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Understand what Notepad and the command line are. Convenience for working with the command line

Hello, today we will talk about one of the most popular text editors, the famous one.

This seemingly simple and straightforward editor has many very useful things in its functionality, highlighting tags, searching and replacing by words, and much more.

Having started to figure out what this editor can do, I made up a small instruction for myself, which I want to share with you.

And so let's start in order.

menu File

New - Serves to create a new file. You can also use the corresponding button on the panel or enter the combination "Ctrl + N". The name of the created file will be displayed at the top in the style of "new 1", "new 2", "new 3" and so on, depending on how many new files you have already created.

Open - Serves to open desired file, you can click on the corresponding icon on the panel or enter the combination "Ctrl + O". As a result, a dialog box will appear in which you can select one or more files. The contents of each file will be displayed in an individual bookmark, if the document is already open, the Notepad ++ editor will automatically activate the bookmark with its contents. Also, you can simply drag one or more files into the text editor window to open them.

Open all recent files - This menu item allows you to open all recently closed documents. In the "Options / Settings" menu, the "New document" tab, you can set the number of files, information about which will be stored in history, by default, the code editorstores information about the last 15 documents.

Clear list recent documents - This menu item File allows you to clear the history of recent documents with which you worked.

Save - Allows you to save the active document, you can click on the appropriate button or enter the combination "Ctrl + S". If the file has already been saved by the editor, then its contents will be replaced; otherwise, the "Save As" dialog box will open.

Save Everything - Allows you to save all documents at once in text editor... For documents that have not yet been saved, the Save As dialog box is displayed. You can click on the corresponding icon, or enter the combination "Ctrl + Shift + S".

Save how - Lets you save new document under the specified name, the "Save As" dialog box will be displayed. Also, you can use this menu to re-save an already saved file in a new path and with a new name. Also, you can use the "Ctrl + Alt + S" combination.

Save a copy how… - This menu item File allows you to save the selected file under a new name and a new path. The difference with the "Save As" item is that there we automatically start working with the document in a text editor, saved under a new name or location, and here, the work continues with the current document, and the copy is not affected in any way.

Reboot with disk - This item is relevant if you saved the file, and then made changes to it, and want to discard the changes made and get the original content of the file (the content that was when you saved the document). All changes will be lost.

Rename… - Allows you to rename the selected file, a similar operation you can do if you right-click on the top tab with the name of the desired file, in the drop-down menu there will be other items from context menu File.

Close - Allows you to close the active document, you can click on the corresponding icon on the panel or enter the combination "Ctrl + W". If the file has not yet been saved, or changes have been made to it, the text editor Notepad ++ will always ask whether you need to save the document being closed.

Close all - Allows you to close all documents open in the code editor. All actions are similar to the previous command, only not for one, but for all files.

Close all, except active - In this case, all files will be closed except for the active one.

Save session ... - This item allows you to save information about documents that are currently open in one file. For example, we have 5 documents open, so that we do not reopen them every time, we can save information about them in one file, opening which, we will automatically open all 5 documents.

Download session ... - Actually, here we can open the required session, or rather a file that stores information about specific documents. This is very convenient, especially if we are working on some project. So, you can create a separate session for each project in a text editor, information about which will be stored in a file. As a result, we will not need to reopen the files every time.

Delete from disk - Actually, this item allows you to delete the active document.

Edit menu

Cancellation - Allows you to cancel the changes made to the document, the combination "Ctrl + Z".

Repeat - Allows you to redo actions canceled using the Cancel item, the combination "Ctrl + Y".

Cut - Cut the selected fragment, the cut fragment will be stored in memory, the combination "Ctrl + X"

Copy - Copy the selected fragment to the clipboard, the combination "Ctrl + C".

Insert - Paste data stored in the clipboard, the combination "Ctrl + V".

Delete - Allows you to delete the selected fragment, the "DEL" key.

Highlight all - Selects all the text contained in the active document, the combination "Ctrl + A".

Copy to clipboard - Allows you to copy data about a file to the clipboard.

  • Copy Path and File Name
  • Copy File Name
  • Copy File Path

Indentation (tabulation) - Working with tabs.

  • Insert tab- The "Tab" key.
  • Remove tab stop- Just moves the cursor to the left by the number of characters equal to tabulation, the combination "Shift + Tab".

Convert case - Allows you to change the case of the selected characters.

  • Uppercase- The combination "Ctrl + Shift + U".
  • Lowercase- The combination "Ctrl + U".

String operations - This item of the code editorand its sub-items allow you to perform various manipulations with lines of text.

  • Duplicate current line- Inserts with new line the content of the current line (the line where the cursor is located), the combination "Ctrl + D".
  • Split lines- The combination "Ctrl + I".
  • Concatenate strings- Allows you to combine the selected lines into one line, the combination "Ctrl + J".
  • Move line up- The combination "Shift + Ctrl + Up".
  • Move line down- The combination "Shift + Ctrl + Down".
  • Remove blank lines- Removes all blank lines in the code editor, however, if the line contains a tab or space, then it will not be considered empty.
  • Remove Blank Lines (Containing Space Characters)- In this case, all lines will be deleted, even those containing spaces and tabs.

Comments (1) - This item contains several sub-items that allow you to manage comments in the program code.

  • On off. Line comment- The combination "Ctrl + Q"
  • Comment out the line- The combination "Ctrl + K"
  • Uncomment the line- The combination "Ctrl + Shift + K"
  • Comment out selection- The combination "Ctrl + Shift + Q"

Auto-completion - This menu item contains several sub-items that reduce the time when entering text:

  • Completion of functions- Allows you to enable the display of the drop-down list, which will be displayed possible options for an input function, or any other programmatic construct, the combination "Ctrl + SpaceBar"
  • Word completion- A list of possible words that you want to enter is also displayed here, the list is formed from words that are already contained in the document, the combination "Ctrl + Enter"
  • Feature hint- The combination "Ctrl + Shift + SpaceBar"

End of line format - The menu allows you to set the code-symbol, which will end the string.

  • Convert to Win format- CRLF symbol
  • Convert to UNIX format- LF symbol
  • Convert to MAC format- CR symbol

Operations with spaces - Ability to remove spaces in the right places.

  • Remove trailing spaces- Spaces at the end of the line.
  • Remove leading spaces- Spaces that are at the beginning of the line
  • Remove trailing spaces- Spaces that are at the beginning and end of the line.
  • Character End of line in Space- In fact, it places all lines in one, since instead of a newline character, we get a space.
  • Remove extra spaces and line ends- Here, in fact, the two previous points are combined.
  • Tab to space- Tab character is converted to space
  • Space to Tab (All)- Converts all spaces to a tab character.
  • Space to Tab (All Caps)- Converts only spaces at the beginning of lines to a tab character.

Column editor…. - This menu item opens the Column Editor dialog box, in which you can specify the text or numbering that will be inserted into the document as a column. The insertion will occur from the position where the cursor is to the end of the last line of text.

Symbols panel - A very useful item, as it displays a panel that contains characters and their ASCII codes.

Only reading - Enables or disables the mode in which you can only view the selected document.

Search menu

Subparagraph "Find".

When you click on the "Find" item or the key combination "Ctrl + F", the following additional window will open

  1. "Find" - a field for entering a word or expression to be found in the code.
  2. "Search next" - when you click on this button, the utility will find the desired word or expression in current file starting from the top. If you select the "Up" direction in the checkbox, the search will start from the end of the code up.
  3. "Calculate" - when you press this button, the number of found words or expressions will be counted.
  4. “Find everything in all Open Documents» - when you click on this button, the search will be carried out in all files currently open in the program. In an additional window, all found words or expressions will be indicated, indicating the location of the files and line numbers in the codes.
  5. Find All In Current Document - when you click on this button, the search will be performed in the current document. In an additional window, all found words or expressions will be indicated, indicating the folder where the file is located and line numbers.
  6. "Whole Words Only" - when you press this button, only whole words will be searched, not a sequence of letters.
  7. Case sensitive - when you click on this button, a case-sensitive search will be performed (uppercase or lowercase letters).
  8. "Loop Search" - when you press this button, a search will be performed in a circle, i.e. after reaching the bottom of the code, the utility will start searching from the beginning.

Subparagraph Find in Files.

When you click on the "Find in files" item, the following window will open:

Find All - pressing this button allows you to search for a word or expression in a given folder, i.e. in a number of files located in the folder. To do this, you need to specify the directory to the folder in which the program will search.

"Replaced by" : - in this field we enter the corrected word that will appear in the code instead of the word specified in the "Find" field. Press the button “Replace in files” and the editor will find the word with an error in all files of the specified folder and replace it with the corrected one.

"Filters" - a specific filter is specified here, for example, an extension like * .html *; * .php *; * .css *. By default, the utility contains a *. * Filter that records all types of files.

When you activate this item or when you press F3, the editor will find the word or expression specified in the search next down in the current document.

Subparagraph Search earlier.

When you activate this item or press the key combination Shift + F3, the editor will find the word or expression specified in the search next up in the current document.

When you activate this item or press the key combination Ctrl + F3, the editor searches the selected word or expression in the current document downward.

Highlight and Search Earlier.

When activating this item or pressing the key combination Ctrl + Shift + F3, the editor searches for the selected word or expression in the current document upward.

When activating this item or pressing the key combination Ctrl + Alt + F3, the editor searches for the selected word or expression in the current document downward, case sensitive.

"Highlight and search earlier with the Register".

When activating this item or pressing the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F3, the editor searches for the selected word or expression in the current document in an upward direction, case sensitive.


When you activate this item or press the combination Ctrl + H, a new window will open:

"Replace" - the editor replaces the found word or expression with the given one.

"Replace All" - the editor replaces all found words in the current document with those specified in the "Replace with:" field.

"Replace everything in all Open Documents" - the editor replaces all found words in all documents open in the program at the current time.

Subparagraph Search as you type .

When you activate this item or press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + I, an additional window will open along its entire length at the bottom of the program.

  1. As you type the code, the program searches the current document.
  2. Arrows "Forward" and "Back".
  3. Highlight all - highlight everything. If you put a tick in this checkbox, the editor will select all similar sequences of letters in the current document.
  4. "Match case" - case sensitive. If you put a tick in this checkbox, the editor will search for a sequence of characters in the current document, taking into account the selected case.

Subparagraph "Search result window" .

When you activate this item or press the F7 key, a window with the results of the last search since the start of the editor will open at the bottom.

Subparagraph "Next Search Result".

When you activate this item or press the F4 key, the editor will go to the next line down as a result of the search.

Subparagraph "Previous search result".

When you activate this item or press the key combination Shift + F4, the editor will go to the next line up as a result of the search.

Sub-item "Go to ...". When activating this item or pressing the key combination Ctrl + G, an additional window will open:

  1. "Line" - if you activate this item, then the calculation will be carried out in lines.
  2. "You are here now:" - shows the line number on which in this moment the cursor is located.
  3. "Want to go to:" - in this field you need to specify the line to which you want to go.
  4. "Maximum value:" - shows the total number of lines in the file.
  5. "Column" - if you activate this item, then the calculation will be carried out in symbols.
  6. "You are here now" - the ordinal number of the character in front of which the cursor is currently located.
  7. "Want to go to:" - in this field you enter the ordinal number of the character you want to move to.
  8. "Maximum value" - the total number of characters in the current document.

Subparagraph " Mark ...» ( Overlays).

When this item is activated, an additional window opens.

The word entered in the "Find:" field will be highlighted with a special background, if you put a tick in the "Mark with Bookmark" checkbox, then a mark (2) will appear opposite the line. All other buttons of this window function similarly to those discussed above.

"Bookmark" (bookmark management).

Here you can set or remove a bookmark, move up or down the bookmarks, cut, insert lines with bookmarks.

Invert bookmarked lines - when this item is selected, the line with the bookmark will remain unlabeled, and all the others will be labeled:

Subparagraph Find characters in a range.

When this item is activated, a separate window will open:

  1. Find non-ASCII characters.
  2. Find characters related to ASCII encoding.
  3. Set your search range.
  4. If you check the box, then the search will be looped in a circle.

View menu

On top of all windows - Enables or disables the mode in which the Notepad ++ editor window will always be displayed on top of other windows.

Full screen text - Full screen displays document content and tabs. The F11 key.

Text only (full window) - Full screen displays only the content of the document, no tabs. The F12 key.

Displaying symbols - This item allows you to enable or disable the display special characters or markup in the Notepad ++ code editor.

  • Display spaces and tabs- Whether or not the markup for spaces (period) or tabs (arrow) will be displayed.
  • Show character End of line- Enable or disable the display of the end-of-line character, for example, CRLF, CR, LF, depending on the choice specified in the "Edit / Format" menu for the end of the line.
  • Show all symbols
  • Show indents- Enable or disable markup that shows indentation.
  • Show character Line break

Scale - Allows you to zoom in or out of the window in the editor.

  • Larger- The combinations "Ctrl + Mouse wheel up" or "Ctrl + Num +"
  • Smaller- The combinations "Ctrl + Mouse wheel down" or "Ctrl + Num -"
  • Restore scale ...- The combination "Ctrl + Num /"

Operations with documents - The item allows you to set the mode of simultaneous viewing of documents in two windows.

  • Move to another window- Creates another window in which the active document will be displayed.
  • Duplicate to another window- Creates another window in the text editor, which will display a copy of the active document. In fact, the same document will be displayed in two windows at the same time.
  • Switch to another window- Allows to switch focus between windows, key "F8"

Hide Selected Rows - Allows you to hide the selected lines of code in the end, two triangles will appear on the left, clicking on which, you can show the hidden lines again. The combination "Alt + H".

Collapse all blocks - Collapses all block code constructs (for example, Sub ... End Sub). As a result, a plus sign will appear on the left, clicking on which you can expand the block again. The combination "Alt + 0".

  • Expand all blocks- Shows collapsed block constructions, the combination "Alt + Shift + 0".

Collapse the current block - Collapses the block of code in which the cursor is located, the combination "Ctrl + Alt + F".

Expand current block - Shows a collapsed block, the block near which the cursor is located, the combination "Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F".

Collapse level - This item allows you to collapse the specified level of the code block. This is relevant if we have several nested constructs (for example, nested loops, nested procedures, and so on). Sub-items determine the nesting level, there are 8 of them in total. Key combinations "Alt + 1", "Alt + 2",…., And so on up to level 8.

Expand level - This item allows you to show the specified level of the code block, if it has been collapsed. Key combinations "Alt + Shift + 1", "Alt + Shift + 2",…., And so on up to level 8.

File information ... - Allows you to view data about the current document: the number of words and lines, the path to the file, and so on.

  • Right to left text- Sets the direction of the text from right to left, the combination "Ctrl + Alt + R"
  • Left to right text- Sets the direction of the text from left to right, the combination "Ctrl + Alt + R"

Encoding Menu - Notepad ++ Text Editor

At this point, we can assign and change the encoding of the document. I can't say which encoding is best to choose, but you can almost always use the UTF-8 encoding without Bom, since in its usual form this encoding for some reason is not always perceived correctly and incomprehensible rubbish consisting of hieroglyphs can be displayed in the browser.

The first (upper) half of the drop-down menu is intended for setting the encoding of the new document.

The second (lower) half is used to convert the encoding of a document that already contains some information. Don't confuse "encode" and "transform".

Syntax menu

This Notepad ++ editor menu allows you to select or create your own code syntax. In the menu itself there are already several items that allow you to select the desired syntax (for example, indicate that we are programming in php or perl). Although, in most cases, when saving a document under the desired extension, the notepad ++ text editor automatically selects the desired syntax, taking into account the file extension.

Set your language ... - This menu item shows a dialog box with many tabs. In fact, you can define your own programming language and syntax here. However, like me, this is redundant work since most languages ​​contain similar syntax.

Thus, you can add your own file extension to the desired style in the Options / Define Styles menu.

Options menu

Settings… - This item contains almost all the settings for the Notepad ++ code editor. Immediately after selecting this item, a dialog box with several tabs will appear.

General - It contains the following settings:

  • Interface language- Contains a drop-down list with languages.
  • Toolbar- Here you can hide or show the toolbar, and select the size of the icons.
  • Menu bar- Allows you to show or hide the panel with the menu ("Alt" or "F10" for selection).
  • List of documents- Enable or disable the side menu, which will display a list of open documents.
  • Tab bar- Here you can select various options for displaying the tab bar.


This tab does not represent particularly important functions. Here you can set the decoration of the block boundaries (a block is considered to be a program construct such as a procedure, a loop, and so on), enable or disable line numbering, set border parameters, and so on.

new document

Here you can set basic parameters for a new document, for example, encoding. You can set the number of documents, information about which will be stored in history, as well as the display format (only name or path and file name).

File Association

Actually, it allows you to associate an application with specified file types.

Syntax / Tab

Two blocks are displayed here, the first block allows you to create a list with disabled programming languages. The second block allows you to set the tab size for a given programming language.

Reserve / Autocomplete

Here you can set parameters Reserve copy(type, directory for saving) and options for auto-completion of input data (you can enable or disable for each input, enable or disable the display of prompts when entering program structures).

Defining Styles ... - This menu item allows you to customize the styles for the selected language syntax, for example, text color, size, and so on. You can also add an extension to the selected one here.

syntax. You can also choose a design style from the drop-down list at the top.

Macros menu

Start recording - Allows you to start recording a macro

Stop recording - Allows you to stop recording a macro. The entire recording will be stored in a temporary buffer, the contents of which will be automatically overwritten when a new macro is recorded.

Scroll the entry - Allows you to run the recorded macro, the macro that was recorded last. The combination "Ctrl + Shift + P".

Save macro recording ... - This item launches the editor dialog, in which you need to specify the name of the macro and assign it a key combination by which it will run.

Run multiple times ... - This item launches a dialog box in which you can select the required macro (from the clipboard or a saved macro). Also, here you can specify the number of starts or choose that the macro would be played to the end of the file.

Change hotkeys / Delete macro - Actually, this point speaks for itself. Here you can set or change key combinations for basic commands editor and macros, and delete the saved macro

Start Menu

Launching ... - The "F5" key. This item launches the code editor dialog box, in which you need to enter the path to the program and possible parameters to be passed. You can use the Browse button (It's next to the input line) to find the desired program... The parameters passed (if needed) are enclosed in $ (...), where ... can be:

  • FULL_CURRENT_PATH- Path to the current directory
  • CURRENT_DIRECTORY- The name of the current directory
  • FILE_NAME- File name
  • NAME_PART- File name without extension
  • EXT_PART- File extension
  • NPP_DIRECTORY- The name of the directory where the application is located.
  • CURRENT_WORD- The current selection of text in the document.
  • CURRENT_LINE- The current line number that is selected in the document (numbering starts from 0).
  • CURRENT_COLUMN- The current column in which the cursor is located (numbering starts from 0).

For example:

"$ (NPP_DIRECTORY) \ notepad ++. Exe" -multiInst "$ (FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"

In this case, the active document will be opened in a new instance.

The Run menu also displays saved commands, and the last option lets you delete saved commands or change keyboard shortcuts.

Window menu

This menu contains all open files in a text editor. The last item "Windows ..." shows a dialog box that contains a list of all open files, the path where they were saved (if the file was saved), as well as the type (it all depends on the extension of the saved file). You can immediately switch from one file to another, Close or save an open file.

Plugin overview

  • Auto save

  • The plugin allows you to automatically save the document. There are settings - for example, save when focus is lost.
  • Compare

  • Analogue of winmerge. Allows you to compare files. Differences are highlighted.
  • CCommpletion

  • Autocomplete plugin (autodisc). Can search for variables.
  • Document Monitor

  • Checks the document to see if it has been modified by another application. A useful plugin.
  • Explorer

  • Adds a file browser to notepad.
  • External lexer KVS

  • Adds KVS syntax highlighting.
  • Falling bricks

  • Adds a tetris game.
  • File switcher

  • Allows you to switch between files. Useful when more than 30 files are open.
  • Gmod LUA lexer

  • LUA syntax highlighting.
  • Gtag seach

  • Search by tags.
  • GuidGuard

  • Plugin for C. Inserts the following into the file (different header):
  • HEX-editor

  • HEX editor right in notepad. Adds an icon quick call... Very comfortably.
  • HTML tag

  • A very useful plugin. Adds a number of hotkeys, you can quickly copy content between tags. See screenshot.
  • JSMin

  • Plugin for javascript. Removes all hyphenation and padding to reduce weight.
  • Language help

  • Allows you to run special help files (CHM, HLP, PDF), search for words in them.
  • Light explorer

  • Lite version of the Explorer plugin.
  • MathPad

  • Allows you to carry out various mathematical calculations.
  • MIME Tools

  • Small useful plugin, adds base64 code / decode. Printed quotable ...
  • MultiClipboard

  • The plugin maintains clipboard history. Conveniently, we copy and paste a lot of the same code.
  • NativeLang

  • Allows you to translate a plugin or menu into your language.
  • NppAutoIndent

  • Smart auto-indentation for C / C ++, PHP, Java and more. A very useful thing.
  • Nppcrypt

  • Adds the ability to encrypt a file. But why?
  • NppExec

  • Adds the ability to run the command line with a parameter. For example, you can immediately run and compile asm.
  • NppExport

  • Allows you to export the file to rtf, html ..
  • NppExternalLexers

  • Adds several syntaxes.
  • NppFTP

  • FTP in your notebook.
  • NppNetNote

  • The plugin is very cool. Allows multiple people to edit a file at the same time!
  • Oberon-2 Lexer

  • Adds oberon-2 syntax highlighting.
  • Obide

  • Autocomplete for oberon-2.
  • Perforce actions

  • The plugin refused to work.
  • Plagin Marker Margin

  • Small fix. Adds padding.
  • Plugin Manager

  • Plugin manager. Allows you to download / uninstall plugins. Comfortable.
  • Plugin Update

  • Plugin updates plugins. Automatically checks latest version... A useful thing.
  • Pork to sausage

  • Plugin for some changes in the text. I did not understand.
  • Python Script

  • Python plugin. Adds a console.
  • Regex Helper "

  • One of the most useful plugins. Allows you to test the regular expression. Highlights matches. The plugin is equivalent to the preg_match_all function in php. Includes all groups. Use it to learn regular expressions you can literally in a day.
  • RegRexPlace

  • Replacement on a regular basis. Not very comfortable. It is necessary to muddy the ini file.
  • Run me

  • Also something like NppExec... There are settings.
  • SciMarkerSymbol

  • A plugin is needed for some plugins to work.
  • Snippets

  • Adds snippets.
  • Subversion

  • Calls TortoiseSVN's from the command line.
  • ScrollPastEOF

  • A useful fix plugin. Allows you to scroll the file ad infinitum.
  • Select n launch

  • Allows you to save the selected piece of the file to a new one with the desired extension. Comfortable.
  • Snippetplus

  • Same as Snippet only a more advanced version.
  • SourceCookifier

  • Create some kind of preview, such as a tree. See screenshot.
  • SourceSwitch

  • Switch between files. C< ->.h
  • Speech

  • The plugin speaks the selected text. I have a Microsoft Sam voice.
  • Spell-Checker

  • Checking words, such as Word. You need to install Aspell first.
  • Switcher

  • Switch between cpp files<>h, cc<>h and c<>h
  • TagsView

  • The plugin shows the results of parsing the site tags (CTag).
  • WebEdit

  • Quick tag insertion. Adds buttons tags.
  • XBrackets Lite

  • Auto-search for parentheses. Convenient for programming.
  • XML Tools

  • Adds some tools for working with XML.

In this article, I decided to take a look at several menus in the Notepad ++ code editor, namely the Syntax, Options, Macros, Launch and Windows menus. In fact, there is nothing difficult here, and of greater interest is the Macros menu, which allows you to create or save macros (actions made in the code editor) and the Options menu, since almost all editor settings are stored here.

Syntax menu

This Notepad ++ editor menu allows you to select or create your own code syntax. In the menu itself there are already several items that allow you to select the desired syntax (for example, indicate that we are programming in php or perl). Although, in most cases, when saving a document under the desired extension, the notepad ++ text editor automatically selects the desired syntax, taking into account the file extension.

Set your language ... - This menu item shows a dialog box with many tabs. In fact, you can define your own programming language and syntax here. However, like me, this is redundant work since most languages ​​contain similar syntax.

Thus, you can add your own file extension to the desired style in the Options / Define Styles menu.

Options menu

Settings…- This item contains almost all the settings for the Notepad ++ code editor. Immediately after selecting this item, a dialog box with several tabs will appear.

General- It contains the following settings:

  • Interface language- Contains a drop-down list with languages.
  • Toolbar- Here you can hide or show the toolbar, and select the size of the icons.
  • Menu bar- Allows you to show or hide the panel with the menu ("Alt" or "F10" for selection).
  • List of documents- Enable or disable the side menu, which will display a list of open documents.
  • Tab bar- Here you can select various options for displaying the tab bar.

Edit- This tab does not represent particularly important functions. Here you can set the decoration of the block boundaries (a block is considered to be a program construct such as a procedure, a loop, and so on), enable or disable line numbering, set border parameters, and so on.

new document- Here you can set basic parameters for a new document, for example, encoding. You can set the number of documents, information about which will be stored in history, as well as the display format (only name or path and file name).

File Association- Actually, it allows you to associate the application with the specified file types.

Syntax / Tab- Two blocks are displayed here, the first block allows you to create a list with disabled programming languages. The second block allows you to set the tab size for a given programming language.

Reserve / Autocomplete- Here you can set backup options (type, directory for saving) and auto-completion options for input data (you can enable or disable for each input, enable or disable the display of prompts when entering program structures).

Defining Styles ... - This menu item allows you to customize the styles for the selected language syntax, for example, text color, size, and so on. You can also add an extension to the selected syntax here. You can also choose a design style from the drop-down list at the top.

Macros menu

Start recording - Allows you to start recording a macro

Stop recording- Allows you to stop recording a macro. The entire recording will be stored in a temporary buffer, the contents of which will be automatically overwritten when a new macro is recorded.

Scroll the entry - Allows you to run the recorded macro, the macro that was recorded last. The combination "Ctrl + Shift + P".

Run multiple times ... - This item launches a dialog box in which you can select the required macro (from the clipboard or a saved macro). Also, here you can specify the number of starts or choose that the macro would be played to the end of the file.

Change hotkeys / Delete macro - Actually, this point speaks for itself. Here you can set or change key combinations for basic editor commands and macros, as well as delete a saved macro.

Start Menu

Launching ...- The "F5" key. This item launches the dialog box of the Notepad ++ code editor, in which you must enter the path to the program and possible transferred parameters. You can use the Browse button (It is next to the input line) to find the required program. The transferred parameters (if they are needed) are enclosed in $ (...), where ... could be:

  • FULL_CURRENT_PATH- Path to the current directory
  • CURRENT_DIRECTORY- The name of the current directory
  • FILE_NAME- File name
  • NAME_PART- File name without extension
  • EXT_PART- File extension
  • NPP_DIRECTORY- The name of the directory where the Notepad ++ application is located.
  • CURRENT_WORD- The current selection of text in the document.
  • CURRENT_LINE- The current line number that is selected in the document (numbering starts from 0).
  • CURRENT_COLUMN- The current column in which the cursor is located (numbering starts from 0).

For example:

"$ (NPP_DIRECTORY) \ notepad ++. Exe" -multiInst "$ (FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"

In this case, the active document will be opened in a new instance of Notepad ++.

The Run menu also displays saved commands, and the last option lets you delete saved commands or change keyboard shortcuts.

Window menu

This menu contains all open files in the text editor Notepad ++. The last item "Windows ..." shows a dialog box that contains a list of all open files, the path where they were saved (if the file is saved), and also the type (it all depends on the extension of the saved file). You can immediately switch from one file to another, Close or save an open file.

In Notepad, you can create text file and save it in any format. The command line is for entering commands that control various functions systems.

  • Right-click on the blue bar at the top of the Command Prompt window and select Properties from the menu. Now, in the Edit section of the General tab, check the box next to Quick Edit. Click OK. A window will open asking if you want to apply or save your changes. Check the box next to "Save settings for windows with the same name" and click OK.
  • Enter CD c: \ and press ↵ Enter... You will change from the current directory to the root directory of the C: drive. Next, we will teach you how to display all files and folders that are in this directory.
  • Enter DIR and press ↵ Enter... A list of files and folders will be displayed on the screen. In the last column, you will find the names of directories that branch off from the root directory of the C: drive (or from the directory you are currently in). If it is a folder, you will see in the column to the left of the named column on the same row. If this is a file, you will not see next to it. but you will find the file extension (* .txt, * .exe, * .docx) at the end of the file name.
  • Create a folder where you will copy all your batch files. Enter MKDIR mybatch. The folder "mybatch" will be created. To test this, enter DIR again and locate that folder in the displayed list.

    Remember how to use the "ping" command. If your computer is not connected to the Internet, skip this step. The "Ping" command sends data packets to the specified site and receives responses from the site; if so, the site is working fine.

    • For example, let's check if the site is working. Enter PING and click ↵ Enter... The screen will display something like "Reply from number of bytes = 32 time = 117ms TTL = 234". There can be about four such lines. If an error message appears on the screen, either your internet connection or website is down. It will also indicate how many packets were sent, received and lost. If 0 packets are lost, the website is 100% up.
  • Run the program from the Windows / System32 folder. For example, enter mspaint.exe to run Paint program... It is more difficult to open a program that is in a specific directory, as you already did with command line and Notepad using graphical interface user.

    • Run the program or open the file that are in the directory. Go to the running Notepad and enter Hello world! ... Then click File> Save As, type Helloworld.txt in the File Name line, and save the file to the mybatch folder on your C: drive. Go to the command line and you will find yourself in the "Documents and setting" folder. Now enter cd c: \ mybatch, click ↵ Enter and then enter helloworld.txt. Usually, you don't need to open the command line again, but this is a little more complicated because you don't go directly to the "C:" directory.
  • Create a folder "deleteme" in the directory "C:". To delete a folder, use the RMDIR command. For example, enter RMDIR deleteme to delete the "deleteme" folder. This command removes files, folders and subfolders.

    • Tip: When using the RMDIR command, navigate to the folder with the file or subfolder you want to delete, and then enter RMDIR *, where instead of "*" enter the name of the file or folder to be deleted. Go to your C: drive and type RMDIR deleteme. The system will ask if you want to delete the folder. Press Y> ↵ Enter... This will delete the "deleteme" folder.
  • Rename the file or folder. To do this, use either of the two commands: REN and RENAME. Create the "idon'tlikemyname" folder and then enter REN idon'tlikemyname mynameisgood. The folder will be renamed. Now you can delete it.

    Understand batch programming and write the program in Notepad. You don't need to buy an expensive program for this - everything can be done for free. In notepad enter: