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How to organize remote access to 1C. What you want to install from users "1C"

In this mode, users are connected to a remote server using RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). Connection is possible from any arrangements in the presence of the Internet. In this mode, you can use the entire functionality provided by 1C, including the configurator.

System requirements
To work in the "Remote Desktop" mode, it is necessary that one of the operating rooms are installed on your computer. microsoft systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista., Windows7, Windows 2003/2008 Server, Windows Server 2008 R2.
The version of the program to start remote working (mstsc.exe) of the table should be no less than 6.1

Connecting and configuring with a shortcut

If the shortcut is already installed on your desktop, just click on the icon and in the window that appears, enter your credentials (login and password). Label can be copied to any computer and run the program.

Self-configuration of the label to start a remote desktop 1C
To independently configure a remote desktop label, you must:
1. Run the Remote Desktop or Remote App program. The name of the started file is mstsc.exe. You can open the Start menu -\u003e Run, and copy this name there (mstsc.exe).
2. Enter your parameters account.
3. In the window that appears, the program 1C will open.
4. Configure connection to information base 1C (similar to configuration when connected after 1C: Enterprise 8.2)

In order to be available when working with a remote desktop local disks and printers need to be connected.

To connect local disks, it is necessary:
1. On the form of connecting to the remote desktop, click Options and go to the Local Resources tab.

2. Put the button more.

3. Install flags for those discs that need to be available when working with a remote desktop.
4. Press the OK button.

For connecting local printers Need:
1. On the connection form to the remote desktop, go to the Local Resources tab.
2. Set the printer flag.

Modern conditions, with a wide distribution of mobile devices and an accessible Internet makes new requirements for information systems even small firms. If a few years ago remote access There was a lot of major organizations, today the possibility of access to information from any place is perceived as something of granted. Today we will tell you how quickly and without excess costs to organize web access to the bases 1C: enterprises operating in file mode.

Traditional scheme of working with 1C: Enterprise in file mode implies sharing information base files by means sMB protocol (microsoft networks). At the same time, one of the computers acts as a file server, while others work with placed in common access information base.

but this scheme has a number of significant drawbacks. The speed of work has a significant impact of bandwidth networks and computing power client computers. We understood this question in more detail in our material. This is especially manifested after switching to configuration based on managed application, which are much more demanding to resources than the previous generation configuration.

There is also an acute question with remote access, if for remote computers You can still organize remote access via RDP, which, by the way, is not always available for small firms that do not have a dedicated server, then mobile devices everything is pretty sad.

However, controlled application Provides new features, such as web access to the information base, including a file mode. This allows you to qualitatively change the work with information system Virtually no additional cost.

On a computer with an information base, the additional role of the web server is rising, which is published by the information base. After that, you can continue to work with it both in the file mode and in the web server mode.

At the same time, it is not necessary to use a browser to work, access to the database through a web server can also platform thin client. This feature allows you to organize access not only for remote and mobile customers, but also improve work on not enough productive machines in the office, since all the main calculations will be performed on the server side and traffic transmitted over the network will be minimized as the load on the client's computer .

Well, of course, there are practically unlimited possibilities of remote access to the database: from any place, from any device, there would be a browser.

Below we consider possible configurations for organizing web access to small databases running file mode based on client operating systems.

On the currently Two main Apache and IIS web servers are supported, also a platform and a web server must be installed on the machine with a web server. web Server Extensions Modules. You can always install them additionally, just running again the Platform Installation Program:

Windows and IIS.

Internet Information Services (IIS) for incomprehensible reasons is not popular with administrators and 1C-nicks. And in vain, ignore a regular solution in favor of some third-party software, even be good, looks at least strange.

To install IIS on the client OS, in our case Windows 7 x64, go to Control Panel - Programs and Components - Enable and Disable Windows Components.

In the window that opens, select IIS services, then, turning the list, go to Internet Service - Application Development Components and check the box opposite ISAPI extensions, the remaining parameters can be left by default.

After installing the IIS, we turn to its configuration, to do this, discover Control Panel - Administration - IIS Services Manager.

In the tree, we choose Pools applicationsclicking the right mouse button on DefaultAppPool - Advanced Parameters and allowed 32-bit applicationsby setting the appropriate option in True..

Now exhibit necessary rights For groups Iusr. and IIS_IUSRS. On the folder with the information base issued the right The change and Reading and execution:

On the folder bin. Platforms - Reading and execution:

Then launch 1C: Enterprise on behalf of the administrator and load the desired information base into the configurator mode.

On the menu Administrationchoose Publication on a web server. 1C: The company will automatically determine the web server (IIS) and prompts to place a web application in the root of the web server in the directory named the information base folder, which will also be the name of the publication, if necessary, you can change these parameters.

Ready! For access to the database, we can use the type of type http: // Name (address) _Hext / Name_Publication, in our case, Run the browser and check the work.

You can also configure the database to work with it through the platform, for this, in the adding new information database dialog, place the placement on the web server:

Next step Enter the connection address:

After starting the information database, you can make sure that it works in the web server mode, not the file:

Windows and Apache 2.2

If you do not want to use IIS for any reason, you can configure the operation of 1C with another popular Apache web server. Unfortunately, Apache developers have ceased to publish binary builds for Windows, offering to contact their partners, so we will go to the Apache Haus website and download the assembly 2.2.x architecture x86.Even if you have a 64-bit operating system.

Attention! To get an Apache assembly, you should use only reliable sources that are listed on the project website. The safety of your web server and your data depends on this!

You also need to install the disseminated Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 package, which is needed for normal APACHE assembly.

Then unpack the downloaded Apache archive into an arbitrary directory, for example, C: \\ Apache22, of all the many folders we are interested in folders bin. and htdocs.In the first are the executable files of the web server, the second it is necessary to have web content.

Open command line with administrator rights and move on to the directory bin. Web Servers:

CD C: \\ Apache22 \\ Bin

Now install Apache as a service:

Httpd -k install

You do not pay attention to warnings, the Apache configuration is used for use with 1C.

Since the service is running on behalf of the system account, set the rights to folders with the base and the platform are not necessary.

Then, just start 1C on behalf of the administrator in the configurator mode and go to publication on the web server. In contrast to IIS, in this case, the platform itself cannot specify the path and create a folder, so we do it manually. The folder must be created inside the catalog htdocs. And her name must coincide with the name of the publication:

In our case, it C: \\ Apache22 \\ Htdocs \\ ACC30 \\By the way, create required catalog You can directly in the folder selection dialog. After that we publish the information base.

The next moment, 1c does not know how to restart this Apache assembly, so we will do it manually through the snap Services:

After restarting the web server, the published base will be available on the same itself, as in the case of IIS, the address, just anything will not be different and working with it.

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Step-by-step instructions How to configure Web access to 1C databases. I wrote for myself as an instruction in order not to forget in the future. Maybe someone comes in handy.

Configuring client-server access to 1C via Web interface

This article outlines the instruction how to organize work with the 1c configuration via the Internet Observer.

For article, 1C setting was used to work with the MS base. SQL Server And as a Web server was used by Internet Information Services operating system.

Before starting the installation, 1C with the application server, SQL Server 2005 and above, is running Internet Information Services.

As an example, the following software versions were used to describe the article:

All the steps described can work both on the senior releases of programs and the younger. Minimum requirements Specified on the site 1C -

Before starting, the computer must be installed above the products specified in the table. In this case, the server 1C, the SQL server can be on different physically or virtual computers. It is desirable that the server 1C and Internet Information Services be on a single physical and logical server (so there will be less problems with the settings).

The whole setting process is divided into 5 steps:

1 - Configuration and database registration on 1C and SQL servers

2 - Setting up IIS on the server to publish a configuration

3 - Publication of Web Applications from 1C

4 - Setting up libraries to work in the 64-bit OS

5 - Configure access rights to folders and firewall Windows

In addition, the article contains information how to go to the published site

As well as information about the resources used

7. Used resources

1. Registration of the base on 1C and SQL servers

1.1. Start Server 1C.

After installing 1C, you must make sure that the 1C server is running. The author usually launches the server manually. But if you are sure that the 1C server is running, then this step is not necessary.

1.2. Register 1C cluster

Start the 1C Server Administration utility:

In the window that opens, register a new central server 1C of the company:

In the window that appears, enter the network name of the computer on which 1C server is running (or its IP address):

1.3. Register 1C database on SQL server

To start logging, you need to start the application 1c. In the window "Start 1C: Enterprise" window, register a new database by pressing the "Add" button:

We choose "Creating a new information base":

In the window that appears, it is possible to create a base from the template, or create a new empty database (later you can download the database, download the configuration or create your own configuration):

It should be noted that the field " Database name"- These are the names of the base on the SQL server. And the field" Name of information base"- the name of the database on the server 1c.

After that, choose the option of authentics in 1C (select automatically) and click the "Finish" button:

1.4. Download or create 1C configuration

Run a base configurator:

Download previously unloaded information database:

2. Setting up IIS on the server

For this point, the information was taken from the article:

2.1. Checking the IIS component

For the operation of the Web Customer 1C: Enterprises are required by IIS service, which were not installed by default windows installation 8.1 x64.

To install them, go to "Start - Control Panel - Programs and Components - Enable or Disable Windows Components". In the tree that appears, in the IIS service branch - the Internet service components, to mark all the components as shown in the figure. Then click the "OK" button:

2.2. Permission of 32-bit applications in the application pool

Web client 1C: Enterprises 8.3 is a 32-bit application. Therefore, for the 64-bit OS, it is necessary to allow you to work in the IIS server application pool. To do this, go to "Start - Control Panel - Administration - IIS Manager. In the Services Manager, select "Application Pools - DefaultAppPool - Additional Parameters." In the list additional parameters The variable "Allowed 32-bit applications" Set the value "True":

Set the value to True for the parameter "Allowed 32-bit applications":

2.3. Installing application pool certificate as an anonymous user license

By default, IUSR user is installed as an anonymous user, which is not in the system. In order not to create it, you can simply enable the application pool certificate as an anonymous user certificate. To do this, go to "Start - Control Panel - Administration - IIS Manager. In the service dispatcher, go to "Authentication:

At the "Anonymous Authentication Check", calling the context menu "Change":

In the dialog that opens, notice the "application pool certificate". Close the dialog, clicking the "OK" button.

3. Publication of the Web application from 1C

To publish an application must have full access The IIS project folder. There are 2 ways to publish an application from 1C. 1 - First create the necessary folder in the C: INETPUBWWWROOT directory in our case, this is a folder with the name "Base1C" and give the right to the current user to full access to this folder. 2 way to go to 1C from under the administrator and then give the necessary rights to the folder of the already published application. The second way is described in this.

3.1. To publish the configuration on the IIS server, you must run 1C from under the administrator:

Call the context menu on the 1C shortcut and select "Run on the name of the administrator"

Select the database and run 1c in configurator mode:

3.2. Start publishing on a web server

To start publishing, go to the "Administration - Publication on a Web server" menu:

In the window that appears, specify the name of the publication, specify a web server and specify the path on the web server.

1C allows you to publish on any available web server in the network using Webinst otillitis. The article used an example of publishing on a local computer:

More detailed information By points in the publication window, you can get from 1C configurator by pressing the F1 button.

4. Setting up libraries to work in the 64-bit OS

After publishing on a web server from the configurator, in the case of using a 64-bit operating system on a computer that is used as an IIS server, you must configure the 1C libraries. This is done every time after publishing on a web server.

To configure libraries, you must perform the following steps.

Open through Control Panel - IIS Administration Service Manager.

In the window that opens, we disclose the Sites group and our site (in the Base1C example).

Click on "" in the group IIS:

In the window that opens, looking for a string with the name "isapi-dll" and press the menu item in the actions "add a scenario comparison ..."

IN open window "Add a script matching" in the "Request Path" field enter the * (asterisk, i.e. all). In the "Executable File" field, select the wsisapi.dll library from the 32-bit 32-bit version of 1C. In the "Name" field, you can specify any name (in the example name \u003d 1C):

Some specialists in other articles indicate that you need to disable the request matching limit. The author did not find the dependence of this mark for the 1C program. This information It is informative, maybe someone will need someone.

You can set up the query limitations by clicking on the "Query Limit" button in the Appendix Script Mapping window. In the window that opens, remove the mark with "call the handler only when comparing the request from:":

Press the OK button.

At the question that appeared to answer "yes":

After that, you need to restart IIS. To do this, go to the root of the "Connection" panel (on the server name) and on the action menu on the right to select "Restart":

After that we can check whether the connected library works. To do this, go to "ISAPI and CGI" restrictions:

Once again, it should be noted that this procedure for setting up libraries should be done every time after the application is published from 1C.

5. Configure access rights to folders and firewall Windows

5.1. Setting up access to folders

To work properly all users, and not just administrators with published web applications, you must configure some rights to folders.

To configure the rights to the package it is necessary in windows Explorer Call the context menu for the required folder and select context menu item " Properties"And go to the bookmark" Safety"

In this case, we are talking about 3 folders:

1. "C: Program Files (x86) 1cv88.3.5.1088bin" (In this folder there is a WSISAPI.DLL library) (release number "" may be different)

2. C: INETPUBWWROOTBASE1C. (This is the folder created by us which will be used to access the Internet)

3. Catalog Babases (this is the base 1C, if used file type Bases), in our example, the base is stored on the SQL server, so there is no database directory and do not give access to it.

For all folders (items: 1,2,3) you need for a user IIS_IUSRS. Install access " Full access":

For a folder with our database (paragraph 3) of the user Users., set access " The change".

5.2. Setting up access to ports in Windows Firewall

If you plan to use Web access not only locally, then you need to configure Windows Firewall To access external resources, specifying an access port 80. The author did not use the firewall settings, and simply disabled it:

6. Access to published information base

To access the information base, you need to go to the Internet browser (supporting HTML5, such as "Many Favorite" Internet Explorer.) and enter to the address bar: