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Gadgets for Mac OS X. How to add Dashboard widgets to work desk in Mac OS X

A selection of festive wallpapers is published today is no coincidence. First, today the eve of Catholic Christmas: Russian-speaking Catholics (or those who at least understand in Russian) for sure a lot. And secondly, next Friday, almost everything will be not all before the wallpaper. Well, and thirdly, you need to tune in to the New Year's mood in advance so that with the first ringing of glasses with champagne in the head there were only joyful thoughts and hopes for the best.

Free Dashboard widget, allowing you to create a variety of lists of affairs. Thanks to integration with ICAL and Apple Mail collects all the necessary information for the user in one place. Dobedo has a pleasant simple design and can change the topic of design.

Not quite widget, but this program is closely related to the Dashboard. The thing is that dasher is intended for one simple function, namely, automatically show the Dashboard after a certain period of time. It is very convenient, because information from the widgets is useful, and sometimes you just forget to open Dashboard.

Many utilities that track the overall state of the system are written, ranging from the processor load and ending with the temperature inside the case. But most of these tools are paid, and this widget is quite functional with its zero price.

After installing the widget in the Dashboard, you will see a long panel divided into several sections. Total nine them:

  • Filling in embedded and connected drives
  • Battery level
  • Network monitor
  • Load data on the system and time
  • The most resource-intensive processes
  • Indications of temperature sensors
  • The speed of rotation of the fans
  • The order of all modules can be changed at its discretion: To do this, it is enough to pull a specific module for its right upper angle (marked with five short stripes when you hover the mouse cursor) in the desired side. Configure data display detail back side ISTAT Pro (standard click on the button i.) in tabs Sections and Display.. On the first of these, it is predominantly the appearance of each module, on the second one you can mark which items you need to show, and what to hide.

    Setting iStat Pro:

    On the first tab, GENERAL., are the parameters responsible for appearance ISTAT Pro. Here you can specify, in what degrees to display the temperature values \u200b\u200brelative to which parameter to sort the processes in the corresponding module, in which orientation and color to show the widget itself and with which interval update S.M.A.R.T-data about the built-in drive.

    Through the "cap" widget (in horizontal orientation It is from the left edge) you can also start the system monitoring utility (Activity Monitor) - through the button with the "Encephalogram" icon.

    For OS X.
    Is free

    Correction of possible problems in the work of the widget

    Although ISTAT Pro has not been updated for a long time, he still copes with his task, without distracting you when it is not necessary. However, after entering the OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, small failures may be observed in the work of the widget. They concern these data visualization: the list of five most resource-intensive processes and the pop-in and connected storage histograms are displayed as double strips. It is easy to fix it manually.

    1. Open in the Finder window folder ~ / Library / Widgetsin which Istat Pro is stored. Right-click on the widget icon and select context menu Team Show Package Contents Show Package.
    2. Once inside the widget, find the file Core.css. and open it in any text editor. In the seventh line on top of the instruction unit. LectorBarbg. Before the closing curly brace you need to add a background-position: -4px 0 line; .
    3. Under the edited block.VerticalBarbg insert the line.VerticalBar (Background-Position: -4px 0;). Save the file and close it.
    4. Now in the same text editor, open two files: Tall.js. and Wide.js.which are located there, inside the widget. In both files, replace two entry rows PIDs | $ 1 on PID | $ 1 - After the vertical feature you need to insert a space. By replacing, save both files and close them.

    The overwhelming majority mac owners In the center of notifications, the clouds of unnecessary notifications different programs. And the function is at the very useful, allows you to perform small actions, not launching additional programs for this, but simply by making swipe left. The following 10 widgets are designed to make a notification center in OS X Yosemite more convenient.

    Just Calendar

    By default, Apple does not offer you a full-fledged calendar, limited to the standard display of the current date and day of the week. Just Calendar fits perfectly into the concept of minimalism by offering a convenient calendar functionality.


    Deadlinea, friend's birthday, another holiday or even the anniversary of your relationship - about this is quite easy can be forgotten in a daily working routine. And wait for the holidays, counting the days remaining before them, doubly more pleasant. And this is only a few reasons why it is worth downloading free Countdowns now.

    Battery Diag.

    Cream Long-playing batteries are one of the benefits of MacBook. For those who worry about their health, the number of recharging cycles, temperature, source and current capacity, Battery Diag is suitable the best way. It looks more beautiful than similar programs Or the Dashboard widgets, and the fact that it can be downloaded for free (limited time) and access information to one swipe is another argument in favor of Battery Diag.


    This widget uses another cool OS X Yosemite function - CONTINUITY mode. Earlier, calls could be made only from FaceTime, but Keypad adds this opportunity directly to the center of notifications. One field for entering the number and three buttons: Call, Redial, Open App, is a sufficient minimum for quick and convenient use of this function.


    Usually, when you listen to music with iTunes, everything that is displayed in the center of notifications is the name of the song that plays, and its performer. If this is not enough, download Lyrical. It will add not only the cover of the album played, playback management, track rating and volume, but also lyrics.


    By right, you can consider one of the best postal customers for OS X. Comfortable and beautiful, with the addition of your own widget in the second version it has become even better. The functionality is minimal, but it is more than enough to forget about the application on the state panel in most situations. Directly in the notification center is displayed and the message theme is displayed, open which you can simply press, as well as three buttons: "Reply", "Send to Archive" and "Delete". The widget is available with the application that will cost you $ 10.

    istat Mini.

    This widget collects relevant data on memory load, processor, internal storage and network status. ISTAT MINI is a minimalist Istat mini version for Dashboard. However, it does not prevent him from being useful not less than his older brother.

    SWIFT Note.

    SWIFT Note is a small notification center for the notification center. It costs symbolic $ 1 and will be convenient in cases where you need to save important, but short-term information or reminders that do not require the launch of full Calendar or Reminders. You can create an unlimited number of notes and change their colors within six standard options. A similar widget, by the way, can be installed in the Dashboard.

    For dashboard in OS X "\u003e

    An order of magnitude increase the efficiency of using your Mac for half an hour.

    Dashboard in OS X is a place where you can put widgets for instant access to various applications and sites. It starts a key combination FN. + F12.. By default, DashBoard looks like this:

    As you can see, nothing interesting. But if you spend some time, you can turn it into a convenient area to start working with Mac. Just need to add widgets.

    First, place your favorite sites on it. This is done like this:

    • 1. Open the desired site in the Safari browser;
    • 2. Choose File -> Open in dashboard;
    • 3. Select a part of the page that you want to display in the widget and click the button. Add;
    • We are convinced that a new widget appeared on Dashboard.

    In addition to sites on the Dashboard, you can add application widgets. About 12 most useful from now we will tell.

    How to install widgets from the article?

    After downloading the file by reference (with the WGHT extension), you must click on it twice and confirm the installation. After that, the new widget appears in the list of additional widgets, which are available after clicking on the plus sign in the lower left corner of the Dashboard screen.

    1. Yandex. Probs

    This widget allows a single eye to evaluate the road situation in your city. Map is somewhat small, but the main streets can be disassembled.

    2. Mac Tips and Tricks

    Ton useful Soviets using Mac. If you keep this widget in a prominent place and read the materials from it from time to time, then in half a year you can become a real Guru OS X.

    3. Calendar Countdown.

    With this widget, you can make a counter that shows how much time left before or another.

    4. Classic Notepad.

    Text editor stylized for old poppies.


    Displays a list of nearest events from your calendar.

    6. Font See

    This widget will help you learn how the text of the text typed specified.

    7. ITINY URL

    Widget to reduce long URLs.

    8. Key Shorts.

    Handbook on hot keys.

    9. Nasa Image of the Day

    Picture of the day from NASA. He decorates, inspires and expands the horizons.

    10. iTunes Music Store Charts

    11. Currency Converter.

    Very comfortable currency converter. With it, you can see the equivalents of a given amount immediately in several monetary units (their list is configured by the user).

    12. Power SWITCH

    Did you have when you waited 5-10-15 minutes of installing some kind of program and did not go to bed to turn off Mac after it is completed? C Power SWITCH would not have had to wait. This widget can schedule off / output to sleep / restart the computer through a specific time interval.

    Became an essential release in the table line operating systems Apple. The platform continues the direction that was set with the launch of last year's OS X Mavericks, offering users even more clear design and even more functions inspired iOS.

    An updated Center for OS X Yosemite Notification Center has become a worthy successor of traditions, which expanded the "View today" regime for the calendar, reminders, weather, stocks and social networks. At the same time, the functions of the side panel can easily be extended by third-party widgets that are loaded from the store. mAC applications App Store.. TO this moment Developers offered dozens of useful widgets for OS X. MacDigger offers the best solutions that use useful feature New Apple Operations.



    Using deliveries can be very convenient to track postal departures. All that is needed for this is to start the program and specify the tracking number (reference number). Now the tracking is assigned to sending almost any way to shipping. The widget is able to track the parcels of all major courier services.


    Airmail is an innovative mail clientSupporting Gmail Services, Google Apps, Icloud, Yahoo!, AOL and IMAP. The application for a long time was at the stage of beta testing and recently available to download in the Mac App Store. When creating an Airmail design, the developers were inspired by the official twitter client under Mac.


    PCalc is a powerful Calculator for Mac, which allows you to add a widget in the center of notifications. Combines the advantages of conventional (consistent calculations, the rapid performance of the functions from the keyboard) and the calculator that considers expression. The program has an original appearance, fully customizable interface and different types Registration. Available version for iOS.

    istat Mini.

    iSTAT MINI is a simple and convenient widget for the notification center. A small mini application allows you to control a real-time loading of the processor, random access memory, drive I. throughput network. All data B. convenient video Displays the OS side panel in the form of circular diagrams.


    Monity is an advanced version of ISTAT MINI. Allows you to control the loading of the processor, memory, battery, using a disk drive, the continuous operation of the computer and a number of other system parameters. The widget displays the system statistics in the sidebar, which saves the place on the desktop and looks concisely and aesthetically nice.


    Photodesk for Instagram makes it possible to view, receive news and notifications, save images and videos, celebrate and even upload photos and videos from the social network. You can upload content using normal drag and drop. You can save beautiful photographs in albums or configure automatic image synchronization to the selected folder. The widget allows you to look through the tape of photos with the number of likes and the date of publication.


    With the help of Chronicle, it is convenient to keep accounting your expenses. The program is designed to become a reliable assistant. Thanks to the reminder function and the widget for the notification center, the user will not pay to pay the bills and will always know when, how much and what he paid. There is synchronization with the application version for iPhone and iPad.