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The best postal service for making money. The best mailers to make money

09/26/2018 at 15:09

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In today's article, you will learn how to make money on email services. Every year more and more people are thinking about making money on the Internet, and rightly so. You can earn decent money on the Internet and make it your main source of income.

At the same time, you will experience many advantages.: no boss, working for yourself, more free time, working from home and much more.

There are a lot of ways to make money on the Internet, but in this article we will talk about the best postal services on which you can make money without investment. I have collected only trusted and honest mailers for you!

How much can you earn on postal services?

In almost every article I write how much you can earn on this or that considered method, and today is no exception.

Since working on postal services does not require special knowledge and any person can make money using this method. The payment here is not very high, I managed to get income 300 $ per month... Everything, of course, depends on the individual qualities of the person and the time you are willing to spend on this work.

If you will pay from 4 hours a day, you will be able to go to income 200-300 $ per month... Also, every mailer has an affiliate program that can help you increase your income several times. Invite friends using your referral link and get a certain percentage of their earnings.

Here are my stats affiliate program from the VKtarget website:

In fact, earnings from an affiliate program can exceed your own earnings, so I recommend taking advantage of this.

Earnings on postal workers - preparation

Any job requires some preparation, even on the Internet. But do not be alarmed, everything is very simple and rather, these are technical points that will help you avoid further difficulties. Do these steps 1 time and forget about it.

1. Registration of an electronic wallet... All mailers pay money to wallets, I recommend registering a Webmoney wallet, it is the most popular. Then you can transfer money from this wallet to your bank card.

2. Mail registration... Mail will be useful to you when registering on mail services, in order to confirm your account, you can choose any mail, yandex or google service convenient for you.

3. Registration of means of communication... Useful for communication with other users, you can register any social network or messenger.

Like these ones 3 easy steps training that will help you start making money on mailers without pitfalls. If you have done everything, let's start reviewing mailers!

List of the best mailers for making money without investment

I have collected for you only the best and proven mailers on which you can earn without investment. But for a start, I would like to fully understand your understanding of what postal service providers pay for.

Executor- earns on mailers by completing tasks and browsing advertisers' sites.

Below you will see a list of the best mailers, I have collected them from all over the Internet, all the sites discussed below pay money steadily, choose the one you like and start making money.

The site has mobile version, so you can even work from your phone. The official will also be released soon. mobile app, which will increase the convenience for making money from the phone. I advise you to pay attention to the affiliate program.

Hello dear readers of the blog site! Most people who use the Internet in Everyday life, do not even know what you can earn with it. Moreover, the income can be quite good.

Today I will tell you about making money on the Internet on postal services! This method is considered one of the easiest on the Internet and very attractive for beginners.

Postmen (postal sponsors)- these are means of active advertising (SAR), in other words, special projects where advertisers can advertise their sites, and users can make money by viewing these very sites.

The essence of the work of mailers (mailing list services) is as follows:

  1. Advertiser- uses mailers for advertising, that is, if he wants to advertise his site or something else (goods, services), then he pays money and orders advertising of his site on mailers, these can be clicks, letters, surfing, tasks, etc. .d.
  2. Users- they get an advertised site in the form of letters, clicks, etc. They go to this site and get paid for it.

For whom and what is the benefit?

  • The benefit for the advertiser is that many people visit their site. If we assume that there is a product or service on the site that the advertiser wants to sell, then the more people visit his site, the higher the chances that these products and services will be bought, and the advertiser will make money on it. Sometimes advertisers are interested in an increase in registrations on their sites, new comments to articles, ad clicks, likes and other actions. This is very easy to do with mailers. In one of the upcoming articles, I will talk about this in detail!
  • For users, the benefit lies in earning money from visiting such sites. In addition, it takes little time, no investment is needed, and in the long term, you can create completely passive income.
  • And what is the benefit for the owners of postal services? The mailer is an intermediary that unites advertisers and users, he sets the rules for work and charges various commissions. For example: commission for withdrawing funds, for transferring loans, etc. The main commission is taken from advertisers. This is where the owner of the mailer lives.

Working in mailers, where to start?

  1. Registration in mailers, they are below in the article.
  2. To receive the money earned, in most cases it is enough for Russian sites, and for foreign accounts in the Paypal system.

The best mailer sites for making money: Which ones to choose?

Now on the Internet new mailers appear regularly. However, many of them use various fraudulent schemes and free hacks that will not only prevent you from making money, but also try to steal the money you have already earned (they steal passwords from accounts of other projects or even from Webmoney).

Usually, such projects exist no longer than 1-2 months, after which they safely disappear with all your money.

Here you need to be extremely careful if you decide to register in some new mailer.

Therefore, I recommend that you use only popular mailers in your work that pay well and work stably for a long time. Below I will give a list of the best mailers, time-tested and by me personally, where I work myself and have been convinced of the stability of these services more than once ↓

List of postal sponsors (the best Russian postal workers):

What is the best mailer? It is very difficult to single out one single one, I happened to work on a very large number of Russian postal operators, each of them is good in its own way, but here below I still chose, in my opinion, the best of all and recommend to you:

1) VipIp- This unique project has been working since 2003! I will emphasize the main feature: here the execution various tasks, surfing, letters and clicks is carried out using a specially developed program, it tells you everything you need to do - it is very convenient. Money can be withdrawn both in rubles and dollars:

2) Socpublic- Perhaps one of the best Russian projects, it has been working and consistently paying money since 2008. Actively developing, modern design well crafted and clear interface site. Payments in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on this project.

3) Wmmail- Another powerful project that has been operating since 2004. Payments can be ordered both in rubles and dollars:

Detailed instructions for working on this project.

List of the best foreign mailers - verified mailers that pay in US dollars:

I don’t know now there are any Ukrainian, Belarusian or Kazakh projects left? =) I remember there was a time, like 2010-2011, there were a lot of them. Now I don't remember any of them. However, as for foreign projects, there are several interesting sites worthy of attention:

1) NeoBux- I will put in the first place, a website with very great capabilities, has been working steadily since 2008. To have as many tasks for work as possible, you need to log in with a foreign IP address. Unfortunately, the site does not yet support the Russian language, but the interface is simple and intuitive. As a last resort, you can use a Google translator. Payouts in dollars ($):

Detailed instructions on how to work on this project will be coming soon. After registration, to enter your account, leave the "Secondary Password" field blank. Orange links after registration must be viewed every day, in the future I will explain why.

2) Ebesucher- A very unusual project, his main feature- in making money on autosurfing (browsing sites in automatic mode). There is also a section with clicks / letters for work. Perhaps this is one of the most "ancient" projects in this area, do not believe it: it has been working since 2002! Completely in Russian. The main currency is euro (€), payments are available in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on this project and.

Mailer programs:

Some people wonder if there is any program, autoclicker or bot, which themselves click and view everything. Friends on this site you will not find her. And if you can find it on other sites, then I strongly recommend that you do not use them, since they are easily calculated, and at the same time you risk being left without an account and all the money earned. Moreover, you run the risk of picking up viruses on your computer.

But! There are postal sponsors who allow the use of programs, but they develop them themselves and they serve to make the user experience easier. For example, when new tasks or letters appear, she will notify you about this. Comfortable? Of course! Register:

Also, the Socpublic project has its own program, I gave a link to registration above.

As I already said, earning money on postal services is very simple and accessible to everyone, you can see for yourself by registering and starting work, however, you should not count on colossal income right away and now you will find out why.

Here are options for
how to make money on mailers:

  1. Tasks.
  2. Visits (earnings on clicks).
  3. Letters.
  4. Surfing.
  5. Referrals.

Many newbies starting to make money in this way use only a part of the possibilities of mailers: clicks, surfing, reading letters - this is such a minimal "lazy" set for which you can get 400-500 rubles a month using several mailers at the same time. In this case, you do not need to strain at all, you went once a day for 20-30 minutes, clicked on the letters and that's it.

At the same time, many write angry reviews that it is impossible to make money on postal services at all. It is possible, but the amount, as you understood, will be small, however, it can be used with benefit, for example, by paying for the Internet.

Attention! I will reveal a few secrets for you and give you valuable advice on how to use all the functions. postal services and increase your minimum, I emphasize again - the minimum income to 2.000-4.000 rubles per month. Agree, this is already interesting ?! =)

  • Work in several projects at once. It takes about 5-20 minutes to read mail (letters, clicks) on 1 project (depending on the number of sites to view). Imagine if you register with several mailers at once and work there in parallel? This is how we get:
    1. Increased income.
    2. Reducing viewing time (letters are read in parallel in several projects).
  • To complete tasks. All mailers with whom I work have a section: "Tasks". Friends, let it be known to you, only by completing tasks you can earn good money! Completing easy tasks takes 1-2 minutes, and you get paid for 15-20 letters or clicks, see the difference? Therefore, having mastered it, you can earn good money.

    It is very important to take simple, reusable tasks to work and add them to your favorites. In a couple of weeks, you will have a large list of tasks to complete every day. During this time, you will gain experience and know how to complete each task by heart, thereby significantly reducing the time to complete, which means you will be able to take on more tasks and, accordingly, earn more. Thus, it is quite possible to earn from 200 rubles per day and above. I know people who receive 3-5 thousand rubles a month on assignments.

  • Attract and buy referrals. Who can increase your profit and make it passive? - Referrals! In this article, you can learn how to attract them: "". And here you can find out how to buy referrals correctly and not lose your money: "".

Answers to frequently asked questions:

What if I need earnings in hryvnia or specifically in dollars, rubles? Guys, it doesn't really matter in what currency you earn, because you can always profitably exchange your money for any desired currency or withdraw it directly to a bank card.

The most demanded and widespread earnings on the Internet today are earnings on various services and postal services... These include clicks, surfing, emails, completing assignments... It is believed that by surfing big money you will not earn. There is some truth here. In fact, if you are a beginner, you do not have a team, your rating is small, then initially the amounts are small. This is a few cents for one click. But if you have 3-4 such mailers, then this amount can be multiplied by 4. Many do so, register in different systems at once and simultaneously view several pages, without waiting for the timer to end on one of the pages.

HIt is necessary to adhere to several rules when making money on clicks on the boxes: surf several times a day (in the morning, at lunch and in the evening), while devoting 15-20 minutes. This time will be enough to view all links. Increasing your rating, thus you provide yourself with work, you will receive more links, and from experience, I can say that the amount of surfing increases by the end of the week and on weekends. But you will notice this pattern with work experience. Attract allies to your team and receive deductions from their income. THow can you make money on the Internet by completing tasks on these mailers. Here I can advise the following: carefully read the assignment, so as not to finish it later, start performing easy tasks, and over time, when you gain experience, take on more expensive and complex ones, at the beginning of the path you need to understand the meaning of the work and get your hand on their implementation; perform tasks on one or two boxes, here, unlike clicks, you will need initial knowledge of computer terms, naturally more time, it is better to do several tasks in 10 minutes and correctly and get 2 rubles, than spend, say, 30 minutes and get 3 rubles , do you catch the difference? Set aside tasks for about an hour, give yourself some rest so that this activity does not bore you. Over time, you will have a group of tasks that you will do on autopilot, as well as move on to more expensive tasks. H Do not focus only on emails, surfing and tasks, there are others on the services. Study them, find suitable way for yourself and achieve results. It all depends on your ideas, goals for which you strive and desire to become financially independent. On the Internet, as in life, you can be a worker, or you can manage by creating your own business.

About making money on clicks on mailers

Earnings per click (surfing)

Earning money from letters and browsing sites (surfing) is the most optimal solution for a beginner who has decided to make money on the Internet. This type of earnings will not take a lot of time, it does not need certain knowledge to earn. But at the same time, it will not bring you the desired income, since surfing is not expensive (although on foreign buks, surfing is more expensive than on Russian sites). Although, this will be the most the best choice in the event that you do not want to invest in the desired project, and start your earnings from scratch. You will gain experience in how to find connections in a particular area, on what marketing works, what resources are best suited for your own further promotion.

How do you make money and on what services can you do it?

Surfing is a link to the advertiser's website. You will be prompted not to close this site for a certain period of time. This time is set by the advertiser himself. But in practice it looks like this: the more time (for example 60 seconds), the more you will be paid. In most cases, click-through services provide many sites and emails throughout the day, and this is beneficial for advertisers. Therefore, by choosing this method of earning, you will not need to work tediously on tasks, you will just go in for 5/10 minutes if possible in order to quickly surf.

On the Internet, there are a huge number of sites that make it possible to work on surfing. The most common ones from them are: SEO-fast, SEO-sprint, Proficenter. The entire list is simply not possible to enumerate. If you wish, you yourself will find such sites. But the above sites have already been tested over the years, and for some they have become the beginning of their careers on the Internet.

How much can you make surfing?

If, of course, you start making money with surfing and only on one site, then your earnings will be about 4 / 5r per day. It's nothing at all. But if you work with other services, launching them together (at the same time), then of course this will increase your income at times. And in the future, you can switch to another type of earnings with confidence and without your investment, which will bring you more income.
If you know how to make money on the Internet or have the opportunity to immediately invest funds so that they make a turnover, then surfing as a method of earning is not for you.

Make money on the Internet wisely. It is not uncommon for people to do a job but not get paid for it. There are often unstable and unsafe sites that only use human labor, but give nothing in return. So that you avoid such a situation and do not use your labor in vain, we have prepared a review for you, where we have collected the best postal services of 2018 for making money on the Internet.

In this material

What are axle boxes and postal services and how to make money on them?

To begin with, let's figure out what axle boxes are, and what are mailers. In general, postal services and axle boxes are one and the same. Buxes for making money on the Internet are sites where customers post tasks to advertise their project, and the performers, which you can become, perform these tasks. What kind of tasks and how to make money on buxes? Tasks are the easiest ones, schoolchildren, students and all those who are looking for an easy part-time job on the Internet.

How much time is spent and how much you can earn on buxes

How much can you earn on mailboxes and mailers? The amount earned depends on the time you can devote to work. With two hours of work daily, you can earn about $ 4-6. Consequently, you will receive about $ 120-180 monthly. Of course, by increasing the time, you also increase your earnings.

Websites mailers for making money are good and easy way increase your income and make money on pleasant and necessary things. In general, if you are looking for a legal and honest website for making money on the Internet for schoolchildren or students, the possibility of an easy part-time job online, or if you want to learn more about advertising methods, mailer sites for making money will definitely suit you.

The best axle boxes for earning 2018

In order to get income without investing in the network, first you need to prepare a little.
First, you need to register an electronic wallet: this is done absolutely free and simple. For example, you need to create an account at electronic system calculations WebMoney, where you should create two types of wallets: WMZ and WMR. An alternative is to create a Yandex.Money wallet. It is on them that the money earned on completing tasks will be transferred.

The next stage is registration at several sites-books at once, where paid tasks are posted. The fact is that mailers for making money on the Internet offer the same type of tasks of several types: so that you have the opportunity to perform in large quantities exactly the ones that you like the most, it is worth working on several sites at the same time. There are many of them on the network, but in our review we will present for you the top three - the most convenient and profitable mailboxes and mailers, where there are always tasks for every taste.

The best axle boxes for making money on the Internet

There are many platforms offering box office earnings, however, among them there are those that do not pay, those that put forward too stringent requirements and those whose design and functionality are frankly outdated. Therefore, among dozens of options, we have selected for you the best axle boxes for making money on the Internet.

Remember, the main thing is to start, because everyone once took their first steps on the Internet, and this option is one of the simplest and most accessible to everyone.

How to learn to make more money on the Internet?

Of course, axle boxes are a great way to make money online for beginners. However, if you are serious about freelancing and do not want to sit your life in stuffy offices, you should think about more profitable and promising ways to make money on the Internet. Copywriter, smm or seo specialist, designer, website developer, marketer, content manager - there are a lot of options.

Do you want to earn extra money at home? Then make money on postal services! A list of the best mailers and recommendations for them - here!

When it comes to making money online, earnings on postal services Is the first method mentioned.

It is not surprising, because nothing is easier to find and anyone can do this work!

Mailers are special resources thanks to which advertisers promote their sites, and ordinary users can earn extra money.

First of all, they make money on postal services with the help of letters. There is a mailing of letters to all registered users, containing links to sites.

The circuit is very simple.

To start earning, you will need:

  1. A desire to work.
    Without this, your enthusiasm will last for 2-3 days, which is very little.
  2. Unlimited Internet, because you will have to spend a large amount of Internet traffic.
  3. Online wallet.
    Yandex.Money is also the most suitable.
  4. Good antivirus.
    Most often all links mail program checks itself, but still it is better to have an antivirus.
  5. Free time.
    2-3 hours a day will be enough.

The opinions of Internet users about mailers differ.

And to form your point of view, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Pros of making money on postal services

  • This is an ideal way to get started in the field of online earnings.
    It allows beginners to make sure that real money can be made on the Internet.
  • Does not require special knowledge, experience, specific skills.
  • You can earn both in an active way and passively.
  • The income from such activities is minimal and on the strength of covers the cost of electricity.
  • Without good antivirus The "walk" on the sites can end very badly.

Cons of making money on postal services

While the performer earns a penny per click, the resource owner receives a couple of tens of rubles for viewing. These figures are approximate and the disadvantage cannot be called causing any harm.

But, you see, this is quite insulting.

How much can you earn on postal services?

As mentioned above, you can not expect noticeable earnings on postal services. Usually, the amount is barely enough to pay for mobile or Internet.

If you use different types earnings on postal services and devote time to it, you can have about 300 rubles a month.

But if you put in the best effort and resort to tricks like working at the same time different browsers or creating multi-accounts, you can earn 600-750 rubles per month.

At the same time, you will also have to invest a lot of time in this - at least 4-5 hours every day.

As you can see, the earnings are really penny.

And the stories about those who manage to earn more than 1-2 thousand rubles a month on postal services alone are from the realm of exceptions to the rules, but rather even myths.

Active earnings on postal services

Active earnings on postal services is what beginners start with when they try their hand.

Many people stop at this type of work, and then simply give up this type of additional profit, switching to others.

Active - that is, requiring your attention and participation. How much I did, I earned so much - the principle is extremely simple.

There are several ways to make active money.

Reading emails

Perhaps the only thing that attracts in such work is the absence of the need to think or put any effort into the process.

Hand surfing

Not far from reading letters and is paid about the same. The performer manually "clicks" on the links proposed in the list and receives a penny reward for this.

Cheap, long, but as simple and affordable as possible.

Completing assignments

But such work can bring more or less significant earnings. But the complexity of the proposed ranges from elementary to the level of "pro".

Much more time is spent on them, but the value of this time is several times greater.

If you take the maximum rate of 200-400 tasks per day (which is very difficult to achieve), you can even earn the average minimum salary in Russia.

Passive earnings on postal services

Passive earnings are what sooner or later come those who like to work on postal services, but want to receive more or at least the same, but without investing any personal effort.

There are also several types of passive earnings, that is, those that do not require your direct participation in the process itself.

Referral program

Why work yourself if you can profit from someone else's work?

This is what referencing is based on. You invite people to register on the resource using a personal link, as a result of which they get into your "team".

Each action that will bring profit to the invited people will also bring you a certain reward - a percentage of earnings.

You can start by inviting friends. After all, it is worth taking not so much in quantity as in quality - you must help referrals earn more, because your earnings directly depend on this.


In fact, this is the same as hand surfing. But instead of working "by hand", or, more precisely, with a mouse, the links are followed by special programs.

A minute costs less than a minute of manual work. But on the other hand, the computer can work itself for days, that is, in the end, bring more income.

Work as a customer

This type of work is one of the most difficult.

The bottom line is that you find start-up capital to pay for tasks and place them. The customer's earnings significantly exceed the performer's earnings, as already mentioned above.

But at the same time, much more tricks will be required from you.

What resources offer earnings on postal services?

The list of mailers is quite extensive.

However, the great demand for their services has given rise to a large number of fraudulent schemes.

Therefore, before starting work, you should carefully check the reviews about the resource and information about payments.

These sites have received many positive ratings and confirmed their solvency:

  • is perhaps the most popular mailer.
    It has existed since 2004 and is constantly evolving, attracting more and more advertisers and performers.
    Offers various types of earnings.
    Most notably, payments are made in dollars.
    The minimum for withdrawal is only $ 0.1, which can be reached quite quickly.
    Moreover, taking into account the fact that for registration you will already be given $ 0.05.
  • is another very popular email service, although the working conditions on it are relatively worse than on the previous one.
    The minimum amount allowed for payment is slightly higher here - from $ 0.5.
    And nobody will give a bonus for registration.
    And the referral system has only three levels, although Wmmail offers its users five.
  • - on this mailer, payments are made in rubles, and the minimum withdrawal amount is only 5 rubles.
    A variety of proposed tasks will help you quickly collect this amount.
    But the referral program is limited to 2 levels.
  • - but here there is no limit on the minimum amount of withdrawal, which makes the system the most suitable for beginners who are suspicious of the very way of earning and its reality.
    Earned payments are made automatically.
  1. While the temptation to get the job done as quickly as possible will be unambiguous, fight it.
    It is much more important to carefully read the text of the assignment and complete it accurately.
    Otherwise, in a hurry, you can "grab" a not very clear task, and as a result, time will only be lost, not saved.
    Worse, for poor-quality work you can be blocked, then all the efforts spent will go down the drain.
  2. It is better to move on to completing assignments as soon as possible.
    and surfing by links takes the same amount of time, but is paid several times less.
  3. The letters you send should be read regularly.
    Then their number will gradually increase.
  4. Try to complete tasks of one subject, and add the daily ones to your “favorites”.
    Then you will be able to perform actions automatically without hesitation.
    This will maximize the speed of your work.
  5. You should not try to deceive the customer, especially at the initial stage of work, when you still do not fully understand even the scheme for performing tasks.
    What can we say about checking them!
    Unscrupulous work will sooner or later lead to customer complaints, refusals to pay and a ban.
  6. The video below shows detailed instructions how to make money on the project

  7. Increase earnings on postal services it is possible if you register on several of them at once.
    So you will not have a shortage of free orders.
    But don't overdo it!
    You will not be able to use more than 3-5 sites - there will simply not be enough time.
    Moreover, if you try to open several links at once in one browser, none of them will be counted.