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What to do before ordering an advertisement layout. Promotion Programs Best Programs Programs

In general, the procedure for developing a program promotion program, goods or services consists of seven steps, namely:

    Collecting data necessary to develop a product / service promotion program;

    Establishing goals of promotion;

    Definition target audience;

    Determining the message content;

    Definition of the message form;

    Definition of the budget;

    Drawing up a program of promotion;

    Determining the parameters for assessing the results of promotion.

Step 1. Source data

Before proceeding directly to the development of a program of promotion of a company, product or service, you need to collect information about:

    consumer characteristics (consumer portrait, their informational preferences, values \u200b\u200band motives for the acquisition of this product or service);

    characteristics of competing goods or services.

Information on the characteristics of consumers of the promoted goods or service, in fact, plays a key role in developing a promotion program, as it depends on both the content and form of circulation and channels that will be used to promote goods / services. Before developing a promotion program, it is necessary to find out the socio-demographic portrait of consumers (floor, age, income level, place of residence), the motives for which they buy products of this group, the main criteria for which they choose this product or service, as well as their information Preferences (what they read, look, listen).

Information on the characteristics of competing goods and services should also be needed at the stage of determining the content of the message - first of all in order to distinguish the unique advantage of the promoted product, which is absent from competing products.

To collect the above-mentioned information, consumers / service consumers are most often used (if the goods / service / service are new, then consumers of similar goods / services can be interviewed), as well as monitoring and collecting secondary information about competing goods / services.

Step 2. Promotion Goals

Promotion objectives can be divided into two main directions: the incentive of demand (aimed at increasing sales in a short-term aspect) and improving the company's image (which again, ultimately, is done to increase sales volumes). The volume of demand for goods / service consists of three main components:

    the number of people who bought goods / service at least once (so-called primary market penetration);

    shares of those who buy goods / service again (percentage of re-purchases);

    consumption intensities (consumption coefficient) of goods / services (i.e., how often consumers are on average acquire this product / service).

In order to achieve maximum increase in demand at each of the listed areas, you can use the model of the hierarchy of the impact (Fig. 1).

According to this model, each buyer before purchasing goods / service, there are six stages, from awareness of the need for it to purchase. At the first two stages ("awareness" - "knowledge") the main goal of promotion is to provide information about the company or the product. At the third and fourth stage ("attitude" - "preference") it is necessary to form a positive attitude towards the company from the consumer. On the fifth and sixth stages ("conviction" - "Purchase") It is necessary to convince the consumer that the promoted goods are better than competitors' goods and it should be purchased by this product.

However, this model is easy to implement only when working with large buyers, with each of which the seller is familiar personally and can provide each information in accordance with the stage on which it is located. In most cases, the number of buyers is too large, and all of them are at different stages of making a decision on purchase, and, accordingly, are needed in different information. However, the same model can be used in relation to the stages of the product output to the market, pushing away from the assumption that people at the same stages of this model will prevail among the consumers.

1. The first stage (awareness - knowledge). At the first stage, when the goods or service only appeared on the market, most people know nothing about him and never bought it, and the main task is to form primary demand. To do this, you need to inform as much part potential buyers About the product, its features, and encourage them to make a trial purchase. In other words, the main purpose of promotion at the first stage is to inform.

    tell the market for new products / services / suggestions;

    offer new opportunities for the use of goods / services;

    explain the appointment of goods / services;

    tell buyers about changing prices.

2. The second stage (ratio is preference). At the second stage, when most potential buyers already know about the product and committed a test purchase, the main goal of promotion is to encourage them to buy goods with a certain periodicity, i.e. make regular buyers from them. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that consumers have a positive attitude to the product, and they began to give him preference to the goods of competitors. In other words, the main purpose of promotion at the second stage is to create a positive relationship and preferences.

Basic purposes at this stage:

    provide a good attitude to the company / brand / goods / store;

    convince customers to purchase goods;

    to convince buyers that this product is better than the products of competitors.

3. Third stage (belief - purchase). At the third stage, when the circle of permanent buyers of goods / services has already been formed, to increase the amount of demand, it should be achieved that potential buyers acquire this product more often than either in greater quantities. The main goal of promotion is to stimulate a larger number of purchases and maintaining buyers' intentions and further acquire this product.

Basic purposes at this stage:

    remind customers about the existence of a company / goods / services;

    remind buyers which goods they can purchase;

    remind customers about the characteristics of the promoted goods.

Step 3. Defining the target audience

The target audience - This is a group of real and potential buyers who should be addressed to the advertising message.

If the progressive product or service buys several groups of consumers that differ strongly among themselves, then several target audiences should be allocated. For each of them you need to develop your own information message, focusing on the quality that is most important for them in the product and the benefits they want to get from its purchase.

To determine the target audience, it is necessary to answer the question: who uses (will use) this product or service? Find out that they are already knowing about the product, what are the motives for its acquisition (this can be done using a polling of potential and / or real consumers). If it turns out that when purchasing goods various consumers Pay attention to the different parameters of the goods / service (for example, for pensioners, the price of haircuts in the hairdresser plays an important role, and young women are interested in the professionalism of hairdressers and the opportunity to get the tip of hairstyle), they should be divided into groups and prepare their appeal for each group.

Step 4. Definition of the message content

The topic of appeal must be consistent with the goals of promotion to the product / service / service / service, and should be traced in all activities to promote goods. The process of selecting the subject of the message consists of three stages:

    Stage 1. "List of proposals". Here it is necessary to make a list of everything that can be offered to the buyer;

    Stage 2. "Motivational Analysis". At this stage, the seller should imagine himself on the site of the consumer of the goods and answer the questions: why I would use it (did not use) this product than it is better (worse) other goods, what product characteristics are convinced of me to make a purchase, what are you forced to doubt it purchase. The outcome of this stage will be a list of basic motifs leading to the purchase and preventing it. Note that such an analysis is better to do not only on the basis of its own conclusions, but using the results of specialized studies.

    Stage 3. "Market Analysis". Here it is necessary to compare the characteristics of the progressable goods or services with the characteristics of the goods of competitors and market requirements, and allocate the product / service characteristic, most important for consumers and missing competitors. This is called the formation of a unique trading offer (UTP). After that, it is possible to formulate the main theme of measures to promote ITP-based goods.

Step 5. Defining a message form

    express simply: use everyday words and brief expressions, avoid professional expressions;

    express interesting: try to initiate curiosity, accentuate not on the product, but on the benefits that the buyer will receive with its acquisition;

    express directly: do not overload text with superfluous words;

    express the Affirmation: Replace negative proposals by the affirmative statements of an incentive nature;

    guide common sense: try to be convincing and understandable for the average person;

    speak briefly: small texts read more often, because you read them faster and easier;

    be truth: false statements may initially attract buyers, but making sure they will not believe you more;

    be original: set out your thoughts original, try your messages to repeat the messages of other companies;

    repeat the most important moments: focusing on them attention, you make the consumer remember the basic idea of \u200b\u200byour promotion program. Arguments can be repeated differently in different formulations;

    strive to attract and keep attention: break your text on paragraphs, blocks, add headlines;

    avoid references to the names of competitors: first, comparative advertising is prohibited, secondly, do not remind of your consumers once again;

    pay attention to the last phrase: it is remembered;

    draw a message not to emptiness, but to personality: contact your consumers;

  • suggest actions plan: Give your consumers a clear instruction - what exactly should they do after reading this text (contact you for for more information, make a purchase, etc.)

Step 6. Promotion budget

Budget costs for promotion - This is the amount of allocated funds for all types of activities to promote your product.

To date, there are five basic ways to establish a budget for promotion, namely: the method of the balance, the increase method, the method of parity, the share method from sales and the target method.

    The balance method. As part of this method, the company first allocates funds to all elements of marketing, and the residue enters the budget of the costs of promotion. This method is sometimes also called "everything you can afford." It is the easiest, but also the weakest of all, but it is precisely it most often used small focused on the company's production. Disadvantages of this method: a little attention paid to the promotion, the lack of communication of expenses with the goals set, the danger of the "zero" budget for promotion if funds remain.

    Method of increment. In case of use this method The company builds its budget promotion, focusing on the budgets of previous years, increasing either reducing them to a certain percentage. The advantages of this method: the presence of a reference point, the ease of determining the budget, the use of the past of the company. The disadvantages of the method: the size of the budget is determined in many respects intuitively and is rarely linked with the objectives.

    Parity method with competitors. The progress budget in this case is determined on the basis of budget estimates of competitors. This method is used both large and small companies. The advantages of this method: It gives a reference point, the market is focused and sufficiently conservative, sets clear limits of expenses for promotion. However: this is a catching method, not the market leader; In addition, it is quite difficult to determine the costs of competitors. If there are significant differences in your company, goods and services from firms, goods and services of competitors, this method is not applicable.

    Method of share of sales. When using this method, a certain percentage of income from the sale of goods is allocated. Advantages of this method: the relationship of sales and promotion, the use of a clear base, and, as a result, simplicity of budget definition. Weaknesses of the method: Promotion follows sales, and not vice versa; The costs of promotion are automatically reduced during periods of poor sales (when it can be useful. Therefore, when opening the company, the release of a new product or during the failure, it is better not to use this method.

    Target method. When using this method, the company first determines which goals need to be achieved by promotion, then formulates tasks that need to be solved for this, and only then determines how much the execution of these tasks will cost. This amount is laid in the Promotion budget. This is the best of five methods. His advantages: a clear definition of goals, linking costs with the performance of tasks, adaptability, the possibility is relatively easy to evaluate success or failure. The weak side is the complexity of calculating the budget for this method: you need to establish goals and objectives, determine the means of promotion, the use of which will allow you to solve these tasks, find out how much you will be used by these funds.

Step 7. Drawing up Promotion Programs

And only now, after all the preparatory stages, the time has come to draw up a program of promoting the goods or services.

Program promotion - This is a set of tools for promotion used by the company (advertising, sales promotion, personal sales and public relations). Thus, under the Promotion Program is a detailed list of events that should be implemented as part of the promotion of goods or services to the market. Specific ways of promotion and their features are already the topic for a separate article, and here we will not concern it. We restrict ourselves to only the recommendation, which will not experience disappointments, implementing the promotion program developed like all the rules, namely, before the implementation of the promotion program, it is desirable to draw up a schedule of work, clearly defining who, what and when to do. Having such a plan on his hands, it is possible to drastically reduce the likelihood of a situation where a new product, about the appearance of which the residents of all nearby houses are already notified by advertising leaflets, will appear in stores only in two weeks.

In addition, the work plan will help not only without any special problems to implement the Promotion Program, but also to estimate the results of its implementation.

Step 8. Evaluation of results

The question of measuring the efficiency of promotion is quite complicated. On the one hand, not knowing how effective the program of promotion is impossible to improve it or correct errors. From this point of view, the measurement of efficiency is simply necessary, it will completely pay off and bring undoubted benefits.

On the other hand, the methods used to measure efficiency (for example, the measurement of the market share before and after the implementation of the promotion program), as a rule, expensive and time consuming, and cost estimate costs can be comparable to the amounts spent on the promotion program itself.

Therefore, if the budget is limited, and the scale of business is small, it is better to use the most simple and cheap methods for evaluating efficiency. The easiest way to use practically everywhere is to appeal to customers with the question "How did you know about us?". You can also compare the sales volume of goods / services (suppose, per week) before and after advertising, carry out stock stimulation shares. Another way to assess the effectiveness of promotion is to hold the simplest telephone survey of consumers, which will learn how to change the attitude of customers to the progressable product or service.

Even the perfect site with original design, convenient interface And unique content will not be able to independently acquire a broad audience, which is associated with a huge competition and a number of other external factors.

Every day, all new resources appear on the Internet network, so each site owner is interested in standing out on a general background, attract users and remember them.

Assist in this may:

LiveSurf service is a free promotion program and other alternative tools included in the service kit.

The site that regularly visits a large number of visitors is considered promoted. Of course, the number of users can vary, depending on the type and theme of the site, so that universal recommendations do not exist.

Internet - dynamic structure that requires constant development resources. In addition, most users rarely enter the first search issuance pages, so the reasons for the need to hit the portal to the top are obvious.

Okay developed site - the need For any business and numerous projects. He always takes high rating positions, which causes confidence and interest of visitors.

Gradually, any organization becomes noticeable and popular, and special program For promotion, it allows not only to achieve success, but also assess the pace and effectiveness of progress, improving the marketing strategy.

The promotion site always brings income. This is not only direct revenue from sales or service provision, but also indirect paths, such as or placement. If the portal is included in the banner network, then the number of impressions increases with the number of visitors, which continues to increase the daily influx of guests.

High positions attract attention not only to the audience, but also all sorts of observers and other thematic resources. This is a great way to efficient advertising that does not require attachments and contributes to the increase in the citation index.

Finally, well-known sites are much easier to acquire partners, create their own, promote groups and other projects, because they do not doubt and already have a certain circle of interested users.

Methods of site promotion

Free site promotion program - a long and comprehensive process that requires serious time, tools and efforts. Trust this case is better by professionals who exactly imagine how to achieve one hundred percent results in the shortest possible time and without excessive costs.

First of all it is necessary to optimize the resource and improve its content., Considering semantic kernel Site and search queries. Pages must be competently filled with keywords, which is the basic stage on the way to success. All texts should remain readable and interesting, and references and animalcores must fit as much as possible and naturally.

Second phase - generalwhich is engaged in webmasters, versalists and programmers, detecting and correcting shortcomings that check the download speed of pages and other parameters. Interface and design must be convenient for users and acceptable for search engines.

After that, it is created internal overflow and creating external linksto strengthen the connections and positions of the resource. Only the next step can be connected program for promotionwhich will help easily and without excessive effort to improve the indicators of a pre-proven and improved site.

Promotion of groups VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and other social networks

Another actual request - promotion program group, After all, the thematic communities in, for example in VC or, are becoming increasingly demand. In addition, the presence of a group is a useful tool for promoting the main site and an indispensable source of an interested audience.

But independently assemble a large number of active friends or participants almost impossibleespecially - at the initial stage. It is in the popular and well-known group every day more and more independent participants come, but at the first stages require a thoughtful marketing campaign, which will help promote the community.

Carefully selected will allow you to spend the minimum amount of time and strength to achieve the desired result. It is necessary to give preference only to proven services, because any suspicious activity and frank screws are blocked by search algorithms, and a large number of blocked participants can lead to blocking the entire group.

Promotion program group Ensures the use of several basic and free ways:

  1. Invitation of participants in interest
    To do this, in the search section it is necessary to specify the current region, age, gender, place of work or other limitations. The mailing message should not remind spam, so it is better to change it for different users. Do not abuse the number of messages sent on the day so that the account is not removed for spam.
  2. Viral Marketing
    This technique involves the holding of relay, competitions, marathons and other events that require user activity. The main task is to cause and keep the interest of the audience, which can be curious to participate in different promotions. It is imperative to honestly reward the winners that only increase the level of confidence in the participants.
  3. Friendship Groups
    Administrators of similar areas are usually interested in exchanging advertising, because the effect of such cooperation is only positive: the emergence of new participants in both parties. Choosing a potential partner, it is worth paying attention to:
  • The activity of community participants, which should not be accessed by bots.
  • The frequency of content updates, because the group must be valid, otherwise cooperation is useless.
  • Lack of spam. This will help avoid the risk of such a trend in its own community.
  • The subject of the group. The community of similar direction is chosen so that the advertising is really interesting, and not intrusive and annoying.
  1. Comments in other communities
    If the rules of another community allow, you can leave your own comments with reference to your group, while not getting involved and does not turn the newsletter in spam.
  2. Cheat
    This method requires the maximum competent approach. Specialized promotion group in classmates program With proper operation, it will increase the number of users without unnecessary risks and consequences.

Special attention is also worth paying paid ways, the main advantage of which is to fill a group by real people, and not empty accounts. Here you can also meet several options.

  1. Using paid Serviceswho attract real social network users as subscribers who come to the community for invitation or through. Some resources are supported partnership programswhich can be an additional source of passive income.
  2. which exists in many social networks And has long established itself with a reliable promotion tool. This method allows you to unwind not only groups, but also your own sites.
  3. Paid advertising in promoted groups. Typically, the popular community makes no sense to exchange advertising with new, small projects, but they provide the ability to place an advertisement for a specific fee. It is better to order services to proven, reliable communities that enjoy the confidence of the audience. The group's choice should be carried out as carefully as possible and taking into account all factors that could affect the success of the advertising campaign.

Free programs for promoting sites

Among huge number options cannot be said which paid or free site promotion program more efficient. All of them have their own characteristics and nuances, so when choosing should be focused on the original task.

  1. LiveSurf -
    On the this moment The best program for promoting sites online any subject. Wills in many functions and an incredibly simple control interface. It has free mode Work. Suitable beer and professional. You can download the program for free.
  2. AllSubmitter.
    Sophisticated program on a computer for a computer that offers automatic and semi-automatic registration for the convenience of users. This powerful and universal tool will easily select keywords, analyzes the competitor and will study search queries.
  3. Cs yazzle
    A unique casual tool to optimize the site. The characteristic feature of the program is the ability to save time and strength when promotion. Wide functionality combines many useful features, allowing to monitor, analyze and promptly improve the strategy of activity.
  4. Ya Monitor
    Tool to check the site ratings in Yandex issuance. There is also a similar Free Monitor for Google service that supports various languages \u200b\u200band additional features.
  5. Plagiatus.
    An inspection tool that shows not only the interest rate, but also links to sites where there are similar text.
  6. Site-Auditor
    Free Promotion Program Site-Auditor is used to analyze the site or individual pages By numerous parameters: Citation index, rating, the number of external links, the availability of the site in popular directories and much more. Full SEO Analysis of its website or competitor sites will allow finding the optimal promotion scheme that will take into account all the features of a particular task.
  7. Cyberboard
    A program that allows you to send a variety of ads on different boards with one click of the button.
  8. Hwaddurl.
    The utility for adding a site to eight main search engines, as well as for subsequent parsing of issuing on various requests.
  9. SEO Anchor Generator.
    An application for generating texts, ankors, titles and other messages. This utility allows multiplying materials, which can become an indispensable find for publication in catalogs. In a few minutes you can get several hundred variations of one text for further use.
  10. Smile SEO Tools.
    Effective tool To optimize the site, enhance its convenience, authority in search engines. The program allows you to quickly and easily register in directories, as well as use a number of other useful functions.

Competent the use of various tools and technologies will allow to unwind the site in the shortest possible time.When spending a minor amount of money and time. The quality of the result depends on the effectiveness of the marketing strategy, so that precisely preconditions should pay increased attention.

Sincerely, Nastya Chekhov

A professional approach to the promotion of the site is a guarantee of efficiency, on the Internet will provide you with a quick and most effective result. You can individually approach each project, which allows you to implement the most effective search engine optimization programs for our clients to successfully promote any site.

Promotion of the site on your own using programs and scripts.

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Advanced_direct_remailer_2.15_rus. - Remiller postal, multifunctional (comfortable and fast spam mailing).
Advanced_Mass_Sender version 4.3. - Stable program on mass distribution (spam) letters.
AllSubmitter. - unique semi-automatic and automatic registration in information Internet Resources (catalogs, search engines).
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Bazeforum - For the program, the Hrummer - 990 thousand.
Cyber_Board - It sends any message in less than 30 seconds into one click on hundreds of ads.
Base of boards to the program Smart Poster 3.58 PRO-POSTERBASEDOSK.
Article Bot 2.0. - Generator of text content that can produce many new, original, articles from any source text. The program makes it by rearranging words by synonyms.
Blogping - SEO Plagne Blog Ping . It significantly accelerates the indexation of all new materials on your site. That is, as soon as your article is written, and it has been saved by the plugin of the program begins to notify all search robots about new page Your site.
Forum Poster 3.30 - program for sending messages to forums. In Forum Poster, the most efficient and large base of the available URL forums, in addition, you can easily add your own and high-quality bases yourself. Also you have an excellent opportunity with this program to record the results of your work on mailing. The built-in functions for automatic user registration on the forums are supported.
Pligg Submitter. - 100% Will register and add your short article in thousands of Pligg sites and create hundreds of backlinks automatically!
Smile SEO Tools - new solution SEO optimizator - Automatic and semi-automatic registration of the site in directories and ratings. Increasing the number of reference links from other sites to your site. Roses the growth of the site positions in the issuance lists in search engines.

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Espanadir boards .
Espanadir_clasific_pro_re 3.0 - A program is used to register ads on electronic free bulletin boards.
IFBoards 6.1. - Unique russian-language program for mass distribution ads in auto mode
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Pantera 2.7. - Posted in two clicks your ad in "Automatic" mode on more than 350 boards (3,600 unique partitions)
Script best Internet - The store is unique and free.
SEMONITOR 3.2 (Search Engines Monitor) - batch archive of promotion and optimization of sites
Segenerator.- will generate unique texts, phrases and headlines from the list keywords.
Sitemaker - Generation of the right mini sites.
SmartPoster version 3.65 Pro - Base of boards- (ok) Stable, working, best, proven version!
Smart_poster_3.70_Pro New. - Update for program version 3.7 (SmartPoster-3.7_Pro_RUS - X86-X64-NEW).
Base-data boards- (Current base - Boards -Weflight for 3.7 + Base Bases included for versions of SP-3.65_PRO and earlier - ///

(Bonus - Periodic posting updates) .

  • - Archive: 3.

Koldunschik / Sorcerer 4.2 - This is an intelligent SEO script (correct) safe promotion of any site. In automatic (semiautomatic or in manual mode) Makes the external and internal smooth passing of pages on the progressive site, (inserting the required links) in order to promote, raising, rankings in the Top 10 for search queries in Google and Yandex. Everything happens in semi-automatic or automatic mode.

How it works: - by calculating relevant pages and subsequent link inserts, to increase the weight of the predaintal pages. Tested for a month. Result without adding new pages - the site attendance smoothly grows about 400 to 600 hosts per day. Not bad truth!? .

Serp_Parser_Professional 1.18. - program for convenient and fast check positions (key phrases) of the site in Google search engines, Yandex, etc.

The program was tested on Windows 7. Testing: Works smart, correctly and adequately.

Program for checking, removing the site positions supports all popular Internet mounters, such as: PS Yandex, Google PS, PS Mail.Ru, PS Rambler, PS Bing, LiveInternet, as well as Google Analytics, Google AdWords., Yandex.Metrica and Yandex.Direct.

TOPGEN. - Chest of shows, counters and banners.
TrafficBoost - traffic increase generator.
Xrumep 2.9. - (100% working).
Xrumer 3.0 - (worker 100%) - ( do not work on new versions: do not download -Xrumer 5. , Xrumer 7. , xrumer 8. etc. - In addition to viruses and headaches with PC anything new!) - .
Base Email addresses 110812 S.t..
Illustrated tutorial on the creation of sites.
JavaScript collection.
Script - Kommandos - (ammunition).
Randomsite script v1.1.
Promotions of sites and increase traffic

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baza 1xml.
baza 2xml.

  • - Archive: 5.

Reraiting-Pro 2.1 Rus - Unique Rerait - Program unique text generator . Synonymization of the source text - with the selection and replacement of a given percentage of the words of the text on synonyms (similar to them in meaning and the meaning of the word). here -\u003eOnline generation of unique content for the site
MDS Dorvey Analyst - Server script automated system Consisting of the administrator part, Counter-JS (for Dorovo and Splots without redirect), + the script redirect and code-PHP, built into the FID (for expensive classic with redirect). Advanced information collection capabilities.
Script for mailing to Russian bookmarks,
+ script for mailing in Bourgeois bookmarks - Two scripts that will significantly increase the values \u200b\u200bof TIC and PR, and also increase the attendance of your site in one click. In a nutshell - a spamily for social skins.

Netpeak Spider _ (+ activation key) - SEO program for scanning and analyzing the site. Main:

  1. The groups of pages with a duplicate tag "Title" are defined - Definition of Title doubles;
  2. Defined groups of pages with a duplicate meta tag "Description" - Definition of Duplication Description;
  3. Definition of groups of pages with a duplicate meta tag "Keywords" - Double definition Keywords;
  4. PR is the calculation of the internal indicator of PageRank current page. Calculation of the internal indicator of PageRank without taking into account through links.

Bradogenerator text - Program (Delirium Generator) Used to generate texts, with the property of the illusion of textual meaning. This program is the best program for generating texts among the programs of this class. An indispensable tool for the operation of rewriters, copywriters, journalists, SEO optimizers.

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Scribbler. - program generation of unique texts - copywriters, rewater, writers, translators, site optimizers. Serves in processing and text preparation. The program will save a bunch of time and of course significant your funds. Scribbler knows how to quickly create a unique, satisfying Russian grammar rules, human response text, 100% seed by search engines. Generates text on nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives.

Traffic Equalizer 3.0 - to optimize keywords.

SEO Anchor Generator is a program for generating ankors, texts, links, + generation of descriptions and titles of sites. An indispensable thing to create (writing) original, unique texts.

the most necessary and necessary set of programs and scripts when creating sites (for new sites developed )

# - The biggest - java_scripts_Archive;
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# - Excellent base of boards (verified) for Smart_poster 3.58 PRO;
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# - NEW! - Bases for imports in the AllSub_mitter 33700 program;
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# - Advanced Direct Remailer 2.15 RUS spam crash;
# - TopGen cheating counter;
# - Pantera 2.7 mailing ads in autorem;
# - SEMONITOR-3.2 Complex software for site promotion;
# - AllSubmitter registration in catalogs;
# - SmileSeo Tools - Auto Registry in catalogs and ratings;
# - Popander generator (script);
# - Popha - generator;
# - Rotary banner generator;
# - reverse reference generator;
# - scrolling generator;
# - generator of the drop-down menu;
# - generator - FAQ;
# - header shadow generator;
# - I-Frames generator;
# - Generator Link Cloaker;
# - Popup Link - generator;
# - mailto generator script;
# - Generator meta tags
# - Notepad script;
# - generator poppup with a bunch;
# - marigolds generator;
# - Greeting generator;
# - Generator Dorwea;
# - Casual text generator;
# - Scrollbarov generator;
# - various Tulsa;
# - Rollover generator graphic;
# - Effect generator 2;
# - Antispam generator;
# - order counting generator;
# - a simple frame generator;
# - generator - transichn;
# - generator protecting image;
# - the best password generator for the site script;
# - Snippets (BEST).

400 Russian search engines, catalogs.xml ratings
+ 4000 white rus.xml catalogs
+ 700 White English catalogs.xml
+ 2000 catalogs
+ 3000 catalogs
+ 3000 catalogs
+ 1020_rus.txt
+ 134 - Popular catalogs with
+ 1784_ru.TXT - Russian search engines and catalogs
+ 2909_rus.txt - Russian search engines, catalogs
+ 341_wcrussian.txt - Popular liquid catalogs
+ 400.txt - Russian best search engines and catalogs
+ 4000.txt - catalogs in Russia
+ 489-PR-en.TXT - White and Fluffy catalogs
+ 51_rusnew.txt - Russian catalogs and search engines
+ 619_rus_Unical.txt - 619 unique verified catalogs of Russia
+ 959 catalogs of fresh Russian .TXT directories
+ Base of English directories - english.txt
+ Russian catalogs - rus_top.txt
+ Newest Base of Russia RUS_WhiteNew! .txt
+ latest new arrivals.txt
+ Base of excellent catalogs of Russia.ASD - Base Fresh
+ Full base of Russian catalogs .ASD - Fresh, proven base
+ Recent arrivals of white catalogs - Russia.ASD
+ Base English Directors - Eng.ASD
+ 400 - to raise PR of Russian white catalog
+ PR 4482 directory
+ 400 Russian white catalog for PR raising
+ 482 catalog level PR4
+ 40 rus_ Tic1500.xml Pr 5
+ Black catalogs (all zero, banned and broken)
+ VIP Base of white catalogs with high PR - 1118_RUS_TIC1030.XML
+ 1181_Tits31.xml-EU - VIP Base of white catalogs with high PR
+ 1232_rus_tits130.xml - VIP White Catalog Base with High PR
+ 1518_TICS796-rus.xml - VIP Base of white catalogs with high PR
+ 2059_rus_tits602.xml - VIP White Catalog Base with High PR
+ 872_.xml-titz-rus - VIP Base of white catalogs with high PR

Programs for mass distribution of ads, letters for promotion, optimization, promotion of their website on the Internet - the most popular and best promotion programs are collected. Only the most proven and workers Programs for automatic declaration of ads - Today, the promotion of the site or your Internet business through electronic announcements boards remains the most productive and civilized promotion method. In the package provided, the archive of the site promotion programs, only tested, best, efficient and convenient programs automatically distribution ads on free boards ads.

Auto - site registration - one of the most necessary software packages for site promotion. Time comes and every sooner or later, thinks about the promotion of your wonderful site with the involvement of the greatest number of target, unique visitors. The easiest I. effective method To attract the target audience to the site - remains search engine optimization With this archive of software promotion software. Site promotion is impossible without registration in as many ratings as possible, catalogs and search engines. It takes a lot of time the registration process itself, it is why for people who know how to appreciate their work, successfully use specialized programs for promoting the site in their practice - registering the site in the maximum number of search engines, ratings and directories. Software - program collection, software archive, scripts, for site promotion, Espanadir, JavaScripts. Boards, Registrar AllSubmitter, SmartPoster - Ads Decals, IFBoards. Base of boards, smartposter, XRYMER, multi collector.

Archive of site promotion programs. In addition, the promotion of the site with programs that do not have Russian translation work is generally impossible. Specified programs are able to optimize the site for search engines with a result testing system with analyzing keyword density, indicate errors in the site code, to compare the site itself with other sites of your competitors, to identify the position of the site from various search queries, to produce the proper generation of meta tags , To monitor how many links references to your site, etc., about the possibility of each individual program to promote the site can be found in the readme file. Programs for promoting new sites - regarding the cost of the archive of programs for the promotion of the site and sending spam and ads, databases and scripts. Assembly of the archive for the total cost pulls for $ 8000. This proposal (archive of programs for promotion of the site) You will not find anywhere!

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Instagram develops with wind speed and it is not surprising that you want to sell sales and from this channel. And it is right! One way to attract subscribers and potential customers is to use a program or service of automated account promotion.

Interesting: The fastest parser of all here presented.

Price. There are only 2 packages: Promotion and mailing in Direct (790 r. / Month)

Trial period: 3 trial days is free!


  • "Smart" promotion subscriptions.
  • Commenting by user posts.
  • The presence of the conversion coefficient.
  • Smart newsletter in Direct.
  • Monitoring the service of the service.
  • And much more, what we will tell in the next review.

Cost: 1000 rubles per month

Free period: 3 days


  1. Promotion at the same time any number of accounts.
  2. Does not require permanent Internet access.
  3. Individual proxy.
  4. Automatic antikapcha
  5. Mass subscription (on competitors and on hashtags).
  6. Laying subscribers.
  7. Objects and auto report when the limit is reached on subscriptions.
  8. Subtle answers to all cases of working with the service in the section "FAQ".


The program works online and does not require installation on a PC. The first thing that rushes into the eyes is a pleasant and concise design. The service itself states that they attract only a living target audience.

Price: Free trial period - 3 days.

We offer 4 tariffs. The period of action of each of them is 30 days.

  • Minimal - 1 Account / 399 rub
  • Light - 5 Accounts / 599 rub
  • Medium - 10 Accounts / 799 rub
  • Maximum - 20 Accounts / 999 rub

Read more about the possibilities:

Hamster.Pro offers promotion on the main target actions, namely:

  • Subscription;
  • Recoup;
  • Mailing to direct;
  • Aligning likes.

As for filters, they are pretty scanty. In this program, this section is called "Targeting Settings". Of the features, I can only single out that the service shows the statistics of subscribers.


  • Online support is located in a separate section, which is very uncomfortable for the user who first encountered such a program.
  • You can not change the description and avatar of the account.
  • Unable to add or remove the photo.
  • There is no correspondence in the director.

This is a home-use program. Excellent option for beginners SMM specialists.

Subinst - Online service to promote an account in Instagram.

Test period - 3 days.

Tariffs: from 290 r / m


  • planning posts
  • lyking, comment, subscription and recording,
  • mailing messages to direct.


  • comfortable and understandable interface,
  • jobs can be edited during their execution. For example, change the number of lying to the post or number of subscriptions per day.
  • flexible subscription settings to the target audience. - Service (24 hours per day).

Trial period: 10 days.

Price: 1090 rubles / month, depends on the period to which you buy service services.


  • Mass subscription (on competitors, geography, hashthegam, in the Likes of the post, on their list, on their subscriptions and subscribers (arbitrarily) or their posts),
  • Mass linking
  • Recoup.

Interesting: Statistics shows the conversion in the feedback. - Program

Here you will be offered 2 options:

IBOT program

Price: 6500 rubles (unlimited license term + consulting / support + detailed video tutorials).


  • Mass subscription (on competitors, geography, hasties, according to active subscribers(These are the people who left like or comment).
  • Mass linking (by Hestegham, on other people's subscriptions or subscribers, on their subscriptions or subscribers, by geotechnos, on the news feed).
  • Audience Collection:
    • Collection of people on the map.
    • Harstegham harvesting, according to strange subscribers, on subscriptions, on active subscribers.
    • Collection from VKontakte groups.
  • Automated comments.
  • Posting.
  • Recoup.

Interesting: You can work with any number of accounts. Representation report (helps to trace the number of mutual subscriptions, likes and comments).

Program IBOTManager.

The program is activated for all time - you will not need to pay every month, 6 months or year as accepted in other services.


  • Subscribe to other accounts.
  • Likes on the specified photos.
  • Comments on the specified photos.

Interesting: Also on this site you will find programs for automated promotion in for instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Tagbrand, Pinterest. - software for a computer (only works with PC included).

Trial period: There is a free version to promote only 1 account in Instagram.

Price: from 499 ₽ / month


  • Massliking.
  • MassFollowing.
  • Massunfollowing
  • Masscommenting
  • Massdirect - Mass Sending Messages to Direct;
  • Collection of audience for competitors, hashthegam, geolocation, active audience, through the community in VK;
  • Cleaning from bots.

JET-INSTA - Cloud Online Service.

There is no trial period, but you can buy a test period for 5 days for 1 account for 330 p.

Price: from 1400 r / m. For 1 account

Capabilities: Standard

  • Husky.
  • Subscriptions unsubscribe.
  • Comments.
  • The ability to connect many accounts at once.
  • Targeting for filters (number of subscribers, tags), geolocation.
  • He picks up the most suitable hasties, finds new, looks at the statistics on them.
  • Analytics on the activity of your target audience.
  • Using the "stop sheet" for accounts that do not need to interact.

- Online service

Trial: 3 days / 1 account

Price: $ 9.67 / 1 Account / 30 days


  • In addition to the standard functional, which is in all listed previous services, the developers claim that they use machine learning to improve the quality of an attached audience.
  • Let us prompt in instagram, so that your account is not blocked.
  • Although it is written that only they segmented users by sex, interests and age, but this is also in

- Online service

Trial period: 3 days

Price: 1990 p / m.


  • Search for a target audience for hashtags, geolocation and competitors.
  • Filters by floor and language, as well as bots.
  • Extended filters: by number of photos in the profile, the ratio of subscribers / subscriptions, the numbers of likes in the photo.
  • It is possible to add stop words.
  • Massioning, masslaking, as well as automatic viewing of the storage of your CA (this has not met in other services).
  • Analytics on the dynamics of growth, as follows, etc.


As for me, the registration of stupid. It is necessary to wait 48 hours, to contact you technical support, and if it does not contact, write themselves. Who will wait 48 hours at all, if 100500 has a similar service register instantaneous? - Cloud Service


  • autobosting - free is provided with all users, even who will never pay for a paid period,
  • mutual Likes (LayKing takes place only between the participants of our service, no "left" likes from incomprehensible pages, because each new user is moderated),
  • mutual preservation of post,
  • mutual comments (full comments on the subject of the post),
  • all operations occur automatically, the user only chooses the post already placed in instagram, which requires activity, or prepares a new post directly on the site,
  • you can plan a lot of posts immediately for a week / month.


Trial (free) period 15 dayswhere every day is available: 500 likes, 30 saves and 5 comments

But after the end of the trial period, a free fare will be automatically enabled: 30 likes, 3 saves and 1 comment for every day


The price of 300 rubles per month for 300 daily likes from the service participants. This is 9000 likes per month, price for like 0.033 rubles; 500 Daily Likes \u003d 500 rubles per month, etc.

There is also a saving of 100 saves every day for 200 rubles per month and comments - 10 pcs every day for 200 rubles per month. (Comments Man writes himself, and the service sends these messages from the face of other members of the service, who also included the "Mutual Comments" option. Therefore, comments are most involved under the post, and not a boto-prominent, such as "beautiful photo", as in others Services).

You can choose any package according to your requirements.

The essence of the service:

  • withdrawal to the tag (where your ka is seen and subscribe you),
  • conclusion to the top ribbons from your subscribers - the first to appear in the tape,
  • trust and loyalty of subscribers to the page that are lady, comment on real people.

Cost: from $ 20

Trial: 5 days


  • Mass subscription (on locations, geography, accounts and handhelds).
  • Mass lyking subscribers.
  • Welcome mailing in Direct.
  • Last Visitors Stories Task Force.
  • Lock subscribers that do not interact with the account.

Hello, dear readers of my blog about SEO promotion of the site. During this time, while I lead the blog and try to optimize it, both externally and internally, I used many website promotion programsToday I will share another part of them. In the future, they will use you for both external and internal blog optimization.

Let's start a review from the Advego Plagiatus program, you can download from the site of developers.

Advego Plagiatus is a free program for analyzing the site pages on the unique content of the content. Checking the text it shows the percentage of uniqueness, and also highlights not unique fragments of the text, which it is desirable to change. Also displayed a list of sites, on which the text similarity was detected:

Cyberboard - With this program you can send ads for all ads on the basis of the program, receiving visitors to the site.

Finally, there will be a SMILE SEO Tools program. This program is to optimize the site, the main task of which is fast registration in the catalogs. The program is paid, but possesses trial period within 14 days. True, there is almost no sense from the catalogs, but it is free for free why not use.

That was the second overview free software To promote the site. I hope these programs will help promote your site.