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The off button on iphone 4 does not work. The lock (on) button of the iPhone does not work - Anatomy of a Breakdown

One of the common breakdowns in the iPhone of different models is the failure of the on / off button of the device. In this case, repairs are inexpensive, but not everyone can stay for several days without their favorite gadget.

This is not necessary, because there is a way to use the device even with a broken button.

In the first test iOS version 11 devs added a dedicated menu item along the way Settings - General - Disable... It brings up the menu to turn off the device without pressing the power button.

There are still several months before the official release of the firmware, and you can use a device with a broken button right now.


Without a physical button, you will have to use its virtual counterpart. To do this, you need to enable AssistiveTouch.

1. We go along the way Settings - General - Accessibility - AssistiveTouch and activate the main switch.

2. Opening the section Top level menu ....

3. We select any unnecessary button from the existing ones or add an additional icon to the menu.

4. Choosing an option Screen lock.

Now in the AssistiveTouch menu that appears when you click on the virtual button, you can see the screen lock button. Pressing will turn off the display, and holding it will call the iPhone mute slider we need.

Quick reboot

If the iPhone starts to behave strangely, for no reason to think or just slow down, you can simply reboot the device. This can be done in a similar way.

Instead of a button Screen lock add the option to the AssistiveTouch menu Reboot.

Now, to reboot, you need to click on virtual key AssistiveTouch, select item Reboot and confirm the action.

Conveniently enable / disable AssistiveTouch

Go to the menu Settings - General - Accessibility - Keyboard shortcut and choose AssistiveTouch... Thereafter, triple pressing the Home button will toggle the AssistiveTouch menu on and off.

And how to turn on the turned off iPhone now

Without the Power button, you will have to turn on the iPhone by supplying power to the device. It is enough to connect it to a computer, charger or PowerBank and the device will turn on instantly.

Keep this in mind before turning off your iPhone with a disabled power button.

⭐ Thank you re: Store for useful and interesting information.

Hi. It's time to tell you my iPhone lock button breakage history... You will laugh, but I still have an old iPhone 4S brought in by an employee from Canada. My iPhone has served for 4 years and still works flawlessly.

True, there was one case when the POWER button simply stuck (stopped pressing) and I could not use the phone normally. Today I will tell you how to overcome this fairly common disease. This story is from the happy end series ... So read the article until the end.

I was not the first and will not be the last iPhone user to encounter iPhone buttons not working. In this case, there are cases of failure of both the lock (power) buttons and the volume buttons (plus or minus). It is also worth noting that the buttons break on absolutely all iPhone models.

  • How to replace the iPhone screen with your own hands -

What leads to their failure? It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer here ... It may be the iPhone's fall on one of these buttons, or it may be pressed hard, or it may be just a marriage or poor-quality iPhone components.

Caught in a situation where one of the most strategic iPhone buttons stopped pressing, I decided to get to the bottom of the problem and fix the lock button on my own. Well, or at least try to fix it ... More on this in the next paragraph.

Why iPhone Lock Button Doesn't Work

Why does the lock button get stuck on some less fortunate devices? The answer lies in the bowels of the iPhone and relates to “ physiology of structure”Button mechanism.

The button itself (what we see on the end of the iPhone) cannot break as it is just a piece of aluminum. But under the button there is a so-called loop with miniature spring contacts, which fail.

Rice. POWER button and light sensor cable

The picture above shows a spring-loaded contact with a small black plastic “pimple” in the center. It is this very pimp that is the cause of all the troubles.

The fact is that over time (perhaps after a strong pressure or impact) this small black bump may crumble or fall off, and without it the button will no longer function.

Rice. Volume buttons loop with inoperative “+” button

Rice. Disassembled iPhone 4S with a broken lock button

That's the whole breakdown. Now the matter is only in the way of repair. It all depends on how much you are willing to fork out or perhaps want to make repairs yourself.

Workaround for not working power button on iPhone

There are many instructions on the Internet about “ How to fix iPhone lock button ...", but almost all of them deceive users and boil down to a temporary replacement of a button with an iOS software feature.

Apparently the Cupertinians initially knew that the problem with the buttons was quite possible, and added to Settings> General> Accessibility paragraph AssistiveTouch.

After activating which on iPhone screen a square button appears with multiple functions.

One of the functions is called “ Screen lock"(Found in the subcategory" Apparatus“) And essentially performs the action of the iPhone lock button.

Actually, this is a temporary solution, which many are successfully using. Naturally, the physical button will still be inoperative, and in order to really fix it, read the next paragraph.

IPhone Lock Button Repair

Let me remind you that the lock button stopped pressing after a small plastic bump crumbled (fell off, etc.) ... Well, you remember ( see photo above).

There are only two options to troubleshoot this problem:

  • replace the train entirely
  • repair the existing loop

You can replace the loop on which the lock button is located at the service center, or you can do it yourself. If you are straight-handed enough and you have necessary tools, you can try to save money.

The website contains detailed instructions with photographs of disassembling almost all Apple equipment and not only. Buy a train for your iPhone models can be in China on (or another site), but from personal experience I can say that the part MAY come originally non-working.

The fact is that on the same loop with buttons there are also other elements - sensors or switches.

Apparently, the Chinese are not very good with quality control yet ... So I bought a cable to replace the volume buttons on the employee's iPhone 4S (the “+” button did not work for him).

According to the instructions from the site made a replacement (it took about 1 hour in time), and as a result I got a working “+” button, but not working “-“ and a headphone jack.

Fortunately, I did not damage the original cable during disassembly. I had to install it back and resort to the option to repair the original loop.

Repair of the loop, or rather the spring contact of the button, consists in restoring the microscopic tubercle. What have I done? I took a sharp blade and cut a bump from the Chinese train, and then glued it with “superglue” in the right place on the original train.

You must be extremely careful and precise in your movements, because the parts are really VERY tiny.

I bought ten spring contacts on AliExpress () and now use them as donors to get plastic tubercles.

This is how I restored the power button and volume “+” button in two different iPhone 4S. ATTENTION: If you have never repaired anything in your life before, it is better to contact a specialist.

Well, and "a photo on a horse" ... The operation was successful, the patient was satisfied ...

Subscribe to updates using the form below. We will be repairing not such things soon. Well, if you have learned something useful, be sure to share it with your friends on social networks.

In Android OS devices, the power button has two functions - turning the device on and off, as well as activating and unlocking. A failed power button does not allow full use of the device, which is a direct road to service center... If there is no workshop nearby or it is important to postpone repairs until a later date, in this article you will learn how to turn on your phone without the power button.

The phone is turned off, the power button does not work

First, consider the situation when the device is completely turned off, the power button does not work and we need to start the OS.

Method 1: connect to charger

When the power cable is connected, charging will start in the off state. However, some models load the system at the same time. If this does not happen, try connecting the device to the computer to turn on the phone.

Method 2: connect to the charger and hold down both volume control buttons

At the time of installing the power cable, hold down both volume buttons and hold until the boot menu appears - the phone will turn on, but then you will need to select the boot mode, while different models phones may offer different options.

Chosen to check, Motorola smartphone Razr M, loaded Boot mode, where you are prompted to choose one of further action: Normal PowerUP, Recovery, AP Fastboot, Factoty and BP Tools. Unplug the cable and select one of your preferences, such as Normal PowerUP, to turn on the phone.

In my case, the smartphone loaded the system only when the “Factoty” item was selected. And when "AP Fastboot" was selected, the firmware mode was launched, where instead of booting the system, you can issue a reboot command. In this case, you will need a computer and the RSD Lite program, and you will also have to edit the file with the commands when flashing, but this is only if you have a Motorola smartphone. For smartphones from other manufacturers, appropriate programs are used.

If you managed to get into Recovery mode, then select the line - "Reboot system now". To confirm the action, you need to press the power button. And since the key is not available, it is hoped that the smartphone will perceive tactile pressure through the display. Third-party Recovery variations support touch screen taps; and only a few of the basic recovery modes. If the display does not respond and the power button does not work, then this option disappears.

Method 3: Wait for the alarm to turn on

Usually, an alarm clock has the ability to turn on the device to activate a previously set action, even when the phone is turned off. If a similar event occurs, take a moment to go to the menu.

Phone is on but locked

To unlock the screen, the device must be woken up, which can be easily done by an incoming call or by connecting to a charger. And what about on the street? Of course, plugging in a portable charger is inconvenient every time. In this case, the methods described below will work.

Method 1: Using a Biometric Authentication System

Majority modern smartphones Comes with a built-in fingerprint sensor or customize Face ID. The latter, to release the lock, uses a previously specified snapshot of the owner's face. If you set the screen to biometric unlock, then you do not need to press the power button to unlock the screen. It should be borne in mind that some smartphones, in order to use biometric unlocking, first need to wake up the device with the power button.

Method 2: Turn on the phone with the MiKey button

The headset jack accessory contains a customizable button. In the application settings, the parameter is indicated - the number and duration of pressing, to lock and unlock the screen. This method is a good alternative if the device does not have a fingerprint scanner or if the sensor requires waking up the smartphone. The button will also come down to wake up the device and then unlock it by internal means or biometrics.

Method 3: Turn on the phone using gestures

Some smartphones allow you to launch applications by entering a gesture of the corresponding letter - C, V, W or M. after it starts specified program, for example, a calculator that can be easily folded up and does not interfere with the further use of the smartphone.

Oddly enough, but users ask such questions quite often. They all try to turn on their smartphone by pressing the power key, but nothing happens. It is generally accepted that in this case the power button simply does not work. But is it really so?

Not in all cases. Yes, pressing the POWER button may indeed not turn on the smartphone, but that does not mean that the button itself is the problem. We are aware of cases where a similar problem occurred as a result of a failure software, and after the gadget was launched, no problems with the key were observed anymore. It's another matter if you dropped the phone and after that it stopped responding to pressing mechanical keys - it cannot be ruled out that there may be a breakdown. However, first things first.

Try to turn on your smartphone

The first thing you should do is press and hold the power key. How much time? It may take 10-20 seconds, and if nothing happens, hold the button for a minute or even longer. Practice shows that this often helps.

Press the volume down or volume up keys

Many of the users know that for forced reboot or shutdown of an Android smartphone is usually used by pressing the power key, as well as the volume down or up keys. Here we advise you to first press the volume down key and POWER simultaneously for 10-20 seconds to turn on the smartphone.

If it doesn't help, do the same, but instead of the volume down key, press the volume up key and POWER for the same 10-20 seconds.

In this case, the smartphone can turn on in one of the modes, usually this is the mode. This is good, because it says that the problem is definitely not in the power button.

Now you need to restart your smartphone. This can be done using the menu item Reboot or Reboot system now.

How? The answer is below.

Use charging

If the previous two options did not help you, use the charger: just connect the switched off device to it so that the smartphone starts charging. After a while, it should turn on, and in normal mode... Alas, this method does not work in all cases.

But there is another way that almost always works. Take the charger, connect it to the mains, then hold down the volume up or down key on the smartphone (depending on which key combination is used on your device to load the recovery menu), and connect it to the charger using a cable, while continuing to hold the adjustment key sound, for example:

What's next? We need to open the recovery menu, so we are waiting for it to load, and it should load if you did everything right. Next, in the recovery, select the item Reboot or Reboot system now - using the mechanical sound adjustment button. As a rule, the choice of action is carried out with the POWER key, but it does not work for us. How to be? Select Reboot or Reboot system now and just wait - within 15-20 minutes this menu item will be selected automatically and the smartphone will reboot in normal mode.

Users say that this method also works when you connect your smartphone to a computer or laptop.

Well, if you have recovery TWRP, consider yourself lucky - just tap on Reboot (touch controls are used).

Using special applications

We will tell you about an application that allows you to turn on your smartphone using the volume keys - in case you were able to turn on your smartphone.

Go to Play Market and using the search we find the Power button to Volume Button application. Download it, install it.

Launch the application, check the box next to Start Volume Power on boot up, and also click on the gear so that the message Volume Power is currently ebabled appears.

It should work. True, judging by the reviews, not all versions of Android work.

Reboot your smartphone using the command line

The most difficult way that requires certain knowledge.

In case USB debugging is enabled, try loading the gadget in recovery mode using command line- the ADB reboot recovery command will help.

This, of course, is not a solution to the problem, since the smartphone can only boot into the recovery menu, which is already good - with its help, for example, you can select the Reboot item, that is, "Reboot" and the smartphone will boot in normal mode, as described above.

Even the most expensive smartphone is not immune to breakdowns. During operation, the device may fall to the floor, suffer from the effects of water, and receive other mechanical damage.

As a result individual elements controls may fail.

Practice shows that one of the most vulnerable points of a Samsung smartphone is the power button (on / off).

If the main phone button broke or stopped responding to pressing, only a master will help to correct the situation. However, you can use your smartphone for a while with the power button inoperative.

Turn on Samsung with a disabled button

There are several options for solving this problem, here are the most effective ones:

1. We put the smartphone on charge. Many models of phones from Samsung and other manufacturers turn on when connected to a charger. The first thing that can be done in this case is put the device on charge and try to hold down the volume control key.

If you don't have a network charger but there is a laptop and a USB cable, then you can connect your phone to your computer.

2. If the first method fails, try hold down the volume button to the "-" position, the "home" button and, keeping these two buttons pressed, connect the power cable (do not release the buttons all the time!). After a few seconds (about 5-7) a warning menu should appear on the screen.

Necessary remove from device back cover, insert the power cable. When the second battery indicator appears, you must abruptly disconnect the power cable and also abruptly remove and insert the battery. The phone will start to reboot.


Turn on Samsung without a button using the Mobile Uncle application

Turn on every time Samsung phone without the power button in all of the above intricate ways is not very convenient, therefore, after a successful launch, we recommend installing it on your smartphone special application Mobile uncle tools 2017 (Mobile Uncle).

With this universal multi-tool, you can do almost anything with your Android device by completely changing the settings and functionality of the working buttons.

The Mobile Uncle application works with any device based on MTK processors.

There is another application - Power button to Volume Button (available for free in Play Store) - it is specially designed for such a case. It can be used to shift the function of the power button to the speaker volume keys.

There are only two active items in the application menu: Boot and Screen Off. It is enough to put a tick next to the "Boot" item and the smartphone will turn on using the volume rocker.