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Five really useful functions of a "smart home. Nightmares of the future or life in the smart home smart home did not let

Filter retelling of the humorous work of Mat Honan (Mat Honan), published by him in the American magazine Wired, in which he in a humorous manner recreates the picture of the life of the "happy" owner of a smart home. And if you believe the forecasts of scientists and analysts, after five or ten years this house will be every wealthy consumer. According to Honana, especially joyful and calm such life you will not call.

The author of the story offers a regular scenario reader in a smart mansion. It begins with the fact that a resident of the "smart" house awakens early in the morning, having heard the sounds published by pillows, which play the invigorating rhythms and wink the built-in light music. The alarm clock, too, at this time begins to play something of his own, not quite coinciding on the topic with executable pillows with works. Here with this cacophony sounds and a new day begins for the main character.

The owner of the house already in the middle begins to suspect that the attackers may have established the Malware virus into the management program to ensure the work of the "smart" house. And all this due to the fact that he did not install the corresponding patch that has not yet come out. As a result, the whole street on which his neighbors' smart houses are located, plays the most incomprehensible music and flashes with all the colors of the rainbow. It is good that part of the musical works of the owner of the house managed to contribute to the "Black List" service Pandora.

True, it turned out that the virus began to take photographs when the owner comes out of the shower room, and began to place them on Facebook. Although it is just a trifle compared to other deviations in the functioning of the "smart" house, before that manifested. So, in 2022, some kind of virus turned off throughout the street in all smart houses the water just for Christmas and at the same time turned on all the irrigation systems - it was really sad, although the creator of maliciously ideasically planned to cheer it all.

After such an early awakening with pillows and alarms, a "smart" house decides to make themselves coffee and goes into the kitchen. He had to do the coffee in the old manner, since the smart coffee maker had to turn off. There were some failed in it, it began to periodically go online to participate in DDOS attacks on game ServerLocated in Singapore. And all due to the fact that the virus was climbed into the operating system at home, thanks to which now smart housing sometimes someone from unknown hackers use how botnet.

In 2020, the owner of the house installed the operating system for a house compatible with Android, as various was sold to it at that time interesting applications And accessories, and the design itself was the best in its segment. But then it turned out that the new corporate smartphone is incompatible with the current operating system for the house. Now we have to constantly carry the tablet from Google, who is currently unsupported by new firmware and software. And then the doors themselves began to open when they want, so the owner began to think that instead of a smart key to embed the usual English lock.

It also found the fact that in many of these devices in nexus system Home Use proprietary connectors protected by patents, as well as charger, and it is also not very convenient. And recently, DRONE from Amazon stopped for some reason right to park and the result was struck by the device for drying clothes.

When it all started with a simple NEST thermostat and automatic climate control, many seemed to many that the future was perfect and cloudless. Each company produced a gadget for managing smart apartments or mansions, seeking to exceed everyone else. True, it turned out that everything began to define the company that the first began to control the "smart" house.

Then, the SmartWall infrastructure has also released to manage and ensure compatibility, connecting all sockets and climate control to it, refrigerator control systems, watering colors, taking into account dishes. And also different biodivers, filtering systems, stereo systems, control of drugs, parking machines, simulators. Many and the other - you do not remember. And who then thought that a new agreement between Samsung and Microsoft would lead to unpredictable consequences in ten years?

«좋은 아침 입니», - welcomes the owner in Korean Electric ovenWhile he warms his dinner on the induction plate, and the owner sleeps sleeping "조용히" to her in response.

Over the past ten years, a number of devices failed (it turned out that things tend to break even in a smart home), and now the house serves a strange company from devices on different operating systems. It is not possible to achieve normal work, but what to do - you need to adapt: \u200b\u200bafter all, reinstall all the software, and even change most gadgets - too expensive pleasure.

On the road from the kitchen in the direction of the room, the house suddenly "pleases" by the owner with flashes of LED indicators and welcomed by the exclamation: "Congratulations, you have completed the daily rate of steps." Recently, the house so often began to remind about this rate of the distance traveled, which had to install it in twenty-steps a day, in order not to listen to permanent reminders from the sofa, armchairs and televisions about the need for a run or walk, even among the nights, to ensure the required standard guaranteeing Good health and many years of life.

With a cup of coffee, the sleepy master of the smart home sits down at the table. It includes a stereorate, reads news. Nothing interesting in them is not from boredom, he turns the heading of ads for the sale of houses not subject to update. They even have no simple charger For electric vehicle, no smart technique inside. But the man, having kicked up coffee, continues to dream of buying some completely meaningless and very "unreasonable" house.

Light. Opened automatic blinds. Independently turns on the smart toaster and shower in the bathroom, welcoming the owner. There is a new morning in a smart home on smart street.

What "smart House"? About him are stitching at every step, but seed it. Accessories manufacturers aggressively use this shortcut, and we, ordinary consumers, submracting with it "the keys". Editorial website I decided to clearly delimit the two segments of technologies, withdrawing from there two completely different trends. Will be fooled!

Recently, we began to actively follow the theme of the "smart home" and receive requests for devices that are often attributed to it. In this regard, we decided to prepare a small but the appearance of this topic.

What is a "smart home" and why it is not yet

Let's close your eyes for a moment and say this getting marketer with marketers. "Smart House"! What do you imagine at this moment? Ten and fifteen years ago you would remember futuristic cinema: where the windows are neurmed by themselves, where the light and climate are supported autonomous system With artificial intelligence, where coffee is preparing for the morning in advance without your participation and so on.

This is a smart home. Today he is not futuristically futurist - and Reaen is one hundred percent. That's just he will not appear by itself. You must initially consider such a project at the stage of laying the foundation of your future home. Or do this in the apartment before overhaul. You will also need a very substantial amount of money, because such solutions require the involvement of professionals, installation and deploying specific equipment.

In short, the "smart home" is when everything is cool and beautiful, as in the movies, but for mad money and a bunch of time. In the next five years, in part of time and money in Russia will change a little. As long as the real "smart home" is only trying to make his way into the masses, all majer marketers build effective advertising campaigns on this immense word. As a result, the consumer himself sits and does not understand anything.

Thanks to the efforts of the media, in the consciousness of modern gickers, a smart home is light bulbs. Philips Hue., Sockets with Wi-Fi Module, Weather Sensors Netatmo., Sensor sets Lapka. etc. But in reality, it is a device of a completely different format that keeps up with a trend called "Internet of Things", Iot..

What is IoT and why he is now in trend

IN Iot. There is a special class of purely consumer devices, which themselves cannot be the basis of a "smart home", but we will confess similar ideas. The phrase of the "Internet of Things" implies two key elements of this trend: ordinary items that can connect to the network. In the perfect world, these items should also exchange data with each other.

Roughly speaking, Iot. - This is a coffee maker that has an application for the iPhone and prepares coffee at the same time with a bell of alarm. IoT is a set of light bulbs. Philips Hue.which change the color and brightness of the world at the request of the owner. This is the same set of sensors. Lapka.measuring the environmental situation around. And many, many other existing and future gadgets connecting to our iPhones - for the sake of data demonstration or function management.

Share "Smart Items" format IOT and "Smart Home" becomes necessary for a simple reason. The largest companies In the coming years, it will be furious in the coming years and produce products that meet the tasks of IoT. The development of modern technologies made the reality of "smart refrigerators" and "Toasters with Wi-Fi". Each of them is interesting in vacuum of their capabilities, but their installation in the house will never make the last "smart".

This is the difference. You can buy a basket of smart accessories, but none of them be it together, or separately - will not be an element of this "smart home".

How really looks like a "smart home"

First of all, the "smart home" is not a set of "smart light bulbs", but the central "brain", which monitors and manages all communications in the apartment, climate and electricity. The key element of the real "smart home", about which everyone dreams is its software and technical platform. It is this "base" it connects at the lowest level to your pipes, electrical panel and heating system to manage it.

There are a lot of such low-level control systems. For example, there are promising software solutions - for example, environment Apple Homekit.which in the future will combine all the "smart coffee makers" in one and truly effective network, exchanging data with each other. But without the central management system, these conversations will not follow meaningless marketing.

The "smart houses" management systems are far from being so highly advertised as "sockets" and "light bulbs", but they exist, and many dozen years have been developing and developing. Many of them are very expensive, as they include a fine tuning of software and specific computer components, plus various sensors, communication equipment and much more.

Thinking, editors website I tried to search in Russia such companies that offer actually working systems to create a "smart home". We were especially interested in those that are suitable for the question with a purely Russian, impenetrable side. So that you can put easily, quickly and for centuries. And desirable for a penny.

Ordinal Russian "Smart Home"

The company responded to our request Etostostroyoffering a special solution for our country: see "Smart Home" in Russian, impenetrable and adapted to our harsh realities. Their system does not depend on the availability of electricity in the house. She does not need the Internet. It works with the highest reliability and does not require further investments, and is able to ease life and prevent a local man-made catastrophe.

: Behind the temperature in the pipes, for boilers, for the supply of electrical energy, behind heating devices and many others. And not only tracking, but also office. The entire system works through the GSM network, does not require the Internet in any form and processes commands via SMS messages.

Example. You are sitting at work, 50 kilometers from your country house. Have not been there for two months. What if he was so stolen? Suddenly he had a problem with the heating system? Suddenly turned off the electricity, and you are going to go there tomorrow with guests? Ectocontrol idea is to immediately notify the user about the situations described above. That is what allows a person to take the necessary measures on time: to come on time and eliminate the problem before it causes critical consequences.

Or another example. You are traveling to the country. After leaving the house, send a technical message to your Ectocontrol station, which starts the heating system in the house. Come to warmth and comfort. They rested, came out, closed the gate - sent a message on the shutdown of the system or operation at a reduced temperature. Pipes remain warm, the house does not freeze to the end, and you always know what temperature is in it.

Etostostroy And his team attracted us with enthusiasm and the fact that their product differs from the market existing on the market, in places of unique qualities. Instead of describing the capabilities of the system in a nutshell, we decided to go further - and go to shoot the Ectocontrol system installation process.

In the coming days, we will tell you how one of the most promising systems of the Russian "smart home" works. For now - do not make yourself fool. "Smart Home" can and ends on a "smart lamp", but it does not start with it;)

Yesterday, only the enthusiasts were dealing with smart houses, and today we, I do not know about anything, go to buy a spare light, and we return with a real smart device. In other words, the "smart home" enters our lives so unceremoniously and mercilessly, that soon, of Togo and looked, from "ordinary" houses and bricks will not remain.

At the same time, most of us have about the systems of a smart home the concept is so vague that over time the confusion in the head is only growing. We, of course, we know that the coffee makers learned to cook coffee at a given time, and the light turn on when we ask him about it, but how it works - it will be broken here.

Do we know what is a "smart home"? Smart lamps, coffee makers, robots-vacuum cleaners ... There is a real technological process around us - and it is possible to get acquainted with the world of home automation closer.

At the same time, almost all articles on the Internet are either talking about this couple of words, or are intended for those most gickers who have already eaten not one dog in this matter. Once we have already corrected this misunderstanding and published an article about a smart home, and today they decided to repeat - it is even more clear, even more clearly, more concisely than last time. Let's start a tour of Smart Home.

Introduction: Terms and History

First, we remember that the "smart home" is a marketing name for home automation. The term includes everything that can accommodate our dwelling: smart vacuum cleaners, coffee makers, refrigerators, light bulbs, radiators, humidifiers, temperature sensors, etc. english language Our "smart home" corresponds to the concept of "Smart Home". At the same time, you can meet the term "Multiple" - these are the same smart devices, but concerning AudovovideoApprants: Cinecourts, smart speakers and so on.

There is another English expression "SMART House" - it is associated with various control systems in apartment buildings: water supply, central heating and safety. As a rule, these questions are not included in our "smart home", but if it comes to your personal housing, then why not.

Historically, home automation appeared already at the beginning of the 60s - immediately after the start of the rapid development of computers. At first, everything worked on chapels and ribbons, but then the control systems could include the schedule devices and bind to the alarm systems. True, all this happened in the houses of enthusiasts inventors ... So, the spira brothers already in the 61st year patented the first dimmer - a device automatically regulating light.

Automation devices were created independently at different points of the planet, and in the end, in 1978, the Scots from Pico Electronics created a universal data transfer protocol for all these devices. The standard was called X10, and it was then that the doors learned to push automatically, and the light is to turn on cotton.

The further history of the smart home is the history of creating such universal "languages" for various devices (for example, CEBUS e-tire). The fact is that the manufacturers of smart appliances still could not agree with each other, what protocol to use. It's funny that this problem is preserved to this day - and is one of the most important home automation.

You can also recall the 1984th year when the American Association of Construction and Housing Companies for the first time used the term "smart home", and the 1999, when Disney popularized this idea by releasing a film about a reasonable computerized house.

How it works?

The center of any home automation system is the controller is a computer that processes commands and sends them to the desired devices and devices. Correctly, this is a separate device that is installed somewhere in an affordable place. But sometimes your smartphone or tablet can act as a controller - this happens, for example, in the Apple Homekit system from Apple. As a rule, devices from different manufacturers can be connected to the controller that works with a universal data transmission protocol.

So, the controller is in the center of the system. On the one hand, we have an "sense authorities" house, which will inform him of various information - these are a variety of sensors: temperature, humidity, leakage detection, etc. When the sensor captures anything, it sends these controller that analyzes them. We can contact the controller and directly, bypassing the sensors: sending commands from a smartphone or control panel to it.

Finally, on the other side of the system, "acting" devices are located, that is, our smart devices. The controller, depending on the programmed algorithms or information received from the sensors, gives the command to smart devices - and they, in turn, make our lives more convenient.

Summarizing said: The smart home system consists of three components:

    sensors (sensors) sensitive to the surrounding space;

    the central controller (or hub), which processes all the information and sends the instrument commands;

    and devices themselves performing various tasks.

How do all these components connect to each other? In two ways: with wires or radio communications. It is clear that the wireless method is more convenient when installing: nothing needs to be installed - bought, put and forgot. However, wired systems are much safer, since the connection in them does not depend on the home Wi-Fi networkwhich may be subject to failures and even attacks.

Also mention about centralized and decentralized smart home systems. The first are managed by one module-controller - as well as described above in this section. The more devices are connected with each other, the more appliances subject to one controller - the more difficult and more interesting than the scenario of their work. However, there are also decentralized systems from several chains of instruments or even single stand-alone devices. Such systems are less flexible in the setting, but more secure: one component fails - the rest is all.

Now let's turn to the fact that the smart system is represented. I will dismiss a description of the sections and start with smart light.

"Smart Light"

These words unite the whole class of lighting devices: from dimmer switches, to smart light bulbs and blinds. We classify the functions of "smart light" - the main capabilities of such systems are as follows:

    enable / disable illumination depending on the time or presence of a person indoors;

    adjustment of brightness depending on the time of day, the number of people and other triggers;

    shading the room when the projector or TV is turned on;

    adjusting the amount of natural lighting - automation of curtains and blinds;

    light alerts about various events;

    imitation of the presence of people in the safety room;

    designer room lighting scenarios, changing dynamically or commands (Nanoleaf lamp kit);

  • custom scenarios or algorithms, for example, the change of white light on soft while reading.


This class includes air conditioning, heating, hydraulic and ventilation systems, and call all this catavation with an ARK abbreviation (HVAC). The goal is to make life comfortable, but also save electricity. Since human health directively depends on these systems, special attention is paid to the creation of ARK - therefore, often the microclimate system is operating autonomously, regardless of other devices of the smart home. Among the functions of the HRC can be noted as follows:

    maintaining a comfortable temperature with the control of the operation of batteries, heaters and warm floors;

    decrease in temperature to a comfortable level at night;

    electricity savings due to shutdown or reduction of heating intensity;

    moisturizing, drainage, ionization and air cleaning indoors;

    supply fresh air with fans, fan coils and air conditioners;

    automation of the water supply systems, for example, overlapping valves in the absence of the home of the owners.

An example of a convenient and simple smart thermostat -. The same brand produces a lot of other devices for a smart home, which are compatible with the Apple Homekit system. So if you are a user of apple devices - familiarity with Elgato is just necessary. You can purchase these devices.


Safety is a tensile concept, and in fact, even the usual signaling in your apartment can be called a component of a smart home. Nevertheless, the true possibilities of automation of security systems do not know the boundaries, especially if you add them with a variety of sensors and sensors. Let's call the main functions of smart security systems:

    observation using cameras, video intercoms and night vision devices;

    saving video files to the cloud or built-in drives;

    alarm and challenge of security services;

    monitoring the integrity of windows, doors, walls and fences of the home plot;

    monitoring the status of opening / closing windows and doors;

    control of the rights of access to the room with smart locks;

    leak tracking;

    detection of fire-hazardous situations and their liquidation;

    monitoring the work of wiring and protection against short circuits ((thermal imagers).

As an example of convenient security devices, the company's gadgets can be given. Their distinctive feature is that you do not need to mess around with a setting or setting. Using the controller (separately you can buy) you can control a variety of sensors that can be purchased separately or in a single set.

Not bad cameras makes EZVIZ. The brand arsenal also has many sensors: leaks, opening / closing doors, etc. As in the case of Fibaro, the company has for a smart home. With EZVIZ devices, we know.

Observation of children, old men and animals

This category can come to quite by the way, even if you do not plan to create an intelligent home from your home. Smart devices with great success help make life easier when someone needs your help and observation. We list the capabilities of such devices:

    video surveillance with real-time object;

    double-sided audio and video communications by video units and individual microphone systems;

    push notification of movements or loud sounds;

    closing access to premises and automated movements;

    monitoring the location of the object;

    monitoring activity and health indicators of the object.

As an example of functional and easy-to-use smart cameras and smart door calls, the Ring device can be brought with video surveillance. These cameras support the function of night vision, automatically determine the movement in the visibility zone, and they are removed in excellent quality.

Smart devices

The most "tasty" class of home automation systems is that many are usually implied under a smart home. This includes smart teapots, pressure coins, vacuum cleaners and other house assistants. Listed these devices can be infinite, so I just try to briefly classify them:

    kitchen appliances: smart slabs, refrigerators, multicookers, etc.;

    other appliances: vacuum cleaners, scales, washing machines, irons, etc.;

    smart furniture and interior items: automatic doors, curtains, curtains, lampshades, cabinets, etc.;

    multimedia devices: smart speakers, TVs, projectors, karaoke systems, etc.;

    games and entertainment: Robots designers, educational games, etc. (robots).

Universal automation protocols

As I said, the main problem of the modern smart home is the fragmentedness of the market. This means that many smart devices may not work with each other at all. And at best, you will have many applications on your smartphone for each of them. Not the most convenient option, if you think about. Some firms offer comprehensive turnkey systems, where everything works perfectly, but in this case you will not be able to combine the devices you liked: for example, an intelligent and moisturizer from Apple.

The most obvious solution is to use devices that support the universal data transmission protocol. Today, the most promising from such "languages" are the Z-Wave and ZigBee protocols. Both of them were designed not only for convenience, but also for safety. Protocols have a so-called cellular structure. If any system node is damaged, commands are sent via any available node (device). Thus, when a single component fails, the entire system continues to work.

Smart Home - Future or Present?

Imagine that Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, invited you to his home. You enter into a spacious hallway, smart assistant Jarvis turns on moderately bright light so that you can get out and hang up the top clothes. In the living room, the assistant sets up a soft light, comfortable for relaxing. Mark asks Jarvis to include a pleasant background music - And from the speakers, Saxophone's sounds of Miles Davis are heard. Have exercised, you decide to watch the movie, and Jarvis includes a TV for you, and the light around will fill up to a minimum. As long as you enjoy watching, the smart assistant does not sit on the spot: he follows the security of daughters brand, and if children are paid, Jarvis Morgan Freeman's voice will immediately inform the Father.

Immersion in the world of "smart houses" is not necessarily a complex and painstaking work here and now. It is quite possible to start with a small one: buy a smart light, then purchase the controller and supplement the system to another device. Gradually, you will feel in matters of automation as a fish in water.

There is a call - guests arrived. Jarvis immediately scans those who came and informs the owner of the house, who is at the door. After a nice evening spent, you go to bed. In the morning, Jarvis prepares breakfast to all guests, and for the brand it has a clean T-shirt - he shoots her from the pump right in the hands of Zuckerberg!

This example of the organization of a smart home is only one of many. The dwelling of Bill Gates can surprise even more: it is equipped with a glass elevator with voice control; Pool C. automatic setup comfortable water temperature; The system of control over each plant in the garden and in the house and many others.

Of course, to get so smart home, you need to lead a successful company. But in general, smart technologies and automation systems are no longer prerogative of the favorites: the market is growing, it appears more and more solutions for consumers. To set up your smart home, only a desire to immerse yourself in the topic and directly do the organization. Of course, there are a lot of offers of fully finished solutions - for example, from BTICINO, Crestron, Legrand and others companies - but you can start with small. Say, with a smart light bulb - why not?

The amazing era of IoT, the Internet of things - global interaction with everything through everything through the network - in essence, only begins, and the smart home - good example What awaits us in the future, but is available today.

Do not forget about our: here we regularly publish interesting articles about technologies and of course - relevant reviews for gadgets and smart devices. Join us on the Yandex.Dzen Platform.

Sensors of the Smart House work according to one principle: transmit a signal to Wi-Fi to the base module, a box size with a home router. The base module enters the Internet and communicates with the smartphone. You can manage all sensors through a mobile application from everywhere where there is a network access.

Why the sensors themselves do not go online, why do you need a base module? Many sensors. Imagine that ten people came to your home, and everyone connected to Wi-Fi. Some networks will withstand some - no. Add devices family members - smartphones, laptops, stationary computers, tablets ... to serve such a loaded network, you will need personal system AdministratorAs in the office. The basic module distributes the channels so that the radio waves, on which all electronic devices In the house, did not interfere with each other.

Water leak sensors, opening and closing doors, smoke, depressions and motion sensors are connected to a central module, which via the Internet communicates with you through a mobile application.

Here are five functions of the "smart home" capable of making life easier and more pleasant.

1. Remote control over sockets

And I turned off the iron?

Buy the iron that turns off myself. Take a picture of the iron, leaving home. Check out all sockets. Call households and neighbors, ask to check. Or put a "smart" socket. She looks like an adapter. If you suddenly doubted that the plug was released by leaving the house, you can break the chain by several passes on the smartphone screen - and surely save the house from the fire, and yourself - from unnecessary worries.

If at home children, "smart" socket becomes even more useful. It will help when the smoke sensor (it can also be made part of the "smart home", it will be discussed later) works in the room where electrical appliances work. The house is far away, you are at work or on vacation, which happened - it is unknown, but you can remotely de-energize the room. Balsam per soul.

The white adapter with the LED is "smart" socket. It is managed from a mobile application: one press button, and the socket is de-energized.

Some "smart" sockets still save you money. They work as a meter whose indicators you see in mobile application. Does the device wind up too much kilowatt? Turn off! Conveniently, if you, leaving with giving, forgot to turn off the warm floor or other energy-intensive device.

2. Fire alarm

You have something burning

Fire alarm is complex and expensive. A smoke sensor connected to the Smart Home system is simple. It is attached under the ceiling, in five minutes it connects to the database and works 12 months until it is time to change the battery. The sensitivity is adjusted so that the siren does not turn on from the burnt bolet or cigarette smoke burnt in the pan, but he felt a serious smoke. If the room fills the smoke, you will learn right away: the alerts will come to email and push notice, and indoors will win a loud siren.

Wireless smoke sensor connected to the central module will warn about smoke wherever you are.

3. Water leakage sensors

And we did not poured neighbors?

Third main fear of housewife - water leakage. Unreliable junction of pipes, weakened the crane, and just a crowded bath. Or your apartment is empty. And what if heating was already given, and the battery flowed? Put water leakage sensors in the most insidious places. They do not react to small splashes, only on serious incidents. The notification will come to the mail and will be displayed on the screen. True, the sensor will not be able to do nothing with the leakage - you have to go and save everything. But it is better to do it as early as possible.

Additional bonus: leakage sensor make wireless. Wires and water are poorly compatible things, and they are prevented under their feet. And the wireless device with the size of the cake "basket" can be fixed anywhere. And do not forget to change batteries.

Water leak sensor notifies you about trouble-leaking pipes and a crowded bath.

4. Opening / Closing Sensors

I closed the door?

Going out of the house, turn the key and jerk a handle a couple of times: this habit will help not worry about whether you left (or forgetful guests and children) all the latch. But not to rely on the hard human memoryYou can put a magnetic closing sensor or door open sensor. Then notifications will come when the door opens or closes. The same can be done with windows. The main thing is to turn off the sensor per day when you are waiting for a lot of guests.

Even if you never forget to close the door, the sensor will be useful to check the children.

5. Cameras, motion sensors

Follow and guard

If in the 90s your neighbor had a chamber mounted in her eyes on a heavy iron door, then your neighbor was a difficult person. Now the camera can be put with much less effort and costs than twenty years ago, and it does not look as if you have a currency suitcases in your bedroom. Cameras, microphones (and cameras with a microphone, and even with a speaker) and motion sensors can be connected to the "Smart Home". Adjust the motion sensor so that it reports the movement of a person, but ignored the cat. You can record, but you can watch Live - just like that, just in case. Modern "smart" cameras have a passive mode: they begin to record only when they feel movement. Some cameras are seen at night, in the infrared range.

A small Wi-Fi camera is watching everything that happens around, and talk around the clock. She sees in the IR range - and therefore, not only during the day; Most of these devices have a microphone and speaker.

Pleasant trifles

Not vital, but pleasant functions of a "smart home"

Motion sensor put not only for security purposes. Recently, Muscovite Konstantin Konovalov lowered such a device in the mailbox, and now notifications come to his smartphone when the postman brings a receipt to pay for utility services or postal notice. Or the latest number of "Popular Mechanics" by subscription. Some singers put a portable home camera over the pots, in which dumplings are boiled - to see how they pop up, while they themselves relax in another room.

Smart lamps are light control from the smartphone screen. Adjust the color, even a child can turn on or off.

Starting optimization, it is difficult to stop. You can stick in a pot with flowers humidity sensor and do not forget to water. You can install in the children's "smart" air quality controller and do not forget to ventilate. In the same way, moisture can be monitored. And last: "smart" light bulbs are eliminated from the need to get up to turn off the light. This can be done without releasing the smartphone from hand.

"Smart Home" is a remote control to all electrical appliances in the house. Some possibilities make life a little more pleasant, others save from serious household problems. Russian market "Smart" household electronics Not yet developed. One of the pioneers is a megaphone company: it offers "Security" or "basic" kits, which can be supplemented in accordance with personal preferences and needs. In each set includes a control center and compatible with it. wireless devices - cameras and sensors; However, you can choose individual devices to your taste.

Our company in the first quarter of this year celebrates 30% increase in demand for its products, and most market players, including distributors and system integrators, predict that in the next five years the Russian market market will grow average rates by 25% per year.

Who needs a smart home?

The growth of the interest of Russians to the smart home is obvious, but not everyone understands what it is. Half of customers who come to us need to explain exactly how automation technology can solve their daily problems. They have a need for housing management, in optimizing their life, but as it can be done, they do not yet.

As part of a smart home, they see an intercom with a video surveillance and a fire system, but this, of course, is not so. These are just scattered engineering elements, and a smart home is the connection of all subsystems, centralized lighting and air conditioning, heating, access control, video surveillance, control of gas leakage and water leakage, autopoligating and curtain control. And all this is carried out using a smartphone. The number of subsystems that can be included in the smart home is practically unlimited.

Such a complexity of modern housing and creates a need in a smart home. There were too many electronics and daily processes around us, which need to be rationally build up, to connect with each other, control.

An intelligent house is a corpulent stage of progress, the evolution of housing, he is a direct consequence of all technical innovations surrounding us in modern homes and apartments.

Let's imagine a large country house in which family lives with children, in it 7-10 rooms. Returning to sleep, you need to follow, whether the light and air conditioning are turned off everywhere - imagine how much energy resources will be spent in vain, if this is not done? Here and help the scripts of a smart home - automatic shutdown in time, for example. And you do not need to walk around the house and turn off everything manually. Or the "all left" function: the owners leave the house, and all electrical appliances are safely disconnected.

That is, the larger area of \u200b\u200bhousing, the more systems inside it, the more obvious the benefits of a smart home. And also an important argument - savings. On average, the "smart" systems lower costs in the consumption of energy resources by 20-30%, and the experience of our projects says that in full force the smart home begins to "work" on the square from 100 square meters.

Professional equipment for a smart home lives about 10 years, and then requires replacement due to moral wear. The average cost of equipment is a thousand rubles per square meter. In the house or apartment of 100 square meters, the smart home will cost from 100 thousand rubles. And now you can imagine how much on average it will pay for itself, saving 20-30% of the cost of thermal and energy monthly. According to our calculations, the full payback of the smart home on such an area is a period of from 3 to 5 years.

And who do not need?

Most likely, the smart home you do not need if:

  • You have a small apartment with a small number of functional zones (one bathroom, one kitchen and so on).
  • All switches are within walking distance, you are not difficult to follow the energy consumption: on your own turn off the light and turn off the electrical appliances.
  • You do not need to provide remote access In the apartment for children, relatives, workers.

Not a very smart home

Most Russians live in small apartments, so the value of a smart home is not obvious for them. Recently, this began to actively use the suppliers of "sets in the box". They are selling telecom-operators, Russian startups and Chinese electronics manufacturers.

"Kits in the box" are simple devices for managing individual functions in the apartment: temperature, turning on / off light bulb, out of water and so on. The owner of the house sends an SMS or activates the function in the application, and the radio signal transmits the message to the device.

We call such kits "Prober of the Smart Home": they solve separate tasks in apartments and as a whole can simplify specific household processes. Install these kits can be independently, professional engineers are not needed for this. Those who buy them do not have a real need for a smart home. And the owners of large houses and apartments will never buy "kits in the box", because the integrated tasks of the smart home "Probes" cannot be solved.

Smart home market in Russia

The Russian smart home market looks like this. According to our estimates, approximately 50% are suppliers of foreign brands (USA, Germany, Austria). In most cases, their equipment complies with the standard KNX or EIB / KNX. This is high-quality, but expensive equipment for premium segment in real estate.

20% of the market occupy Russian brands, some of which, in our opinion, are only masked under independent producers and developers. In fact, their equipment is taken from the range of different Chinese manufacturers and issued for their own.

The real development and production of integrated integrated systems "Smart House" in Russia is engaged in units. It is quite simple to distinguish real manufacturers - according to the presence of patents and development departments.

The remaining 30% is the most "kits in the box", inexpensive, simple and with the service life of 1-2 years.

The cost of Russian technologies "Smart Home" is many times different from the cost of foreign equipment, they are much cheaper. The cost of Russian equipment does not include excise taxes and import duties, transportation, mark-ups of several wholesalers, foreign development costs, salaries of foreign engineers - and they are high enough, it is worth recognizing this. This explains the difference in the cost, which, judging by the last drops of the ruble exchange rate, will only increase.

Residential real estate will be "clever"

A typical buyer of a smart home - a man over 30 years old, as a rule, working in IT, or somehow differently connected with this sphere. He has a higher technical education and hence the habit of trusting modern technologies, integrate them in their lives.

The Russian guild of realtors recently published a new buildings market research. They note that the share of comfort-class housing is growing throughout Russia, and projects on the integrated development of territories - the construction of economy-housing on the outskirts of cities - on the contrary, collapses. With this factor we can associate further growth in the demand of technologies "Smart Home".

High-class housing owners are more interested in centralizing management of all life support systems in their apartment.

It is important that the developers of the developers are "doserly" to the smart home. Many of them are ready to integrate the basic variants of "smart" systems under construction: automated lighting groups, access control, automatic data collection from meters, heating control, water leak control, security and fire alarm.

Such a "smart" filling of the apartment allows developers to stand out against the background of competitors, improve their status through working with innovative technologies and stimulate the staging real estate market.