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Event Monitor what program. Delete an application from Internet Explorer

Technical Level : Middle


Many novice users faced such a problem:

"The program is discontinued ...."

And many this problem annoys.

Now I will tell you how to cope with this problem.


To begin with, we understand with possible options, because of what this trouble occurs:

1. A lot of third-party software has been established, which "eats" system resources.

2. The program lacks RAM.

3. The system does not establish the necessary software for the "correct" operation of the program.

5. Problem in the program itself.

6. When starting, the program refers to a system file that may be damaged.

Now we will go on each this option:

1. Watch whether the program will fly in the "Clean" download mode if everything works fine in this mode, I will try to reveal the culprit, among the entire installed software, using the "half-division" method.

Go to the system configuration -\u003e services and enable half of the services and reboot. If the problem does not appear, the reason in the remaining disconnected services. If the problem is reproduced, the reason in the included services is to turn off half of them and reboot again. The same for software in autoload.

2. Make sure you enabled the paging file for this:

a) Click Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e System -\u003e All Control Panel Elements -\u003e Extra options Systems -\u003e Optional:

b) in the Speed \u200b\u200bsection, click the option, open the Advanced tab and click Edit;

c) and see the check mark opposite the inscription "automatically select the volume of the paging file."

3. Make sure you have the following by:

Then install after installing them everything Updates that will be in the Windows Update Center!

4. Check the system for the presence of "malware" using Dr.Web Cureit.

5. The problem may be in the program itself:

a) if you have a pirated version of the program (hacked, repack), please contact the one you downloaded it;

b) If you have a BETA version of the program, delete it and find the completed version of the program from the developer:

c) if you have a licensed version of the program, then contact those. Support manufacturer.

6. We define who is to blame for the departure of the program for this:

a) download the ProcDump program and unpack it into the C: \\ Procdump folder;

b) Open command line on behalf of the administrator And execute:

  • C: \\ PROCDUMP \\ PROCDUMP.EXE -ACCEPTEULA -E -W [Files Name Name] C: \\ Procdump \\

c) how to determine the name of the failed application:

1) Go to the Control Panel -\u003e All Control Panel Elements -\u003e Support Center -\u003e System Stability Monitor -\u003e Problems Reports.

2) Find the event when the problem application has been deployed, click on it 2 times with the left mouse button and there you will see the inscription "application name:

c) Start this application and wait for the departure.

d) After that, you will have a file with extension.dmp in C: \\ Procdump

e) now look at this ladies (you can also look into it, as in the dumps blue screens Analysis of the causes of the occurrence of BSOD using DEBUGGING Tools For Windows (only the command adds differently: KDFE -V [Path to Damp]).

e) How to determine what the file is to blame - determine the system or belongs third-party program (For this, it is enough to "google"), if a third-party program, then determine which and deletes it.

If the file is system, then run the command line on behalf of the administrator and execute the command:

  • sFC / SCANNOW.

Wait for the end of the check and:

If at the end of the check it will be written that all files have been restored, then reboot to complete recovery.
If at the end of the verification it will be written that not all files were restored, then:

If you have Windows 8 / 8.1, then you are enough on the command line running on the name of the administrator when you connected the Internet, execute the command:


If you have Windows 7, then refer to another article (written) for help.

P.S. Thanks to Dmitry Kulakov for that. He filed an idea to create an article.

Event Monitor By SYS Secure PC Software is also often referred to as a simply event monitor, this is an application that enters computers without permission. It immediately shows that it is not a trustworthy program that must be supported by the system. Our experts check all programs that apply to sheaves softwareTo find out what else to expect from them. Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software has been tested too, and on the basis of the results of this study, it refers to the category of potentially unwanted programs. Programs receive this label because they perform undesirable activities. In addition, they usually apply to unfair methods. Information that will help you decide whether to keep Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software is installed or here is not provided. If you decide to remove Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software from your computer, the last item will help you do it.

Spyhunter Anti-MalwareMalwarebytes.

How does Event Monitor work on SYS Secure PC Software?

Event monitor can perform several events that you do not like, so think about whether this program must be installed on your computer. First, it was found that it can slow down the computer, as it uses most of its resources. Secondly, Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software may be associated with the appearance of annoying ads on the desktop. If you see various pop-ups, banners and other types of advertising on sites that are reliable, it may be true that this is one generation and showing them for you. Do not click on advertising announcementsdisplayed in potentially unwanted programs like Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software because they can be dangerous despite their appearance. These rollers can be dangerous, because they are able to receive users to websites that are running bad people and encourage malicious software. The ads of the ads can be stopped getting rid of Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software, so that you do not postpone the removal of Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software If you suspect that this is one, showing advertising on your screen.

Spyhunter Anti-MalwareMalwarebytes.

How is the Event Monitor Log in PC?

You can download Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software with certain websites on the Internet, but still obviously, this potentially unwanted program comes in most cases. It uses the method of configuration and comes with Freeware only to stay unnoticed by users. This allows you to secretly influence other computers. In fact, it does not matter where you downloaded this program from because you still need to go to the implementation of Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software delete right now.

How to remove Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software?

Potentially unwanted programs, not stubborn as real malware, so it should not be very difficult to remove Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software. Of course, if it is not seen anywhere in the control panel, it means that it does not have an uninstaller, and you need to remove Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software automatically. Use only authoritative automatic tool to remove EVENT MONITOR by SYS Secure PC Software from your system.

Learn how to remove Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software from your computer

Event Monitor Guide by SYS Secure PC Software

1. Step 1. Delete Event Monitor by SYS Secure PC Software from your computer

1.1. Windows 8 & 10

Right-Close in the upper left corner of the screen. IN menu quick access , click on control panels and then click on delete the program

1.2. Windows 7.

Go to Control Panel and click on delete the program To remove software.

1.3. Windows XP.

To find Control Panel In the settings, click Start. On the Control panels Click on the button Add or delete programs.

1.4. Mac OS X.

Choose applications In the menu, and then find Event Monitor by Sys Secure PC Software Applications. Drag the application to the basket or right-click on it and select Move to the Cart. Right-click on the basket icon and select Clear Basket.

Site Disclaimer.

iS IN NO WAY LINKED, SPONSORED, Owned or affiliated with any malware developers or Distributors referenced in this article. We don't Promote or Support Any Kind of Malware. Our Aim Is To Provide Information About Potential Computer Threats So That Users Can Safely Detect and Eliminate The Malware. You Can Do So by Following The Manual Removal Guides Or Using Anti-Malware Tool to Aid You in the Process.

The article Is Only Meant for Educational Purposes. By Using This Website, You Agree to the Disclaimer. We do Not GueyTee That Our Removal Guides Will Be Able to Solve Your Computer Malware Issues. BECAUSE MALWARE CHANGES CONSTANTLY, MANUAL REMOVAL DOES NOT ALWAYS WORK.

Sometimes EventMonitors.dll errors and other system dLL errors may be associated with problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the EventMonitors.dll file, but when these programs are removed or changed, sometimes "orphaned" (erroneous) records of the DLL registry remain.

In principle, this means that while the actual path to the file could be changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows registry. When Windows tries to find the file on this incorrect link (to the location of the files on your computer), EventMonitors.dll error may occur. In addition, malware infection could damage the registry entries associated with Norton Ghost 14.0. Thus, these damaged DLL registry entries must be corrected to fix the problem in the root.

Editing the Windows registry manually to delete the errors of the EventMonitors.dll key errors is not recommended if you are not a PC service specialist. Errors made when editing the registry can lead to the inoperability of your PC and put irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma, delivered not in the place, can prevent the download of the computer!

Due to the presence of risk, it is highly recommended to use a reliable registry cleaner, such as WinThruster (Developed certified partner Microsoft Silver Level), to scan and correct any registry problems associated with EventMonitors.dll. Using the registry cleaner automates the search process for invalid entries in the registry, missing links to files (for example, error causingassociated with EventMonitors.dll) and non-working links in the registry. Before performing each scan, it is automatically created backup copyThanks to which it is possible to cancel any changes with one click of the mouse, which provides protection against possible PC damage. The most pleasant thing is that the registry error correction can also significantly increase the speed and performance of the system.

A warning: If you are not an experienced user PC, we do not recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Incorrect use of the registry editor can lead to serious problems and demand reinstalling Windows. We do not guarantee that malfunctions that are the result of the incorrect use of the registry editor can be eliminated. You use the registry editor at your own risk.

Before manually restore windows registryYou must create a backup, exporting a part of the registry associated with EventMonitors.dll (for example, Norton Ghost 14.0):

  1. Click on the button To begin.
  2. Enter " command." in lock search ... do not press ENTER!
  3. Holding the keys Ctrl-Shift. on the keyboard, click ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit." and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the EVENTMONITORS.DLL-related key (eg. Norton Ghost 14.0) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File Choose Export.
  10. In the list Save B. Select the folder to which you want to save the Norton Ghost 14.0 key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter the name of the backup file, for example, "Norton Ghost 14.0 backup".
  12. Make sure in the field Export range Selected value Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension.reg..
  15. You now have a backup of your EventMonitors.dll-related registry entry.

The following steps with manual editing of the registry will not be described in this article, since it is highly likely to damage your system. If you want to get more information about editing the registry manually, please read the links below.

  1. Use the program Windows AdjusterTo find the cause of the problems, including the slow work of the computer.
  2. Update the program Wireless Management Service. The update can be found on the manufacturer's website (reference is shown below).
  3. The following paragraphs provide a description of the work S24EVMON.exe.

Information about the s24evmon.exe file

If S24EVMON.exe is located in the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 folder, then the reliability rating 50% danger. File size 303,171 bytes (26% of all cases), 311,363 bytes and. The process has no visible window. Is not system file. Windows. This is an unknown file in the Windows folder. S24EVMON.exe is able to hide himself and record data entry.

IMPORTANT: Some malicious programs mask themselves as S24EVmon.exe, especially if they are located in the C: \\ Windows or C: \\ Windows \\ System32 directory. Thus, you must check the s24evmon.exe file on your PC to make sure it is a threat. We recommend to verify the security of your computer.

TOTAL: Average Evaluation of the site users about the s24evmon.exe file: - based on 1 votes with 2 reviews.

99 users asked about this file. One user did not put the rating (pointed out "I don't know"). One user estimated that it seems necessary.

Sometimes EventsMonitor.jar and others system errors JAR may be associated with problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the EventMonitor.jar file, but when these programs are removed or changed, sometimes "orphaned" (erroneous) records of the JAR registry remain.

In principle, this means that while the actual path to the file could be changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows registry. When Windows tries to find a file on this incorrect link (on the location of the files on your computer), EventMonitor.jar may occur. In addition, malware infection could damage the registry entries associated with Java JumpStart Sun Developer Essentials. Thus, these damaged JAR registry entries must be corrected to eliminate the problem at the root.

Editing the Windows registry manually to delete the errors of the EventMonitor.jar key errors is not recommended if you are not a PC service specialist. Errors allowed when editing the registry can lead to the inoperability of your PC and put irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma, delivered not in the place, can prevent the download of the computer!

Because of this risk, we strongly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any EventMonitor.jar-related registry problems. Using the registry cleaner, you can automate the process of finding damaged registry entries, links to missing files (for example, causing EventMonitor.jar error) and non-working links within the registry. Before each scanning, a backup is automatically created, which allows you to cancel any changes to one click and protecting you from possible damage to the computer. The most pleasant thing is that the resolution of the registry errors can dramatically increase the speed and performance of the system.

A warning: If you are not an experienced PC user, we do not recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Incorrect use of the registry editor can lead to serious problems and require reinstalling Windows. We do not guarantee that malfunctions that are the result of the incorrect use of the registry editor can be eliminated. You use the registry editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring the Windows registry, you need to back up, exporting a portion of the registry associated with EventMonitor.jar (for example, Java JumpStart Sun Developer Essentials):

  1. Click on the button To begin.
  2. Enter " command." in lock search ... do not press ENTER!
  3. Holding the keys Ctrl-Shift. on the keyboard, click ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit." and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the EventMonitor.jar-related key (eg. Java Jumpstart Sun Developer Essentials) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File Choose Export.
  10. In the list Save B. Select the folder to which you want to save the Java JumpStart Sun Developer Essentials backup.
  11. In field File name Enter the name of the backup file, such as "Java JumpStart Sun Developer Essentials Backup".
  12. Make sure in the field Export range Selected value Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension.reg..
  15. You now have a backup of your EventMonitor.jar-related registry entry.

The following steps with manual editing of the registry will not be described in this article, since it is highly likely to damage your system. If you want to get more information about editing the registry manually, please read the links below.