraine and Russia. They answer quickly, but very briefly and not to the point, there is not enough proactivity. Knowledge base is good, lots of different articles.


In general, a good and reliable hosting. Users have complete freedom of access to VPS and dedicated servers and can independently perform any operation. And if there are difficulties in setting up or managing them, technical support will be able to quickly and efficiently solve problems.

This hosting is best for residents of the CIS countries, since most of the bonuses and freebies are available only to them. However, given that Beget has good value for money, this hosting can be recommended to residents of other countries too.