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How to fix errors made by computer user. How system errors fix automatically

Each user configures the Windows operating system in its own way. However, few understand how to correctly make changes to the operation of the OS. As a result of incorrectly involved parameters, a steadily working PC can turn into a kind of "Pandora drawer". Otherwise, you can't name the situation when the monitor screen begins to "attack" an infinite series of service messages calling the user to immediate action. The question of how to correct the errors on the computer becomes priority and in its decision requires the relevant knowledge from the user, which you, dear reader, and get out of the material of the presented review.

A little about the reasons that cause conflicts in the work of the OS

Operational windows system Methodically saves information about all changes in its environment in a special database. Such a peculiar "on-board magazine" is the OS registry. In the event that the user establishes an incompatible with the operating system by or unconsciously violates the general algorithm for interaction with the Windows environment, the software conflict is simply not avoided. That is why you need to know exactly how to fix the errors on the computer! It is worth noting that the cause of "Windows-misunderstanding" can act malicious code. As it may sound threatening, but no computer in the world is insured against the destructive impact of the "super-duper" of the virus. Well, go on ...

Manual or automatic: What method is better?

Perhaps you did not even guess that the computer registry is a place in which it is necessary to periodically restore order. Namely - to make thorough cleaning system Base data. As a rule, the cause of braking OS and the appearance of the occurrence from where the errors have come, is the launched registry state. Uncontrollable jourge unnecessary files-What in the registry-branch directors, in their "unfavorable manifestation" cause the concerns of many users a question on how to correct the errors on the computer. The problem requires solutions!

Practical choice of novik

Handheld method of editing damaged registry is definitely more reliable than automatic elimination Errors with the help of specialized software. However, it is difficult to organized the structure of such a database requires a user of extensive computer knowledge. However, in the absolute majority of Windows conflicts, the competent participation of the separately represented software, which, in general, will allow the novice user to avoid still more Errors. Well, effective decisions are waiting for you, dear reader!

A program that corrects the errors on the computer: appropriate choice

To date, so to speak, enough of various software, whose functionality is sharpened specifically to solve problems covered in this article. However, let's consider the optimally acceptable option - a universal means to eliminate various kinds of Windows errors and not only.

Avg Pc Tuneup.

  • Download and install this software on your PC.
  • When you first start the program, you will be prompted to fully maintain the computer - click the "Run" button.
  • Wait for the end of the check and affirmatively agree to the cleaning request.

Unfortunately, aVG program PC TuneUp is paid. However, the functional test version still allows you to resolve the question how to fix errors on your computer.


  • After installation, go to the "Registry" tab.
  • Next, activate the "Problems" button.
  • The final pressing of the "Fix" key, complete the recovery process involved.

The free CCleaner program will help you stabilize the work of Windows OS. However, when using additional applications (integrated into), you can count on a significant increase in PC performance.

Avira System Speedup.

Despite its "lightness", the program will successfully solve the question of how to fix the errors on the computer. Windows 8 is particularly selectable in terms of work with this kind of software. However, Avira System Speedup is recognized as a new OS as a corresponding addition to the system functionality of the eight.

So, installed software It will help you to cope with a number of computer problems:

It makes no sense to describe the process of interaction "User program", as the software has intellectually understandable interfaceEven at the newcomer, the issue of management will not cause complications in terms of the realizable decision.

The definition is quite difficult to understand, which is actually nothing but the result of incorrectly involved display parameters. In other words, configuring permission and a novice user often makes a mistake: does not take into account the actual features of the video card and monitor. As a result, the overestimation of "graphic" parameters leads to a natural conflict - a black screen and an ambiguous message "Outside the permissible range".

If you encountered such an error - follow the recommendations below:

  • Restart the system.
  • At the time of initialization, press the "F8" key several times.
  • From the proposed list, select "Turning on a low-resolution video mode".
  • After downloading the OS, enter the screen settings and select the appropriate display parameters through the Advanced tab.

Final part of the review: how to fix the errors on the computer

"WINDOVS 7", as well as the OS of the eighth version, have their own tools to solve problem situations. For example, with a list of conflicting equipment, the user can read in the Device Manager section. To correct this kind of error, it is enough to use the service "Diagnostics of problems". As a rule, the treatment of the OS is a banal action - reinstalling the driver.

Of course, not all times to eliminate errors were taken into account within this article. However, you got acquainted with the basic correction methods. We have prosperous solutions and error-free sessions in the Windows operating environment!

In my life, did you make mistakes that were subsequently regretted and tormented by the feeling of guilt?

I can say with confidence: yes. Make mistakes is a normal practice in the life of any person. Does not make mistakes only one who does nothing!

But today the conversation will not be mistaken, but about the correction of negative consequences.

Imagine that you made a mistake or any offense that can bring serious consequences for your future life.

You made a mistake, passed just a second and you have already realized her. But the time will not turn back and the error is no longer corrected! You have carved cargo that has arisen. In the blink of an eye you are overlapping the brightest negative emotions: fear for possible consequences; repentance; sense of powerlessness to change something; Hate ahead with pity for himself, etc. - You regret.

But the worst is a feeling of guilt that inhabited for a long time. You mentally again and again return to the situation associated with a mistake, worry about it again, look for an excuse of your act, but do not find it and the feeling of guilt begins to eat your soul, turning you into a closed, unsure of yourself. And now, each passing person passing by you, you see a reputable look, as if all these people are aware of your failures. You understand that this is not the case, but you can not do anything with you. You become a slave of negative emotions and take the side of the victim!

Familiar picture, isn't it? And not the best scenario for the development of events.

I want to offer you another outcome of the situation and other scenario.

1. Take the situation.

The error has already been done and not to change it. Take it as inevitable.

2. Take responsibility for your deed.

Do not try to find an excuse for yourself and not justify before others. This you made an act and you carry the answer for him. It was your choice, even if not conscious. Be prepared to reap the fruits of your acts, even if these fruits are bitter taste.

3. Do not attempt to change the past, adjust the future.

The past is invariably, therefore it is not worth spending the forces in regret and self-vacation. It is better to think how to fix the consequences. This will help you analyze the situation.

4. Analysis of the causes of the error.

Think what caused your erroneous solution. Try to eliminate the gap of your knowledge, skills, personal human (or professional) qualities.

5. Take the first step towards correcting the situation.

If you have applied moral, emotional or any other damage to another person, apologize to him. This will soften tensions towards you from this person, will reduce your sense of guilt and pave a new emotional bridge between you, contributing to the establishment of relationships.

6. Be honest in apologies.

False from your side will quickly open, which will only aggravate the situation. For the second time you are unlikely to believe. True, it will cause the trust and respect for another person, convincing him in the sincerity of your intentions.

7. Make the right conclusions

Remember the lessons of life so as not to step on the same "rake" twice. Remember the expression: "Who forgets the story, he repeats her mistakes."

These seven simple steps will allow you to remove the emotional negative consequences of a perfect mistake, while not losing self-esteem and dignity.

And most importantly, do not be afraid to make new mistakes! Errors are a normal phenomenon. Learn to correct them and do not repeat the same misses again.

Conclusion: Error price is a sense of guilt, regret and spiritual torments; or a new round of self-development and personal growth. Choose you!


Protection of personal data in school - maybe too one of the options to avoid mistakes in schoolchildren. After all, children trust you.

Unfortunately, Windows 7, like any other "Operation" of the entire family, is not insured against the emergence of various types of errors and slowdown in work, compared to what was immediately after installation, so to speak, with a clean sheet. Let's see why malfunctions arise and how Windows errors are fixed 7 of a wide variety of types.

Why do you need Windows 7 optimization?

As a rule, the process of correction of some system problems in all "Operations" Windows back refer to the optimization of the system. What is it used for? To speed up the work by correcting the error of the system, not visible to the user's eye, optimize data access, deleting garbage files, fix or delete incorrect entries in the system registry, etc.

What a program to correct Windows 7 errors will be used, this is already a purely personal matter of each user. However, it is worth noting here that almost all applications of this kind work on the principles similar to among themselves.

Correction of "seven" errors in own means of the system

Before talking about to correct Windows 7 system errors with third-party utilities, consider our own standard means Systems. They are not so primitive as many people think.

Simply, some merges, which disassembled or using "seven" are very superficially, do not even know how to use the simplest commands, let's say whether to check the disk. But when specifying additional parameters in the form of a liter entered after the command itself, it can be achieved a lot.

Of course, a program can be used to correct Windows 7 errors called Windows 7 Manager, which is actually created exclusively for use in the seven medium, but for a start, let's say a few words about the simplest search and troubleshooting techniques using built-in .

Check hard disk

So, the first tool for correcting system errors is to check hard drives and their logical partitions. As a rule, due to the presence of errors on the system disk (where the "seven" is installed), the system can slow down or issue messages about the impossibility of performing a process.

Probably, everyone knows that the simplest way to check the Winchester is to start this process from the properties parameters called from the context menu in the usual "conductor" with the right click on the drive or partition. On the tab common properties You can immediately clean the disk from unnecessary files, and in the service section - use verification and defragmentation.

Interestingly, in the process of cleaning, not even needed more data on recovery points are removed. When checking the best time to use the parameter automatic correction Errors. Defragmentation allows you to speed up access to programs and files that are used by the system most often by moving them into the fastest hardware areas without changing the logical address.

Separately, it is worth saying that checking the hard drive can be running from the same menu "Run" or from the command line on behalf of the administrator by entering the CHKDisk C: \\ F string (for automatic correction of malfunctions on the "C" disk). And, for example, the CHKNTFS C: \\ X command allows you to get rid of errors related to the functioning of the file itself nTFS systems. This option, by the way, is best suited when the system is trying to check with each start. system Disk, Say, because of the incorrect completion of the system or the process itself last time. As already understandable, such a correction of Windows 7 errors leads to the fact that an annoying message about the need for checking disappears, and the system itself is loaded.

In general, to use this command, it is best to read the technical documentation, since the options for adding a liter to the string to call additional processes and parameters can be a lot.

Program to correct Windows 7 registry errors

One of the most important aspects is the correction of keys and optimization system registrySince the system, even at the start, not to mention the call call, refers to it. It is probably clear that the more entries in it, the slower the system works.

In addition, if there are incorrect keys or obsolete records in the registry, for example, even conflicts between multiple programs that are responsible for opening them may cause such an appeal.

Unfortunately, in the "seven" of its own funds, except for the registry editor, no. None of the user, apparently, do not want to deal with changes at your own risk. So the entire system can be brought to full "crash." Here the most appropriate automated optimizer programs will be to correct or delete keys in the registry without prejudice to the performance of the entire system as a whole.

Naturally, you can find many special applications Exclusively for the registry, but it is better to establish full optimizers in the widest understanding. In any such application, you can find the scan and optimization function in one click. Just before starting the process, you need to use the desired item.

Among other things, let's say, in Appendix Advanced System Care versions 7 and 8 special utility Defragmentation of the registry that is akin to the usual defragmentator. Again, frequently used keys move to the top of the database. system recordsAnd "Operation" is required much less time to access them.

The best programs to correct Windows 7 system errors

As for the most popular and most powerful applications for eliminating problems with "seven", they need to be divided by functional sets.

For example, Windows 7 errors can be corrected using software packages, so to speak, standard type: Advanced System Care, CCleaner, GLARY UTILIIES., AVG PC TuneUp, Windows 7 Manager, etc.

To remove garbage or full uninstallation of programs, the Iobit Uninstaller type utilities are the most suitable. To solve problems with updating the system, you can name the best applications from the Fix IT or System Update Readiness Tool, not to mention the possibilities of restoring the system offered by the Recovery Console, which is either on the original installation, or on emergency windows disk 7.


As can be seen from the above, the correction of Windows 7 errors is not such a difficult thing. Here, the main thing is to determine what kind of process should be launched, and, of course, with your knowledge, it is sometimes possible to do without additional utilities.

On the other hand, ordinary users can advise software packages for automatic search And troubleshooting problems, since the health and safety of "seven" will affect the best side.

For most embedded tools from Microsoft, you will need to open a command line with administrator rights. In Windows 10, it is easiest to make it right click on the "Start" button and select the "Command Line" item.

In Windows 7, call "Start | All Programs | Standard, "and then right-click on the" Command Line ". From the menu, select "Start on behalf of the administrator."

For many recovery operations, you will need a command line window with administrator rights.

Full Windows reboot

Latest versions Windows When completing the work, save part of the current parameters in the exchange buffer to speed up the subsequent load. As a result, some errors may appear again even after restarting the system.

With the help of a simple team, you will spend the full reboot to free the OS from the accumulated problems. Press the "Win + R" keys and enter "shutdown -g -t 0". The "-g" parameter provides a full reboot. The second parameter, "-t 0", performs it quickly, eliminating you from unnecessary requests.

Sometimes to deliver Windows from errors, it is enough to enter this short team. It provides a full reboot

Scan hard disk for errors

Built-in Windows tool Chkdsk checks hDD And corrects damaged sectors. To run it, open the command line window with the administrator rights and enter there "CHKDSK C: / F / R" there. The "C:" parameter is responsible for the utility to check the section "C:", while F "and" / R "serve to search and correct the incorrect sectors.

If there is another process that appears to the scanned partition, which happens quite often, the CHKDSK utility will offer to check immediately after the next launch of the computer.

Quite often it turns out that CHKDSK can check only after rebooting the computer

Error search in download log

With constant windows failures During startup, the reason can be searched in a damaged driver. The question is only in which? To clarify, activate the "Loading Loading Log" function. In Windows 7, you will find it in "additional options for download", which are called by the "F8" key during the system startup.

In the "dozen" select "Start | Parameters | Update and Security | Restoration "and under the string" Special options Downloads »Click on the Restart Now button. After that, sequentially select in the recovery menu "Diagnostics | Extra options | Download options | Reboot. "

Run the download logging by pressing the "2" key. Restart Windows (if necessary safe mode) and B. Windows Explorer Open the "ntbtlog.txt" file, which you will find in the folder "C: \\ Windows". The driver responsible for the failure is usually located last in the list. In search google service Find additional information about this driver and on the basis of this or delete or update it.

In texts windows file By logging logging, reports the startup sequence of drivers

Restoring damaged system files

Damage to system files can be caused, among other things, incorrect completion windows work. The SFC tool checks the presence of such elements and, if necessary, replaces them saved on the local disk copy.

In order to use the SFC, open the command line window with administrator rights and enter "SFC / SCANNOW". Analysis will take a few minutes. When it is completed, restart the computer and perform the necessary computer update.

Checking storage components

The SFC command line utility finds damaged system files and, if necessary, corrects them

SFC addresses the storage of components. It stores copies of system files in it so that in case of damage to the originals, run them from there. However, errors can play in copies. In this case, open the command line window with administrator rights and enter "DISM / Online / CleanUp-Image / RestoreHealth" there to restore the component store. After that, again, execute the "SFC / SCANNOW" command.

Updating damaged drivers

Windows automatically saves previous versions of drivers to which you can use at any time

There are situations where problems occur after the driver is updated. In such cases, you can return to previous version: Press "Win + Pause" and in the upper left corner click on the "Device Dispatter".

In the list, find the equipment whose driver is warned in problems, and right-click on it. Select "Properties" and go to the Driver tab. Click on the button "Radd back" to return former version.

Calling previous Windows configurations

If you click on the "F8" key at Windows 7, you can download the last functioning configuration. In Windows 10, such an option disappeared, but it can be returned. First on the command line, open with administrator rights, enter the "BCDEDIT / SET (DEFAULT) BOOTMENUPOLICY LEGACY" command. Now click on the "Win + R" combination and enter "REGEDIT".

Go to "Local_machine \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Session Manager \\ Configuration Manager" and create the "LastknowNogood" section. In it, create a DWORD parameter called "Enabled" and translate its value to "1". Now in the "ConfigurationManager" section, create a DWORD setting with the name "BackupCount" and set the value "2".

Fully restart the computer to activate this feature. Now, when you click on the "F8" key, you can also choose an earlier configuration functioning.

Error codes for Windows 10

When updating or windows installation 10 Errors may occur displayed by the operating system only as encrypted codes. We will show you what is hiding behind them.

Additional information By certain error codes, you will find on the page

Verification of RAM

The cause of repetitive failures of Windows can be problems with RAM. Instead of immediately running to the store for a new one, first make diagnostics of the system.

In the "seven" and "dozen", click on the "Windows" key and enter the word "memory". Select the option "Windows inspection tool". Close all open files and restart the computer by clicking on "Run a reboot and check (recommended)". After the reboot will automatically start testing random access memory. Click on "F1" to activate additional checks. Use the Down Arrow button on the keyboard to the "Extended" option and press "F10" to apply the changes.

This method of testing RAM is considered the most accurate, but it has one important minus: in the process of testing and analyzing, you will not be able to work on a PC in parallel.

Upon completion of all Windows tests, it will start in as usual mode and displays the results. If the test tool detected errors, the RAM will have to be replaced.

"Windows inspection tool" checks RAM for errors

Greetings to you ladies and gentlemen.

The Windows7 study environment is not ideal, sometimes there may be different types of errors in Windows 7 both hardware and systemic nature - the computer stops responding to requests, applications do not open, and in particularly severe cases stops loading at all. And instead of the usual screensaver, the Windows 7 error codes are displayed. It is classification, that is, error codes will help to recognize the problem and find the right way solutions.

How can I solve the problem?

Let us list several methods.

To quickly find the error code and its value, press Ctrl + F on this page and enter the error code in the field.

Check hard disk for errors

If during operation on the computer suddenly turned off the electricity, and your battery was out of order, then the work emerged - work without a source of energy the computer simply will not be able. What happened?

Windows did not complete their work standard method, I did not save the necessary information in the RAM of the device for further launch of the computer.

After the light appeared, you are trying to turn on the computer, but at this point the system can start checking the integrity of your files, search for windows 7 errors, and you will see a blue check screen.

It is not necessary to be afraid of it, it is necessary to scan the entire file system and the registry, the OS checks the hard drive of the computer on errors specially built-in utility.

But sometimes the user needs to check his local diskIf glitches or hangs are seen, you can do it like this:

Open the "Run" field from the Start menu;

Enter the "CMD" command and press ENTER.

A window will open, set the value to "restore damaged sectors", that is, set the checkboxes, this option of the service utility will help correct system errors Because of the sudden failure.

You can also run this operation from the command line, but necessarily as a computer administrator:

In the Start menu, locate the "Command Line" position;

Of context menu (right mouse button) Select the "Run from the administrator" item;

In the opening window that opens, "Chkdsk C" (without quotes), and press ENTER.

The test of the hard disk is launched by the same utility.

But there may be another situation when the system cannot start checking its files due to the fact that it is already running, it can be immediately seen on the screen from the message. To activate the scan, click on the "Y" position, the computer will restart and the error correction will start immediately after the computer starts.

What happens in the end?

This utility built into the installation windows Package 7, will be checked for the integrity of the system files that are necessary for proper operation. operating system. If broken or damaged clusters are found, it will try to fix them and restore, in this case is not recommended, you just need to wait for the completion of the process.

Solving Problem Screen Screen

If you notice that the check screen began to appear after each computer start, you can try to correct the error reinstalling Win 7 from the disk, the problem must disappear. Do not forget to copy important information For removable media, so that after reinstallation you could use it.

But it happens, when most of the work is made, and suddenly it is lost because of a serious failure, it is lost, so you yourself take care of the safety - throw out important information on the removable media and more often press F12, this function button will save your work in the right place.

Other errors are displayed by the message "Stop ...."

If the system utility itself does not do anything, then the message "Stop ..." is displayed, the codes of all system errors are located below, because of which there are problems with the computer.

But if it still works, carefully examine the digital codes that are visible on the screen, they can mean the most different problems:

Incorrect installation Win7, code 0x80300024

Sometimes inexperienced users do not pay attention to the system messages during the installation of the OS, forget to format the partition hard diskTo which Win 7 will be installed, then you are also trying to download the system. From this, typical errors arise:

  • Incorrect marking of the local disk;
  • Not enough space on the hard disk to install the OS;
  • Installing OS to logical instead of the main partition.

Fixing the problem

Before installing, check if there is approximately 15 GB for Win7 32-bit, and for 64 - 20. And if you install professional or corporate versions, then the places should be 2 times more.

It will be useful to check the type of disk, it must be as "main". You can do this by the DiskPart program, it will be able to change the type of section or create another, without interrupting the Win7 installation process.

You can run it from the command line combination F10 + SIFT by entering the DiskPart + Enter value.

Increase processor temperature or video card
The system displays error codes, but most often you can see the 0x00000124 identifier, denoting overheating.
Check temperature mode You can two ways - either through bIOS setupor third-party software.

Check with BIOS
If the computer works, reboot, and at the time of the start, press F2 or the DEL button;
A page opens basic settings, go to the Health Status or System tab;
Here will be a visual graph of the current temperature, which is marked in red - dangerous for the computer and Win7, the system can incorrectly work correctly.

Check through third-party software
The Everest program has long been used to diagnose Windows and in its software Computer. A convenient control panel will allow you to test any system partition or program, indicate its volume and effect on speed.

Speccy. Absolutely free, this is a powerful diagnostic tool:
Control is simple, in the main window you can track the most different parameters of the entire computer or system files.

Purchase a special stand with a fan - the housing will be cooled while working, where the processor is located, according to the law of physics, it will overheat less;
Attributed to the repair shop and put on it a special paste for cooling - overheating will significantly decrease.

Conflict equipment

If Win7 cannot run your equipment, such as a printer, removable media, etc., you can see the most different error information, we will give examples of the most common of them:

Code 3. - Installation driver download file is not fully or there is not enough space on the hard disk.
Solution - deactivate unnecessary software and reinstall the device driver;
Code 8.old version Software is not deleted, installing the new version is not possible.
Code 10. Means that run this device The system cannot.
Decision - Download and install new version Software on the manufacturer's website device. You can update from the Device Manager: Start - System - Dispatcher.
Pay attention to a yellow question mark - this means that the driver conflicts with system filesHe is outdated and does not meet the stated requirements.

From the Properties menu, click on the "Update ..." option;
Code 14. means that a reboot is needed for correct operation;

Windows error codes and value. (List of Windows errors)

It is impossible to create a file, as it already exists.

Incorrectly specified the name of the catalog.

The system fails to find the specified file.
The system fails to find the specified path.
The system fails to open the file.

The file of additional attributes is damaged.
The file of additional attributes is full.
No access.

Tom for open File It was changed from the outside, so working with the file is impossible.

Invalid window descriptor.
Damaged control blocks of memory.
Not enough memory to handle the team.
Invalid memory block address.
Windows error in the environment.
An attempt was made to download a program having an incorrect format.
Access code is incorrect.
Error in data.
Not enough memory to complete the operation.
The system fails to find the specified disk.
Unable to delete the directory.
The system fails to move the file.
The media is protected from recording.
The system fails to find the device.

System fails to open specified device or file.
Specified too long file name.

Unable to remove the blocking from the file area.

Disks, removable media, processes

Tom label length exceeds the limit set for the file system.
The device is not ready.
The length of the command is too large.
Could not find the specified area on the disk.
No access to the disk or diskette.
Could not find the specified sector on the disk.
The system fails to record to the specified device.
The system fails to read from the device.
The connected device does not work.

The wrong device name is indicated.

Attempt to record information about the device, which have already been recorded.
The process cannot access the file, since this file is occupied by another process.

It fails to complete the required operation due to failures in data on disk or non-empty media error.

A discrepancy between the flexible disc sector identifier field and the controller path address is detected.

Controller flexible disks The incorrect registers are returned.
A multiple failure of the verification operation fails when accessing the hard disk is recorded.

A multiple failure of the operation when accessing the hard disk is recorded.
When accessing the hard disk, the controller was reset, but it was not even possible to produce it.

The error returned by the flexible disk controller is not recognized by the driver.

The process cannot access the file, since the file is locked with another process.

Inserted disk inserted into the device. Insert% 2 ( serial number Tom:% 3) in the device% 1.

Too many files are open for sharing.
The end of the file will be achieved.
The disc is filled.
Could not create a file or directory.
Interrupt failure int 24.
Not enough memory to handle request.
The name of the local device is already used.
The parameter is defined incorrectly.

Unable to block the carrier removal mechanism.
Could not remove the carrier.
The carrier in the device could be replaced.
[ 1111 0x0457] The input / output bus was initialized again.
There is no media in the device.
On the flexible disk The address mark of the identifier is not detected.
Currently, the system fails to run another process.

Insert the disk into the device% 1. ( Standard errorWindows)

The program was stopped because disc Inserted was not.
The disc is busy or blocked by another process.

Not enough space on the disk.
Internal file identifiers are exhausted.
The data area transmitted by the system call is too small.
Syntax error in the file name, catalog name or Tom label.
Invalid system call level.
The disk does not have a Tom label.
The specified module is not found.
No indicated procedure found.
Subsidiaries, the endings of which are required to be expected.
Appendix% 1 cannot be launched in Win32 mode.
Attempting to use a file descriptor to open the disk partition and perform an operation that differs from the input / output of the lower level.

Attempt to put a pointer to the file before starting the file.
The pointer to the file cannot be set to a specified device or file.

Join and Subst commands cannot be used for disks containing already combined discs.

Attempt to use the Join or Subst command for a disk already included in the set of combined disks.

An attempt to use the Join or Subst command to disk, which has already been displayed.

An attempt to remove a sign of combining from the disk for which the Join team was not performed.

Attempting to remove a sign of display from the disk for which the Subst command was not performed.

Attempt to combine the disk with the catalog on the combined disk.
An attempt to display the disk to the directory located on the displayed disk.
An attempt to combine the disk with the directory on the displayed disk.
An attempt to display the disk to the directory on the combined disk.
Currently, execute the Join or Subst command is impossible.
The system cannot combine or display the disk to the directory (with the directory) from the same disk.

This catalog is not the root subdirectory.
The catalog is not empty.

The specified path is used for the displayed disk.
Not enough resources for processing the team.
The specified path is currently used.
An attempt to combine or display a disk, the directory on which is already used to display.


No specified name of the system semaphore was found.

Too many attempts to enact events for the semaphore.
Unable to create another system semaphore.
Exclusive access semaphore is busy with another process.
Semaphore is installed and cannot be closed.
Semaphore cannot be reused.
Requests for semaphores of exclusive access at the time of interrupt execution are not allowed.

Expired semaphore waiting interval.
This semaphore no longer belongs to its process.
Calling the IOCTL application is incorrect.
The data recording check parameter is incorrect.
The system cannot process the resulting command.
This feature is permissible only in Win32 mode.
The number of semaphores for Dosmuxsemwait is defined.
Dosmuxsemwait call. Installed too many semaphores.
Incorrect call Dosmuxsemwait.

ErrorsWindows System registry

The specified operation cannot be performed in full screen mode.
Attempting reference to a non-existent element.
The registry database is damaged.
The registry parameter is incorrect.
Unable to open the registry parameter.
Unable to read the registry parameter.
Could not write the registry parameter.
One of the files in the registry database was to be restored using the protocol or backup. Recovery has passed successfully.
The registry is damaged. The structure of one of the files containing the registry data is damaged. The image of the file in memory may be damaged, or the file failed to restore due to the lack of a backup / protocol.
The input / output operation initiated by the registry ended with the incorrect failure. Failed to be considered, write or close one of the files containing the registry system.

When you try to download or restore the registry file, it turned out that this file has an incorrect format.
An attempt to make an invalid operation on the registry parameter marked for removal.
Failed to allocate the required place in the registry protocol.
You can not create a symbolic connection for the registry parameter that already contains subparameters or values.
You can not create a static subparameter for a temporary parent parameter.

ErrorsWindows When starting services

The stop command was sent to the service from which other services depend.

The team is inappropriate for this service.
The service did not respond to the request in a timely manner.
Failed to create a stream of commands for service.
The service database is blocked.
One copy of the service is already running.
The account name is specified incorrectly or does not exist.
The specified service is disabled or cannot be launched.
An attempt was made to establish a cyclic dependence between services.
This service is not installed.
The service currently cannot receive commands.
The service is not running.
The service process cannot establish communication with the service controller.
Service error when processing a team.
This database does not exist.
The service returned the error code.
The process was unexpectedly completed.
Failed to launch a subsidiary service.
The service is not running due to failure at the entrance.
The service has already been registered.
This service does not exist.

"Immediately after the launch, the service" "hung". ""
Locking the database of the specified service is imposed incorrectly.
This service was noted to delete.
This service already exists.
System B. currently Works using the latest correct configuration.

From the moment last download Attempts to launch service did not make.

The subsidiary does not exist or was noted to delete.
The current configuration has already been involved as the source of the last correct set of parameters.

The name is already involved as a service name.

Tape errors

The file label has been achieved.
The start of the tape section was found.
The end of the file set is achieved.
There is no longer any data on the ribbon.
Unable to create partitions on the tape.
Incorrect block size when accessing a new tape of a multi-volume partition.
Section information when loading the tape is not detected.
In multibyte. code page There is no symbol for one of the UNICODE codes.

The physical end of the tape has been achieved.

Device errors

There was a failure in the Dynamic Library Initialization Program (DLL).
The request was not completed due to an input / output error on the device.
None of the serial devices was successfully initialized. Driver serial devices will be unloaded.

Unable to open a device using a common interruption with other devices (IRQ). At least one device using the same IRQ request has already been open.
The sequential I / O operation was completed as a result of the next write operation to the serial port. (IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER value reached 0.)
The sequential I / O operation was completed after the expectation period. (The value of IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER has not reached 0.)

The probability of interlocking is detected.
Basic address or offset have incorrect alignment.
An attempt to change the power mode was blocked by another application or driver.
Error shipping command application.
Not found one of the library files required to execute this application.
The device is currently not attached, but the information about it is present in the configuration.
The requested operation was not executed, since the user is not registered.
It is required to continue the operation.
Attempt to perform an initialization operation that has already been carried out.
More local devices not found.

Account errorsWindows, Quotas, passwords, users

There was no compliance between usernames and defense identifiers.

User account expired.

System quotas for this account are not installed.
Encryption key is not available.
The NT password is too complicated and cannot be converted to Lan Manager password. Instead of the Lan Manager password, an empty line was returned.
The version of the changes is unknown.
Two levels of changes are incompatible among themselves.
This protection code cannot match the object owner.
This protection code cannot correspond to the main group of the object.
An attempt was made to use the element of impersonification by the flow of commands, which at this time does not produce the process impersonation.

The specified right of access by the client is absent.
The specified name is not the correct username.
User S. specified name already exists.
The user with the specified name does not exist.
The specified group already exists.
This group does not exist.
The specified user is already a member of the specified group, or the group cannot be deleted, as it contains at least one user.

The specified user is not a member of a given group.
Latest account From the administrator group you can not disable or delete.
Could not update the password. The current password was specified.
Could not update the password. New password Contains invalid characters.
Could not update the password. One of the update rules was broken.
Part of the data protection code is incorrect.
The access control list (ACL) has an incorrect structure.
Data protection code has an incorrect structure.
Data protection descriptor has an incorrect structure.
Unable to build an access control list (ACL) or the element of this list (ACE).
The value is defined incorrectly.
Not enough memory to update information related to data protection.
These attributes are incorrect or incompatible with the group attributes as a whole.
The required level of impersonitization is not provided, or the proposed level is incorrect.
Could not open an unknown level data protection element.
Required an incorrect class of information for checking.
The type of item does not match the required operation.
Operation associated with data protection cannot be performed for an unprotected object.
The protection system database contains internal contradictions.
Universal access types are contained in the access mask, which should already be associated with non-standard types.

The protection descriptor has an incorrect format.
The required action can only be used during the login process that caused its process is not registered as related to the entry procedure.
Starting a new session of work with an already used code is impossible.
The authentication package is not identified.
Operation does not correspond to current state network entry process.
The session code is already used.
The input mode is defined incorrectly.
It fails to provide a view through a named conveyor until the data is read from this conveyor.
The operation is incompatible with the state of the transaction for the registry branch.
The protection database is damaged.
The operation is not intended for embedded accounts.
The operation is not intended for the built-in special group.
The operation is not intended for the embedded special user.
You can not delete the user from the group, as it is for him the main one.

The element is already used as the main element.
The limit on the number of secure data / resources for one system has been achieved.
The length of the protected data exceeds the maximum possible.
The local protection database contains internal inconsistencies.
In the process of entering the network, too many protection codes were used.
Log in is not manufactured: The selected login mode for this user is not provided on this computer.

You cannot add a new user to the local group, since this user does not exist.
You cannot add a new user to the group, since this user has an incorrect account type.
There are too many protection codes.
For password change, an encrypted password is required.
Access Control List (ACL) does not contain inherited components
File or directory is damaged. Reading is impossible.
The disk structure is damaged. Reading is impossible.
The number of connections to the service is limited. Additional connections are currently impossible.

Program to eliminate windows (Windows) errors Kerish Doctor 2017.

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Error solving (video)