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Surface Phone may get a fingerprint scanner built into the display. Why Microsoft's Surface Phone is doomed to fail When surfer comes out von Microsoft

Surface Phone Is the first smartphone from Microsoft to be developed outside of the Lumia lineup. For the first time, this device became known in October 2015, but since then, no official information about it has been reported.

But rumors don't just pop up, so we're confident the Surface Phone will make its debut this year and make the list.

We bring to your attention information about Surface Phone, which will be updated as new news and rumors come in.

Surface Phone release date: when will the smartphone arrive in Russia?

Initially, the release of the phone was supposed to take place in May 2016, however, the development of the Surface Phone was suspended, as a result of which the planned date was postponed indefinitely. On this moment, work on the new product is in full swing, and most likely the release date Microsoft Surface Phone will be at the end of 2016. As for the start of sales in Russia, then, judging by the release of Lumia models, it will take place simultaneously with other countries.

The Surface Phone may be announced as early as September at the IFA in Berlin.

Specifications and design

The Surface Phone's design is likely to be consistent with the rest of the Surface line (laptops and tablets) and look like a miniature tablet. The image below is the vision of the model by designer Nadir Aslam (the picture in the header for this article is also his work)

There are no official images of the smartphone yet.

Concerning technical characteristics Surface Phone, it is rumored that the novelty will have a 64-bit processor from Intel, 5.5-inch AMOLED display with a resolution of 1440 x 2560 pixels, 4 GB random access memory, 21MP camera and 64GB or 128GB of storage. The smartphone will work under Windows control 10.

The Surface Phone price is, of course, still unknown. Stay tuned for more news and rumors about Microsoft Surface Phone.

For almost two whole years, rumors have been circulating on the network about the development of the Microsoft Surface Phone smartphone. This mobile device is credited with many unique features, the main of which will be a flexible AMOLED screen and a folding body. According to numerous sources, the phone will run on a real PC version of Windows 10 with a special shell. This will allow you to use it as a laptop that can connect to a monitor and turn into a full-fledged office PC for performing tasks of any complexity.

Insiders claim that the official announcement of Microsoft Surface Phone will happen in 2018, and in the same year it will go on sale. An ARM processor will be used as the hardware basis for the novelty, which is likely to be an 8-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 clocked at 2.8 GHz. In addition, the future novelty is credited with 8 GB of RAM, thanks to which it can turn into a real personal computer and even work with graphic editor Photoshop.

Today, the profile resource WinCentral has shared the first images of a real Microsoft Surface Phone. One would assume that this is a fake, but the reputation of the resource suggests otherwise. In particular, earlier he had more than once correctly predicted information about future products and smartphones of Microsoft, therefore, most likely, he has his own sources within this American corporation, which provide him with classified materials.

As you can easily see real Microsoft The Surface Phone looks fantastic. When folded, it is a thick phone with a screen on both sides. If you expand it, the display becomes square, thanks to which you can do various tasks on your smartphone with increased comfort - draw, watch photos, play games, make some notes, etc.

In addition, as you can easily see in the picture, the revolutionary foldable Microsoft Surface Phone has a dedicated stylus in a compact size, which can be reduced in size due to the folding mechanism. This accessory has a very thin tip, which means that handwritten notes can be taken on the new flagship of the American corporation. For many people, this feature can be extremely useful and necessary.

It is expected that the official announcement of the Surface Phone smartphone based on the operating Windows systems 10 will take place already in 2018. The cost of the new item is likely to exceed $ 1000, that is, this device in the basic modification will cost more than from Apple.

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Various rumors about the Microsoft Surface Phone have been circulating on the web for a long time. V different time this apparatus was credited with various features and release date, but so far no reliable information has appeared.

According to the new data, the Surface Phone shouldn't be released anytime soon. One of the former employees of a Microsoft contractor said that this device could appear in 2018 or even 2019. This is because it will be a new generation smartphone. And this phrase here implies a new generation for the entire market.

According to the source, it will be the world's first smartphone to implement the Windows 10 concept on the ARM platform. There are no details, but this wording may imply that Surface Phone will run full-fledged Windows 10 or some adapted version of it, and not Windows 10 Mobile.

As a reminder, the first Windows 10 PCs based on Snapdragon SoC should appear on the market this year. Apparently, the same concept will be implemented in the Surface Phone. However, given the average screen size of a smartphone, it will be extremely inconvenient to use Windows 10 on such a device without adapting the interface. In the end, all this fits into a completely logical picture. Microsoft simply takes a long time to come up with and implement an adapted form of desktop operating system that can be conveniently used on a smartphone. And then such a device will really become a new generation, because it will be possible to connect it to a monitor, mouse and keyboard without any reservations and restrictions and use a full-fledged Windows 10.

Microsoft's device is rumored to be teetering on the edge. In fact, all indications are that the Redmond-based company's aspirations for smartphones will end in painful failure.

Any hope of resurgence and diversity in the polarized Android-iOS environment could perish with a veiled phone that probably won't be out until next year, if at all.

However, there is always hope, and according to recently published patents, Microsoft is turning its attention to smartphone displays with built-in fingerprint scanners.

What is the idea?

Most of these scanners are installed in the home buttons under the display or on back cover under the camera. Microsoft's idea of ​​embedding scanners in LCD and OLED displays will help save space and allow for thinner designs, but this can have an impact on price.

According to a patent filed with WIPO, the system consists of a waveguide and a filter, which are placed under glass. By pressing the display a sensor on the glass can recognize various patterns.

Patented idea although very promising, it actually differs from the final product. Large companies they like to collect patents just in case - often with little or no use intent.

You've already heard of several different variants of the new Surface, with a high-end uninstalled Snapdragon chip and plenty of RAM. But the years go by, and no release dates have yet been announced, so it may well be that SP will never see the light of day. The prospects are rather illusory, but one cannot but pay attention to the display with a built-in sensor.

At the moment the market mobile devices does not differ in a wide variety of operating systems. This is the well-known Android, which differs only in proprietary shells from some manufacturers, and the "apple" operating system iOS. At one time, Microsoft Corporation tried to promote devices based on mobile version Windows, however, then this endeavor did not end well. But Microsoft did not completely abandon the idea and soon there were rumors about a new device on Windows based 10 with lots of cool stuff - Surface Phone. And recently the date of the presentation of the long-awaited smartphone became known.

Exclusive information about the upcoming Surface Phone was shared by the Thurrot edition, citing its own sources that were not disclosed. According to the information, several codenames associated with the Surface Phone are in circulation within Microsoft at once: Libra, Carmel and Andromeda. The operating system of the novelty will indeed be based on an optimized and perfected Windows version 10. This version is called Andromeda, although it is possible that only temporarily. But the operating system will be far from key feature Surface Phone.

Microsoft developers are experimenting with appearance a mobile device to offer the public more than a non-standard aspect ratio and unusually positioned cameras. And the corporation is going to rely on a foldable screen that allows you to turn the device into a kind of mini-computer. To further emphasize this feature, Microsoft developers will give the ability to connect Surface Phone directly to the monitor, blurring the line between a mini-computer and a fully functional computer.

As for the release date, the official presentation of the Surface Phone will take place a long time ago. If you believe the data obtained by the Thurrot publication, then this is the end of next year - November or December 2019. Soon after the presentation, sales of new items will start. Naturally, the Surface Phone will not be among the budget and affordable mobile devices, and its price will easily exceed the $ 1000 mark.

As a result, despite the rumors circulating on the network about the cancellation of the Surface Phone production, Microsoft intends to bring its project to the end. And in a little more than a year, a new one will appear on the mobile device market, capable of performing the role of both a self-sufficient smartphone and personal computer... It is worth noting that not only Microsoft is engaged in the development of devices with a foldable screen, at least two more companies are working in the same direction - Samsung and Apple. And it is possible that we will see a different implementation of Microsoft's concept much earlier, but from a different manufacturer.