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Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (LNU): admission, faculties and reviews. Lviv National State University named after

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
(LNU named after I. Franko)

The main building of the Lviv University (the former building of the Galician Diet)
original name

Lviv National University of Imeni Ivan Franko

International name

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Former names

Jan Kazimir Lviv University


Patriae desori civibus edusandis

Year of foundation
Legal address

Ukraine Ukraine, 79000, Lviv, st. Universitetskaya 1

Coordinates: 49 ° 51'00 ″ s. NS. 24 ° 01'00 ″ in. etc. /  49.85 ° N NS. 24.016667 ° E etc. / 49.85; 24.016667 (G) (I) K: Educational institutions founded in 1661

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv(ukr. Lviv National University of Imeni Ivan Franko) is one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe and the oldest university in Ukraine. In the past, it was called the Yan Kazimir Lviv University.


The object is included in the state register of monuments of Ukraine. Monument to the history of Ukraine of national importance. Security number: 130004-N

The University was founded on January 20, 1661, when the decree of the Polish king Jan II Casimir granted the status of an academy and a "university title" to the Jesuit college founded. Formal confirmation of the rights of the academy and the university followed in -.

Main building architecture

The current building of the main building of Lviv University at 1 Universitetskaya Street was built in -1881 (architect Y. Hohberger). Initially, it housed the Regional Seimas of Galicia and Lodomeria. The facade is decorated with a majestic portico with columns and a loggia, sculptural allegorical groups "Work" and "Education" at the entrance, "Galicia, Vistula and Dniester" - on the attic (sculptor T. Rieger). In 1920, the building was transferred to the Lviv University of Jan Kazimir.


In the 1997/1998 academic year, 11,649 students studied full-time, including 2,980 on the terms of full compensation for training costs, 3,680 students study part-time, of which 2,543 are payer students. The full course of study lasted 5 years. The University has 112 departments, four of which were opened in 2001. The main form of training scientific personnel is postgraduate studies, for the 1997/1998 academic year it trained specialists in 89 specialties of the humanities and natural sciences, 505 persons studied in postgraduate studies on a full-time basis, 206 persons studied by correspondence.


  • Biological
  • Geographical
  • Geological
  • Economic
  • Electronics
  • Pre-university preparation
  • Journalism
  • Foreign languages
  • Historical
  • Culture and arts
  • International relations
  • Mechanics and Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Physical
  • Philological
  • Philosophical
  • Chemical
  • Legal

University rating

Famous teachers

see also

  • Astronomical Observatory of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

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Notes (edit)


  • (Ukrainian) (English)

An excerpt characterizing the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

- And what about, - Plato answered quickly, - a horse festival. And you need to feel sorry for the cattle, - said Karataev. - You see, rogue, curled up. Got sick, daughter of a bitch, ”he said, feeling the dog at his feet, and, turning again, immediately fell asleep.
Outside could be heard crying and screaming somewhere in the distance, and fire could be seen through the cracks of the booth; but the booth was quiet and dark. Pierre did not sleep for a long time and with open eyes lay in the darkness in his place, listening to the measured snoring of Plato, who was lying beside him, and felt that the previously destroyed world was now with a new beauty, on some new and unshakable foundations, erected in his soul.

In the booth, into which Pierre entered and in which he spent four weeks, there were twenty-three prisoners of war, three officers and two officials.
All of them then seemed to be in a fog to Pierre, but Platon Karataev remained forever in Pierre's soul the most powerful and dear memory and the personification of everything Russian, kind and round. When the next day, at dawn, Pierre saw his neighbor, the first impression of something round was fully confirmed: the whole figure of Plato in his French overcoat belted with a rope, in a cap and bast shoes, was round, his head was completely round, his back, chest, shoulders, even the arms that he wore, as if always about to hug something, were round; a pleasant smile and large brown tender eyes were round.
Platon Karataev should have been over fifty years old, judging by his stories about campaigns in which he participated as a longtime soldier. He himself did not know and could not in any way determine how old he was; but his teeth, bright white and strong, which all rolled out in their two semicircles when he laughed (which he often did), were all good and whole; not a single gray hair was in his beard and hair, and his whole body had the appearance of suppleness, and especially firmness and endurance.
His face, in spite of the fine, round wrinkles, had an expression of innocence and youth; his voice was pleasant and melodious. But main feature his speech was spontaneous and controversial. He apparently never thought about what he said and what he would say; and from this there was a special irresistible persuasiveness in the speed and fidelity of his intonations.
His physical strength and agility were such at the beginning of his captivity that he did not seem to understand what fatigue and illness were. Every day in the morning and in the evening he, lying down, said: "Lay down, Lord, with a stone, lift it up with a ball"; in the morning, getting up, always shrugging his shoulders in the same way, said: "I lay down - curled up, got up - shook myself." And indeed, as soon as he lay down to immediately fall asleep with a stone, and it was worth shaking himself so that immediately, without a second of delay, to take up some business, as children, getting up, take up toys. He knew how to do everything, not very well, but not bad either. He baked, steamed, sewed, planed, made boots. He was always busy and only at night allowed himself to talk, which he loved, and songs. He sang songs, not like songwriters who know that they are being listened to, but he sang like birds sing, evidently because he needed to make these sounds just as it is necessary to stretch or disperse; and these sounds were always subtle, gentle, almost feminine, mournful, and his face was very serious at the same time.
Having been captured and overgrown with a beard, he apparently threw away from himself everything that was put on him, alien, soldier's and involuntarily returned to the old, peasant, folk way.
- A soldier on vacation - a shirt made of trousers, - he used to say. He was reluctant to talk about his time as a soldier, although he did not complain, and often repeated that he had never been beaten throughout his service. When he spoke, he mainly recounted from his old and, apparently, dear memories of the "Christian", as he pronounced, peasant life. The sayings that filled his speech were not those mostly indecent and glib sayings that the soldiers say, but they were those folk sayings that seem so insignificant, taken separately, and which suddenly acquire the meaning of deep wisdom when they are spoken by the way.
Often he said the exact opposite of what he had said before, but both were true. He loved to speak and spoke well, adorning his speech with affectionate and proverbs, which, it seemed to Pierre, he himself invented; but the main charm of his stories was that in his speech the events were the simplest, sometimes the very ones that Pierre saw without noticing them, acquired the character of solemn goodness. He loved to listen to fairy tales that one soldier told in the evenings (all the same), but most of all he loved to hear stories about real life. He smiled happily, listening to such stories, inserting words and asking questions that tended to grasp the goodness of what he was told. Affection, friendship, love, as Pierre understood them, Karataev did not have any; but he loved and lived lovingly with everything with which life brought him, and especially with a person - not with some famous person, but with those people who were before his eyes. He loved his mongrel, loved his comrades, the French, loved Pierre, who was his neighbor; but Pierre felt that Karataev, in spite of all his affectionate tenderness towards him (with which he involuntarily paid tribute to Pierre's spiritual life), would not for a moment be upset at being separated from him. And Pierre began to feel the same feeling for Karataev.
Platon Karataev was an ordinary soldier for all the other prisoners; his name was Sokolik or Platosha, they good-naturedly mocked him, sent him for parcels. But for Pierre, as he presented himself on the first night, an incomprehensible, round and eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth, so he remained forever.
Platon Karataev knew nothing by heart, except for his prayer. When he spoke his speeches, he, starting them, did not seem to know how he would end them.
When Pierre, sometimes struck by the meaning of his speech, asked to repeat what he had said, Plato could not remember what he had said a minute ago, just as he could not in any way tell Pierre his favorite song in words. There was: "darling, birch and nauseous to me", but the words did not come out any meaning. He did not understand and could not understand the meaning of words taken separately from speech. His every word and every action was a manifestation of an activity unknown to him, which was his life. But his life, as he himself saw it, had no meaning as a separate life. It made sense only as a part of the whole, which he constantly felt. His words and actions poured out of him as evenly, necessary and immediately, as the smell is separated from the flower. He could not understand either the price or the meaning of a single action or word.

    - (LNU named after I. Franko) ... Wikipedia

    Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (LNU named after I. Franko) The main building of Lviv University (former building of the Galician Diet) Original name Lviv National University of Ivan Franko ... Wikipedia

    Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (LNU named after I. Franko) The main building of Lviv University (former building of the Galician Diet) Original name Lviv National University of Ivan Franko ... Wikipedia

    Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (LNU named after I. Franko) The main building of Lviv University (former building of the Galician Diet) Original name Lviv National University of Ivan Franko ... Wikipedia

    Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (LNU named after I. Franko) The main building of Lviv University (former building of the Galician Diet) Original name Lviv National University of Ivan Franko ... Wikipedia

    Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (LNU named after I. Franko) The main building of Lviv University (former building of the Galician Diet) Original name Lviv National University of Ivan Franko ... Wikipedia

    Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (LNU named after I. Franko) The main building of Lviv University (former building of the Galician Diet) Original name Lviv National University of Ivan Franko ... Wikipedia

    Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (LNU named after I. Franko) The main building of Lviv University (former building of the Galician Diet) Original name Lviv National University of Ivan Franko ... Wikipedia

    The original name is Astronomical Observatory є a scientific precursor of the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franka Astronomical observatory type Code 067 ... Wikipedia

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Lviv National University named after I. Franko (LNU) trains bachelors in the following areas:

  • Humanitarian sciences;
  • Natural Sciences;
  • Journalism and Information;
  • Informatics and Computer Engineering;
  • Art;
  • Culture;
  • International relationships;
  • Management and Administration;
  • Right;
  • Systems Sciences and Cybernetics;
  • Socio-political sciences;
  • Service sector;
  • Physics and Mathematics;
  • Economics and Entrepreneurship;
  • Electronics.


  • History
  • Philology
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Foreign language or Russian (by profile). 3. History of Ukraine *;
  • Philosophy


  • Biology
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Biology. 3. Physics or Chemistry *;
  • Geography
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Geography. 3. History of Ukraine or mathematician *;
  • Geology
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Geography or physics *;
  • Chemistry
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Chemistry. 3. Physics or Mathematics *;
  • Ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Chemistry or Geography *.


  • Journalism
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Foreign language or Russian. 3. Creative competition *.


  • Computer science


  • Musical art
  • Theatrical art
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Creative competition *;
  • Choreography
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Creative competition *.


  • Book Science, Library Science and Bibliography
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Foreign language or geography *;
  • Culturology
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Foreign language or geography *.


  • International information
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Foreign language. 3. The World History or mathematics *;
  • International law
  • International relationships
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Foreign language. 3. World history or geography *;
  • International economic relations
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Foreign language. 3. Mathematics or Geography *;
  • international Business
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Foreign language. 3. Mathematics or world history *;
  • Country geography
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Geography. 3. World history or foreign language *.


  • Management
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Geography or foreign language *.


  • Jurisprudence
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Foreign language or mathematics *.


  • Computer science
  • Applied math
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or foreign language *;
  • System analysis
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or foreign language *.


  • Political science
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. World history or foreign language *;
  • Psychology
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Biology. 3. History of Ukraine or a foreign language *;
  • Sociology
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Mathematics or foreign language *.


  • Tourism
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Geography. 3. History of Ukraine or a foreign language *.


  • Astronomy
  • Maths
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or foreign language *;
  • Mechanics
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or foreign language *;
  • applied Physics
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Physics. 3. Mathematics or Chemistry *;
  • Statistics
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or foreign language *;
  • Physics


  • Marketing
  • International economics
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Foreign language or geography *;
  • Applied statistics
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. History of Ukraine or geography *;
  • Accounting and Auditing
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. History of Ukraine or geography *;
  • Finance and credit
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. History of Ukraine or geography *;
  • Enterprise economy
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. History of Ukraine or geography *;
  • Economic cybernetics
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. History of Ukraine or geography *;
  • Economic theory
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. History of Ukraine or geography *.


  • Micro- and nanoelectronics
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Physics. 3. Mathematics or chemistry *.

Lviv National University named after I. Franko (LNU) - Additional Information about higher education institution

general information

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv is one of the leading higher educational institutions in Ukraine and Europe.

The structure of the Lviv National University has 18 faculties, the Institute of Postgraduate Education, 3 colleges, 7 research institutes, the Astronomical Observatory, the Botanical Garden, the Scientific Library, and 6 museums. Specialists are trained according to the obtained licenses in 16 branches, 52 directions and 91 specialties.

Today, Lviv National University has 130 departments, three of which have been opened in recent years.

Lviv National University named after Franko (LNU) has the following faculties:

  • Biological,
  • Geographical,
  • Geological,
  • Economic,
  • Electronics,
  • Pre-university preparation,
  • Journalism,
  • Foreign languages,
  • Historical,
  • Culture and arts,
  • International relations,
  • Mechanics and Mathematics,
  • Applied Mathematics and Computer Science,
  • Physical,
  • Philological,
  • Philosophical,
  • Chemical,
  • Legal.

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv conducts training of specialists in educational and qualification levels " Junior Specialist", "bachelor", "specialist" and " master".

Training is carried out at seventeen faculties in the following specialties:

  • Microbiology and Virology
  • Biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Biophysics
  • Zoology
  • Botany
  • Genetics
  • Physiology
  • Geology
  • Geochemistry and mineralogy
  • Ecology and environmental protection
  • Geography
  • Economic and social geography
  • Organization management
  • Tourism
  • Journalism
  • Sociology
  • Economic theory
  • Economic cybernetics
  • International economics
  • Finance
  • Banking
  • Accounting and Auditing
  • Enterprise economy
  • Economic statistics
  • Taxation
  • History
  • Ethnology
  • Archival studies
  • Archeology
  • Maths
  • Statistics
  • Mechanics
  • International relationships
  • International law
  • International economic relations
  • International information
  • Country geography
  • international Business
  • Computer science
  • Applied math
  • Social informatics
  • System analysis and management
  • Physics
  • Astronomy
  • Solid state physics
  • Radiophysics and Electronics
  • applied Physics
  • Physical and Biomedical Electronics
  • Folklore
  • Ukrainian language and literature
  • Language and literature with indication of language
  • Russian language and literature
  • Persian language and literature
  • Czech language and literature
  • Serbian language and literature
  • Bulgarian language and literature
  • Polish language and literature
  • Croatian language and literature
  • Slovak language and literature
  • English and literature
  • German language and literature
  • French language and literature
  • Spanish language and literature
  • Japanese language and literature
  • Arabic language and literature
  • Latin, Greek and Ancient Greek
  • Applied linguistics
  • Literary creativity
  • Translation
  • Book Science, Library Science and Bibliography
  • Culturology
  • Theatrical art
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Political science
  • Chemistry
  • Jurisprudence
  • Information Technology designing

Providing the educational process at Lviv National University

The educational process is provided by 1708 full-time scientific and pedagogical workers, including 166 doctors of sciences, professors, and 841 candidates of sciences, associate professor (quality - 59%).

Today the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv is a university of leading scientific schools with a universally recognized international authority.

More than 20 scientific schools have been formed and are successfully functioning at the Lviv National University, in particular in the areas of physics, chemistry, mathematics, geology, geography, economics, philology, law, history.

Along with traditional scientific schools, new ones are being formed, covering all areas of the academic life of the Lviv National University. An example of the continuity of scientific traditions is that in 2008, at the World Programming Olympiad in Canada, LNU students won gold medals for the first time in the history of independent Ukraine, ahead of representatives of the glorious universities of the world - Oxford and Princeton.

International relations Lviv National University

Students of the Faculty of Geography, History and the Faculty of International Relations undergo practical training in Poland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Employees of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Philology, Chemistry, the Faculty of International Relations and Applied Mathematics and Informatics have worked in higher educational institutions in Poland, Colombia, France, Switzerland, Austria on teaching contracts. Many LNU graduates continue their studies in higher educational institutions of the USA, Poland, Germany, Austria, Great Britain, France. Every year, under a grant from the American government and with the assistance of the University of Kansas, a Summer School is held for American students who undergo a six-week internship at LNU. Ukrainian language and the history of Ukraine.