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How to install windows 7 without loss of data. Reinstall Windows without data loss

Mar 3 2015.

How to restore the Windows 7 system on a laptop, a black screen comes out when loading, the recovery environment does not work, hidden partitions I deleted everything, there is no original disk with Windows 7.

I spent a lot of time, tell me what to do now or at least how to insure myself from such situations in the future, preferably without using paid programs reserve copy data.

How to restore Windows 7 system

The reasons for this trouble unfortunately enough, starting from incorrectly written drivers, destructive actions of the virus, errors file System And ending with our erroneous actions when working with a computer, you do not need to be afraid of such problems, you need to learn to effectively fight with them.

Let's think about how to restore the Windows 7 system, as well as insurfect itself to the future from possible troubles with the help of backup and recovery to the operating system.

We will learn to restore Windows 7, without use. third-party programs On backup, even when the system recovery parameters are not loaded and the F-8 button will be useless.

It has a fairly powerful and good tool in its arsenal -\u003e Recovery Wednesday, which is created automatically when installing Windows 7 in a hidden section and contains five other tools solving numerous malfunctions and malfunctions.

Note: If you learn how to use the means windows restoration 7, and this is not difficult, then you can do without additional and paid data backup programs.

You can start the recovery tool, by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after the computer is started. After that, the Advanced Options menu will open before you: Troubleshooting a computer, then a secure mode, secure loading mode network drivers etc.

Small retreat: Before you choose a computer troubleshooting point, try the option easier - the last successful configuration - simple words, operating system Always remembers the latest successful download of the computer and enters this information to the registry.

When downloading problems, Windows can remember the registry settings and configuration of the drivers that were used with the last successful system load and use them if the item is selected - the last successful configuration.

If this tool does not help, choose the first -\u003e Troubleshooting the computer,

Next, we get in the menu recovery options for the Windows 7 system, it is necessary for us, it is here that we can choose the system for restoring the system, all five of them, let's look at how they all work.

The first thing to do is apply the launch recovery ( Automatic elimination Problems that interfer the launch of Windows).

Need retreat: After pressing the F-8 button when booting a computer, you may not have a point\u003e Troubleshooting a computer, and there will be only a safe mode and so on, the question arises. Why.

When installing Windows 7, the recovery environment section is created automatically and is in the root of the disk (C :) in the Recovery folder. You can also see the Disk Management - Separate, hidden section Winchester, its volume is only 100 MB, it is used to store loading download configuration files (BCD) and system bootloader (BOOTMGR file).

You can see it. Computer-\u003e Manage-\u003e Disk Management. It is impossible to delete this section in any way (many are removed by ignorance), otherwise you will not run the recovery environment, that is, you will not have trouble troubleshooting a computer, and in more severe cases you just do not download the system.

On the lower virginity, you can see another hidden partition, the volume of 9.02 GB, this is a hidden section of recovery with the factory settings of my laptop, you can have more or less. It is also better not to delete it, if necessary, you can always restore Windows 7 from it.

What to do if you do not have the partition with the recovery environment and when you press the F-8 button, the optional download options do not appear in the menu, does not appear? How then to restore the Windows 7 system?

Save here maybe installation disk With Windows 7 operating system. Run the recovery tool, you can boot from the original installation windows disk 7, choosing a system recovery at the very beginning.

If you do not have the setting disk with you, then you can use the Windows 7 recovery disk (you can make it in any Windows 7) in five minutes, then you can also boot from it and do the same.

So in the system recovery parameters, we still got, or using the F-8 button and troubleshooting item, or the Windows 7 installation disk or Windows 7 recovery disk.

In the selection menu of the system recovery, choose the first:

Launch restoration -\u003e There will be an analysis of faults interfering with the normal loading of Windows 7 and further correctly for the normal loading and operation of the operating system.

In the process, we can warn us that problems are detected in the boot parameters, click Fix and restart.

System Restore -\u003e With this function, we will be able to choose a previously created system recovery point if it is turned on and roll back at the time when our Windows 7 worked perfectly and loaded, everything is simple.

Restoring the image image -\u003e This tool I use it personally, when used by use, they can be replaced. paid programs On data backup, if interested, read on.

What is it good? It will help when you do not have an original installation disk with Windows 7 and you deleted the hidden section with the factory parameters of your laptop, but this is not all.

Sometimes there are situations when, in virtue of various reasons or because of the actions of the virus, you will not at all be able to download the operation or many ask how to restore the Windows 7 system, even if the menu with additional download options will also be inaccessible. Reinstall the operating system again?

Therefore, immediately after installing Windows 7 to your laptop or computer, create using this function -\u003e Restore the system image, archive image of our Windows 7 on a hard disk, we save it.

Be sure to create a Windows 7 recovery disk (read below), it will help to use the system of the system if the Additional Download options menu are not loaded.

We go to the start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Archiving computer data.

Select "Creating a System Image".

In my case, a local disk (E :), if you have system block Several hard drives, of course the backup is better located on that Winchester where the operating system is not installed.

By default, the data archiving program will select the Windows 7 operating system, optionally, you can add local disks to archive, if only you have enough space.

Note: You can see that I have two operating systems installed, on a laptop, so the archiving program has chosen two local disks.

Click to archive and start the process of creating an archive with our Windows 7.

Created, it will look like this.

Now, deploy an archive with Windows 7, on your computer if necessary, you can in 20-30 minutes. It will be better if the archive with the system you copy additionally onto a portable hard drive, that you will protect yourself doubly.

Let's imagine that we cannot run Windows 7 and turn the backup created by us, we will do it together.

Run the Windows 7 recovery tool by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after the computer is started.

The optional download options opens, select your computer troubleshooting.

Restoring the image image

Use the latest available system image.

Of course all our data on Local diskwhere the operating system is now restored, will be deleted, so you can pre-boot from any Live CD and copy what you need.

How else can you restore the Windows 7 system? Of course, using Windows 7 recovery disk.

Create that you can use to download the computer, it will be a recovery tool with which you can restore faults. windows downloads 7, as well as to restore the operating system from the archive copy, which we created in advance.

Important: The system is important for the recovery disk, you can use a 32-bit recovery disk for any 32-bit Windows 7, and a 64-bit recovery disk for any 64-bit Windows 7.

Again we go to archive computer data.

Create a system recovery disk, insert a DVD drive into a drive, click "Create Disk".

When the Windows 7 boot disk is ready, remove it into the reliable place.

To restore Windows 7 from the recovery disk, it is not necessary in principle no operating system at all.

You will need only be changed to the BIOS of your computer. Priority loading to the drive, insert the recovery disk into it and restore your Windows 7 using the archive.

Many here can conduct an analogy with data backup programs and it is correct, they work according to the same principle, just that they have some functions more comfortably.

We restore Windows 7 from the recovery disk. Showing how to do it. Suppose our troubles, we cannot run Windows 7, when you press the F-8 on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer, nothing happens.

In the menu with additional download options, we cannot get and issued an error message. In this case, the archive of the system on the rigid disk is not available to us. It was such a trouble that happened to our reader Ilyoy, who wrote to us a letter with a request to help.

With this situation, many reinstall Windows 7 from scratch, but we are not with you, because we have a system recovery disk.

Insert it into the drive and reboot, exhibit in BIOS Download From the drive, as I said, the boot disk, the program is launched the system recovery parameters.

Click ENTER until the offer is lost to boot from the disk.

Automatically a recovery tool running from a disk, will try to restore running Windows 7.

If nothing happens, select any tool, try for example a computer recovery using an operating system created earlier.

We use the latest available image image.

What are the more ways to restore Windows 7?

There is another little-known way to restore the download of Windows 7 after a failure and I will tell you about it. At first glance, it will seem difficult to many, but nevertheless, he often helps me.

The fact is friends that a very large part of the problems due to which you cannot download Windows 7 lies in the registry errors. And Windows 7 would not be Windows 7 if there was no mechanism for the protecting registry files. Such a mechanism exists and creates archival copies of the registry in the RegBack folder every 10 days regardless of whether you have a system recovery or not.

If you cannot solve problems with downloading Windows 7, you should try to replace the valid (and apparently damaged) registry files from the Config folder archive files From the RegBack folder. To do this, we have to download the computer from the Windows 7 installation disk or Windows 7 recovery disk.

Loading on the recovery environment, select the command line.

We recruit in it - notepad, get into the notebook, then the file and open.

We go to the real conductor, click my computer. Now we need a system disk C:, attention, the letters of the discs here can be confused, but the system disk C: I think you can learn about being inside system folders Windows and Program Files.

We go to the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Config folder, here are current registry files, specify the type of files - all files and see our registry files, you also see the REGBACK folder, in it every 10 days the task scheduler does backup Registry sections.

So, we will replace the existing registry files from the Config folder backup files Registry from the RegBack folder.
So, I delete the first thing from the folder C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Config files SAM, Security, Software, Default, System, responsible for all the registry bushes (my advice - before removal, copy the registry bushes just in case somewhere).

Copy and insert files with the same names, but from the backup, that is, from the RegBack folder.

Note: all together SAM files, Security, Software, Default, System will fail, remove them one by one. Then copy the same files from the REGBACK folder.

Friends, if it does not help, apply the restoration of integrity windows files 7, in case the operating system is not loaded, it is done in the same way as in Windows 8.

What else left from Windows 7 recovery tools?

Memory diagnostics 7. -\u003e Checks the system memory for errors. Command line -\u003e With it, you can delete files that prevent Windows 7 downloads.

I hope our article how to restore the Windows 7 system helped you.

If you want to reinstall Windows 7 without losing data, then this article is for you. Also, if you want, then read the article by clicking on the link.

IN this method We will not format the disk, and simply update Windows to the initial state, installed system. All files and important documents will remain safe and preservation. The method is also suitable if some problems with the operating system cannot be solved.

Now let's start reinstalling with data saving.


To start, insert boot disk or flash drive with windows 7. go to My computer And from there we open our disk or flash drive with Windows. We are looking for a file Setup.exe. And launch it, in the appeared window we click to install.

If an error occurs that the current version of the operating system is newer than the one we want to install, then, in this case, the setup.exe file must be launched with compatibility.

Now you need to go to control Panel And choose item restoration. Click on extended recovery methods.

We offer two recovery items:

  1. Restoration using the image created earlier.
  2. Reinstalling the system using the installation disk.

When starting updates from the panel Archiving and recovery The system will ask to backup, and after a reboot will occur, and then the system will boot from the installation disk.

Install Windows 7 updates

When installing, a window should appear where we are offered to install updates for Windows, you need access to the Internet. You can update and not upload, but still recommended.

Windows 7 installation type

Now you need to select the type of installation, there are 2 options:

Update - Where all files and parameters will be saved, everything else will be reset to the default state.

Full setting - This is an installation with a blank sheet, with full disk formatting and not saving parameters and files. This option is not suitable in this case.

Choose the first option.

So here, we saved all the data and reinstalled the system. All should remain: music, movies, software installed, accounts, tabs in your browsers, etc. Transfer can occupy a long time than more files On the computer, the longer the transfer.

Also, after all procedures, you must enter the key from Windows 7 and set regional data.

Everywhere they write about how to install the system, but few people wrote. I did it corrected, read.

If you reinstall Windows because of the problems encountered from the OS, then do not be lazy to save the most important data on another section of the disc or on the flash drive, so as not to lose them in case of problems.

Re installing Windows Without data loss

This article will deal with the preparation for the full reinstalling of the Windows XP or Windows 7 operating system, about reinstalling the OS with formatting hard disk. It is reinstalling Windows with the destruction of an old operating system, with the formatting of a hard disk, the correct reinstallation that allows you to bring the computer to the original state, the state that has a computer when purchasing it and first installation of the operating system. An important point such reinstalling OS becomes preservation of all useful information from a computer And the work of reinstalling Windows without data loss.

The complete reinstalling of Windows may be needed if the operating system is damaged, and the computer or laptop refuses to load. Reinstalling the operating system is necessary if the computer slows down, the programs slowly work or the computer often hangs. All these symptoms can be caused by viruses, strong fragmentation of files on the hard disk, incorrectly installed or incorrectly working programs, errors in system Registry operating system. It must be said that the symptoms listed above may not disappear when Windows reinstalling, as they may well be caused by other faults in the computer. But, as a rule, reinstalling the OS helps them cure them. If, after reinstalling the operating system with the full formatting of the hard disk, the symptoms will not disappear, then the computer malfunction lies in its hardware, and to eliminate it will have to diagnose computer components and most likely replace the faulty part.

Stage Before reinstalling the operating system, it is usually necessary to save valuable information From disk "C" to another medium, which, when reinstalling Windows, will not be subject to formatting. It must be said that the formatting of the hard disk completely destroys the information on it, so it is necessary to save data from the disk "C" to any other media information. It should also be noted that by default, the operating system is usually put on the "C" disk, but this is not always happening. But, be that as it may, the valuable data must be saved from the system disk, the disk which will be subject to complete formatting, the disk where the new operating system will be installed. Reinstalling Windows operating system without data loss, this is proper installation OS, which must conduct any ambulance service.

Well, if you have two in your computer hard disk or one, but broken into two logical disk, Then the necessary information can be saved to a second disk that will not be formatted during the installation of Windows. If there is no such disk in the computer, then the data can be written on a DVD / CD disc or removable hDD. If the data is a bit, it is quite possible to do USB Flashkoya. All these manipulations with data in the computer are possible if the operating system is loaded, but what should I do if Windows is not loaded at all?

If yours the operating system is not loaded or the computer hangs at the time of loadingYou can try to download Windows in safe mode. In safe mode, part of drivers and auxiliary programs for windows work Do not load and therefore it is possible that the computer will be able to boot. To enter the secure Windows XP mode when passing the BIOS test, press the "F8" key several times and press it periodically until the Windows Download menu window appears. In this menu, you can select the Windows Load section in safe mode - "Safe Mode". After downloading Windows XP, copy the necessary data. For Windows 7, act in the same way.

Choice safe mode Windows 7 downloads

If such a scheme has not passed, you can pull the hard disk from the system unit and connect it to another computer, after which copy the necessary information. This option is suitable if you know how to shoot a hard disk and you have a working computer where this disc can be connected. If there is no possibility or you do not want to mess with dismantling a hard disk, that is, another way to copy the data.

Computer can always be enabled to download from Live CD. Live CD is an external data carrier on which the operating system is already installed. A CD disk can act as a data media. DVD Disc Or even USB flash drive. For the manufacture of Live CD or Live DVD you need to download the image of the boot disk and unpack it, using the Nero program, on a CD or DVD disc. The image must be exactly unpacked on the CD disc, and not just copied, as a file is important! IN nero program There is such an item in Nero StartSmart - "Write an image to disk". Take advantage of this item to record the image Live CD on an empty blank. After creating a boot disk, it is enough to insert it into DVD drive And set the primary download from the DVD in the BIOS. Most computers loading with DVDs are displayed in the default BIOS.

So, important data is saved, now you need to check if there are drivers for a reanimated computer. Drivers are a necessary thing for computer devices. Simply put, drivers are small programs that are constantly in the memory of the computer and help more complex programs use various devices computer, such as games to use video card or sound card, various applications to use network card. Without properly installed drivers, your computer will not function all one hundred percent, even after the complete reinstalling Windows. Drivers can be on a CD disk, which was in the box with a computer or laptop when it was purchased. If the drivers are lost, you can always download them on the site manufacturer's laptop or motherboard Your computer. If on your computer built-in sound and video card, then just download the driver for the motherboard. It will have a complete set of drivers for all embedded devices. If the video card is constructively separated from the motherboard, then for it you need to pump a separate driver.

To see which components stand in your system unit, it is enough to disassemble it and see the names of manufacturers and the name of components directly on them. The list of installed devices can be viewed in the "Device Manager" directly in the Windows operating system itself. You can install a special program that will issue full information About installed devices in the computer. The last two ways are possible only before reinstalling the operating system, as they use already installed DriversTo determine which iron is in the system unit. Of special programs It is quite suitable for "everest", it issues a full report on installed devices in the computer.

Search for drivers before installing Windows Useful to find out if you immediately find out whether they are for the operating system installed, since it is not always manufacturers supply drivers for all operating systems. This is especially important if you are going instead of Windows XP, which before that was installed on your computer, put Windows 7. You can not find on old components suitable drivers and, accordingly, installing Windows 7 on old computer It becomes meaningless, as the computer will not be able to function one hundred percent.

The operating system is a working environment designed to ensure comfortable work on a computer, program compatibility, providing users with advanced features and great opportunities.

Microsoft is constantly developing its technology and introduces them to the whole world. Most recently, the Windows XP operating system was presented, as already appeared after her Vista, 7, 8 and 10. Moreover, each provides even more comfort and functional.

With the advent of new systems, new problems arise, therefore not rack questions like, how to restore Windows 7 without losing data, and the like.

To solve these problems, new programs are jointly developed, which are a kind of modifications that correct errors. And in the new product, they can always occur because different iron can process data differently and transmit them between other devices.

Users despite the moral comprehensive configuration and constantly increasing volume requirements random access memory Nevertheless, set all newer systems on your PC, which then begin to work incorrectly. To optimize them, programmers have to develop various sodes and other breaks.

Instruction how to restore Windows 7 without data loss

Data archiving system itself

If you do not know how to restore Win 7 without losing data, we will try to help. But first should be mentioned that a program is embedded in the system that allows you to archive the schedule data.

This will allow you to roll back the system at any time and return all the information to the last number of archiving.

Archiving and recovery

To restore Windows 7 without losing data after archiving, you must load the operating system from the boot disk. Then through the Start menu - "Maintenance" - "Archiving and Recovery", select the desired archive and restore the system, it is recommended to format the system disk before that.

To restore Windows 7 on notebook Samsung (or any other firm), it is enough to pre-make a archive or use the boot disk, which, using the built-in utility, corrects errors in the system.

To do this, insert the boot disk from which the system was installed, and select "Restore System" in the operation selection menu.

Before this in BIOS, select the download device.


But, as a rule, when Windows 7 is not loaded, the internal self-diagnosis tries to correct the problems that arise, with an unsuccessful attempt, it offers to insert the boot disk.

And if the problem is even more difficult, the entrance goes tools to fully reinstall the system. If on system disk valuable information is stored (usually in the "Users" folder), then before reinstalling the OS through boot system From the disk or flash copy them to another place and only after performing the reinstalling of the OS.

Copy system files

There is another way to restore Win 7 without losing data, but for this it is necessary to copy valuable information to another place again. After, the contents windows folders 7 from one hard drive (deliberately good) copy to another. But after these manipulations, you will have to reinstall all the drivers on the available devices in the system.

Recovery 8 and 10 version of Windows

To restore Windows 10 or 8 without data loss, it is recommended to use the same boot disk from which the system is installed. The process will be the same as with 7 versions, therefore there should be no special problems. If there is no disk or flash with a laptop, then you should contact the equipment seller. Otherwise, you need to set another version of the OS.

Also called the update, is carried out over the operating system, eliminating the formatting of the system partition. Wherein custom files And the settings are saved, the installed programs and their parameters are also not affected.

To perform reinstallation of the operating system, you must enter it. You will need:

Installation disk,
- product key,
- Free space in the system section of the disk (no less than the Users folder is required in its root).

Reinstalling Windows 7 can be started from the installation disk directly or from such an element of the control panel as "archiving and recovery". You need to click the main window link "Restore system parameters or computer ", then -" Extended Recovery Methods ".

These methods include:

Restore the system from the image created in advance by the archiving function;
- Reinstalling the system at which it immediately indicates the need for an installation disk.

The process of creating an image of a system for subsequent recovery is described in the article "". Here it will be about reinstalling the system - this process in graphic interface Windows is called an update. From the installation disk is put new Windows 7 on top of the existing OS without formatting a system partition. This method is usually recommended to use when all other options for solving the problem are exhausted, although from a technical point of view, this solution is quite acceptable.

If you start the update process from the archiving and recovery control panel item, then Windows 7 will remind you of the need to make a backup file before installing the files and immediately offer it. Do not give up this proposal. After completing the archiving or in case of refusal from it, you will be offered to insert the installation disk in the drive and reboot.

Run the update, however, you can and other way - you just need to insert the installation disk and run the setup.exe, and then click the "Set" button in the window that opens.

Windows 7 in this case will suggest you to download recent updates, after which it logically will set the updated system. Of course, you need to connect to the Internet.

If you decide to download updates, the boot process will be visible in such a window.

Upon completion of downloading updates, the system is rebooted and the installation will begin. Confirming the license agreement, you can choose the type of installation.

Update is called the installation over the existing on this moment Systems. At the same time, installed programs are saved, as well as user files and settings. All system parameters are reset, that is, are given to the standard, as new Installation Windows.
- The full installation is a clean installation with the formatting of the system partition or the installation on another partition of the hard disk.

The data transfer tool is used during the update process.

With it, they persist:

Images, audio files and video files;
- custom folders and files;
- user parameters and accounts;
- program parameters;
- parameters email,
- Contacts and messages,
- Internet settings and files in the Favorites folder.

All files are saved in the same section where the operating system is set. In the process of reinstallation, several folders are created, in one of which these files are placed in the data transfer means. Below in the figure shows how custom profiles are transferred.